Interface: Using LCA to guide their sustainability journey (america)

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Using LCA to guide their sustainability journey

Interface uses GaBi life cycle assessment software to under-

The Solutions

formance, innovate products, reduce risks and succeed in the

Interface’s recent pioneering pledge is to obtain Environmental

stand its products environmental footprints, improve their permarketplace.

Interface, the worldwide leader in design, production and sales

of environmentally responsible modular carpet, has been using GaBi software in-house to track and improve its products life cycle performance since 2001. Applying the results of its life cycle

assessments (LCAs), Interface is able to increase transparency, innovate, expand its product offerings and manage risk.

Commit to Transparency – Create product EPDs

Product Declarations (EPDs) on all its carpet products globally

by 2012, demonstrating its commitment to product transparency.

As of October 2011, Interface has completed EPDs for 90% of its products, as measured by production volume. “With the multitude of labels and claims in the marketplace, only EPDs offer

full transparency and allow customers to evaluate products based upon verified facts,” said Interface President and CEO Dan Hendrix.

PE INTERNATIONAL, Inc. & Five Winds Strategic Consulting 2260 Baseline Road, Suite 102 Boulder, CO 80302, USA

Phone: +1 617 247 4477 ext. 2 Fax +1 303 447 0909

New Product Creation – Ditch the glue Conducting an LCA of its modular carpet, Interface realized that the adhesive presented

a great opportunity for change. The adhesive emitted a large amount of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), decreasing air quality and limiting the time of day for carpet installation to off-use hours.

Traditional glue also hindered the recyclability of carpet tiles. Interface used this finding to create an entirely new line of

flooring adhesive in 2006 – TacTiles – which eliminate the need for this problematic adhesive. TacTile connectors adhere carpet

tiles to one another, not the floor. Using TacTiles eliminates the

need for liquid adhesive, which virtually eliminates VOCs. TacTile connectors also meet LEED requirements for Low Emitting Materials.

The Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) Green Label Plus certification set a maximum level of total VOCs allowed from production and use of liquid adhesives; TacTiles contribute to less than 5 %

Product Innovation – Less is more Another outcome of a LCA has

taught Interface that the largest contributor to their environ-

mental footprint (40%) comes from the nylon used in the yarn. Carpet tiles have been redesigned to use 17% less yarn without

compromising quality or design, and in some cases, improving it!

of the total maximum VOCs allowed from liquid adhesives. Tac-

Risk Management – Work with your suppliers An in-house LCA,

carpet tiles and increase the ease of installation by eliminating

nylon, demonstrated that recycled nylon had a much smaller

tiles also increase the ease of removal and recyclability of the sticky odorous glue from the process.

As of the end of 2011, sales of over 83 million TacTiles have re-

sulted in the installation of over 21 million square meters of carpet. The innovation credit in the NSF 140 Sustainable Carpet

Standard certification went towards Interface’s Platinum rating which stimulated carpet sales in LEED projects.

that evaluated two types of virgin nylon as well as recycled

environmental footprint in all impact categories. Interface

began working with their suppliers to support their ‘off-oil’ efforts by providing recycled nylon whenever possible and encourages them to accept reclaimed fiber and turn it back into

yarn, which is both cheaper and less damaging to the environment. Cost savings are passed on to consumers.

Interface’s Mission Zero™ Interface is on a mission to continue

producing the most fashionable, high performing products in

the industry while eliminating its company’s negative impacts

on the environment. Interface intends “To be the first company that, by its deeds, shows the entire industrial world what

sustainability is in all its dimensions: People, process, product, place and profits – by 2020 – and in doing so we will become restorative through the power of influence.”

»Our use of LCA with GaBi has evolved to a proactive assessment of alternatives during the development process, making it a critical tool in helping us achieve our Mission Zero® goals.« Connie Hensler, Director, Corporate LCA Programs / Interface, Inc

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