23 September 2011

Page 1

Friday 23 September, 2011



Fools rush in 100,000 copies daily

The Malay Mail


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Reds gaffer Kenny Dalglish wants fit-again Steven Gerrard eased into England team

>> pg31



mail motor

Heroes’ ‘welcome’

No shortcuts

Green power galore

Bukit Kepong’s fallen defenders get bravery awards, 61 years after

Some residents of USJ 11/3 gated community irked by locked up routes

Frankfurt Motor Show 2011 showcases electrifying muscle cars

>> pg4

>> pg8

>> Centrespread

Ambulance in 15 minutes PETALING JAYA

Ministry orders quicker response time for critical cases in Klang Valley

FIFTEEN minutes. That’s the Health Ministry’s time frame for ambulances to reach ‘critical’ victims in the Klang Valley using a computerised dispatch system. From now until next August, ambulances will be gauged for their response to various types of emergencies and this

By T.K. LETCHUMY TAMBOO t.k.letchumy@mmail.com.my

will be recorded for the ministry’s Key Performance Indicator.

>> Stories on pg2

Slain TV cameraman’s wife opens up for first time

‘Mak, kenapa orang panggil babah hero?’

>> pg3



It is not an outright sale... it is an investment venture to attract investment in the Islamic REIT business — Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim on reports PKNS had sold three assets

The Malay Mail Friday 23 SEPTEMBER, 2011


Speedier response time Pilot exercise for faster ambulance services based on medical emergency priorities

THE Health Ministr y has embarked on a year-long assessment to gauge the effectiveness of ambulance response times in the Klang Valley. It employs the Malaysian Emergency Response Services 999 (MERS999) computer-aided dispatching system that includes monitoring via devices installed into the vehicles' dashboards. Deputy Health Minister Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin told The Malay Mail from now until August next year, ambulances would be assessed on their response which will be recorded for the ministry's Key Performance Indicator (KPI). She said 15 minutes was the time frame targeted by the ministry for emergency vehicles to reach victims of life-threatening cases (see accompanying table). Rosnah said the ministry's KPI ratings require ambulances to reach Priority Code 1 (critical) cases within 15 minutes, Priority Code 2 (semi-critical) within 45 minutes and Priority Code 3 (non-critical) within one hour. To determine the types of illnesses under each category, The Paper That Cares contacted several ambulance services in the Klang Valley. It is understood critical cases normally include road accidents involving heavy bleeding, heart attacks and birth deliveries.

By T.K. LETCHUMY TAMBOO t.k.letchumy@mmail.com.my

Semi-critical ones could include cancer, depending on its type and severity, and cases of heart attacks which have been stabilised. Examples of non-critical cases are bedridden victims or elderly patients requesting to be transported to a hospital or other premises. "This exercise by the ministry is in relation to the MERS999 initiative, launched in 2007, where emergency numbers, be it for the services of the police, ambulance or fire and rescue department, were merged into a single number," said Rosnah. "To improve this initiative, newer KPIs have been set for all public safety agencies, including the Health Ministry." She said the new exercise would be conducted from now until August, with its pilot project in the Klang Valley, after which they would review the results to determine its effectiveness. When asked what was required of the ministry to ensure the targeted 15-minute response time for critical cases was met, Rosnah said they were influenced by various factors and required a multi-pronged approach. "Besides a modern call management technology embedded

Emergency rankings and expected success rates Health Ministry's KPI for Klang Valley MECC using the MERS999 computeraided dispatching (CAD) system implemented on Aug 18:

ROSNAH: Review next year to determine effectiveness

into the implementation of the MERS999, other aspects include increasing ambulance fleet, better deployment strategies, strengthening ambulance personnel as well as solid information management." She said the nationwide completion of the Government Integrated Radio Network (GIRN) would also be expected to contribute towards improved radio-communication between all public safety agencies during 999 calls or mass casualty situations. This, Rosnah said, was an ongoing effort by the ministry and its ambulance service partners.

NEED FOR SPEED: Ambulances in Klang Valley bound by 'test' KPI that requires faster arrival times to emergency scenes

She said the present KPI for ambulances' arrival time at emergency scenes for all of the ministry's Medical Emergency Coordination Centres (MECC) was less than 30 minutes for areas within a 5km-radius of a hospital's ambulance base. "To keep the whole fleet in optimum condition, we need about 400 to 500 new ambulances each year including replacement of old ambulances." The issue of speedier response times came in the wake of accidents involving ambulances that seemed to escalate recently. When asked why they were on the rise, Rosnah said: "There are various contributing factors

and these include the condition of ambulances, drivers' attitude and skill, and road conditions. The fault doesn't always lie with the ambulance driver. We have to also consider other parties involved, including other drivers and vehicles." She said all ambulances needed to conform to safety standards and specifications set by the Public Works Department, Road Transport Department (RTD) and Puspakom as well as those set by the ministry's engineering department at the time of procurement. "They also need to undergo periodic, planned preventive maintenance, as specified by the

● 90 per cent within 15 minutes for Priority Code 1 (Critical — Echo, Delta) ● 90 per cent within 45 minutes for Priority Code 2 (Semi-critical — Charlie) ● 90 per cent within 60 minutes for Priority Code 3, (Non-critical — Bravo, Alpha, Omega) ministry," she said. "Like other drivers on the road, ambulance drivers also need to comply with road rules specified by the police and the RTD." Rosnah said every year, less than 100 accidents involving ambulances had been reported from the 137 hospitals and the ministry's 800-plus health clinics. A total of 74 cases were reported last year.


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Huge attendance at police Hari Raya open house By AIZAT SHARIF aizat@mmail.com.my

MORE than 5,000 people attended the post-Hari Raya open house at the district police headquarters yesterday. The function, which began at 8pm, saw everyone being treated to an array of popular local dishes and entertainment by artistes. The different dishes were served at 'stalls' manned by police officers from the crime, narcotics, traffic, commercial, logistics, management and Special Branch departments, and also from police stations based in Sea Park, Sungai Way and Damansara.

THE MALAY MAIL IS PUBLISHED BY Malay Mail Sdn Bhd, Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200, Petaling Jaya

FESTIVE FOOD: Guests helping themselves at the food stalls manned by police

PJ district police chief, ACP Arjunaidi Mohamed hosted the event. Also present were

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former Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan, Selangor police chief Datuk

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Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah an d h i s d e put y D atu k A.Thaiveegan, Kuala Lumpur

police chief Datuk Mohmad Salleh, Selangor CID chief SAC Mohd Adnan Abdullah and several Selangor district police chiefs. Upon the arrival of Tun Hisan, the lights at the headquarters were switched off as a cue for the police brass band to march in with its members attired with neon lights. O t hers w ho attende d included representatives of various residents associations, business operators, politicians and the general public. Guest artistes who performed were To'ki, Sheeda and Azlee Senario. There was also a rousing Bhangra dance by a local Punjabi group.

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The new law must be specific... spelling out terrorist-related activities, subversive activities that are prejudicial to national security — Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin

The Malay Mail Friday 23 september, 2011




Seminar to draft safety guidelines

SAD REFLECTIONS: Norazarina (centre) with her sons and relatives at the burial


Picking up the pieces

Wife and sons coming to grips with death of TV cameraman in Somalia THE difficult part in handling her husband's sudden death was breaking the heartbreaking news to her two young sons. "Mak, kenapa orang panggil babah 'hero'?" (Mom, why does everyone call dad a hero?) This was the question that Norazarina Jaafar had to answer to her eight-year-old son on the day his father, Noramfaizul Mohd Nor, was buried at the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Muslim cemetery in Serdang. Noramfaizul, the Bernama TV cameraman killed while covering a humanitarian aid mission led by Putera 1Malaysia Club to Somalia on Sept 2, was laid to rest two days later. "During the burial, my elder son Mohd Irfan saw a T-shirt worn by his father's office mate that bore the words 'Noramfaizul, anda lah wira kami' (Noramfaizul, you are our hero).

By IKRAM ISMAIL ikram.ismail@mmail.com.my

"I was taken aback when my son asked about that. Though I had to spontaneously find an answer, I slowly explained to him of his father's death," she told The Malay Mail yesterday. "I told him his father was a national hero and that he sacrificed his life for the nation. I told him he should be proud of his father," said the 37-year-old. It was t he f irst t ime Norazarina chose to speak to the Press following the death of her husband in Mogadishu. Her other son is three-year old Mohd Aris. "Irfan was curious about the wordings on the t-shirt. But now that he understands more about what happened, he has started to accept his fate." Norazarina said it was hard having to tell her boys about

their father's death as they were close to him. "Both my sons were close to him, but it was my elder boy who was more attached to him. He found it hard accepting the fact that his father was no longer alive. "Irfan and Aris spend a lot of time making model cars with their father. So they both feel a huge void when suddenly their father was no longer around to do all that with them," she said. "On the night after the burial, Aris had difficulty in sleeping; he kept glancing at his father's picture," said Norazarina, who resides near her father-in-law's house in Seri Kembangan. Norazarina said since that day, she spends more time with her boys to help fill that loneliness. She said she and her boys had been going out for dinners, shopping and meeting people more. She said since the incident, there was a string of peo-

ple, including Noramfaizul's friends, visiting her family. "Those who visited us were a source of much comfort, making my sons and I feel stronger in facing the reality." She said her parents, sister in-law and relatives had helped much in keeping the family together. "My parents and sister-inlaw live near my house, so it's not a problem for us to visit one another often." When asked about donations from people, Norazarina said some contributions had been received. Norazarina said despite the odds, she and her sons were slowly making their way past these trying times. "I'm just grateful my sons have started to accept the fact that they have lost their father." She said she and her sons would return to Norazarina's home town in Johor Baru this weekend.

GUIDELINES ensuring safety of journalists when carrying out duties in hostile areas are expected to be discussed at the National Council of Occupational Safety and Health (NCOSH) seminar next month. Deputy Human Resources Minister Datuk Maznah Mazlan told The Malay Mail that while information gathering was still ongoing, they were close to finalising the findings. "At the moment, our officers from the Department of Occupational Safety and Health are still collecting data from relevant parties including employees, employers and unions. "Issues to be discussed include safety at both public and work places, especially for media practitioners," she said. Ma z na h , w ho is a ls o NCOSH chairman, said the seminar would draft guidelines before referring them to the Home Ministry and Defence Ministry. "After that, we will discuss that matter with concerned parties including representatives from the Home Ministry, Defence Ministry, media practitioners and also the National Union of Journalists." The issue surfaced following Bernama TV cameraman Noramfaizul Mohd Nor's death on Sept 2 in

Maznah: Safety at both public and work places

Mogadishu, Somalia, while on a humanitarian aid mission led by Putera 1Malaysia Club. O n S e pt 7 , Hu m an Resources Minister Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam said guidelines were necessary to prevent media practitioners from becoming victims when covering events in high-risk areas. He said aspects to be emphasised by the ministry should be on the location, training and accuracy of information to journalists while covering assignments in conflict zones. Maznah said they would also refer the safety guidelines to those of various developed countries which already have theirs in place. "However, for safety and security in conflict zones, our ministry will also refer to the Home Ministry and Defence Ministry as they are experts in the matter."

It's essential to know what should be done NAT I O NA L Un i o n o f Journalists (NUJ) president Chin Sung Chew feels while the drafting of safety guidelines is good, using existing knowledge would not hurt. He said NUJ was planning to give a copy of the International Union of Journalists (INUJ) safety handbook to the relevant ministry for reference which they could use in drafting safety guidelines for Malaysian media practitioners covering events in conflict zones. "We are fixing the meet next month to hand over the handbook to the Human Resources Ministry." Chin also suggested the guidelines should involve a compulsory safety training for media practitioners before sending them out for assignments at conflict zones. "The objective is to ensure those covering such events

Chin: Suggesting media practitioners to have safety training

know what should be done, things to bring and action to take during emergency and dangerous situations." Chin said it would be hard for NUJ to conduct such training as the union did not have the funds or means to do so. "The government should do so for the benefit and safety of media personnel."



In light of recent events, the Information Communication and Culture Ministry plans to implement special programmes on appreciation of history — Deputy minister Datuk Maglin Denis D'Cruz

The Malay Mail Friday 23 SEPTEMBER, 2011


Better late than never Bukit Kepong heroes gain recognition after 61 years

AFTER 61 years, the Bukit Kepong police station defenders and family members who perished staving off Communist insurgents on Feb 23, 1950, finally received recognition for their heroism. Sixteen families of slain policemen yesterday received the Anugerah Wira Bukit Kepong, presented by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak during Umno’s Raya open house at the Putra World Trade Centre. The Bukit Kepong tragedy shot to prominence again after PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu allegedly said the men who attacked and killed policemen and their families at Bukit Kepong near Muar, Johor, were heroes because they were fighting against the British. The Pokok Sena MP, better known as Mat Sabu, later clarified, saying the attackers were freedom fighters. This was not because they attacked Malay policemen.

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani asrul@mmail.com

Yesterday, Najib said the country knew who the heroes and patriots at Bukit Kepong were. “Who are the national heroes? The founders of Umno, police, the army and those killed at Bukit Kepong and other incidents. They are the true freedom fighters we must appreciate and defend. I also agree with Umno Youth chief (Khairy Jamaluddin) that if others insult them and ignore their sacrifices, then let Umno and Barisan Nasional become defenders of their dignity and welfare.” After the award ceremony, one of the slain policeman's family members, Ahmad Jamil, told The Malay Mail his father, Bukit Kepong police chief Sarjan Jamil Mohd Shah, was 35 when he died. “I was six years and 10 months old when my father

died. I don’t remember much about the incident but I felt sad I lost my dad. I am moved and thankful to Umno for the remembrance and inviting us here. We are glad the recognition, though long overdue, is still something,” said Ahmad, 68. He said he was grateful to Najib for taking the time to appreciate the heroes of Bukit Kepong. Mohamad Mokhtar Yasin was four when his father, Kopral Mohd Yassin Wahab, fell at Bukit Kepong. “I do not want anybody to be indebted to my father, but I do not appreciate what Mat Sabu said because my father sacrificed his life.” Sarjan Jamil Mohd Shah’s grandson, Haizad Ibrahim, felt the pain when he watched a clip of the 1981 movie Bukit Kepong, directed and starring Tan Sri

IN APPRECIATION: Najib (right) sharing a light moment with Bukit Kepong policemen's relatives at the Raya open house

Jins Shamsuddin, which was shown during the ceremony. “My family is moved because there are still those who remember the sacrifices made by my grandfather. It still hurts to watch the movie even today," he said. “But my focus is on their

graves. We are, however, scared the gravesite wall will collapse in heavy rain because there isn’t any proper drainage there.” Haizad alerted The Paper That Cares on the deplorable conditions of the Bukit Kepong cemetery after family members and relatives of the fallen

policemen found part of its wall collapsed when they visited the place during the Hari Raya celebrations. The wall has since been rebuilt and Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar said police were looking into turning the cemetery into a historical landmark. In the incident, 25 policemen and their family members were killed. They comprised 14 policemen, four village guards, three auxiliary policemen, and the wife and three children of a policeman who survived. There were 13 survivors, made up of four policemen and nine family members, including wives and children. T h e att a cke rs , l e d by Muhammad Indera, were 200member strong, and about 40 of them were killed. Muhammad Indera was later captured, tried and found guilty. He was hauged on Jan 30, 1953, at Taiping Prison, aged 33.

