10 October 2011

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Monday 10 OCTOBER, 2011


Kicking the gambling habit


She loves me, yeah, yeah, yeah >> pg9

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The enemy within


Najib warns of saboteurs in coming polls

THE Malay adage goes, musuh dalam selimut (enemy under the covers). With this in mind, the Prime Minister is aware that the battle for the hearts and minds of voters could very well be a battle fought from within. Datuk Seri Najib Razak, while rallying Barisan Nasional (BN) for war yesterday to reclaim the Federal Territory from Pakatan Rakyat (PR), warned all parties to close ranks and not to create problems, especially when their choice of candidate is not picked to stand in the elections. This was a problem that kept rearing its ugly head during several by-elections in the last three years. “When we go down to the battlefield, we certainly want to win and not lose in the war. To ensure that we win, we must make preparation to determine our state of readiness,” he told over 8,000 party supporters who packed the Merdeka Hall at Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) here yesterday for the BN Federal Territory briefing session. “In terms of our party members, what is most important is that we do not create prob-

By ASRUL HADI ABDULLAH SANI asrul@mmail.com.my lems. Don’t create problems.” Najib gave a stern warning to those not chosen as candidates to not sabotage the party during the elections. “I know all this because I’ve been in politics for 35 years. I have been through many experiences and incidents,” he said. He said BN component parties must not fight against each other for allocation of seats but instead should concentrate on unseating PR. “On paper we can win but it is only on paper. What is important is our mental preparation. If we want

to win then we must act like we want to win. Don’t fight among each other. Don’t have different factions in the party. Don’t sabotage each other. “Don’t fight for seats among the different BN component parties,” he said, calling on the ruling coalition to be mentally prepared for the 13th general election. Najib, who is also the BN chairman, said the party must regain support from the middle-class electorate in urban constituencies. “Federal Territory is our capital. We do not want BN to be a party for the rural areas only. It is as if the middle-class voters and intellectuals do not support BN,” he said.

If we want to win then we must act like we want to win. Don’t fight among each other. Don’t have different factions in the party. Don’t sabotage each other — Datuk Seri Najib Razak


A former gambling addict and his team of volunteers are helping people to kick the habit through Gamblers Rehab Centre >> pg6

Guard’s shock find A security guard comes home to find his little sister in a daze and his mother dead in a room. Earlier, he had stopped a quarrel in his house following a drinking bout

>> pg4

‘Cold’ blooded Blood bank loses a potential donor and says it will improve communications skills among its staff

>> pg8


From Siti with love Malaysia’s pop queen talks about her debut English album, All Your Love

>> pg11



The RM1 billion fund for school construction and maintenance can solve the problem of damaged school buildings by the end of next year — Deputy Education Minister Dr Mohd Puad Zarkashi

The successes thus far


Errant developers, beware Jail term among amendments proposed in Housing Act

IT WILL not be that easy for developers involved in abandoned projects to run any more under amendments to the Housing Development Act 2007 set for the end of the year. Acknowledging how some rogue developers take advantage of loopholes in the law to “hit and run”, the Housing and Local Government Ministry says it will be more difficult for these smooth operators to continue to make money out of other people's misery. The ministry's rehabilitation of abandoned housing projects division director, M. Janasanthiran, said developers would be expected to submit a report, verified by Bank Negara's Central Credit Reference Information System (CCRIS). CCRIS details the companies' financial capacity, while the amended Act will also look into tracing these directors to ensure they do not set up shop elsewhere after a failed project. "Some of these companies' directors have sketchy financial resources," Janasanthiran told The Malay Mail yesterday. He said that currently, there was no severe action that could

By MEENA LAKHSHANA meena@mmail.com.my

be taken against rogue developers as the laws only provided for compounds of between RM50,000 and RM250,000 for such developers. "However, if they are taken to court and the fines exceed a certain amount, they will then be blacklisted," he said. "But even then, some of these companies place bodyguards as their board of directors. These 'directors' then go on to set up other companies." He said such developers would be dealt with severely. "The amendment will include a jail term for these developers. But the government will have to take them to court to prove that the intent was to cheat people of their money." Earlier yesterday, the minister, Datuk Seri Chor Chee Heung, said it would be a criminal offence for developers to sell pre-constructed projects only to later renege on their part of the deal. "If developers are found to deceive house buyers and do not complete the project, we will make sure to include an element of criminal offence in the Act so that the developer

If developers are found to deceive house buyers and do not complete the project, we will make sure to include an element of criminal offence in the Act ... " Datuk Seri Chor Chee Heung can be charged in court," he said at a ceremony to hand over keys and certificates of fitness for occupation (CFO) to 187 house buyers at rehabilitated abandoned project La Cottage in Bandar Bukit Puchong. The amendments would also include a requirement for developers to place a three per cent deposit of the total cost of the project to be developed. Currently, developers are required to put a RM200,000 deposit and have a piece of land before licence is issued. Chor also spoke of escalating property prices which have rendered many Malaysians unable to purchase their own home. He said the proposal under Budget 2012 for real property

gains tax (RPGT) of 10 per cent to be placed on properties held and disposed of within two years would stabilise property prices. The proposal also stipulates a rate of five per cent be maintained for properties sold within the third, fourth and fifth years after purchase. "Hopefully, this will ward off speculations from the market," he said. The current RPGT, imposed after Budget 2010, is five per cent for all properties sold within the first five years of purchase. Chor also said Bank Negara officials have informed other banks to tighten the awarding of loans to house buyers. "For example, if an indi-

The Malay Mail Monday 10 OCTOBER, 2011

vidual already owns two or three houses, then the banks can only award 60 to 70 per cent loan," he said. When contacted, National House Buyers Association secretary-general Chang Kim Loong said the increase in RPGT would not help deter speculation of property prices in the market. "We are disappointed with the announcement on the tax increase because it is hardly a deterrent," he said. "The RPGT rate in 2007, where a rate of 30 per cent was imposed on properties held and sold within two years, should be reinstated." However, he conceded that a stricter awarding of bank loans would help curb speculation. Presently, house buyers affected by abandoned projects could only seek remedy through the courts — an expensive and sometimes futile process. However, the Rehabilitation of Abandoned Projects Division, set up in 2009, attempted to be serve as a conduit between developers and home buyers to salvage abandoned projects. It achieved some measure of success, by rehabilitating 83 projects (see accompanying report).

THE Rehabi lit at ion of Abandoned Housing Projects Division was formed in 2009 under the Housing and Local Government Ministry's National Housing Department to help facilitate the revival of abandoned projects. Of the167 projects declared abandoned since 2009, the division has managed to: ● successfully revive 83 projects, whereby 9,278 property buyers have gained from the initiatives; ● begin the process of rehabilitating 62 projects, and ● plan the revival of 22 projects. One such project is La Cottage in Bandar Bukit Puchong that was declared abandoned in December 2008. Private company and liquidator Rimbun Corporate Advisory Sdn Bhd helped to revive the project comprising 1,283 houses in the five phases of 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F and 1G. Of these: ● 187 house buyers of phase 1D and 1E yesterday received certificate of fitness for occupation (CFO); ● phases 1C and 1F are 75 per cent completed and is expected to be finalised by Dececember 2012; and ● rehabilitation work on 1G is to begin early next month and is expected to be completed by mid-June 2012.


MTUC to press on with nationwide picket

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THE Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC), upset with the proposed amendments to the Employment Act 1955, is pressing ahead with its planned nationwide picket. Confirming this yesterday, MTUC's private sector vicepresident Robert Vijendran Henry said the picket was in the "preparatory stage". "We will be having a meeting today at 5pm and by 7pm, we hope to come up with an action plan as to how we are going to tackle this," he told The Malay Mail. Henry said the action plan had to be sanctioned by

THE MALAY MAIL IS PUBLISHED BY Malay Mail Sdn Bhd, Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200, Petaling Jaya

By T.K. LETCHUMY TAMBOO t.k.letchumy@mmail.com.my

MTUC's general council or the majority of its affiliates. "We have about 280 affiliates and if we can get backing from most of them, we can go ahead with the nationwide picket," he said. Asked why MTUC was planning a nationwide picket despite Human Resources Minister Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam giving it an assurance the government had no intention to change the structure of the labour system through amendments to the

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Act, Henry said they were still unhappy over the proposed amendments. "The minister had mentioned he is wiling to talk to us about our fears over the amendments but we don't know when that will happen," he said. Henry said if everything went as planned, MTUC would carry out the picket "as soon as it's practical". However, he was unable to say how many people weree likely to take part.

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Last Monday, MTUC, which has 500,000 members under it, staged a picket outside Parliament to protest against the amendments which, at the time, was at a proposal stage. The picket was participated by about 200 workers. However, last Thursday, at t h e s e c on d re a d i n g of the Employment Act (Amendment) Bill 2010, it was passed after a five-hour debate. MTUC is against amending the term "sub-contractor for labour" to "contractor for labour" under Section 2 of the Employment Act because

it would not protect the rights of contract labourers. The union is unhappy that under the proposed revisions, the rights of contract and part-time workers will not be protected. Also, agencies supplying workers to a third party under "contractor for labour" would become employers of the workers and workers will not have job security as they would be under the contractor's payroll and not be under the main employer. Additionally, the union is also unhappy that workers under contract for labour cannot be organised into unions.

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The authorities have made a scapegoat of the policeman held solely responsible for firing tear gas into Tung Shin Hospital during the July 9 rally ­— Bersih steering committee member Maria Chin Abdullah

The Malay Mail Monday 10 October, 2011


'Exit' policy hailed Departure plan necessary for deadwood in civil service

PRESENT and past government employees are supportive of an "exit" policy for those who are not fulfilling their duties, as announced by the Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan. Now that the retirement age for the public sector has been increased by another two years to 60, there is a need to weed out the 'deadwood', The Malay Mail found in a random survey. Former Public Ser vice

By Hamzah Nazari hamzah@mmail.com.my

Department (PSD) directorgeneral Tan Sri Ismail Adam said the principle of a performance-based system is simple: “If employees don’t reach their expected performance level, they have to go for training, but if that doesn’t work, they just have to ‘go’.” He said the government has been accommodating so far but it must now be more strict. “There were occasions when

certain people should leave, and only some left after they were sent for counseling,” said Ismail. He said the new 'exit' policy is a necessary move, provided there are procedures in place to ensure it is done without malice. Haji Muhammad Awang Teh, who retired from the Malaysian Handicraft Development Corporation in January, said there will always be people who are a burden in any organisation, in both the public and

private sectors. "This problem is more obvious in civil service than in the private sector. Such nonperforming staff has a negative influence on colleagues and give a bad image to the public," he said. "The government has to remove non-performing staff in order to improve the delivery and gain confidence of the rakyat. There is also a need to reward talented staff to remain. Intan Illani Datuk Mohd

Azani, a newcomer in the Attorney-General's Chambers, said the 'exit' policy is necessary. “I think it will help create a leaner and better government, and the possibility of being pushed out will motivate most civil servants to challenge themselves and improve," she said. Intan said the government should also provide incentives for talented staff who may otherwise be lured into the private sector.


Consumer groups cast doubts over code of ethics for direct sellers

CONSUMER groups are doubtful the government's newly-proposed code of ethics for direct sellers and marketers can protect the public from being cheated. Consumer Research and Resource Centre (CRRC) chief executive officer Datuk Paul Selvaraj said expecting sellers to voluntarily comply was not enough. "There must be constant enforcement for the code of ethics to be effective," he said when commenting on Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaacob's announcement of specific do's and don'ts for

By FAIZAL NOR IZHAM faizal.nor@mmail.com.my

direct sellers. "Various related issues such as consumer safety, product information and cooling-off period conditions also need to be addressed beforehand." Selvaraj said direct sales companies needed to standardise their products according to the Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (SIRIM Berhad) for quality control. "An accessible and effective complaints management department should also be set up to handle consumer complaints," he said.

BN must work hard to regain public support ● From pg1 “I don't want BN to just be a party supported by fishermen and small-time farmers. BN should be supported by all including those in Kuala Lumpur." During 12th general election, BN only managed to win Setiawangsa from 11 Federal Territory parliamentary seats in Kuala Lumpur. The ruling coalition also lost its traditional two-thirds parliamentary majority. Federal Territory Umno deputy chairman Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin

earlier admitted that Kuala Lumpur parliamentary seats remained as fixed deposits for PR. He explained that urban constituencies were not fixed deposits but “overdraft” in BN’s bankability and stressed the party’s election machinery must work hard to regain public support. “Even though BN suffered a terrible defeat during the last general election with many parliamentary seats falling into the hands of the Opposition. “BN never gave up on winning back the people."

Selvaraj: Direct sales need to be standardised

George: Acts not implemented because of loopholes

"If consumers felt their rights were breached, this department would help address and help mediate such issues." National C onsumer Complaints Centre (NCCC)

senior manager Matheevani Marathandan said greater consumer awareness of the matter was needed. "Direct sales issues have been among top five com-

plaints we've received for years," she said. "Also, consumers are unable to differentiate between direct sales issues and the regular kind." She said the code of ethics should be regulated according to certain standards. Consumers Association of Subang Jaya and Shah Alam (Cassa) chairman Jacob George said while such acts looked good on paper, they were often not implemented because of various loopholes. "Governing bodies ought to analyse the industry and search for potential loopholes that enables companies to bypass the laws," he said.




