19 October 2011

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Wednesday 19 october, 2011


Muay Thai, anyone?



Brought to you by the letters P, O, R and N Hackers turn Sesame Street YouTube page into XXX-site

The kickbox craze comes to Malaysia. It’s a knockout, whether you’re doing it for combat sport, self-defence or just for kicks

>> Pg9

100,000 copies daily

The Malay Mail

>> Centrespread national

Taking the mental health test Our reporter spends RM1 to find out the state of his mental health at a government polyclinic

>> pg2

Paying more for power The government’s mechanism of awarding Independent Power Producer concessions will continue to result in high electricity prices, says an MP

>> pg3

Dad welcomes plan to sue The father of a BernamaTV cameraman killed in Mogadishu, Somalia, supports the government’s plan to take legal action against the killers

>> pg7

Apartments in a sorry state Residents of Cempaka Apartment in Bandar Baru Selayang say they face a host of problems because of poor management but the company subcontracted by the local council says its hands are tied

>> pg8



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Audit report on Monday Unusual for it to be presented so late, says TI-Malaysia

By AZRIL ANNUAR mmnews@mmail.com.my THE much-anticipated AuditorGeneral’s Report is expected to be presented in Parliament on Monday after nearly two weeks of delay, making it the longest delay ever. A senior officer in the Auditor-General’s Department told The Malay Mail the report would be tabled then but could not divulge more information as AuditorGeneral Tan Sri Ambrin Buang is in Japan auditing the Malaysian embassy there. However, questions remain unanswered regarding the delay. Transparency International Malaysia (TIM) president Datuk Paul Low said he hoped it was not due to “censorship or amendments” and found it “unusual to be presented at such a late juncture”. “The usual practice is to present the report before the national Budget is tabled before Parliament, either on the day itself or a few days before the Budget. I think it would

I hope the delay isn’t because someone needs to censor or amend the report. An Auditor-General’s Report has to be credible and independent. It is an agency that is well-respected by the people, so let’s make sure that nothing is done that will undermine the report’s credibility. — Transparency International Malaysia (TIM) president Datuk Paul Low

be good if they would restore it back to the usual practice for pre-Budget presentation for proper discussion,” Low told The Malay Mail. “I hope the delay isn’t because someone needs to censor or amend the report. An Auditor-General’s Report has to be credible and independent. It is an agency that is well-respected by the people, so let’s make sure that nothing is done that will undermine

the report’s credibility.” He said regardless of how other parliamentary governments presented their reports, there was no need for Malaysia to change its system which had been accepted and practised in the past without any hitch. “If presented before the Budget, it gives us an idea of the stewardship of the government of the day. In this manner, we can see whether the past

year’s allocations has been properly utilised and from there we can see whether the Budget is in context with the report,” said Low. “This way, we can see whether the new Budget will be allocated in a credible manner with good governance and integrity. People should be allowed to have some idea on the quality of the stewardship of our resources.” Low also pointed out that mismanagement or misappropriation of resources highlighted in the report would have a definite effect on the public, and the government must give concrete reasons for the delay. “What does this situation tell us? Are we improving or not improving?” he asked. Selangor Malay Chamber of Commerce’s Youth Wing chairman Syfik Idzywan Sidek reiterated Low’s queries regarding the efficiency of the Auditor-General’s Department in presenting the report this year. • Continued on pg2




'Himpun' gathering legal, say police By AIZAT SHARIF aizat@mmail.com.my

THE proposed Himpunan Sejuta Umat (Himpun) at Shah Alam Stadium on Saturday, which aims to gather a million Muslims against alleged Christian proselytising, has been granted approval by the police. Selangor police chief Datuk Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah said the permit for the gathering was approved a week ago. “So far, the organisers have met the conditions required, such as gathering in a stadium and not inconveniencing the public,” he told The Malay Mail. “A stadium is much more suitable for public gatherings like this rather than on the streets or other public places, which will cause difficulty and nuisance to other people." Tun Hisan said the gathering would be attended only by "certain people". As for police presence, he said the chances of untoward incidents were low and the police would deploy only a mininum number of personnel there. “However, this does not mean we will treat security and safety lightly as the police will be on the alert for anything that could happen during the gathering."

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If the system needs to be improved, we will do so -- Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. ubramaniam on the issue of alleged abuse and ill-treatment of foreign maids PETALING JAYA

A mentallychallenging test 21 questions to answer in RM1 'state-of-mind' assessment at government clinics nationwide

By ANDREW SAGAYAM andrew@mmail.com.my

DO I feel my life is worthless? Do I feel I have no worth? Do I fear being placed in a situation where I would panic or react foolishly? These were among the 21 questions I was made to answer during my mental health screening test last Thursday. Anticipating a positive outcome, I went back yesterday to the Kelana Jaya community polyclinic in SS6 to get my results. However, the female doctor who had examined me said based on my accumulated score, I was suffering from anxiety and stress. "How is work? Do you have enough sleep and rest everyday? When was the last time you went on holiday? Do you go on holidays often? Do you earn enough money?" were among the questions she asked me. Of course, the answer to

Last Thursday, The Malay Mail front-paged a report on how the government, through the Health Ministry, has made it easy for Malaysians to find out their state of mental health at public clinics nationwide. Armed with the requiste RM1, this reporter went for the test, with the intention of "testing" its accuracy. the last four questions was either "no" or "not enough". For the first question, the doctor answered for me — stating I would not have come for the test if I did not feel some stress. She then advised me to go out more with friends, to try some relaxation techniques such as a massage, to work off stress with exercise and to avoid alcohol and nicotine altogether. She said other tips for chronic stress relief included avoiding conflicts, learning to say no to things you would rather not do and confiding in close friends more. Seeing that my stress level was high, she gave me a medical certificate for the day and told

me to come back in a month's time. "I want to check how you're holding up," the good doctor said. When I first visited the polyclinic, I was told by a nurse there were quite a number of Malaysians who had come in to do the mental health test. After paying RM1, I was referred to a nurse who handed me a questionnaire which I had to answer as quickly as possible in front of her. "You can't take too long to answer. The test is designed for you to answer spontaneously. This will help the doctor evaluate your mental state accurately," she said.

Universities get low ranking because of poor funding

THE MALAY MAIL IS PUBLISHED BY Malay Mail Sdn Bhd, Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200, Petaling Jaya

● From pg 1

By ASRUL HADI ABDULLAH SANI asrul@mmail.com.my

whether strongly or newly established, has the opportunity to be become the world’s number one," she told reporters after launching the 5th Global Association Conference (GAC) yesterday. “The difference is only the level of endowment and perhaps the level of resources we can commit to any particular university." Rohani said the ministry’s main agenda was to provide greater access to tertiary education for the public. She said university rankings were not a priority.

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“In the medium to long term, I don’t see any reason why any Malaysian university, whether public or private, would not be able to enter the rankings, if that is what they wish,” she said. Rohani also explained it was unfair for public universities to be compared with different ranking systems as each had its own criteria. “If the criteria is not the national requirement or what the people of the country want, then we cannot commit all our resources to this game," she said.

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'Normal' to 'Very Bad' scores THE first page of the questionnaire requires personal details — name, age, date of visit and contact number. The following page lists 21 questions (in Bahasa Malaysia) to assess a person's state of mental health and emotions. An "instructions box" above the questions directs individuals to answer the questions spontaneously. This is to elicit the most honest answers, thereby reflecting one's state of mind most accurately. Each question has points you have to circle: 0 = Never, 1 = Rarely, 2 = Frequent and 3 = Often. On the last page, there are tables to calculate one's level of stress, anxiety and depression — the higher the score, the poorer the state of one's mental health. The total score is calculated from 0-18: ● 0 to 7 = Normal ● 6 to 9 = Light ●10 to 13 = Medium ● 11 to 17 = Bad ● 15 to 18 = Very Bad

'Auditor-General should also be accountable'


LACK of funding is the main reason why Malaysian universities did not make it to this year’s Time Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings’ of the top 400 universities. The Higher Education Ministry said this when commenting on the World Bank’s recent report which said the country’s oldest university was being held back because of its race-based student admission and staff recruitment. The ministry's deputy secretary-general, Datuk Rohani Abdullah, denied the government's policy had affected the university rankings. “I think every university,

"If you dwell too long, your answers may not be the most honest and this would not reflect your actual state of mind." After filling in the questionnaire, I was told to wait for a while. In less than five minutes, a doctor and nurse attended to me. They said they would go through my answers and get back to me as there were others waiting to undergo the test. Asked how many had come for the screening that day, I was told there were "several" from all walks of life and age groups. The nurse then requested I return next week as there were too many patients waiting.

The Malay Mail Wednesday 19 OCTOBER, 2011

“The Auditor-General before this has been quite critical of other government agencies," Syfik told The Malay Mail. "If they can criticise other people, they should be accountable in what they do, too. "They ask others to be efficient, so they need to walk the talk as well. "I’m waiting for any justification from their part. This is especially in line with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak’s motto of ‘People First, Performance Now'." On Oct 10, Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar

Ibrahim questioned when the report would be made available for Parliamentary discussion. Last year, the report was delayed by a week although in 2009, it was presented a few days earlier. It has been customary for the report to be presented to Parliament on the day the Budget was being tabled. The Opposition has been up in arms, pummelling the floor daily, requesting the report. On Monday, Deputy Speaker Datuk Ronald Kiandee said the Dewan Rakyat had not seen a copy of the report, and thus was unable to share it with any of the MPs present.

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Do not mix mutton with beef for profit — Penang Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry chief enforcement officer M. Guna Selan in a warning to traders

The Malay Mail Wednesday 19 OCTOBER, 2011




Association: Co-op chief should be Felda settler

THE National Felda Settlers' Children's Association (Anak) is unhappy over the appointment of Tan Sri Isa Samad as the chairman of the Felda Settlers' Cooperative (KPF).

Its president, Mazlan Aliman, said the post should have been given to a Felda settler or one of their children and not Isa, who had been appointed on a contract basis.

He said the association had also submitted a memorandum to the Malaysian Cooperative Commission to investigate the appointment. "We have strong reasons

to question his appointment. Under what law was he appointed?" he asked reporters at the Parliament lobby yesterday. Mazlan said the cooperative chairman had to be a Felda


Paying more for electricity MP questions why no open tenders called for coal-fired plant By T.K. LETCHUMY TAMBOO t.k.letchumy@mmail.com.my

THE government's mechanism of awarding Independent Power Producer (IPP) concessions will continue to result in high electricity prices which will burden Malaysians. This is the opinion of Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua (pic), who said his rationale was triggered by a reply to his question in Parliament by Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister Datuk Seri Peter Chin Fah Kui. Yesterday, Pua had asked Chin to state why the latest 1,000 MW coal-fired power plant project was awarded without an open tender. He also asked Chin for the key terms and conditions of the IPP concession agreement, such as the price of electricity and capacity charges. Chin replied that a closed tender was called for the project because it needed to be completed within a short period and as such, only two companies — Jimah Energy Ventures and

Tanjung Bin Power, the latter a subsidiary of Malakoff Bhd — were called to take part. He also said the new power plant was required to begin operations in 2016. "I fail to understand how a project, which is only expected to commence operations in 2016, five years from now, is so 'urgent' that only two companies were called in a limited tender exercise," Pua told reporters at the Parliament lobby. "Having had more than a decade of experience with IPPs, as well as more than half-adozen qualified IPPs in the country, there is little excuse for the ministry to avoid an open competitive tender." He said what was even more shocking was that Chin mentioned the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) had not been finalised and hence, the expected tariff rate for electricity generated to be sold to Tenaga National Berhad and the period of concession had not been

finalised and these terms would only be finalised at the end of the year. "It defies belief that the government has taken the decision to award an IPP concession without even first finalising key terms such as tariff rates and the length of concession. So, it's not surprising that electricity prices remain relatively high despite the amount of subsidies the government has allocated to the industry," said Pua. Citing an example, he said despite the subsidies for natural gas supplied to IPPs being much

higher in Malaysia compared to Thailand, consumers and businesses in the latter country pay a lower electricity tariff than Malaysia. "Natural gas is supplied to Malaysian IPPs at RM13.70 mmBtu while it is 68.6 per cent higher in Thailand at RM23.10 mmBtu. Despite that, a consumer using 500kW of electricity a month in Thailand pays only RM129.50 or 21.4 per cent less than Malaysians at RM157.20," said Pua. "The underlying reason for the lower tariff rates in Thailand is because Thailand runs an extremely competitive IPP market where the government awards IPP concessions after a pre-qualification exercise, based strictly on price. "If the government here is sincere about relieving the burdens of the rakyat, then the manner in which privatisation projects and concessions are awarded in such an anti-competitive way must be immediately transformed or the rakyat will continue to suffer from unreasonable living costs."