No compensation for Bukit Kepong warriors THERE is still bitterness in the heart of Sarjan Jamil Mohd Shah's eldest daughter who is disappointed it has taken so long to get her father's sacrifice recognised. Siti Salmah Jamil was 10 when her father was killed by

Communist insurgents at the Bukit Kepong police station in 1950. Jamil was survived by four children. His fourth child, Md Nor Jamil, was only seven days old at the time. Siti Salmah said her family

survived on their father’s pension, which they received a few years after his death, but for a limited time. There was no compensation from the Federal or State governments. “For much of the past 61 years, nobody cared about us. During

those decades, we only received an invitation to watch the Bukit Kepong movie in 1981. That was all.” She said initially the family survived on the monthly pension RM70. Despite that, she completed her Form Five studies.


'Teen may have rejected sexual advances' THE teenage college girl whose charred remains were found by residents Kampung Lembah Jaya Utara in Ampang on Sept 5 could have been killed after ignoring sexual advances of her boyfriend, the prime suspect who is now under remand. "We believe the victim resisted the boyfriend's sexual approaches at his family's home in Selangor. She was then suffocated to death and then burnt as a means of disposing evidence," said Federal Crime Investigation Department (CID) director Datuk Seri Mohd Bakri Zinin when met at the Selangor police headquarters in Shah Alam yesterday. He said an autopsy on the victim, Nurul Awati Mohamad Shakri, 19, was complete. Police hope to submit their investigation papers on the case to the deputy public prosecutor next week.

By G. PRAKASH prakash@mmail.com.my

The suspect, also 19, is a second-year Bachelor of Quantity Surveying student at Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) in Bandar Baru Seri Iskandar, Perak. On Tuesday, police obtained a week-long extension of his remand order until Tuesday. He was arrested by Ampang police outside the university campus on Sept 13. Police seized the suspect’s mobile phone, a Perodua Kancil belonging to his family and other material evidence. Strands of hair from the car was sent to the forensics department to determine whether they matched the victim's DNA. On Sept 5, Kampung Lembah Jaya Utara residents found the charred remains of a half-

GRUESome FIND: Nurul Awati's charred remains being taken away by police

naked girl in the bushes by the roadside just metres from their houses. The victim, was identified four days later by her father who recognised her gold bracelet, gold earrings and what was left of her baju kurung.Nurul Awati was studying at Maahad Tahfiz At-Tijarah in Selayang and resid-

ed in Danau Kota, Setapak. Police have identified two petrol stations in Ampang where the suspect could have brought fuel to torch his girlfriend. They also retrieved closed-circuit television images from both stations. The suspect's family lives in Taman Ukay Perdana, Hulu Klang.

“We then asked the government for financial support but we received no aid at all. After we finished our SPM, mother did not receive any more pension. "It was only after Mat Sabu's controversial remarks did people

begin to take notice,” said Siti Salmah, adding she was not angry but saddened by the PAS deputy president's unkind remarks. “It was Mat Sabu’s comments that forced people to recall events at Bukit Kepong.”


Police looking for two more robbery suspects

IN the wake of the arrests of three senior Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers for allegedly robbing a money changer of almost RM1 million in US currency at the KL International Airport (KLIA) on Sept 15, police are seeking two more suspects linked to the case. Federal Criminal Investigation Department (CID) director Datuk Seri Mohd Bakri Zinin said the were not from the MACC. “However, we understand both were involved in helping with the money changer’s transactions,” said Mohd Bakri at the Selangor police headquarters’ Raya open house yesterday. "We are still trying to recover the US$300,000 (RM944,819) which the arrested MACC

officers took." The three MACC officers, who were arrested last week, have been remanded until Monday to facilitate investigations. On Sept 15, three men believed to be senior officers attached to MACC headquarters in Putrajaya approached the victim, in his 40s, at KLIA, when he was about to board a plane for Singapore. The suspects, claiming to be from MACC, asked the money changer to hand over the cash he was carrying. When he refused, they grabbed the money and fled. The victim lodged a police report. The suspects were traced and ordered to go to the Selangor police headquarters. After their statements were taken, they were arrested.


the malay mail


Crystal clear water! AFTER a three-week break (The Malay Mail was not published during the Hari Raya celebration), the 1Malaysia Green 1Malaysia Clean photography competition is back in full swing. The good news is, the three-week break has also pushed the deadline forward so that all you shutterbugs out there can have the extra time to snap away based on our weekly theme. The new closing date is now pushed for another three extra weeks.

Just a recap, the contest runs for 24 weeks (that's 24 publications) from July 15, and is aimed at avid photographers everywhere. It is also a chance for all nature lovers to show off their love for a greener and cleaner Malaysia while showing off their skills in composing a beautiful picture that might just tell a great story. Organised by the Tourism Ministry and The Paper That Cares, all you need to do is snap away and send us as many pictures as you like that

go with each week's theme. Each photo must also be accompanied by a description about the picture, its location and details that could support the entry, particularly, on what CLEAN tourist spots mean and how one can help make a difference. All entries should include the type of camera used, shutter mode, exposure mode, type of lenses and aperture specifications. Prior to the long break, we announced a few themes that could be the inspiration

for your entries. We received quite a lot and it is interesting to see how creative people can be when it comes to getting the b e st re su lt s . The best three entries, chosen from a number of attractive pictures this week, are based on the "Clear Waters" theme. In the mean time, keep sending your picture for the coming theme, "Magical Mountain". Then it will be time for you to look beyond the ordinary


and find ‘Luscious Leaves’, going beyond the obvious green to the beauty of lushness and freshness. Turn your photography into a quest, and you might just compose pictures that could win you the grand prize at the end of January. The best

SHIRLEY TAN · Camera: Olympus E-P1 · Exposure: 1/50sec, f4.6, ISO 250 · Aperture: 3.613 · Focal Length: 27mm Was so amazed at how clean this river was while trekking up Gunung Nuang for overnight camping recently. We've heard that many of our rivers are so polluted that fishes can't even survive in them, but up in the mountains, our rivers are still quite pristine and we must try to keep it this way for our kids and their kids to enjoy as we did now.

E LEE THIAN LY on 50D 0 · Camera: Can 0, f 4.5, 18 mm, ISO 10 40 1/ : · Exposure n 18-200 mm · Lens: Cano e. Alam Mosqu of the Shah m the still, clear n o ti ec fl re A o was taken fr This picture rby lake ea water of a n

· Camera: Canon20D · Exposure: 1/60, f 5.6, 16 mm, ISO: 100 · Lens: Canon 10-22 mm A boat with helpers transporting goods leaving the clear water jetty in Sampoerna

three pictures of the week will be published every Friday in The Malay Mail. At t he e nd of t he 2 4 weeks, our special committee will choose the three most outstanding photos from the entire collection of entries and they would be awarded the grand prize of RM5,000, the second prize of RM3,000 and the third prize of RM1,000.


1mgreen@mmail.com.my CONTEST RULES & REGULATIONS  The contest is open to all Malaysian citizens.  There is no limit to the number of entries. However, a winner can win only one (1) prize.  Each entry must be based on the weekly theme and must be accompanied by a short essay (150 words or less) telling what CLEAN tourist spots mean and how one can help make a difference.  Images captured by cameras can be of any format, in colour. However, mobile phone and PDA images are not acceptable.  No digital super imposition is allowed. Composite photographs, trick photographs or any form of digital imaging or image manipulations will not be accepted. Only minor photo touch-ups, such as cropping, adjustment of brightness and colour as well as softening or sharpening of the image, are allowed.  Photographs submitted

 

must not have been previously published in any form. All entries must be complete with accurate information. The results of the contest will be decided by a panel of judges, appointed by the organisers. The judges' decision is final and no correspondence will be entertained. Copyright and reproduction: The organisers reserve the absolute rights to exhibit or reproduce any acceptable entries in whatever way deemed fit for exhibition and for any print-based publicity and promotional purposes without prior notice, consent or payment of fee whatsoever to the contestants. Contest runs from July 15 to Dec 23. Deadline for entries is Dec 30. Winners will be notified via email. Details of winning entries will also be published in The Malay Mail.



Priority has always been local students and there is no issue of limited places — Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin on concerns of foreign students displacing locals

The Malay Mail Friday 23 SEPTEMBER, 2011


Kitchen magic

THUMBS-UP: Mukhriz (left) and Nasarudin with the 150,000th vehicle to roll out at the NAM plant in Gurun

Panasonic unveils new line of cooking appliances

By IKRAM ISMAIL ikram.ismail@mmail.com.my

PANASONIC Malaysia Sdn Bhd is gearing up to captivate home-makers with a new lineup of trendy kitchen appliances. The company unveiled its Cooking Magic series of microwave ovens, microcomputer rice cookers, pop-up toasters, coffee makers and sandwich makers yesterday, Panasonic Malaysia managing director Jeff Lee said RM3 million had been allocated for marketing these products and to ensure the company remains a leader in cooking appliances. "We are aiming to achieve RM200 million in sales for these products by the end of the 2011 fiscal year in March next year, thus contributing 10 per cent to overall company sales," he said.


Naza records milestone with 150,000th vehicle PANASONIC MAGIC: (From left) Panasonic Board managing director Masahiko Yamaguchi, Lee, deputy managing director Kazuteru Tomachi and general manager Osamu Fukuya at the Cooking Magic launch — Pic: ASHRAF SHAMSUL AZLAN

The items will be available next month. The company manufactures 70 per cent of kitchen appliances at its factory in Shah Alam. "Our products are sold at affordable prices," Lee said. The new microwave ovens are 97 per cent energy-saving

and feature 154 per cent level brightness. Two types — grill and straight — will hit the shelves at RM599 and RM499, respectively. The compactly-designed advanced microcomputer rice cookers come in two capacities — 1.8 litre and 1.0 litre. They are priced at RM199 and

RM169, respectively. The toasters, coffee makers and sandwich makers cost RM99 each. In conjunction with the Cooking Magic series, Panasonic is collaborating with Astro on a MasterChef Malaysia TV programme which will see chefs using the products.

NAZA Automotive Manufacturing Sdn Bhd (NAM), the manufacturing arm of the Naza Group, celebrated the production of its 150,000th vehicle at its plant in Gurun, Kedah, yesterday. NAM began operations in May 2004 and rolled out its first vehicle, a Naza Ria, in August that year. Seven years down the road, it has recorded a milestone with a Naza Forte 1.6SX becoming the 150,000th vehicle to be produced at the plant. The ceremony was witnessed by Deputy International Trade

and Industry Minister Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir. “NAM has come a long way since 2004. Today, the cars produced at NAM are on the streets of Bangkok and Jakarta, and soon we will export them to countries in Africa and Oceania,” said SM Nasarudin SM Nasimuddin, joint group executive chairman of the Naza Group of Companies. He said NAM had produced 18 models at the plant since it started operations. NAM is also conducting a RM714 million upgrading and expansion exercise.

The Malay Mail Friday 23 september, 2011

The appointment of members for the National Wages Consultative Council (NWCC) will be made next Wednesday — Human Resources Minister Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam




MAB marks 60th anniversary with awareness drive

IN conjunction with its 60th anniversary this year, the Malaysian Association for the Blind (MAB) is conducting a three-month campaign from next Thursday to Nov 21 to create awareness of its activities and encourage volunteers and corporate donors. MAB will hold its anniversary celebrations with a charity dinner at Berjaya Times Square Hotel in Jalan Imbi on Nov 21. "With the support of the public and the corporate sec-

By FAIZAL NOR IZHAM faizal.nor@mmail.com.my

tor, we are embarking on a wide range of activities for the visually-impaired community to lead better lives," said MAB president Datuk Dr Abdullah Malim Baginda at a Press conference at MAB headquarters in Jalan Tebing, Brickfields, yesterday Wo m e n , F a m i l y a n d Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil will launch the

campaign on Sept 29 with an Open Day to showcase the history and activities of the association. The other activities include a treasure hunt on Oct 8 (from MAB headquarters to Gambang Resort City in Kuantan, Pahang), a fundraising concert at MAB headquarters' hall on Oct 29, Information Communication and Technology (ICT) day and job fair for the blind at MAB headquarters on Nov 1, open day and charity dinner

Terror and comedy

at MAB's Taman Harapan Training Centre in Temerloh, Pahang, on Nov 10, golf charity tournament at Perangsang Golf Templer’s Park in Rawang, Selangor, on Nov 12, and a run by 60 blind persons up Menara KL, also on Nov 12. The entrance fee for the treasure hunt is RM200, which covers one night's stay and dinner. Cash prizes amounting to

RM7,000 are up for grabs. "We hope to receive encouraging response from the media and public," said MAB council member Liew Yoon Loy. Since it started in 1951, MAB has set up a Library and Resource Centre, established the Braille Publishing Unit in 2006, developed rehabilitation and training programmes in Malacca and Negri Sembilan, and a job-placement unit to

assist the blind to find employment. It also runs a rural training centre at Taman Harapan in Temerloh, a child care centre at MAB headquarters and a self-managed blind senior citizens' club. For more information on its activities, contact MAB at 03-22722677, e-mail enquiry@ mab.org.my or visit their website at www.mab.org.my.


