Vintage Baby Knitting Book

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BABYACCESSORIES in PeterPanD.K.,PeterPan4 Ply and PeterPan3 Ply givenfor 0-6 mthssize,largersizesare givenin roundbrackets. Instructions Whereonlyone figureis given,this appliesto all sizes. MATERIALS AND MEASUREMENTS To fit Age,approximately

0-6 mths

6-12 mths

12-18 mths



221 Knltted In PeterPan D.K. gradc 3fl) Purs Whlte' 305 Baby Plnk 304 Watersprlte PeterPan 4 Ply 9tadeo 30O Pure Whlte 306 BabyBlue PeterPan 3 Ply 9tade 303 PaleLemon









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2 1

2 1

Balls Ball

2 - 31Lmm (U.K.1O Needles. and 2 - 4mm(U.K.8- U.S.A.6) WendyKnitting - U.S.A.4) 75 crn wide ribbonand 1.50 metresnarrowribbonfor Bonnet,Mittensand BooteesSet. 1 Buttonand 1.5Ometresnarrowribbonfor Helmet,Mittensand BooteesSet. 2 - 3s/rmm (U.K.g- U.S.A.s)WendyKnittingNeedlesand 2 buttonsfor Shoes.

PeterPan4 Ply or PeterPanSpot Print 4 Ply (50g.) I,ACYBONNET,MITTENSAND BOOTEESSET (Pure White) TWO COLOURHELMETAND SOCKSSET (BabyBlueand M PureWtlite) c






2 1

2 1

Balls Ball


2-*hmm (U.K.12- U.S.A.2)and2- 3r/rlrlffi(U.K.l0- U.S.A.4) WendyKnitting Needles. 75 crn wide ribbonand 1.50 metresnarrowribbonfor Bonnet,Mittensand BooteesSet. 2 - 3 mm (U.K.11- U.S.A.3)WendyKnittingNeedlesand3 buttonslor HelmetandSocksSet






2-?fhmm (U.K.12- U.S.A.2) and2 - 3rL mm (U.K.10- U.S.A.4) WendyKnitting Needles.

3rd Row- K3,'yf$/d,d1, K1, pcso,K1,KAog, ytwd,K1,replrom' to last2 sts,K2. SthRow- K4,*yfnd,sl1,K2tog,psso,yfwd, K3,replrom'to lastst,K1. 7thRow-K2,"yfwd,K2tog, K1,yfwd,sl1,Kl, psso,K1,replrom'to last3 sts,ytwd,KAog, K1. 9thRow-K3,'KAog,Wd, K1,yf$/d, sl1,K1, psso,K1,repfrom'to last2 sts,K2. 11thRow-K2,KAog,yfwd,K3,'yfwd,sll, K2tog,psso,yfu/d,l(3,repfrom'to last4 sts, yfwd,d1, K1,psso,K2. 12thRow- Purl. These12rowsformpattern. Contin pattas setuntilworkmeas9(10,11) cm,endingwitha wrongsiderow. 'l st slzeonly: NextRow- Knit,inc in lirstandlastst. 2ndslzeonly: l,lexlRow- K9,K2tog,[K 15,K2t€] 3 times, K9. 3rdslzeonly: NextRow- K 37, KAog,K 38. AllSlzes: NextRow- Purl.67(67,76) sts.

Pleasenote that the limitationsof the printingprocessmean that the actual colourwill not alwayspreciselymatch thecoloursin thephotograph.

beforecommenclngthe gErment. Thesedesignsare basedon the following standard tensions: D.K.- 24 sts and32 ro$/sto 10 cm (4 ins) overstockingstitchon 4mmNeedles.