Ministry offers to assist flood-hit Thailand MALAYSIA is prepared to aid its beleaguered neighbour Thailand, hit by massive floods recently, under the efforts of the International Trade and Industry Ministry. Its deputy minister, Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir, told a press conference Malaysia had sufficient facilities to help companies there, including 10 Malaysian companies, if the request for assistance arose “Of course, we are very careful to be seen not to take

By Azril Annuar mmnews@mmail.com.my

advantage of someone else’s misery. But, at the same time, we are ever ready to support industries in Thailand which need supplies from Malaysia to meet their delivery obligations," he told a press conference at the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation Young Entrepreneurs’ Summit 2011 here yesterday. “So, if we have equivalent components to mitigate the

calamity they face, we are happy to do so." Mukhriz said the ministry had yet to receive any request for assistance from its Thai counterpart but he was confident the floods were a temporary problem and would recede soon. “We are getting some feedback from our companies there and it is not just Malaysian companies affected by the flood who may be looking at us as an alternative source for parts

and components but Thaibased companies as well,” he said. About one-third of mid and northern Thailand is still under water with 2.3 million people from more than 10,000 villages in 24 provinces affected by the flooding which had occurred in stages since July 25. The floods have claimed 300 lives so far and more than 900 industrial plants employing 200,000 people have been affected.

farmer or their offspring, or one who held a permanent post in the cooperative, unlike Isa. Present at the Press conference were Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad and Kota Raja

MP Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud, who later launched an "Anti ISA 2" campaign. The campaign is aimed at removing Isa as the chairman of the cooperative.


Guan Eng expresses sympathy for Koh By Azril Annuar mmnews@mmail.com.my

PENANG Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng yesterday defended his predecessor, Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon (pic), alleging there was an ongoing campaign to topple Koh by Barisan National. Lim, who is also Bagan MP, told a press conference at the Parliament lobby he sympathised with what Koh was going through. "It is clear there is a campaign to topple Koh. I have been in his shoes before and victimised by the same 'Umno-owned newspapers'," he said. Lim said it was now up to Koh's party "whether or not to play along with Umno's tune as they decide the Gerakan leadership and the Penang Chief Minister". "However, I don’t want to be used as a pawn to topple him," he said. The recently-concluded Gerakan National Delegates Conference turned out to be controversial when the party's vice president, Datuk Seri Tan Lian Hoe, publicly asked Koh to buck up or be prepared to

step aside. She later retracted her statement and declared her full support for Koh. On a suggestion that Koh would take on Lim in the upcoming general election in the Bagan constituency, Lim said he and other DAP candidates were willing to accept the challenge. "We will respect any candidates sent against us from BN, be it Koh or anyone else," he said. Asked whether he was confident of winning in the next general election, Lim said it would be tough, but he would leave it to the people to decide.


Deputy CM wants answers on lawyer's death

PENANG Deputy Chief Minister II Prof Dr P. Ramasamy wants the police to provide a satisfactory answer on the death of lawyer P. Selvarani in 2007. Ramasamy, who is also the Prai MP, said he had raised the issue in Parliament twice for almost two years but had only been told investigations into her death had been completed and the matter referred to the deputy public prosecutor for further action. “This has taken four years and still the police cannot decide if she had committed suicide or was murdered. Surely it cannot take that long,” he told reporters

at Parliament lobby yesterday. Ramasamy said there had been allegations by some quarters that there had been attempts to block investigations into Selvarani’s death. On June 24, Selvarani fell to her death from her 17th floor apartment in Bukit OUG, off Old Klang Road. She was found sprawled on the ground clad only in her undergarments. A police report had been lodged over her death and police classified it as “sudden death”. Ramasamy said he would meet the Attorney-General soon if the police did not provide him with a satisfactory answer.



Medical practitioners are advised not to use or apply Ozone and Chelation Therapy as treatment for any medical condition except for research purposes — Health Ministry director-general Dr Hasan Abdul Rahman

The Malay Mail Wednesday 19 OCTOBER, 2011


Plan to sue welcomed We'll let government handle case, says father of slain TV cameraman

THE father of slain B ernamaT V cameraman Noramfaizul Mohd Nor is touched by the government's move for wanting to take legal action over his son death. Mohd Nor Mat Yassin, 66, said the government was right for wanting to take legal action against the soldiers responsible. "I agree and I'm glad with the decision. I'm willing to lend a hand if anything is needed from our side," he told The Malay Mail. "Our family will let the government handle this case." Mohd Nor and his wife, Naemah Abd Majid, 63,

By IKRAM ISMAIL ikram.ismail@mmail.com.my

returned to Malaysia on Saturday after spending a month in Bangkok, where they have been taking care of their daughter and their grandchildren. He said his family had learned to accept their loss of Noramfaizul, the only son among six children. "Our family's life and routine continue as usual since his death," said Mohd Nor. The 39-year-old cameraman was killed while covering a humanitarian aid mission in Mogadishu, Somalia, on

CONDOLENCES: Chief Executive Officer of BernamaTV Engku Emran Engku Zainal Abidin (left) shakes hands with Mohd Nor

Sept 2. He left behind his wife, Norazarina Jaafar, 37, and two children — Mohd

Irfan, eight, and Mohd Aris, three. On Oct 12, Foreign Minister

Datuk Seri Anifah Aman said in the Dewan Rakyat the government would possibly take legal action against four Burundian peacekeepers. Anifah also said the shooting of Noramfaizul was an isolated incident because all guidelines and security instructions had been strictly adhered to. The African Union Mission for Somalia, in their investigation report on Sept 26, said they had held the soldiers responsible for Noramfaizul's death and sent them back to their country for trial. Naemah said no one from the Foreign Ministry had con-

tacted them on this matter. "My husband and I read the news on the Internet while we were outside Malaysia," she said. Naemah said she hoped the four soldiers would be judged and sentenced accordingly. "Leave it to God for the punishment if it was really their fault that my son died," she said. The Malay Mail spoke to the couple when they were on their way back to their house after visiting Noramfaizul's grave at the Universiti Putra Malaysia Muslim cemetery in Serdang, Selangor, yesterday morning.



Cops smash fake credit cards syndicate Media conference ends in verbal war By AIZAT SHARIF aizat@mmail.com.my

HE came here from India seven years ago and quickly established his company as a major credit and membership card manufacturer. Five months ago, he landed big contracts worth RM3.75 million to supply data-less credit cards to certain parties in Europe, and yesterday, he became another detainee with a number in a police lock-up. The 44-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of producing hundreds of thousands of fake credit cards for syndicates in Europe. Members of the syndicate would later add data on the cards and go on a shopping spree. Another Indian national, aged 21, who joined him here a year ago to cope with the rising orders, is also in police custody. Police believe they were able to produce up to 50,000 fake cards monthly. Federal Commercial Crime Investigation Department deputy director I (Operations and

BOUND FOR EUROPE: Credit cards bearing the logos of several banks were among the items seized by the police

Intelligence) Datuk Tajudin Md Isa said that in a raid on a shoplot at Bandar Puteri in Port Klang on Monday evening, police seized 3,246 pieces of Visa, Mastercard and American Express credit cards bearing the logos of Maybank, NatWest Bank, Barclays, Thai Farmers Bank and many more. Another Indian national, aged 21, was also arrested during the raid.

Tajudin told reporters the company had been operating from the shoplot for the past seven years and was legally involved in manufacturing membership cards for several private clubs, higher learning education institutions and private firms. “Based on our investigation, we discovered the syndicate will sell the fake credit cards in bulk to another European-based syn-

dicate for a minimum price of RM15 a card," he said. The cards will be delivered through courier to the syndicate after an initial payment has been made. The remaining fee will be paid after the parcel is handed over to the syndicate. "Following a tip-off, we started observing the activities of the company," Tajudin said. He said the credit cards were chipless and widely used internationally, especially in Europe. Tajudin said the European syndicate would steal people's data and include it in the credit cards before selling them to potential customers in the black market. To avoid detection by the authorities there, the card users would only use the cards three to four times before destroying them. Police also seized card-making paraphernalia, including templates and laminating machines. The suspects will be remanded until Friday.


End of the road for car theft couple

A YOUNG couple who headed a syndicate which stole 31 cars in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor since June last year had a slick routine that raked them about RM250,000. The 31-year-old wife, dressed sharply in business attire, would tail an intended target who had just parked a car and keep her 42-year-old husband notified of

By G. PRAKASH prakash@mmail.com.my

the intended victim's location. When the coast was clear, the husband would break into the victim's car and drive off. Their targets were mainly old cars. But the couple's luck finally ran out last Wednesday.

Selangor police chief Datuk Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah said they were detained at 3pm at a car park in Pandan Perdana here. "They were arrested after we found them behaving suspiciously in a parked Proton Saga. We believe they were targeting a victim," he said at a Press conference yesterday. "The Proton Saga was stolen

and we found a 14-inch parang, a laptop, four digital cameras and several car keys in the boot." He said the couple were taken to their apartment nearby where police recovered nine cars at the car park there. "We believe they stole 31 cars since June last year and sold them to workshops in the Klang Valley and gained about RM250,000."

By THASHA JAYAMANOGARAN thasha@mmail.com.my

WHAT was supposed to be a news conference on an alleged protection money racket ended in a verbal war when the accused showed up at the scene yesterday. Cheras MP Tan Kok Wai, together with the owners of hardware company CCH Builders Sdn Bhd, had invited the media to a Press conference at a hotel in Chow Kit here. The company, whose office is located behind the hotel and undergoing renovation, claimed its workers were beaten up last Saturday after they refused to pay "protection money" to a group the day before. Tan said the company owners came to him for help. They claimed the group had threatened the workers by saying the renovation would not continue if they did not pay up. The owners also claimed the four men were sent by Umno Youth Titiwangsa committee member Zulkeflie Mat, who is also a Chow Kit Hawkers and Petty Traders Affairs Committee member. CCH Builders general manager Lee Kok Leong, 43, said the company lodged a report at the Dang Wangi police headquarters on the day of the alleged attack. He said the police had yet

to call them to record their statement. Zulkeflie turned up while the Press conference was going on and an argument between him and Tan ensued. He said he had visited the company and introduced himself to the owners as a friendly gesture since the welfare of the Chow Kit traders was partly overseen by him. "I received 17 complaints from traders that they had to move from the front of the shoplot where they have been operating for years when it was unoccupied previously," he said. "I also wanted to know if the company had informed City Hall that renovations started that day and if they went through proper documentation with them." Zulkeflie denied that it was his men who had attacked the company's workers. "This is merely an accusation. I only advised the company that since all the traders had to move, some money should be offered to them. The traders only earn about RM20 to RM30 daily whereas CCH Builders bought the place for RM8 million. They should show some humanitarian effort," he said.

The Malay Mail Wednesday 19 OCTOBER, 2011

Two health products withdrawn from the market after they were found to contain an additive banned from use in traditional products — Health Ministry director-general Datuk Dr Hasan Abdul Rahman


Brothels shut down Only one or two operators left, says ministry

CONTINUOUS enforcement activities by Kuala Lumpur City Hall and the police have reduced the number of brothels in Brickfields. Deputy Federal Territories a n d Ur b a n We l l - b e i n g Minister Datuk M. Saravanan said checks conducted by his ministry and City Hall showed the number of vice dens had reduced drastically over the past year. "Operations by City Hall's enforcement team along with the police have wiped out almost all the brothels and what's left is just one or two more operators," said Saravanan. He said he personally had gone down to ground along with mayor Tan Sri Ahmad Fuad Ismail last week to get a clearer picture of the present situation. "I'm quite pleased their

By CECILIA VICTOR cecilia@mmail.com.my

activities have reduced. The ministry along with City Hall is always on the constant lookout for operators wishing to return.'' Saravanan hopes there will be no recurrence of such activities in an area that was once the country's most infamous red light district. On March 3, eight dens were demolished by City Hall with the assistance of officers from the police, Immigration and National Registration Department. Business however resumed later and a probe by The Malay Mail on June 10 showed the area still remained a hive for such activities. Out team discovered there were at least ten prostitution dens along Jalan Thambypillai

FLASHBACK: Our report on July 12, last year

and two along Jalan Tun Sambanthan. In July last year, Saravanan was quoted in The Malay Mail saying he planned to make Brickfields vice-free to improve the image of KL's 'Little India'. Residents welcomed Saravanan's pledge saying such vice activities had been the norm for such a long

time and that the move to clean the area of prostitutes was timely. Thirteen raids carried out this year resulted in 69 prostitutes, 51 customers and two brothel owners being detained. Last year, police carried out 75 raids and arrested 202 sex workers, 29 customers and five brothel owners.




Decision on Plaza Rakyat's fate next month

THE fate of the Plaza Rakyat project in Jalan Pudu, stalled for the past 14 years, is expected to be concluded next month. "We are awaiting the court's decision whether we need to compensate the buyers," said KL Mayor Tan Sri Ahmad Fuad Ismail (pic). "We are willing to compensate the buyers on the damages sought and we hope the matter will be concluded by November." Construction of this ambitious project began in the early 1990s but stalled since the 1997 Asian financial crisis. The original plans comprised a 79-storey office tower, 46-storey condominium, 24-storey hotel and 7-storey shopping centre. Several attempts to revive the project since 2005 have failed. In early 2009, the government gave an ultimatum to the developer, Global Upline Sdn

Bhd, to propose a revival plan or have its contract terminated and the project handed to another developer. Last year, Global Upline obtained a court injunction against the government which also sought RM1 billion in compensation. In August, 20 buyers lodged a report at the Tun H.S. Lee police station demanding refunds of their downpayments and also compensation.



