Energetic project is a student housing project at zone 2 of railway areas in Turin, moreover this project is under Italian international standard and regulations. Furthermore, the project includes different kind of buildings’ functions and outdoor activities. About the building it has Student house, multipurpose buildings, commercial mall, library and student services building and sports building. And the outdoor activities, there are different types of them according to the locations of it for example; outdoor gallery, water garden, reading park, family zone and kids area. And all of these spaces that we created in the project, they are under some sustainable strategies to reduce the amount of energy that we use and not only trying to produce some renewable energy from solar radiation and river movement but also trying to reduce some rain and gray water for our vegetation. Looking into the details, at the beginning we are going to talk about the buildings, Firstly we have the main project purpose is for student housing but according to our concept we put different kind of gathering spaces to increase sense of homing and also for interactions between all students. And also the student housing buildings there are different functions such as; sharing kitchen, dining, gaming room, music room, lab space, study room and shops. In addition, there are different buildings with several function to serve the community and also the students for example; public and private libraries, working places, event zones, sports building, mall and multi-purpose building that will connect between students in educational area and professional studios and companies that are going to be part of this building and they also will prepare the students to be a part of their career. Eventually, our buildings have different kind of functions but all of them are connected together to serve the students and also the district that it’s going to be part of it because the most effective project must has a two way relation between context and the project. Secondly, the project has a very important part to connect and integrate with the site which is outdoor activities that we are using them to make people interact with foreigner students who they are going to live in and also with the project itself. By the same token, we have different kind of outdoor activities some of them for students and their activities such as; Trampoline, paint ball and green hills, we selected their locations also depending on which kind of people that we need to connect with and if it’s private or public activities. Another kind of outdoor activities is family or gathering zone, in this zone we are trying to interact between families who are living in the site and the students together, some of these activities are water garden, public hill, green Park, Leisure Park, playground and food court. The last category is talent zones that we put some instruments and some designed spaces to make people use stay with some people with different talents, these zones are Art gallery, music zone, Reading park and public studio. At the end, all of these outdoor activities and building functions are completed each other to create a completed design for serving the students and people also at the time by increasing home and comfortable feeling for both of them. Besides all of these architecture design elements that of course there are so important for comfortable life but also there are different kind of calculations and ways of design that decrease amount of energy that will be used in the project, and to decrease the usage of energy you need to consider some sustainable strategies and that what I’m going to explain here. Firstly, I’m going to explain the renewable energy strategies that we have used them in the project, water turbine is the first one of our plan, we used it because we have a river in our site and it’s a trial to use all resources to make all the elements working together. Solar panel is the second way to get more energy and because we seeking for zero energy project. As well there are some strategies for water usage, we designed different collecting zone in the project to collect rain water and reuse it for vegetation that we have in our master plan and also in green roof and we also are going to use the gray water from rooms for the same purpose just it’s a way to reduce the amount of water that we are going to use. Third strategy that we have used is relating to solar radiation and energy usage because if we need to control the amount of energy that we are going to use we need to solve it firstly at our design because of this we designed the roof and elevations on biophilic strategy and green roof, and also we used underground pipes to enter air but with controlling in the temperature of the air. Finally we used all of strategies for environmental control in automated building system for the management between all of these technologies together in smart way
Solid & void
1-3 floors
4-6 floors
Above 7 floors
Pont A
Building heights
Pont B
Pont B-updated
Site section
Pont C Humidity
Te m p e r a t u re range
Radiation range
Sunshine S u m m e r, J u n e 2 1
W i n t e r, D e c 2 1
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
16:00 PM
16:00 PM
Pont D
Wind velocity range Pont E
Te m p e r a t u re range
Radiation average
Dry bulb & Humidity
Av e r a g e w i n d d i re c t i o n
Pont E-updaed
2 3 8 9
2 4 5 7 8 10
Pont F
Project & Acoustic strategies
/3 31.01.2020
Acoustic strategies
Zone 1 Zone 3
Zone 1 strategy
Zone 4
Zone 2
Zone 2 strategy
Tu r b i n e :
Solar panel in our site to have a new type of renewable energy and also we use it at the top of some buildings
Power generation that we are gonna use the turbine in the river to get a source of renewable energy.
Zone 4 strategy Automated Building Systems
G re e n ro o f we are using green roof to protect the building from the direct and indirect solar radiation to decrease the energy.
we are going to use automated system to reduce the amount of energy and to control ever ything in the building.
Biophilic elevation
G re y w a t e r Tre a t m e n t Systems locally
Rain water that we are going to use it for our vegetation and it’ like re using it for different purpose.
we are reusing the gray water for vegetation to reduce the amount of natural water usage.
