25 October 2011

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Tuesday 25 october, 2011


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The Malay Mail



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The Malay Mail wishes its Hindu readers Happy Deepavali. There will be no publication tomorrow. We’ll be back on Thursday.

Procedures breached PETALING JAYA / 2010 Auditor-General’s Report

•Tourism Ministry failed to have open tenders for ad projects •Nine ministries and agencies overspent allocations



THE Tourism Ministry has not followed procedures set by the Finance Ministry by failing to have open tenders for procurement of its advertising projects. The 2010 Auditor-General’s Report released yesterday stated that RM194 million or 72 per cent of procurement for advertising in 2009 and 2010 were acquired through direct bookings or direct negotiation. In 2009, the ministry procured 74.6 per cent or RM132.92 million of its advertisements based on direct negotiations. The discrepancies found in the ministry’s procurement process were part of the AG Report which also revealed that nine ministries and government departments had overspent last year’s overall operational allocation by a total of RM3.73 billion. The AG reported the national debt had risen by 12.3 per cent to over RM407 billion last year and the government owed 53.1 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2010. As in every year, the report is a damning testament of leakages and over-expenditure by government agencies, which include the Home Ministry, the Prime Minister’s Department, Federal Territories and Urban Well-being Ministry, and Rural and Regional Development Ministry (see Page 2).

One jaw-dropping example is the Marine Department which spent RM56,350 on a pair of night vision marine binoculars although its market value was only RM1,940. On the Tourism Ministry, the AG Report said the ministry’s procurement was against the Treasury’s circular of 2007 which stated the process should “provide opportunities open to all those eligible to compete”. “Malaysian Tourism Board (MTB) must conduct its procurement by having an open tender to ensure the price offered is competitive, more transparent and has value for money. In addition, this method can prevent abuse of power and establish internal controls and good government in the procurement of advertising space,” said the report. The AG found the ministry had spent RM1.95 million for 1,000 units of racks and RM7.31 million for pamphlets to promote Visit Malaysia 2007 through direct negotiations with Leo Communications Sdn Bhd. However, the direct tender was conducted without the approval of the Finance Ministry and the AG also noted that there was no agreement signed between the ministry and the supplier. “The AG is of the opinion that an investigating committee should be established to determine whether there was non-compliance with

financial regulations and malpractices considering this matter has been continuing since 2006, involving procurement valued at RM9.26 million,” the report said. The AG said the ministry had instructed MTB in July last year

FLASHBACK: Our report on Aug 24 on the Tourism Ministry’s tender for the Chelsea Flower Show to purchase merchandise worth RM224,500 even though the suppliers’ businesses were not related to souvenirs. The merchandises were 500 novelty crystal pens (RM87 each), 480 silk ties with boxes (RM100 each), 1,000 printed canvas bags (RM45 each), 2,500 hats with em-

broidery (RM18 each) and 1,000 bracelets (RM42 each). “MTB cannot make any payment for any procurement that is not carried out by MTB. Procurements must comply with government regulations and market research should be made to ensure MTB get a reasonable price,” the report said. The AG Report will once again place the spotlight over the ministry and its alleged misappropriation of funds. In August this year, The Malay Mail had reported on the Tourism Ministry’s open tender for the Show Garden Designer for next year’s Chelsea Flower Show, where bidders were only given seven days to submit their bids for the RM3 million project. The tender advertisement published in British dailies on Aug 10 came after the ministry was criticised for purportedly awarding the contract to a London-based designer, James Wong. Tourism Minister Datuk Sri Dr Ng Yen Yen denied awarding the contract to Wong and explained that the Sarawak-born was the ministry’s preferred choice for the prestigious event. The AG then had indicated that the ministry should follow set procedures, while Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Donald Lim Siang Chai had commented that the ministry may have “its own” procedures to follow.