IMPORTANT Use only the PeterPan yarn specified. We cannot accept responsibilitylor 4 PLY- 28 stsand36 rowsto 10cm (4 ins) an impertectgarment il any other overstockingstitchon 3r'rlTlrlr Needles. brand is used. lt is essentialto work to thetensionstated. 3 PLY- 34 stsand42 rowsto 10cm (4 ins) overstockingstitchon 3 mmNeedles. The quantitiesof yarn statedare based on average requirementsand are lf thereare too manysts to '10cm, then yourtensionis tightand you will needto therefore approximate. changeyour needleto a largersize. lf thereare too lew sts to 10 cm,thenyour ABBREVIATIONS tensionis loose and you will need to Alt - alternate;beg - beginning; cm changeyourneedlelo a smaller centimetres; size. dec - decrease(ing); Inc increase(ing); K - knit; P - purl; patt pattern; rep - repeat;sl - slip; s(s) PINK BONNET stitch(es); yrn - yarnround Using3r/rmmNeedles, cont - continue; caston63(67,71) sts needle;yfwd - yarnfonrrard; tbl - through andknit4 rows. backof loops;tog - together:st st - stocking Inc Row- K 20(9,5), incin nextst,[K 21(15, stitch;peso- passslippedstitchover;rem11),incin nextstl 1(3,5)times,K 20(9,5). remain(ing); meaa- measures;Kl B - knit 65(71,77) sts. intoloopbelownextst on lefthandneedle andslipstitchotf needle;0 - no sts,times Change to 4 mmNeedles andpattem. *yfwd,sl1,K1, or rowsto be workedin thatparticular size. 1st Row(RightSide) - K2, psso,K1, yfnd,K2tog, K'1,repfrom'tolast3 TENSION sts,yfwd,sl1,K1,psso,K1. It ls lmportant to check your tension 2nd and everyalt Row- Purl.

ShapeCrown 1st Row- K2,[K6,Kaog,K1]7(7,8)times, K2.60(60,68) sts. 2ndandeveryalt Row- Purl. 3rd Row- K2,[K5,Kaog,K1]7(7,8)times, K2.53(53,60) sts. 5th Row- K2,[K4,K2tog,K1]7(7,8)times, K2.4{5(46,52) sts. Contcl€c7(7,8)stsinthiswayoneveryaltrow until25(25,28) stsrem,endingwitha P row. NextRow- K2,[K2tog,K1l7Q,q times,K2. 18(18,20)sts. NextRow- P1,[P2tog]8(8,9)times,P1. yam,threadthrough Elreak rem10(10,11) sts, drawupandlastenotl securely. Join centreback seamto start of crown shaping. Edglng:With rightside facingand using pric'k 3r/rmmNeedles, upandK 49(55,59) sts evenlyroundneckedgeandknit2 rows.Cast otf neatlyknitwise. PINK MIfiENS * Using3r/+mlnNeedles, caston35(35,41) stsandknit3 rows. Changeto 4 mmNeedlesandwork6 rowsin pattas givenfor PinkBonnet. 7th Row- Knit. DecRow- P 2(2,1),P2tog,[P 5(5,4),Paog] 4(4,6)times,P 3(3,2).30(30,34) sts.

NextRow- Knit. l{extRow(lvlakeeyelets)- P 0(0,2),[p1,yrn, Paogl10times,P 0(0,2).* * Begwitha K row,work16(1e,20) rowsin st st (1 rowK, 1 rowP).

EarFlaphen caston5(6,6)sts.76(82,88) sts. Knit2 rows. Inc Row- K4,incin nextst,[K 10(8,12), inc in nextstl 6(8,6)times,K5.83(91,95) sts. Change to 4 mmNeedles andknitonerow. Contin pattas follows: ShapeTop lst Row(Wrong Side)- Sl1,K to end. 1stRow- K1,[K?ogtU, K 10(10,12), K2rog] 2ndRow-Sl1,'K1B- seeabbreviations, P1, twice,K1.26(26,30) sts. repfrom' to last2 sts,K'lB, K1. 2nd Row- Pl, [P2tog,P 8(8,10),Pftogtbt] Rephese2rowsuntilworkmeas9(10,11) cnr twice,Pl. 22(22,26) sts. frombeg,endingwitha wrongsiderow. 3rd Row - K1,[KAogtbl, K 6(6,8),K2tog] NextRow- Sl1, *K18,K1,repfrom' to end. twice,K1.18(18,22) sts. Dec Row - P 4(2,1),P2tog,[P 10(12,7\, Castotf.* Paogl6(6,10) times,P 5(3,2). 76(84,84) sts.

