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Cold Pressed

COLD PRESSED just the juice By Alana Lauren

uring the lockdown I found myself scrutinizing food labels, searching out healthier choices. I looked for juice that did not contain added sugars or preservatives, and wasn’t overly processed— surprisingly, it wasn’t easy. Eventually, I discovered cold-pressed juice. Yes, it’s more expensive than your typical fruit or vegetable juice, but it’s well worth the extra cost when you consider the ingredients— juice, and nothing more!


So...what does cold-pressed really mean?

This is going to shock you to learn, but cold-pressing is the process of separating the fibre from the cells of fruits and vegetables—you know, juicing—without the aid of any heat. Machines and tools built to aid in cold-press juicing are also called masticating juicers, because they use hydraulic power to effectively chew and crush the juice out of otherwise fibrous plants.

Why choose cold-pressed? Coldpressing takes longer and produces less juice, though, in theory, the juice created is richer in nutritional content.

When you cold-press your juice, it retains more of the vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and antioxidants than regular juice. This makes it a healthier alternative to traditional juicing. Cold-pressed juice is never exposed to heat during its juicing process, which is important for producing more fruit per serving.

And are cold-pressed juices any better for you than the alternative?

The benefits of cold-pressed juice are boundless. Whether you are a hardcore fitness junkie, diehard vegan, proud carnivore, or chill couch potato, you can use cold-pressed juice to improve your overall health. Who’d say no to promoting fullbody health, right? Drinking coldpressed juices assists your body in detoxification.

Although there are machines you can buy locally that cold-press juice, alternatively, you can purchase ready-made cold-pressed juice with a multitude of fruit and vegetable combinations.

There are local cold-pressed juice options. If you’d like to cold-press at home, Kitchens Unlimited can set you up with a cold-press juicer.

Be warned, having only one sip is basically impossible.


When you cold-press your juice, it retains more of the vitamins, enzymes, minerals, and antioxidants than regular juice. This makes it a healthier alternative to traditional juicing.

Get Your Glow On! Get Your Glow On!

IN2012 Melanie Dufour suffered from an extreme eye infection that was a result of severe Candida. “I didn’t know I was intolerant to eggs and ate then every morning and I had has digestive issues for years prior to finding out the culprit. Dufour said, “I was put on the Candida diet and juicing was suggested.”

At that time Dufour was stationed in the Northwest Territories from 2011 to 2013 with the RCMP, “I was up North with not much access to fresh fruits + vegetables but made the most out of it. I bought a Breville juicer and juiced as much as I could.”

When Dufour would come back to visit the Island she struggled finding healthy places to eat or get juices and smoothies, and that’s when the dream to one day open a juice and smoothie bar was born.

“While spending some time in Alberta, I visited all the juice places and met with the owners, picking their brains on how to get started. My goal was to transfer back to the PEI with the RCMP, take a leave of absence and then open a juice bar while continuing my career with the RCMP.”

While in Edmonton for work, Dufour came across Glow Juicery, and it instantly resonated with her. “The moment I entered the café, I had a moment: that place was beyond what I could have imagined on my own. It was exactly what I wanted.”

Dufour checked their website while sipping a juice, and saw “for franchise information, contact Marnie” and she did. “We met for coffee the following morning, and a week after I put my first deposit down on the franchise. That was back in 2013.” After being diagnosed with PTSD in 2017, Dufour realized that she did not want to heal herself and return to the environment that contributed to her emotional overload. “I had the dream of opening Glow Juicery, so it was an easy decision for me to retire an rebuild my life.”

Glow offers eight Glow Blends: Glow EnerG, Sky Glow, Skinny Glow, PURE greens, Glow Boost, Citrus Glow, VitaminG, and Earthy Glow and offer pure celery, carrot, beet, or seasonal juices and they also have an incredible line up of lemonades: Classic Glow lemonade, Glow Basil Lemonade, Dark Side, Watermelon Dragon fruit Lemonade, Beyond the Blue Lemonade and a spicy lemonade.

The health benefits are plenty, the cold pressed blends are almost instant nutrient, a live enzyme absorption, they give the digestive a break from breaking down food and it’s a great, tasty way to get your daily requirement of fruits and veggies as every bottle contains between four to six pounds of fruits and veggies.

“As a bonus, the juice is unpasteurized as well.” Dufour said, “Pasteurizing juice actually kills off all the beneficial bacteria that allows your body and cells to heal and repair! It also takes away a lot of the delicious flavour that raw produce has, so not only is unpasteurized better for you, but it also tastes better too!”

Dufour recommends placing a weekly order online, “Orders can be picked up at our production location in Tignish and delivery time vary on the orders. Delivery days will be on Monday, Wednesday and Friday starting midJuly.”

Personally, I’ve been drinking coldpressed juice every day for the past two months and I can tell you I find I feel more energized, my digestive system works better, and I’ve managed to drop a dress size. My next step is to have Glow Juicery set me up with a juice cleanse!

The health benefits are plenty, the cold pressed blends are almost instant nutrient, a live enzyme absorption, they give the digestive a break from breaking down food and it’s a great, tasty way to get your daily requirement of fruits and veggies as every bottle contains between four to six pounds of fruits and veggies.

mel@glowjuicery.ca www.glowjuicery.ca

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