11 October 2011

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Tuesday 11 october, 2011




Rail tragedy

Where’s the hearing? The Ulu Klang Recreation Club (UKRC) is unhappy the Selangor government is delaying a public hearing on amending the status of its land from ‘open space’ to ‘recreational’

>> pg3

Baby sodomy shock Neighbours of a couple allegedly involved in a sodomy case involving their 23-day-old baby boy are in shock

>> pg4

100,000 copies daily

The Malay Mail



40 sen for delivery per copy

Schoolgirl was listening to music and missed warning shouts


>> pg9

Task force on Jais SOP


MB welcomes Sultan’s decision, says panel will monitor attempts to subvert faith of Muslims more thoroughly

Ng the rubbish hoarder Two days, seven lorryloads and 30 men -- that’s what it took the authorities to clean up 9.4 tonnes of garbage from the house of a 66-year-old woman

>> pg6

Junkyard for cabs Company moves in after City Hall warns abandoned taxis will be removed

>> pg8


Island kopitiam Penang is spoilt for choice when it comes to hanging out and eating out

>> Centrespread

A SPECIAL task force will be formed to study the Selangor Islamic Religious Department’s (Jais) standard operating procedure (SOP) in conducting inspections following the Aug 3 raid on a church here. The announcement by Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim yesterday came after the Sultan of Selangor decreed Jais’ raid on the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) as legitimate. Abdul Khalid said the State government was confident the Sultan’s decision was in the public’s best interest and must be accepted with an “open heart”. “The State government respects the ruling of Duli Yang Amat Mulia Sultan Selangor in relation to a report on an inspection on Dream Centre by Jais,” he added in a statement. “The State government believes the ruling is the best decision and takes into consideration the multi-racial and multi-religious society in Malaysia.” In the incident, police and Jais had raided a multi-racial thanksgiving dinner at DUMC’s Dream Centre in Jalan 13/1, organised by Harapan Komuniti, a non-profit organisation helping women, children, HIV/AIDS sufferers and victims of natural disasters, after receiving complaints of an alleged attempt to proselytise Muslims at the function. Twelve Muslims were detained and later told to present themselves at the Shah Alam Syariah Court.

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani asrul@mmail.com.my

legitimate: The Sultan says the raid by Jais on DUMC’s Dream Centre was carried out in accordance with the State’s constitution

Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah said yesterday the public must not “misconstrue and dispute actions of Jais” and decided that no one would be prosecuted as there was “insufficient” evidence for further legal action. Abdul Khalid also said the Sultan’s decision highlighted the importance in strengthening Jais’

enforcement as well as collecting of evidence. “Thus, the State government will form a special task force to strengthen Jais’ SOP so the department can monitor attempts to subvert the faith of Muslims thoroughly and effectively.” The special committee will also comprise religious leaders,

legal experts and senior government officials. Selangor exco member in charge of Islamic affairs Datuk Dr Hassan Mohamed Ali said in a separate statement the Sultan’s decision proved there were attempts to pervert the Muslim faith at DUMC. “I also felt relieved that the investigation by Jais was conducted lawfully. The Sultan’s decision itself denies the allegations that Jais enforcement officers had not followed procedures and law when carrying out the said operation,” he said. In a statement signed by the Sultan of Selangor himself, the Ruler said the actions by Jais were in accordance with the State constitution. “We have thoroughly read in detail the said report and we are satisfied that the actions of Jais were rightful and did not breach any laws enforceable in Selangor,” said the Sultan. “The actions of Jais are in line with the jurisdiction provided under Syariah Criminal Procedure (State of Selangor) Enactment, 2003, Syariah Criminal (State of Selangor) Enactment, 1995 and Selangor Non-Islamic Religions (Control of Propagation Amongst Muslims) Enactment, 1988.” He also said non-Muslims were allowed to practise their religion freely in Selangor but there should not be any attempt to subvert the belief and faith of Muslims (see full text at www.mmail.com.my). • More reports on pg2



The community has a high level of awareness of cardiovascular diseases but has an indifferent attitude towards preventive them — Deputy Health Minister Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin


No more functions in church NGO says it will choose 'neutral venues' for future activities

A Non-GovernmentAL organisation says it will not hold any social function in a church compound in future. T h e NG O, Har ap an Komuniti, was commenting on the Sultan of Selangor's decision yesterday on the raid by the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department (Jais) on the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) in Jalan 13/1 here on Aug 3. L aw y e r D at u k Ke n ny Ng, representing Harapan Komuniti and its four members who were among 12 Muslims detained in the incident, said the NGO was glad the matter has come to an end following months of dispute. In the incident, police

and Jais raided a multiracial thanksgiving dinner at DUMC organised by Harapan Komuniti, a non-profit organisation helping women, children, HIV/ AIDS sufferers and victims of natural disasters, after receiving complaints of an alleged attempt to proselytise Muslims at the function. "Komuniti Harapan and my four clients are grateful the Sultan of Selangor has brought closure to the matter. All parties are now wiser having learnt from this experience," said Ng. Asked by The Malay Mail whether the group would in future hold social functions at the same venue again, Ng said

By Pearl Lee pearl@mmail.com.my

it was unlikely. "Although we have in the past accepted offers to hold functions at places of worship as they don't charge for using their hall since it is a nonprofit organisation, it looks like we have to be wiser and respectful of all parties in the future," he said. "We have to choose neutral venues as we don't want any perception problems." As for the stand taken by the Sultan that Muslims detained during the raid is to attend counseling to "restore their belief and faith in the Religion of Islam", Ng said the four

would abide by the Sultan's decree. "They (the four) are lawabiding citizens and will abide by the law," he said. Selangor's Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah had, in a statement yesterday, said Jais' raid on DUMC was in keeping with the law. The Sultan said though a report on the search carried out at the venue was submitted, he was satisfied the action by Jais was correct and did not breach laws enforceable in Selangor. The Sultan also stated: "Based on investigations by Jais, there were evidence of attempts to subvert the faith and belief of Muslims but

the evidence obtained would be insufficient for further legal action to be taken and after carefully deliberating the report by Jais and after obtaining advice from religious authorities and legal experts, we are in agreement there would be no prosecution against any parties. "Even so, we command Jais provide counselling to Muslims involved in the said dinner, to restore their belief and faith in the Religion of Islam. "We also command Jais to preach to Muslims in a more regular and organised manner so their belief and faith towards Islam is protected and enhanced."

Statement shows DUMC guilty, says Hassan SELANGOR exco member in charge of Islamic affairs Datuk Dr Hassan Mohamed Ali (pic) said the Sultan's royal decree proved Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) guilty of attempting to subvert the belief and faith of Muslims. Dr Hassan, who is also Pas State assemblyman for Gombak S etia, said the Selangor Islamic Religious

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Department’s (Jais) raid on DUMC was in accordance with the law. "I am happy with the Sultan's statement that there existed attempts to pervert the Muslim faith in the DUMC on Aug 3," he said in a statement. "I am relieved the investigation by Jais was conducted according to the law. It in itself denies allegations that Jais did not followed procedures and the law when carrying out the operations." T h e Su lt an ye s t e rd ay decreed Jais' raid as legitimate and actions by the state religious authority should not be disputed. Dr Hassan said the language used in the royal decree showed the Sultan would not tolerate attempts to subvert the Muslim faith in his state showing unequivocal commitment towards safeguarding the community's beliefs. "I will ensure all enforcement activities will be of highperformance and advance equipment to ensure each case can be defended in the face of justice," he said. Dr Hassan's statement is bound to irk his fellow State

The Malay Mail is published by Malay Mail Sdn Bhd, Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200, Petaling Jaya

FLASHBACK: Our reports on the controversy

exco members who criticised the raid. The Selangor government also issued a statement regretting the incident with Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim calling on Jais to report on the raid. Dr Hassan was, however, adamant that DUMC was trying to convert Muslims, forcing Abdul Khalid to issue a gag order on all State exco

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members. On Aug 3, police and Jais raided a multi-racial thanksgiving dinner at DUMC's Dream C entre in Jalan 13/1, organised by Harapan Komuniti, a non-profit organisation helping women, children, HIV/AIDS sufferers and victims of natural disasters, after receiving complaints of an alleged attempt to proselytise Muslims at the function.

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The Malay Mail Tuesday 11 October, 2011

'Decision brings proper closure' By MEENA LAKSHANA meena@mmail.com.my

THE public should not further speculate about the raid on Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) following the statement from the Selangor palace. Yesterd ay, C ounci l of Churches of Malaysia (CCM) general-secretary Rev Dr Hermen Shastri said statements made by Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah brought proper closure to the controversy. "People should not aggravate or worsen the situation as it is," he said. "This is best for preservation of relations between people of various religions." O n Au g 3 , ab out 3 0 enforcement officers from the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department (Jais) and police entered the DUMC Dream Centre during a thanksgiving dinner, based on a claim that Christians were proselytising Muslims at the social function. The DUMC was hosting the dinner organised by nongovernmental organisation Harapan Komuniti for volunteers, leaders and supporters. DUMC s e n i or p a s t or Daniel Ho said the church was "highly disappointed" with the authorities, who entered without a warrant. He also said the raid caused undue harassment to guests at the event. Other representatives of the Christian community decried the raid. Reverend Thomas Philips, he a d of t he Ma l ay s i an Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) said the raid was a "disregard for respect". Christian Federation of Malaysia chairman Bishop Ng Moon Hing said his federation was shocked and appalled by the raid, while calling the actions of the state religious enforcement authority as "high-handed and repugnant". Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said the state government regretted the raid, and asked Jais to report on the matter.

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The Malay Mail Tuesday 11 October, 2011

Effective Nov 1, the minimum wage for Indian maids is RM1,400; skilled workers RM1,200; plantation workers RM850; and restaurant, construction and general workers RM800 — Indian High Commission




MPs differ on allowances Withdrawal of plan to increase wages draws mixed response

WHEN Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced a proposal to increase the salary and allowances of Members of Parliament (MP) last Friday, it was opposed by some leaders from Pakatan Rakyat. Najib, when tabling the Budget 2012 had said the government's plan to review salary and allowances was because it was taking into consideration the increased responsibility, duties and burden of MPs. Najib said the review, however, must be accepted by MPs from both sides and if everything went well, the new allowance would come into force by Jan 1 next year. Yesterday, when Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk S eri Mohamed Nazri Aziz announced the government's decision to withdraw the plan, it drew mixed responses from

By T.K. LETCHUMY TAMBOO t.k.letchumy@mmail.com.my

both sides of the political divide. The latest announcement did not sit well with MPs, including those from the Opposition, who mostly felt the increase would allow them to provide better service to their respective constituencies. Here are their views on the matter: P. Kamalanathan, Hulu S el ang or M P ( B ar i s an National): "We appreciate the PM's intention. It would have been a 'welcome' increase. It is not easy to manage a constituency especially big ones. A nominal increase would have gone a long way to help the people. If some quarters are not agreeable to it, we are

willing to wait as the PM had said the increase is only applicable if everyone agrees. I have four service centres in my constituency. I have to pay the rents. We have a lot of limitations but this doesn't mean service to my constituents will diminish. I am used to working in this situation and will continue to serve the people." Chua Soon Bui, Tawau MP (Independent): "We should be rational about the proposal. I am a full time MP. I have six full time staff in my constituency because Tawau is a large area. I have a service centre and the expenses are high. Despite the subsidy and allowance provided, many of us still use our own money. I think the allowances for MPs should definitely be increased."

Anwar Ibrahim, Permatang Pauh MP (PKR de facto leader): "Due to our current economic situation, we (Pakatan Rakyat) have to disagree with the proposal. We feel it is unreasonable when the rakyat, generally are going through hard times economically. It is unreasonable for the government to request an increase of MPs' salaries when at the same time the rakyat, are going through economic pressure. Why give priority only to MPs? If the proposal had been more specific, such as the plan to appoint research assistants or to conduct some service centre programmes, we would have taken a different stand. the PM had said the proposal will only be followed through if all the MPs agree with it, I chose to disagree with it."