153 summonses issued within two hours of traffic operations in Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman and Jalan Dang Wangi — Kuala Lumpur Special Traffic Enforcement Unit head ASP Azmi Wahid



Residents had their say

Bukit Damansara plan to stay as it is

Council: Two dialogue sessions held for them and developer

RESIDENTS opposing a highrise service apartment project in Taman Nirwana had previously been given a chance to air their views on the development plan. The Ampang Jaya Municipal Council (MPAJ) said this yesterday when commenting on allegations by residents that the council had "manipulated" the Town and Country Planning Act 1976 by its refusal to hold a public hearing on the Ken City project. The council's public relations officer, Norhayati Ahmad (pic), said it had organised two dialogue sessions on the development previously, attended by the residents and the devel-

By Meena Lakshana meena@mmail.com.my

oper, Sri Seltra Sdn Bhd. "We entertained the residents' request despite them not being stakeholders in the development," Norhayati said. She also said the council declined to hold a public hearing on the development because it was not necessary under the Town and Country Planning Act 1976. Norhayati said while the Act stipulated that a public hearing must be called for a development located within 20m from houses, the project would occur on a 1ha plot along Jalan Nirwana 38 and 39, 32m away

from the homes. "Based on feedback gathered during the dialogue sessions, we have asked the developer to make certain amendments to their development plan and they have agreed to do so," she said. Among the planning amendments approved in November last year was scaling down the development from 25 to 16 storeys. She also said Sri Seltra was required to widen and upgrade Jalan Nirwana 38 and 39 and revise drainage system plans. The amendments were among the two issues raised by residents in the area. "Based on these amend-

The Malay Mail Wednesday 19 October, 2011

ments, the council gave the developer the approval for planning permission and they also agreed to make amendments to the development that adhere to the prescribed policies and guidelines," Norhayati said. When contacted, Taman Nirwana Phase Two Residents' Association chairman Mohamad Suhaimi Ismail said although the road would be widened to four lanes, residents would still face problems with parking. He said the residents planned to meet Faekah Husin, the political secretary to Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, soon to discuss the issue.

KUALA LUMPUR City Hall is sticking to its guns on a proposed high-rise project in Bukit Damansara despite opposition by residents who intend to stage a peaceful protest soon. The project by Tetuan Bangsar Hill Holdings Sdn Bhd, comprising two highrise condominium blocks in Jalan Batai and Jalan Beringin, involves the demolition of long-established shoplots there, including a supermarket, hairdressing salon, florist, pub and restaurant. "The existing commercial lots there are old and gray and we feel it should make way for newer developments," said KL Mayor Tan Sri Ahmad Fuad Ismail yesterday. "At a technical meeting, we decided to allow a plot ratio of 3.0 and a height of not more than 12 floors each for the two blocks. We expect the developer to comply." He also said there should

By Cecilia Victor cecilia@mmail.com.my

be an availability of 10 per cent free open space with exits to and from the project from Jalan Beringin. The developer's plan calls for 25-storey blocks with 406 condo units and a plot ratio of 4.98. The Malay Mail understands the developers have yet to amend their plans for submission and approval by KL City Hall. On Monday, The Malay Mail quoted Bukit Damansara House Owners' Association president Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman who said residents will stage a peaceful protest in two weeks time and are in the midst of applying for a police permit. Abdul Aziz pointed out that under the Kuala Lumpur Draft Plan 2020, the area's plot ratio is pegged 2, allowing only for lower density development.

Wednesday 19 OCTOBER, 2011

the malay mail



The Malay Mail Wednesday 19 OCTOBER, 2011


tel:03-7495 1000/1001/1002 tel:019-261 4948 (after 9pm)

your right to be heard ● Complainants have to submit their personal particulars and provide a detailed account of their complaint. ● Complainants have to first file their complaints with the respective parties before contacting Hotline. ● Complaints referred by Hotline to the relevant parties would be published if there is no response in seven days. ● After a complaint has been resolved, the complainant cannot demand non-publication of the matter.

Apartment in shambles

Residents say management not doing good work, but company says it is tied to job specs FOR six years, residents of Cempaka Apartment in Bandar Baru Selayang have to put up with a host of problems due to poor maintenance. From leaking roofs to thefts and an exposed manhole, these are just a few of their grouses. Residents claim appeals to the management to address the problems have fallen on deaf ears. One of them, who wishes to be known as NURUL, says a manhole has been left uncovered for the past year, making it unsafe for them, especially children, as it is located at the ground floor's common area where the youngsters usually play in the evenings. "Residents have covered the hole with drain grilles to prevent accidents. Even adults could fall in if they are not careful. "The area is not well-lit at night and motorcycles are often parked there." Residents claims they have been complaining to the management, Shah Alam Properties, but without results. Says NURUL: "Thefts had also occurred due to lack of security. Bicycles had been stolen and there had been attempts to steal vehicle parts like tyres." She says some residents have decided not to pay the RM55 monthly maintenance fee over the past year as a result. "We are fine about paying but the man-


Open: The exposed manhole with only two drain grilles to cover it

DERELICT: The moss-covered walls of the apartment in need for a repainting job — Pix: ASHRAF SHAMSUL AZLAN

agement must be true to their word and maintain the area." She says they want the management to provide security guards as they often have uninvited guests. Residents, NURUL adds, also want leaking pipes fixed as the problem has resulted in flooded rooftops that caused the ceiling in some units to collapse, adding air-wells are blocked due to poor maintenance. "The badminton court needs proper lighting while the walls have not been repainted for years and are covered in moss." She claims all the management do is to sweep the area daily. "Our residents' committee,

which has been temporarily disbanded, had proposed residents take over the building's ownership." NURUL says the management claimed this was not possible as residents did not own a strata title and that the company had been subcontracted by the Selayang Municipal Council to manage the apartments. "We cannot get the strata title unless our housing loans are all fully paid off." ● SHAH ALAM Properties Sdn Bhd building supervisor Arumugam Purumal explains the company only takes care of certain matters like the lighting and cleansing. He says the missing manhole cover has been replaced while two of the faulty lights at the badminton court have been repaired, adding they can also install waterproof lights if residents pay at least


closed: The newly-replaced manhole cover shortly after Hotline contacted the management

half of their unpaid maintenance fees. Arumugam says some residents owe up to RM1,300 for the past year. "We cannot entertain their other requests, such as repainting the walls. We only take care of matters like potholes, lights, sweeping the ground and repainting parking lines." He says they cannot provide security services as only the residents are responsible for them. "They used to have their own security under a contract a few years ago." When contacted, NURUL confirms the manhole cover has been replaced. "They initially covered the hole with a plywood with a a floor vase on top the day before." She says on the side lights of the badminton court have been replaced but the overhead ones remain as they are.

Online comments www.mmail.com.my Double trouble (Oct 14) ● WHAT are you saying? More than a decade ago, I have seen this kind of illegal dump near the same stretch of the road. The rubbish is thrown indiscriminately. Strangely enough, people still eat at the nearby stalls. — Jackie Tan ● TO add to this, all these food stalls have no washrooms. The local council is

not following the standard operating procedures where food outlets must have washrooms. I have seen the two warongs in Section 13 which have no washrooms. The stall operators do their business at the back of the stalls where there is a monsoon drain. MBPJ health inspectors, what have you got to say about this now? — Anonymous

Trapped by former owner’s telco bills (Oct 17) ● ALL telcos make it difficult when users are terminating their services. MCMC, please do your part. I had been charged for nothing due to the failure of the telco to process the termination application I had submitted. — Anonymous ● 'WE advise customers to apply for relocation or termination of

their TM services when they move to avoid any future credit implications for any outstanding amount in the account or complications to new residents'. And if they do not, as in this case, the new resident is given the runaround until they have to resort to getting help from The Paper That Cares. TM must carry out their public duties expeditiously, as it is not a 'gesture of goodwill'. — fairgo


TAKE NOTE 1. If a pet dog harms another person, beside the owner, anyone residing in the owner's house will be considered the animal's owner by default and will be asked to compensate the victim under Kuala Lumpur City Hall's bylaws. 2. W h i s t l e b l o w e r s c a n email, write a letter or call to convey their com-

plaints to the Subang Jaya Municipal Council before they are required to meet the enforcement officers in person. 3. If there is a dispute over the Building Maintenance Account of highrise properties, a Commissioner of Building can step in and resolve the matter under the Strata Titles Act 1985.

No link to 'Yes'

ALFRED SIEW of Cheras wished he had said "no" to a 4G mobile Internet service. "After hearing good things about YTL Communication's Yes service, I decided to check it out," says the 38-year-old businessman. He says once he received confirmation from both the Yes website and its outlet that his house was under their coverage, he signed up for the starter pack early last month. "I then cancelled my existing Internet subscription with my new Internet service provider (ISP)." Two weeks later, SIEW says the Yes service began to deteriorate when it would take him a dozen tries just to log in. "When I could, I would only be able to use it for 10 to 15 minutes before being disconnected again. "I called Yes to complain, but they often did not return my calls at the agreed time." On Oct 5, SIEW was shocked to learn from Yes that his area was actually not under its coverage. After he demanded a refund, the company asked him to go its outlet in Bukit Bintang to get it. "When I asked what refund I would be getting, they promised to call back at 9pm later that night as they needed to do some checks, but they did not," he says, adding he has not heard from Yes since. SIEW demanded a full refund of the RM100 he paid upfront to Yes when he signed up for the promotional package. "If I am not even under their coverage, I should

receive full compensation and additional damages for the termination of my previous ISP." ● YTL Communications Sdn Bhd corporate communications manager Hasnan Abdul Kadir says checks revealed SIEW’s house in Taman Midah, Cheras, was within the Yes network coverage, but only at the fringes. He says this may explain the connection problems. "It may also explain why his first two weeks of usage was good but subsequently became intermittent." Hassan says YTL had also recently carried out an upgrading exercise to optimise network coverage within the area. "This probably caused further frequent disconnections." He says YTL has called SIEW to apologise and has agreed to refund him as he has decided to terminate the Yes account. Hasnan explains Yes has only been around for the past 11 months, adding, in future, if it is ascertained Internet coverage is only available in the fringes of an area, the prospective customer will be advised against taking the package. When contacted, SIEW confirms YTL has called him to apologise and to offer the refund. "They asked me to give them a week to handle the matter." He says he would never have signed up if told beforehand that his area did not have adequate coverage.

The Malay Mail Wednesday 19 OCTOBER, 2011

A police dog who sustained a fractured skull while on duty during riots in London in August was given an official honour, a special Animal Bravery Award, yesterday for his exceptional bravery — AFP

Shalit's long road home ISRAELI soldier Gilad Shalit finally returned home to northern Israel yesterday after emerging frail but elated from 1,941 days of captivity in a deal that saw 477 Palestinians walk free. As the convoy carrying Shalit and his family pulled into their home village of Mitzpe Hila, thousands of spectators whistled and cheered, waving giant Israeli flags and throwing white carnations and roses, in an expression of the excitement which has swept the Jewish State. Similar expressions of joy and celebration could be seen across the West Bank and Gaza following the release of 477 prisoners, the first of some 1,027 Palestinians who will be freed under terms of a landmark prisoner swap deal between Israel and the Islamist Hamas movement. "Gilad is alive! Gilad's coming home," echoed through the streets as supporters chased after the convoy as it swept towards the Shalit family home. The long-awaited prisoner swap operation, which was announced by Israel and Hamas

HOMEWARD BOUND: Shalit shown on Egyptian TV hours before his arrival in Israel yesterday — AFPpic

last week, kicked off before dawn when hundreds of Palestinian prisoners were bused to dropoff points in and around the occupied territories. But it was hours before officials confirmed the Israeli soldier, who was 19 when he was snatched by three Gaza-based groups on June 25, 2006, had crossed into Israeli territory. "Gilad has returned home," the Israeli army's chief spokesman Brigadier General Yoav Mordechai announced around 11am local time, some twoand-a-half hours after Hamas handed over Shalit to Egyptian officials. Following an initial medical check, Shalit's state of health was said to be "good and sat-

isfactory" although footage of him showed him looking gaunt and frail. Shortly afterwards, 477 Palestinian prisoners were freed to tumultuous scenes of joy and celebration. Egyptian State TV broadcasted a pre-recorded interview with Shalit, who could be seen smiling as he answered questions. "Of course, I missed my family, I missed going out and meeting people, speaking with people," he said in Hebrew. He said he hoped the remaining Palestinian prisoners would be released. "I would be very happy if they were all released. They just shouldn't return to fighting Israel." — AFP


Sesame Street goes X-rated

THE YouTube channel for popular children's programme Sesame Street was brought to viewers by the letters P, O, R and N recently. According to NextWeb, the channel was hacked by a cyber-intruder who removed all of the existing videos,

changing the design and replacing the Muppet footage with hardcore pornography. YouTube quickly removed the offending material, though presumably, not before some of the page's 148,000 young subscribers received a lesson they weren't expecting.