Arab-American overcomes prejudices with humour By Che'AZ cheaz@mmail.com.my

THE past decade since the Sept 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the US has not been easy for Americans of Arab descent, but Egyptian-born funnyman with the doublebarrelled name of Ahmed Ahmed (pic) has managed to make a career by finding humour in trying times and making his audiences laugh. "When I first started inserting terrorism jokes in my stand-up comedy routines, it was not well-accepted by some people and I even received hate mails and was criticised by the ArabAmerican community for not being sensitive about the issue," said Ahmed, 41, who will be appearing at the LOL Comedy Stars Series at the Manhattan Ballroom at Berjaya Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, at 8.30pm today. "But I never insult 9/11 or the Arab people. Instead, 9/11 has inspired my material, and through cracking jokes, I actually convey the real situations faced by Arabs and Muslims. Once people become more aware of other people's cultures and perspectives, they leave their prejudices behind." For the LOL Comedy Stars Series, he will be sharing his life experiences and putting a positive spin on things Middle-Eastern. "I have lots of comedy rou-

tines uploaded on YouTube and it would be lame for me to recycle the same thing. For my debut performance in KL, I have written new material," said Ahmed who is a regular performer at The World Famous Comedy Store in Hollywood and has toured North America and Europe. "There will be things about my personal life, including my current dilemma of crossing 40, along with cul-

tural and other issues I have observed from my travels around the world." Born in 1970 in Helwan, Egypt, Ahmed's parents migrated to the US when he was a month old and he was raised in Riverside, California. At age 19, he moved to Hollywood to pursue a career as an actor and stand-up comedian and, since 1990, has appeared in over 20 movies and TV programmes. In 2004, he won the first annual Richard Pryor Award for ethnic comedy at the Edinburgh Comedy Festival in Scotland. In 2008, he had supporting roles in two hit movies, Iron Man (as a character named Ahmed) and comedy You Don't Mess With The Zohan (as Waleed). The same year, Ahmed and three other ArabAmerican stand-up comedians — Aron Kader, Maz Jobrani and Dean Obeidallah — released their straightto-video The Axis of Evil Comedy Tour. Tonight's LOL Comedy Stars Series, with Sarimah Ibrahim as host and Andrew Netto as the opening act, is part of the Comedy Club KL series run by LOL Events (M) Sdn Bhd managing director Rizal Kamal. Tickets for the show, priced at RM258 (platinum), RM188 (gold) and RM118 (silver), can be bought at http://redtix. airasia.com/. More details at www.thecomedyclub.com.

ALL FOR ONE: (From left) MAB council member Godfrey Ooi, deputy president Tan Sri Dr L. Krishnan, Abdullah, council members Liew Yoon Loy and Datin Fauziah Mohd Ramly, and vice-presidents Dr S. Radha Krishnan and Datuk S. Ganesan


The Malay Mail Friday 23 SEPTEMBER, 2011


tel:03-7495 1000/1001/1002 tel:019-261 4948 (after 9pm)

your right to be heard ● ● ● ●

Complainants have to submit their personal particulars and provide a detailed account of their complaint. Complainants have to first file their complaints with the respective parties before contacting Hotline. Complaints referred by Hotline to the relevant parties would be published if there is no response in seven days. After a complaint has been resolved, the complainant cannot demand non-publication of the matter.


Gates to stay open

Resident's association told to adhere to gated community guidelines after complaints RESIDENTS of USJ 11/3 in Subang Jaya are upset several roads leading to their houses have been sealed off by the residents' association. They say the gates are locked by the security guards. The residents complain that not only do they have to take longer routes to get in and out of their homes, precious time may also be lost in cases of emergencies. EUGENE WONG says he has lodged several complaints with the Subang Jaya Municipal Council and although the council has unlocked the gates a couple of times, the security guards always replace the locks. "I don't understand how this can happen. Is it legal?" he asks. "I hope the council can do something because it is annoying that we have to take longer routes just to get in and out. "As a security measure they can lock the gates, but not for 24 hours." WONG hopes the municipal council can proposes solution which will please both residents who are in favour of locking the gates and those who want free access.

NO WAY IN OR OUT: An entrance to USJ 11/3 is locked, forcing residents to take a longer route to get to their homes — Pix: ARIF KARTONO

● THE Subang Jaya Municipal Council's public relations assistant director, Asfarizal Abdul Rashid, says: "Upon receiving a

complaint, we called for a meeting with WONG and members of the residents' association." Azfarizal says the meeting discussed the guidelines on gated and guarded communities, and the

residents' association was asked to adhere to the guidelines. The guidelines are: ▪ Entrances to houses in the area must not be locked to ease traffic flow in case of an

emergency; ▪ There must always be security personnel stationed at all entrances and exits which are closed at night; and ▪ Other exits and en-

trances must also be left unlocked during peak hours. When contacted, WONG confirms the residents' association is adhering to the guidelines.

Asked to pay for drink in codeshare flight MOHD SYUKRI AB RAHIM feels he did not get a good deal when he took a Malaysia Airlines/Firefly codeshare flight recently. He says he booked a flight from Kuching, Sarawak, to Kuala Lumpur through a travel agent at a cost of RM450 on Aug 22. As a frequent traveller, he was aware it was a codeshare flight but was nonetheless surprised when he was asked to pay for an ad-

ditional drink although he did receive a meal and mineral water. He says such services should have been complimentary for the price he paid. “It’s like paying for a fivestar hotel room but receiving two- or three-star treatment." MOHD SYUKRI says while he has nothing against Firefly, as it is their business model and to be expected,

he feels it is "depressing" Malaysia Airlines is treating its passengers this way. ● MALAYSIAN Airlines System Berhad customer relations head N. Gunalan Unni explains that a codeshare flight is a result of a commercial agreement between two airlines which allows the partner carriers to sell seats on each other’s flights using its own airline code.

“In the codeshare agreement, compatibility of product and seamless service is based on the codeshare partners and not Malaysia Airlines," he says. Gunalan says that when passengers create a booking online, it it stated the operating carrier will be Malaysia Airlines' codeshare partner, and passengers will be subjected to the operating carrier's

respective terms and conditions. “In this case, Firefly has its own business strategy and while it does provide passengers with complimentary food and beverage, additional food and beverages can be purchased by passengers." He says they have since contacted MOHD SYUKRI and clarified the matter with him. When contacted, MOHD

SYUKRI confirms a MAS representative called him but says he is not satisfied as the call was "actually for the purpose of factfinding". “They said they would bring the issue up in the monthly review meeting and if there are a sufficient number of complaints, they would make changes, but if it’s just one person, they won’t change anything.”

The Malay Mail Friday 23 SEPTEMBER, 2011


1. People who steal water can be years jail and a maximum fine of fined up to RM100,000 or jailed RM20,000, or both. TAKE NOTE 3. Parks are meant for recreational two years, or both, if found guilty purposes. Bikers and cyclists who intrude into under the Water Service Industry Act 2006. 2. Security personnel at gated communities cannot jogging tracks risk a RM500 fine by the Kajang hold visitors' identity cards. The penalty: Up to three Municipal Council.

Missing drain covers City Hall says they will be replaced next week


Online comments www.mmail.com.my Car towed away by taxi service operator (Sept 22) ● WHY should there be a warning? It's already clear John is parking at a roadside with a yellow line. Isn't that enough of a warning? This is typical Malaysian mentality. Always expect people to give chance. Did he give any chance to the rest of the road users by blocking the road with his car? Did he give them warning that his car is parked at the side causing inconvenience to others? Serves him right. — abugaga ● WHILE it is wrong to park any vehicle on a yellow line, aren't only town councils, City Hall and the police authorised to tow cars away? I have yet to hear of a private company towing cars away. The most common practice among private firms engaged to monitor and control traffic is to clamp illegallyparked cars, not tow them away. — Anonymous ● I THOUGHT only City Hall and the police have the right to tow cars away and not any other company. He should check this up with the authorities. Lodge a police report on unauthorised towing of car. — Anonymous ● IF YOU cannot afford KLCC parking fees, then take public transport. You are parking at a no-parking zone, for your own convenience but it can inconvenience others. That is also unfair. — Anonymous River remains clogged (Sept 22) ● OVERLOOKED? Or not looking at all? — Goundamani ● DRAINAGE and Irrigation Department overlooked the matter? This is one of the most ridiculous excuses I've come across. The person/persons responsibile should be hauled up to explain, and appropriate disciplinary action taken. — Johann

COVERED UP: A temporary wooden cover (right) is placed over the once exposed drain by City Hall — Pix: Arif Kartono

GEORGE THOMAS is concerned over the safety of school children and pedestrians using Jalan St Thomas, off Jalan Ipoh, He says two drain covers in front of St Thomas Church have been missing for almost two years. "We have complained to Kuala Lumpur City Hall but

there has been no action. "If someone is not careful, he can fall into the drain and hurt himself. It is especially dangerous at night." GEORGE says City Hall should cover up the drain before an accident takes place. "Why do they always wait for something to happen

before they act?" JOHNSON TAN says: "School children are always shoving each other. I'm afraid someone may get hurt one day." ● KUALA LUMPUR CITY HALL public relations officer Zurida Hashim says City Hall personnel went

to the scene after being alerted by Hotline and placed temporary wooden covers on the drain. "We also found that there are two other missing drain covers in the same area. "We will place permanent steel grating drain covers in all four places next week."

Smoother Jalan Genting Kelang soon IMPATIENCE is growing over the delay by Kuala Lumpur City Hall in patching up the potholes in Jalan Genting Kelang. JEREMY HO says only half the road has been retarred. "The road is bumpy as there is still a stretch that has not been touched and it is filled with potholes. "I use the road everyday to get to work and it is becoming not only unpleasant to drive but also dangerous, especially at night and after rain." The Hotline roving team, which visited the area, saw a number of heavy vehicles using the road. The Malay Mail had reported the poor condition

half-done: The section of Jalan Genting Kelang (left) that is still bumpy and full of potholes — Pic: Samsul Said

of the road on June 8 after a number of road users complained about the potholes there. Reader CAROL LIM had said the stretch was particularly bad near UTAR's Setapak campus and War-

dieburn Camp. City Hall director-general Datuk Salleh Yusop responded by saying it will send its team to patch up the road. "We want to ensure the city is pothole-free."

● A CITY Hall spokesman says the entire stretch of the road will be re-tarred. Apologising for having re-tarred only a section of the road, he said: "We will send our team to do a thorough job."

TNB clears misunderstanding on power bill (Sept 21) ● I FEEL TNB should continue reading the meters every month. They have done it before and it would not be a problem for the meter readers to do it every month. It will give the right amount for the users to pay and not an estimated amount. I have my own system and read the meter everyday to see how much power I use daily and by the end of the month, I would be able to prepare the exact amount to pay for the bill. When TNB uses an estimated amount, the users will wonder if the estimated bill would be much higher than the normal readings, and that the users have to prepare and pay more for the month. — Abang Tan ML Abuzz with danger (Sept 21) ● I THINK removal of the hive is done at night because the bees have poor vision at night and thus there is less chance of them stinging people. I have seen the firemen remove a beehive from a neighbour's house at night. The neighbours will be advised to close their windows and turn off the lights during the removal process. — Mark No place to park (Sept 20) ● THE problem of the shortage of parking space is geting worse by the day. It was reported a few days ago that in Damansara Jaya, cars are forced to double-park because of the closure of Atria. In neighbouring Damansara Uptown, the situation can only be described as "chaotic". Cars double-park, and in front of a popular shop selling nasi lemak, they block the entire stretch of the road. Once in a while, a City Council tow truck comes along and tows one or two vehicles away but most of the time, there is hardly any enforcement. Now I hear the open-air car park may be closed to carry out a building project. Imagine, how much worse it's going to get. The approving authorities must ensure more than sufficient car parks are provided for before they approve any future building plans. — MK Chong



● Mail: Letters To The Editor, Malay Mail Sdn Bhd, Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200, Petaling Jaya, Selangor

● Email: mmnews@mmail.com.my Fax: 03-7495 1229

The Malay Mail Friday 23 SEPTEMBER, 2011

● Opinions may be in the form of Letters to the Editor or comments posted in relation to all news. ● Letters to the Editor must carry your name, address and contact number. A pseudonym may be included.

KL: Road Safety

Helmets can save lives

LAST Sunday, it was reported two schoolboys were killed while riding a motorcycle in Alor Star, Kedah. Muhammad Syahman Johari, 16, and his pillion rider, Mohd Fathullah Mohd Yassin, 15, died when the motorcycle they were on was hit by a Sports Utility Vehicle coming from the opposite lane when the rider attempted to make a U-turn. It was also reported the police could not find any crash helmets at the scene of the accident. If it was true there were no helmets to be found, I gather the two boys were not wearing any. Again, if that was true, apart from suffering bodily injuries, they must have suffered head trauma. Wearing the helmets could have make a difference. They could still be alive today. What does it take to bring home the message to motorcyclists the importance of wearing crash helmets when riding

their two-wheelers? If one wants to ride a bike, no matter how near or far the destination is, please wear the helmet. Riding a motorcycle is risky. Motorcyclists and their pillion riders are not protected 360 degrees. One silly and costly mistake could render them hitting another machine or vehicle, or vice versa, which could have serious consequences. The recently-concluded Ops Sikap 24 conducted during the Hari Raya festive period from Aug 24 to Sept 6 saw 178 deaths among motorcyclists and their pillion riders. This proves how dangerous riding a motorcycle is. Time and again, motorcyclists and pillion riders are reminded to buckle-up via advertisements on road safety aired on TV. The one where a motorcyclist was asked by his mother to buy a bottle of tomato sauce from the grocery store was one

good example. In the ad, the actor wanted to wear the helmet but changed his mind as the grocery store was only nearby. The ad ends with him being involved in an accident. At the end of the ad was the voiceover reminding motorcyclists “near or far, use the crash helmet”. I am sure everyone is familiar with this advertisement. Sad to say, not all motorcyclists heed the advertisement or the wearing of the head protectors seriously. Most parents would advise

their children to wear the helmet but, oftentimes, are unheeded. These are the stubborn ones. When fatal accidents happen, the parents are blamed for their tidak apa attitude. Let’s hope that motorcyclists who have the habit of not wearing the helmet read the news of the death of these two young boys and may the incident be a wake-up call for them to wear it now. My condolences to the families of the deceased. Mohd Faizal Abdullah

KL: World Car-Free Day: Motorists prefer to drive (Sept 22)

Stop idling bus engines

I A P P L AU D S y a r i k a t Prasarana Negara Berhad (Prasarana) for its recently-announced action to encourage greater use of public transport in support of World Car-Free Day and for its year-long campaign (Kurang Kenderaan, Kurang Pencemaran) to reduce carbon emissions and help meet the government’s NKRA for carbon emissions. However, I would suggest that if Prasarana is really serious about reducing pollution and carbon emissions, a more (cost) effective and simpler way to achieve even better results is to ensure their bus drivers do not leave their buses (and air-conditioning) running when they are not in service, otherwise known as idling their engines. It is common to see RapidKL buses that are parked and empty with their engines and air-conditioning on for up to minutes on end. This is an unnecessary waste of fuel and energy and

produces more carbon and other pollutants for no good reason. In fact, bus drivers should not let passengers board too far in advance of the bus departure time as this just promotes the running of engines and air-conditioning in order to cater to passenger comfort. One merely has to visit the bus and taxi area in KL Sentral that is located under the LRT station turnstiles level to see idling buses. That whole area is full of toxic fumes because the engines are left running even when the vehicles are stationary and not in service. In fact, idling RapidKL buses can be seen at just about any bus terminal. What is the logic for this? Prasarana, if you are serious about reducing carbon emissions and pollution, please eliminate the wasteful and harmful practice of idling. EL

The Malay Mail Friday 23 SEPTEMBER, 2011

Physicists reported yesterday that sub-atomic particles called neutrinos can travel faster than light, a finding that — if verified — would blast a hole through Einstein's theory of relativity — AFP




Chile demo gains force More than 150,000 take to the streets demanding more education aid

TENS of thousands of students and teachers took to Santiago streets yesterday in a growing confrontation with the government over education spending that has seen four months of marches. But Chile's current President Sebastian Pinera, a centreright billionaire who came to power in March last year, stubbornly rejected the protesters' demands. The demonstration was part of the biggest protest movement Chile has seen since General Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship came to an end in 1990.