No joy without little Nisha Deepavali is not the same for the family of Nisha Chandramohan, who went missing in mysterious circumstances in June last year

>> pg4

‘Greedy’ traders under fire Bazaar organisers in Brickfields have been taken to task for charging exorbitant rental and ‘selling’ their licences to foreigners

>> pg6


9 billion people by 2070 The world’s population, currently at 6.1 billion, will peak at 9 billion by 2070 before falling rapidly after that, say researchers

>> pg9 SPORTS

Slammed for ‘horsing around’ The Auditor-General has criticised the National Sports Council for spending almost RM6 million on buying 23 horses, of which only five qualified to compete in the World Endurance Championship 2008

>> pg20



The 2012 Budget tabled by Datuk Seri Najib Razak from 4.07pm on Oct 7 will bring about beneficial changes for the rakyat as the timing was supported by positive celestial forces — Astrologer R.S. Maniam

700 days to dispose arrest cases


50 per cent failure

37 out of 68 projects under Poverty Eradication Project not successful QU E ST ION S re g ard i n g the government’s Poverty Eradication Programme will be asked in light of the Auditor-General's 2010 Report which states there is a 54.4 per cent failure rate under the Economic Enhancement Cluster which also translates to 37 failed projects out of 68 projects implemented. In terms of cost, the failed objectives amounted to RM28.37 million and the 31 successful projects only amounted to RM1.07 million. According to the report, the programme, initiated under the 9th Malaysia Plan (9MP) on Aug 8, 2007, had the objective of reaching zero poverty level by December last year and it was managed by the Prime Minister’s Department’s

Implementation Coordination Unit (ICU). The target was determined under the National Key Result Indicators (NKRA). However, the AG Report showed the noble objectives faced failure due to: ● Insufficient implementation time-frame; ● Undeserving programme participants receiving assistance; ● Some programme participants unaware of being a part of the programme; ● Incomplete delivery of goods; ● Participants did not receive assistance; ● Suppliers did not implement the project; ● Suppliers profiting from participants;

Participants had double-storey houses PROVIDING electrical appliances to hardcore poor who have no access to electricity? This was one of the discrepancy found in the report on the poverty eradication programmes conducted by Giatmara Sdn Bhd, a whollyowned subsidiary of Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara). The report stated a total of RM54 million was channeled to Giatmara to conduct courses for the poor in all states, except the Federal Territories, Selangor and Sabah. The courses included training and providing equipment to participants to increase their income. However, electrical sewing machines were provided to participants who had no access to electricity. Blenders and mixers with low capacity were also provided to some participants. Some participants found fish blenders for catfish farming to be a hassle, instead finding it easier to buy instant fish food. To make matters worse, nine types of appliances were purchased between 71.9 per cent to 100 per cent higher than the market value. For example, an Elba EO-5086 oven was purchased

By MEENA LAKSHANA meena@mmail.com.my

at RM1,200 when the market price was RM419, and a Pensonic blender was purchased at RM140 but valued at RM60. The company spent RM18.2 million or 37.1 per cent of the total allocation for the incomegenerating programme, on equipment up to December 2010. Among other discrepancies were: ● a total of RM38.97 million was paid to "technological provider, suppliers or contractors" appointed directly without Finance Ministry approval. The payment was made without quotations; ● some participants of the income-generating courses were above the poverty line and not registered in the e-Kasih system under the Prime Minister's Department. Some of these participants had double-storey houses and four-wheel vehicles, and; ● a total of 10 per cent in management fees were charged for 1,086 programmes, whereby a total of RM4.93 million was credited from the programme's total expenditure as revenue for Giatmara.