"Our channel was compromised and we worked with YouTube/Google to restore our original content. We always strive to provide age-appropriate content for our viewers," Sesame Workshop said in a statement— Reuters


Cab driver mummified like pharaoh

A BRITISH man has become the first person in 3000 years to be mummified in the same way as ancient Egyptian pharaohs. Alan Billis, a 61-year-old taxi driver from Torquay in southwest England, died in January from lung cancer. Before he died, he volunteered to take part in a mummification experiment for television. "People have been leaving their bodies to science for years and if people don't volunteer for anything, nothing gets found

IMMORTALISED: Billis' body after the mummification experiment

out," Billis says in the documentary, which will be screened in Britain on Oct 24. "If it doesn't work it's not the

end of the world, is it? Don't make any difference to me, I'm not going to feel it. It's still bloody interesting." — AFP


12 dead in Philippine clash


Released prisoner lands in Israel as Jewish State rejoices


SPACE MAN: Branson at the opening in New Mexico yesterday


World's first 'spaceport' opens BRITISH billionaire Richard Branson yesterday opened the world's first-ever commercial spaceport in the New Mexico desert, the new home for his company, Virgin Galactic. The eccentric businessman inaugurated the building by breaking a champagne bottle against a hanger building, while rappelling down the side of it. "Spaceport America", as the site is called, will

serve "as the operating hub for Virgin Galactic and is expected to house up to two WhiteKnightTwos and five SpaceShipTwos, in addition to all of Virgin’s astronaut preparation facilities and mission control," said the company in a statement. Virgin has sold some 430 tickets for space travel at US$200,000 (RM626,890) a pop. — AFP


Murakami book creates buzz in Britain

BOOKSELLERS in Britain were expecting to sell thousands of copies of Japanese author Haruki Murakami's latest novel yesterday as excitement built after some stores held special late-night openings. Hardback versions of the book, 1Q84, went on sale across Britain a week ahead of its eagerly awaited launch in the United States and it leaped to second place in the hardback

sales lists on Amazon's British site. Waterstone's, one of the biggest booksellers, said the 1Q84 trilogy — volumes one and two have been released in Britain with the third part to follow on Oct 25 — would be one of its big sellers at Christmas. The novel blends Murakami's mix of parallel univers es, bizarre characters and surrealist happenings as the lives of a female murderer and a male novelist intertwine. — AFP


How iPhone busted cheating spouse DO you suspect your partner's up to no good? There's an app for that. iPhone's new 4S handset boasts a new application called "Find Your Friends" to help you, well, find your friends. But some users have used the technology to turn private eye and bust their cheating spouses in the throes of an affair, ABC News reports. One New York man told MacRumours.com he caught his wife out in a lie, using the

new technology that provides a GPS location for logged-in users. "I got my wife a new 4s and loaded up find my friends without her knowing. She said she is in meat packing district which is on 12th street. I DON'T THINK SO," he posted. "These beautiful treasure trove of screen shots [sic] going to play well when I meet her ... at the lawyer's office in a few weeks."

TWELVE Philippine soldiers were killed and 10 others missing in a clash with the country's largest Muslim guerrilla group yesterday, the military said. Fighting erupted at dawn between a military special forces unit and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front unit on the southern island of Basilan, said the regional military spokesman, Lieutenant Colonel Randolph Cabangbang. "We suffered casualties and currently our count is 12 killed in action, 11 wounded in action and 10 missing in action," he told reporters. — AFP

Johansson 'too sexy' for 'Tattoo' ACTRESS Scarlett Johansson (pic) was deemed too sexy to star in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Director David Fincher decided against giving the role of main character Lisbeth Salander to the 26-yearold beauty, despite her "great" audition, because people "can't wait for her to take her clothes off". He told Vogue.com: "We saw some amazing people. Scarlett Johansson was great. It was a great audition, I'm telling you. But the thing with Scarlett is, you can't wait for her to take her clothes off."

Teen fined for scaring monkeys A GOLD COAST teenager terrorised monkeys at Brisbane's Alma Park Zoo has been fined AU$1,000 (RRM3,180) and ordered to perform 150 hours of community service. Bryce Samuel Boothby, 19, and two friends broke in to the zoo three times earlier this year, gaining access to the enclosure of the park's three black-capped capuchin monkeys, reports Courier Mail. The court was told that on one occasion, the monkeys became so frightened they went in to hiding inside the zoo.

Women held in child porn case A SWEDISH court yesterday convicted 23 women of possessing child pornography in a case that has drawn widespread attention because child pornography perpetrators are usually men. The Falun district court in central Sweden handed the women, who are aged between 38 and 70, suspended sentences and ordered them to pay fines ranging from 2,500 kronor to 18,000 kronor (RM1,169 to RM8,416). — AFP

10 lifestyle

The Malay Mail Wednesday 19 OCTOBER, 2011

Big bags and a shoestring budget Don't worry, travel is still possible if you watch this show

Pix and story by Loong Wai Ting waiting@mmail.com.my HIP, young and fun — that's what Big Bag Go Cuti is all about. A locally produced travelogue by Astro, the show aims to introduce exciting new places around Malaysia, while keeping the fun level high. Three young hosts, Joe Chang, Jordan Sen and Shian Ter promise to keep the ball rolling, even if it means goofing around with leeches.

Sen, who is hosting for the first time on television, hails from Mantin, Negeri Sembilan. The 20-year-old who never thought of hosting as a passage he would ever make on his career path, took the opportunity simply because it knocked on his door. "I didn't want to do hosting but I went for the audition and before I knew it, I got the part. After much discussion with my family, I decided to go for it. Part of me wanted to try something new and exciting. I told myself that no matter what, I will try to make the best out of it," Sen said at the Press conference to introduce the trio. Joining him for the first time is Ter, also a product of Astro's highly-acclaimed singing competition, Astro Star Quest 2011, which has already produced several winners like Nicholas Teo and the more recent Geraldine Gan. "Hosting was a lot tougher

than I thought," she said. "I feel it is best to let things come naturally but singing and hosting are two different things. When we started filming I kept forgetting my lines...." Following the same direction as its previous season, Big Bag Go Cuti lets you take a detour to the four corners of the country on RM400 or less per person. "This is a ‘freestyle’ travelogue, so-to-speak, as it is very local-based and suits young people's lifestyle," said Chang, the most senior of the threesome. "I can't compare our show with the more established travelogues. Our concept is different, and I've never thought of ‘copying’ other people's styles. I will most definitely learn how one hosts travel programmes. "Our relationship did not start off as I expected

but as filming continued, we solved problems and communicated better with each other.

Shian has a more open personality and she warms up to anyone quickly," Chang

said. Big Bag Go Cuti will start on Oct 23, Sunday at 10pm on Astro AEC (channel 301). So far, the team has covered places like Pulau Sibu, waterfalls in Bukit Mertajam and Taman Negara.

NEW FRIENDS: (From left) Sen, Chang and Ter

lifestyle 11

The Malay Mail Wednesday 19 OCTOBER, 2011

Coming Home Zee Avi to return for a three-date national tour

ZEE AVI: To perform here next month

ZEE Avi, one of Malaysia's most successful exports is coming back for three-date national tour that includes Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Kuching in conjunction of her Homecoming Tour, as well as the release of her sophomore album, Ghostbird. Her new album release showcases the maturity of her music and her comfort as an established performer. For 25-year-old singer/songwr iter Zee Avi, Swell Window is the track that started the journey and incidentally, it’s also the opening track of her second album, Ghostbird. "It's a song about seizing the moment," she said, "and for me, a new direc-

tion and a new voice came and stayed." In the two years since her self-titled debut was released on Jack Johnson's Brushfire Records and Ian Montone's label, Zee's free spirit has wandered from major music festivals (SXSW, Outside Lands, Bonnaroo) to huge tours (Lilith Fair) and back to her homeland of Sarawak, where she picked up an International Youth Icon Award. Overnight success can easily poison young minds, but Zee is no ordinary mind. While critics compared her chilled-out, jazzy, ukulele-based songs to Billie Holiday and Cat Power she continued to make visual art and remained her buoyant, whimsical self. "I'm 25 going on 12 and a half on a good day," she said. Zee began writing Ghostbird in her Brooklyn kitchen last summer, but followed the wind to the balmy waters of

the Florida Everglades where she found endless musings, “with absolute silence and calmness”. In March, she took her fresh batch of tunes to Johnson's Solar Powered Plastic Plant studios and got down to business with producer Mario Caldato, Jr, best known for his work with the Beastie Boys and beloved Brazilian artistes like Bebel Gilberto. It only took two weeks for them to lay down the 11 tracks on Ghostbird (Burung Hantu) including the closing number on the album, Stay in the Clouds, a new addition that was written on the last day of recording. When the album arrived on Aug 30, Zee was itching to get back on tour and show off her live skills. "I want people to feel like they're being hugged," she said, describing Ghostbird. "I think this is my swell window right now."

The opening act for her show is multi-talented One Buck Short drummer, who is better known as Narmi when he strums beautiful notes on his guitar. Though he is not classically-trained in guitar, Narmi's music is soulful and full of heart. His grasp for catchy melodies and his unique voice has enabled him to gain a steady following in the singer-songwriter circuit. Zee's Kuala Lumpur show will be held at Life Centre on Nov 17, while the Penang showcase will be on Nov 19. Zee's third stop will be at Damai Central, Damai Beach on Nov 26. Each show will start at 8pm. Tickets are priced at RM98 (Standard Tickets) and RM158 (Premier Tickets) and can be purchased via www.airasiaredtix.com and selected Rock Corner and Victoria Music outlets. Website: www.livescape.asia.

12 lifestyle SWEAT was flying, aggression was off the chain and lungs were burning in the short one-hour Muay Thai session held at Fitness First. Yes, one hour is short because Muay Thai in Thailand, (where it originated from), lasts for three hours or more and instructors push you to the point where you struggle to scrape through what's left of your physical and mental limits. Never say die, or you die. At the Fitness First session, over 70 people comprising members of the media and Fitness First members, packed the studio for the ultimate Muay Thai class given by The Challenger Muay Thai host and veteran, Stephan Fox. The warm-up comprised a few sets of fast and slow punches, knee raises but because Fox thought some participants needed to be jolted out of the afternoon slump, impromptu push-ups were included. “My grandmother moves faster than you!� exclaimed Fox. MUAY THAI KNOCKS OUT 453&44 "/% &9$&44 '"5 It was time to go hard and strike the focus pads with various combinations of jabs, punches, hooks, knee strikes, front and roundhouse kicks. While all participants were ready with Fitness First punching gloves, I was the one with my loyal Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) sparring gloves and it caught the attention of Fox who quipped, “This one looks fierce! Are you married?� The answer was, “not yet�, but after 12 years of alternating between cardio kickboxing to Muay Thai for exercise, the latter remains my all-time favourite and for reasons that most people can relate to. Aside from its combativeness, Muay Thai also gives you a better sense of control over your life. That’s the irony — the more you practise Muay Thai, the more it helps release built-up tension resulting in a calmer and more relaxed you. In fact, if you don’t have much time to exercise, Muay Thai is the perfect workout as it is a massive calorie burner without the need to spend hours on it. With deliberate and explosive at-

By KARINA FOO karina@mmail.com.my tacks that require a great deal of physical movement using the major muscle groups, you can burn up to 1,000 calories in a one-hour class. In your first session, your muscles will feel tighter and your body would have been whipped‌ into shape. “You’re never too old or young, or never too fit or unfit to incorporate Muay Thai as part of your exercise regime because its challenging and fun,â€? explained Fox.

Kickbox your way to top f

If you’re sick of mindlessly running on that monotonous treadmill, it’s time to take your fitness to a new level, because it should challenge you, not bore you.� THE ESSENCE OF THE SPORT When you practice Muay Thai, you’ll soon learn why it’s one of the more deadly, if not, the most deadly martial art because it uses a lot of bone-striking attacks like elbows and knee blows, front kicks, roundhouse kicks with the shin bones and clinches (where you grab your opponent by the

Combat sport Muay Thai shows the eight contact points to

neck and either punch or knee him). “It’s a great martial art for self defence, especially for women. Before Muay Thai had rules, it was a knockout-lose game. Muay Thai itself is very realistic and the moves are simple to learn and because you’re using a lot of forceful strikes from the hardest points of your body, it makes it the most lethal martial art compared to others,� explained Fox.

There’s nothing better than visualising bludgeoning your opponent to a pulp, (your opponent in this case, would represent the source of all your stress). It’s not violence, it’s therapeutic. For a more realistic sense of combat, sparring will get your adrenalin pumping as your heart rate races through the roof and helps to insulate the pain. You can get hit many times in the face, but won’t feel it until it’s all over. I got jabbed in the face by Fox plenty of times, but that charged me up even more and I (almost) got him back with a couple of low roundhouses. Gotta love it! GROWING POPULARITY Muay Thai is used by MMA fighters in their training and fighting competitions like The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), The Ultimate Fighter and of course, The Challenger Muay Thai. Some people from all over the world specially travel to Thailand to experience the real deal where you’re put through the ultimate test and will see “the light� a few times before you slip back into the painful reality, (for beginners, this pain is something you would have never felt before, but it is, strangely, very addictive).