5th Row- U$ngM, P2,'91, P1,repfrom'to lastsl, P1. 7th Row - UsingM, knit. 8th Row - UsingM, purl. ReptheseI rows2(3,9)times more.BreakC. Dec Row - K 18(16,5),K2tog,[K 4Z(30,6), KAogl1(2,'12) times,K 18(15,4).85(94,94)

sts. Elegwitra P row,continstst (1rowK,1 row

P) untilworkmeas13(15,16) cm frombeg, endingwitha wrongsiderow.

ShapeCrown lst Row-K2,1K7, Kaoglg(10,10) rimes, K2. PINKBOOTEES ShapeCrown 76(84,84) sts. Followinstructions 1stRow- K2,[K6,Kaog]9(10,10) tor PinkMittensfrom* times,K2. 2nd and everyalt Row- Knit. to *. 67(74,74)sts. 3rd Row-K2,[K6,Kaog]9(10,10)limes, K2. * Begwih a K row,work2 rowsin st si. 2ndandeveryalt Row- Purl. 67(74,74) sts. 3rdRow-K2,[K5,Kaod 9(10,10)times, K2. 5thRow- K2,[Ks,KAogl9(10,10) times,K2. ShapeFoot 58(64,64) sts. 58(64,64) sts. NextRow- K 2O(2O,22) sts,turnand leave 5th Row- K2,lK4,K2togl 9(10,10) times,K2. Contdec9(10,10) stsinthiswayoneveryalt remstson a sparoneedle. 49(54,54)sts. rowuntil13(14,14) sts rem,endingwitha NextRow- P 10stsandturn,leavingremsts Contdec9(10,10) stsinthiswayoneveryaft decreaserow. ona spareneedle. rowuntil13(14,14) sts rem,endingwitha l,fextRow-P1,[PAog]5(6,6)times,P 2(1,1). witha K row,wok 8(10,12) jo decrease rowsin st st row. yam,threadthroughrem8 sts,drawup Elreak 'i1,il> ^*g (1 towK, 1 rowP)on these10sts. l,lextRow- P1,lPaogl5(6,6) times,P 2(1,1). andfaslenotf securely. NextRow- K1,sl1, K1, psso,K to last3 sts, Elreak yarn,hreadthrough remI sts,drawup K2tog,K1. andlastenotfsecurely. i GREENAND WHITESHOES NextRow- Purl. RIGHTFOOT Replast2 rowsoncemore.Breakyarn. GREENMITTENS lnstep:Using33/rmmNeedles andM,caston facing,rejoinyamto inneredge " Using3i/r tnfi Needles, caston 35(95, 10stsandknitonerow. ... r Wh rightsicle t>'A ol first10(10,12)sts, pickupandK 8(10,11) 41)stsandknitonerow. Contin garterstitch(everyrowK)andwork2 sts evenly down first side of foot, Change to 4 mmNeedles andknitonerow. rowsin C and2 rowsin M. K across6 sts of toe, pickup and K 8(10, Contin pattasfollows: Worka further8(10,12) rowsin striped garter 11)sts evenlyup secondsideof footthen 1stRow(Wrong Side)- Sll, K toend. stitchas set,dec 1 st at bothendsof last2 K acrossrem 10(10,12) sts from spare 2ndRow-Sl1,'K1B- seeabbreviations, p1, rows- a totalot 13(15,17) rowsworked. needle. 42(46,52) sts. replrom' to last2 sts,K1B, K1. Breakyarnandleavestson a spareneedle. Knit7(7,9)rows,dec1 st at eachendof last2 Repthese2 rows3 timesmorethen1stRow ro$rs. 38(42,48) sls. once. ButtonholeBand:Using33/rrnffiNeedles Next Row - Sll, 'K1B, K'l, rep from * to andM,caston 22(24,26) stsandknitonerow. ShapeSole end. 2nd Row(lMakeEluttonhole) - K2,yfrild,KAog, NextRow- K 23(25,2q$s andturn. K to end. NextRow- Sl1, K 7 stsandturn. DecRow- P 2(2,1),P2tog,[P5(s,4),paog] 3rd Row- Knit. NextRow- Sl1,K6,Kaogandturn. 4(4,6)times,P 3(3,2).30(30,34) sts. 4th Row- Caslotf 13(14,1S) sts,K to end. Replastrowuntil22 stsremon needles (7sts NeritRow- Knit. 5th Row- Knit. unworked at eachsideof sole). l.lextRow(lr4ake eyeleb)- P 0(0,2),[Pi, ym, Breakyarnandleaverem9(10,11) stson a * NextRow- Sll , K6,K3togandturn. PAogl10times,P 0(0,2). spareneedle. NextRow- Sl1,K6,K3togandturn. NextRow- Sl1,K to end. Complete by following instructions for pink BuftonBand:Using33/rlllm Needles andM, Castoff.* Mittensfrom* to *. caston 9(10,11) stsandknit5 rows. NextRow- K across9(10,11) stsof Button GREEN HELMET GREENBOOTEES Eland, caston 2 sts,FickupandK 8(9,10)sts RlghtEarFlap:Using31/rtnfilNeedles, cast Followinstructions forGreenMittens evenlydownfirstsideof Instep,K across6 sts from* on5 sls andwork7 rowsin garterstitch(every to *. of toe,pickup and K 8(q10)sts evenlyup rowK). Complete by following instructions for pink secondsideof Instep,caston 2 ststhenK * NextRow(RightSide) Incin firstst, K to Bootees from* to *. across9(10,11)sts of Buttonhole Bahd. last2 sts,incin nextst, K1. 44(4t1,52) sts. NextRow- Knit. Work7(7,9)rowsin garterstitch,dec1 st at GREEN and WHITEHAT Beplast2 rowsuntilthereare17(19,21) stson Using3t/+mmNeedles and M, caston 83 bothendsof last2 rows.40(44,48) sts. theneedle,working3 rowsafterlastincrease. (93,103) sts. Break yarn and leave sts on a spare 'tst Row(RightSide)- K1,'P1, K1,repfrom ShapeSole * needle. NextRow- K24(26,28) " to end. stsandturn. NextRow- Sl1,K7stsandturn. 2ndRow- P1,*K1, P1,repfrom* to end. LeftEarFhp: Using31/+mm Needles, caston NextRow- Sl1,K6,K2togandturn. Worka further15rowsin ribasset. 5 stsandknit3 rows. Replastrou/until20 stsremon needle(6sts ButtonholeRow- K2,yfwd,K2tog,K1. Inc Row- Rib8(10,9), inc in nextst, [rib unworked at eithersideol sole). Contin garterstitchuntilstrapmeas9(10, 21(23,27), incin nextstl3 times,rib 8(10,9). NextRow- Sl1,K5,K3togandturn. 10)cm frombeg,endingwitha wrongside 87(97,107) sts. NextRow- Sl1,K4,KStogandturn. row. Change to 4mmNeedles andpattern. NextRow- Sl1, K to end. Followinstrudions for RightEarFlapfrom* lst Row(RightSide)- UsingM,knit. Castoff. to *. 2nd Row- UsingM,rurl. 3rd Row- UsingC, knit. LEFTFOOT Using3i[mm Needles, caston 5(6,6)sts,K 4th Row- UsingC, knit. Instep:Workas for Instepof RightFoot. across17(19,21) stsof LeftEarFlap,caston sth Row- UsingM, K2,-sl1, Kl, repfrom* to 32(32,U)sts,K across17(19,21) stsof Right lastst. K1. Button Band:Using33/rlnffi Needles and

