Welcome to Shutterbug!
Shutterbug Agenda • Classroom workshop (45 min) – How does a camera work? – Composition – Lighting – Types of photography – what do you like best?
• Photo challenge! (30 min) • Photo review (45 min)
Introductions • Your name • What do we like to photograph most? • If you can photograph any celebrity, who would it be, and why?
Camera works like your eyes‌
How we see: Light enters through pupil, focused by a lens onto light sensitive retina to the back of the eye
Exposure of Photo = Aperture + Shutter Speed
Well exposed photo = letting in the correct amount of light to the camera
under exposed = Letting in not enough light
“well� exposure = Letting in just enough light
over exposed = Letting in too much light
What makes a photograph interesting?
There are no rules! Only conventions.
“Rules” of thirds
Tonal range
• Clear point of interest • Foreground / Background • Point of view • Context • Motion • Emotion
• • • •
Brightness (how much light) Quality (harsh, soft) Direction (front, side, back) Colour (mid-day vs. dusk)
Landscape (urban)
Still life/details
Landscape (nature)
Documentary / Street
Photo Challenge! • Choose any of the 5 following challenges: – – – – – – – – – –
Favorite person in the House Silliest face Favorite room / corner of a room Create a picture that includes a piece of furniture Best view from the window Most unique thing in the house Most affectionate hug Someone dancing Favorite toy / pass time Come up with your own creative idea!
Remember… • • • • •
Take your time to compose Be creative and experiment Relate to the people you are photographing Look for “moments” MOST OF ALL - Have fun!
• Everybody be back in 30 min!