%&'&/$& 45"/$& Raising your knee to block and defend a kick; (Above) $0.#"5 5*.& 'FFU and fists of fury

THE ULTIMATE FITNESS TRAINING When it was time to do roundhouse kicks at the workshop, I got excited because this is my favourite move, especially when Fox screamed, “When I say ONE, you do ONE roundhouse. When I say FIVE, you do FIVE in a row!�

Of course, it’s not all about killing your opponent, Muay Thai helps to greatly improve all aspects of your fitness such as strength, coordination, agility, stability and self-discipline. Aside from doing Muay Thai itself, you also train to condition your body to reach your maximum level of fitness and strength, which is vital to endure and win the fight, (or for regular folks, to be fit and improve their quality of life). You’ll use a lot of your body weight like push-ups, planks, chin ups, as well as weight training together with forceful moves like jump squats, lunges and burpees to stimulate all the muscle fibres in your body. Muay Thai also forces you to focus at the most pivotal point where it’s not about how hard you’re hitting the pads or bags (because anyone can hit a punching bag with a hard blow), but how you concentrate on executing every move with perfect technique. “When you have good technique, it helps you press on further even when your body is extremely fatigued and that’s the beauty of Muay Thai when it comes to stealth and discipline,� explained Fox. For example, executing a round-house kick looks easy but it involves very deliberate movements to help decrease your chance of getting injured but to cause maximum injury to your opponent. A lot of the power is generated from your hips and core, while your arms will swing to maximise the impact of the kick. It’s a very natural move-

ment but also takes practice to master. A more basic example would be at the start — your fighting stance. Always have your guard up (fists near your chin and close to your face), because once they go down, your neck and face becomes an open target of attack for your opponent, and you can get knocked out by just one front kick to the face, and it doesn’t only happen in Muay thai — Just check out what Anderson Silva did to Vitor Belfort in UFC 126, followed by the same attack by Lyoto Machida who instantly brought down Randy Couture in UFC 129).

The Malay Mail Wednesday 19 OCTOBER, 2011


Breasts and the dreaded big C

3&"%: '03 " $)"--&/(& The writer posing with Fox and the stars of ‘The $IBMMFOHFS .VBZ 5IBJ


o punch out

Do it, watch it! WHETHER it’s for combat sport, self defence or exercise, Muay Thai is catching on to be popular with spectators and practioners at all levels. If you want to try out Muay Thai and incorporate it into your fitness programme, Fitness First is offering a free trial class as well as a chance to win VIP tickets to watch The Challenger Muay Thai finale. Log on to www.fitnessfirst. com/TheChallenger. The Challenger Muay Thai airs every Thursday at 10pm on AXN, Astro Channel 701 and AXN HD channel 721.

26*$, 3&'-&9&4 These are needed to block the many lighting-speed punches of the sport

CHECK YOURSELF Breast surgeons worldwide stress that early detection is key when it comes to the successful treatment of and surviving breast cancer. You can do breast self-examinations at home or if you’re unsure, ask your gynaecologist for help. If you’re over the age of 40, the American Cancer Society advises yearly or two-yearly mammogram check-ups. WATCH YOUR WEIGHT Please don’t roll your eyes when you read this — you have to maintain a healthy weight throughout your life (having a BMI that’s 25 or less). Being overweight or having excess fat can cause the body to produce more estrogen, which is the precursor that triggers growth of breast cancer cells. Women who have gained between 9.5kg to 13.6kg since the age of 18, have a 40 per cent increased risk of breast cancer compared to those who have gained less than 3kg over the years, says a study by the American Cancer Society. Maintaining your weight requires a bit of hard work but that means having a healthier

body for life and you can do this by‌ t &9&3$*4*/( It is the best and most powerful thing against breast cancer. Working out at a moderate to intense pace (brisk walking, jogging or cycling on a slight incline) for 30 minutes, five or on most days of the week will help to control your weight. Exercising helps to balance your body chemistry by lowering the levels of estrogen and insulin, revealed a report by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre in Washington. Exercise also helps you sleep and feel better — both will lower stress levels and toxins in the body — which when in excess, can stimulate cancer cells to grow. t WATCH THE CARBS This isn’t about becoming a protein-rich Atkins-diet fanatic where you avoid rice like the plague, but to be sensible about the amount and types of carbohydrates you consume. There are two kinds of carbs: High Glycemic Index (High GI) or simple carbs that come in the form of white foods like white rice, white pasta and white sugar; and Low Glycemic Index (Low GI) or complex carbs such as vegetables, brown rice and whole meal bread. When simple carbs are consumed, they turn into glucose that needs to be used for immediate energy, otherwise the excess will be stored as fat. That will happen when you eat too much simple carbs because it’ll lead to high insulin and blood sugar levels that can cause weight gain. This can trigger hormonal changes that promote abnormal cells to grow in the breast tissue (cancer cells). A study by the John Hopkins University showed that too much simple carbs is linked to the cause of cancer, because cancer cells feed on glucose to grow. Instead, have more complex carbohydrates as it requires slower and a more gradual use of energy in the body so it won’t cause volatile levels of insulin and blood sugar. Of course, moderation is key. So have that ice-cream occasionally – don’t cheat yourself, treat yourself! t %*( */50 '36*54 "/% 7&(ETABLES Fill your plate with all types of fruits including berries, cherries, and blueberries and vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower as well as dark greens like kale and spinach to help protect you against breast cancer. A study by the Colorado State University showed that all these vegetables have high amounts

5*.& 50 $)&$, " UZQJDBM NBNNPHSBN TFTTJPO of phytochemicals and antioxidants (cancer and freeradical fighting agents) that will lower your risk of the disease. But just lightly cook them as overheating vegetables can destroy their cancerprotecting properties.

levels so limit your happy drink to one or less per day, suggests cancer prevention and detection

specialist, Dr Therese Bevers of the MD Anderson Cancer Centre in Texas.


t 61 5)& 46114 If you’re already taking a multivitamin, that’s great but you may want to add in some vitamin D. A Canadian study on 6,000 women found that those who took vitamin D daily, slashed their breast cancer risk by 24 per cent. While this is not definitive, experts advise to take 1,000 IUs of this vitamin or more, but check with your doctor who’ll give you a simple blood test to know how much vitamin D you should be taking. t %0/ 5 8033: #& HAPPY Having a positive outlook, especially when you’re going through the throes of life, together with a good social network can help reduce your chances of cancer by 19 per cent, as reported by studies. A good social network doesn’t mean you need to throw a party every weekend, but do have a close and loving relationships with family members and a few friends. It helps you build a fighting spirit that can help you cope with life better. Cancer patients who have this fighting spirit can live for 18 months longer on average than those who don’t belong or have a social group or network, says Dr David Spiegel, a psychiatrist at the Stanford University School of Medicine in California. t *5h4 0,50#&3'&45 BUT‌ Go easy on the booze. Alcohol can raise estrogen

HOW TO PLAY Sudoku X is a simple variation of Sudoku with the only difference being the squares in white (which make up the numeral X) need to tally from 1 to 9 along with the remaining coloured squares.


THE stories and experiences about breast cancer that are shared from those who've been diagnosed is enough to make us think twice about how we live our own lifestyle. When speaking with breast cancer survivors, it’s unfathomable to think about how much emotional and mental turmoil they endured. Although breast cancer can happen to anyone, it’s not too late or too early to help prevent the disease from happening to you. Here’s what you can do:


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the malay mail




the malay mail

Wednesday 19 OCTOBER, 2011

Readers can also look out for classified ads ONLINE as early as 9.00a.m at www.mmail.com.my


Houses wanted

GOOD PRICES OFFERED for land / houses and Apt in Shah Alam, PJ & KL. Quick sale. Owners TEL / SMS 019-228 6666


Car for sale

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Car for sale

Vehicles for hire

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Fashion/health & beauty

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Car for sale

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Business opportunities

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Vehicles for hire

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Home furniture/furnishing

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AKS BEAUTY CENTRE Body mssg + scrub (1 1/2 hrs) RM70. Facial + bck mssg (1 1/2 hrs) RM65. Hot stone oil massage (2hrs) RM130. Call:037984 3077 / 016-622 4066

Financing/insurance service

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Office to let

Fashion/health & beauty


OUTCALL TRADITIONAL MASSAGE, pre / post natal,body Scrub for men / women by experienced masseur. Call: Mira 013-336 3160

Apartment for sale/to let

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Wednesday 19 OCTOBER, 2011 M398

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An established Company at Jalan Ipoh seeks LORRY DRIVER Requirements:Familiar with Klang Valley. With experience at least 1 year. Capable to carry heavy goods. Willing to work long hours. Interested candidates kindly call 03-6257 7860

ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANTS needed. Candidate must posses a Degree in Accounting, at least 3 years working experience. Mandarin & English spoken. Chinese lady preferred. Please write in to us either by mail, fax or e-mail detailed resume together with a recent photograph to Prima Interchem Sdn Bhd. No. 4, Jalan Sungai Kayu Ara 32/38, Taman Berjaya Industrial Park, Seksyen 32, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor. Tel: 03-5740 6060 Fax: 035740 6050 Email: katherine@ primainterchem.com

Articles for sale

DRYER FOR CLOTHING’S. Easy, fast and effective. RM390. For happy family. Interested call: 019-7355 295

BUS DRIVERS WITH E License & Van Drivers (male/female) needed for international school based in KL. Call: 03-4044 8081 / 012-234 8081 (10am-5pm)

CAR DRIVER with experience required. Preferably those that lived around Shah Alam or Klang area. Age 30 - 50yrs old. Have to travel outstation. Must be familiar with Klang Valley. Can work overtime. Call Marina at 03-2688 2832 for interview.

SCALAR ENERGY PENDANT WholesalePrice from as low as RM48 !!! Call : 012-2871712


Articles wanted CAR SPARE PARTS Delivery Despatch worker, (with good salary) Petaling Jaya. Call: Ms Chai 03-7875 6868

BUY / SELL / PAWN Note book, hand phone new/ old 70% digital camera.0342517755 / 012-3388688 Peter. 208 Plaza Ampang City, KL

DRIVER CUM DESPATCH required urgently. Own motor & posses valid car license. Familiar KL/ PJ/ Ampang road. Experienced. Malay only. Pls contact Ms Queen Tel : 03-2148 8803 (10am-6pm) Jewellery Circles Sdn Bhd Add : Suite 1007, 1st Flr, President House, Jln Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur. (next to Parkroyal Hotel)

GENERAL CLERK urgently required. Experience in UBS inventory 03-6272 6861 (Ms Chin) Kepong 03-3250 8908 (Ms. Rohaya) Jalan Kapar 017-981 9759 (Mr. Ando)

NEED TO REACH to more customers? Want to expand your business contacts? Email-Marketing Services available. Call: 012-3902471


the malay mail

IMMEDIATE VACANCY Personnel Driver and Office Boy. Please call: Mrs Yap Mobile no : 012-3900 738/ 016-323 0738

IMMEDIATE VACANIES FOR Credi recovery Officers / Field visit Officer & despatch. Age below 37. Min SPM. Male / female. Indoor / outdoor. With / Without experience. Urgently required in Tmn Shamelin, Cheras. Good basic salary + high commission. Please call: Mr.Letchu 016-218 9500, Mr Shashi 016-217 1500

LEGAL FIRM in Bdr Tun Razak requires experienced Conveyancing Lawyer, and General Clerk. Pls fax or email resume to benlee_co@ yahoo.com or Fax No. 039173 5188 call 03-9173 8188 (Ms Ho) for interview

CELCOM PROMOTER urgently needed. Basic salary + comm. (RM 2k-4k) Training provided. School leaver are encourage to apply. Opportunity to get a higher post. Mr.Jimmy Lim (HP) 013-399 9388 LEGAL FIRM IN KL required experience Banking Litigation Clerk urgently.Good remuneration.Call:012-2514 297



PERSONAL DRIVER Good driving & clean license. 5 1/2 days/week, willing to work overtime. Familiar with KL/Selangor area. Able to converse in BM/English. Non smoking during working hours. Min experience 3 years RM1,700 + Allowance + OT Please call Sharon at Tel: 035131 2787 / 019-381 9963 PRECISION MACHINIST/ TOOL & DIE MAKERS needed. Min. 3 yrs exp. in High Precision Steel or Carbide Grinding, CNC Milling/Wire-Cut, EDM for Semicon tooling spares fabrication. Preferred Malaysian or foreigners with work permits may apply. Call 03-5636 8122 or send resume at roswati@ sandpipers.com.my or kschan@sandpipers.com.my






Superb Wealth Management an outsource representing Hong Leong Bank Berhad, based in Damansara Uptown have immediate vacancies for mortgage loan executives. Basic Salary + Commission. Contact 012-699 5051 or send your resume and application to maximilian-agency@live.com WAITERS / WAITRESSES / KITCHEN Helpers with minimum SPM qualification. Full time / Part time. Cooks with degree / diploma qualification. Full time. Able to speak good English. Foreigners with working permit. Please Call: Kate 012-904 4228 / Kheong 012-277 1298