Tony Pua, Petaling Jaya Utara MP (DAP): "I don't mind if they do not increase the allowance for MPs but at least the government should have give monetary assistance for research assistants and service centres for us to serve the rakyat more efficiently. Right now, there is no monetary assistance provided for facilities. The current allowance for MPs which is RM6,500 monthly is just enough to pay for certain things. As MPs are allowed to work, a lot of them have salaries from other sources. For full time MPs like me, I depend on it because that is my only source of income. Currently, I have only one parliamentary assistant, one constituency assistant, one admin assistant and a part time accountant. Additionally, I have my office premises to

Club unhappy with delay in amending land status By MEENA LAKSHANA mmnews@mmail.com.my

UKRC has been paying the land premium since 1958 and has been involved in a tussle with the local government over the past two decades over ownership of the land where a clubhouse has been built. "With a title to the land, we will have the confidence to improve facilities at the club, including proper drainage for the football field and upgrading the basketball court beside the clubhouse," said Gopal. A serious effort to change the status of the club's land began on April 1 this year when it

IMPROVEMENTS ON HOLD: The club plans to upgrade its facilities after it receives a title to the land — Pic: Shahir Omar

was tabled by Hulu Kelang assemblyman Saari Sungib at the Selangor state assembly and subsequently approved. Saari had asked the State government to either amend the gazette or to revoke the land gazette and issue a new land title for the club. Following this, he had said a

public hearing would be held for the residents to express their grouses on the amendment. Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim had suggested that the hearing be chaired by Orang Besar Daerah Gombak Datuk Paduka Raja Wan Mahmood Pawan Teh.

"I contacted Wan Mahmood three weeks ago and he told me to wait for a letter from his office," said Gopal. Contacted by The Malay Mail, Wan Mahmood said the process of appointing members to the hearing committee must be done judiciously and this requires time.


Indonesia to raise issue of direct maid recruitment THE Indonesian government will raise the contentious issue of Malaysians hiring Indonesian maids without going through agents at the 11th Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation meeting between the two countries at a hotel here today. This was decided at a two-

Saifuddin Nasution, Machang MP (PKR secretary-general): "I feel it is not the right time to increase the allowances of MPs and it should not be a priority. There are people's welfare needs to attend to instead of hiking up MPs' salaries. The RM30 million allocated for this purpose should be distributed to the sectors that need it more. What the government should do instead, is to give the MPs infrastructure facilities. It is a good move that the proposal has been withdrawn. Nazri needs to be more objective. If he does not get the opposition's support, it clearly shows the increase for MPs allowance is not important to us."



THE Ulu Klang Recreation Club (UKRC) is unhappy that the Selangor government is dragging its feet in organising a public hearing on amending the status of the club's land in Jalan Pelangi, Kuala Ampang here. Club president Andrew Gopal (pic) said the members had been waiting for six months to attend the hearing that would lead to the 1.2 ha being re-gazetted from the current "open space" to "recreational". "Once the hearing is held and amendment done, we can work on getting the land title," he told The Malay Mail yesterday.

take care of. All this requires more than RM10,000, which I have to raise on my own."

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani asrul@mmail.com.my

hour meeting here yesterday by senior officials from both countries, jointly headed by Malaysian Foreign Ministry deputy secretar y-general Datuk Husni Zai Yaacob and Indonesian Foreign Ministry's

Asia Pacific and Africa director-general T.M. Hamzah Tayeb. Hamzah said the direct recruit of Indonesian domestic workers remained a contentious issue between

both countries. "It's only fair for any government to look after the welfare of its own people and we will raise the direct recruitment issue at the ministerial-level meeting here today," he said. "On many other issues, both nations have achieved progress and we need to look into the

direct recruitment issue, too." The ministerial-level meeting will be headed by Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman and his Indonesian counterpart, Dr R.M. Marty M. Natalegawa. Husni, however, denied that the direct recruitment issue was problematic.

'Hudud' poster riles opposition MPs

FLYERS mocking hudud laws are riling up several Pakatan Rakyat MPs. The flyers, said to be distributed by unidentified individuals, displays two versions of Pas spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, whose face kis superimposed on another man's figure. In one version, the Kelantan Menteri Besar is holding up the severed head of Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng. Another version depicts him as a Japanese soldier, chopping off PKR vice-president Chua Jui Meng's hand with a sword. Shah Alam Pas MP Khalid Samad said he suspected the flyers to be the work of Umno. "We don't know who gave these out but they're probably from Umno," he said as he showed the flyers to reporters at a Press conference in Parliament yesterday. Khalid said the leaflets were distributed at a Pas function in Johor last week. "The spreading of these leaflets is irresponsible and can arouse racial tension."



The Federal Constitution has united multiracial people comprising 82 ethnic groups, including in Sabah and Sarawak — Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom


Neighbourhood in shock Couple in baby sodomy case kept to themselves

By THASHA JAYAMANOGARAN thasha@mmail.com.my

THE couple embroiled in a shocking sodomy case involving their 23-day-old baby boy had kept to themselves so much that neighbours did not know who they were. Residents at Jalan SM3 in Taman Sunway, Batu Caves, were shocked to learn of the incident in their neighbourhood last Friday. Yesterday morning, The Malay Mail, accompanied by a Gombak Welfare Department officer, visited the shop-house the family lived in but found it empty and locked. The officer wanted to assess the condition of the woman and child to see what assistance could be provided for the traumatised mother following an incident where the 28-year-old father sodomised the baby, after his 39-year-old wife refused to have sex with him on Friday morning. Neighbours told The Malay


'Patient' burglars net RM500,000

TWO burglars spent five hours drilling into the safe of a goldsmith in Kuala Selangor on Sunday and hauled off jewellery worth RM500,000. And they did this without stepping into the goldsmith's shop. They managed this by entering a boutique shop inside a supermarket through the roof, and then drilling a wall in the boutique which was next to the goldsmith's safe. A police source said the burglars broke into the boutique at 12.05am on Sunday. "While inside the boutique, they drilled into the goldsmith's safe and this shows they knew the location of the safe," said the source. "We believe the two suspects took turns using a drill and took five hours to penetrate the safe at about 5.30am. After taking about RM500,000 in jewellery from the safe, they left the drill behind." However, their crime was captured on closed-circuit television (CCTV) at the supermarket. Kuala Selangor district police chief Supt Muhd Taib Ahmad confirmed the incident and said the two suspects are believed to be in their 20s and 30s. Police are looking for them.

Mail they only learnt about the incident through the media and do not know who the couple were. "We don't really know each another here as we do not mingle. Everyone leaves early in the morning and comes home late at night," said the employee of a workshop. On Friday evening, the mother found the baby weak and listless and discovered injuries on the baby’s anus and mouth when she was bathing him. She had earlier refused to have sex with her husband since she was going through confinement after giving birth three weeks ago. Without her husband's knowledge, she took the injured baby to a nearby clinic for treatment and was referred to Hospital Selayang where a doctor confirmed the baby was sodomised. Police believe the father bruised


Unarmed men overpower armed guards By AIZAT SHARIF aizat@mmail.com.my

QUIET NEIGHBOURHOOD: Taman Sunway residents were unaware of the incident which happened in an upstairs shophouse unit untill they read the newspapers

the toddler’s mouth when trying to stop him from crying during the sexual assault. He was also believed to have sodomised the baby in the bedroom while his wife was resting in the living room. After admitting the baby to hospital, the woman lodged a

report at the Selayang police station and the father was arrested at 8pm the same day at their home. Gombak police chief ACP Abdul Rahim Abdullah confirmed the suspect had been detained and is being investigated under Section 377 of

the Penal Code for unnatural sexual acts. His remand order ends today. The incident sparked outrage among Malaysians on Twitter. The welfare department plans to provide the mother and baby with shelter and counselling.


Clinic attendant survives shot in the neck A CLINIC attendant-cumdriver had a brush with death when he was shot in the neck by a robber yesterday. But thanks to quick action by his colleagues who administered emergency treatment, the 25-year-old victim survived. In the 5.30pm incident, the victim, identified only as Farid, was waiting for his employer outside the clinic in Jalan 4/27F, off Jalan Genting Klang when he was set upon by a robber who tried to grab his sling bag. Sentul police chief ACP Zakaria Pagan said as the victim was about to get into his employer’s car, a man, in a full-face helmet, suddenly rushed towards him and tried to snatch the sling bag but failed. “A scuffle between them ensued and during the commotion, the robber took out a pistol and fired a shot which hit the victim's neck," he said. Zakaria said the robber then panicked and ran towards his accomplice who was waiting on a motorcycle about 50 metres away. Meanwhile, the victim's col-

The Malay Mail Tuesday 11 OCTOBER, 2011

LOOKING FOR EVIDENCE: A police forensics team at the crime scene

leagues, who heard the shot, rushed out of the clinic and treated the victim's wound before rushing him to Kuala Lumpur Hospitat. Zakaria said according to the victim, there were no valuable items in the sling bag except

for personal documents. One of the victim's colleagues said he was about to key in patient data on a computer when he heard the shot. "The last thing I expected was to see Farid lying on the

ground, bleeding profusely," "Luckily, my colleagues and I were able to control the bleeding." he said. Police said the case is being investigated under Section 307 of the Penal Code for attempted murder.

THE ease with which two unarmed men overpowered two armed security guards and escaped with RM400,000 at Bukit Subang here on Sunday has aroused suspicion. In the 2pm incident, the guards were about to refill an ATM machine at a Petronas petrol station when they were confronted by two suspects attired in security guard uniforms. S h a h A l am d i s t r i c t police chief ACP Zahedi Ayob said they have not ruled out the robbery as an inside job. "The two robbers appeared to know the destination and timing of the ATM cash refill at the petrol station, and according to the security guards, the robbers were not armed," he said, adding the two guards, in their mid-20s, have been detained for a week to facilitate investigations. "From the closed-circuit television (CCTV) seized from the petrol station, the robb ers app eared to have an accomplice, and all three suspects were not masked. We are now trying to identify them. However, we do not believe this case is connected to a similar heist at a Petronas station in Ijok (Selangor) last Thursday." In the Sunday case, the two security guards were bundled into a darkcoloured Proton Wira driven by the robbers. The guards were then dropped off by the roadside about 2km away, near Kampung Melayu Subang. The guards lodged a report at the Kampung Baru Subang police station at about 3.20pm the same day. In the heist at Ijok at 9.45am last Thursday, five robbers, including an African, overpowered an armoured van's four security guards and fled with the van and RM2.2 million meant for reloading ATM machines.


the malay mail




Honorary doctorate for Ali Rustam MALACCA Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam was conferred an honorary doctorate in management at the 12th convocation of the Multi-media University yesterday. The award was presented by the university's chancellor Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali. Appointed chief minister in 1999, Mohd Ali said the award was the highest honour for him and for the people of Malacca. "It spurs me to perform better and to turn the state into a green technology city by 2020." A total of 2,676 graduands received their bachelor's degree, diploma (589), master's degree (402) and PhD (39) during the four-day convocation which started on Saturday. — Bernama

Assemblyman’s hearing postponed THE High Court yesterday allowed an application by Sri Muda assemblyman Shuhaimi Shafiei to postpone hearing of his sedition case pending disposal of his appeal in the Appeals Court. Justice Noor Azian Shaari allowed Shuhaimi's application when deputy public prosecutors Hanafiah Zakaria and Mohd Farizul Hassan, representing the respondents, did not object. Shuhaimi was represented by lawyer Edmund Bon. Shuhaimi, who is Kota Raja PKR deputy leader, filed an appeal on Sept 8 against a Aug 25 decision by the Shah Alam High Court dismissing his application to set aside the sedition charge against him. On Feb 7, Shuhaimi pleaded not guilty to a charge of posting seditious material on his website http:// srimuda.blogspot.com. — Bernama

Cardiovascular diseases a major killer CARDIOVASCULAR-related diseases account for 11,812 deaths or 25.4 per cent of the total deaths last year, Deputy Health Minister, Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin said. She said those in high risk were people with high blood pressure (56 to 63 per cent), diabetes (39-44 per cent), smokers (33-34 per cent), those with high cholestrol level (31-35 per cent) and those with family history of heart problems (9-13 per cent). Rosnah said health promotion was important to instill positive behavioral transformation of the community. She was speaking after opening the 2011 Health Promotion Conference yesterday. A total of 350 health officers attended the conference. — Bernama

The Education Ministry is confident it can overcome the problem of student dropout nationwide — Deputy Minister Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong on the ministry carrying out a study on the problem PETALING JAYA

The Malay Mail Tuesday 11 OCTOBER, 2011

Massive mess Nine tonnes of rubbish cleared from hoarder's home

IT took two days, seven lorryloads, and 30 men to clear 9.41 tonnes of garbage from a single-storey house. This was what officers from the Petaling Jaya City Council's Public Health and Social Welfare Departments had to go through when they cleaned up Ng Chow Moi's house in Jalan 232, where the 66-year-old hoarder had been living the past 30 years. The cleanup, which began on Sept 26, resulted after the council received complaints from neighbours, as far back as last year, about foul smells from the house. Public Health deputy director Dr Abdul Ghalib Sulaiman said Ng was at home when the cleanup started. "We had issued her four notices since last year, ordering her to clean up her house and clear the garbage from her

By IKRAM ISMAIL ikram.ismail@mmail.com.my

front porch, but she ignored the notices," he said. "We had no choice but to clear the entire house for her. We obtained permission from her son and now, there is no garbage left." The council spent RM2,881 to clean up the rubbish, which comprised recyclable waste such as empty bottles and cardboard boxes. Domestic waste was also removed. The recyclable waste was sold for RM536 and the money was given to her. Dr Abdul Ghalib said Ng had been sent to University Malaya Medical Centre for a check-up. City councillor R. Selvarajan said the council would continue monitoring the situation.