THE MALAY MAIL IS PUBLISHED BY Malay Mail Sdn Bhd, Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200, Petaling Jaya

By AZRIL ANNUAR azrilannuar@mmail.com.my

● Project mentors not playing their role; ● Low commitment from participants; and ● Weak monitoring of programmes and projects. One of the most shocking findings of the report revealed three 2008 Economic Enhancement Project participants from Terengganu were unaware they deserved assistance from the government. The participants were supposed to receive assistance from the Terengganu Family Development Foundation ( Yay as an Pe mb ang u nan Keluarga – YPK). Sadly, participants informed auditors that no one from YPK or the

State Federal Development Office (Pejabat Pembangunan Persekutuan Negeri – PPPN) informed them or even visited their homes. Even more shocking was the fact that YPK’s registration showed these unfortunate individuals received RM29,430 worth of goods, equipment or livestock paid in full by PPPN and signatures of recipients was different compared to the participants’ signatures. The projects involved in this dubious matter were: ● Pertukangan Rumah, Setiu, Terengganu, dated Dec 18, 2008. The project was supposed to receive RM10,000 worth of jet hammer, generator, drills, plywood cutter, water pump engine and wood cutter.

● Cattle Rearing Project, Setiu, Terengganu, dated Dec 11, 2008. The project was supposed to receive RM9,460 worth of three female cows, one male cow and 10 bags of animal feed. ● Kuih-making Project, Besut, Terengganu, dated Jan 2, 2009. The project was supposed to receive RM9,970 worth of plastics, seals, refrigerator, kneading machine and freezer. Another failure cited in the report was the lack of training to participants of programmes which has amounted to a total cost of RM206,000 with barely any returns. Five projects were identified, with four projects in Sabah with a total cost of RM196,000 and one in Perak worth RM10,000.

PAC to call up eight ministries, agencies By IKRAM ISMAIL ikram.ismail@mmail.com.my

THE Public Accounts Committee (PAC) will call up at least eight ministries and government agencies next week to explain the poor management of their expenditure on last year's Budget. The ministries and agencies affected are the Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Ministry, Health Ministry, the Energy, Green Technology and Water Ministry; Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry, Transport Ministry, National Stadium Corporation, Royal Customs Department and the Inland Revenue Board. PAC chairman Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid (pic) said there may be more to be hauled up but that depended on discussions between the committee and the National Audit Department.

" T h e Nat i o n a l Au d i t Department can only check on and advise but they cannot take action against these agencies," he said during a Press conference at Parliament lobby. "Despite having eight agencies and ministries under scrutiny, Malaysia's finance management is still better than some other countries," he said.

Azmi, however, stated that overall, most ministries and agencies showed an increase in performance in their finance management practises. Azmi said in 2008, the National Audit Department discovered 172 cases of poor finance management among ministries and agencies, and 98.8 per cent of those cases were resolved. He also said PAC took action on 88 per cent of similar cases in 2009. "Those agencies and ministries which had action taken against them in 2008 and 2009 showed a much better finance management in 2010," Azmi added. Meanwhile, Auditor-General Tan Sri Ambrin Buang, who was also present, stated the government would implement "prudent spending" despite increase in national debt from time to time.

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Stadium Corporation (MSC) requested funds to repair the national stadium’s damaged rooftop since 2006. The government approved RM30 million to repair the 90,000-capacity stadium in December last year after MSC applied four times.

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THE Commercial Vehicle Licensing Board (CVLB) took more than 700 days to dispose arrest cases and complaints. The report said a review of 486 arrest cases by the CVLB since 2008 until May 2010 found they could have been disposed with a warning, a compound payment, or suspension or revocation of the licence within a day. On managing complaints, the report found 123 of 257 cases took 41 to 756 days to be resolved although the CVLB work pledge (to customers) promised action within 30 days. Other weaknesses in the CVLB included failure to prosecute, non-adherence to enforcement procedures and disorganised filing/case document management. The Auditor-General's Department recommended the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) set up on Jan 31 to replace CVLB in the peninsula, rectify weaknesses to ensure efficient and orderly execution of enforcement and management. The department has also suggested to SPAD to fix a deadline for the licensee/ driver to come to the office and ascertain the nature of the penalty, whether it was a warning, a compound or a discharge. It also recommended a prosecuting officer be appointed immediately for court action against offenders with outstanding compounds. — Bernama

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Bukit Jalil Stadium roof unsafe MORE than 50,000 lives were at risk at Bukit Jalil Stadium during Malaysia’s Suzuki Cup first-leg final against Indonesia in December last year after the government delayed repairing the stadium’s damaged roof. The report said the Merdeka

The Malay Mail Tuesday 25 OCTOBER, 2011

Weather Update

“The AG is of the view the delay in completing the roof repairs at Bukit Jalil National Stadium was because the government did not approve the allocation applied for since 2006," the report said. “This could jeopardise the comfort of users."