Long waiting list for elective surgery By ANDREW SAGAYAM andrew@mmail.com.my

THE shortage of anesthesiologists and anesthetic medical officers have resulted in a long waiting lists for elective surgery in government hospitals. This caused a backlog in the number of patients waiting for surgery for various types of elective operations, ranging from hernia surgery to hip replacement. Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said a recent study showed the waiting time in hospitals nationwide remained a high 32 weeks compared to the ministry's standard requirement of 12 weeks. "From a recent survey, we found there were about 650 anesthesiologists which gave us a ratio of 1 anesthesiologist for 45,000 people," he said at the National Anesthesia Day 2011 Walkathon/Fun Run at Taman Titiwangsa yesterday. "This brings us to another startling ratio of anesthesiologists to surgeons here, which is 1:4 compared to 1:2 in other countries. This is far from the normal ratio in developed countries where one anesthesiologist to 10,000 people is normal. "We need to double the number of anesthesiologists. We have set a target of one anesthesiologist to 30,000, which is a modest target but we need to start somewhere. I hope we can reach the same ratio as developed countries within the next 10 years."


PR denies urban electorate as fixed deposit PAKATAN R akyat (PR) Federal Territory lawmakers in Kuala Lumpur have denied urban constituencies have become the Opposition's stronghold after 2008. T h e p a r l i a m e nt a r i a n s believe the electorate must not be taken for granted and admitted Barisan Nasional (BN) will go all-out to regain the seats in the upcoming snap polls, speculated to be early next year. Segambut DAP MP Lim Lip Eng said the 2008 results should not be used as backdrop for the 12th general election.

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani asrul@mmail.com.my

“It is possible for them to capture the seats. We cannot take Umno lightly. I always tell my party members to never take BN lightly because anything can happen in politics," he told The malay Mail. “Overnight, the vote can swing to the other side. The best preparation we can do is to do our best and not just give lip service. This is important because BN will come down hard this time and will use every resource

available." PKR Batu MP Chua Tian Chang said PR must work hard to inform the public to counter BN's election machinery. “I won’t dare to say it (federal territory seats) is fixed deposits because urban voters are very knowledgeable. So if the prime minister wants the seats back then he do something substantial,” he said. Tian said the PR was able to win in the last election because the public wanted

a proper check and balance in the country's administration. Lembah Pantai PKR lawmaker Nurul Izzah Anwar also stressed the seats wouldl be determined by issues and not a leader’s popularity. “The level of PR’s continued success hinges upon two key issues. Our promise to implement minimum wage and BN’s hesitance in do so immediately and the implementation of goods and services tax which is in the order of bills to be tabled in parliament but not addressed in BN’s budget,” she said.



Langkawi gets extended geopark status THE United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco) has given its approval to extend Langkawi's status as a geopark until 2015. Langkawi Development Authority (Lada) public relations officer Ramizi Hasan said the approval followed a review by two Unesco officers in July. He said the Langkawi geopark was declared by the Unesco Global Geopark Network as the 52nd geopark on June 1, 2007. "Many achievements have been recorded, including an increase in tourist arrivals since the declaration of the Langkawi geopark. We appreciate Unesco for the approval," he told Bernama.

Malaysian cheer for Ladakh kids A GROUP of Malaysians have proven that charity is borderless and colourblind. For almost a decade, Buddhist Gem Fellowship (BGF) members have been rendering aid for underprivileged children in remote Ladakh, a parched Himalayan mountainous region in Jammu and Kashmir, in northern India. Using funds, largely financed by a low-profile Malaysian woman philanthropist, they cheer up nearly 500 children leading a mundane life at monasteries and schools in the Leh Valley in Ladakh. Now, the solar water system provides hot water, underground water supply and irrigation systems to water vegetables and fruit trees in the arid land of the monasteries. "There is 24-hour hot water supply at eight buildings, even in winter," BGF member Charlie Chia Lui Meng, who had been spearheading these projects, told Bernama.

Assurance on foreign specialists HEALTH Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai has given an assurance that only qualified foreign specialists would be allowed to practise in the country, with the opening up of the healthcare sector. Stressing that the ministry was strict about the ruling, he said the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) would be responsible in ensuring that new foreign specialists employed in the country were qualified in their respective fields. The Malaysian Medical Association (MMA), which reportedly raised concerns over the government's move to liberalise the public health sector, could also have a say in the monitoring process since it had a representative in the MMC, he said.

The RM200 book voucher for students of higher learning institutions announced in the 2012 Budget is not redeemable for cash — Deputy Higher Education Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah ULU BERNAM

The Malay Mail Monday 10 OCTOBER, 2011

Deadly binge

Security guard comes home to find sister in shock and mum dead A SECURITY guard returned home yesterday only to find his little sister in a daze and pointing at a room. Inside, the 24-year-man found the badly swollen and bruised body of their 41-yearold mother on the bed. The son had, in fact, thought everything was fine the previous night after he stopped a row between his mother, 58-year-old father and aunt during a drinking bout before leaving the house for work. Police now have to rely on

By THASHA JAYAMANOGARAN thasha@mmail.com.my

the 11-year-old girl who may have witnessed the chain of events leading to the tragedy at the Wildlife Department staff quarters in Taman Golden Wood, Ulu Bernam. She has only opened up to her brother since. Hulu Selangor district C r i m i n a l Inv e s t i g at i o n Department chief ASP Mohd Yatim told The Malay Mail police had detained the hus-

band, an animal attendant with the department, and the deceased's sister for investigations. "The suspects and deceased were all highly intoxicated with alcohol during the incident. We are trying to glean information, not only from the suspects, but also the girl, to paint a clearer picture of what happened. "Based on initial investiga-


African's involvement in RM2.2m heist alarms police THE alleged involvement of an African national in a RM2.2 million security van heist in Ijok here last week has alarmed the police. A police source said the incident was believed to be the first time involving an African in an armed robbery here. Previously, they had mostly been involved in drug smuggling, money-laundering and cheating cases. In the incident at 9.45am on Thursday, five robbers overpowered the armoured van's four security guards and fled

By AIZAT SHARIF aizat@mmail.com.my

with the van and the RM2.2 million meant for reloading ATM machines. Kuala Selangor district police chief Supt Muhd Taib Ahmad said all four security guards, aged 19 to 30, had been remanded until today. "We have not ruled out the heist being an inside job," he said. "We have taken closedcircuit television (CCTV) footage from a nearby petrol

station for analysis." The torche d van was found at 10.25am the same day together with a Proton Perdana V6, believed to have been stolen and used by the robbers, near a banana plantation at Kampung Harmoni, about 1km from where the van was hijacked. Muhd Taib said the urine of one of the guards tested positive for methamphetamine (syabu). Police are looking for the five robbers, including the African.


Three killed while taking 'short cut' THREE orang asli men on two motorcycles took a quick route home but were killed in a headon collision with a car on the Damansara-Puchong Expressway (LDP) yesterday. They were heading towards Damansara Perdana from Bukit Lanjan when the accident, involving the two motorcycles and a Honda City, occurred about 3.45am, 300m from the Bukit Lanjan toll plaza. Selangor traffic commanding officer DSP Azmi Mansur said the motorcyclists were using the opposite lane as a shortcut to return to their home in Damansara Perdana. "The trio were thrown from their vehicles and were found sprawled on the road. The driver of the car was unhurt," he said. The dead were identified as

WRECKED: Police personnel inspect the car involved in the collision with the two motorcycles

Mazlan Relup, 34, and his brother and pillion rider, Ngah, 30, and Bah Juli Bah Muning, 29, who was on the other motorcycle. Mazlan and Ngah were from Kuala Lipis, Pahang, and Bah Juli was from Sungkai, Perak. Their remains were taken to University

Malaya Medical Centre for postmortem. It is learned the car driver, who is in his 20s, told police he was shocked to see two oncoming motorcycles in his path. The front of his car was badly damaged.

tion, we believe the argument was sparked by personal family disputes. "Preliminary investigation also revealed the deceased's face and other parts of her body were badly swollen and bruised." Police said the deceased was punched, kicked, and hit with a baton and sharp items to death. Before leaving the home on Saturday night, the son witnessed an argument between the three, but calmed things

down and left for work. When he returned yesterday at 7am, he saw his traumatised sister sitting in one corner of the hall. All she did was to point at a room where the deceased was found dead on the bed. When police arrived, the two suspects were asleep in two other rooms and they were arrested immediately. The body was sent to the Kuala Kubu Baru Hospital and the children are now temporarily staying with relatives.


DEADLY ESCAPE: The body of the suspected drug pusher being carried off by police

Man plunges to death while fleeing drug bust A SUSPECTED drug pusher fell to his death while trying to escape from the police from the seventh floor of a four-star hotel here yesterday. Police had raided the seventh-floor room at 9.25am following a tip-off, said South Klang district police chief ACP Mohamad Mat Yusop. He said said they arrested three suspects in the room. "This caused a fourth suspect in a connecting room to climb out of the bathroom window onto the ledge but he slipped and fell," he said. The body of the 39-year-old man was found sprawled on the second floor by a hotel employee. Police found several Esctasy pills and methamphetamine on the dead man. "The deceased had a car key and, from there, we dis-

covered 400 grams of heroin stashed inside his Proton Saga Aeroback at the hotel parking lot," said Mohamad. Police also seized an assortment of drugs, including Ecstasy and methamphetamine, from the suspects' hotel room. The arrested trio, aged 30 to 50, comprised an Indonesian woman, believed to be the dead man's girlfriend, and two men — a car workshop worker and a restaurant kitchen assistant. "We believe the gang had been distributing drugs in the Klang area for several months," said Mohamad. The case is being investigated under Section 39B of Dangerous Drug Act 1952, which carries a mandatory death sentence upon conviction.

More than half of all women do not know that menopause is associated with increased risk of heart diseases — Malaysian Menopause Society president Dr Liew Fah Onn

The Malay Mail Monday 10 OCTOBER, 2011


All in a day's work RTD, trafďŹ c police and City Hall conduct joint operation

By IKRAM ISMAIL ikram.ismail@mmail.com.my

SIXTY summonses were issued to traffic offenders yesterday as the Road Transport Department (RTD), Kuala Lumpur traffic police and City Hall conducted a joint operation at Bukit Bintang. The list of offences included running red lights, stopping in yellow boxes and not following the right arrows on the road. Some of those issued summonses needed their offences to be explained as they genuinely did not know, The Malay Mail observed. The operation, from 4pm to 5.30pm, comprised 30 RTD enforcement officers, 15 traffic cops and 10 traffic wardens from City Hall. RTD deputy director-general Datuk Ismail Ahmad, said the summonses issued were under Road

COMBINED FORCES: Officers from the traffic police, City Hall and RTD during the operation at Bukit Bintang

Transport Act 1987, with a maximum RM300 fine. "All offenders have 30 days to pay up, failing which they could be charged in court," he said.

"We have identified motorists' bad attitude in running red lights as the main reason for traffic congestion in KL. "Hopefully, issuing summonses

would instill awareness to follow traffic rules while driving or riding." Yesterday, the RTD issued 34 summonses while traffic police and City Hall each issued 14 and 12 summonses, respectively. Ismail said this was their first joint operation since they started their operations on Oct 1. "Since Oct 1 until yesterday, the RTD has issued 262 summonses to errant motorists in the city and operations will continue from time to time." He said of the total 289 deaths in their latest Ops Sikap, 176 or 60 per cent were motorcyclists. "Our operations also focus on motorcyclists, to decrease the number of deaths." Kuala Lumpur traffic police enforcement and operations chief DSP Ng Fook Long was also at the operation.



Council applies to issue summonses THE Shah Alam City Council is the latest local authority to apply for traffic police-like powers for its enforcement team. Road Transport Department deputy directorgeneral Datuk Ismail Ahmad confirmed receiving the application. "At the moment, we've only received a direct application from Shah Alam City Council, nothing from Petaling Jaya City Council," he said. "However, we will check with the Transport Ministry if PJ City Council had sent their application directly to them." When asked if Shah Alam's application will be approved, Ismail said approval power lies only with the ministry. On Oct 1, Kuala Lumpur City Hall became the first local authority to be given powers similar to those of traffic police. On Sept 29, it was reported PJ mayor Datuk Mohamad Roslan Sakiman had said the PJ City Council had made a similar application to the ministry in December last year. With such powers, traffic wardens from the council could issue summonses to motorists who commit traffic offences such as running red lights, stopping in yellow boxes and jumping queues, with fines up to a RM300 maximum. Traffic rules and regulations are implemented under the Road Transport Act 1987, Road Traffic Rules 1959 and Traffic Signs (Size, Colour and Type) Rules 1959.