M,caston 9(10,11) stsandknit5 rows. Breakyarnandleavests on a spareneedle.

NextRow- Sl'1, K9,K3togandturn. 1st Row- *K1,P1, repfrom* to last0(0,1)st, Replastrowoncemore. K 0(0,1). NextRow- Sl1,K8,K3togandturn. ButtonholeBand:Using33/r1Tl111 Needles Changeto 31/rmm Needlesand work NextRow- Sl1,K7,K3togandturn. andM,caston 22(24,rc)s{sandknitonerow. Foundation Rowand6 rowsin pattas given NextRow- Sl1,K to end. 2nd Row(MakeButtonhole) - K to last4 sts, for Bonnet. 50(50,56) sts. Castotf.* K2tog,yfwd,K2. 3rdRow- Knit. DecRow- K0(0,3),KAog,*K2,K2tog,rep BLUE AND WHITE HELMET 4thRow- K 9(10,1 1),castotfrem13(14,15) from'to last0(0,3)sts,K 0(0,3). 37(37,43) RlglilEarFhp: U$ng3mmNeedles andM, sts. sts. caston 7 sts. 5thRow- Rejoinyamto rem9(10,11) stsand NextRow- Purl. l st Row(BightSide)- K1, [P1, K1]3 times. NextRow(Makeeyelets) - K 1(1,2),'yfwd, Repthisrow(mossstitch)5 timesmore. .Kts end. Next Row - K across9(10,11)sts of KAog,repfrom'to last0(0,1)st,K 0(0,1).* * NextRow (RightSide)- Incin lirstst, patt Buttonhole Band,cast on 2 sts, pick up lst and3rd slzesonly: to last2 sts,incin nextst,work1. andK 8(9,10)sts evenlydownfirstsideof i,lextRow- P 7(2),*P2tog,P 8(7),repfrom' NextRow- Pattto end. Instep,K across6 sts of toe, pickup and K to last10(5)sts,Paog,P 8(3).34(38)srs. Replast2 rou/suntilthereare 19(23,27) sts 8(9,10)stsevenlyup secondsideof Instep, 2ndslzeonly: on the needle,working3 rows after last caston 2 ststhenK across9(10,11)sts of NextRow- P 17, P2log,P18. 36 sts. increase.Breakyarn and leavests on a ButtonEland. 44(2t8,52) sts. spareneedle.* Complete asfor RightFoot. All slzes: Startingwitha K row,work18(20,24) rowsin Left EarFlap:Using3 mm Needles andM, WHITE BONNET st st (1 rowK, 1 rowP). caston 7 stsandwork4 rowsin mossstitch. Using23lrmm Needles,cast on 87(97, ButtonholeRow- Patt3, yfr,vd, K2tog,P1, ShapeTop 101)sts. K1. 1st Row(BightSide)- K'l, *P1, Kl , repfrom 1st Row - Kl, [K2togtbl, K 12(13,14), Contin mossslitchuntilstrapmeas9(10,10) K2togltwice,K1. 'to end. cmlrombeg,endingwitha wrongsiderow. 2ndRow- P1,[Paog,P 10(11,12), Repthisrow(mossstitch)twicemore,inc1 st Paog tbl] Followinstructions lor BightEarFlapfrom* *. twice, P1. at endol2ndrowon3rdsizeonly.87(97,102) to 3rd Row- K1,[K2tog tbl,K 8(9,10), sts. Kaog] Using3mmNeedles andM,caston6(6,8)sts, twice,K1. Changeto 3rl ffim Needlesandpattern. K across19(23,27) stsof LettEarFlap,cast Foundatlon Row - K1,*P4tog, stsof RightEar [K1,Pl, K1, 4th Row- P1,[P2tog,P 6(7,e),PAogtbl] on35 sis,K across19(23,27) twice,P1. P1, K1]allintonextst,repfrom' to lastst,K1. Flapthencaston 6(6,8)sts.85 (93,105) sts. Castoffrem18(20,22) sts. 104(116,122) srs. Work3 rowsin mossstitchasseton Fhps,inc 1st Row(RightSide)- Purl. 1 st at endof lastrowon 2ndand3rdsizes 2ndRow- K1, '[K1, P1, K1, Pl , K1]allinto bnly.85(94,106) sts. nextst,P5tog,repfrom'to lastst, K1. WHITE BOOTEES 3rd Row- Purl. to 31/rmlr Needles Followinstructions for WhiteMittenslrom Change andcontinpattas 4th Row - Knit,windingyarntwiceround *to*, lollows: needleon everyst. DecRow -P7(7,10), Sicle) 'P2tog,P8(8,9),rep 1stRow(Right - UsingC, K1,'s11,K2, 5th Row- Purl,droppingextraloopslrom from'to end.34(34,2t0) replrom'to end. sts. previousrowotf the needle. 