Protest organisers say more than 150,000 have come out to march, though police are likely to dispute that figure. The march follows larger demos in June, July and August, and demonstrates the continued popularity of student demands. Pinera has shrugged off calls for the school year to be rearranged, and said that 70,000 high school students making such calls and refusing to make up course credits through remedial tests had simply wasted a year. Students and teachers reacted angrily, while the protests, which had been dwindling in the past few weeks after months of


Breast-slapping new health craze in Thailand

WANT bigger breasts but shy away from the idea of surgery? Thailand claims to have the answer. Already famous for its medical tourism services, Thailand is promoting a “body slapping” technique it claims can boost breast size, according to a video by the Bangkok Post. It has even licensed one beauty shop in Bangkok to perform the non-surgical treatment, which involves kneading, massaging and hitting of the breasts, as well as buttock-slapping to firm the rear, reports news.com.au. The traditional therapy has been practised by shop owner Khemmikka Na Songkhla, better known as Khunying Tobnom, for more than two decades.

She claims the slapping shifts fat from one area to another, while kneading works excess fat towards the breasts. She has approval from the Thai government to carry out the technique after a study by the Health Ministry reportedly found vigorous massage left volunteers’ breasts noticeably bigger. The Ministry went so far as to sponsor a programme that urged women to learn how to slap their own breasts. Clients can expect to gain about 5cm after the painful treatment, Tobnom said. However, some are turned away as their breasts are too small. The clinic charges AU$380 (RM1,160) for six 10-minute slapping sessions.


US ambassador: 40 per cent visit Philippines for sex FORTY per cent of foreign men visiting the Philippines are sex tourists, the US ambassador on Manila said yesterday in comments that were quickly disputed by the government. US ambassador Harry Thomas told a forum of Filipino judges and officials that corrupt officials were involved in a very visible sex trade and challenged the legal profession to eliminate the "scourge". "We know that 40 per cent of foreign men who come to the

Philippines, including from the US, come for sexual tourism. That is not something I'm proud of. That's not something you should be proud of," Thomas said. The government immediately sought to downplay Thomas's remarks. "Certainly that is something we would like to dispute. We are not sure where his statistics are coming from," Tourism assistant secretary Domingo Enario said. — AFP

marches and sit-ins, gained new impetus. The breakdown of talks between the students and the government last week also contributed to renewed anger. Yesterday's rally kicked off with demonstrators playing musical instruments and wearing fancy dress as it made its way to the presidential palace in downtown Santiago. Small groups of hooded youths taunted police, threw stones and set tires on fire, while police responded by firing water cannons and hurtling tear gas. There was no immediate count of arrests or injuries. — AFP

UPRISING: Students clash with the police in Santiago yesterday — AFPpic

12 world

Who imposed, through deceits and hypocrisy, the Zionism and over 60 years of war, homelessness, terror and mass murder on the Palestinian people and on countries of the region? — Ahmadinejad

The Malay Mail Friday 23 SEPTEMBER, 2011


Walkout on Ahmadinejad UN's US and EU delegates leave halfway through 'abhorrent' speech

CONTEMPT: The Iranian premier during his speech yesterday — AFPpic

THE United States led a mass walkout of the UN General Assembly yesterday when Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad launched an outspoken attack on Western nations. A US diplomat who was in the assembly hall to monitor the speech left halfway through, while the 27 European Union nations then followed in a coordinated protest move. The Iranian leader again cast doubt on the origins of the Holocaust and the Sept 11, 2001, attacks and criticised the United States for killing Osama bin Laden rather than bringing him to trial. Ahmadinejad told the UN summit the United States and its allies use the Western media to "threaten anyone who questions the Holocaust and the Sept 11 event with sanctions and military action." The Iranian leader said he had been threatened by the US government after he last year alleged American government involvement in the attacks and called for an inde-

DISSENT: Delegates walk out as Ahmadinejad addresses the General Debate of the UN General Assembly session yesterday — AFPpic

pendent investigation. Moving to the US operation to kill bin Laden, Ahmadinejad said: "Would it not have been reasonable to bring to justice and openly bring to trial the main perpetrator of the incident in order to identify the elements behind the safe space provided for the invading aircraft to attack the twin World Trade Center towers?"

In a general blast at the West, Ahmadinejad said: "Hypocrisy and deceit are allowed in order to secure their interests and imperialistic goal. "Drug trafficking and killing of innocent human beings are also allowed in pursuit of such diabolic goals," he added. "They weaken countries through military intervention and destroy their

infrastructures in order to plunder their resources by making them all the more dependent." US mission spokesman Mark Kornblau said: "Mr Ahmadinejad had a chance to address his own people's aspirations for freedom and dignity but instead, he again turned to abhorrent anti-Semitic slurs and despicable conspiracy theories." — AFP


the malay mail




Mirren wins best body title VETERAN actress Dame Helen Mirren (pic), who has topped a best body poll, says the title made her "feel great" but she isn't worthy of it. "The kindness of strangers. I don't know how that happened because it's absolutely not true, if you know what I mean. It was very, very sweet and very gratefully received, I have to say. You know, it made me feel great... for about five hours, and then I looked at myself and thought, 'No... No'," Contactmusic quoted her as saying. The 66year-old star topped a poll voted for by members of British gym chain LA Fitness.

Watson a 'romantic' ACTRESS Emma Watson (pic) admits she is a hopeless romantic. The 21-year-old Harry Potter actress told femalefirst: "I've always been a hopeless romantic. I think, 'Why not?' It's nice. I think there's a perception that perhaps my generation doesn't believe in romance so much. I would be tempted to disagree and say we do believe in romance, seduction and gallantry, but that courtship and the game is played in a different way. I think as I'm growing up, my definition of love is becoming a lot broader."

Wedding bells for Bullock? SANDRA BULLOCK and Ryan Reynolds are reportedly planning a secret wedding. The 47-yearold actress and the Green Lantern star are believed to have recently vacationed in Wyoming and discussed the idea of marriage after the actor bonded with her 20-month-old son Louis. A source told America's Star magazine: "Ryan told her he was ready to tie the knot whenever she wants. And after seeing how quickly he bonded with baby Louis, she decided she's ready to pull the trigger, too."

Mendes seeks help with stalker HITCH star Eva Mendes is said to have sought the help of police after she feared that she was being stalked around Hollywood. Mendes, 37, who is reportedly dating actor Ryan Gosling, went to a police station to report the stalker on Tuesday, Contactmusic reported. According to Tmz.com, officers scoured the area for suspects but were unable to find any culprits. Mendes was instead offered a police escort home.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is writing a memoir about his unlikely life story from Austrian-born champion bodybuilder to Hollywood action star to California governor, his publisher said yesterday — AFP

The Malay Mail Friday 23 SEPTEMBER, 2011


Under pressure Hollywood power couple's kids want them to get married

BRAD PITT and Angelina Jolie's children are "putting the heat on" the celebrity couple to wed. In a taped interview with Ellen DeGeneres for her US talk show Ellen, Pitt admitted he and Jolie might have to make their romance official sooner than expected, reports The Age. Pitt and Jolie have previously insisted they would only wed when gay marriage is made legal across America but their children don't want to wait for the laws to change. "I've said that we would not be getting married until everyone in this country had the right to get married. We live in this great country that is about freedom. It is defined by our freedom and equality and yet we allow this discrimination to go on everyday and that's not what we're about. That's not what makes us great. Until that is reversed. I just don't get it. "(But) the kids are putting on the heat. They really are. They are putting on the heat." Meanwhile, Pitt has been forced to defend his recent remarks about ex-wife Jennifer Aniston. A media furore erupted after Parade magazine quoted Pitt's description of life with Aniston as uninteresting. "I wasn't living an interest-

HOLLYWOOD ROYALTY: Jolie (left) and Pitt out with their children

ing life myself. I think that my marriage had something to do with it. Trying to pretend the marriage was something that it wasn't," he had told Parade magazine. He later released a statement saying it "grieves me that this was interpreted this way," adding Aniston, who is now dating Justin Theroux, had not spoken to him about the interview. But the issue refuses to go away. In a Today Show interview that will air in the US today, Pitt said he cannot say anything about his current partner and mother of their six children without Aniston being brought into the matter. "I don't know what was

pieced together or put together. All I know is that my point was, the best thing I'd done as a father is to be sure that my kids have a good mother," he said. "That's all I was, or am, trying to say. It has no reference to the past. And I think it's a shame that I can't say something nice about Angie without Jen being dragged in. You know, she doesn't deserve it. "I don't want them to say anything bad like that about Jen. She's a dear friend of mine." He married Aniston in 2000 but they divorced five years later. Pitt went on to form a relationship with Jolie, his co-star in the movie Mr & Mrs Smith.

PARIS IMPATIENT: Bruni in the gardens of the Elysee Palace in Paris during the 28th edition of France's European heritage open days — AFPpic

Bruni in hurry to deliver baby FRENCH First Lady Carla Bruni, who is pregnant with President Nicolas Sarkozy's child, revealed she cannot wait to deliver her baby as she wants to start drinking and smoking again. Bruni, 43, who already has a son from another relationship, is expecting her first child with Sarkozy, 56, in six weeks. "Quite frankly, I can't stand it any more. I spend most of my time sitting or lying down. I can't drink or smoke," the Daily Star quoted her as saying. "I'm in a hurry to get it over."

TOLKIEN IDEALS: Lilly has doubts about how fans will react to her role


Lilly worried over 'Hobbit' role

FORMER Lost actress Evangeline Lilly, is worried about how die-hard fans will react to her new role of elf character Tauriel in the upcoming Hobbit movie. The character was created for the film and is not a part of the original book by J.R.R. Tolkien, reports the Times of India. "I am concerned that people will watch it and I'll be the black mark on the film," Lilly said. "I know how adamant the purists are and I'm one of them!" She does, however, feel director Peter Jackson is right to add her part to the movie

— a two part prequel to Lord of the Rings — and assures that all the additional characters he has added stay true to the ideals created by Tolkien. "Upon reading The Hobbit again as an adult, I can see why additional characters were needed to round out the story as an adaptation — especially female characters. "The Hobbit didn't include female characters at all. What they have done is all in perfect keeping with Tolkien's world, while adding a third dimension to an otherwise very two-dimensional story." The first film, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, will hit cinemas in December.


the malay mail


16 lifestyle

Frankfurt triumphs again! By SHAMSUL YUNOS lifestyle@mmail.com.my

THERE is nothing quite like Frankfurt, but then again there is nothing quite like Tokyo either. Frankfurt is great because it is where German carmakers show off their best wares and this year is no different. With green fever still holding the temperature, even Porsche is coming up with an electric car and this time they found space under the sheetmetal of their all-new Boxter for a couple of electric motors. The two motors operate the

axles independently to make it an all-wheel-drive electric roadster. Together they crank out 241 hp and 540 Newton metres of torque, enough to make it a fun drive. Mercedes-Benz put up a series of electric cars from the two–seat smart, C-Class and even an SLS that ran on batteries. BMW had their i-concept cars showing visitors how the electric future would look like in Munich.

Lexus brought their new GS in Hybrid form to shore up their already impressive green credentials. Meanwhile, Kia came to the show with a four-door rearwheel drive GT concept that they may actually build. It’s a nice clean concept that is more likely to be an indication of the Korean company’s future design direction than a

future production model. Ford came up with the Evos, a concept that combines the best of Ford’s current edge design but softened for the more caring millennium. Subaru’s BRZ, which will be a production model in the next few months and be locally assembled by Tan Chong, was also present, in bright orange paintwork.

The Malay Mail Friday 23 SEPTEMBER, 2011


KIA takes test drive to JB AFTER a successful outing in Penang, Naza Kia Malaysia will be taking their Test Drive Kia on Tour 2011 roadshow to Johor Baru this weekend. The three-day roadshow will be held from today to Sunday at the KSL City Mall. Kicking off the roadshow is the 13-car Kia motorcade that started from Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday for Johor Baru. The motorcade, which comprises various Kia models such as the Forte, Sportage and the Forte Koup, went to Seremban, then Malacca, leaving the heritage state yesterday for their JB destination. In Seremban, the motorcade stopped over at Tesco Seremban and Dataran Seremban while in Malacca, it stopped at the Melaka Mall, Dataran Pahlawan, Aeon Bandaraya and Mydin Melaka. The roadshow in Johor Baru, which will begin today, is the third leg of Naza Kia testdrive tour which began in May at One Utama Shopping Centre in Kuala Lumpur before moving to Penang in August.

Following JB, the Test Drive Kia On Tour roadshow will end with one more roadshow in the Klang Valley

in October. Customers who test drive any of the vehicles at the any of these roadshows will be in the

running to win a Forte 1.6EX. For more information on the Test Drive Kia On Tour 2011, call 1-800-888-542.

The price of a Nissan WITH the addition of the Livina X, Nissan has released their latest price list detailing every recommended retail price in their model range. Check out these prices if you are in the market for a Nissan.