We do not have an indicator on public response to environmental issues — Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Datuk Seri Douglas Uggah Embas on the Malaysia Environmental Performance Index

The Malay Mail Monday 10 OCTOBER, 2011

Living dice-y lives Rehab centre started by a former gambler offers help and support

By HAMZAH NAZARI news@mmail.com.my

PROBLEM gambling has adverse consequences not only for the individuals involved, but their families and society as a whole. Whether in debt for millions, lying to their spouses, living only on water, or having hot sambal splashed on their children, nothing could deter some people from gambling, David Chiang learned. A former gambling addict himself, Chiang decided to help people with gambling problems and opened the Gamblers Rehab C entre Malaysia (GRC) with an unnamed businessman, on Feb 21, 2003. Over the past eight years, the organisation has handled over 2,000 cases through stations in Penang, Kota Kinabalu, Johor,

BEATING THE HABIT: Rehab sessions are held twice a week at the GRC centre in Salak Selatan

and Singapore, and has sheltered 500 gambling addicts in four hostels in Kluang, Kuala Lumpur and Seremban. Chiang, who has stopped gambling for 18 years, started the organisation after one Pastor Dorcas Wong told him how gambling had led to

suicides and moneylending problems in the community. Together with a team of 25 volunteers, including Adam Woo, Tio Cheng Yew, Philip Chew and Isaac Yap — who credited the organisation with helping them get over their addiction — Chiang goes

CHIANG: Gambling not cultural or traditional thing

around giving talks and counsels those wanting to get back on their feet. He said one of the causes of gambling is assuming that it is cultural or traditional when it is just "plain bad habit". "If it was a cultural or traditional thing, we would be

passing out poker chips during festivals instead of money packets," he said. The GRC president said some heap praise on gamblers when they win and scold them when they lose, but do not think gambling itself is wrong. He said every gambling addict started out winning in a game of chance. The addictive, feel-good hormones (endorphins) released when winning a bet are similar to those felt when eating chocolate. "Gamblers often forget the many times they lose and only focus on the few times they win," he said. "They never realise how much money is wasted as most start with small amounts, building up as they go on." Chiang said the best method to fight addiction is to use multiple psychological thera-

Rehabilitated addicts tell their story FOUR men told The Malay Mail how they gambled for decades losing millions and the love and respect of their families because of their addiction. ● Philip Chew, a father of three from Perak, started gambling when he was seven years old. Now 35, this businessman was first exposed to gambling at home. Simple games slowly became a bad habit, eventually turning him into an addict for over 20 years. Chew said during this time, he could not stop; if he couldn't go to the casino, he'd buy lottery tickets. He even pawned his wife's jewellery to pay debtors and finance his habit. "I wasn't brave enough to steal from others, so I stole from her." When accumulated debts became so large he could not pay them off, he brought them to his wife. This drove his wife, who sold nasi lemak for a living, to a breaking point. "She threw hot sambal at me," he said. "The walls of our house became red, as if a money lender had splashed paint." In her rage, she had not realised that one of their children had been standing next to him.

HOW WE GAMBLED AND LOST: (From left) Chew, Woo, Yap and Tio are now reformed gamblers helping others kick the habit

"I'll never forget that my addiction caused her to lash out like that, or that my young child got hurt because of it." ● Since he was 15, Adam Woo of Kuala Lumpur gambled with his family during holiday get-togethers. Woo would bet on almost anything including football matches, horses and card games. But he felt best at a casino. "I felt like a big shot. I could bet on anything and nobody could tell me I should not," said the 40-year-old purchasing supervisor. When he won, he used the winnings to continue gambling or to pay off accumulated debts. When he lost, he would lie to his wife that he had won and give her a token of imaginary winnings, concealing his

real financial situation from her and their two children. However, as he continued the habit, he eventually accumulated thousands of ringgit in debt and maxed out four credit cards. ● Isaac Yap, a lorry driver in Kuala Lumpur, started gambling when he was 15. He used money he earned after quitting school and working with his father. He even managed to sneak into Genting Highlands casino when he was 17 because he looked matured. The father-of-two said he first started financing his habit using his salary, but after he started winning, he stopped working altogether. "How can one go back to work af ter w inning RM200,000 the day before?"

he said. When Yap started to lose, he began borrowing money from banks, family members and loan sharks. Like a typical gambler, if a loan was for RM5,000 and he already owed RM30,000, Yap would use the RM5,000 as capital to gamble more to try and win back the RM30,000. When the lenders and loan sharks threatened, Yap became a conman, saying anything he could, to get money from friends and strangers. One day, when he could not go home and face his family due to huge losses, Yap went to stay with a friend who was poor himself. "I could not eat for five days. The only thing I could do was drink water and think about snatching handbags and robbing people."

● Tio Cheng Yew of Johor, started gambling in his teens, at the age of 18, but for almost 25 years, the plantation owner moonlighted as a bookie and a loan shark who preyed on other gambling addicts. He hit rock bottom when he began using money collected from debtors to place bets, and buy alcohol. "I would collect the debts owed and go out almost every night to drink and gamble. I only stayed home if I had not received payments that day," said Tio, who has two children. He said his cohorts only realised what was happening when he was short by RM1.3 million. They tried to extort him. It was then he finally realised he was in serious trouble.

pies taught in critical thinking classes, backed with religious counselling. "Do not blame them, do not forsake them, and do not lend them money," he said, citing the three top mistakes family members make when trying to help addicts. Addicts can attend classes free, but a three-day-twonight special camp in Kluang costs RM180. Those opting to stay in the hostel have to pay RM400 a month. Chiang's organisation has managed to keep addicts from gambling for at least three months, with half of those attending dropping the habit altogether. GRC has treated male and female addicts aged between 16 and 73 years. Contact the GRC at 017-238 1900 or visit www.gamblerehab.org.

A way to break the habit

TIO'S brother knew there was a hostel provided by a rehab centre for gamblers. He took Tio to the GRC hostel where he stayed for three months. With no chance to gamble, Tio quit cold turkey and remained that way for nine months. He still prefers to let his wife handle the family money, though. Yap did not resort to robbery; instead he found a job.Two years ago, his wife of 15 years forced him to join the rehab centre. There, he realised he was an addict and quit gambling after a month. He also quit smoking and has been clean since. Woo tried many times to quit, till he heard on the radio one day about an organisation that could help addicts. He quit gambling a month after joining and has been clean for five years. Chew quit gambling after two weeks in rehab. He had been desperately looking for a cure when he read about GRC in the newspaper. He has remained clean for the past year. Tio and Woo are now debt free while Chew and Yap are paying off their debts on instalments. With their finances under control and families that are finally able to trust them, all four men say their lives have become meaningful since they stopped believing in luck.

The Malay Mail Monday 10 OCTOBER, 2011

Since it began in July, a total of 1,901 prescriptions have been delievered to patients — Deputy Health Minister Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin on the 1Malaysia Medicine By Post scheme


Real-time updates HomeGuru launches iPhone, iPad app for property agents

PROPERTY expert Ho m e G u r u . c o m . my h a s launched Malaysia’s first AgentNet app for iPhones and iPads, dedicated to providing connectivity for property agents on the go. Available free in Apple’s app store, the AgentNet app allows HomeGuru's real estate agents to advertise their listings, respond to enquiries from clients and update existing listings via iPhone or iPad while on the move. Additionally, iPad users can edit their profile details, access HomeGuru’s Property Wanted section for potential leads, as well as browse through and provide responses on HomeGuru’s Ask Guru forum. "We understand real estate agents need to constantly be on the move, thus we developed this app to provide

By FAIZAL NOR IZHAM faizal.nor@mmail.com.my

them access to the HomeGuru database," said HomeGuru Country Manager Steven Tan. "It will enable them to easily stay updated with real-time listings, even if they're out meeting clients or managing property viewings." Malaysia's first mobile app for real estate agents is simple to use and comes with a comprehensive step-by-step guide, he added. While allowing agents to upload listings immediately upon receipt of approval from sellers, an additional feature allows them to take photographs via their iPhone or iPad camera and can be uploaded immediately to the online database. The app's launch is among

iREAL ESTATE: HomeGuru launches Malaysia's first AgentNet app for iPhones and iPads

PropertyGuru Group network’s technological innovations initiatives, and an extension of the app's provision in Singapore last August, which received the SiTF Merit Award 2011 for Mobile Application. PropertyGuru Group CEO

Steve Melhuish said: "The launch is part of our ongoing efforts to create tools for our real estate agents, be it in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand or Indonesia, to have the convenience of accessing our database no matter where they are."




RM1m for paintball event A total of RM1million was raised for the upcoming Paintball World Cup Asia Langkawi 2011 (WCA 2011) during a fundraising dinner on Sept 26. Organised by AKR Events Sdn Bhd, the largest tournament in Asia is scheduled for Nov 10 to 13 in Langkawi. WCA 2011 chairman Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid said the tournament has attracted over 150 teams from more than 30 countries. "Hopefully, this event will cement its status as the ultimate paintball event in Asia,” he said during the dinner, graced by the

Sultan of Kedah, Sultan Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah and WCA 2011 royal patron Datuk Seri Tunku Intan Safinaz Sultan Abdul Halim. AKR Events CEO Syed Mohd Johan Rizal said a special announcement had be made naming the new title sponsor, Tradewinds Corporation Berhad. WCA 2011 is supported by Yayasan Sultanah Bahiyah Foundation (YSB), a charitable organisation. Teams can register at registration@palseries.org. Find out more at www.paintballworldcupasia.com. IT WORKS: Sultan Abdul Halim examining a paintball gun at the dinner. Beside him are Tunku Intan Safinaz and Mahdzir (partly hidden)


The Malay Mail Monday 10 OCTOBER, 2011


tel:03-7495 1000/1001/1002 tel:019-261 4948 (after 9pm)

your right to be heard ● Complainants have to submit their personal particulars and provide a detailed account of their complaint. ● Complainants have to first file their complaints with the respective parties before contacting Hotline. ● Complaints referred by Hotline to the relevant parties would be published if there is no response in seven days. ● After a complaint has been resolved, the complainant cannot demand non-publication of the matter.

In 'cold' blood


National Blood Bank sorry for donor being 'turned away', vows better PR skill for staff CHENG of Cyberjaya was at the Ampang Point Shopping Complex on Sept 9 about 10.45am for an 11.30am appointment when he came across a National Blood Centre mobile collection counter. "I remembered reading in the newspapers that hospitals are experiencing a blood supply shortage.'' Since he had nothing to do while waiting for the ap-

pointment, CHENG decided to donate his blood. A National Blood Bank staff then told him the procedure would take 20 to 30 minutes. "I agreed and informed the staff about my appointment.'' When CHENG asked for an application form, he claims he got a "cold" reply and an apology from the staff nurse who said the drive would only start at 11am.

''When I looked at my wristwatch, it was already 10.57am! I then looked at her and walked away." CHENG questions if hospitals desperately need blood to save lives, why are the staff turning away potential donors. "The staff could have informed me on the spot that the drive would only begin at 11am."

● THE National Blood Bank's director, Dr Roshida Hassan, says following the complaint, an investigation was conducted, in which all personnel involved at the mobile collection centre on that day were interviewed. "After analysing all the facts and explanations given, we concluded there involved a lack of good communication by our staff. "We apologise for the in-

convenience caused to the complainant this incident has caused you.'' Dr Roshida says the personnel involved has been reminded to respond to all blood donors appropriately and politely. Other preventive and corrective measures, she adds, include continuous monitoring, and implementing more communication and soft skills training.

"We will constantly strive to improve our services to blood donors to make each and every donation a pleasant experience, and hope this isolated incident will not deter you from donating blood in the future." When contacted, CHENG says he is satisfied with the explanation given and hopes the National Blood Bank will keep its word in ensuring such a behavior does not recur.

Roadside parking squeeze ANDREW LIM of Petaling Jaya is tired of weaving through traffic whenever he is passing through Jalan SS3/59 as cars are parked on both sides of the narrow yellow-lined road. "To make matters worse, there is a breakfast-only eatery at the end of the road which attracts many customers." ANDREW says apart from the restaurant clients, he believes Light Rail Transit commuters also park their vehicles along the road as there is a station nearby at Taman Bahagia. "This is because the road is only congested during of-

TAKE NOTE 1. Illegal parking and traffic obstruction are causing congestion along Jalan Sepadu, off Jalan Klang Lama, Kuala Lumpur. Close to 680 motorists have been compounded for the first six months of this year. 2. Parks are meant for recreational purposes. Motorcyclists and cyclists who intrude into jogging tracks risk a RM500 fine by the Kajang Municipal Council. 3. Those caught littering in Kuala Lumpur will be fined RM500 by City Hall.

fice hours and it is clear after 5pm," he says. "On top of that, there are no offices here as it is a residential area." ● Petaling Jaya City Council public relations officer Zainun Zakaria says the local authority is aware of the matter. "Our enforcement officers are there daily to compound illegally parked cars, but the owners probably come after our personnel leave the area. "We will take further enforcement action now to try and overcome the problem."