2nd Row- UsingC, purl. 6thRow-K1,*Pstog, 3rdRow- UsingM,'K2,sl1,replrom'to last [K1,P1,K1,Pl, K1]all ShapeFoot intonextst,repfrom'to lastst,K1. Next Row - K 23(23,27)sts and turn, st,K1. Replasl6 rowstwicemorethen1stand2nd leavingremstson a spareneedle. 4th Row- UsingM, rurl. Rowsonce. Next Row - P 12(12,14)sts and turn, Repthese4 rowsuntilworkmeas9(10,11) cm frombeg,endingwitha 4th Rowof patt. leavingremstsona spareneedle. Dec Row - P 9(7,2),P2tog,'P 2(2,3), Begwitra K row,work9(11,11) BreakC. rowsin st st PAog,repfrom'to last9(7,3)sts,P 9(7,3). on thesests. DecRow - t( 5(4,7),K2tog,[P 16(26,16), 82(90,98) sts. Kaogl4(3,5) NextRow- Knit.Breakyarn. times,K 6(4,7).80(e0,100) sts. Starting witha P row,contin st st (1 rowK, 1 Wth ilghtsidelacing,rejoinyarnto inneredge NextRow- Purl. rowP) untilBonnet meas9(10,11) cmfrom offirst11(11,13)sts, upandK 12(14,13) Frc'k beg,endingwitha P row. sts evenlydownfirstsideof foot,K 5(5,6), ShapeCrown times.72 Kztog,K 5(5,6)across12(12,14) sts ol toe, 1st Row- [K7,K2tog,K1]e(9,10) ShapeCrown sts. pckupandK 12(14,13) stsevenly upsecond (81,90) lst Row- K1,[K 7(8,9), K2tog,K1l8 times, sideof footthenK acrossrem11(11,13) sts 2ndandeveryalt Row- Purl. K1.74(82,90) sts. 3rd Row - [K6,K2tog,K1]8(9,10)times. fromspareneedle.57(61,65)sts. 2ndand everyalt Row- Purl. 64(72,80) sts. NextRow- Knit. 3rdRow- Kl, [K 6(7,8), Kaog,K1]8 times, 5th Row - [K5,K2tog,Kll 8(9,10)times. K1.66(74,82) sts. 56(63,70) sts. ShapeToe 5th Row- K1,[K 5(6,7),K2tog,K1]8 times, lst Row- K 33(35,37) Contdec8(9,10)stsin thiswayon everyalt stsandturn. * 2nd RoW- Sl1,K I stsandturn. K1.58(66,74) sts. row until24(27,30) sts rem,endingwitha ContdecI s:tsinthiswayoneveryaltrowuntil 3rd Row- Sl1,K 9 stsandturn. decreaserow. 18stsrem,endingwitha decrease row. Next Row - P1, [P2togl11('12,14) times, 4th low - Sl1,K 10stsandturn. NextRow- P1,[P2tog]8 times,P1. P 1(2,1). 5th Row- Sl1,K 11stsandturn. Breakyarn,threadthroughrem10sts,draw 6th Bow- Sl1,K 12stsandturn. Breakyam,threadthrough rem13(15,16) sts, upandfastenoff securely. drawupandfastenotf securely. 7th Row- Sl1.K to end.* Join centre back seam to start of crown Worka further5(5,7)rowsin garterstitch shaping. (everyrowK)overall sls,dec1 st at eachend BLUE AND WHITE SOCKS Edglng:With rightside facingand using of last2 rows.53(57,61) sts. RIGHTFOOT pck upandK 57(59,63) 2gltilynNeedles, sts Using2/r mmNeedles andC, caston45(47, evenlyroundloweredgeof Bonnet. ShapeSole 51)sts. Work2 rowsin mosss{itcfrthencastoff neatly NextRow- K 32(34,36) stsandturn. 1st Row(RightSicb)- K1, 'P1, K1,repfrom * lbxt Row- Sl1,K 10stsandturn. * to end. in pattern. NextRow- Sl1,K9,K2togandturn. 2nd Row- P1, 'K1, P1, repfrom'to end. WHITE MITTENS Replastrowuntil31 stsremon needle(10 Contin ribassetandwork[2 rowsin M,2 rows * Using2slttntnNeedles,caston 42(42,47) sts unworked at eithersideof sole). in C] 4 timesthen2 rowsin M. Breakyarns. StS.