Engine (cc)

85,750.00 89,800.00 84,680.00 89,980.00 97,980.00 114,880.00 120,380.00 86,800.00 89,800.00 98,800.00 82,800.00 136,500.00 146,950.00 82,686.06 89,800.00 94,800.00 105,800.00 82,800.00 89,900.00 133,800.00 144,800.00 149,500.00 79,810.00 85,360.00 99,313.00 370,000.00 399,900.00 330,000.00 141,000.00 145,000.00 173,000.00 248,500.00

1,597 1,597 1,598 1,598 1,598 1,997 1,997 1,598 1,598 1,798 1,598 1,998 1,998 2,488 2,488 2,488 2,488 2,488 2,488 1,998 2,488 1,997 2,953 2,953 2,953 3,696 3,696 3,498 1,997 1,997 2,496 3,498

NISSAN Edaran Tan Chong Motor Sdn. Bhd. Tel: 1-800-88-8368

Price RM*

Engine (cc)

95,466.00 100,740.00 108,766.00 97,500.00 100,500.00 109,500.00 125,980.00 131,480.00 94,500.00 98,500.00 98,600.00 102,600.00

1,598 1,598 1,598 1,598 1,598 1,798 1,997 1,997 1,597 1,597 1,597 1,597

NISSAN - IMPUL MODEL Edaran Tan Chong Motor Sdn. Bhd. Tel: 1-800-88-8368 Latio Tuned By Impul 1.6 ST (M/T) Latio Tuned By Impul 1.6 ST (A/T) Latio Sport Tuned By Impul1.6ST-L (A/T) Grand Livina Tuned By Impul 1.6L (MT) Grand Livina Tuned By Impul 1.6L (AT) Grand Livina Tuned By Impul 1.8L (AT) Sylphy Tuned By Impul 2.0L (X-CVT) Sylphy Tuned By Impul 2.0L (X-CVT) Luxury Navi Package Sentra Tuned By Impul 1.6L (MT) Comfort Sentra Tuned By Impul 1.6L (MT) Luxury Sentra Tuned By Impul 1.6L (AT) Comfort Sentra Tuned By Impul 1.6L (AT) Luxury

Price RM

• On-The-Road-Price (metallic colour, private individual with insurance) valid in Peninsular Malaysia only. • Prices, specifications and accessories are subject to change without prior notice. • updated as at: 20 June 2011

Sentra Sport 1.6L (M/T) Sentra Sport 1.6L (A/T) Latio 1.6 ST (M/T) Latio 1.6 ST (A/T) Latio Sport 1.6ST-L (A/T) Sylphy 2.0L (X-CVT) Sylphy 2.0L (X-CVT) Luxury Navi Package Grand Livina 1.6L (M/T) Grand Livina 1.6L (A/T) Grand Livina 1.8L (A/T) Livina X-Gear 1.6L (A/T) Serena MPV 2.0L (A/T) Comfort Serena MPV 2.0L (A/T) Highway Star Frontier 4WD 2.5L (M/T) Spirit (Diesel) Navara 4WD 2.5L (M/T) Standard (Diesel) Navara 4WD 2.5L (M/T) SE (Diesel) Navara 4WD 2.5L (A/T) Luxury (Diesel) Navara King Cab 4WD 2.5L (M/T) Navara 2WD 2.5L (A/T) Calibre X-Trail 4WD 2.0L (A/T) X-Trail 4WD 2.5L (A/T) X-Trail 2WD 2.0L (X-CVT) Urvan - Panel Van * 3.0L (M/T) (Diesel) Urvan - Semi Panel Van * 3.0L (M/T) (Diesel) Urvan Microbus 14 seater 3.0 L (M/T) (Diesel) 370Z Coupe 3.7L (A/T) 370Z Roadster 3.7L (A/T) Murano 3.5 L (X-CVT) Teana 2.0L Comfort Teana 2.0L Luxury Teana V6 2.5L Premium Teana V6 3.5L Exquisite

• On-The-Road-Price (metallic colour, private individual with insurance) valid in Peninsular Malaysia only. • On-The-Road-Price (solid colour, commercial with insurance) valid in Peninsular Malaysia only. • Prices, specifications and accessories are subject to change without prior notice. • updated as at: 11 September 2011

18 lifestyle

The Malay Mail Friday 23 SEPTEMBER, 2011

For a magic carpet ride TestDrive: Citroen C5 1.6 Turbo CITROEN has a rather strange problem. If they make cars that are too conventional, their believers will not like it and fans will criticise. If they make their cars quirky, these believers will be happy but the fans will not buy. Remember the Citroen ZX? This was a popular seller in Malaysia. It sold well because there was no hydraulic suspension and it was a conventional hatchback. It brought Citroen many a new following but the believers never saw the attraction of the ZX. At the same time, there was the XM, which was a pure modern 1990s Citroen complete with origami-styling, low, low-slung silhouette and super-soft oleo-pneumatic suspension. It was a complete nightmare to own but fantastic on a weekend test drive. Citroen is back to their old ways in terms of quirky and interesting styling, while on the technical side, they are offering the fancy suspension on the bigger cars, like the C5. It makes sense, really. Because the C5 is a premium model and, in this segment of, buyers do want luxury touches like the oleopneumatic suspension. We are also keen to note that there are less complaints about the suspension system now compared to a decade ago and that is a real testimony to how far automotive engineering and materials have advanced since. The C5 1.6 turbo featured this week is really a fantastic car that deserves a lot more interest from buyers because the combination of sleek, unique styling and fantastic technical

CITROEN C5 1.6 TTURBO ▪ ENGINE TYPE: 4-cylinder in line ▪ DISPLACEMENT: 1,997cc ▪ MAX OUTPUT: 143hp/ 6,000rpm ▪ MAX TORQUE: 148 lb-ft / 4,000rpm ▪ SUSPENSION: Hydractive 3+ ▪ TYRE SIZE: Front & Rear 245 / 45 R18

ContiSport Contact 5 Recommended Standard Fitment 245/45R18 100Y

specifications makes this an outstanding executive sedan. Let’s face it, if you showed up in a BMW3series or Mercedes-Benz C-Class or Audi A4, you would be just one of the guys, but turn up in a stylish C5, and the conversation will centre around the car for a while. The C5 is a gorgeous car with elegant lines, sleek details and a beautiful interior. It is a designer object compared to the Germans that look pedestrian next to the C5. It’s like comparing blue jeans with a beautifully-tailored pair of pants. Sure the jeans will take the rough and tumble of daily life without damage, but a smart pair of tailored pants will always look better and so what if it needs to be dry-cleaned all the time. I am sure that clothing analogy is a shade too pansy for a car review, but I think it illustrates where Citroen is going with their design language. There was mild concern when Razman Kassim, the friendly PR Manager for Brookland Motors, the dealer for Citroen in Malaysia, told me the car came with a 1.6-litre turbocharged engine. I mean it is a big car and a 1.6 is small right? Of course, Mercedes-Benz and Audi packs a 1.8-litre engine, even in their D-segment E-Class and A6, so maybe this won’t be so bad. As it turns out, the engine generates sufficient horsepower and generous amount of torque to give the C5 a rather effortless ride and relatively energetic acceleration. More importantly, the engine is smooth enough not to interrupt the magic carpet ride and quiet cabin.

The short test drive took the car to Shah Alam and back to Bangsar where it was only possible to experience the C5 on an urban drive on highways and city roads. To be honest, I don’t really remember ever

wanting to push the car hard, it was just a laid-back drive punctuated by a few hard acceleration past slower traffic and that suited the C5’s character perfectly. This car has a full range of niceties from a premium stereo, high quality leather seats, electronic driver aids and that funky static steering boss with a whole host of control buttons. Priced at RM188,000, it is not exactly cheap, but in return, you do get a car that will stand out in a crowd, be supremely comfortable on long drives and interesting to look at even on the inside.

lifestyle 19

The Malay Mail Friday 23 SEPTEMBER, 2011

Rush of luck for team Petronas TeamSyntium finishes on top in their inaugural MMER with the new Mercedes-Benz SLS IT was nearly a perfect weekend for Petronas Syntium Team. They started the Merdeka Millennium Endurance Race in pole position and had every chance of taking the two top spots throughout the race as their lead car stayed ahead throughout most of the way. Apart from finishing first, the team also broke the MMER record by clocking 321 laps compared to the previous record of 315 laps. In the process, the team upset hot favourites, Belgian Audi Club and their top driver and Le Mans 24-hour winner, Frank Biela. Starting off second on the grid during the flag-off at noon, Nobuteru Taniguchi, Masataka Yanagida and Dominic Ang in a Mercedes SLS GT3 defied all odds to produce a magnificent comeback, even upstaging their more fancied team mates, Tatsuya Kataoka, Fariqe Hairuman and Bernd Schneider who led the race at the front row. In a relatively trouble-free race, Kataoka/Hairuman/Schneider set the pace for the first 10 hours until mechanical problems hit and forced them to make a lengthy detour at the pits enabling Marcel Fassler, Frank Biela and Marco Werner in the Audi R8 to overtake them at lap 262. But the drama was not to end there as Taniguchi/Yanagida/Ang woke up from their slumber to gradually inch their way from their fourth position

VICTORIOUS: Winners of the Petronas GT class, Touring and Sports Production

WINNER Overall Champion 2011 MMER — Nobuteru Taniguchi/Masataka Yanagida/Dominic Ang (Mercedes SLS) — PETRONAS Syntium Team GT Class Top 3 1. Nobuteru Taniguchi/ Masataka Yanagida/Dominic Ang (Mercedes SLS) — PETRONAS Syntium Team 2. Frank Biela/Marcel Fassler/Marco Werner (Audi R8 ) — Belgian Audi Club

3.Tatsuya Kataoka/Fariqe Hairuman/Bernd Schneider (Mercedes SLS) — PETRONAS Syntium Team

for most of the race to second before stealing it as the Audi suffered a tyre blowout in the last hour of the race. It was another unbelievable heartbreak for Biela and Werner who again finished bridesmaids after suffering disappointment at the hands of Arrows Racing last year. But credit goes to the Audi R8 LMS and Petronas Syntium who showed their turn of pace, superb pit crew and high level of organisation that were no match for the other teams. Ta n i g u c h i / Ya n a g i d a / A n g pulled through at the chequered flag after setting a total time 12:01:57.624, followed by Belgian Audi in 12:03:08.113 and Kataoka/ Hairuman/Schneider finishing the race 6 laps behind in 12:02:22.211. "We are so happy for this win and also for

(Toyota Altezza) —Wing Hin Motorsports

Sports Production Top 3 1. Adrian D’ Silva/M.Fahrizal/ Ian Ross Geekie (Aston Martin Vantage) — Nexus Racing Team 2. Patrick Ng/Khoo Kay Hong/ Chye Ao Anwar (Lotus 2-11) 3. Shinichi Hyodo/ Steven Chian/Kaziki Hiramane(Honda S2000) — Tracy Sports

Touring Production Top 3 1. Teh Kian Boon/Aloysius Lek/Desmond Soh (Honda Civic FD2-R) — ST Powered 2. Wong Yew Choong/Soh Kee Koon / Lai Wee Sing (Honda Civic FD2 Mugen) —Type R Racing Team 3. Kenny Lee/Chris O’Shannessy/Wan Weng Yan

our sister team in making it a one to three finish in this race. We were not hoping to win, but when we saw our teammates suffering problems at the pits, we decided to make our move and it paid off, said Ang at the post race Press conference last night. Petronas' win was their first GT Class and overall title win since 2009 when Kataoka, M.Orido and Johan Adzmi romped home after completing 306 laps. In the Sports Production, Adrian D' Silva, Mohd Fahrizal Hasan and Ian Ross Geekie emerged victorious and seventh overall after completing 277 laps in 12:01:58.479, while ST Powered led by Teh Kian Boon, Aloysius Lek, Desmond Soh romped to victory in the Touring Production after 274 laps in 12:03:34.345.


School for racing aspirants Lotus Driving Academy opens its doors to the Lotus brand, an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of the production facilities and general vehicle handling training. Subject to successfully passing Level 1, drivers will advance to Level 2 and eventually to Level 3 where they hone their skills learning everything from the theory of vehicle dynamics and tyre grip to trail braking and powersliding. Completion of Level 3 will entitle drivers to their Lotus Licence and access to the Hethel track in the Evora GT4. This is where the fun gets serious! Level GT4 is the ultimate race driving tuition. All aspects of the circuit for racing are encompassed with special attention to race lines, analyses and a full debrief. After the serious bit, it’ll be on to the fun stuff, and that’s the car! The Evora GT4 is a

HOW TO PLAY Sudoku X is a simple variation of Sudoku with the only difference being the squares in white (which make up the numeral X) need to tally from 1 to 9 along with the remaining coloured squares.

real racecar with FIA regulated safety features. What’s unique about the LDA is that drivers will receive dedicated 1:1 tuition for the entire programme. Selected by Martin Donnelly, instructors will not only be of the highest calibre, but are completely focused on their pupils so that they can advance at the quickest possible rate and receive a truly bespoke experience.

“The Lotus Driving Academy is the perfect way to experience the special relationship between a car and the track and it’s a great opportunity for customers or aspiring customers to push themselves to the limit and experience everything Lotus has to offer,” said Donnelly. Prices start at £399 (RM1,936). For more information, go to www. lotusdrivingacademy.com.


TO be a great driver, one has to be taught and be given a place to practise safely. There are many driving academies in the world but there is only one that is taught by the people who probably know the most about ride and handling — Lotus. After months of work preparing the facilities at their Hethel factory in Norfolk, they are finally ready to admit drivers to the Lotus Driving Academy (LDA). Complete with a newly refurbished Lotus Test track and new Chief Instructor in the form of former Lotus F1 driver, Martin Donnelly, the academy opened its doors for the autumn term offering a brand new syllabus and the Lotus Licence. The Lotus Licence is a tiered programme that delivers full driving training and qualification to drive the amazing Evora GT4 at race standard. Level 1 covers heritage and an introduction


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Friday 23 SEPTEMBER, 2011

Readers can also look out for classified ads ONLINE as early as 9.00a.m at www.mmail.com.my


Houses for sale


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Vehicles for tender


Vehicles for tender


Vehicles for tender



Fashion/health & beauty

Fashion/health & beauty

AROMA MASSAGE RM39 at Serdang, Judy, Alice, Jenny, Ari, Mira,Jean. 012-678 0220/ 012-3281 449 Batavia /Darlina Beauty House.

SAFFRON BEAUTY CARE(002052898-A) 22A-2, Jln Rimbunan Raya, Kepong. Massage by local Indian girl. Private & cosy. Riya 014-664 6956


Home furniture/furnishing

CHERAS TAMAN BUKIT ANGGERIK. D/S. 16x35. L/A 1805sf. Corner 2R+1B. Bumi Lot RM 265K ONO. 012-330 7579. Cheong.