Online comments www.mmail.com.my No car, no refund (Oct 7) ● THE company should pay double to the complainant. It is unfair to only return the deposit. Why? If we pay a deposit and cancel our order, most company would say the deposit is non-refundable. Report the matter to the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry. — Calvin Sia Shattered safety (Oct 6) ● WHAT is the use of having security guards when thefts still occur during the day and vehicles go missing? It shows the security firm and its employees are not performing efficiently. The guards should

question visitors and retain their driving licences, and note the units they plan to visit, so that they can refer to their log book and trace the visitors should any untoward incident happens. The security firm and the building management should be held responsible for any vehicle break-in and theft. They cannot simply blame the residents, and should take full responsibility and tighten security measures to ensure such incidents do not happen in future. — Shaktiman 'Missing' bus hassle (Oct 6) ● DO you know why this unpleasant episode happened

to you? The bus operators and the terminal staff think alike, in that commuters are a poor and uneducated lot. We take the bus because we cannot afford a car! — Anonymous Not-so-happy birthday (Oct 5) ● IF I were the shop owner, I would surely reprimand the staff for this embarrassing incident. Apologising alone is not enough, and the owner must do something to improve service and train the staff. — Anonymous Leaking for 10 years (Sept 25)

● I THINK there must be something seriously wrong if, indeed, the leak stems from the fault of the apartment's management who has not fixed a leaking roof problem for the past 10 years. Why are people paying maintenance fees then? This is a common problem faced by residents living in highrise buildings these days. The monthly fee is paid to the condominium or apartment management, but where does the money go? The management will only start doing something when it is the time of the year to elect new Joint Management Body members. Local councils' Commissioner

of Buildings should take note and do something to such problems. — Chin SY Payment woes (Sept 19) ● THE least the shopping management could do is to install parking fee payment machines within the shopping mall. How are people suppose to leave if it is raining heavily? They would be forced to pay more in parking fees as they need to wait for the rain to stop before being able to leave. This mall has been around for a long time and people enjoy visiting it due to the many weekend attractions. — Anon

The Malay Mail Monday 10 octoBER, 2011

Eleven Chinese were killed and two missing after their cargo boats were attacked in the golden triangle area of the Mekong River, Chinese State media said yesterday — AFP


Blasts injure 11

Home-made bombs rip through Philippines motel, cock-fighting arena TWO powerful explosions believed to be from homemade bombs ripped through a motel and a cock-fighting arena in the southern Philippines yesterday, wounding 11 people, police said. The first explosion at noon tore through the ground floor of the two-storey Red Palm inn in Zamboanga, a port city in the troubled southern island of Mindanao, where Islamist militants operate. "It was a huge explosion. Six of my friends were injured and taken away for medical help after a wall fell on them after the explosion," said hotel guest and witness Roland Teofilo, who escaped unharmed. "I believe the blast happened below our room." Police suspect the explosion was caused by a bomb, said local

commander Superintendent Arthur Larudis, but no group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. As bomb experts sifted through the hotel's damaged ground floor, Larudis said another explosion hit an arena that hosted cock fights nearby. Police initially reported two people were injured in that blast but city emergency workers later said five people were hurt. Mayor Celso Lobregat said the attacks happened as the majority Catholic residents of Zamboanga prepared to host a week-long festival honouring the city's patron saint. "These are very unfortunate incidents. These are despicable and condemnable acts," Lobregat said. — AFP



Sexting teens turn criminals HUNDREDS of teenagers have been charged over producing or distributing child pornography amid growing concern that "sexting" has reached epidemic levels. In the past three years, more than 450 child pornography charges have been laid against youths between the ages of 10 and 17 in Australia, including 113 charges of "making child exploitation material", reports the Sunday Mail. Teens who engage in sexting not only risk child pornography charges but can also be listed alongside serial paedophiles and rapists on sexual offenders lists.

China celebrates 1911 Revolution

SHATTERED GLASS: Police and military investigators inspecting the blast site inside the San Roque cock-fighting arena yesterday — AFPpic



McCartney weds US heiress in third marriage FORMER Beatle Paul McCartney married for the third time yesterday, tying the knot with New York heiress Nancy Shevell at the same London venue where he married his first wife. McCartney and Shevell were showered with flower confetti by a small group of friends and family after the civil ceremony at Westminster Register Office. The low-key ceremony, which was due to be followed by a party at McCartney's north London home. McCartney, 69, and his 51-year-old bride have been dating for four years and announced their engagement in May. As they emerged from the register office, McCartney held up his new wife's hand to loud cheers from the hundreds of well-wishers outside. Asked how he felt, he told reporters: "Terrific, thank you. I feel married. I feel absolutely wonderful." Despite the pressures of dating one of the world's most famous musicians, Shevell has largely kept out of the spotlight. Questioned about her relationship by the New York Observer ahead of the wedding, she expressed surprise at the public interest. "It’s just not that intriguing," Shevell said. "Not like his last marriage, which was really intriguing. "I’m over 50. I work. That's it. I haven't been social and I have a small group of girlfriends. There really isn’t much to talk about." Shevell is heir to her father's trucking business, New England Motor Freight, where she is a vice-president. — AFP


Deadly Thai floods close factories NEARLY 200 factories, including one run by Japanese car maker Honda Motor Co Ltd, closed in the central Thai province of Ayutthaya because of flooding, which could threaten Bangkok this week, officials said yesterday. About 261 people have died since late July in flood-related incidents, the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department said. Some 2.3 million people have been affected in the worst flooding to hit parts of Thailand in 50 years, mainly in the centre, north and northeast. "All 198 factories at Rojana have to be closed because the water is

about 5.1 metres high," Industry Minister Wannarat Channukul said. Bangkok Governor Sukhumbhand Paribatra said in a statement the authorities were preparing an evacuation plan to move people from affected areas if floods hit the capital. Some riverside areas have already suffered minor flooding but the level of the Chao Phraya River could rise sharply from Oct 15-18 when a large amount of water will reach the area from the north, where dams are close to overflowing, at a time of high sea tides. — Reuters


Fat maths: Rich = marriage material

ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE: McCartney and his new wife being showered by flower petals as they leave the registry office yesterday — AFPpic

ATTRACTIVE women do not mind overweight men as long as their wallets are fat, according to a new — albeit obvious — study by a New York academic. A C olumbia University researcher created a mathematical formula to calculate the exact trade-off between billfold and belt-size that both men and women make in choosing their partner, reports NewsCore. According to economist PierreAndre Chiappori, single people looking to get hitched rate each other's eligibility by assessing physical and socioeconomic attractiveness.

Both men and women prefer slim, wealthy spouses to poor, fat mates, according to data collected from 667 white American couples. But according to Chiappori's formula, men compensate for flab with cold, hard cash, while women make up for an extra layer of pudge with an extra year of education. For every 10 per cent increase in their body mass index, single men must increase their annual salary by two per cent to compete in the same dating pool, according to Chiappori's working paper, Fatter Attraction.

CHINA held a grand ceremony to commemorate the centennial anniversary of the 1911 Revolution, which terminated 2,000 years of imperial rule, yesterday morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The 1911 Revolution, or Xinhai Revolution, which began on Oct 10, 1911, with an armed uprising, ended one of the longest autocratic rule in the world established by Emperor Qinshihuang in 221 BC by toppling the Qing Dynasty and resulting in a republican government, the first in Asia, reports China Daily.

Stewart was a sincere student ACTRESS Kristen Stewart (pic) says she was a sincere student in school and used to get worried if she couldn't complete her homework on time. "I was such a rule follower at school. I loved the whole slacker look, like, 'Hey, I don't care or whatever,' but if I didn't turn my homework in, I would panic," Stewart told GQ magazine. "My teachers became a problem. They didn't want to do the extra work or put packages together so I could keep up while I was away. They failed me. My teachers failed me. Not one but all of them."

Jackson's kids at memorial gig MICHAEL JACKSON'S three children helped 40,000 fans honour the late pop legend as the Michael Forever show in Wales overcame a troubled build up to end on a high note. There had been doubts over whether the tribute show would go ahead after months of controversy but the presence of Prince, 14, Paris, 13, and nine-year-old Blanket along with star line-up ensured a celebratory atmosphere. The three children wore outfits inspired by different periods of their father's career. — AFP

10 lifestyle

By Karina Foo karina@mmail.com.my IT is October and if you are somewhere in Europe, the month could be an excuse to have that extra pint of beer. Alas, you’re in Kuala Lumpur but if the day becomes frantic, you can go ahead and say, “To beer with it!” Yes, getting a little happy with moderate amounts of alcohol can reduce stress and there are a number of places that might just help you unwind. However, if you feel like being “on the other side of the world” within familiar grounds, round up your friends and try the comfortable and relaxed atmosphere at German pub, Berlin Biergarten. It might just be the place for you to hang out and think, “Hey, life’s pretty good!” The bar is decorated with an array of selected beer bottles and you don’t have to look anywhere else for authentic German beer and food. Located on the first floor of the swanky Soho KL of Solaris Mont Kiara, the pub is unlike any other as patrons can have their drinks and dine Al Fresco style on elevated tables while taking in the view of one of KL’s hottest hangout spots. The business was founded in 2009 by three relatives, K. Vijayendran (Vijay), Dr Kunalan and Dr Loganathan, who were enamoured of Germany and its culture and they wanted to showcase what they loved best to Malaysians. “We thought we’d take a risk and start out own pub business a few years ago and we’re happy to say that the pub is doing quite well now with some regular patrons who are a good mix of locals and expatriates,” said Vijay, who’s a civil engineer by day

The Malay Mail Monday 10 OCTOBER, 2011

Oktoberfest, anyone?

but also a 24-7 beer expert. The Beer “People come here for our special brew of German beers like Paulaner, Hacker Pschorr and Turns & Taxis. Although these beers have their own distinct taste, German beer is smoother and because it has more malt in it, there’s a pleasant sweet after taste,” he said. When the pub first opened, customers asked for the famous Belgian Hoegaarden beer and soon enough, this German pub also started serving Belgian beer. Who knew! The Food Berlin Biergarten isn’t just a pub where the only thing you can do is drink and be merry because there’s a menu too, offering a great selection of mouth-watering German cuisine. “We have all sorts of meat like pork, chicken and lamb because we want to cater to all palates. And as you know, German food is about the Bratwurst (sausages) and we have them in all sorts,” said Vijay. This writer feasted on the Farmer’s Bratwurst (RM28) and the meat was very well cooked while the fine sauces gave the dish its character. Together with carefully-sliced succulent tomatoes, that put a nice finishing touch to it. Pork lovers will like this place as there are pork knuckles, roast ribs, pork chops and pork burgers galore. But if you’re not an obligate carnivore, Berlin Biergarten also serves a vegetarian range like Caeser Salad (request for no chicken), creamy soups and vegetable pastas. To complete the ultimate German meal, Vijay recommends that every guest try their special German Scotch Eggs to complement a good German beer in hand and a Bratwurst dish. The mains are priced between RM25 to RM45 each. Oktoberfest at Berlin Biergarten As Rihana said in her song, Cheers to the Freakin’ Weekend, you can

WILD ROSES: One of the performing groups celebrate it at Berlin Biergarten by revelling in its Oktoberfest promotions from Oct 13 to15. Enjoy German beers: Paulaner, Hacker Pschorr and Turns & Taxis priced at RM25 for 500ml and RM16 for 330ml and a special Oktoberfest beer going for RM25 per pint. Hoegaarden will be available at RM18 per bottle and RM85 per bucket. The other all-time favourites like Heineken and Guinness will be priced at RM45 for three pints and a mug of Tiger can be had for only RM9. It doesn’t stop there, as Berlin Biergarten will also be featuring their Beer of the Month from Germany. Even if you’re not much of a beer drinker, or prefer to have a good mix of drinks, the pub also serves its regular and extensive selection of

liquers, cocktails, shooters and mocktails. Even the food will have special Oktoberfest promotions, but you’ll have to make your way down to Berlin Biergarten to find out how you can treat yourself! As an extra treat, you can purchase Oktoberfest vouchers for RM45 (worth RM50) from Berlin Biergarten and look forward to special gift sets and giveaways during the celebration.

The Entertainment Of course, where there are drinks and delicious food, there must be great music and you’ll enjoy exactly that every night at Berlin Biergarten. Regular performers at the pub would be an all-ladies group called Wild Roses who will entertain with their repertoire of hits from the 60s to the 90s. The band members are Angie Pereira (vocalist), Michelle David (keyboardist and vocalist) and Lesley Pereira (vocalist) and have been compared to the likes of The Supremes and Pointer Sisters. Request any song — be it jazz, Latin, rock, blues, country or pop — and they’ll perform it with voice, heart and a whole lot of soul. “The name Wild Roses symbolises who we are as we are the roses in this wild and thorny world,” mused Angie who has a deep and husky

voice, not unlike Tina Turner. Wild Roses starts perfuming from 9.30pm every night. For more live music Psytrus and the Third Party will provide extra sounds on Friday nights apart from other bands that will also be performing. Berlin Biergarten opens daily from 4pm till late. The location is Lot J-01-04, Solaris Mont Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur. For reservations and inquiries, call 03-6203-0958. Or visit their Facebook page at http:// www.facebook.com/profile. php?id=100002964031434

Flavoursome ales pack a punch Beer lovers had a taste of heaven when the country’s first beer café, Craft Brews introduced a range of imported craft beer, Rogue. The range packs a punch from the amalgamation of flavours of the traditional Mom Hefeweizen (a Belgian drink that’s an unfiltered fusion of wheat and barley malts, topped with coriander and ginger), and the spicier Brutal IPA and OREgasmic Ale. The Rogue range was showcased in a fine selection of eight beers: four from the tap and four by the bottle. Among the selection, were Chocolate Stout, Mocha Porter, and Hazelnut Brown Nectar. Unique to the range was also Juniper

Pale Ale and can be considered the beer lover’s equivalent to gin and tonic, or Dead Guy Ale — the drink of the living and dead — (“Would you like a spirit to go with that, sir?”). The launch of Rogue was only the beginning for Craft Brews, as the company plans to introduce more of the range in due time. Customers can expect to see some new items on the menu later this year and they include Somer Orange Honey Ale, Chipotle Ale, and Morimoto Black Obi Soba. “Craft Brews’ name suggests craft beer. This type of beer is known for its natural flavours as it avoids using filters, thickeners and artificial flavours to enhance one’s beer drinking experience. Our

DIFFERENT: Craft beer is the new wine mission is to allow Malaysians to fully understand and enjoy a great beer drinking experience. "At the same time, we want our customers to try the best of what is available in the world of beer and show that beer is not just a bitter drink, but that it has evolved into one that offers plenty of flavours,” explained Paul Khong, the business owner of Craft Brews. So while beer is the new wine, nothing can replace food and Craft Brews also boasts a generous and impressive selection of starters and mains to complement their beer. This is not the place for you

if you’re on a diet as there will be items like caramelised pork ribs, deep fried egg plant chips, bacon and batter and honey mustard ribs to name a few. But if you do insist on counting calories, there’s always salad and well, water! Craft Brews opens daily from 12pm to late. It’s located at G3 Podium, Ground Floor, Menara KLK, 1 Jalan PJU 7/6, Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. For reservations, 03-7722-3000. Find Craft Brews on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ CraftBrews and on Twitter (@ CraftBrews). — By Karina Foo

lifestyle 11

The Malay Mail Monday 10 october, 2011


On set with 'The Descendant' Pix and story by Loong Wai Ting waiting@mmail.com.my

The final set-up

how to play Sudoku X is a simple variation of Sudoku with the only difference being the squares in white (which make up the numeral X) need to tally from 1 to 9 along with the remaining coloured squares.