Dlvldelor Foot NextRow - Slipfirst 16(17,18) sts ontoa spareneedle,rejoinC to remsts,rib13(13,15) $s andturn,leaving rem16(17,18) stson a spareneedle. Worka turther7(9,11)rowsin stripedribas set.BreakC. U$ngM,knit6 rows,dec1 st at bothendsof last2 rows.9(9,11)sts.Breakyarn. With right side facing, using 3t/1 mm Needles andM, K acrossfirst16(17,18) sts fromspareneedle,pickup andK 10(11,12) sts evenlydownlirst side of foot, K across 9(9,11) stsoftoe,pckupandK 10(11,12) sts evenly up second side of foot then K acrossrem 16(17,18)sts from spare needle.61(65,71) sts. NextRow- Knit. ShapeToe 1st Row- K 35(37,40) stsandturn. Followinstructions for WhiteBootees from* *. to Worka further5(7,9)rowsin garterstitch (everyrowR overallsts,dec'1s{at eachend ol last2 rows.57(61,67) sts. ShapeSole NextRow- K 34(36,39) stsandturn. Completeby followinginstructionslor WhiteElootees lrom* to *. Strap:Using3 mmNeedles andM,caston 41(44,47) stsandknit2 rows. ButtonholeRow- K3,ytnd,K2tog,K to end. Knitonerowthencastotf knitwise.