VACANCY. Wireman (Prefer With Experience) Location: Jalan Ipoh Please call: 016-2022 366 (Ms. Joanne)

Well established, fast growing kindergarten at Sek.4 Kota Damansara P.J. seeks Montessori/equivalent teachers. 5 days work, top-of-the-market benefits, excellent environment, training provided. Optional full-day work opportunities available. Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply. Contact 012-200 2862 or send your resume to stham24@yahoo.com

QC with Forman experience/ Salesman related to car insurance / morning & night shift telephone operator positions available. Possess relevant qualification & experiences in automotive industry. Must have own transport ( preferably live in close proximity. Immediate vacancy. Office location at Jalan Kapar, Klang. Pls call Bob @ 012-393 9389 or Ah Soon @ 012-393 9398 RECOVERY OFFICERS Supervisors/ Managers/ Clerical needed. Attractive basic salary, commission and performance bonus provided. Loc: near the Pudu LRT station. (walking distance) Call: 03-9195 5551 @ 5552 or E-mail gtr@galatrack.com SECURITY DRIVER CISCO Urgently needed . EPF, SOCSO, medical, insurance, meals and hostel provided. Call: Ithnin 012-376 0527 Chandran 012-376 0640 Off 03-2282 7055, 2282 7044





SECURITY ELITE GUARDS CISCO Urgently needed at 5 Star Hotel in KL, Ex Uniformed personnel’s are encouraged. Salary RM 1800.00+++. EPF, SOCSO, medical, insurance, meals and hostel provided. Call: Chandran 012-376 0640, Jeya 016-222 3213,Off 03-2282 7055, 2282 7044

SMOOSHIE JUICE IS hiring full-time & part time Retails Sales Assistant. Come join our dynamic team in KL. Immediate vacancy, good pay & great fun! Training is provided. Basic English required. Pls call 012-420 8090/012406 8211. Email: Info@ smooshiejuice.com A.S.A.P.



ACCOUNTS EXECUTIVE needed for an established company near KLCC. 5-day week and stable work environment. Kindly Email resume to Law Group of Companies at recruit_ ae@lawassociate.com ADMIN CUM ACCOUNT CLERK Required by trading company in Kepong. Female preferred. Call: 03-6252 0150 or email hr@mexxen.com.my

COMPANY DRIVER (Car) Age 35-45. Minimum Experience 5 yrs. English speaking. Working hours 9am-6pm Tues-Sun. Salary RM2000, Overtime Allowance RM8/ hr. Contact Lily 03-21613800

CREDIT RECOVERY OFFICERS wanted at Klana Jaya. School leavers or fresh graduate or retires encourage to apply. Interested call: 016-207 0228 Lee, 012-296 0625 John

LORRY DRIVER Wanted at KAJANG. Good salary. Interested please call: 038925 5701 (MS CHONG)

ONLINE EDUCATION BUSINESS. We are looking for business partners to expand our market share. The only e-learning portal endorsed by the Ministry of Education. Huge market potential (Std 1 to Form 5). Pioneer & leader in e-learning. Low start-up capital. High income return. SMS your particulars <NAME> SPACE <AGE> SPACE <OCCUPATION> SPACE <AREA> to 012-3776739

03-7495 1273

ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT needed for an established company near KLCC. 5-day week and stable work environment.. Kindly Email resume to Law Group of Companies at recruit_ aa@lawassociate.com

CHINESE FEMALE Accounts Assistant with min 2 yrs working experience, willing to learn, computer literate, can start work immediately. 5 days week. Tel: 03-8071 1999 48-5, Pusat Perdagangan 1 Puchong, Jalan OP 1/5, Off Jalan Puchong, 47160 Puchong, Selangor.



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Wednesday 19 OCTOBER, 2011 M580







Wednesday 19 OCTOBER, 2011 M580










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03-7495 1273



Historians have uncovered evidence suggesting football was played 300 years before the sport was commonly believed to have been invented — AFP

FromThe Sidelines with Haresh Deol


Splurge on youth FAM could use surplus of sponsorship money on youth and communities

KHAIRUL Fahmi Che Mat heading to Selangor? Steve Darby hinting of a possible comeback to Malaysia? Should State teams be given a larger allocation of grants as the FA of Malaysia (FAM) indulge in lucrative sponsorship deals? Everybody loves Malaysian football. As the race to the Malaysia Cup final heightens, fans are eager to know where their idols are heading to next season. FA of Selangor (FAS) secretary Datuk Hamidin Mohd Amin had, in a text message, dismissed claims Khairul would don the Merah Kuning colours. Darby, in an email, hinted he would love to "live in KL" after quitting Indian club Mohan Bagan recently. However, those running teams in the M-League are eager to know how FAM's sponsorship money has been spent thus far. FAM enjoy some RM30 million annually, starting this year until 2014, from Astro. This comes as a huge relief as Astro's obligation reminds many of the good old Dunhill days. Howe v e r, t h e w r it e r obtained a copy of the 2008 M-League budget and it totalled up to RM11,047,475 for the said year. The allocation includes grants for the President's Cup and youth teams. States playing in the Super League enjoy RM300,000 this year — a RM50,000 increase from their allocation last year. The national team obtain their grants from the government through the Sports Ministry for international assignments while most of their friendly matches abroad including the recent trip to Australia are fully funded by the host teams. The age

group tournaments, meanwhile, are mostly funded by the Education Ministry. So what happens to the surplus of the money? A passive calculation could see a surplus of RM10 million annually. This does not account into the previous savings and the interest generated by those savings. One could easily secure more than four per cent in interest to place RM10 million in a fixed deposit account. That amounts to a minimum of RM400,000 of interest alone after 12 months. Perhaps some of the sum will be used to absorb administration costs. However, cost cutting measures such as a paperless working environment could be introduced in Wisma FAM. The money could be better spent on a proper library with a collection of Malaysian football history and statistics. So should State teams be allocated with more grants? The States may think it is their right. State FAs will not take the extra effort to scout for funds as they will be overly reliant over such grants. It will be wise to pump the extra money into the grassroots in a big way to benefit the masses. After all, not all State FAs organise leagues, much to the frustration and disappointment of many. We can't expect FAM to do everything but their support towards the community could go a long way in creating a larger pool of talent in the future.  Haresh Deol is a senior journalist with The Malay Mail. He blogs at www. hareshdeol.blogspot. com, receives brickbats at haresh@mmail.com.my and exchanges banter on Twitter @HareshDeol.


Buck up Giants!

COULD the Malaysia Cup be losing its flair? While the title remains prestigious, this year's final could turn out to be a subdued affair judging by the crowd turnout and results chalked by the respective teams yesterday. Without doubt yesterday was a working day and the crowd on a Saturday would have been bigger, but the numbers at the Sultan Ismail Nasiruddin Shah Stadium in Kuala Terengganu — to watch the T-Team vs Negri Sembilan clash — was minute compared to the 20,000-odd spectators for the Selangor-Terenganu match at Shah Alam Stadium. In fact, a full house turnout was seen during the KelantanTerengganu second-leg quarterfinal clash in Kota Baru last Saturday. The stakeholders would like to cash in on the gate collection as a huge crowd will paint a pretty picture on the television and in the dailies. But the only way to ensure a huge crowd is by Selangor making it to the final. That, however, is a wish

THAT DID IT: Terengganu's Abdul Manaf Mamat (left) celebrates their second goal — Pic: SHAHIR OMAR

the powers that be can never utter out loud. Things look bleak for the Red Giants who face an uphill task to achieve their Mission 33 campaign — a mission to win the title for the 33rd time — in the second-leg semifinal against Terengganu. Selangor lost 2-0 to the east coast side in the first-leg semifinal at Shah Alam yesterday. Terengganu's Abdul Manaf Mamat, who lost his father Mamat Mahmud on Thursday

after the latter suffered from a stroke, was on fiery form as he scored a brace in the firsthalf. That was enough to give the Turtles a comfortable lead ahead of their next match. Selangor's Amirulhadi Zainal fumbled while Safiq Rahim was left frustrated on a number of occasions as he failed to live up to his free-kick specialist tag. Lone striker Azidan Shaari wasted a handful of opportunities as the Klang Valley team struggled to find their

The Malay Mail Wednesday 19 OCTOBER, 2011

Results Semifinals (first-leg) Selangor 0 Terengganu 2 T-Team 2 N. Sembilan 4

groove up front. This allowed Terengganu to control the match in the first 45 minutes although both teams were at par in the secondhalf. This was a fact admitted by Selangor coach P. Maniam. "Terengganu were fast and the better team in the firsthalf. After making a handful of changes, we managed to keep up in the second-half," said Maniam. "We had several shots at goal but we failed to capitalise. If they had been goals, we would be looking at a 2-2 draw or even a 3-2 win for Selangor." It was also clear the Red Giants missed injured skipper Amri Yahyah. "Amri couldn't play today and he was sorely missed as he could have aided us up front. I hope he will be ready for the second-leg match," Maniam added. Negri Sembilan, meanwhile, defeated Terengganu based club side T-Team 4-2 in the other semifinal clash.


Bukit Rambai make cut for quarters

SMK BUKIT RAMBAI of Malacca are through to the quarterfinals of the 100PLUS U-18 Champions’ School and they believe the road is wide open for them to stake their claim for the title. A 3-1 victory over SMK Ab dul R ahman Taib of Pahang in their final Group A match at the SMK Syed Hassan ground here today has earned them a ticket to the knockout quarterfinal stage by virtue of finishing runner-up to the unbeaten SMK Kulim of Kedah. But it had looked uncertain for the boys from Malacca. After losing their opening match 2-1 to SMK Kulim on Monday, they had to beat SMK Abdul Rahman Taib to stay alive. After a nervous start, SMK Bukit Rambai settled down but it was only in the last min-

ute of the first period that they managed to break down their opponent with a goal from Norfaizaitul Iqbal Ayub. Then, two quick goals in succession in the 33rd and 40th minute from Sharemal Aziz and Solehi Ahmad Zuhaimi respectively gave Bukit Rambai a comfortable cushion and even though Tengku Amirul Abdul Razak pulled one back for SMK Abdul Rahman Talib in the 51st minute, it came too late. "We are given a second chance now and we must take it. I thought after our loss to SMK Kulim, it would be difficult for us to make a comeback. We did it with an encouraging performance. "Of course it will be tougher in the quarterfinals because the good teams are all there. But we are not going to be intimidated by the big names.

OUT OF MY WAY: Bukit Rambai's Mohd Sollehi Ahmad Zuhaimi (No 13) gets past Abd Rahman Talib's M Amirul Adha Azahar in the second day of the tournament

Psychologically, we are prepared and physically we are a match for any team in the championship," said Bukit Rambai's coach Zairi Kusin. T h e f an c i e d Vi c t or i a Inst itut i on f rom Ku a l a Lumpur also made the quarterfinals in style with a 100 per cent record in Group C. They finished as group champions after their 4-1 win over SMK Komplex KLIA in their final group match at the SM Vokasional Arau ground leaving SMK Clifford of Perak in second place. Also through to the last eight is Kajang High School with their unbeaten record in Group B and scoring nine goals on their way to the top. T h e y b e at S M S a i n s Labuan 4-0 and then edged SM Vokasional Arau 1-0 on Monday and then hammered four goals past SMK Precint

8 Putrajaya. Joining them from Group B into the knockout stages is SM Vokasional Arau who trounced the boys from Labuan 7-0 at their own school ground to make the cut. Losing finalist in 2009 and losing quarterfinalist last year, SMK Gua Perahu from Bukit Mertajam found themselves out of the championship despite an unbeaten record in the tournament because they were found guilty of fielding an ineligible player. The player concerned had previously played in the Minister of Education League Cup this year. That allowed SMK Chengal from Kelantan and SMK Sultan Sulaiman from Terengganu to be the two qualifiers from Group D for the quarterfinals.

The Malay Mail Wednesday 19 OCTOBER, 2011

Gethin Jenkins will captain Wales in the absence of suspended skipper Sam Warburton against Australia in Friday's third place playoff — AFP

AUCKLAND: rugby/ world cup

True hero Cruden

listen up: Cruden (left) speaks as Richard Kahui listens during a Press conference in Auckland yesterday — AFP photo

more than 60,000 expectant Eden Park crowd last Sunday. Many children who have grown up in New Zealand have won the Rugby World Cup for the All Blacks countless times in their backyards.