CLIFFHANGER: A shot of the action in Kajang straints. It was very tiring, but I am satisfied with the outcome," she said. "And now I can't even feel my pinky... Still, it was quite fun. You don't get to do this everyday." In another memorable scene, Goh said she was caught offguard and fell on a pile of dog excrement. "The smell was horrible, Thinking back, however, it was funny because I didn't notice where I had 'landed' until I saw flies buzzing," she laughed. "And then a friend of mine called and asked if I would like to go for a drink after work, but I politely refused. All I wanted was to get back home and shower." Most of the intense scenes required Goh to shout and scream. In fact, she had been shouting non-stop for two days and her voice had begun to sound like Anita Mui's. Filming was put on hold earlier in the day due to heavy rain and a slippery slope. First on the scene was local actor Frederick Lee who delivered a great performance despite not having his co-star on the set! Truly a professional,

Lee gave 100 per cent and even asked the crew for tips while pitching in his own ideas. Now, if only all that has been

seen would lead to another successful TV series. The Descendant will be aired on ntv7 soon. Stay tuned.

Siti Nurhaliza gives all her love SHE is an icon and remains the nation's reigning pop queen in the last 16 illustrious years of her career. Datuk Siti Nurhaliza, who has a trophy cabinet packed with the numerous awards she has collected and a legion of adoring fans here and abroad, also has her hands on a variety of ventures including music production as well as her own line of cosmetics and skincare. Has she slowed down at all since her marriage? Not at all. The enterprising pop star does not believe in resting on her

laurels and has gone on to release her most ambitious project yet — her debut English album, All Your Love. Spearheaded by What's Up Entertainment founder and director Adib Khalid, Siti's album was the result of the confidence in not just her abilities, but also the strength of her brand. The cost of the album was rumoured to be somewhere in the region of RM400,000 although both Siti and Adib were reluctant to reveal the real figures when asked by The Malay Mail.There were, however, no denials, either. Still, if indeed the price tag WHOLEHEARTED EFFORT: The proves true – it's not too rialbum is diculous a figure considering dedicated the album boasts names such to her fans, as Richard Furch, a seasoned friends and mix engineer with Grammyfamily award winning credits for acts that include Prince, Outkast, Macy Gray, Usher and Whitney Houston amongst many others, as well as mastering engineer Eddie Schreyer who was involved in works with established names such as Lady Gaga and Kanya West to just name a couple. The album consists of 10 ten songs and claims to showcase the diverse sound and style of Siti Nurhaliza but targetted for the international market. "I have had many albums before in my life but this is the ultimate project that I have been looking forward to. To have my own full English al-

Friday'S solution

Fans of locally-made dramas, prepare yourself for another production that might get you glued to the idiot box. Apparently the new show is saucy, with that in-your-face storyline as well as top-notch acting. You might already be a fan of The Iron Lady — a locallyproduced drama by ntv7, that had received good reviews for its realistic storyline and convincing acting. That success was followed by another roller-coaster ride, thanks to Age of Glory I & II but now there's a new offering — a mega production to boot — titled The Descendant produced by Juita Entertainment. Shooting of the new drama began last week at various locations around Kuala Lumpur with this writer being invited to witness the shooting of one of the finale scenes at Bandar Sungai Long, Kajang. In the emotionally-charged takes, two local ah jies (big sisters) — Yeo Yann Yann and Debbie Goh — had to act while strapped high up against the edge of a rocky hill and risked hurting themselves. Moreover, they were tied up for a rather long period of time. To make the scene work, the two put in their best efforts and as a result, suffered cuts and muscle cramps. "Most of our injuries were from the wireworks," said Goh while proudly showing off her scars and bruises. "This might be one of the toughest jobs I have ever had to take on as there were both physical and emotional con-

bum is like a dream come true. The title of the album, All Your Love is a dedication to all my fans, friends and family who have blessed me with all their love over the years," said Siti. The first single Falling In Love, is a modern pop tune with an uptempo beat that bears hints of the singer’s signature sound. Siti said she took singing in English as a challenge after her numerous releases in Bahasa Malaysia, and aims to change things up and push the boundaries in creating a new experience for her fans. "I cannot be doing the same thing again and again. I mean honestly how long more can I go on releasing Malay albums in my life. Once in a while we need changes in our life and I'm all set for it." Still she said that a little bit of luck was needed for her latest outing. "I believe in luck. An album might have the most perfect sound but if luck is not on your side, the album will still not go anywhere." Adib however appears to have a secure strategy in marketing and promoting the album to the rest of the world. He said they were aiming to release it in the immediate Asian region initially, before exploring possibilities elsewhere. With Australian Bryan B. as the producer, Adib said he saw a possibility of penetrating the music market down under.

"Especially with the number of Malaysian students, and community in all major cities in Australia, it's definitely an option." As the stepson of the pop diva, Adib feels there was no obstacle in getting things done. "I do not interfere with the way she performs during recording, I let the creative people handle that. I also believe that it is only natural for Siti to move on to the next phase of her career and she's definitely going to do that with this English album. Besides that, I personally have witnessed her enthusiasm and passion working on this album and all I can say is, she really works hard for it and she deserves all of this," Adib said. Siti, who is looking forward to a warm reception for the album shared her hopes that the issues surrounding the eligibility criteria for the upcoming 18th Anugerah Industri Muzik will be solved. "I hope there will be changes in the future of our music industry. The truth is, music does not have any boundary and if we are narrow minded, our industry will get stuck in the same era and will not progress. "We need to look further on, be open and more flexible about it in the existing regulations. Our music is expanding and we should learn more from the expertise of those who have already it." — By Che'AZ

12 lifestyle

One ‘hack’ of a problem

Hear, Say

By JOE LEE joelee@mmail.com.my

twitter @klubbkiddkl

LAST week, we heard that the management of Hot FM filed a police report when their official and affiliated social media accounts were hacked into. The radio station declared it had never, ever posted anything negative on its Facebook and Twitter accounts, and defended the online integrity of their presenters too. But then, Hot FM has been a target of a spate of cyberattacks beginning with its Facebook

account since May, which was quickly followed by a succession of attacks on its on-air team’s accounts up to last week. The latest attack has been the scariest yet as the cyberthugs posted mobile cellphone numbers, bank account numbers, copies of identification cards and driving licences and addresses of private residences of local personalities and celebrities. And this was not an isolated case.

Of weddings and sideshows COMEDIAN Nabil’s wedding might have taken place last week, but the gripes and grouses are still resounding. Many unhappy guests said it was a badly-run event — they even ran out of food midway — while many more were visibly upset by the antics of Amyza Adnan, Didie Alias and Jep of Sepah. They cringed at how loud the trio were, and how their banter was unbecoming of an event like this. Moreover, the content of their chatter was thought

to be highly inappropriate. All we have to say is this: Local celebrity weddings have turned into three-ring circuses complete with accompanying sideshow in the effort to satisfy sponsor commitments for media headlines. The Norman Hakim and Memey Suhaiza union also went down the same road. Wouldn’t it be nice, at least in the public’s eye, if they didn’t try so hard to

outdo each other? It’s your big day — why not make it that, and not something that ends up like a funfair. How we long for simple, meaningful ceremonies that pride themselves on being honest and heartfelt. Less is more, remember?

Many local celebrities have been targets too. Initially, people dismissed this as juvenile fun as some of these hackers would have the “decency” to “return” the accounts to their rightful owners after successfully breaking into the stars’ accounts. This year alone has seen many hapless victims of this nature. Perhaps where there is a breach of security of this nature, the authorities should apply more stringent actions. After all, so-

cial media networking is getting more important by the day. And to all the celebrities, personalities, individuals and organisations affected, a simple change of password on a regular basis would render one less predictable. Also, do not click on unknown email links as these may be “phishing” attempts to gain access to email accounts which, invariably, are often connected to social media networks.

Life imitating art A PRODUCER and director shared with us an account of how an actress got on the wrong side of people while on a pilgrimage to Mekah for the umrah. Apparently, the actress, along with the rest of the cast and production crew of a TV drama who were travelling alongside the pilgrims, rubbed more than a few people the wrong way. It began with her deciding to take a nap on the flight after a meal. As she lowered her seat, an elderly man seated behind her had the contents of his drink spilled all over him as the sudden bump jolted

everything off the tray. Instead of apologising, she merely turned behind to survey the damage, and remarked that she wanted to sleep. Snide comments erupted and it led to the rest of the pilgrims disallowing the cast and crew from getting on the tour bus upon arrival, notwithstanding the fact that everybody was all a part of the same entourage. The travel agent was at a loss but the producer identified the problem and settled it. But that however, is not what we’re highlighting. Rather, it was the ingenuity of the producer who immediately worked the incident into the script, and even got the irate pilgrims to be part of the shoot. How’s that for creativity!

Not a d HAS Erra Fazira’s protégé gone off the deep end? Word has it that Salma, the champion of the fifth season of Mentor is acting like a little diva and even her mentor Erra Fazira is not too happy with the attitude of the newcomer.

Mawi's c goes com

AS Akademi Fantasia’s season eight champion Shahir turns to devotional music, season three senior Mawi goes commercial with pop rock. We heard the latter’s next studio effort and it can be labelled as a comeback of sorts after having been

If role gets on, clothes go off NUPTIALS OF THE YEAR: Nabil's (left) and Norman and Memey's ceremonies got tongues wagging

LAST week, we shared about how controversial producer Raja Azmi had her sights set on Sam of rock band, Bunkface to star in her latest effort Anak Ikan. She also mentioned how the lead in the feature film would be required to do some nude scenes. The latest we heard was that Sam is keen on the

role — IF, he said, the script was right for him. It turns out the rocker has a soft spot for acting, a secret he has kept so far. Sam however did not comment on whether he would be willing to go ahead with the nude scenes should he find Anak Ikan worthy of being his acting debut.

Attention-seeker vows to change THIS newcomer actress has been in the limelight for all the wrong reasons. From being a husband/ boyfriend-stealer to an attention-seeker, she has played this strange game of starting rumours about herself, and then

playing the victim in the media — obviously for publicity and column inches. Anyway, her ploy appears to have worked as the actress is getting attention from producers who mistake this publicity glare for popularity.

A couple of producers however have sat down with her and told her off, as they are concerned about her future since she actually possesses talent. And the actress has vowed to turn over a new leaf. Let’s see if she keeps her word,

The Malay Mail Monday 10 OCTOBER, 2011


Charming famous five WESTLIFE: Still going strong

They came, they sang and they conquered ATTITUDE: Salma (left) is beginning to bother Erra Fazira

diva yet

ENTERTAINING: (Clockwise from left) Tsui, Chen, Ng, Tse and Wu made it an evening to remember

We don’t know exactly what the complaints are, but if the rumours are indeed true, we do hope Salma, who’s still a little wet behind the ears, will wise up and not be seen as many seem to see her now.

comeback mmercial

missing from the charts for the longest time. With Mawi’s popularity — once the stuff of legends that had many turning green with envy — now a shadow of its glory days, perhaps this is a strategy of sorts for the singer to make a comeback after a lacklustre attempt to go into TV production. MAWI: New strategy

IT was probably one of the best nights ever when five TVB artistes gathered under the same roof and brought down the house at the Be Charmed Live in Malaysia 2011 concert, held at the Arena of Stars, Genting Highlands. Known as 'The Famous Five' — Michael Tse, Ron Ng, Kate Tsui, Fala Chen and Myolie Wu, went all out and delivered. The show moved at an amazing pace, driven by the artistes known for their roles in popular television series like Lives of Omission, Rosy Business and Ghetto Justice. Fans showed their love for their idols, displaying colourful and eye-catching placards that emblazoned their idols' names. Among the five, Wu excelled in her singing routine, and that caught everyone by surprise. Her take on Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You was surprisingly good, especially when she hit the high notes without a problem. Wu, who wore a red dazzling

dress, shone throughout the song, displaying clear diction and excellent voice control. If her acting career does not work out, the actress certainly has something to fall back on now. For Tse, better known as Laughing Gor (the name of his character in Lives of Omission), his singing was okay compared with his other compatriots but the actor really excelled when he showed off his ballroom dancing skills. He danced with Tsui and instantly caught the audience's attention. Tse might not have been a great singer but his stage presence was strong and commanding. His fiery dance with Tsui, who has always been associated with her sexy and sultry demeanour ,got fans so excited, they got to their feet and danced along. That evening, Tsui, who was uncharacteristically calm and friendly, invited a male fan to join her on stage for a short

duet. The fan, who arrived from Guangzhou the previous day was elated as they sang Little Dimple, a song originally sung by Charlene Choi and JJ Lin. Of the five, Ng was the most introverted. As the last to take the stage, he showed his flair and experience, while showcasing his vocal talent. Though shy, the actor with the boyish good looks certainly had his charms. Chengdu-born Chen was the opposite of Ng and she was clearly all fired-up to please her fans, even if it meant singing songs in both Cantonese and Mandarin. A native Mandarin speaker, Chen's excellent command of the language shone when she sang. Although she started her segment a little shakily, she rose to the occasion as the night progressed. The concert, which also marked the tour's first stop, met all expectations and set the bar high for the next few stops to come. — By