from beg,endingwitha wrongside row.

Wth rightside facing, rejoin yam to inneredge of first12(12,14)sts, pickup and K 12(14,16) Dec Row- K 13(10,7), K2tog,*K 30(18,14), sts evenlydown first side of loot, K 5(5,6), KAog,repfrom*to last14(11,8)sts,K 14(11, K2tog, K 5(5,6) across 12(12,14)sts of toe, 8). eo(98,106)sts. pck up and K 12(14,16)stsevenlyup second side of foot then K acrossrem 12(12,14)sts Shape Crown from spareneedle.59(63,73)sts. 1st Row - Kl, [K8(9,10), K2tog,Kl] 8 times, Next Row - Knit. K1. 82(90,98)sts. 2nd and every alt Row - Purl. Shape Toe 3rd Row - K1, (K 7(8,9),Kziog,K1l 8 times, 1st Row - K 34(36,41)sts and turn. K1. 74(82,90)sts. 2nd Row - Sl1, K 8 sts and turn. 5th Row - K1, [K 6(7,8),K2tog,K1] 8 times, 3rd Row - Sl1, K g sts and turn. K1.66(74,82)sts. 4th Row - Sl1, K 10 sts and turn. Sth Row - Sl1;K 11 sts andturn. Contdec I sts in thisway on everyalt row until 6th Row - Sl1, K 12 sts and turn. 18 sts rem,endingwitha decreaserow. 7th Row - Sl1, K to end. Next Row - P1,[P2tog]8 times,P1. Break yarn, thread throughremainingsts, Work a further 5(5,7) rows in garter stitch draw up and fastenotf securely.Join centre (everyrow K) overall sts,dec 1 st at eachend back seamto startof crownshapng. of last2 rows.55(59,69)sts. Edglng: With right side facing and using 23lqffvnNeedles,pickup and K 65(71,75)sts ShapeSole evenlyroundloweredgeof Bonnet. Next Row - K 33(35,40)sts and turn. Knit 4 rowsthen cast off neatlyknitwisâ‚Ź. Next Row - Sl1, K 10 sts and turn. Next Row - Sl1, K9, K2togand turn. YELLOWMITTENS Rep last row until31 sts rem on needle(10 * Using23lrrTlmNeedles, caston 43(43,53) sts unworkedat eithersideof sole). stsandknit3 rows. Next Row - Sl1, K9, K3togand turn. Rep lasl row once more. Changeto 3 mmNeedles Next Row - Sl1, K8, K3togand turn. andwork6 rowsin lacepattas givenlor Bonnet. Next Row - Sl1, K7, Kgtogand turn. Starting witha K row,work3 rowsin st st. Next Row - Sl1, K to end. .P 7(13,4), DecRow-P 2(5,1), P2tog, P2tog, Cast otf.