OVERFLOWING: Council officers trying to squeeze their way into Ng's house

"Last Saturday, I saw her trying to collect rubbish again. I went to her house but when


Contribute while competing with your camera

she saw me, she ran away," he said. "Her neighbour told us

that since the cleanup, Ng had stopped hoarding things. However, her son informed us she owns a flat elsewhere." Selvarajan said Ng's son did not want to send his mother to the Welfare Department's temporary shelter. "Ng still moves about freely, but soon, her son will send her to a private nursery for senior citizens," he said. "Her son said she is lonely but doesn't want to burden her two children, so she prefers to live alone." Meanwhile, Selvarajan said the City Council hoped to increase public awareness on hygiene and cleanliness. " B e s i d e s c ont i nu ously engaging the local community on the two issues, we also encourage their participation to inform us if they come across any hoarding cases."


WITH OPEN ARMS: Oon (right) receiving the UPS mock cheque

Old folks' home gets RM32,000 boost

PHOTO CHALLENGE: Canon PhotoMarathon '11 will commence at 8am Saturday at Pavilion, KL

PROVE your prowess with a camera and simultaneously contribute to a charitable cause during the upcoming Canon Photomarathon Malaysia 2011 . The region’s largest photo challenge, now in its ninth year, will be held on Saturday at the Bukit Bintang entrance of Pavilion Kuala Lumpur from 8am to 9pm. This year, Canon Marketing (Malaysia) is partnering with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and all proceeds from the registration fees will go towards breast cancer research and awareness programmes. Photography enthusiasts should grab this opportunity to participate and stand a chance of winning the grand prize of an all

expense-paid, eight-day photo trip to Tasmania, Australia, hosted by acclaimed photographer Triston Yeo and RM10,000 cash. The full day event requires participants to pit their creativity, skill and endurance, as they try to create the ultimate photographic masterpiece by interpreting three themes within a specified time. The themes will be unveiled only on the day of the event. Judges for the competition include Zainal Abdul Halim, a Reuter's photojournalist, Peter Tan, a Master Photographer certified by the prestigious Master Photographers Association (UK), Din Arshad, with 30 years experience in the photography industry and Harry Woo, recog-

nised locally and internationally with a list of awards under his belt. Besides Malaysia, the competition is also organised in Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan and Vietnam. For more information, visit Canon Asia’s website at http:// www.canon-asia.com/photomarathon or Canon Camera (Malaysia)’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/canoncameramsia or follow Canon’s Twitter at www.twitter.com/canoncameramsia. For instant updates on all Canon events and products information, download the Canon Malaysia app from Apple App Store.

UNITED Parcel Service (UPS) delivered some good news to St Mark's Old Folks Home in Ampang here yesterday — it gave the home US$10,000 (RM32,000) to buy physiotherapy machines for its residents. The package delivery company handed over a cheque for the amount to the Rotary Club of Pudu at the club's Visitors Day luncheon at a hotel here. "We are grateful to UPS for donating the money to the home as they require the physiotherapy machines for its residents," said club president Stephen Oon Hoon Nam. Set up in 1966, the Rotary Club of Pudu has more than 60 members from various trades and professions dedicated to carrying out community projects benefiting the youth, aged and people with special needs.

The club hosts Visitors Day luncheons every Monday where people from various walks of life are invited. Oon also said the club raised RM120,000 during its charity run on Sept 25. The sums raised will be used as scholarships for secondary students and under-graduates, also for Jenjarom Old Folks Home, Interactors (through an Interact leadership training motivational camp for 150 Interactors from nine schools), St John's Ambulance, a Tamil school in Klang (which needs a library), and the purchase of a van for children with special needs. For further information on Visitors Day, contact the club's past president Chow Tain at 012-3722663 or email erealty@ myjaring.net.


the malay mail



The Malay Mail Tuesday 11 OCTOBER, 2011


tel:03-7495 1000/1001/1002 tel:019-261 4948 (after 9pm)

your right to be heard ● Complainants have to submit their personal particulars and provide a detailed account of their complaint. ● Complainants have to first file their complaints with the respective parties before contacting Hotline. ● Complaints referred by Hotline to the relevant parties would be published if there is no response in seven days. ● After a complaint has been resolved, the complainant cannot demand non-publication of the matter.

Derelict cabs headache

City Hall warns ditched taxis will be removed, but company moves in first BEFORE


EYESORES: Three of the 15 abandoned taxis at the spot

FOR more than a year, 15 taxis left abandoned along a road in front of the Pelangi Indah Condominium, off Jalan Ipoh, are not only creating an eyesore but posing a potential hazard as well. LYNETTE CAROLINE D'CRUZ, who brought the matter to Hotline’s attention, says the static vehicles have created a bottleneck, making it difficult for both motorists and pedestrians to pass through. She says she always comes across them on her way to the nearby KTM station. “The cabs are parked haphazardly beside the road and it is such an ugly sight. "They have also become a mosquito breeding ground and I don't think it is safe as this is a residential area."

GETS THE ACTION D'CRUZ also suspects the vehicles may turn into a haven for drug addicts and other petty criminals. "It is a good hideout, especially at night.” She cannot understand why the taxis are allowed to remain unclaimed, claiming her complaint to City Hall on them has gone unattended. ● CITY HALL public relations officer Zurida Hashim assures action, including towing the taxis away, will be taken if the owner fails to remove them within the stipulated time.

TAKE NOTE 1. If you plan to park anywhere in Petaling Jaya, make sure you do so at designated spots, as the local authority's enforcement officers are compounding owners and towing vehicles daily. 2. Those caught littering in Ampang will be fined up to RM1,000 by the

Ampang Jaya Municipal Council. For anyone with information on illegal dumping, contact the council at 03-42968000. 3. Those caught stealing water can be fined up to RM100,000 or jailed two years, or both, under the Water Service Industry Act 2006.

Killing off a 'dead' service

LAST cab STANDING: The sorry taxi looking will be removed today — Pix: Samsul Said

"I have instructed my officers to go to the ground and put up notices on these taxis. If they are not removed within three days of these notices being put up, we will tow them away." A few hours after City Hall placed notices on the cabs yesterday afternoon, Uptownace (M) Sdn Bhd, the cabs' owner, informed Hotline 14 of the vehicles had been removed from the spot. "There is only one taxi remaining which we are looking to remove sooner rather than later," says a company spokesman. He explains the taxis were earlier sent to a nearby workshop which had since closed down. "There was development in


the area. The workshop had to make way for condominiums being built there. "However, the taxis were not claimed by those who left them at the workshop, so the workers just parked these vehicles along the road before leaving." The spokesman says the cabs still belong to Uptownace. "We only rented them out but irresponsible parties had abandoned them." Uptownace promises to remove the remaining taxi today. Checks by the Hotline Roving Team at the site later yesterday confirmed 14 taxis had been removed while the remaining cab was found to be in a dilapidated state, minus its tyres.

SHAFINAH RAHIM of Kuala Lumpur was transferred to Kuching, Sarawak, late last year due to work. Three months earlier, in October that year, she had signed up for the P1 WiMax broadband service. "Upon learning I was going to Sarawak, I enquired with P1 WiMax and a staff told me over the phone the place I was moving to in Kuching had no P1 coverage." SHAFINAH then requested her account be terminated and agreed to pay for the three months she had used the service. "Despite the modem being returned to the company last December, I would occasionally get text messages reminding me of a bill amounting to RM1,338.35 as of August this year. "I even received a couple of calls from the company's collection department, but no follow-ups to end the deal in a professional way. "I don't actually owe the company that much as my monthly bill is less than

RM100, but it appears the account is still active and the fee keeps accumulating. "I am willing to pay for the three-month pre-agreed amount, provided I get assurance my account is officially closed." ● A SPOKESMAN for Packet One Networks Sdn Bhd confirms SHAFINAH has returned the modem and the company has been informed her new residence is outside P1’s coverage. "However, P1 did not receive a confirmation letter as proof of relocation from SHAFINAH, resulting in the accumulating bill." The spokesman says following this, P1 has contacted her and has received the confirmation letter. The company has since waived her accumulated bill and she has settled her three months bill accordingly. When contacted, SHAFINAH says she is thankful P1 has finally acted on her complaint and confirms the matter has been resolved.

Online comments www.mmail.com.my No car, no refund (Oct 7) ● PEOPLE just need to report the matter to The Malay Mail. The paper should be awarded a special prize for public service or recognised by the Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (Fomca). — Goundamani ● DON'T keep the money when you can't deliver. Please return it ASAP! — Anonymous

Backyard cookout blues (Oct 7) ● THE extension was built for cooking. Does the owner have a legal business permit to run a food business? This may be another illegal activity. — Anonymous Car towed away by taxi service operator (Sept 22) ● THOSE who keep saying we should obey the traffic

signage, please note how many public parking bays are there in KL. Most of the time, we have to pay exorbitant parking charges. Does it make sense to pay RM3 every time you go to the bank? If there are sufficient bays and the complainant still chooses to park on the yellow line, shame on him. As it turns out, there is hardly a vacant public lot at the KLCC. Every single

bay has been turned into a private enterprise. Who are these people making all the money? — Sam Hospital hold-up (Oct 4) ● I BROUGHT my aunt there for her monthly check-ups two years ago and had to endure at least three hours of waiting, only to be attended to by doctors in less than two minutes! — Anonymous

● COMPLAINING creates awareness and the hospital will improve after this, hopefully. When we or our loved ones are sick, patience can run thin. — Dan Coupon confusion (Sept 29) ● ALTHOUGH some of the offers from coupon companies appear to be great bargains, consumers should still do

their homework and check if the firm offering such services or goods is a reputable one. Don't end up being cheated later. — Sarah ● THERE seems to be many companies offering coupons these days and many people are jumping on the bandwagon. I just hope the offers are good and don't turn out to be something else. — Tamagotchi Boy

The Malay Mail Tuesday 11 octoBER, 2011

Apple Inc received orders for more than one million iPhone 4S phones in the first 24 hours, topping the previous record of 600,000, the company said yesterday — AFP


'Infiltrators' blamed Copts deny being cause of unrest that left 25 dead, 300 injured

EGYPT'S Coptic Orthodox church headed by Pope Shenuda III yesterday blamed "infiltrators" for triggering clashes that left 25 dead, mostly Coptic Christians, and more than 300 people injured. "The Christian faith denounces violence. Strangers infiltrated the demonstration and committed the crimes for which the Copts have been blamed," the church said in a statement issued after Shenuda held a meeting with 70 church leaders.

"Copts have suffered repeated problems without accountability for the aggressors," the statement said, calling on the authorities to "solve the root causes of the problems". Shenuda has called on the Copts to begin a three-day fast today "to bring back peace to Egypt". Egypt's Copts, who make up around 10 per cent of the 80 million population, complain of systematic discrimination and have been the target of frequent attacks. Egypt's ruling military

council yesterday ordered a speedy probe into clashes as the Cabinet held crisis talks amid fears of widespread sectarian unrest. The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) "tasked the government with quickly forming a fact finding committee to determine what happened," in a statement read on State television. It called for "all measures against all those proven to have been involved, either directly or by incitement". — AFP


Secret order to snoop on WikiLeaks THE US government obtained secret court orders to force Google Inc and a small Internet provider to hand over information from email accounts of a WikiLeaks volunteer, the Wall Street Journal reported yesterday. The US request included email addresses of people that Jacob Appelbaum, a volunteer for the campaigning website, had corresponded with in the

past two years, but not the full emails, the newspaper said, citing documents it had reviewed. Internet provider Sonic said it fought the government order legally and lost, and was forced to turn over information, the company's chief executive, Dane Jasper, told the newspaper. Appelbaum, 28, has not been charged with any wrongdoing, the daily said. — Reuters


Teen killed by train 'didn't see it coming' A 1 5 - Y E A R- OL D schoolgirl hit and killed by a train may have been oblivious to onlookers' warning screams because she was wearing earphones. About 15 witnesses at the level crossing and on the platforms at Ginifer station in Melbourne's north watched as Teresa Ho (pic), from Cairnlea, ran out in front of a city-bound train yesterday. They yelled at her to stop but

after hesitating, she made the fatal decision to run, reports the Herald Sun. Sgt Rob Atkinson said she may have been wearing earphones and so didn't hear the screams of warning or the sound of the train. He said caution must be exercised at stations. "Being late by a couple of minutes for either work or school, it's just not worth your life.''