Cruden is no exception. "I think every kid did. And if they say they didn't, then they're lying," he said. "You're always out there practising, maybe kicking the winning goal or scoring the



FIXTURES FRIDAY THIRD PLACING Wales v Australia (3.30pm) SUNDAY FINAL France v New Zealand (4pm) (Live on Astro's CH 816 and CH 831)

All Blacks' replacement flyhalf out to gun down France FLYHALF Aaron Cruden, a testicular cancer survivor, was not even born when New Zealand won their only rugby World Cup in June 1987. But now the 22-year-old has been elevated to the status of national hero after his sudden call-up to the All Blacks side. Cruden aims to play a big role for the All Blacks as they battle France in the final and the chances are that he willl. After all, he has already taken on one of the biggest opponents life could offer — cancer. He won on that occasion, barely out of his teens but showing a fighting spirit that would reveal itself to the world only two years later. He was at it again in an icy cool performance in the red hot semifinal atmosphere against Australia in front of


winning try." However, on Sunday, he will swap the back lawn for Eden Park, with the chance of turning childhood fantasy into reality against France. "It's something that I've dreamt of since I was a little fellow and something I'm excited about. Those are just things you look back and think 'Wow, I have the opportunity to play in a Rugby World Cup final', and it's going to be pretty special," said Cruden. "I'm just humbled and blessed to be back in this squad and given this opportunity." Cruden was born in January 1989, little more than 18 months after the All Blacks won the Webb Ellis Cup. But he is well aware of the chance to repeat history. "I've seen highlights from that game, it's special. Hopefully, it'll be the same on Sunday with New Zealand raising the World Cup. It's definitely what we're aiming for," he said. Cruden was thrust into the tournament's spotlight following the exit of star flyhalf Dan Carter and then his replacement Colin Slade, both through injury. While Carter is no longer the man starting at No 10, Cruden says the former is still involved and will play a key role in his own preparation for the final. "Dan's always floating around the hotel and he's been really positive, always smiling and laughing with the boys," said Cruden. "He sent me a text before the semifinal wishing me all the best. "I'll definitely be going to him and just asking him what he thinks about certain things this week and pick his brains so I can be as well prepared as I can come kickoff time on Sunday." Cruden's ability to absorb and embrace the pressure that comes with replacing a player of Carter's stature has impressed many. New Zealand assistant coach Wayne Smith believes Cruden's determination to make it back into the All Blacks side is his greatest achievement.

Wales considered cheating, says Gatland WALES head coach Warren Gatland admitted he thought about asking one of his forwards to fake an injury during their semifinal defeat by France last Saturday. Prop Adam Jones went off injured after eight minutes and a knock to another prop would have led to uncontested scrums where neither team can push. That would have helped Wales whose pack was reduced to seven men following the dismissal of flanker Sam Warburton. "We discussed it. But morally I decided it was not right," said Gatland. "We had already lost Jones and we discussed in the box — do we fake an injury to one of our props to go to uncontested scrums? We could have easily done that in the first 25-30 minutes of the game. "But in the spirit of the game, in the spirit of a World Cup semifinal, I didn't think that was the fairest or the right thing to do." And Gatland said he

believed referee Alain Rolland's decision to sendoff Warburton in the 18th minute for his tip tackle on France wing Vincent Clerc was not in the spirit of such a crucial game either. Wales lost a tight contest 9-8 and now face Australia in a third place playoff match on Friday without captain Warburton, who has been banned for three weeks. "I believe Rolland made the wrong decision. I think the right decision was a yellow card. In terms of the rules and regulations, he is perfectly entitled to give a red card — but every game is different," said Gatland. "You have got to take into account the circumstances of the situation, the intent. And I think in that situation, with his experience and the role he was given, a yellow card was the right decision to make. "That is why these guys are appointed as the top referees in the world because they make the right decision."


Sapura on revenge mission SAPURA want a fairytale ending to the TNB Cup campaign. The league runners-up will want to avenge their league losses to Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) and KL Hockey Club (KLHC). “It will be sweet if we can have revenge. We have to turn a fairytale into reality,” said Sapura coach I. Vikneswaran. Sapura were on course to win the MHL title but TNB turned spoilers by defeating them 2-0. Three matches later, Sapura were comprehensively beaten 5-1 by league winners KLHC. Now, Sapura has a chance to turn the tables as they take on TNB in the first-leg of the semifinals today. The return-leg will be played on Friday. Should Sapura emerge on top they will likely face KLHC in the final on Sunday. However, injuries and suspension have only made Sapura’s quest

By VIJHAY VICK vijhayvick@mmail.com.my

tougher. Skipper S. Kuhan was handed a two-match ban after swearing at the umpire in the first-leg quarterfinal against Nur Insafi Penang. “We will have to make do without S. Kuhan. Jiwa Mohan will lead the team once again. Our goalkeeper Khairulnizam Ibrahim is doubtful but there is a good chance of him being available." Vikneswaran is still waiting for doctors to clear Redzuan Ponirin, Azreen Rizal Nasir, Craig Joseph Fernandez and Norhanafpe Omar to play. “I wish I could go for the kill from the start but it may not be the wise thing to do considering the absentees,” he added. Sapura overcame TNB at the same stage last year, holding them 2-2 in the first-leg before winning the return-leg 2-0.




Eric Abidal hopes to reach agreement on an extension to his current contract with Barcelona — AFP ROME: FOOTBALL/ SERIE A


Reds, Juve target staying put AURELIEN CHEDJOU claims to have received no further contact from Liverpool, but admits Juventus have expressed an interest in signing him. The Lille defender was a transfer target for the Reds last season, but eventually penned a new deal in France. He is yet to decide what action, if any, he will take at this juncture, but admits he is open to offers. "When I signed the extension did I reach an agreement to be able to leave next summer? Yes, we have such an agreement," Chedjou said. "The last contact from abroad came from Juventus. They contacted my agent during my holidays, but I gave my word to Lille when I signed the new contract and I am happy to stay for another season."


Kovacic headed to Old Trafford MANCHESTER UNITED are set to pip Arsenal to the signing of the 'new Luka Modric' — Dinamo Zagreb midfielder Mateo Kovacic. Sir Alex Ferguson is reportedly confident of seeing off the challenge from the Gunners — as well as other European giants like Juventus and Bayern Munich — because of the 17year-old's personal desire to move to Old Trafford. "United have made it clear they are looking at Kovacic in a big way and they think he is a future star," a source told Goal.com. The player himself also gave encouraging signs to United last month, when he revealed he was flattered by their interest in him.


Rangers hunt new training ground QPR chairman Tony Fernandes has pledged to improve facilities at the club and revealed he has found a potential site for a new training ground. The Malaysian business tycoon's takeover in August provided the financial clout for manager Neil Warnock to sign six new players before the transfer deadline. Fernandes has also been looking to improve off the field performance and believes he has found a suitable venue for a new training ground. He said: "We have made some good decisions in terms of training facilities. It is something I need to take to the board. We need better facilities and I think we have found it."

The Malay Mail Wednesday 19 October, 2011

JUVENTUS have revealed their worst ever financial results having finished the 2010/11 season with a debt of more than €95 million (RM406.6m). Club president Andrea Agnelli spoke to the club's shareholders yesterday and asked them to approve not

Juve reveal worst ever financial results just the accounts but also a €120 million increase in capital. Agnelli described the accounts as "intolerable" but said it was due to the €122 million investment in the new Juventus Stadium, the first ground in Italy to be privately owned by a club.

That is expected to increase Juve's earnings by €21 million a season. However, the club is paying for their failure to reach the Champions League in the last two seasons, finishing seventh twice in a row. "The accounts are the worst in Juve's history, accounts that

take into account the virtuous investment in the stadium but also four years in which the club was unable to renew itself on the pitch, something that has flooded the motor," said Agnelli. "These are intolerable accounts due to the losses but are the fruits of a desire


Chelsea boss names Torres in his 18 man squad

CHELSEA manager Andre Villas-Boas is prepared to ring the changes once again and rotate his squad for their Group E clash against Genk at Stamford Bridge tomorrow (2.45am). Villas-Boas left John Terry and Frank Lampard out of the side that beat Leverkusen in the Blues' opening group game last month. And the Portuguese, who will bring back Fernando Torres for the first game since the draw in Valencia, plans to juggle his resources ahead of Sunday's west London derby at Queens Park Rangers. Florent Malouda, Nicolas Anelka, Raul Meireles and David Luiz are likely to join Torres in returning to the starting side, with VillasBoas, without knee victim Ramires, considering resting Lampard, Terry, Branislav Ivanovic, Didier Drogba and Daniel Sturridge. "The decision over Fernando has been made — but I won't share it with you now," said Villas-Boas. "What's most important is that he's been selected for the 18. He's been out for a long period, although he had some action for Spain to keep him in form for this period. "Then we just have to make best decision possible. He's

BACK IN THE GAME: Torres attends a training session for the forthcoming match against Genk — AFP photo

been good in training but everybody has been pretty good. "The most important thing is that we are aware of the talent we have at our disposal. Any team is strong and any 18 we pick is strong. "That puts us in a position of comfort, to be able to ensure good rest and play periods and good relationships, thinking about the situations that might happen with regard to the QPR game." Villas-Boas expects his

side to see off the Belgians and take a big step towards qualification for the knockout stages. "The opportunity is there for us but it is never easy. We got a draw in Valencia when we were in a position to win the game and wanted to win it," he said. "As a result, the group has become tight, only three points between all four teams, so anything can happen. "At the moment it is an unpredictable situation so we want to cut that off by

winning this game and put ourselves in better position. This is a very important game. We are at home and we have to continue our responsibilities." Chelsea's only defeat in 11 games so far this season came at Old Trafford and they will be, at worst, level on points in second place in the Premier League table if they win at Loftus Road. Goalkeeper Petr C ech said: "We've been playing really well. We've kept on going since a very good preseason. "You can see everybody enjoying being in the squad, on the pitch and playing and we have got good results as well. "The mood around the camp is very good and we're looking forward to the next set of games. "We are focused on our jobs and training and work. People can talk about Manchester United or Manchester City, that's their choice. "If you are in the spotlight your main target is to keep your feet on the ground and improve. "That's what we've done so far and you can see we are in a good position in the league and Champions League. So far it's been very good."


Marseille, Arsenal seek European boost OLYMPIQUE MARSEILLE and Arsenal look to put their mediocre domestic form behind them as they gear up for a potentially decisive Champions League clash at the Stade Velodrome tomorrow. Marseille, the 1993 champions, have won only one Ligue 1 game this season although they lead Champions League

Group F with six points from two games, having crushed Borussia Dortmund 3-0 in their previous match. Arsenal, who have yet to win the Champions League, are second on four points in the group and lie 10th in the Premier League standings having had trouble adjusting after Samir Nasri and Cesc Fabregas left during

the off-season. Vi c t o r y w o u l d g i v e Marseille a perfect record midway through the group phase. Didier Deschamps's side, however, will need to improve dramatically from their dull Ligue 1 displays if they are to challenge the Londoners. Marseille, 15th in the French league, drew 0-0 at

Toulouse at the weekend and have not won a league match in almost a month. "I don't want to be too pessimistic (about our situation)," Deschamps told the club's website (www.om.net). "I'm aware of the difficulties we are facing but we are working on that and we are trying to build some confidence." — Reuters

to maintain Juve's competitiveness while awaiting victories." Things have appeared to be heading in the right direction this season as Juve currently sit atop the Serie A table after six matches, although it is very tight throughout the standings. – AFP


Dortmund 'must win' in Athens, insists Hummels BORUSSIA DORTMUND must win at Olympiakos Piraeus in Greece tomorrow to keep their Champions League hopes alive with defender Mats Hummels insisting this is their last chance. Having opened their Champions League campaign with a 1-1 draw at home to Arsenal and a 3-0 defeat at Marseille, Dortmund are third in Group F and badly need a win in Greece to keep their hopes alive of reaching the knockout stages. The Germans host Olympiakos on November 2, then play Arsenal a fortnight later in London before hosting Marseille on December 6 in their final group game and must pick up their first win of the campaign to boost their chances of progressing from the group stages. "We must win at Piraeus to keep our chances alive," said Hummels after his side won 2-0 at Werder Bremen in the German league last Friday to go third in the Bundesliga and six points behind leaders Bayern Munich. "We have a great team when we are at our best," said Hummels while his centreback partner Neven Subotic said it will take a good performance from Dortmund to get a win at the Karaiskakis Stadium in Athens. Coach Jurgen Klopp is expecting a hostile reception from the Greek crowd in Athens, because of the financial situation and the game sold out in just 45 minutes. "This is like an international match, the political situation is superimposed on the sport," said Klopp, with Germany at the forefront of moves to help struggling Eurozone nations like Greece. "I think the Greeks are not just terribly happy about the German population at the moment." Meanwhile, Dortmund will be without forward Lucas Barrios for the match. Paraguay international Barrios, who had only recently returned from an injury that saw him miss the start of the season, broke off training yesterday and tests showed a minor muscle injury. "Lucas Barrios will remain in Dortmund along with Patrick Owomoyela," Dortmund said before departing for Athens. — Agencies


I still see Jose Mourinho as the same person he was last year, but he is even more ambitious to win trophies now — Real Madrid goalkeeper Iker Casillas