Houses wanted

SPECIALIST IN REPAIR cushion sofa, curtains, car seat & new sofa, in Jalan Kuchai Lama. Tel: 012313 0778 / 03- 7981 1898


Home electrical appliances

GOOD PRICES OFFERED for land / houses and Apt in Shah Alam, PJ & KL. Quick sale. Owners TEL / SMS 019-228 6666


Houses to let


Car for sale


Car for sale


Vehicles for hire


Vehicles for hire

BLUE ROSE AROMAS 24A, Lrg Ara Kiri 2, Lucky Gdn Bangsar.Therapist local Indian g i r l s . P r i v a t e & c o s y. 1 1 a m 11pm. Ms Meera 0320945542/ 016-2056003

A/C, ASTRO, dismantle/ reinstall, t.v, tel, water heater, wiring, plumbing, lights & W/ machine. Sam 012-201 8305 SAUNA D’ HOME BEAUTY and Health care. Agent required. 019-735 5295 www.saunaku. com 2011 Great Promotion!



TRAD MASSAGE, RM50, SS21/12, PJ. Newly open. Call: 03-7873 0971. Gina/ Rina/Apple/ Rozie. VISTA KOMENWEL A1-15-4, 1200sf, 3Room + 2Bath, Partially Furnished. RM 1500 / month. Call: 012-223 9377


Properties for sale TASMANIAN (Australia) property for sale at very competitive prices. Ring Freddie Forstner on +61409886698 or E mail magyar@trump. net.au or visit www. batterypointheritage.com.au

‘0’ DEPOSIT ALL PROTON Models, no license can buy, Less doc can help. 100% loan for gov. & private staff, int from 3.0%, loan fast approval, high trade in. Meet at your place. Free smart tag, touch n go, full fuel, steering lock, tinted. Open everyday.Mr Lim 012-214 0207

MITSUBISHI ALL new models. Fast loan & fast delivery, (Call to believed), Grandis, Pajero, Lancer, ASX, Sport back. Good trade in, Attractive promotion, good deal in town. All models stock available. 24 hrs in call. Oscar Tan 012-388 5897

AN EXTRA Trade in Value,low d/p,spd.delivery, free tint, f/ tank, Ste. lock, T & Go, Many Gifts. 016-321 4958, 010-539 4958

Office to let

NISSAN ALL NEW Models Promotion. Full loan. Debit cash RM3k - 10K. 100% ready stock with impuls earo kit. Leader seats, tinted. Guarantee 1 week delivery. High trade in. 24 hrs approval. Door to door service. Call: Junson 016-6666 132

ALL MODELS CAR Van & MPV, Toyota Alphard, Wish, BMW, Naza Ria, Kia Spectra, Vios, Waja & Perdana V6 etc. Reasonable price. Free delivery. Tel: 019-599 9973 / 012-2532 566 Roadster Travel (KPL/LN 3540)

GOOD NEWS !!! Great promotion. Immediate stock , Fast approval. High trade in. Low d/ payment. Free body kit & sport rim for Forte. All new Sorento ready stock. Sportage, Citra RS, Rondo, Picanto, Pregio. Call: 03-4256 5556 Ampang

BRAND NEW EXECUTIVE Taxis for hire! Complete with meter, gas cylinders etc. Call Mr.Felix: 012-298 0066 / Mr.John: 012-209 0563.

GOLDEN MERMAID. Out call Relaxation massage by Male & Female masseurs. Call: 012-907 5995 / 03-2021 7637

BUDGET & WEDDING CAR. Daily & weekly. Cash & credit card. Youtube: DM Holiday Car Agency. Call: 03-62597900 / 019-3316327

A PRIVATE MASSAGE Done by full or part time young models. Sure quality. Out call only : 019-255 6622

A FULL GLAMOUR Massage (001711965-V) by female. 234,Tmn Maluri, 55100 KL. Call: Stella 017-2555 844

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IF YOU NEED Liable Malaysian house maids as cooks, baby sitters, cleaners, care givers etc. Meeraj Agency: 03-22741043/ 2272 2108/ 016-3666 139

Home services/renovations

AROMA ASIAN Massage. For outdoor only. With Promotion price. Interested please Call Julie: 016-293 1051

CENTURY ROLLER SHUTTER specialist. Installation, service & repairing all kind of door roller shutter. Call Lee 012-649 9238

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Home repairs/maintenance

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Commercial vehicles for sale

INSPIRA D/p 0, 9 yrs RM850. Saga d/p 0 9yrs RM398 Pesona , d/p 0 9 yrs RM498 Exora , d/p 0. 9 yrs RM 638 . Goverment loan 140%.Government black list can apply. High Trade in accpt. Road tax free 2 years. face book: rejalfaaisproton 013-679 9967


Maids available/wanted



CYBERJAYA. Ground Floor shop in Biz Avenue 2 , 1446 sqf. Rent RM3800/ Sale RM890000. Pls contact: 012-288 0218


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Shops to let

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Fashion/health & beauty

Office/office building for sale


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One South Street Mall office suites: Promotion Hari Malaysia ~16-18 September 2011 ~10am - 6pm ~Buyer get buyer cash voucher ~Buyer special rebate ~Please visit our show unit ~serve with light refreshment. Tel: 03-8945 8878 (Hp) 0129536189 / 016-7783386. AYG Property Solutions E(3) 1168

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Business opportunities

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Friday 23 SEPTEMBER, 2011 M370

Articles for sale


Articles for sale

KEMENTERIAN KEWANGAN MOF Registration, Bumi status. Call: 03-40434000 / 019-3840000. www. Ready Companies.com

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ADMIN EXEC, CLERK. Min SPM / Diploma, With or no exp, Willing to learn, honest, hardworking, SALES EXEC. Own transport, service dealers. Positive attitude, work independently. Speak/ write English, located: Bdr Sri Dâ ™sara Tel:03-6272 9316 / angiebhb@yahoo.com DRYER FOR CLOTHING’S. Easy, fast and effective. RM390. For happy family. Interested call: 019-7355 295

DOCTOR WANTED in Shah Alam. Full/Part time. 5 day week. Salary 8-10k. Email resume shihchoon@ gmail.com or call 012-229 3395

DRIVER: 3-4 Yrs experience with good road knowledge, interested. TECHNICIAN IT: Min SPM, Exp IT / Electronic, valid driving license. ENGINEER IT: Dip IT / Electronic, 2 Yrs. Exp, HW, SW. Contact: 03-5513 1114 / Email:hr@rhyzrin.com


Business for sale PROPERTY TRAINING Firms, be own boss start immediately, great potential small capital, high income, low risk consultant - 012-339 7738 / 019-220 7770


TOMAZSHOES! Leather Shoes! RM69 - RM89! High Quality and Comfortable! Come to USJ9 Mall, Puchong 017-707 8383

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IMMEDIATE VACANIES FOR Credi recovery Officers / Field visit Officer & despatch. Age below 37. Min SPM. Male / female. Indoor / outdoor. With / Without experience. Urgently required in Tmn Shamelin, Cheras. Good basic salary + high commission. Please call Ms.Yatie 03-9285 0500.

Business Services CO FORMATION RM1,400. Work permit, shelf co., rep. of office, MOF, close down, secretarial & audit. Call: 012-696 3631.


Articles wanted

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This weekend, it's not rugby business for the All Blacks but a question of defending our land — Former All Blacks scrumhalf Byron Kelleher

WELLINGTON: rugby/ world cup

The Malay Mail Friday 23 SEPTEMBER, 2011


Super Cooper

Flyhalf can do wonders and help Wallabies bounce back AUSTRALIA outside centre Anthony Faingaa is backing his controversial flyhalf Quade Cooper to curb his free-flowing attacking style and play for field position if required. Scrumhalf Will Genia, who will captain the Wallabies for the first time against the US today in a Pool C match, said the Australians may take the lead of other sides and adopt more territorial tactics to put the squeeze on opponents. On whether Cooper, known for his darting runs and daring passes, could handle such a switch, Faingaa said he had shown his versatility with the Super Rugby-winning Queensland Reds this season. "Quade does have that game, he can play territory and we did it throughout the whole year, so it's just a matter of him pulling that out of his toolbox," his Reds teammate said. Faingaa said he was regularly amazed by what Cooper was able to produce on the field. "To be honest, I don't know

naming shame: Genia (second left) speaks with teammates Drew Mitchell (left), Cooper (second right) and Kurtley Beale (right), during the Australian Captain's Run — AFP photo

what Quade is capable of, like you guys. He seems to amaze me every time we run on the field." Australia, after their easy opening 32-6 win over Italy in their opening match, were then stunned by a disciplined Ireland, who won 15-6 at Eden Park.

But Faingaa said team morale had bounced back and they were now focused on the match against the US. "Obviously, coming off the back of a loss we needed to get that energy back in the team. And that's something we want to bring tomorrow (today) and move forward."


Boks run riot against Namibia

CHAMPIONS South Africa overcame an error-ridden first-half to finish strongly and rack up the tries as they bashed Namibia 87-0 in a Pool D match at North Harbour Stadium yesterday. The Springboks scored 12 tries, half of those coming in the last 20 minutes, after wing Bryan Habana had become their all-time leading tryscorer when he crossed in the opening half of the match. "The first 40 minutes we had a few bad habits which happens as you often get different types of opposition at the World Cup," said South Africa captain John Smit. "It was a good chance for us to refocus at half-time and we had better shape in the second-half and got more rewards. "We are making progress. Tonight (yesterday) was a good run out." Habana's try in the 23rd minute took his tally to 39 — pushing him clear of Joost van der Westhuizen. Wing Gio Aplon, second-half

Vivekanandan: KLHC fail to impress despite scoring seven goals — FILE photo

KLHC told not to switch off By Vijhayvick vijhayvick@mmail.com.my

result YESTERDAY POOL D South Africa 87 Namibia 0

Fixtures TODAY POOL C Australia v USA (4.30pm) TOMORROW POOL B England v Romania (2pm) POOL A New Zealand v France (4.30pm) (Matches live on Astro's CH816 and CH831)


masterclass: South Africa's Juan de Jongh (left) celebrates his try with wing Gio Aplon during their match against Namibia — AFP photo

substitute Juan de Jongh and scrumhalf Francois Hougaard scored two tries apiece as the Springboks cut loose. Morne Steyn chipped in with a try, six conversions and a penalty and his replacement, Ruan Pienaar, matched him with six from six conversions. These two African countries had met only once previously,

with South Africa winning 105-13 in a warm-up match on their way to becoming champions in the previous edition of the World Cup in 2007. However, Namibia had shown great fighting spirit when losing to Fiji and Samoa 49-25 and 49-12 respectively before this match.

POOL A New Zealand France Tonga Canada Japan POOL B England Scotland Argentina Georgia Romania POOL C Ireland Australia Italy USA Russia POOL D South Africa Samoa Wales Fiji Namibia

P 2 2 3 2 3

W 2 2 1 1 0

D 0 0 0 0 0

L PD 0 +107 0 +53 2 -23 1 -22 3 -115

BP Pts 2 10 2 10 1 5 0 4 0 0

P 2 2 2 2 2

W 2 2 1 0 0

D 0 0 0 0 0

L 0 0 1 2 2

PD +35 +19 +31 -40 -45

BP Pts 1 9 1 9 2 6 0 0 0 0

P 2 2 2 2 2

W 2 1 1 1 0

D 0 0 0 0 0

L 0 1 1 1 2

PD +21 +17 +10 -5 -43

BP Pts 0 8 1 5 1 5 0 4 1 1

P W 3 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 0

D 0 0 0 0 0

L PD 0 +134 1 +30 1 +9 1 -22 3 -148

BP Pts 2 14 2 6 1 5 1 5 0 0

ATTITUDE, commitment and performance! The KL Hockey Club (KLHC) players have been instructed to hold on to those key principles if they are to have any hopes of a successful Malaysian Hockey League (MHL) season. "We cannot take any team lightly. We must give our all until the final whistle," warned KLHC coach R. Vivekanandan. The coach insists his charges will not take Maybank, their opponents today, lightly. Maybank almost pulled off an upset in their last match when they narrowly lost 3-2 to Sapura. Vivekanandan believes if it was not for the poor finishing, Maybank would have beaten Sapura 4-3 had they not missed two sitters in the dying minutes of the match. "It's important that we collect three points again. We will not sit back even if we have a comfortable lead," said Vivekanandan. KLHC had let UiTM claw back two goals after taking a 3-0 lead on Wednesday before routing the university side 7-2. KLHC cannot let that happen again as Maybank are a stronger side.

FIXTURES TODAY TNB v Yayasan Negeri Sembilan Pitch 1, 6pm Armed Forces v Nur Insafi Penang Pitch 2, 6pm Sapura v UniKL Pitch 1, 8pm KLHC v Maybank Pitch 2, 8pm Sunday Maybank v Armed Forces Pitch 2, 4pm Nur Insafi v UiTM Pitch 1, 5pm UniKL v TNB Pitch 2, 6pm Yayasan Negeri Sembilan v KLHC Pitch 2, 8pm (all matches at Putra Stadium in Bukit Jalil)

Standings KLHC Sapura UniKL TNB YNS UiTM Maybank Forces Nur Insafi

P 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2

W 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

D 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0

L 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2

F 9 7 5 6 5 3 2 0 2

A Pts 3 6 2 6 4 4 3 3 5 3 8 1 3 0 4 0 7 0

"We have yet to conduct an analysis on Maybank. When the players come in tomorrow, we will discuss the best strategy to counter the threat Maybank may pose," he added. Maybank are likely to find it tough today as they will be up against a side boasting nine national trainees.

friday 23 september, 2011

the malay mail





Americans rely on Kerr, Wie

AMERICAN captain Rosie Jones has put her faith in big hitters Cristie Kerr and Michelle Wie (pic) in the opening series of foursomes as the US begin their title defence of the Solheim Cup tomorrow against Europe at Killeen Castle in Ireland. Jones picked world No 3 Kerr and Wie, unbeaten on her debut two years ago, as her top pairing and they face the Swedish duo of Maria Hjorth and Anna Nordqvist. "The course is playing very long after a week of rain," said Jones. "Michelle and Cristie are both great leaders. They've played together a lot and had success. I want them to get out fast and put up a point." Paula Creamer and Brittany Lincicome, who hurt her right wrist landing a huge fish in Florida a couple of weeks ago, are in match two against England's Melissa Reid and Karen Stupples. European captain Alison Nicholas opted for a blend of youth and experience as she paired up Catriona Matthew, a veteran of six Solheims, and rookie Azahara Munoz. They take on Stacy Lewis and Angela Stanford. The final match will feature Europe's two longest hitters, Suzann Pettersen and Sophie Gustafson, against Brittany Lang and 51-year-old Juli Inkster. Jones admitted that Nicholas sprung a surprise by sending out Pettersen, the world No 2, in the last match. "You got me there," she joked. Laura Davies, who has played in every Solheim and needs one more point to overtake Annika Sorenstam as the all-time leading points scorer, was left out. The world No 88 is the lowest ranked of the European players. — Reuters

We saw the best of Tiger in 2000 and 2001. I don't think golf can be played any better than that — Rory McIlroy

The Malay Mail Friday 23 SEPTEMBER, 2011

Chasing Vettel Confidence and reduced errors key to German's fiery run

RED BULL'S Sebastian Vettel has a great chance to retain his Formula 1 title as early as at the Singapore Grand Prix on Sunday. Can the flamboyant German achieve this? Or will there be late drama unfolded as Formula 1 heads into the Asian leg of the season. Mailspor t's Mustapha Kamaruddin asks former F1 driver Alex Yoong, who is also a commentator with ESPN and Star Sports, in a special Q and A about Vettel's domination and the sport on the whole. Alex also heads the driver’s development department with Team Lotus. Q: Vettel is just a Grand Prix away to sensationally retain his title. What made the German ace and Red Bull too hot to handle in the last two seasons? A: Vettel is a driver bursting with confidence after winning the championship last season. He and the team have been just as quick but without the mistakes that peppered last year. The car is the best of the field in qualifying, but also he seems to have worked out how to get the best out of the Pirelli tyres.