'Drive' sued for lack of driving

HEART-BREAKING LOSS: An woman mourns over the body of a killed relative as corpses lie at the mortuary of a hospital following clashes in Egypt yesterday — AFPpic


US Nobel winners 'untangle' economic policies ONE of the 2011 Nobel Economics Prize winners said yesterday his work tries to "untangle" the relationship between central bank actions and the rate of inflation. Princeton University economist Christopher Sims, co-winner with New York University's Thomas Sargent, said he has developed sta-

tistical tools that have been useful in unraveling the effect of monetary policy on the economy. "These methods have been used in many countries and one of the things that have given them credibility is they tend to give consistent results," he said. "The main contribution

of this work is to provide a way to untangle the relationship between interest rates and inflation, so we can see what the effect of interest-rate policy changes are on the price level and inflation, and separate that from the reverse causality that makes central banks react to inflation by changing interest rates." — AFP

MOST people's gripe about trailers these days is that they blow too much info about a film's plot. But not Sarah Deming. This Michigan resident is suing the distributor of the critically acclaimed Ryan Gosling (pic) thriller Drive — as well as the cinema where she saw it — claiming it was publicised as a Fast and Furious style action piece but turned out to be nothing of the sort, reports The Guardian. In her suit, which was filed at the sixth judicial circuit court in Oakland, Michigan, Deming said the Nicolas Winding Refn film "bore very little similarity to a chase, or race action film ... having very little driving in the motion picture". Deming hopes to turn her appeal into a class action suit, which would allow cinemagoers across the US to sue on similar grounds if they found themselves watching films on the basis of a misleading trailer.



Iran actress gets jail, 90 lashes ACTRESS Marzieh Vafamehr has been sentenced to a year in jail and 90 lashes for her role in a film about the limits imposed on artists in the Islamic republic, an Iranian opposition website reported yesterday. "A verdict has been issued for Marzieh Vafamehr, sentencing her to a year in jail and 90 lashes," Kalameh.com reported. Vafamehr was arrested in July after appearing in My Tehran for Sale, which came under harsh criticism. — AFP

Big Ben tilting half a metre WHETHER the British Parliament is leaning to the left or right depends on your point of view but Big Ben is officially tilting. And surveyors say it is getting worse, reports the Herald Tribune. A new report has found the top of the famous clock tower, which stands above the parliament in central London, is now just under half a metre off the perpendicular. That is so far off experts believe the tilt is visible to the naked eye.

10,000 free Japan visits JAPAN will offer 10,000 foreigners free airfares to visit the country next year, in an attempt to boost the tourism industry which has been hit by the ongoing nuclear disaster, a report said. The Japan Tourism Agency plans to ask would-be travellers to submit online applications for the free flights, detailing which areas of the country they would like to visit, the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper said. — AFP

Protester shot in Indonesia INDONESIAN police shot and killed one protester and wounded another as they clashed with striking workers yesterday at a mine run by US company Freeport McMoran, a union official said. More than a thousand workers were involved in the clashes at the sprawling Grasberg complex, one of the world's biggest gold and copper mines, in Indonesia's remote Papua province. — AFP

Steve Jobs: The movie? THE studio behind Oscarnominated Facebook film The Social Network is planning a biopic about Steve Jobs, based on a forthcoming authorised biography of the late co-founder of Apple. Deadline reports Sony Pictures is set to acquire rights to the book by former Time magazine managing editor Walter Isaacson, titled simply Steve Jobs, reports The Guardian.

10 lifestyle

The Malay Mail Tuesday 11 october, 2011

A book that makes you sad By Hamzah Nazari hamzah@mmail.com.my Title: 365 ways to Live Happy Author: Meera Lester Publisher: Advantage Quest Ratings: 1/10


THE most uplifting aspect of this book is the bright colours on the cover. Honest! Once you flip the cover and begin reading the pages, you will stop feeling happy. In fact, it will make you angry and slightly depressed because you won’t know where to sign up for a stained glass class. Most of the other 355 sometimes ridiculous steps it provides are not much better. With no conceivable knowledge and no research of the subject matter, the author attempts to give advice in the form of short tips that could, in theory, allow someone to become happier in their lives. Hypothetically, these tips might work, but in reality the

majority of the ideas do not factor in the requirements and limitations in the lives of everyday people or even some multimillionaires for that matter. Tips such as Take a Spa Day fail to take into account that some people do not even have an afternoon to themselves, let alone a whole day. Another, Ask Six Friends to Support your Dream Endeavor, assumes that someone would have the backing of half-adozen non-family-members. The writer is obviously using the classic writing style of “making it up as he goes along” and peppering it with idyllic lifestyles as seen on daytime television. It opens with a quiz that tries to determine the happiness of the reader using multiple choice questions with possible outcomes summarised into three categories: happy, not so happy, and sad. The writer then makes the quiz redundant by stating that even happy people can read and utilise this book when in fact, no one should.

The biggest, baddest, book sale in town Bookworms and pageflippers, come and immerse yourself in the biggest discounted book fair in town, the Big Bad Wolf Booksale. With 75 to 95 per cent discount on all the 1.5 million books, you'll go crazy with the choice. With a range of books from fiction, non-fiction, cookery, home, children's, business, educational and reference — this is goingto be the biggest, baddest book invasion in town. Big Bad Wolf Big Booksale is on until Sunday from 10am to 9pm. The location is Hall A, MAEPS (Malaysia Agro Exposition Park, Serdang), 43400

Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. For more information, visit www.facebook. com/bbwbooks or www. bigbadwolfbooks.com —By Karina Foo

MPH Best-Seller LIST Non-fiction 1. I Moved Your Cheese: For Those Who Refuse to Live as Mice in Someone Else's Maze by Deepak Malhotra 2. A Doctor in the House: The Memoirs of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad 3. Quantum Leaps: 100 Scientist Who

how to play Sudoku X is a simple variation of Sudoku with the only difference being the squares in white (which make up the numeral X) need to tally from 1 to 9 along with the remaining coloured squares.

Changed the World by Jon Balchin 4. Power Of X: Enter The 10 Gods by Joey Yap 5. The You Code: What Your Habits Say About You by Judi James; James Moore 6. Life Is What You Make It by Peter Buffett 7. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

by Amy Chua 8. Lee Kuan Yew: Hard Truths to Keep Singapore Going by Han Fook Kwang 9. The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking 10. Wonders of the World: 100 Incredible and Inspiring Places on Earth by Igloo Books Ltd

5. Viscount Breckenridge to the Rescue by Stephanie Laurens 6. One Day (Movie Tie-in) by David Nicholls 7. Empire of Silver by Conn Iggulden

8. A Game of Thrones: A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin 9. Room by Emma Donoghue 10. K ill Alex Cross by James Patterson

Diberi Nafas Islam yang Mencuit Perasaan, Mengocak Fikiran dan Menyalakan Api Perubahan by Pahrol Mohd Juoi 5. Patriots & Pretenders by Kua Kia Soong 6. Aku Terima Nikahnya: Titipan Erti Sebenar Perkahwinan Medan Memberi yang Paling Mulia (Kompilasi Best-Seller 3 dalam 1) by Hasrizal Abdul Jamil 7. R&R Di Lebuh Raya Kehidupan:

Rahsia Keseimbangan Bagi Ketenangan Hakiki by Zul Ramli M. Razali 8. Hadis 40 Imam Nawawi by Zahazan Mohamed 9. Anakku Brain Tumour: Hikmah 5 Sebelum 5 (Kisah Benar) by Isyah Radhiah Idris 10. Batu-Bata Kehidupan: Tidakkah Sudah Tiba Masanya Kita Bergerak Membina Kehidupan Berlandaskan Arahan-Nya? by Hilal Asyraf

Fiction 1. 2. 3. 4.

Only Time Will Tell by Jeffrey Archer Aleph by Paulo Coelho The Black Prism by Brent Weeks Letter from a Stranger by Barbara Taylor Bradford

yesterday'S solution

Local Author 1. On the Wings of Thought by Vijay Eswaran 2. A Doctor in the House: The Memoirs of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad 3. Ensiklopedia Solat: Kombinasi Fakta Hukum dan Sains (Fiqah, Falsafah, Sejarah, Saintifik) (Ilustrasi & Foto Menarik) by Datuk Haji Md Hashim Yahaya 4. Beduk Diketuk: Kisah-Kisah yang

• Weekly list compiled by MPH Bookstores, Mid Valley Megamall, Kuala Lumpur; www.mphonline.com

lifestyle 11

The Malay Mail Tuesday 11 october, 2011

‘King of ballads’ to return Taiwan's highly-acclaimed singer Fei wants to please Malaysian fans ONCE people start to imitate your style, you know you are someone to be reckoned with. At the same time, as part of growth, one also needs to have the sensibility and humility to learn and "imitate" others who are better. At the end of it, a great sense humour would also be pertinent. To Taiwan's highly-acclaimed singer Fei Yu-Ching, imitation is certainly a form of flattery. He doesn't mind imitating someone or having anyone making fun of him by imitating the way he sings or how he behaves. "I think you need to reach a certain degree in your career that people would want to imitate your style," said Fei, whose real name is Chang YunTing. "I'm actually quite open with the idea, but one needs to have great confidence to be able to pull the `stunt' successfully."

By Loong Wai Ting waiting@mmail.com.my The legendary singer, who will be in Malaysia next month to perform in a concert, said imitation to him is also a form of entertainment. "I think these days people try to impersonate one another and no matter where you go in this world, people love to watch. There is always entertainment value to it." Famous for his hits like

Faraway, Good Night Song and Ode to the Republic of China, Xiao Ge — a name affectionately given by his fans, promised a repertoire that includes all his songs from the yesteryears. "I will be singing more instead of talking as I want to try to fulfill the time given to me to please my fans. I feel really lucky to be able to sing to them (fans) and continue to do what I like." Awarded for the Best Mandarin Album, Good Night Song in 1996 at the prestigious 7th Golden Melody Awards, Fei is still conquering the stage with his melodious voice and chatty nature. Stating that he will "give his best shot", Fei hopes that there will be no objections from his team and fans when it comes to implementing his own ideas on the look and feel and the costumes of the show. "There will be little changes,

hopefully. If there are no objections, I'd like to try a bolder approach and change the flow just a little bit like adding more colours to my costumes," he said. He also said he was overwhelmed by the support that local fans had been showing him. "I am extremely thankful for the support I get," he added. Taiwanese King of Ballads, Fei Yu-Ching will perform on Nov 25 and Nov 26 at the Arena of Stars, Genting Highlands at 8pm. Tickets to the Nov 25 performance are priced at RM410 (VIP), RM310 (PS1), RM210 (PS2), RM160 (PS3), RM130 (PS4); Nov26 at RM450 (VIP), RM350 (PS1), RM250 (PS2), RM190 (PS3) and RM150 (PS4). For reservation and inquiries, log on to www.rwgenting.com or call 03 - 2718 1118.

FEI: Hopes to incorporate some of his own ideas at the show

12 lifestyle

Chillin’ and eatin’ in Pen IF you happen to be in Georgetown, Penang this weekend, there is plenty you can cram into one and a half days (minus travel time). Rich in culture and history, it’s a

beautiful city that still preserves the past but also welcomes the present. The island is the perfect place for hanging out, peoplewatching and of course, eating.

By KARINA FOO karina@mmail.com.my

Eatin’ — A little surprise EVEN during the reign of skyscrapers and rapid urban development, one thing that’ll never change is Penang’s abundant feasts. Local cuisine is served up everywhere, on the roadside or inside coffee shops or kopitiam as they are affectionately called, operating in restored heritage or pre-war buildings. Since the stomach was already grumbling, we quickly and randomly stopped at Sun Yoon Kee Seafood Restaurant at Cintra Street. The typical old-style kopitiam had a no-frills and basic setting and all there were on the display counter were roasted ducks hanging from hooks. We thought: “A seafood restaurant selling duck rice?” But the owner, Gan Choon Chong cheerfully approached and offered his splendid and unlimited selection of: “Duck rice, chicken rice, char-siew, can also whip up any type of noodle dishes, rice dishes, vegetables or meat, stir-frys — whatever you want, can also!”