Rain-water harvesting High noise Low noise
Zone 3 strategy Solar Grid Hybrid System:
Zone 3 strategy
Zone 3
Rain water that we are going to use it for our vegetation and it’ like re using it for different pur-
g ro u n d t e m p e r a t u re utilization
Building section detail
we use underground pipe to control the air in cer tain temperature that we want it for
Single room level +5
Room 2
Double room level +9
Room 3
Triple room level +9
Glass-Option 1
External wall
Uw pvc- three hollow chambers window using the three types of glass mentioned before
Glass-Option 2
By adding only one layer of insulation near the internal surface it made the thermal transmittance 0.25
Triple clear and low iron glass with argon gap and selective coating
Double clear glass with argon gap and selective coating
Glass-Option 3
If we divide the insulation into two layers one near the internal surface and the other near the outer surface, this make the thermal transmittance decrease and the time lag increase.
Floor slab
Double clear glass with argon gap and low emissivity coating
Glass-option 2 will be chosen as its having higher light transmittance than option 1, and lower thermal transmittance than option 3. Glass option 1 will be used in the atriums and courts as they are gathering spaces so its more important to have low thermal transmittance than having high light transmittance
This graph shows the difference between the U values and time lag when using concrete roof and green roof
In option 3 we tried mineral insulation as it is having different characteristics, which resulted in the decrease of thermal transmittance and increased the time lag. And for the external surface of the wall we added 5 cm of void and fire wood panel so that they can work as ventelated wall
DF calculations
South Facade- Horizontal shading
window without shading device
North Facade- Vertical shading
window with shading device
£ : sin 90 - sin 20 2 £ = 0.32
h: 2 m l: 2 m p: 0.4 m
£ : sin 30 - sin 20 2 £ = 0.078
Calculating ρvav according to the 3 types of glass metioned before
From the S.F calculations it became clear that there will be no need to vertical shading when there is building projection
Glass options
daylight factor with shading device glass 1
DF: 5.5 x 0.51 x 0.078 x 0.9 = 0.0088 89.2 x (1 - 0.75)
glass 2 glass 3
daylight factor without shading device
Vertical rotating device West Facade- building projection
0.88% > 3%
DF: 5.5 x 0.51 x 0.32 x 0.9 = 0.036 89.2 x (1 - 0.75)
3.6% > 3%
DF: 5.5 x 0.59 x 0.078 x 0.9 = 0.0099 89.2 x (1 - 0.74)
0.99% > 3%
DF: 5.5 x 0.59 x 0.32 x 0.9 89.2 x (1 - 0.74)
= 0.04
4 % > 3%
DF: 5.5 x 0.73 x 0.078 x 0.9 = 0.012 89.2 x (1 - 0.74)
1.2% > 3%
DF: 5.5 x 0.73 x 0.32 x 0.9 89.2 x (1 - 0.74)
= 0.049
5 % > 3%
West Facade- building projection + Vertical shading
Horizontal rotating device
From this calculations it’s clear that using horizontal shading device will decrease the daylight factor, So vertical shading will be used in north east and west, horizontal shading will be used only in south and it will be manual according to the needs of the user
Single room DF: 5.5 x 0.59 x 0.32 x 0.9 89.2 x (1 - 0.74)
= 0.04 4% > 3%
Double room DF: 8 x 0.59 x 0.32 x 0.9 144 x (1 - 0.74)
= 0,036
3.6% > 3%
Triple room DF: 16 x 0.59 x 0.32 x 0.9 252.2 x (1 - 0.74)
= 0.041 4% > 3%
H’t calculations using External wall option 1, curtain wall option 3, concrete roof, window option 3 H't=2422*0.257+210*1.5+1486*0.932+464*1.7+268*0.19 *1.15 4850
H't =0.65*1.15=0.98 H'tlim > H't 0.75 < 0.98
H’t calculations using External wall option 3, curtain wall option 1, green roof, window option 2 H't=2422*0.184+210*0.6+1486*0.136+464*1.21+268*0.19 *1.15 4850 H't =0.29*1.15=0.33 H'tlim > H't 0.75> 0.33
Loads & Energy Floor Level: +5M
Floor Height: 4M Thermal zone area: 234 m2
Floor Level: +13M
People: 4 Outdoor air: 210 m3/h
Floor Height: 4M Thermal zone area: 345 m2
+5 M Plan Level
Floor Level: +9M
Floor Height: 4M Thermal zone area: 257 m2
People: 4 Outdoor air: 210 m3/h
+9 M Plan Level
People: 6 Outdoor air: 210 m3/h
+13 M Plan Level
Floor Level: +17M
Floor Height: 3M Thermal zone area: 225 m2
People: 9 Outdoor air: 210 m3/h