replrom'to last3(6,2)sts,P 3(6,2).38(40,44) sts. MAKINGUP .K2tog, NextRow(Makeeyelets) - K 1(2,1), ALL BONNETS yfri/d, K1, repfromt to last1(2,1)sts,K 1(2,1).-. Cut wide ribbonin half and sew to cornersof Begwitha P row,contin st st untilworkmeas Bonnetas shown. 5(6,7)cm fromeyelets,endingwitha P row,

LEFTFOOT Workmainsectionof Sockas lor RightFoot. Strap:Using3 mmNeedles andM,caston 41(44,47) sts andknit2 rows. ButtonhobRow- K to last5 sts,Kaog,ytrnrd, ShapeTop K3. 1stRow- K1,[K2tog tbl,K 14(15,17), K2togl Knitonerowthencastotf knitwise. twice,K1. 2nd Row- Purl. YELLOW BONNET 3rdRow- K1,[K2tog tbl,K42(13,15), Kaogl Using2% mmNeedles, caston 73(80,87) sts twice,K1. andknit4 rows. 4th Row- Purl. 5th Row- K1,[K2tog Inc Row- K 7(6,5),incin nextst,'K2, incin tbl,K 10(11,13), K2togl nextst,repfrom* to last8(7,6)sts,K e0,6). twice,K1. 6th Row- P1,[P2tog, 93(103,1 P 8(9,11), 13)sts. P2togtbt] twice,P1. Changeto 3 mmNeedles andworkin lacepatt Castotf rem22(24,28) sts. asfollows: lst Row(RightSide)- K2,*yfwd,K3,sl1, YELLOW BOOTEES KAog,psso,K3,!n{d, K1,repfrom'to lastst, Followinstuctionsfor YellowMittensfrom* K1. to *. 2ndRow- Purl. Pudonerow dec1 st at bothendsof rowfor 3rdRow- K3,yltd, K2,sl1,KAog,psso,K2, 2ndsizeonly.38(38,44) sts. .yf$d,K3,y{wd,K2,dl, K2tog,psso, K2,rep from" to last3 sts,yfwd,K3. 4th Row- Purl. ShapeFoot SthRow- K1,K2tog,[yfwd,K1ltwice,*st1, Next Row - K 26(26,30)sts and turn, Kaog,psso,[K1,yfwd]twice,st'l, K2tog, leavingremstson a spareneedle. psso,Iytutd,K1ltwice,replrom'to last8 sts, Next Row - P 14(14,16) sts and turn, sll, K2tog,psso,[Kl, yfwd]twice,sl1,K1, leavingremstson a spareneedle. psso,K1. Startingwitha K row,work12(14,16) rowsin 6lh Row- Purl. st st on thesesls, dâ‚Źc1 st at eachendol last Rephese 6 rowsuntilworkmeas8(9,10)cm row.Breakyarn.

BOTH HELMETS Join centre back seam. Sew on button. adjustingstrap to fit. PULLON HAT Join centre back seam. Fold rib in half to wrong side and slip stitch looselyin place. UsingM, make a pomponand sew firmlyto crownof Hat as shown. ALL MITTENS Sew side andtop seams,takingcareto match patternon cutfs. Cut 75 cm of narrowribbon in half,threadthrougheyeletsand tie. ALL BOOTEES Join centre back and heel seams, taking care to match pattern.Cut 75 cm of narrow ribbonin half,threadthrougheyeletsandtie. SHOES Join centre back and heel seams. Sew on buttons,adjustingstraps to fit.

socKs Join cente backand heel seams,takingcare lo matchsfipes. Sew casl on edge of Strapto top of garterstitchsectionfor 1 cm eitherside ol centre back seam. Sew on buttons.

our Knitting Bureau .witr gtadty give_you a1y assistancg or.advise on wendy designs if querieg are accompanied by wendy or peter pan balt band ana a stampea a-aJilila envelope.


A Member of the Thomas Ramsden Group Pricesapplyonly in GreatBritainand Northernlreland. Printed in England

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