IT’S simply a dream come true as everything you want (and need), is available on the same street. You’ll find it all at the stretch of Upper Penang Road featuring some of the best pubs, bars and nightclubs. If you’re walking along the road trying to decide which pub you’d like to go to, you’d just have to know how to

politely decline the hostesses from each bar and pub who will try to lure you into the outlet. Take your time to consider as you’ll see Zenzibar, Monkey Bar, Tiger Arms and a lot more in the row. One of the newest clubs is Voodoo which usually gets very packed in the weekends. The

VOODOO: Where black magic happens on the dance floor

music ranges from R&B, Hip Hop, Top 40s, electro-dance and trance. But make your way there on Wednesdays and you’ll get to see a “sexy dance” contest by the female clubbers where they get on the podium to shake what their mamas gave em’. So ladies, if you’re feeling a little brazen and want to have some fun, this would be the perfect opportunity to showcase your sex appeal. For a taste of Latino flava, you might want to swivel your hips into Slippery Senoritas where you’ll see bartenders showing off their skills with bottle flips and other magic tricks while they make your drinks The crowd is slightly older than in Voodoo but since all the clubs are so close together, if you don’t like one, just head for the other. Even if you don’t want to dance but chill-out, the pubs await your patronage — that’s what I mean by convenient and simple!

NOT A QUACK AT COOKING: There’s the old duck dish yet hustle of your shopping centre food court, having your meals in this area will allow you to soak up a bit of Penang’s history. Unfortunately, some say these structures and coffee shops are a slow dying breed as they are shadowed by the cosmopolitan edifices and events which are more popular with the younger generation. But although his coffee shop was rather bare, a few charming antiques that were still being used was the 80-year-old Grandfather clock and the vintage cash register from the 1950s. This was indeed fascinating because not only did we have a scrumptious

Small but big in taste a

SPOILT FOR CHOICE: With the line-up of bars in the street, one can't complain of a lack of watering holes

Chillin’ — A peek at the night life

What a pleasant surprise! Our orders were Yee Fu Mee (Cantonese egg noodles), chicken porridge, vegetables, char-siew and of course, duck rice — and they were all delicious. The Yee Fu Mee was especially very tasty with its dense gravy and firm yet fluid noodles and the duck was not like any I’ve seen or tasted before. The meat was well-cooked giving it the richness and texture that was perfect. Gan, 70, revealed he had been operating the humble eatery since he was 12, but today, with children who are already in their 30s and 40s, they won’t be continuing the business when he retires. But Gan remains optimistic: “This is my passion and I love what I do but I can’t force my children to do something that’s not in their interest. Business can be better but because we’re not in the main food street, not as many know about us.” Gan’s coffee shop is one of the many heritage buildings lined along the street and if you need a break from the hustle and

IF you’re a fan of or are curious about Peranakan food, head to Nonya Baba Cuisine at 44, Nagore Road. Also situated along a row of historical buildings turned shophouses in the 1960s, it still preserves the traditional Nonya style interior and ornaments, bringing life to the Peranakan era of years past. A few dishes you must try are the assam-style curry fish which carries a slight tang, some would call a “kick”; the Joo Hu Char (various sliced and diced vegetables served with sambal and often a once yearly Chinese New Year dish for the Peranakans and Hokkiens and the mouth-

watering chicken curry. These dishes are not too hot but if you like “oomph”, you can always ask them to up the chili ante if you want more “fire”. Nyonya Baba Cuisine was formerly known as Dragon King restaurant further down the street, but its owner and chef, Khoo Siew Eng changed the name to Nonya Baba simply because that’s the type of food that she’s always specialised in. After more than 30 years in the business, Siew Eng’s restaurant has been featured in Lonely Planet and visited by TV host and food critic, Anthony Bourdain as well as filmed for a scene in Singapore’s drama, Little Nyonya.

PIQUANT: Fish curry (left) and chicken curry

The Malay Mail Tuesday 11 OCTOBER, 2011


s life in

BLAST FROM THE PAST: These are antigues one hardly sees these days dinner with a cheerful host who sang while he mended the cash counter (Gan is an impressive tenor), we got to see how life was before I-Phones, I-Pads and I-Whatevers. I f you want to take a step back

into history, fill your mouth with cheap yet delicious homecooked food and be entertained by melodious live singing of Chinese folk songs, visit Sun Yoon Kee at 35, Cintra Street — Tel: 04-261-3987.

and history

STEP into the Imperial Rama Restaurant, a Thai-Chinese fine dining restaurant on the second floor of Highlands Hotel, Genting Highlands, and you will be pleased by its above-average gourmet experience and good service. Combining Chinese cooking with Thai influence, Imperial Rama is where multiple awardwinning young chef, Eric Lee shares his culinary expertise. His creations are certainly conversation pieces and his passion becomes evident when he talks about his work and inspiration. “Everyone has different taste buds. What one person likes might not be what others love. I take people’s varied tastes into consideration. Every flavour is made based on customers’ expectations,” Lee said. For the Malaysian International Gourmet Festival (MIGF) 2011, several different dishes are being showcased at the restaurant including the Alaskan King Crab with Smoked Duck Salad. The crab’s long legs offered a generous portion of meat and it was quite savoury but that is to be expected with fresh seafood. You could even eat it without any fancy sauce and it would still taste great. However, the sweet and sour Thai chilli sauce that accompanied the dish further accentuated the crab’s flavour as it was mildly spicy, and certainly prepared the tastebuds for the next dish. Stewed Chicken Essence Soup with Dried Seafood came next. Brewed for more than 12 hours, the soup was clear and packed with all the nutrients needed for a healthy dish. Neither the dried seafood nor the chicken essence was overpowering.


Food fit for a king CLASSIC: The stewed bird's nest with chrysanthemum and ginseng (left) and the flounder fillet noodles Instead, they paired very well. Mildly-seasoned, this was a great energy booster. The main course was the Abalone with Black Truffles. The abalone was cooked to perfection and it was tender but not mushy. This was a winning dish. Also on the menu was the Southern Flounder Fillet Noodles. Served in a hot pot to regulate the temperature, this was something like Korea’s Bibimbap. The springy wheat noodles was in perfect marriage with the dark sauce made from duck liver. Closing our food sojourn at the restaurant was Stewed Bird’s Nest with Chrysanthemum and Ginseng. After all the heavy eating, this traditional-sounding dessert came at the perfect time. Served in an ostrich egg, the chrysanthemum was nothing special on its own, except maybe its aroma. However, with a few pieces of bird’s nest, this could well

have been the most expensive chrysanthemum tea ever served. The warm dessert was fresh and it did put a balance to the whole RICH: Abalone with experience. It was not too black truffles sweet and there was a great contrast between the bird’s nest and the humble chrysanthemum. The promotion at Imperial Rama, which is in conjunction with the Malaysia International Gourmet Festival (MIGF) 2011, will be going on until Oct 31 Imperial Rama’s MIGF Festival Menu is priced at RM 398++ (with wine pairing) and RM 298++ (without wine pairing). The set menu is served during lunch from noon to 2.30pm and HEALTHY: Stewed dinner from 6pm to 9.30pm, chicken essence while on Sunday and public soup with dried holidays, the restaurant will seafood open for lunch from noon to 2.30pm and dinner from 6pm to 10.30pm. — By LOONG WAI TING LEE: Cooking maverick

SUCCULENT: Alaskan king crab with smoked duck salad

Heaven in your mouth OH those sweet cravings that never seem to go away. Once

HISTORICAL: Peranakan heritage on the facade “While patrons dine, the deco is always a talking point as it represents true Peranakan or Nyonya culture and its interesting past,” explained Siew Eng. Peranakans were the Chinese th during the late 19 century of the British Straits Settlements in Penang, Melacca and Singapore. They adopted some Malay customs and assimilated with the culture, while many

were brought up speaking fluent English and Malay. The men were the Babas and the women, Nyonyas and just like the intricate and kaleidoscopic housing interiors, the Nyonyas wore beautiful Baju and Sarong Kebaya with colourful beaded slippers. To taste what authentic Nyonya food is like and to get a glimpse into Peranakan culture, visit Nyonya Baba Cuisine — Tel: 04-227-8035.

TANTALISING: Fruit Salad for fruit fanatics and Mocha Crumble for coffee-chocoholics

you treat yourself to two of Walls' newest additions of ice creams: Fruit Salad and Mocha Crumble, they would definitely hit that sweet spot. Both flavours have been created for the serious icecream aficionado and each scoop will unleash a mindblowing sensation of flavours. The Fruit Salad includes seven types of fruits with cocktail pieces made from papaya, Californian peaches, grapes, pears and cherries swirled in creamy ice-cream. The Mocha Crumble

is made out of coffee-flavoured ice-cream laden with cashew nut bits, with a combination of nuts and chunky chocolate chips — a delicious combination for coffee and chocolate lovers. The ice-cream comes in 800ml stand-up tubs (family packs) and are priced at RM10.90 for each pack. The new Wall’s Selection is available in all hypermarkets and supermarkets nationwide and they come in a total of five delicious flavours — Double Dutch, Very Rocky Road and Cookies n’ Cream plus Fruit Salad and Mocha Crumble. Share these with family and friends anytime, or just have them all to yourself.


the malay mail



the malay mail




the malay mail

Tuesday 11 OCTOBER, 2011

Readers can also look out for classified ads ONLINE as early as 9.00a.m at www.mmail.com.my


Houses wanted

GOOD PRICES OFFERED for land / houses and Apt in Shah Alam, PJ & KL. Quick sale. Owners TEL / SMS 019-228 6666


Car for sale

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Car for sale

Vehicles for hire

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Fashion/health & beauty

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Office/office building for sale


Office to let

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Financing/insurance service

GREAT PROMOTION 1 Malaysia. Proton & Perodua all models full loan. For Gov, Private & New working Graduate. Many stock, low int. Many gifts and easy approval.Myvi 1.5 ready for booking. Call: Sham 0166966 659, Jefri 016-387 5838

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Commercial vehicles for sale

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Fashion/health & beauty (NEW) HICOM, High discount, high trade in, cheapest in town. Call: 016248 8363 / 012-676 3609.

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KIA CARNIVAL 2.5L 2002 (A) Petrol. Blue. Good running condition. RM25K. Call: 012654 3331, 03-4023 9669 Peter

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Business opportunities

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Home repairs/maintenance

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Home services/renovations

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Fashion/health & beauty

THAI MASSAGE Jln Tun Razak, near Pasar Pudu Wisma Indah, Interested please call: Erna 016-963 6465


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TRADERS (GOLD, FX) Losing money, visit: http;// onlinetradingwithmt4. blogspot.com or email: naveht@hotmail.com


Tuesday 11 OCTOBER, 2011 M432

Business for sale

HAIR SALOON For sale. RM 16k, Rental RM700 mtly, Ideal location, next to Giant Hypermarket, Taman Permata, Off Jln Ulu Kelang. Interested call: Tracy 016-345 9988


Business Services


Articles for sale

SCALAR ENERGY PENDANT WholesalePrice from as low as RM48 !!! Call : 012-2871712


Articles wanted

MUSLIM COMPANY Secretary New & Shelf Co. ROC, MOF Bumi Kem. Kewangan Call: 03-40410000 / 0162860000

BUY / SELL / PAWN Note book, hand phone new/ old 70% digital camera.0342517755 / 012-3388688 Peter. 208 Plaza Ampang City, KL UNIFORM FACTORY at Cheras, we make all types of uniform. Call: William 016-338 3670 Agents are welcome


Jobs A MEDICAL TOURISM CO. (MIDVALLEY, KL) Requires experienced Telemarketers & Sales consultant. Training provided . Basic RM3,000 & commission. Pls call ERIC 0162619132 OR 603-22881669. Interested call after 11 am daily.

WE HAVE more than 1 Million Malaysia Updated Email & Phone List to Find Your Customers Group to Boost Up Your Business.10,000 Email List for RM200 & 1,000 Phone List for RM200. This Month Promotion: Free Email Blasting Marketing Software + Training. Call Mr Goh :012-2392775 or Mr Yap :012-2168427


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Services ACCOUNTS, AUDIT ,TAX, Secretarial, MOF & Register co..Door steps service. Lembah Klang.03-5511 5922 / 034107 8457 / 012-216 0744 Sainy. Visit www.mhmfirm.com

HIGH 4D TRAINING SKILLS for direct top prizes. 4D winning numbers for Magnum & Toto. Increase chances in winning 4D Magnum & Toto Jackpot game using these powerful techniques. Call Mr.Vincent: 012670 7182 for more information.