Q: Total domination by Vettel and Red Bull may just make F1 boring to fans and this is not good for the sport. What is your take on this? A: It's not really domination like in the past. In the races it has been very, very close and Vettel has just been the most consistent during the year. I do not see it continuing on for much longer, as other great drivers like Lewis Hamilton (McClaren) and Fernando Alonso (Ferrari) will raise their game. Q: What about McLaren and Ferrari? They have great drivers as well like Hamilton and Jenson Button and Alonso, respectively. Can these teams catch Red Bull next season to make the sport more exciting? Any other teams who have the potential to achieve this like Lotus Renault and Mercedes GP (these two are the 'three teams' with Malaysian connections. The other is Team Lotus)? A: Ferrari and Mclaren are in the best position to rise to the challenge of overtaking Red Bull and I think the next few years will continue to be golden for F1. Mercedes GP could also be there, as they are not far from finding that

last bit to close the gap. Other teams are not quite the full package at the moment and will take a few years to close the gap right to the front. Q: There is this massive interest in the sport of late in Asia. This is evident by the growing presence of Asian tracks in the F1 arena since 2008 — a new track has been added to the race every year. What do you think of this? A: It’s good for the sport and Asia. What we do need to be conscious of is supporting local motor sports too. We need to make sure the grassroots in the countries here are well supported so that the interest will continue. The Singapore Grand Prix this weekend, despite being only in its fourth year, has quickly become one of the best of the year. Only Monaco rivals it for the glamour and prestige as celebrities turn out in large numbers for the race. Additionally, big companies are also present with their huge hospitality tents as they aim to maximise the chance to be a part of the thrilling race around the streets of Singapore. Q: What about F1 development in Southeast Asia?

Good progress? A: More is being done by Team Lotus with their driver development program, as there are quite a few drivers from Southeast Asia racing in Europe now. If this continues we should see some real results in a few years time. Q: You are the first and only Malaysian to be a F1 driver. Do you think there will be another in the near future? Any names? A: Jazeman Jaafar, who is racing in Formula 3 in United Kingdom has shown good promise. Other than that, Weiron Tan who is racing Karts in Europe is showing good promise and potential too. Q: After quitting F1, you are now a commentator with ESPN/Star Sports? How do you feel being a commentator? Are you scared of the cameras initially? Are you enjoying it now? A: It was tricky at first and I was totally scared. I am introverted naturally. But now I enjoy the work and it's a challenge. Q: Besides F1 and commentating, what else do you love to do? A: Read books, water ski.


Valuable experience for local lads

By VIJHAY VICK vijhayvick@mmail.com.my

"THE boys are here for the exposure." Those were national coach Deen Heesham Tan Abdullah's words when asked about Malaysia's representatives at the ATP Malaysian Open. Malaysia will be represented by Ariez Elyaas Deen Heesham and Ahmed Deedat Abdul Razak in the singles while national No 1 Si Yew Ming will partner American Ryan Harrison in the doubles. "This is an ATP 250 tournament. The level is much higher than Ariez and Deedat’s level of play. I just want them to play to their level," said Deen. Deen believes that Ariez and Deedat, both in their teens, are more suited to play in junior tournaments and ITF Futures but believes that the experience they will gain over the next week could play a part in their development as tennis players.

AN EYE-OPENER: Deen Heshaam (left) with Deedat (centre) and Ariez

"They have to go in there and seek a competitive level. It will be an eye opener for the boys as it will give them valuable exposure," he added. "As a coach, how they perform in the tournament will give me an indication on what I need to do to improve them as players." As for Yew Ming's partner-

ship with Harrison, Deen believes the duo have the potential to progress if they rely on their strength — their big serves. "Yew Ming also has the maturity to stay composed," added Deen. Meanwhile, tournament director Nick Freyer announced the final wild card

recipient for the tournament yesterday. Japanese tennis prodigy Taro Daniel will be entered into the singles main draw. The tournament starts-off with the qualifying rounds tomorrow and Sunday at Stadium Putra in Bukit Jalil. The main draw will be from Sept 26-Oct 2.

STANDINGS DRIVERS 1. Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull) 284 2. Fernando Alonso (Ferrari) 172 3. Jenson Button (McClaren) 167 4. Mark Webber (Red Bull) 167 5. Lewis Hamilton (McLaren) 158 6. Felipe Massa (Ferrari) 82 7. Nico Rosberg (Mercedes GP) 56 8. M. Schumacher (Mercedes GP) 52 9. Vitaly Petrov (Lotus Renault) 34 10. Nick Heidfeld (Renault) -- 34 CONSTRUCTORS 1. Red Bull -- 451 2. McLaren -- 325 3. Ferrari -- 254 4. Mercedes GP -- 108 5. Lotus Renault -- 70 6. Force India -- 36 7. Sauber -- 35 8. Toro Rosso -- 29 9. Williams -- 5 10. Team Lotus -- 0 11. Hispania -- 0 12. Virgin -- 0

And of course, I still do some driving for Audi in GT3.  Catch former F1 driver Alex Yoong on STAR Sports’ coverage of this weekend’s F1 Singapore GP on Race Day and Chequered Flag. Catch the live race and exclusive driver camera views online on ESPN Player.


Platini wants winter World Cup

UEFA president Michel Platini repeated his demand this morning that the 2022 World Cup in Qatar should be switched to the winter to avoid the crushing heat and humidity of a Gulf summer. "I don't change my ideas like I change my shirts, even if it's hot and I am sweating," said Platini at Uefa's executive committee meeting in Cyprus. "If you are going to go to Qatar in June-July, there's a good chance it'll be 55° Celsius. "It's great that the grounds will be air-conditioned but I think that this sporting occasion is the most important in the world. "The best period is to play in the winter and in November-December 2022, because in January 2022 there will be the Winter Olympics." — AFP

friday 23 september, 2011

the malay mail




Barcelona midfielder Ibrahim Afellay has torn the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee and will need surgery — Reuters

'El Tigre' magic show Falcao an instant hero with fans at Vicente Calderon

HOLA! R a d a m e l Fa l c a o, t h e Colombia international striker also known as El Tigre, is making waves in Spain since joining Atletico Madrid from Porto during the last transfer window. This is not a surprise as the 25-year-old has already scored five goals for Atletico out of four league matches despite being new at Vicente Calderon. The passionate fans are pretty excited with his goal-scoring prowess which, giving the club hope of challenging the top teams. He is poised to have a cult following just like the man he replaced — Sergio "Kun" Aguero — who is now also a hero himself at Manchester City. A delighted Atletico manager Gregorio Manzano hailed the prolific striker's finishing, evident when he steered Porto to the Europa League title last season by scoring an incredible 15 goals from 17 matches, a record in a single Champions League or Europa League campaign. Falcao joined Atletico from Porto in a deal worth €40 million (RM169.6m) as the club were on the lookout for a replacement for Aguero. And after a quiet debut against Valencia, Falcao has been hot in front of goal. As Manzano watched him score a brace in Wednesday's 4-0 win over Sporting Gijon, the manager confessed he is in awe with the striker's qualities. "It never ceases to amaze


This morning Espanyol 1 Getafe 0 Real Betis 4 R. Zaragoza 3

SUNDAY Ath Bilbao v Villarreal (12am) A draw Sevilla v Valencia (12am) A draw R. Madrid v R. Vallecano (2am) Home win Barcelona v Atle Madrid (4am) Home win Mallorca v R. Sociedad (6pm) Home win Levante v Espanyol (10pm) Home win Granada v Osasuna (11pm) A draw MONDAY S. Gijon v R. Santander (2am) A draw R. Zaragoza v Malaga (4am) Away win TUESDAY Getafe v R. Betis (3am) Home win Predictions by Mailsport


another blockbuster, with Barca out to get full points after what happened against Valencia. Lionel Messi and gang are expected to win but they must be careful with Falcao, the man who can stun them and their fans at the 98,000 capacity Nou Camp. Real Madrid? They seem to be struggling at the moment after picking only a point from their last two away matches. And their boss Jose Mourinho admitted his side's away form is a major cause for concern after the 0-0 draw at Racing Santander on Wednesday — just three days after they suffered a defeat at Levante. "In the end, it is the points which count," said Mourinho. "And we have lost five points on the road. It is worrying, yes." Real entertain newcomers Real Vallecano at Santiago Bernabeu on Sunday (2am). Los Blancos have no business not to win this one or fans may think there is some sort of crisis brewing in the team. As it is, there were already reports saying Mourinho was in the centre of a dressing room storm with his decision to criticise players in public leading to a backlash from his first team squad. Speaking after the defeat to



with Mustapha "El Loco" Kamaruddin

that Falcao has adapted so quickly to the team and started scoring goals this way," he told AS. "But even more important than the goals is his humility. He is a great person who has been a great fit in the dressing room. No doubt that we have signed a magnificent striker who will be on par with the great No 9s in Spain, like Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo. "It was really hard to land him and it was a great signing." Atletico face this tough task next when they play champions Barcelona at Nou Camp on Sunday (4am) but Falcao is expected to be a pain in the neck for the Catalans if he maintains his deadly form. The t hre e-man B arc a defence was exposed in their thrilling 2-2 draw with leaders Valencia at the Mestalla on Wednesday. With Falcao around, Barca manager Josep "Pep" Guardiola must be thinking twice before sticking to his 3-4-3 formation as not to be caught again. Barca also played this formation in the 8-0 thrashing of Osasuna last weekend, but Atletico have Falcao around. Normally, Barca start with a 4-3-3 formation. This clash is poised to be

The Malay Mail Friday 23 SEPTEMBER, 2011

Standings Levante, Mourinho blamed the referee, the simulation of the opponents, and the indiscipline of midfielder Sami Khedira for his side's dropped points. But the decision to point the finger at one of his own players resulted in a sharp reaction from the first teamers, according to El Pais. Sources within the squad said: "Khedira had obeyed orders from Mourinho." Mourinho had reportedly told his players to jockey the referee whenever he was asked to make a decision, resulting in Levante being punished with yellow cards for every 2.5 fouls, as opposed to their previous

record of one every seven or eight misdemeanours. Khedira was sent-off for a second yellow card when he fell foul of the man in the middle, but when Mourinho cited his indiscipline as one of the reasons for his side's defeat, the players reacted angrily. It is up to the fans to believe this or not. Real fans, just like Mourinho, are concerned with Real's current form. Another poor result at home this weekend, especially at home, will put Mourinho under more pressure. Remember the "white handkerchief " treatment? Adios!

P W D L F A Pts Real Betis 4 4 0 0 9 5 12 Valencia 4 3 1 0 8 5 10 Malaga 4 3 0 1 7 2 9 Barcelona 4 2 2 0 17 4 8 Sevilla 4 2 2 0 5 3 8 Levante 4 2 2 0 4 2 8 Real Madrid 4 2 1 1 10 3 7 Atle Madrid 4 2 1 1 8 1 7 Sociedad 4 2 1 1 5 4 7 Espanyol 4 2 0 2 4 4 6 Vallecano 4 1 2 1 3 3 5 Osasuna 4 1 2 1 2 9 5 Villarreal 4 1 1 2 4 8 4 Zaragoza 4 1 1 2 5 11 4 Mallorca 4 1 0 3 1 4 3 Grenade 4 1 0 3 1 6 3 Santander 4 0 2 2 3 8 2 Ath Bilbao 4 0 1 3 4 7 1 Getafe 4 0 1 3 3 7 1 Gijon 4 0 0 4 2 9 0


Vitiello denies Enrique first Roma win

ROBERTO VITIELLO struck two minutes from time to deny Roma co ach Luis Enrique a first victory in five outings as Siena snatched a 1-1 draw in the capital this morning. Roma had led through Daniel Osvaldo's first-half strike but having failed to turn possession into pressure, they were hit with a late blow. The result means neither side have yet won a match this season but took them both above champions AC Milan, who now sit just two places above the relegation zone, where Inter Milan find themselves. The final whistle was met with a cacophony of jeers from disgruntled home fans.