The Malay Mail Wednesday 19 OCTOBER, 2011

LONDON: football/ champions league


Players wanted to leave in the summer, says Wenger

ARSENAL manager Arsene Wenger says "half the dressing room wanted to leave" the club this summer and the hangover may be behind their poor start to the season. Last Sunday's 2-1 home win over Sunderland lifted the Gunners back into the top half of the table, but they are 12 points off the pace at the top of the table already and face a fight to reach the top four. Their early season struggles were highlighted by the shocking 8-2 defeat to Manchester United at Old Trafford, coming on the back of a summer that saw key midfielders Cesc Fabregas and Samir Nasri sold despite Wenger's insistence he

wanted them to stay. "It was a very difficult summer because half the dressing room wanted to leave," Wenger said on French radio station RTL and reported by The Guardian. "You're preparing for a season where you don't know who's going to come in, the players who are staying are asking themselves what's going on at the club, you've got a preseason tour of Asia. "It was extraordinarily difficult. What saved us is that we're a club that are extremely solid and united. Other clubs would surely have gone to pieces in those circumstances. "What people forget is that we

lost three key players because we've also lost Jack Wilshere. Three who were important in our midfield — Nasri, Fabregas and Wilshere — have all been lost and they were the basis of our midfield last season. "We've had to reconstruct our midfield entirely because Wilshere won't be back until January. Still, we've been disappointing this season so far, given what's expected of us, but I think we're on the up again. The problem is you can only climb the table slowly. We're not too far away in terms of points from fourth place. We're too far away from the top two." Wenger admitted that simple


economics meant that players wanted to leave Arsenal because there was more money on offer elsewhere. "It's not that (players have to leave to win titles)," said the Frenchman. "The problem isn't that. Frankly, if you compare what Manchester City have won in the past and what Arsenal have won, then you don't go to City to win titles. Players go to City because they pay much better than Arsenal. "They are a force clearly, because they have exceptional financial clout, so it's not surprising what they've done." Now Wenger is facing questions over the long term future

MARSEILLE Oct 15 - Toulouse 0 Marseille 0 (Ligue 1) Oct 2 - Marseille 1 - Stade Brestois 1 (Ligue 1) Sep 28 - Marseille 3 Borussia Dortmund 0 (Champions League) Sep 24 - Valenciennes FC 1 Marseille 1 (Ligue 1) Sep 21 - Marseille 2 Thonon Gaillard 0 (Ligue 1) ARSENAL Oct 16 - Arsenal 2 Sunderland 1 (Premier League) Oct 2 - Tottenham 2 Arsenal 1 (Premier League) Sep 28 - Arsenal 2 Olympiakos 1 (Champions League) Sep 24 - Arsenal 3 Bolton 0 (Premier League) Sep 20 - Arsenal 3 Shrewsbury Town 1 (League Cup)


ARSENAL Robin van Persie

of Fabregas' replacement as captain, Robin van Persie, who insists he is committed to the club but is yet to agree a new deal with 18 months left on his existing contract. "Being professional means that right up until the last day you are at a club, you give 100 per cent to that club," said Wenger. "I'm not asking myself whether van Persie is going to extend

his contract in 18 months' time. What is important is that he plays well for us against Marseille on Wednesday. After that the next match. That's how I think. "He's scored 28 goals in 34 games, so they're exceptional statistics. He's got a contract for another 18 months and he's a man who is attached to our club. I'm not especially thinking about losing him."


Day TOMORROW’S MATCHES Previous meetings Leverkusen Chelsea

Win crucial for Milan's campaign this season

has made to a Serie A season in the last 21 years with a 3-0 win over Palermo last Saturday. The result lifted them to 13th in the standings — four points behind leaders Juventus after six games. "We played well against Palermo but we have to give continuity to this performance," said Allegri. Milan will be bolstered by the return of midfielder Kevin Prince Boateng from injury. Allegri could rest Italy

international striker Antonio Cassano in favour of fielding Robinho alongside Zlatan Ibrahimovic up front. BATE travel to Italy on the back of last Friday's 2-0 victory at Minsk that ended their seven-match winless run in the Belarusian league. The result kept BATE on course to defend their title — they are nine points clear at the top of the table with six games remaining. BATE were humiliated 5-0 by Barca on their last European outing. And manager Viktor Goncharenko will be hoping his side can show a drastic improvement at San Siro. "The defeat to Barca was an ugly result but it was a lesson for my players," he said. "They made stupid mistakes, they showed fear and they didn't display their true potential. "I hope we can improve in every department against Milan." S e r bi a st r i ke r Mate j a Kezman is set to lead the BATE attack in Milan, but the visitors are still without Vitali Rodionov and Yawhen Kuntsevich through injury.

BILBAO: football/ primera liga

Bilbao win at home

ATHLETIC BILBAO leapfrogged Osasuna in the Primera Liga standings with a comprehensive 3-1 win at San Mames yesterday. Iker Muniain, Igor Gabilondo

and Javi Martinez scored the Basque side's goals in a 15 minute spell in the run up to half-time, before Iranian midfielder Javad Nekounam scored a consolation penalty late

on for Osasuna. The visitors had been reduced to 10 men by the dismissal of Roland Lamah in the 70th minute for a second bookable offence.

Marseille Olympiacos

1-1-0 1-0-1 0-2-0 0-1-1

3-1 2-2 1-1 0-2

4 3 2 1

Marseille 2-0-0 Arsenal 1-1-0 Dortmund 0-1-1 Olympiacos 0-0-2

4-0 3-2 1-4 1-3

6 4 1 0


APOEL Zenit Porto Shakhtar

1-1-0 1-0-1 1-0-1 0-1-1

3-2 4-3 3-4 2-3

4 3 3 1

BATE Plzen

AC Milan Barcelona BATE Plzen

1-1-0 1-1-0 0-1-1 0-1-1

4-2 7-2 1-6 1-3

4 4 1 1

Arsenal Dortmund

– –

Leading scorer: Ayew, Marseille 2 Shots on target: Lewandowski, Dortmund 4

Shakhtar Porto

– W2-D0-L0

Leading scorer: Shirokov, Zenit 2 Shots on target: Willian, Shakhtar 4

AC Milan Barcelona

W2-D0-L0 –

Leading scorer: Rodriguez, Villa, Messi, Bar. 2 Shots on target: Villa, Messi, Barcelona 6

David Villa Barcelona

Chelsea Bayer Valencia Genk

On target Wide EYE FOR GOAL Barcelona 19 20

Total shots 39

Real Madrid

























Valencia Genk

– –

Leading scorer: 6 players with 1 goal Shots on target: Torres, Chelsea 4

Picture: Getty Images

AC MILAN manager Massimiliano Allegri (pic) believes a win in their Group H clash against BATE Borisov at San Siro tomorrow (2.45am) would be a big boost ahead of a crucial month. The Rossoneri drew 2-2 against champions Barcelona at Nou Camp in their opening match before beating Viktoria Plzen 2-0 last month. Milan head into the encounter level on four points with Barca at the top of the group and Allegri wants his side to pick up another three points tomorrow in order to secure early qualification for the knockout phase and allow them to focus on improving their Serie A position. "We have a crucial month ahead of us," Allegri told his club's website. "We have to reach the next round of the Champions League and to arrive to the next league break with as many points as possible. "To win tomorrow would be a huge step towards qualifying." Milan bounced back from the worst start any champion



EVER PRESENT: Arsenal face a tough trip to Marseille hoping to take charge of the group – the Gunners have made it to the knockout stages every year since 1999/00 Arsenal: Last six seasons 2010/11 Last 16 2007/08 Q-final 2009/10 Q-final 2006/07 Last 16 2008/09 S-final 2005/06 Runner-up Sources: Uefa, Infostrada Sports


Multiple choices

Gunners’ exodus

Chelsea can opt for Fernando Torres in Champions League clash against Genk

Under-fire manager Arsene Wenger reveals players almost left club in the summer

>> pg22

>> pg23


Worthy investment

Youth and communities could use FAM’s sponsorship money too

>> pg20


Cruden battle-cry

All Blacks’ Aaron Cruden intends to make French fries at Eden Park

>> pg21


Rangers hunt

QPR chairman Tony Fernandes is scouring a potential site for new training ground

>> pg22

Wednesday 19 October, 2011


One cool Frenchman Deschamps stress-free ahead of Arsenal clash

DIDIER DESCHAMPS says Marseille will play without fear against Arsenal tomorrow, as they re-immerse themselves in a Champions League campaign that has proved a respite from domestic setbacks. Marseille are well off the pace in 15th place in Ligue 1, having registered just one win in their first 10 games. But in Europe, it is a different story. Consecutive victories at Olympiakos (1-0) and at home to German champions Borussia Dortmund (3-0) mean Marseille will enter tomorrow’s game — the first of a double header — with a two-point lead over secondplaced Arsenal in Group F. Deschamps says his side will approach the match “aiming to win” and hopes that the hosts will flourish in the absence of the oppressive atmosphere that has weighed upon their recent league outings. “Our bad start in the championship means we have our backs to the wall in every match, particularly at home,” said the Marseille coach at the

pre-match Press conference. “But in the Champions League it’s different. We have six points already, so there isn’t the same pressure and the players can go for it a bit more and play without the same nervousness.” Arsenal have endured a similarly uncomfortable start to their domestic season, having registered only three wins in eight games to leave them 12 points behind Premier League leaders Manchester City in 10th place. However, they are aiming to reach the knockout phase of the Champions League for the 12th season running and Deschamps does not think that they have been fundamentally weakened by the departures of Cesc Fabregas and Samir Nasri. “They’re still a top European club and they qualify systematically for the Champions League,” he said. “They had a troubled summer, losing big players and bringing new ones in. I don’t want to compare Arsenal today to their previous teams, but they still have 20 or

so internationals. “Their squad is full of quality. They’ve had problems in the Premier League but they’re still a top team and they’ve played in this competition every season for a good while now.” Despite lauding their strength in attack, Deschamps highlighted the fact that Arsenal “let a lot of goals in too”. Only Blackburn Rovers and Bolton Wanderers have conceded more goals than the 17 shipped by Arsenal in the English top flight this season and goalkeeper Steve Mandanda says the defence could be the weak link in Arsene Wenger’s team. “We haven’t properly talked about the team with the coach yet but we know they’ve let in a lot of goals and that may be something we’ll be able to exploit,” said the France international. Mandanda, however, believes Marseille must be wary of Arsenal captain Robin van Persie, whose match-winning brace in Sunday’s 2-1 defeat of Sunderland took his tally for 2011 to 23 goals in 25

Deschamps: Looking to keep Arsenal off the ball — AFP photo

league games. “Arsenal have lots of dangerous players but the guy in form at the moment is van Persie,” he said. “He always makes a difference and he scores a lot of goals, so we’ll have to watch him closely.” Meanwhile, Marseille supporters have voted with their feet prior to the clash with Press reports that only 30,000 fans will be in attendance for the Group F encounter. Renovation work at Mar-

seille’s Stade Velodrome home means the ground’s usual 60,000-capacity has been slashed, but there are still 42,000 seats to be filled in the iconic arena on France’s Mediterranean coast. But Marseille are floundering in the French championship, having recorded just one win in their first 10 games, and team captain Mandanda accepts that the side’s poor performances have an impact on the fans’ desire to watch them play. — AFP



Scrapping relegation will be suicide, says Fergie

BATE-d breath

BATE Borisov’s coach Viktor Goncharenko

Ac Milan brace for crucial month starting with clash against BATE Borisov

>> pg23

MANCHESTER UNITED manager Sir Alex Ferguson blasted plans from some foreign club owners to put an end to relegation from the Premier League. League Managers’ Association chief executive Richard Bevan revealed the proposals on Monday and was met with a withering response from the Red Devils boss. “I think that would be absolute suicide for the rest of league, and particularly for the teams in the Championship,” said Ferguson. “If you look at the Championship at the moment, we have at least eight teams with tradition and history.

“What do you say to those eight teams? That they can never play in the Premier League? You might as well lock the doors. “The only place you can make money and realise your ambitions is in the Premier League. “You can’t take that away from clubs like Nottingham Forest, Leeds, Sheffield United and Sheffield Wednesday. All these great teams, who formed the nucleus of our old First Division, all those years ago. “It would be unwise to do that (abolish relegation). It does happen in a lot of countries, not just American football, but I don’t see where the

end product comes in then (with no relegation). Bevan had earlier claimed a group of American and Asian owners wanted to abolish relegation because of the huge losses of income suffered by clubs dropping out of the top flight. His comments came just a week after Liverpool managing director Ian Ayre called for a change in the way overseas TV money was distributed. Wigan chairman Dave Whelan insists he would pull Wigan out of the Premier League if promotion and relegation was scrapped in the English top flight. “It’s the most stupid suggestion

I’ve ever heard in my life,” Whelan told talkSPORT. “If it was to happen, I would resign Wigan from the Premier League and go back and play in the Football League. “It’s a worrying thought that if we get 14 or 15 foreign owners (in the Premier League), they come up with some mad idea and it gets voted through. It would ruin and kill English football. “It’s got to be competitive, every club’s got to have that ambition to get to the Premier League, that’s why our league is so good. It’s an appalling suggestion. It would ruin and kill English football.”

Published by Malay Mail Sdn Bhd (239512V), Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, and printed by The New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Berhad (4485-H), 31, Jalan Riong, 59100 KL

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