Friendship CUPID’S TOUCH High success rate genuine clientele. Call: 03-2142 6118 / 032142 1118 / 016-650 1118 w w w. c u p i d s t o u c h . c o m . m y


Articles for sale

DRYER FOR CLOTHING’S. Easy, fast and effective. RM390. For happy family. Interested call: 019-7355 295







CELCOM PROMOTER urgently needed. Basic salary + comm. (RM 2k-4k) Training provided. School leaver are encourage to apply. Opportunity to get a higher post. Mr.Jimmy Lim (HP) 013-399 9388

SALES DEVELOPMENT Executive/ Van Salesman / Lorry Driver & Lorry Attendant needed with or without exp. Call 03-8062 2007

CREDIT RECOVERY OFFICERS wanted at Klana Jaya. School leavers or fresh graduate or retires encourage to apply. Interested call: 016-207 0228 Lee, 012-296 0625 John

SECURITY ELITE GUARDS CISCO Urgently needed at 5 Star Hotel in KL, Ex Uniformed personnel’s are encouraged. Salary RM 1800.00+++. EPF, SOCSO, medical, insurance, meals and hostel provided. Call: Chandran 012-376 0640, Jeya 016-222 3213,Off 03-2282 7055, 2282 7044

DRIVER: 3-4 Yrs experience with good road knowledge, interested. TECHNICIAN IT: Min SPM, Exp IT / Electronic, valid driving license. ENGINEER IT: Dip IT / Electronic, 2 Yrs. Exp, HW, SW. Contact: 03-5513 1114 / Email:hr@rhyzrin.com

FACTORY SUPERVISORS NEEDED. Able to speak & write in English. Knowledge in production planning, managing workers. Experience in the manufacturing environment. Experience in operating semi automatic machines would be an added advantage. Able to work overtime & on weekends if required. Interested, please call Penny at 03-5519 9888

the malay mail M580




Superb Wealth Management an outsource representing Hong Leong Bank Berhad, based in Damansara Uptown have immediate vacancies for mortgage loan executives. Basic Salary + Commission. Contact 012-699 5051 or send your resume and application to maximilian-agency@live.com

WAITERS / WAITRESSES / KITCHEN Helpers with minimum SPM qualification. Full time / Part time. Cooks with degree / diploma qualification. Full time. Able to speak good English. Foreigners with working permit. Please Call: Kate 012-904 4228 / Kheong 012-277 1298

SMOOSHIE JUICE IS hiring full-time & part time Retails Sales Assistant. Come join our dynamic team in KL. Immediate vacancy, good pay & great fun! Training is provided. Basic English required. Pls call 012-420 8090/012406 8211. Email: Info@ smooshiejuice.com A.S.A.P.



Well established, fast growing kindergarten at Sek.4 Kota Damansara P.J. seeks Montessori/equivalent teachers. 5 days work, top-of-the-market benefits, excellent environment, training provided. Optional full-day work opportunities available. Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply. Contact 012-200 2862 or send your resume to stham24@yahoo.com



GENERAL CLERK Urgently required in Kepong. Exp. in UBS inventory Contact: Mr. Ando 017-981 9759 ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT required by authorised Honda dealer in Subang Jaya (near Goodyear Court). Min SPM/ above. Computer literate. To assist exec in accounting & admin functions. Able to start immediately is an advantage. Chinese female preferred. E-mail to stbt@ usjcarexpress.com or contact Mr. Steven 03-56358988.

ADMIN & ACCOUNT CLERK, Sales Exec, General Workers & Lorry Driver required at Cheras. Please contact:: 03-9223 0037 An established Company at Jalan Ipoh seeks LORRY DRIVER Requirements:Familiar with Klang Valley. With experience at least 1 year. Capable to carry heavy goods. Willing to work long hours. Interested candidates kindly call 03-6257 7860

An experienced company driver is wanted for an office in Bangsar. Able to communicate in English. Salary RM1,400 negotiable. Call Philip Lee at 03-2284 9594 for interview ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANTS needed. Candidate must posses a Degree in Accounting, at least 3 years working experience. Mandarin & English spoken. Chinese lady preferred. Please write in to us either by mail, fax or e-mail detailed resume together with a recent photograph to Prima Interchem Sdn Bhd. No. 4, Jalan Sungai Kayu Ara 32/38, Taman Berjaya Industrial Park, Seksyen 32, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor. Tel: 03-5740 6060 Fax: 035740 6050 Email: katherine@ primainterchem.com

CAR SPARE PARTS Delivery Despatch worker, (with good salary) Petaling Jaya. Call: Ms Chai 03-7875 6868

IMMEDIATE VACANIES FOR Credi recovery Officers / Field visit Officer & despatch. Age below 37. Min SPM. Male / female. Indoor / outdoor. With / Without experience. Urgently required in Tmn Shamelin, Cheras. Good basic salary + high commission. Please call: Mr.Letchu 016-218 9500, Mr Shashi 016-217 1500 LORRY DRIVER NEEDED urgently. Location in Cheras. With full E-license & able to read in English. Call: 03-9223 0037

ONLINE EDUCATION BUSINESS. We are looking for business partners to expand our market share. The only e-learning portal endorsed by the Ministry of Education. Huge market potential (Std 1 to Form 5). Pioneer & leader in e-learning. Low start-up capital. High income return. SMS your particulars <NAME> SPACE <AGE> SPACE <OCCUPATION> SPACE <AREA> to 012-3776739 PRECISION MACHINIST/ TOOL & DIE MAKERS needed. Min. 3 yrs exp. in High Precision Steel or Carbide Grinding, CNC Milling/Wire-Cut, EDM for Semicon tooling spares fabrication. Preferred Malaysian or foreigners with work permits may apply. Call 03-5636 8122 or send resume at roswati@ sandpipers.com.my or kschan@sandpipers.com.my QC with Forman experience/ Salesman related to car insurance / morning & night shift telephone operator positions available. Possess relevant qualification & experiences in automotive industry. Must have own transport ( preferably live in close proximity. Immediate vacancy. Office location at Jalan Kapar, Klang. Pls call Bob @ 012-393 9389 or Ah Soon @ 012-393 9398 RECOVERY OFFICERS Supervisors/ Managers/ Clerical needed. Attractive basic salary, commission and performance bonus provided. Loc: near the Pudu LRT station. (walking distance) Call: 03-9195 5551 @ 5552 or E-mail gtr@galatrack.com

03-7495 1273






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Tuesday 11 OCTOBER, 2011 M580






03-7495 1273










The Malay Mail Tuesday 11 OCTOBER, 2011


SHAH ALAM: Football/ Malaysia Cup

Giants rule Lift of Perak's players' suspensions and sending-off fail to derail Selangor

By Haresh Deol haresh@mmail.com.my

THE first-leg of the Malaysia Cup quarterfinals took a dramatic turn yesterday even before a ball had been kicked. Just hours prior to kick-off, the FA of Malaysia (FAM) appeals committee lifted the suspension of Perak's five key players — Shahrulnizam Mustafa, Akmal Rizal Rakhli, Nasril Nurdin, Syazwan Roslan and Azmeer Yusoff — allowing them to play against Selangor at the Shah Alam Stadium. The five were earlier suspended by FAM's disciplinary board for allegedly abusing referee Sabri Mat Lazim during a Super League match on May 19. Many were caught off guard by the lift of the ban with some observers feeling sympathetic as Perak had made plans without the five players in mind. Nevertheless, the availability of the players made little difference, even with Shahrulnizam and Akmal coming on as substitutes, as Perak suffered a 3-1 defeat. Perak coach Norizan Bakar was not disturbed by the decision and claimed the five had always been part of the team. "It has always been the media's assumption that the players were not with us but they have always been with the team. Their suspension was lifted and we used a few of them for the match," said Norizan.

UP AND OVER: Selangor's Mohd Amri Yahyah evades a tackle by Muhd Nurridzuan Abu Hassan — Pic: Razak Ghazali

"It's going to be a tough match in Ipoh. We don't have any other choice but to win." Perak dominated the first five minutes of the match but somewhat fizzled out and allowed the Red Giants to dictate the game. While the Klang Valley side were not impressive, they had Safiq Rahim to thank as he scored through two brilliant free-kicks in the 12th and 58th minutes. Midfielder Amirulhadi Zainal scored the other goal in the 63rd minute. With hardly 10 minutes of play left, the Merah Kuning squad suffered a blow after Bunyamin Umar was given his marching orders after picking up his second yellow card. Perak took advantage and obtained their consolation goal through Failee Ghazali in the

Results Quarterfinals first-leg Selangor 3 Perak 1 Felda United 1 N. Sembilan 0 Terengganu 3 Kelantan 1 Sabah 1 T-Team 2

76th minute. Both teams will play in the return-leg at the Perak Stadium on Friday. Selangor coach P. Maniam was all smiles after the win. "I'm very happy with the commitment of the players. They gave their best today and we won," said Maniam. He expects Hardi Jaafar or Fadzli Saari to fill Bunyamin's shoes in the next match. "We had seven to eight chances but only managed three goals. It will be a daunting task in Ipoh and the team will need to give 200 per cent to win," he added.

Petaling Jaya

Athletics hero passes on

03-7495 1273

HE was a leader in his own right. Former national hammer thrower the late Genda Singh Amar Singh is fondly remembered for standing up for his fellow athletes when it came to safeguarding their welfare. Genda passed away at the University Malaya Medical Centre on Sunday night after a short illness. He was 89. "There was an edition of the Sea Games in the 60s that we participated in and several of us athletes were unhappy with the way we were treated," recalled former sprint king Tan Sri Dr M. Jegathesan. "Genda led the way and brought it up with the athletics union back then and our grouses were quickly addressed. "He was the eldest among us and he was a leader in his own

way," added Jegathesan. He was among the few, including G. Rajalingam, Asir Victor, T. Krishnan, M. Rajamani, Cheryl Dorral, Rajemah Sheikh Ahmad and M. Dataya, who competed alongside Genda. Genda's eldest son Semret continued the family tradition and won two Sea Games gold medals (1985 Bangkok and 1989 KL) and even broke his father's record of 44.14m after managing 51.644m at the Police Games in 1986. The earlier record was set by Genda in 1966 in Ipoh. Born in India, Genda came to Malaya in 1942 with the India Army. After the country gained independence, he stayed on to become a citizen and resided in Ipoh. He joined the Police in 1945 and was still a constable when he

retired in 1977. Genda started competing in 1960 and retired after the 1977 KL Seap Games at the age of 55. A pectoral muscle tear did not stop him as he defied doctors' orders to compete in the 1977 Games. He won the bronze medal. G e n d a l e ave s b e h i n d wife Mohinder Kaur, sons — Semret, Kulwant, Kaldip, Manohor, Mahinderjit — and daughter Persin Kaur to mourn his loss. Those wishing to pay their last respects can do so at No 2, Jalan BRP 4/10, Bukit Rahman Putra, Sungai Buloh, 47000, Selangor. The cottage will leave the house at 10.00am on Wednesday to Jalan Loke Yew Cemetery in Kuala Lumpur. Samret can be contacted at 012-3377056.