THE Westlife Gravity Tour Live in Kuala Lumpur 2011 at Putra Indo Stadium in Bukit Jalil last Friday night was indeed a blast! For fans, it was a trip down memory lane as the Irish lads mesmerised them with hits after hits including Flying Without Wings, You Raise Me Up, Uptown Girl, My Love, and a couple more from their new album, Gravity. There were those who even experienced a sudden surge of emotion and ended up shedding tears, as the boyband gave an energetic and fun performance. But for one particular couple from Kuala Lumpur, it was a night they would remember for the rest of their lives. Just as the band was heating up the stage, the couple was invited on-stage. As soon as both of them were seated, the guy got down on one knee and proposed to his girlfriend with a ring he had carried with him in his pocket. It was an unexpected drama that got fans screaming their lungs out. As soon as she said "yes!" the band broke into a congratulatory mood, hugging and shaking hands with the young couple. And fans, together with the band dedicated a short but meaning song, My Love to both of them. The Westlife boys - Shane Filan, Nicky Byrne, Kian Egan and Mark Feehily showed how tight they were as a team. They even

engaged the crowd to a sing-along session and recorded the "live action" on their mobile phones and video camera, which they later posted on their Twitter accounts. For the boys, it did not take them long to find their momentum and they interacted well with their fans of 14 years. "It has been a great 14 years, and we thank our fans, who has been supporting us for all these years," said one of the lads. For die-hard fans, there was certainly no word to contain the excitement. It was also interesting to see how Westlife had transformed themselves as a band and a brand over the years. Gravity is yet another step in their evolution. However, there was an awkward moment when Westlife tried to breakaway from their traditional clean-cut image and attempted Lady Gaga's Bad Romance. Still, love was all around for all of them as they did a mix of songs from their old and new albums, as well as covers from various singers including Coldplay, Michael Buble and Chris Daughtry. It was also amazing to note that no matter how many times the band has come to Malaysia, the reception has always remained warm. — By


Still crazy after all these years THEY did it once in 1984 and did it again last weekend! After 27 years, Sweet Charity and Blues Gang teamed up for a second time and their music was heard loud and clear at the Konsert 2 Raksasa at Stadium Merdeka recently. It is amazing to note that most

members of both bands are now pushing 60, but yet, they still had what it took to put those half, or even one third their age to shame! Both bands still rocked after all these years in a non-stop three hour concert. About 8,000 people flooded the

SWEET CHARITY: Driving the heat further — Pic SHAREZA SHAFIEE

stadium, and as expected, most of the fanatic fans who turned up were mainly over 40. There were younger ones who came and they were scattered around the stadium banging and bobbing their heads along to the music. It was an interesting sight, as

most fans were also garbed in 80’s look! Some had to be pushed in wheelchairs! Blues Gang kicked off the first set, and the first hour saw the band amazingly working the crowd. Blues Gang drove the crowd crazy as the "dads and granddads" became kids again standing and dancing on their seats. Ito was as how we remembered him. The free spirit was still apparent and his energy and charisma were infectious as he bailed one song after another non-stop. His trademark harmonica was always at hand to embellish his performance. Nope, Blues Gang did not over do it. Everything was just nice, yet highly-charged. Among the compulsory songs were Malaya Blues, Apo Nak Dikato, Oh Mama

BLUES GANG: Doing their thing Saya Mahu Kahwin, Mak Siti, Cinta Oh Cinta, Perempuan and Khatulistiwa. When Sweet Charity came on, the crowd was already hungry for more. The lead singer, Papa Rock Ramli Sarip thrilled the crowd with his husky trademark voice. His aura was undeniable, although many might have noticed Ramli running out of breath at times. But even when he sounded like he was talking, the crowd was having too much fun to bother with these minor issues.

Sweet Charity continued to rock the audience with almost 20 songs that night. Among of the favourites were Zakiah, Kamelia, Raja Kumbang, Jangan LamaLama, Rock N Roll, Bagaikan Bermimpi, Teratai, Datang dan Pergi and Seribu Wajah. For the fans of both bands, it was truly a night to remember. As for Blues Gang and Sweet Charity, they are living legends and are a testimony to great music, passion and showmanship. — By



the malay mail

Monday 10 OCTOBER, 2011

MONday 10 OCTOBER, 2011

the malay mail




the malay mail

Monday 10 OCTOBER, 2011

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Monday 10 OCTOBER, 2011 M430

Business opportunities

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Articles wanted

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A MEDICAL TOURISM CO. (MIDVALLEY, KL) Requires experienced Telemarketers & Sales consultant. Training provided . Basic RM3,000 & commission. Pls call ERIC 0162619132 OR 603-22881669. Interested call after 11 am daily.

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FACTORY SUPERVISORS NEEDED. Able to speak & write in English. Knowledge in production planning, managing workers. Experience in the manufacturing environment. Experience in operating semi automatic machines would be an added advantage. Able to work overtime & on weekends if required. Interested, please call Penny at 03-5519 9888

GENERAL CLERK Urgently required in Kepong. Exp. in UBS inventory Contact: Mr. Ando 017-981 9759

ADMIN & ACCOUNT CLERK, Sales Exec, General Workers & Lorry Driver required at Cheras. Please contact:: 03-9223 0037 An established Company at Jalan Ipoh seeks LORRY DRIVER Requirements:Familiar with Klang Valley. With experience at least 1 year. Capable to carry heavy goods. Willing to work long hours. Interested candidates kindly call 03-6257 7860

the malay mail

GENERAL WORKER & TECHNICIAN urgently needed. No:53, Jalan USJ 2/2M, 47630, Subang Jaya. Selangor. Pls call: 010-513 9439 (Mr.Lim)

ONLINE EDUCATION BUSINESS. We are looking for business partners to expand our market share. The only e-learning portal endorsed by the Ministry of Education. Huge market potential (Std 1 to Form 5). Pioneer & leader in e-learning. Low start-up capital. High income return. SMS your particulars <NAME> SPACE <AGE> SPACE <OCCUPATION> SPACE <AREA> to 012-3776739

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I don't care to be honest about what he said, the only thing I care about is what he did — Felipe Massa on his clash with Lewis Hamilton

The Malay Mail Monday 10 OCTOBER, 2011



Pat on the back Fellow F1 pilots laud Vettel's success

SEBASTIAN VETTEL'S rivals showered the Red Bull driver with praise after he became the youngest double world champion in Formula 1 history at the Japanese Grand Prix yesterday. "It was perfection. It's a fantastic achievement. We all knew he was going to do it and it was a perfect season," McLaren's Lewis Hamilton told BBC Sport. Hamilton's teammate Jenson Button described the flamboyant German as "phenomenal" while Ferrari's Fernando Alonso was equally effusive. Vettel, 24, finished third yesterday to wrap up the title with four races to spare. Vettel has dominated the season from start to finish, winning nine of 15 races and taking 12 pole positions to stand 114 points clear of Button in second place. "Sebastian this year has been phenomenal and he totally deserves the world championship here," said Button, whose victory at Suzuka continued his


DOMO ARIGATO: Vettel bows to his teammates as he celebrates clinching the 2011 driver's world championship title at the pit — AFP photo

strong finish to the season. "He has been given the equipment to do a good job — and you need that — but he has delivered and he hasn't really made any mistakes this year. "He has been very quick in

qualifying and he has been on the podium in every race except one. His worst position is a fourth — how many drivers would dream to get a fourth? He is at the top of his game." Alonso, who held off a chal-

lenge from Vettel to come second yesterday, knows his team have their work cut out to close the gap on Red Bull. "The championship of Sebastian and Red Bull has been supreme with no mis-

takes and dominant victories all through the season," he said. "He drove perfectly in all races and qualifying in all conditions, wet or dry, and he's a good world champion. "We know that we need to improve a lot to be at the levels they were this year." Team Lotus driver Heikki Kovalainen, who won the 2008 Hungarian Grand Prix, tweeted his congratulations to Vettel. "On way to Tokyo, great race today really enjoyed it! Congrats Vettel well deserved champion!" he wrote. After becoming the sport's youngest back-to-back champion, Vettel emerged as the most likely candidate to chase down fellow German Michael Schumacher's record haul of seven world titles. "I'm very excited for him, he's the youngest double world champion," said Mercedes GP driver Schumacher. "I feel very excited and happy for him."

Champion's hometown fizzes with joy

SEBASTIAN VETTEL'S hometown erupted with joy yesterday as the young German, as expected, retained his Formula 1 world title after finishing third in the Japanese Grand Prix. Around 1,500 residents set off fireworks, broke open

champagne and yelped with joy in a car sales courtyard as the 24-year-old cantered to the title with four races remaining to become the youngest driver to successfully defend his title. "The atmosphere was simply marvellous even if it was a little

bit tense as one never knows what could happen during a race," beamed Alex Moller, president of Vettel's first fan club. "There is a good chance he will come and celebrate his title with us next week, even before the end of the season."

Vettel, winner of 19 Grands Prix and who also has 33 podium finishes in just 77 races, was greeted by 10,000 adoring fans at the town's Exhibition Park — renamed "Vettelsheim" — when he returned with the title last year. Nearly 1,000 diehard sup-

porters had congregated an hour before the race even began in Suzuka to watch the race unfold on a giant screen. However, they had to wait to buy the "2011 world champion" T-shirts printed by Vettel's family, who were loath to tempt fate. — AFP


Real challenge begins for KLHC

By VIJHAY VICK vijhayvick@mmail.com.my

IT was mere formality for KL Hockey Club (KLHC) as they wrapped up the Malaysia Hockey League (MHL) title. However, club manager George Koshy believes the players will have to be more alert as the knockout stage for the overall title will be a different challenge altogether. "Teams will be relying more on strategies and will be more competitive as they have nothing to lose," said George. "I don't think the overall title is in the bag. We will have to keep working hard. We should win the quarterfinal but the semifinal could be tricky." KLHC meet SSTMIThunderbolt in the quarterfi-

TOOTH AND NAIL: Mohd Faizal Daud (on turf) tussling with Tengku Ahmad Tajuddin yesterday — Pic: Razak Ghazali

nal and, should they progress, would play either Maybank and UniKL in the semifinal. The club is cautiously waiting to see if they will have to play Maybank, who George regards

as their bogey team. KLHC completed their league fixtures in style when they thumped Sapura 5-1 at the National Hockey Stadium in Bukit Jalil yesterday.

Not only did they retain their league title, they also finished the season without dropping a single point and had a goal difference of +33. Along with the title and bragging rights, KLHC took home RM60,000 in prize money. "I'm glad that the players performed well knowing the title was already in the bag. In fact, I think today was our best game all season," added George. KLHC's goals were scored by Mohd Fitri Saari (27th minute), Muhammad Razi Abd Rahim (41st), Tengku Ahmad Tajuddin Abd Jalil (45th), Ismail Abu (61st) and Muhammad Amerullah Abd Aziz (65th). Sapura's sole goal was scored by penalty corner specialist S. Kuhan in the 57th minute.

results YNS Maybank UniKL Sapura

0 7 4 1

UiTM Nur Insafi Forces KLHC

0 4 2 5


Wednesday Quarterfinal first-leg Maybank v UniKL KLHC v SSTMI-Thunderbolt Sapura v Nur Insafi Penang TNB v YNS


KLHC Sapura TNB Maybank UniKL YNS Nur Insafi UiTM Forces

P 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

W D L F A Pts 7 0 0 45 12 24 6 0 1 25 14 18 5 1 2 26 8 16 4 1 3 23 16 13 2 4 2 19 22 10 3 1 4 12 21 10 2 1 5 18 33 7 0 3 5 7 27 3 0 1 7 11 33 1

Seladang go for shutout at Shah Alam By Haresh Deol haresh@mmail.com.my

PERAK are determined to frustrate Selangor at Shah Alam Stadium tonight (8.45pm) by stopping the Red Giants from getting anywhere near their penalty area. So says Perak's seasoned defender Chan Wing Hoong, who is certainly upbeat about the clash. "I think we're capable of stopping their strikers. We have great chemistry among us defenders and this will help us a lot," he said. Wing Hoong will have the support from Khairi Zainuddin, Hazrul Mustafa and Hishamuddin Sha'ari to form the defensive wall while Kamarul Effandi Ab d u l R a h i m w i l l b e entrusted to man the goalposts. However, the Seladang will be missing five key players, including striker Akmal Rizal Rakhli, who are still serving suspensions handed by the FA of Malaysia (FAM) for allegedly "abusing" a referee. Meanwhile, Selangor's rough start to their Malaysia Cup campaign saw the departure of coach K. Devan. This will be P. Maniam's third match since taking over Devan's role. "S elangor may have t h e a d v a nt a g e i n t h e form of experience. They have played and won the Malaysia Cup many times," said Wing Hoong. "Our aim in Shah Alam is to not allow Selangor to score any goals. We will have another opportunity in Ipoh and that will be another 90 minutes... a different ball game altogether." The other interesting clash of the night is the east coast derby between Terengganu and Kelantan.