IN YOUR FACE: Vitiello (left) celebrates after scoring the equaliser — AFP photo

Roma started by seeing a lot of the ball without creating anything, while Siena repeatedly looked dangerous

on the counter. Inside the first quarter of an hour, Emanuele Calaio had a shot deflected off Simon Kjaer

while Franco Brienza's header from Angelo's cross was brilliant tipped away by Bogdan Lobont. And yet the hosts went in front on 25 minutes as Jose Angel crossed from the left and Marco Borriello took the ball to the byline before firing it across goal where Osvaldo was waiting at the back stick for a simple tap in. However, it was still Siena who looked the more likely to score as Calaio dragged a shot just beyond the far post. In the second period, a stinging shot from Osvaldo brought Zeljko Brkic into action to punch the ball clear. Midway through, Francesco Totti got his weight behind a freekick but Brkic got down

to save comfortably. Kjaer then came to Roma's rescue as he spread his body on the line to block a Pablo Gonzalez header from close range after Calaio headed the ball back into the danger zone. Miralem Pjanic set his sights from distance for the hosts but fired just beyond the angle of post and crossbar. But then came Siena's sucker punch two minutes from time as Brienza's speculative effort crashed back off the post and Vitiello was on hand to side-foot home the rebound for a deserved equaliser, the club's first goal this season. Osvaldo had a late chance to snatch a winner but headed wide. — AFP

Results This morning Roma 1 Siena


Standings P W D L F A Pts Genoa 3 2 1 0 7 3 7 Juventus 3 2 1 0 6 2 7 Udinese 3 2 1 0 5 1 7 Napoli 3 2 0 1 6 3 6 Fiorentina 3 2 0 1 5 2 6 Palermo 3 2 0 1 7 6 6 Cagliari 3 2 0 1 6 5 6 Novara 3 1 1 1 6 5 4 Lazio 3 1 1 1 5 5 4 Chievo 3 1 1 1 4 4 4 Catania 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 Lecce 3 1 0 2 3 4 3 Parma 3 1 0 2 3 8 3 Roma 3 0 2 1 2 3 2 Siena 3 0 2 1 1 2 2 AC Milan 3 0 2 1 4 6 2 Atalanta 3 2 1 0 5 3 1 Inter Milan 3 0 1 2 4 7 1 Bologna 3 0 1 2 1 5 1 Cesena 3 0 0 3 2 6 0 Note: Atalanta penalised six points at start of season for match-fixing


I'm hoping Rio Ferdinand will be okay for Sunday. When you go to Stoke, you need a bit of experience — Alex Ferguson

The Malay Mail Friday 23 SEPTEMBER, 2011

Can you hear the drums? Life's never easy and now Fernando knows it well

LAST Sunday at Old Trafford, the world saw what Fernando Torres was capable of, and let's be honest, many of us needed reminding. We also saw one of the misses of this or any other season, and if that doesn't give us an insight into the vagaries of life as a professional sportsman, then nothing will. The 27-year-old Spaniard went from hero to villain in the time it takes a football to travel

eight yards. Up to the point at which Torres blazed wide when it looked easier to score, he had had an excellent game — utilising the pace, power, movement and eye for goal that Chelsea had been happy to shell out £50m (RM241.8m) for. Then, at an absolutely critical stage of the game, he fluffed his lines in quite spectacular fashion, and is now the butt of more Internet jokes than Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Such is the nature of the game, and particularly the media's attitude towards it, that the glaring miss filled many more column inches than Torres' overall performance, which was redolent of his youthfully exuberant days at Atletico Madrid, and the beginning of his career at Liverpool. I think it's fair to say that there are a fair few people out there who are quite enjoying the turmoil Torres is currently enduring. He is one of the tallest of tall poppies in the football world, and it appears to be in our nature to derive pleasure from the pruning process. Torres, for his part, didn't do himself any favours recently, by allegedly criticising his older


GameOn with Andrew Leci teammates for being too slow… presumably to supply him with the kind of ammunition he needs to score goals and achieve his full potential. I use the word "allegedly" since Torres insists that his comments to the official Primera Liga website, were lost in translation, but that didn't stop the Press getting stuck in, suggesting the player was trying to distract attention from his own failings by blaming others — as a chef might do regarding the quality of the ingredients he has been given to make a dish. It went far enough for manager Andre Villas-Boas to make a full investigation, and whatever was said, it's unlikely to have endeared Torres to his playing pals. All seemed to have been forgiven and forgotten, however, as Chelsea did indeed up the pace of delivery against Manchester United, and gave Torres more of what he needs to function properly. He scored a fine goal — one that bore the hallmarks of a confident Fernando Torres in his prime — and the way he scythed through the United defence to set up his open goal, demonstrated what we all know he is capable of. So, why hasn't he been

doing it more regularly, and where does he go from here, with the taunts of United fans still, I would imagine, ringing in his ears? It's difficult to have sympathy for a man who earns more in a week for playing a game than an average nurse earns in 12 years for doing something considerably more rigorous. It's not difficult, however, to empathise with someone who knows what he can do (because he's already done it) and then, suddenly almost, and for no explicable reason, finds himself incapable. Whatever we do in our daily working lives, we all have our good days — when everything goes well and we think we're hot stuff. Then we have our bad days, when we think we're doing exactly what we were doing on the good days, but nothing seems to come off, and everything goes wrong. Torres knows that feeling all too well — he's had plenty of bad days recently (two goals in 24 appearances for Chelsea so far, tells us all we need to know, and I'm not going to mitigate that statistic by talking about the number of goals he has set up — that's not in the first paragraph of his job scope). Sunday, however, was a good


Don't rush Gerrard back for England, says Dalglish LIVERPOOL manager Kenny Dalglish wants his captain Steven Gerrard (pic) to be eased back gently into the Liverpool and England teams following his first appearance for six months in their League Cup win at Brighton yesterday. Midfielder Gerrard, 31, had been out of action since March when he needed surgery to fix a groin injury and his return was delayed by complications in the summer. But Gerrard, who has played 89 times for England, finally made his comeback after 75 minutes of Liverpool's 2-1 win in the third round of the League Cup at Brighton yesterday, and Dalglish wants him brought back into the fray gradually. England's next game is a Euro 2012 qualifier in Montenegro

on Oct 7, but Dalglish sent a message to England manager Fabio Capello when he spoke to the media ahead of Liverpool's Premier League match against Wolverhampton Wanderers on Saturday. "I don't pick England's team. Whatever they have to do, they have to do," Dalglish said yesterday when asked if it would be a risk for Capello to name the midfielder in his squad.

"I just hope they are as intelligent as we have been. "He's done fantastic coming back and it's fantastic for the whole club that he is back but the most important person in all of it is Steven himself. "He's missed an awful lot of football through injury so he's done brilliantly to get where he is. We will just continue in the intelligent manner that we have done. "We can look forward to him getting even fitter. There will be no timescale or programme, we'll just take it as it comes. "He's the captain and the talisman of the club and he's just played around 20 minutes for us. But he's on his way back and we're absolutely delighted for him." After making his brief

appearance yesterday, Gerrard said: "I'd been out a long time and it was fantastic to be out there in that kit again and win as well. "It has been a nightmare for me. I'm not the best when I'm out injured and watching games. It has been tough and the last six months have been a roller-coaster." Defender Martin Kelly also returned for Liverpool after missing two matches with a hamstring injury but defender Glen Johnson is still recovering from a similar problem. Central defender Daniel Agger, who fractured two ribs in Sunday's 4-0 league defeat to Tottenham Hotspur, could be out for at least a month, Dalglish said. — Reuters

day for the man who's been capped 87 times for Spain, and has European Championship and World Cup winners' medals on his shelf. At least it was in the main. Unfortunately, the 3-1 defeat for Chelsea will always be remembered as the match in which Torres missed the open goal that could have changed the entire complexion of the game. It's how Torres responds from this point on that will determine his season, and maybe even his entire career. ● Catch Andrew Leci on Monday Night Verdict every Monday at 8pm on ESPN and send in your feedback to theverdict@espnstar.com


TOMORROW Man City v Everton (7.45pm) Home win Arsenal v Bolton (10pm) Home win Chelsea v Swansea (10pm) Home win Liverpool v Wolves (10pm) Home win Newcastle v Blackburn (10pm) Home win West Brom v Fulham (10pm) Away win Wigan v Tottenham (10pm) Away win SUNDAY Stoke v Man United (12.30am) A draw QPR v Aston Villa (11pm) A draw TUESDAY Norwich v Sunderland (3am) A draw Predictions by Mailsport



Vargas is the Juan for Wenger ARSENAL boss Arsene Wenger is preparing a bid for Fiorentina's versatile midfielder Juan Manuel Vargas in the January transfer window. Vargas, 27, has played 34 times for Peru and is known for a no-nonsense style which has earned him the nickname El Loco. The Gunners would have to stump up a fee in the region of £10 million to secure his transfer, but may have to ward off interest from Juventus. The player has made 98 appearances, scored 14 goals and made 19 assists in three seasons with the Viola.


Duo to join Russian revolution LIVERPOOL'S Steven Gerrard and Chelsea's Frank Lampard have emerged as the latest transfer targets for bigspending Anzhi Makhachkala. The Russian club stunned the football world last month by signing Cameroon striker Samuel Eto'o from Inter Milan and making him the world's highest-paid player. Anzhi's billionaire owner, is keen to add more big names to a squad that also features Roberto Carlos, Diego Tardelli and Yuri Zhirkov. The ageing England midfielders are next on Anzhi's shopping list, and could be managed by a familiar face next season, as Anzhi are also keen to make England coach Fabio Capello their manager.


Standings Man United Man City Chelsea Newcastle Stoke Aston Villa Everton Liverpool QPR Wolves Tottenham Sunderland Norwich Swansea Wigan Blackburn Arsenal Fulham Bolton West Brom

P 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

W 5 4 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1

D 0 1 1 3 2 4 1 1 1 1 0 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 0 0

L F A Pts 0 21 4 15 0 17 5 13 1 8 6 10 0 4 2 9 1 3 5 8 0 6 4 7 1 6 4 7 2 6 7 7 2 4 6 7 2 4 6 7 2 7 8 6 2 6 4 5 2 5 7 5 2 3 5 5 2 4 7 5 3 7 10 4 3 6 14 4 2 4 7 3 4 8 13 3 4 3 8 3

Top Scorers

9 goals: Wayne Rooney (Man United) 8 goals: Sergio Aguero (Man City) 6 goals: Edin Dzeko (Man City) 3 goals: Ivan Klasnic (Bolton), Emmanuel Adebayor (Tottenham), Leon Best (Newcastle), Gabriel Agbonlahor (Aston Villa), Franco Di Santo (Wigan)

Schalke coach quits due to burnout SCHALKE coach Ralf Rangnick (pic) stepped down yesterday because of burnout, just six months after taking charge of the Bundesliga club. The 53-year-old Rangnick replaced Felix Magath at the end of March. "After a long and deep reflection, I've come to the conclusion that I need a break," Rangnick said in a statement on the club website. "It was extremely hard to reach this decision but my current energy level is not enough to be successful and to bring the team and the club forward."

In Wie they trust

Ain’t easy being me

UNITED STATES will count on Michelle Wie in the opening series of the Solheim Cup

CHELSEA’S Fernando Torres can vouch for it after howler against United

>> pg28

>> pg31

Friday 23 September, 2011

Barca brothers BARCELONA: Football/ primera liga


Get ’em exposed

NATIONAL tennis coach Deen Heesham Tan Abdullah wants his players to soak in the experience at the ATP Malaysian Open

>> pg27 Rugby

Neighbourly bashing

SOUTH AFRICA hands Namibia a lesson in rugby with six tries in last 20 minutes

>> pg28 Latin Heat

Spanish tiger show

COLOMBIA and Atletico Madrid striker Radamel Falcao, also known as El Tigre, is making his presence felt in La Liga

>> pg30

Fabregas makes me a better player, says Xavi

PLAYING alongside new Barcelona teammate Cesc Fabregas is helping Xavi improve his game, the 31-yearold Spanish international said this morning. Fabregas was lured back to the Nou Camp from Arsenal after a drawn out transfer saga last month, with many seeing the 24-year-old as a long-term replacement for Xavi rather than a partner in the same starting XI. “We are comfortable together on the pitch. I think we complement each other well,” Xavi told a news conference. “If he goes forward, I stay back and cover for him or vice versa. We have shown that many times this year.” Fabregas has made an immediate impact on his return to his boyhood club, after eight years in the Premier League with Arsenal, scoring four league goals in as many matches. He has mainly been playing in a more advanced role and has quickly developed an understanding with World Player-of-the-Year Lionel Messi and Xavi. Xavi, who turns 32 in January, has been at the heart of the Barcelona side that has

won three consecutive La Liga titles and three Champions League crowns in the last six years. He helped Spain win Euro 2008, when he was nominated Player-of-the-Tournament, and the World Cup in South Africa last year. Meanwhile, financiallytroubled Spanish clubs will no longer be able to escape relegation by going into administration after the government agreed a change in the law. The move met with approval from the Spanish Players’ Union (AFE) who had listed the practice as one of their chief grievances when they called a strike that delayed the start of this season’s league competition. “This reform... will prevent the undesirable use and abuse of certain instruments of bankruptcy law and ensure stability and equality in sports competitions,” the government said. An increasing number of debt-laden clubs have gone into administration recently, whereby Spanish law can override competition rules that could have lead to them being relegated for failing to pay their players.


xavi: “We are very comfortable together on the pitch. I think we complement each other quite well.”

A number of sides in La Liga have sought refuge from creditors, recent examples being Real Zaragoza and Racing Santander, as have more than half of second division clubs. Rival clubs say the rules surrounding the bankruptcy

process have been abused as an easy way for struggling teams to get out of their predicament and preserve their league status. “This change has been one of the main demands of the AFE for the past 18 months, achieved by the efforts of all

the players,” the union said in a statement. “The main change is that any club starting insolvency proceedings will not be able to prevent the application of the rules governing participation in sporting competition.” — Reuters


Gunners go Loco

Loyalty does not pay

ARSENAL are preparing a bid for Fiorentina’s Peruvian midfielder Juan Manuel Vargas

>> pg30

eyes all over: Rajagobal and assistant coach Tan Cheng Hoe watching the Malaysian U-23 team train at Wisma FAM in Kelana Jaya — Pic: Razak Ghazali

NATIONAL coach Datuk K. Rajagobal has been diplomatic when it comes to his employers, the FA of Malaysia (FAM). He never comments against FAM and is considered a “loyal” staff of the national body. Loyalty, however, does not necessarily pay. Rajagobal remains unclear of his future with the national set-up. His contract is set to expire on Dec 31 and he has not received any documents to suggest otherwise. “The extension of Rajagobal’s contract was brought up during the technical committee meeting some time back (March 8) and they discussed about his employment terms. FAM would

By Haresh Deol haresh@mmail.com.my

want to extend his contract until 2013 but there has been no attempts to seal the deal since,” said an insider. “Rajagobal has only been verbally assured that his services are still required but he has not signed anything so far. Most of the time, such contracts will only be discussed upon three months before the contract ends, but if the technical committee has agreed to extend Rajagobal’s contract, then it shouldn’t take both parties so long to sign.” It is learnt the committee agreed to give Rajagobal a pay rise and other perks.

FAM, had three months ago, assured Mailsport they still want Rajagobal to coach the national squad as agreed by the technical committee. The article “FAM want Rajagobal to stay on” was published on June 9. An SMS was sent to FAM generalsecretary Datuk Azzudin Ahmad yesterday but there has not been a reply at Press time. Rajagobal, meanwhile, remained tight-lipped about his future. “I am sure FAM is aware of this. I have no comments for now,” Rajagobal said. He has been the talk of several clubs and national teams in the region after guiding the Malaysian Tigers to win the 2009 Laos Sea Games and Asean Cup last year.

Published by Malay Mail Sdn Bhd (239512V), Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, and printed by The New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Berhad (4485-H), 31, Jalan Riong, 59100 KL

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