Wales are optimistic Rhys Priestland and Luke Charteris will be fit for the semifinal against France on Saturday — AFP

Resourceful Halfpenny

auckland: rugby/ world cup

The Malay Mail Tuesday 11 OCTOBER, 2011

TOKYO: motorsport/ formula 1

Playing it cool does the trick for Vettel

Welsh hero wants them to down France in style FULLBACK Leigh Halfpenny believes Wales must make it business as usual when they take their all-action game into the first semifinal against France at Eden Park on Saturday. The Welsh have already ensured their best World Cup campaign since the inaugural tournament 24 years ago after a pulsating quarterfinal victory over traditional rivals Ireland last Saturday. And now only the unpredictable France stand between them and a place in the final against either New Zealand or Australia on Oct 23. Wales fullback Halfpenny has no doubt one of the tournament's most entertaining teams need to maintain their adventurous approach. "We can't afford to go into our shells," he said. "We have to go out and express ourselves. If we don't do that, we will lose before we even take the field, so that is not an option. We are a team that plays rugby and we try to make the right decisions on the ball." Halfpenny, also known as "Full Shilling", was one of the star performers against Ireland, shining in attack and defence, and it would be a major surprise if he is not retained in his favourite position as a fullback against France. "I said before the Ireland game that to start at fullback for my country in a World

FIXTURES SEMIFINALS SATURDAY Wales v France (4pm) SUNDAY Australia v New Zealand (4pm)


greatest champion: Vettel will "explore" in the final four races — AFP photo

FULL NAME: Stephen Leigh Halfpenny DATE OF BIRTH: Dec 22, 1988 PLACE OF BIRTH: Swansea HEIGHT: 1.78m (5'10") WEIGHT: 85kg NICKNAME: Pencey, Full Shilling POSITION: Wing/Fullback SENIOR CLUBS 2008 – Cardiff Blues NATIONAL TEAM 2007–2009 Wales Under-20 Wales, British & Irish Lions 2009–present

Cup quarterfinal was a dream come true," he said. "The game itself was incredible. I just concentrated on my performance and tried to make sure I did all my roles as best I could. I thoroughly enjoyed it at fullback, I just love being there. It was an absolute pleasure to be stood behind the team that were in front of me. "Putting on the Wales jersey is everything to me, wherever that is. I am a back three player." Wales have only beaten France once in their last seven meetings — during the 2008 Six Nations Grand Slam season — but such is their sense of belief it is a statistic that appears largely irrelevant. "We've said all along that we

Halfpenny: We'll keep on playing our game — AFP photo

are not here just to make up the numbers. We want to seriously win. All the hard work we have put in is paying off and we are not satisfied with reaching the semifinals," said Halfpenny. "We will enjoy it because as a group we haven't been here before, and who knows if we will be here again, but there is still plenty to come. There is

a feeling we can go the whole way, and we are determined to do that. "We are a rugby nation and we've had tremendous support from all the fans who have come out here. They've been here throughout the tournament for us, and we can't thank them enough. I am sure it means a lot back home."

More controversies than anything else for Red Roses ENGLAND'S disastrous campaign in the World Cup, where they were knocked out at the quarterfinal stage by France, have also been hit by controversies. Here are some of them which may well be remembered for a long time to come by team officials, players and fans alike. SEPT 12: England are warned by the organisers to find a way to prevent numbers coming off players' jerseys. The numbers began to rub off England's black change shirts — themselves the subject of heated debate because of their

similarity to New Zealand's All Black strip — during their opening win over Argentina. SEPT 13: Lock Courtney Lawes is handed a twogame ban after being found guilty of striking Argentina hooker Mario Ledesma with his knee. SEPT: 15: Head coach Martin Johnson defends his players following a night out in Queenstown after the win over the Pumas. Mike Tindall, who was shown on security footage in conversation with a woman, Chris Ashton and Dylan Hartley are among the players pictured at the Altitude

bar, which was holding a "Mad Midget Weekender". Johnson also has to defend the decision to allow some players to go bungee jumping. SEPT 29: The Rugby Football Union suspend assistant coach Dave Alred and fitness coach Paul Stridgeon from Saturday's World Cup game against Scotland after the pair were found to have illegally changed balls during the victory against Romania. OCT 3: Delon Armitage was ruled out of the quarterfinal against France after receiving a one-match ban for a "dangerous high

tackle" on Scotland's Chris Paterson. OCT 4: Centre Manu Tuilagi was fined £4,800 by Rugby World Cup officials for wearing a sponsored mouthguard which contravened IRB's strict advertising and sponsorship rules. OCT 9: Tuilagi is detained by Auckland police after jumping from a ferry as it was about to berth. The 20-year-old was given a pre-charge warning for disorderly behaviour before being released back to the England team management, who were said to have been "a little bit embarrassed".

GERMAN ace Sebastian Vettel believes his refusal to get carried away with the thought of making Formula 1 history allowed him to do exactly that. He is now the sport's youngest back-to-back and two-time title winner after he finished third in the Japanese Grand Prix at Suzuka on Sunday behind McLaren's Jenson Button. It was not the result he ideally wanted to celebrate his championship triumph, remarkably his second worst of the season, but it was comfortably good enough to see him over the finishing line with four races to spare. At the age of 24 years a n d 9 9 d ay s , Ve t te l eclipsed the mark set by Spaniard Fernando Alonso in 2006 in winning consecutive titles by a few days short of a year. Vettel also joins an elite club with successive victories, standing alongside Alberto Ascari, Juan Manuel Fangio, Jack Brabham, Alain Prost, Ayrton Senna, Michael Schumacher, Mika Hakkinen and Alonso. "A lot of people have been confident about the title. But one of the important things was we didn't allow ourselves to drift away with the thought too much," said Vettel. "Instead, we concentrated on every single step and everything we have done this year and everything we have achieved — then wow! "It's phenomenal what has happened. We set ourselves the target to win the championship this year, so to win it in Japan with four races to go is difficult to put into words. "I never imagined I would win one championship, and so to win this second

one is amazing." The charismatic Vettel praised the entire team who have supported him en route to his 12 poles, nine wins, four seconds, a third and a fourth — a total of 14 podiums in 15 Grands Prix. "I want to thank all the guys and girls in the factory in Milton Keynes, as it's not just us at the track pushing hard," he said. "It's them as well, from the post office to the design office to the engineering office, and then here at the track, their effort is just incredible. "It's hard to imagine, but we have two cars and two drivers only, and we carry that weight on our shoulders every time we go on track. Sometimes we don't treat the cars as good as we should, but we always try to get every single bit out of them every weekend." Team principal Christian Horner believes Vettel has raised the bar this season with his performances compared to last season when he scraped home in the final race. "Sebastian has just benefited from more experience and the level that he has operated at has been phenomenal this year," said Horner. "He's come into the year as the reigning world champion and he's performed like a true world champion. He really has risen to the challenge, driven absolutely impeccably this year, and it's been a pleasure to see." Vettel is 114 points clear of Button with only 100 available, whilst Red Bull are poised to clinch consecutive constructors' titles as they lead McLaren by 130 points.

the malay mail

TUESday 11 OCTOBER, 2011






A Real lifeline for Tevez REAL MADRID are ready to offer Carlos Tevez an escape from his Manchester City nightmare. The Spanish club are understood to want Tevez, whose City career is effectively over following his alleged refusal to play against Bayern Munich in the Champions League last month. Tevez is wanted by Real boss Jose Mourinho, but a potential January deal could be ­scuppered by the size of the fee and the former City skipper’s wage demands. City want at least £35 million for Tevez, but the striker will have to overcome the stumbling block of Real being unwilling to meet his wage demands of £250,000-a-week.


Wenger hunting young guns ARSENAL boss Arsene Wenger is set to recruit another Spanish prospect after setting up a deal with Real Madrid. Midfielder Jose Rodriguez, 16, is ready to move to the Emirates following a tip-off from Arsenal’s Spanish scout Francis Cagigao. Wenger will offer Rodriguez a five-year contract starting next season after the player impressed in the U-17 World Championships, with Arsenal now negotiating with Real Madrid over compensation. The Gunners, who snapped up Hector Bellerin and Jon Toral from Barcelona this summer, have also been keeping tabs on another Real youngster, 16-year-old striker Jose Pozo.


Anzhi set to keep on spending ARSENAL skipper Robin van Persie and Chelsea’s Nicolas Anelka have been targeted by Anzhi Makhachkala, according to current player-manager Roberto Carlos. The Brazilian legend has revealed the Premier League duo are high on the Russian's hit list, and warned European heavyweights that the big-spenders have placed no limits on their transfer ambition for the upcoming January window. "Anelka is not the only player (we are looking at). Nene from PSG and van Persie from Arsenal are players we are following," the former Real Madrid leftback told TV show Canal Football Club. Billionaire owner Suleyman Kerimov has already bankrolled the signing of Samuel Eto’o, and is rumoured to also want Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard, as well as England manager Fabio Capello.

But we might lose and be in second place and we might draw and not be in second place so it's going to be one of those nights — Darren Fletcher on Scotland's match against Spain

The Malay Mail Tuesday 11 October, 2011


McIlroy, Wozniacki make mental connection GOLF superstar Rory McIlroy spoke warmly of his relationship with women's tennis No 1 Caroline Wozniacki (pic), saying the pressures of toplevel sport gave them a special bond. McIlroy, who started dating Wozniacki in the weeks after his emphatic US Open victory in June, said the two did not discuss the technical side of

their sports but would talk about the mental pressures. "More about the mental side rather than anything else," McIlroy said in Shanghai, where he is participating in the Shui On Land China Golf Challenge exhibition event. "It's great to be able to talk to someone who truly understands what you're doing and what you go through. It's

definitely nice," he said. McIlroy, 22, became the US Open youngest champion with his breakthrough win, while Wozniacki is still searching for her first victory in a Major tennis tournament. Wozniacki retained first place in the WTA rankings while Pole Agnieszka Radwanska returned into the top 10 of the latest list issued


No preferential treatment at Euros, says Del Bosque

SPEAKING ahead of his side's final Euro 2012 qualifier against Scotland in Alicante, Spain coach Vicente Del Bosque insisted no one will receive preferential treatment when it comes to selecting his squad for next summer's finals. "We will see what happens, but nobody will be given any privileges," Del Bosque told a Press conference. Del Bosque was answering a question relating to Fernando Torres, the Chelsea striker whose place in the side is considered to be at risk because of his poor form at club level. However, Del Bosque spoke out in defence of the 27-yearold, who scored the winning goal in the Euro 2008 final against Germany, and begged to differ with those who believe he has failed to fire at Chelsea. "You must judge a player over a long period of time. Undoubtedly, we have to be fair because there is a lot of competition, but we selected Torres because he has been doing well for his club," he said. However, Del Bosque was adamant in saying Torres will have to earn his place in the squad. "There will not be any privi-

TORRES: Failed to score against the Czechs — AFP photo

leges for anyone. There is a lot of competition for places and we have to be fair," he said. The striker netted the winner in Spain's 1-0 win over Germany in the final of the 2008 European Championships, but has been struggling to find his

best form at club level since leaving Liverpool for Chelsea in January 2011. Del Bosque has now insisted that his selection for next year's tournament will be based on actual performances rather than on achievements

from the past. "Fernando has a great history with the national side, but he also has a role to play right now," he added. "He's in the squad because of his performances at club level. We will see how things stand ahead of Euro 2012." Torres was part of the starting XI in Spain's 2-0 win over Czech Republic last Saturday, but failed to find the net and was taken off after an hour. Turning his attentions back to tomorrow's match with Scotland, where a win would see the reigning European and world champions complete their Euro 2012 qualifying campaign with eight wins from a possible eight, Del Bosque hinted goalkeeper Iker Casillas might be rested. "If there is one thing we can be proud of it is the behaviour of our goalkeepers," he said, admitting that Jose Reina and Victor Valdes deserve a chance to show what they can do. "We have two great goalkeepers waiting in the wings and they are itching to play." Valdes is expected to start the match against a Scotland side who sit second in Group I and must match or better the Czech Republic's result in Lithuania to take a playoff place. — Agencies


Loew presents 'lucky' sweater to museum

GERMANY coach Joachim Loew donated his "lucky" blue sweater worn during the 2010 World Cup for its inclusion in a museum being built by the German Football Federation (DFB) yesterday. "I hope the pullover will have a worthy place in the museum and will be well looked after,"

said Loew as he handed over the cashmere sweater. "Maybe I will still need it to bring me luck in other tournaments." The presentation took place a day before Germany are due to meet Belgium here as the hosts bid to make it 10 wins out of 10 in

Euro 2012 qualifying. The sweater was purchased by the owners of a German supermarket chain last December for €1 million (RM4.3m). It earned its reputation as a lucky charm after Loew wore it during three wins when his side scored four goals in South Africa, against Australia (4-0),

Argentina (4-0) and England (4-1). Germany finally lost to eventual winners Spain to finish third in the tournament. Work on the DFB museum is due to start next year on the site in Dortmund, western Germany and will be completed in 2014. — AFP

yesterday after completing an Asian title double. The Dane leads the way with 8,005 points from Russia's Maria Sharapova (6,370) and Victoria Azarenka of Belarus (6,190). Radwanska climbed from 12th to eighth place the day after winning the Beijing title. The Polish player also won in Tokyo last week. — Agencies


Keane out of Ireland's decider against Armenia IRELAND'S captain and leading scorer Robbie Keane has been ruled out of the deciding Euro 2012 qualifier against Armenia tomorrow because of an abductor muscle problem. Keane, 31, played the full 90 minutes in Saturday's 2-0 win in Andorra but complained of soreness in his abductor muscle during the early hours of Sunday. Ireland manager Giovanni Tr a p a t t o n i s a i d a f t e r Sunday's training session the Los Angeles Galaxy striker was a "strong doubt" for the game in Dublin. And the Football Association of Ireland (FAI) confirmed yesterday he would miss the match. "Robbie Keane was released from the squad due to injury and is devastated to miss Armenia. He will be there tomorrow to support the lads," an FAI spokesman said. Simon Cox will replace Keane in attack with Stephen Kelly and Richard Dunne coming back into the side. They will replace Stephen Ward, who is suspended, and Darren O'Dea. Ireland go into the Group B game in second place behind Russia. They can either win the group, finish second, or, if they lose to Armenia, be eliminated with the visitors instead making the playoffs as runners-up. Striker Jonathan Walters, meanwhile, has joined up with the squad after an ankle injury forced him to miss the Andorra match. Trap attoni name d t he following side to face Armenia: Shay Given; John O'Shea, Richard Dunne, S ean St Ledger, St e ph e n Ke l ly ; D am i e n Duff, Glenn Whelan, Keith Andrews, Aiden McGeady; Kevin Doyle, Simon Cox. — Reuters

The Malay Mail Tuesday 11 OCTOBER, 2011

When we won the away game against Serbia, a team that played in the World Cup, it was a sign to us that we were no longer a pushover — Estonian FA spokesman Mihkel Uiboleht


LISBON: football/ euro 2012 qualifiers


Just win it!