FIXTURES QUATERFINALS First-leg Selangor v Perak (Shah Alam Stadium, 8.45pm) Felda United v Negri Sembilan (PJ Stadium, 8.15pm) Terengganu v Kelantan (Sultan Ismail Nasiruddin Shah Stadium, 8.45pm) Sabah v T-Team (Likas Stadium, 8.15pm)

The Malay Mail Monday 10 OCTOBER, 2011

Acting chief executive of the English Rugby Football Union Martyn Thomas insists there is no chance he will quit in the aftermath of his country's disappointing exit from the World Cup — AFP

WELLINGTON: rugby/ world cup

Pocock swagger




Boks' colourful coach de Villiers quits

Wallabies flanker plays key role in success over champions Boks

AUSTRALIA head coach Robbie Deans praised the immense performance of David Pocock, after the instrumental flanker assisted the team in securing a 11-9 win over champions South Africa yesterday. Pocock struggled with a back injury earlier in the tournament, missing the games with Ireland and the United States before making a tryscoring return in the rout of Russia last Saturday. The 23-year-old was at his devastating best against the Springboks yesterday, dominating the breakdown and putting in relentless hits in defence. "He was immense," said Deans. "Pocock's game was remarkable, and it was bigger than he got credit for. The world is blessed with some very good snafflers at the moment, and no doubt people will be looking forward to next week, to that end. "What you saw out there was the most experienced World Cup side in the world (South Africa) really turn the screws on the youngest. So, our boys came of age in terms of the way they accepted that challenge and stood up to it. We saw an epic World

aussie rules: Pocock runs with the ball in wet and windy conditions at the Captain's Run — AFP photo

Cup encounter. Different, but that's what makes this game what it is." The Wallabies will now take on bitter rivals New Zealand in the semifinal on Sunday. Australia captain James Horwill admitted his side had been under the cosh for long periods yesterday but he praised his team's character and resilience. "Not everything went our

way and we put ourselves under a lot of pressure. But one thing you can't teach or train is effort and commitment from the group," he said. "Every member of our team showed a hell of a lot of both of those. We feel we got the result we deserved on the back of a massive effort from the whole group. Moving forward that is what it's going

to take." Horwill scored the only try of a full blooded, but often dour, contest, with James O'Connor booting two penalties and Morne Steyn slotting two penalties and dropping a goal for the Springboks. But the South Africans were left to rue several missed opportunities as they struggled to get to grips with New Zealand referee Bryce Lawrence's interpretation at the breakdown, and Wallabies openside flanker Pocock flourished. "Quarterfinals, semifinals, finals, you have got to take your chances. It didn't go our way, we didn't take all our chances," said South Africa coach Peter De Villiers. "The guys are quiet. We never expected this, so it was not a good mood in the changing room." Assessing his seven years as Springboks captain, John Smit, who is retiring from the Test arena, said: "It is a sad occasion. You never prepare for how it ends because you want it to be a fairytale, you want it to be a final, but it hasn't worked out that way. It would be silly to take that seven years and judge it by what happened today."


Tributes for All Blacks centurion Muliaina TRIBUTES have poured in for Mils Muliaina (pic) after the fullback became the second man to reach 100 caps for New Zealand. Muliaina guided the team from his familiar position during the first-half of their 33-10 win over fighting Argentina in the quarterfinals yesterday before leaving the field at half-time. Muliaina took his Test bow for the All Blacks against England back in 2003 and after skipper Richie McCaw reached the milestone against France a fortnight ago, Muliaina followed in his footsteps. Former All Blacks international and current New Zealand RU president Bryan Williams paid tribute to his fellow Samoan New Zealander. "I am delighted that Mils has achieved this honour. He has worn the All Blacks jersey with pride and commitment since making his

debut in Wellington many years ago. He is an outstanding person, popular both in New Zealand and his birth nation of Samoa," Williams said. NZRU board chairman Mike Eagle said to become an All Blacks centurion is a phenomenal accomplishment. "To achieve it in a Rugby World Cup quarterfinal on home soil is a momentous milestone, made even more special as it is at a ground that has witnessed many outstanding performances from Mils," he said. Meanwhile, New Zealand head coach Graham Henry was still a pleased man after seeing his side overcome the Pumas in an unconvincing performance. Tries from Kieran Read and Brad Thorn, seven Piri Weepu penalties and an Aaron Cruden conversion earned the All Blacks the win which set up a last

four clash with Australia. But the scoreline was not a true reflection of the match as the All Blacks struggled to break down the resilient Pumas, who scored through Julio Farias' converted try and a Marcelo Bosch penalty. The All Blacks began the tournament as favourites to end their 24-year wait for World Cup glory, but the Wallabies, Wales and France will have seen little to fear at Eden Park on Sunday. Four years ago, New Zealand were upset in the last eight by France, but now they are in the last four and within 80 minutes of a place in the final on home soil. Asked if he was happy with the per formance, Henry said: "Very happy. I've never been to a semifinal before. It's amazing, great. I was pleased with the game. I thought it was a tough old game of football and I thought both sides

played well. "I was pleased with the composure of our fellas. They were under a lot of pressure at times and kept their heads. Quarterfinals are always tough games. I'm sure we'll be better for that particular game." Argentina finished third in the 2007 tournament in France, but the World Cup careers of the likes of Mario Ledesma, Rodrigo Roncero and Felipe Contepomi are now at an end.

mission accomplished: De Villiers breaks the news after his team's quarterfinal loss to Australia in Wellington — AFP photo

SOUTH AFRICA head coach Peter de Villiers confirmed his team's 11-9 defeat by Australia in the quarterfinal yesterday will be his last match in charge. After almost four years at the helm, de Villiers said he always wanted to do his best in the job and that is how he wants to be remembered. "It was a brilliant journey, something that none of you guys (the media) can take away from me. There's a time to come and a time to go. So I think the journey for me is over," he said. For such a polarising figure his record as South Africa coach reads well. Since taking over on Jan 1, 2008 he has been in charge for 48 matches — recording 30 wins and 18 defeats — making him the fourth most successful coach in Springboks' history by win percentage. His biggest triumph was the 2-1 series victory over the touring British and Irish Lions team in 2009, and he also led the team to the Tri Nations title that year. Outgoing South Africa captain John Smit said despite his unique leadership style, the team had an enormous amount of respect for de Villiers. "As much as the pain flows through the heart right now, the other thing that was said in the changing room by many a guy was that we have had a great four years together and that had been pioneered by Peter,"

results QUARTERFINALS SATURDAY Ireland 10 Wales 22 England 12 France 19 YESTERDAY South Africa 9 Australia 11 Argentina 10 New Zealand 33

FIXTURES SEMIFINALS SATURDAY Wales v France (4pm) SUNDAY Australia v New Zealand (4pm)

said Smit. "Not the usual mould of coach that any of us have been used to, but one that we have thoroughly enjoyed over the four years. He's been a great man and he's helped us enjoy these four years and it's disappointing to end it like this." South Africa's defeat by Australia is a difficult way for de Villiers to end his tenure. In typically colourful fashion, he described the feeling in the Springboks changing room as "three notches lower than a funeral". But such disappointment will not linger long for de Villiers, according to Smit. "His saying from the day he started and, I suppose when he wakes up tomorrow, is that even the bad days are good," said Smit.





GROUP A Germany 9 Belgium 9 Turkey 9 Austria 9 Azerbaijan 9 Kazakhstan 9 GROUP B Russia 9 Ireland 9 Armenia 9 Slovakia 9 Macedonia 9 Andorra 9 GROUP C Italy 9 Estonia 10 Serbia 9 Slovenia 9 N. Ireland 9 Faroe I. 10 GROUP D France 9 Bosnia 9 Belarus 10 Romania 9 Albania 9 L'bourg 10 GROUP E Holland 9 Sweden 9 Hungary 9 Finland 9 Moldova 9 San Marino 9 GROUP F Greece 9 Croatia 9 Israel 9 Latvia 9 Georgia 9 Malta 9 GROUP G England 8 Montenegro 7 Switzerland 7 Wales 7 Bulgaria 7 GROUP H Portugal 7 Denmark 7 Norway 7 Iceland 8 Cyprus 7 GROUP I Spain 7 Scotland 7 Czech R. 7 Lithuania 7 L'tenstein 8

Ireland captain Robbie Keane has been given only a slim chance of recovering from a sore abductor muscle in time to face Armenia on Wednesday — AFP

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Only human

Terry defends Rooney, hopes striker won't be labeled a villain ENGLAND skipper John Terry pleaded for striker Wayne Rooney not to be made "public enemy No 1" over his sending-off in Montenegro on Saturday. Terry insists England would not be where they are without Rooney's contribution after qualification for the Euro 2012 finals was secured with the 2-2 draw in Podgorica. Rooney will miss the start of the finals in Poland and Ukraine, though, after his red card for a challenge on Miodrag Dzudovic in the 73rd minute. It was his second dismissal in an England shirt following his sending-off against Portugal during the 2006 World Cup. "It was one of those things. We probably wouldn't be in the position we are without Wayne anyway. So it was one of those things and it did not cost us (in terms of qualification)," said Terry. "Unfortunately, he misses one or two games when we get there, but without Wayne we wouldn't be where we are. He has been in great form and we got the right result. "Were Montenegro trying to wind him up? There were little bits throughout the park but I don't think that had anything to do with it." Having booked their place at next summer's tournament, Terry is optimistic his men will be better prepared than

RESULTS SATURDAY GROUP I Liechtenstein 0 Scotland 1 FRIDAY GROUP A Azerbaijan 1 Austria 4 Turkey 1 Germany 3 Belgium 4 Kazakhstan 1 GROUP B Armenia 4 Macedonia 1 Slovakia 0 Russia 1 Andorra 0 Ireland 2 GROUP C N. Ireland 1 Estonia 2 Serbia 1 Italy 1 GROUP D Bosnia 5 Luxembourg 0 Romania 2 Belarus 2 France 3 Albania 0 GROUP E Finland 1 Sweden 2 Holland 1 Moldova 0 GROUP F Latvia 2 Malta 0 Greece 2 Croatia 0 GROUP G Wales 2 Switzerland 0 Montenegro 2 England 2 GROUP H Cyprus 1 Denmark 4 Portugal 5 Iceland 3 GROUP I Czech Republic 0 Spain 2


COME ON, REF: Terry (centre) looks on as Rooney (right) is given a red card — AFP photo

they were for the World Cup last year. "We all made mistakes when we were in South Africa. That doesn't give us the God-given right because we can correct things off the pitch, to go there and win it," said Terry. "We still have to go there and put in the hard work but we learn from where we went wrong in the World Cup. But we are there and we've got a few games until that time anyway." Terry also believes England's current crop of young players

Berdych, Radwanska triumph

CZECH Tomas B erdych fought back from a set down to overcome Croatia's Marin Cilic 3-6, 6-4, 6-1 in the final of the China Open yesterday, winning his first title in more than two years. In the women's f inal, Poland's Agnieszka Radwanska won a titanic battle with Germany's Andrea Petkovic 7-5, 0-6, 6-4, taking two hours and 32 minutes. B erdych's victor y lifts him above Frenchman Jo-Wilfried Tsonga to No 7 in the world rankings, and gives the Czech valuable points towards one of the eight berths in the seasonending World Tour Finals OH! THANK GOD: Radwanska drops to her knees at the net after in London. Berdych, seeded third, winning her match — AFP photo

The Malay Mail Monday 10 OCTOBER, 2011

was playing in his first final of the season after losing in six semis. The win gave the player, who lost in the 2010 Wimbledon final to Rafael Nadal, his first ATP title since Munich in 2009. "Winning this title really means a lot to me," he said. "After 29 months, it's been quite a long time, so I'm happy that I could break this up." Radwanska, who also won a week ago in Tokyo, takes over provisional eighth place for the WTA season-ending event later in the month in Istanbul. Petkovic stands in ninth, just outside contention. It was Radwanska's 45th win this season and third 2011 title. — AFP

can challenge for places in the starting line-up next summer. Manchester United defender Phil Jones made his debut on Friday, and Terry was impressed. "I can see some of the lads pushing for places at the finals. It gives everyone encouragement, not only the ones in this squad of Phil Jones and Danny Welbeck but the ones just below them, the likes of Daniel Sturridge and people like that," said Terry. "They believe they can make a real push for this European

Championship squad as well. It is not only the ones in there now, it is the generation behind them who can make an impact. I thought Jones did really well. He looks established and as if he has been there in the side for many years. He has looked like that playing for United so I wasn't really surprised. "But to come onto this stage, and on a difficult pitch as well, and in difficult surroundings, I felt he dealt with it extremely well," said the Chelsea centreback.