Ronaldo asks teammates to beat Danes for direct qualification WINNING is all that counts for Portugal when they take on Denmark in Copenhagen in a Group H clash tomorrow (2.15am). So says ace Cristiano Ronaldo. The Real Madrid attacker will lead his men out at Parken Stadion knowing a draw will be enough to take them to Poland and Ukraine for next summer's finals. Portugal now lead the group on goal difference from the Danes, with tomorrow's match effectively a winner-takes-all showdown. The draw falls on Portugal's side, though, while Norway, three points shy of the duo, could make things even more complex should they inflict a heavy defeat on Cyprus. But Ronaldo is looking to take the maths out of the equation and do the simplest thing to earn a place in the finals — get a win. "Portugal are going to Denmark to win the game, that's our thinking," he told AS. "We know there are conditions but we want to win the tie for direct entry


Euro 2012 Qualifiers TOMORROW GROUP A Kazakhstan v Austria (12am) Germany v Belgium (1am) Turkey v Azerbaijan (1am) GROUP B Ireland v Armenia (1.45am) Macedonia v Slovakia (1.45am) Russia v Andorra (1.45am) GROUP C Italy v Northern Ireland (2.45am) Slovenia v Serbia (2.45am) GROUP D Albania v Romania (3am) France v Bosnia (3am) GROUP E Hungary v Finland (2am) Moldova v San Marino (2am) Sweden v Holland (2am) GROUP F Croatia v Latvia (1am) Georgia v Greece (1am) Malta v Israel (1am) GROUP G Bulgaria v Wales (2.05am) Switzerland v Montenegro (2.15am) GROUP H Denmark v Portugal (2.15am) Norway v Cyprus (2.15am) GROUP I Lithuania v Czech R. (2.15am) Spain v Scotland (2.15am)


South American World Cup Qualifiers TOMORROW Bolivia v Colombia (4am) Chile v Peru (6.45am) Paraguay v Uruguay (6.45am) Venezuela v Argentina (8.50am) (All matches in Malaysian time)

ONE AT A TIME: Ronaldo (right) signs autographs on arrival in Copenhagen — AFP photo

to Euro 2012. "That is always the mentality of the team and I am sure we will make it

a good match." Ronaldo did not score any of Portugal's five goals as they beat Iceland 5-3 last

Friday, but his next will put him clear as his country's fourth leading scorer of alltime — proving their attack

is working well heading to Denmark. However, the Portuguese defence is not polished at the moment and Ronaldo believes the absence of club teammates Pepe and Fabio Coentrao because of injuries is a contributing factor, as well as the selfimposed exile of Ricardo Carvalho. " We ve r y mu ch ne e d Pepe. But those who are here now are the most important. We can talk about Pepe, but Carvalho did not come to Portugal," said Ronaldo. The first qualifying match between the two ended in a 3-1 win for Portugal, but Denmark midfielder Christian Eriksen believes a sound historical record could stand his side in good stead. They avoided defeat in their three meetings prior to that Lisbon reverse, and Eriksen told Uefa's website: "It would be better to avoid the playoffs, but we can only avoid them by getting a win. "We've done well against Portugal before, though."


Scots wary of Spain's strength in depth SCOTLAND coach Craig Levein (pic) does not believe their chances of making the Euro 2012 playoffs will be made any easier even if Spain boss Vicente Del Bosque rotates his squad for their Group I qualifying finale in Alicante tomorrow (2.15am). Scotland beat Liechtenstein 1-0 in Vaduz last Saturday night to go one point clear in second place above fell ow pl ayof f c onte nd e rs Czech Republic, who are in Lithuania at the same time Levein's men are playing the world and European champions. Technically, Scotland have their fate in their own hands but a defeat would mean the Czechs need only a draw to secure a playoff spot. It has been reported since Spain's 2-0 win over Czech Republic in Prague last Friday night that Del Bosque could give Valencia leftback Jordi Alba his debut against Scotland and players such as Thiago, Javi Martinez, Pedro

and Santi Cazorla, could all come into the reckoning. However, Levein said: "He (Del Bosque) said he would try to give everyone in the squad a game. If that is the case, then a lot of the big hitters were playing on Friday night against

Czech Republic. "But their strength in depth is phenomenal. It's not as if they are going to bring in young guys who have never played before or are not up to the required standard but we have to wait and see." Levein insists there will be no need to motivate his players for the game against a side who are looking to complete a clean sweep of wins in the qualifying campaign. "This game is quite easy for me because we know what we have to do," he said. "It's just a case of going out, defending properly and trying to score. "It's going to be a difficult match and we will probably be defending for the majority of the match. "I have no doubt that the defenders will need to be our best players and our goalkeeper will need to be on top of his game but ultimately, we need to make chances and score


goals, or a goal." Meanwhile, Spain goalkeeper Iker Casillas will have to wait to equal Andoni Zubizarreta's record of 126 caps, with Del Bosque set to rest the Real Madrid captain tomorrow. Casillas made his international debut at 19 in 2000, and quickly cemented his place in the national side, captaining his country to victory in both Euro 2008 and the 2010 World Cup. "Personally, it is special. I look back and see that I have been in the team for 11 years, and that is very rewarding. Every coach has backed me, and I am grateful," Casillas told Marca on reaching the milestone. His record at international level is made all the more impressive by the fact that Spain have conceded just 73 goals in his 125 games, compared to Zubizarreta's 99. Casillas now looks certain to equal the record against England at Wembley next month in a friendly.

France to avoid Bosnian trap FRANCE midfielder Samir Nasri insists they will not approach their decisive Group D home clash against Bosnia and Herzegovina tomorrow (3am) looking for a draw. The French blan ke d Albania 3-0 last Friday. G o a l s f ro m F l o re nt Malouda, Loic Remy and Anthony Reveillere mean France go into the final fixture in Paris with a one point advantage over Bosnia who thrashed Luxembourg 5-0. A point would be sufficient for the French but Nasri is adamant they will go all out for victory. "It would be a trap to try to play a draw. We don't have that experience, we are not the Italians in order to close the game and wait for the opponent. We will play our football and try to put them in difficulty," said the Manchester City star. "What is nice is that it's a team that play, we will have more space. We will not calculate and do everything to win." Meanwhile, Malouda insists France are full of confidence ahead of the clash against the Bosnians and is confident they will book their ticket for next year's finals. "We're going into this last match with confidence. We know our opponents and we absolutely have to win," Malouda told Fifa's website. "We're playing at home and we need to turn that to our advantage and make sure it doesn't make us nervous. "We'll be going into the game with a winning mentality. An experienced player should be able to cope with the pressure of big games and prepare for that type of thing, and react to it in the right way." The Chelsea midfielder also mentioned France's injury problems before saying they have the quality to cope with the situation. "The only slight concern is all the injuries we have, which are affecting us a bit at the moment. That said, it's a good opportunity to test the quality of our squad." Patrice Evra, Mathieu Debuchy, Eric Abidal, Kevin Gameiro and Yohan Cabaye are all doubtful for tomorrow's match due to various injuries.

Mental stimulation

Cool tricks

GOLF superstar Rory McIlroy and tennis ace Caroline Wozniacki hooked up by discussing mental pressures

DISCOVER how F1 champion Sebastian Vettel stayed in the zone at Suzuka

>> pg22

>> pg20


Uplifting experience

PERAK lose quarterfinal but wins big on controversies

>> pg19


Walk in the park

AUSTRALIA are not worried about playing New Zealand despite a poor record at Eden Park

>> pg20


Sweet Real-ity

REAL MADRID are ready to offer Carlos Tevez a dream escape from his City nightmare

>> pg22


Danish demolition

CRISTIANO RONALDO wants to beat Denmark for direct qualification into Euro 2012

>> pg23

Tuesday 11 October, 2011

MUNICH: Football

Catalans rule

Barca better than Spain because of Messi, says Kaiser LEGEND and former German international Franz Beckenbauer, also known as Der Kaiser or The Emperor, has praised Barcelona and the Spanish national side but believes the Catalans are the better of the two because they have Argentine wizard Lionel Messi. Spain have dominated international football in recent years as they won both Euro 2008 and the 2010 World Cup, while Barca have lifted the Champions League trophy twice in the last three seasons. “Barca have set the standard in football. They play perfect football because of the finesse of their game, their mobility and the way they move the ball around,” Beckenbauer told Kicker. “They’re even better than the Spanish national team because they have Messi. They have the quality to successfully defend their Champions League title. “Spain are the best national team in the world and are the favourites to win Euro 2012. Germany have made a lot of progress as well and are up there. “France could spring a sur-

superstar: Messi’s (left) presence makes Barcelona a better team than Spain — AFP photo

prise. They made the headlines for all the wrong reasons in 2010, but are looking much better now,” said Beckenbauer, who has the record of winning the World Cup as a player and coach in 1974 and 1990 respectively. Spain and Germany have already qualified for Euro 2012, while France need a draw from tomorrow’s Group

D match at home against Bosnia and Herzegovina to book their ticket. Earlier last week, Argentina coach Alejandro Sabella said Barca would still be dominant even if they were to play at international level rather than as a club side. For the record, Barca won the Primera Liga and the Champions League last sea-

son and started the new campaign by adding the Spanish Supercopa and Uefa Super Cup to their trophy cabinet. “If you let them wear the jersey of any national side, they would again be the best team out there,” Sabella told Sport. Barca have several Spain internationals in their squad, but the undisputed star at

Nou Camp is Messi, and Sabella praised his captain. “There are different kinds of leaders. Lionel is our leader based on his footballing qualities. He never plays a bad game and all his colleagues have a lot of respect for him. “He has matured in the past few years and wearing the armband will only help him mature further.”

LONDON: FOOTBALL/ EURO 2012 qualifiers

Rooney’s England place in jeopardy FABIO CAPELLO has warned Wayne Rooney (pic) that he will not be automatically recalled to the England team after serving his suspension at the European championship next year. Capello told British media he did not plan to start Rooney in any of the warm-up games before the tournament following the striker’s red card in Montenegro on Saturday. Rooney will discover the length of his Euro 2012 suspension this Friday, European football governing body Uefa said. The governing body’s disciplinary panel could decide to increase the punishment to three matches, but England remain hopeful it will only be a one-game ban after referee

Wolfgang Stark admitted Rooney’s acceptance of his red card could work in his favour. “I need to find the solution for the first game, or two games, that Rooney will not play,” Capello said. “And if we find that solution, he needs to work to return to the first XI. “You know me. Sometimes I make mistakes but I try to select the best players, in the best moment of form. There were two I did not select for this game who are doing really well. “I saw the game that Jermain Defoe played against Arsenal. He did really well. He ran a lot and pressed a lot. Daniel Sturridge is the same.” Capello continued: “I could leave

Rooney out. If the others are good they will play. As manager, I have put on the bench many good players.” Capello defended the 25-year-old Manchester United striker after the match and has said he would remain part of the squad, but there is no doubting his anger at what was a senseless kick on Miodrag Dzudovic 17 minutes from the end. Capello told the media that Rooney, who has now been sent-off twice for England, would also miss their friendly with world champions Spain at Wembley next month. “Rooney will not play against Spain. I want to test new players, a new style and different movement,” added Capello. — Agencies

spare me, mr wolf: Stark (far left) praises Rooney reaction

Published by Malay Mail Sdn Bhd (239512V), Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, and printed by The New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Berhad (4485-H), 31, Jalan Riong, 59100 KL

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