WEDNESDAY GROUP A Kazakhstan v Austria (12am) Germany v Belgium (1am) Turkey v Azerbaijan (1am) GROUP B Ireland v Armenia (1.45am) Macedonia v Slovakia (1.45am) Russia v Andorra (1.45am) GROUP C Italy v Northern Ireland (2.45am) Slovenia v Serbia (2.45am) GROUP D Albania v Romania (3am) France v Bosnia (3am) GROUP E Hungary v Finland (2am) Moldova v San Marino (2am) Sweden v Holland (2am) GROUP F Croatia v Latvia (1am) Georgia v Greece (1am) Malta v Israel (1am) GROUP G Bulgaria v Wales (2.05am) Switzerland v Montenegro (2.15am) GROUP H Denmark v Portugal (2.15am) Norway v Cyprus (2.15am) GROUP I Lithuania v Czech R. (2.15am) Spain v Scotland (2.15am)


Osvaldo hits out at 'plastic Italian' jibes ITALY forward Pablo Osvaldo has hit back at right-wing politicians who accused him of being a "plastic Italian". The Argentine-born Roma striker looks set to make his Italy debut against Northern Ireland in Pescara on Wednesday having received his first call-up for the national team by coach Cesare Prandelli. He would have made his debut against Serbia in Belgrade on Friday, but an injury to midfielder Claudio Marchisio forced Prandelli to change his plans on his final substitution. But since being called-up, Osvaldo has come under fire from some Lega Nord (Northern League) politicians who claim he shouldn't be allowed to represent the country. However, Osvaldo was quick

to point out that the Lega Nord want to split from the rest of Italy and set up an independent country, called Padania, in the Po Valley. "From what I know, they also criticise players from the south and I'm more Italian than those who are creating issues because I wear the blue shirt (of Italy)," said the 25-year-old, referring to the fact that some Lega Nord politicians proudly claim not to support Italy at international competitions. Osvaldo, who came to Italy when he turned 20 in 2006, represented Italy at U-21 level due to Italian heritage. He has spent four of the last five years in Italy and is loyal to his adopted country. "I feel Italian. My family is Argentine but my wife and children are Italian and it's here that I grew as a footballer,"

he said. "I sung the national anthem when I was in the U-21 team so for me it won't be a problem to sing it again, and I don't think that would be a lack of respect for anyone either. "I think Italians would like that." Osvaldo started his career at Huracan before moving to Atalanta in Serie B in January 2006. After just three appearances he went to Lecce for a season, also in Serie B, before making his Serie A bow with Fiorentina, under Prandelli. He then joined Bologna and a year later went to Espanyol in Spain for 18 months before heading for Roma at the beginning of this season. He has now scored in his last three matches after initially starting on the bench. — AFP

Liverpool goalkeeper Pepe Reina admits he was keen to join Arsenal last year before the Anfield hierarchy stepped in to block the move — AFP

The Malay Mail Monday 10 OCTOBER, 2011

RESULTS Uruguay Ecuador Argentina Peru

FRIDAY 4 Bolivia 2 Venezuela 4 Chile 2 Paraguay



fixtures WEDNESDAY Bolivia v Colombia (4am) Chile v Peru (6.45am) Paraguay v Uruguay (6.45am) Venezuela v Argentina (8.50am) (All matches in Malaysian time)

Standings P W D L F A Pts Argentina 1 1 0 0 4 1 3 Uruguay 1 1 0 0 4 2 3 Ecuado 1 1 0 0 2 0 3 Peru 1 1 0 0 2 0 3 Colombia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bolivia 1 0 0 1 2 4 0 Paraguay 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 Venezuela 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 Chile 1 0 0 1 1 4 0 Note: Top four teams qualify for World Cup. Fifth-placed to be involed in playoff with a team from Asia


Ferguson happy with boring wins

MANCHESTER UNITED boss Sir Alex Ferguson insists he would not mind his boys to repeatedly win with a 1-0 scoreline, rather than producing nailbiting results. "Let me tell you, I’d be quite happy winning every game 1-0," Ferguson told The Sunday Express. "We’re playing a wee bit open, that’s for sure, both in the league and in European games. We are very attack-minded at the moment, but we have to be tight at the back." The Red Devils have already scored 24 goals in seven games in the Premier League this season, conceding just five goals in the process. Despite being at the top of the table at the moment – albeit on goal difference – the Scot wants his defence to put in better performances, and expects that more clean sheets will materialise as young defenders gain experience. "The defenders we have been using this season are young, remember, so they are going to get better as the campaign goes on," he concluded. — Agencies

Prolific Falcao dropped by Colombia ATLETICO MADRID'S goal machine Radamel Falcao is set to be benched in favour of Teofilo Gutierrez for Colombia's opening match against Bolivia in La Paz on Wednesday (4am). Newly-hired coach Leonel Alvarez is planning to start his reign by dropping the 25-yearold Falcao for the Racing Club striker, although the former assistant insists it is purely a tactical change and not one to brew headlines prior to his managerial debut. "Teofilo gives us ball pos-

session. Bolivia will want to swarm over the field so we need to hold the ball in order to maintain our oxygen levels," Alvarez told Ole. "The previous selections have been as forward-thinking as ever, but we ended up losing," said the 46-year-old. "I aspire Colombia to play a good game but also one which is concentrated, where we dig out the result first and then add more later." Gutierrez, 26, has 12 caps with five goals to show. Falcao, on the other hand, has scored

nine goals from 34 matches. Falcao has also scored five goals for Atletico in Primera Liga since joining the Madrid club from Porto in the last transfer window. Alvarez then discussed matters on the field and reflected on Colombia's task of picking up three points in La Paz — renowned for its highaltitude. "We will take precautions, and we must remain focused for 90 minutes because we will need to attack at times," he said.

"It will be a typical game, in terms of the height, but that difficulty will also be posed to all the other teams, and we are prepared for the demands." The Colombians will also be without midfielder Gio Moreno, who is suffering from a knee injury, for the match at Hernando Siles. The Bolivians, after that 4-2 away defeat to Uruguay in their opening match last Friday, are out to bounce back and this means Colombia can expect some trying moments from the hosts.


Mr Perfect Higuain enjoying his scoring prowess

REAL MADRID and Argentina striker Gonzalo Higuain is overjoyed with his display for both club and country in the last week. The 23-year-old helped Real move up to third in Primera Liga by scoring three goals in their 4-0 win at Espanyol on Oct 2. Then just six days later, Higuain picked up another hattrick and assisted Lionel Messi as Argentina thrashed Chile 4-1 in a 2014 World Cup qualifier in Buenos Aires last Friday. "You can say this was a perfect week," Higuain told told AS. "I am very happy with how things have turned out. "But more than happy with my goals, I am happy with Argentina's victory against tough opponents such as Chile." After such an impressive start to the qualifying campaign, Higuain said he hopes the team will be able to stay on the winning trail.

PERFECT WEEK: Higuain scored six goals in a week — AFP photo

"It was good to get off on the right foot. "It was important to begin the road to the World Cup with a victory, and doing

it with this result was even better," said Higuain. "We could have scored more goals, but we are very happy with our display. We

have to continue like this to get what we want." The three goals he scored ag ai nst C h i l e has s e e n Higuain, or El Pipita, bringing his tally for Argentina to 12 from 19 matches. Higuain then heaped praise on Barca wizard Messi, saying: "It is impossible to play badly alongside him. We are lucky that he plays for us, we got along well. It is a pleasure to play with him, because everything makes much more sense." The good news for Argentina coach Alejandro Sabella and fans is that Higuain and Messi has formed a lethal combination upfront. The two strikers are set to be fielded by Sabella again when Argentina play away to Venezuela on Wednesday (8.50am) where they hope to get another three points. The Venezuelans were defeated 2-0 by Ecuador in their opening match last Friday.


Van Persie keeps mum on future

ARSENAL'S Dutch skipper Robin van Persie is rumoured to be considering an offer to extend his stay at the Emirates, but refused to discuss the issue, preferring to concentrate on his side's current fortunes. "I am not going to make any statements about my future. Not now, not for a while," Van Persie told the Sunday Mirror. "I've been at Arsenal eight years and that is quite extraor-

dinary these days, which is why I treasure this. What my future will bring, nobody knows. I can understand people are curious, but I am just dedicated to everything at Arsenal right now." Van Persie also backed the Gunners to turn their season around and has vowed to quickly forget the disappointing derby loss to Tottenham. "I have every trust in the things we are doing within the

club," he added. "There is only a fine line between winning and losing. Just look at our last match against Spurs. We could have won that game with the chances we had. There is no need for anyone to panic." The Emirates side currently sits 15th in the Premier League and trail league leaders Manchester United by 12 points after losing 2-1 at White Hart Lane last week. Van Persie remains confi-


dent that things will improve in the near future and insists ever yone should remain calm. "Our start is not good," the Dutchman continued. "I would have felt better if we had won the derby. We didn't and right now there is a negative feeling. But I assure you, it is not all that negative. It is up to us, players and staff, to sort it out on the pitch." — Agencies


English clubs sniff out Dzagoev ARSENAL have joined Premier League rivals Manchester City and Tottenham in making checks on CSKA Moscow starlet Alan Dzagoev. He is seen as one of Russian football's most exciting prospects, but despite the league growing and CSKA playing in the Champions League this term, the 21-yearold has consistently been linked with moves away. Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich reportedly asked his staff to step up their scouting of Dzagoev last year, but a dip in form and question marks over his attitude put off any potential suitors. However, the former Krylia Sovetov midfielder is back to his best, and was watched by Arsenal's European scout Jurgen Kost in last week's Champions League defeat against Inter Milan, where he scored a stunning free-kick.


City lead chase for Shaqiri MANCHESTER CITY led a host of Premier League clubs in sending scouts to watch FC Basel youngster Xherdan Shaqiri in Switzerland's Euro 2012 qualifier against Wales. Kosovo-born Shaqiri has been regarded as a top prospect since the age of 15, but question marks over his physique, attitude and consistency have meant he is yet to seal a move from Swiss outfit FC Basel. Shaqiri won many admirers during last summer's European U-21 Championships, where he stole the show with a number of impressive performances. Basel are thought to want around £15 million for Shaqiri's services, but a performance related package with £7 million up front should be enough to convince them to sell.


Kalou likely to leave Chelsea CHELSEA'S Salomon Kalou looks set to be cut-price transfer target for rivals Arsenal and Liverpool when the January window opens. The frustrated 26-year-old Ivory Coast striker is in the final year of his contract and looks increasingly unlikely to extend his stay, almost certainly forcing the Blues to consider offers for the versatile star or risk losing him for nothing. Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger has been a long-term admirer and is prepared to test the water with a £6 million bid in January.

German sushi

Czech mate

Sebastian Vettel wins driver’s title after finishing third in Japanese Grand Prix

Tomas Berdych wins first ATP title in more than two years

>> pg20

>> pg22

Monday 10 October, 2011



RM60k effort

KLHC retains league title after thrashing Sapura 5-1

>> pg20


Bok’s great loss

South Africa coach Peter de Villiers quits after quarterfinal defeat

>> pg21


Shaq in the city

MANCHESTER CITY scouting for FC Basel Swiss youngster Xherdan Shaqiri

>> pg23 Football

El Pipita’s back

Argentina striker Gonzalo Higuain picks hattrick against Chile

>> pg23

Toothless Lions England not good enough to win Euro 2012, says Neville

ENGLAND are not good enough to win Euro 2012 because the players have “no mobility and can’t keep the ball” according to former England defender Gary Neville. Neville, the former Manchester United and England rightback who won 85 England caps and retired earlier this year, also said Wayne Rooney’s sending-off in Saturday’s 2-2 draw with Montenegro should not deflect attention away from what he sees as the team’s real problems. England, who sealed their place with Friday’s draw, will start the tournament without Rooney, who will be suspended for at least one match. “It’s as though we think one world class player might be able to propel us to a major trophy,” Neville, writing in the Mail on Sunday, said. “And now we are talking about Rooney possibly missing two games at Euro 2012 when what we should be talking about is the spine of a team that has no mobility and can’t keep the ball. “When I look at it coldly, a team that has John Terry,

Neville: England too slow and predictable

Gary Cahill, Scott Parker, Gareth Barry, Darren Bent and Rooney in central positions is nowhere near good enough to take on the major

nations such as Spain. “I’m not having a go at individuals; there are some very good players among those names. Collectively,

Rooney aside, there is hardly any pace, very little invention and hardly any rotation of positions. “The real issue is that the

spine of the team is not good enough, as it stands, to take on Spain, Italy, France or Germany at Euro 2012.” England play world champions Spain in a friendly at Wembley on Nov 12 and Neville says because of the players the visitors have, the match is very important. “Compare (England) with the spine of Spain: Carles Puyol, Gerard Pique, Xabi Alonso, Xavi, David Villa and Fernando Llorente. That’s the issue Fabio Capello now has to resolve and why the Wembley friendly is so much more than a practice. “Never has a friendly been more important. “It’s like a Cup final. Capello has to do something that no England manager has done in 15 years, and that is make the England players believe that this next match could be the most important of their life.” Spain, the reigning European champions, have also qualified for the finals along with England, Italy, Germany, Holland and co-hosts Poland and Ukraine. All 16 qualifiers will be known by next month. — Reuters


Red card ref says Rooney may avoid longer ban ENGLAND striker Wayne Rooney’s calm reaction to his red card against Montenegro could help him avoid an extended ban, according to the referee who sent him off in the Euro 2012 qualifier. German official Wolfgang Stark dismissed Rooney for a crazy kick at Miodrag Dzudovic in the secondhalf of England’s 2-2 draw on Saturday and the Manchester United star is certain to miss the first game of next year’s Euro 2012 finals as a result. It had been suggested that Rooney’s suspension could be increased to two matches given the mindless nature of the offence. That would depend on how Uefa view the incident which occurred just 17 minutes from time as Eng-

land booked their place in Poland and Ukraine. But Stark has praised Rooney, who was also sent-off in the 2006 World Cup quarterfinal against Portugal, for how he accepted the decision and said that may improve the former Everton player’s chances of being dealt a more lenient penalty. “He accepted it without dissent. Maybe it will help Rooney the way he acted by accepting my decision,” Stark said in the Mail on Sunday. “It was a straight red card. I had no hesitation. You saw what happened and Rooney knew by his reaction. He just walked off. “I have no more input into the process. I will submit my report and it is up to Uefa to decide what to do.” — AFP

spare me, mr wolf: Stark (far left) praises Rooney reaction

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