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TUESday 25 OCTOBER, 2011

the malay mail





Tourist arrivals from China rose from 516,160 in the first half of last year to more than 560,000 over the same period this year -- Deputy Tourism Minister Datuk Dr James Dawos Mamit

The Malay Mail Tuesday 25 October, 2011

Still pining for Nisha

No Deepavali joy for family until missing child returns WHILE Hindus are preparing for Deepavali tomorrow, one family is doing nothing at all. And it will not be the first time the family of Nisha Chandramohan, the girl who was two when she went missing mysteriously in June last year, is not celebrating. Nisha's father, C h a n d r a m o h a n Govindasamy, 25, told The Malay Mail that last year, the family, still hurting from losing their only child, chose not to celebrate Deepavali as well. "How can we celebrate without our very own 'bundle of joy'? We don't have the heart to celebrate without her," he said. Chandramohan said he would take Nisha and his wife, Wong Lai Lan, 22, to shop for

By T.K. Letchumy Tamboo t.k.letchumy@mmail.com.my

Deepavali clothes. "Since Nisha loved to wear dresses with hats, we would always buy such dresses for her. However, like last year, when I strolled around the shops and saw dresses in new designs, my heart ached that I could not see my daughter wearing them. "So, just to feel better, I bought some clothes for my elder brother's sons instead." Chandramohan said it has been one year and four months since Nisha went missing but memories of her remain fresh. "During Deepavali when Nisha was around, we would visit relatives and friends at open houses. We also had our own open house and

Nisha loved to eat Deepavali cookies. "Now, we avoid such functions. This is the second year that we are not having an open house." He said Nisha's belongings were still kept in their original place because the family could not bear to part with them. "Nisha's clothes are still neatly folded and kept in her cupboard. Her picture still hangs in our living room." The family frequently contacts Temerloh police to get updates on the search for Nisha. Chandramohan is still hopeful his daughter will be returned to him and Wong one day. "I have not given up hope that she will be coming home to us. We pray for her well-


WAITING FOR NEWS: Chandramohan and Wong have not given up hope of finding Nisha (top)


Slashed bodyguard shoots robbers DESPITE being slashed with a parang, a businessman's bodyguard shot and injured two men in an attempted robbery in Jalan SS13/1K, USJ1 here yesterday. The incident happened at 4.30pm when the businessman, who is a 'Datuk', had gone to his scrap metal yard behind the Summit USJ Shopping Mall with his brother and the bodyguard to finalise a business deal. Subang Jaya district acting police chief Supt Tan Ah Chua said they waited in the businessman's car outside the scrap metal yard. When a lorry arrived, the businessman got out of his car to have a discussion with two workers inside the lorry. It is believed they were discussing a business deal involving 12 tonnes of copper. The businessman had brought along a briefcase containing RM200,000. When the discussion ended about five minutes later, a man in his 20 suddenly approached the businessman and ordered him to open the briefcase. “Fearing for his life, the businessman opened the

being every day. Please inform us if you have seen her. For us, Deepavali will not be the same until she comes home," he said. Nisha, who is epileptic, went missing after she was taken for a walk by her mother's aunt at a park near her home in Taman Bukit Bendera, Mentakab, on June 4 last year. Wong and Chandramohan were at work then. The aunt, who is mentally ill, was found wandering alone at about 10pm the same day. Nisha's parents lodged a missing person's report. Police and MIC Youth set up a special task force to look for Nisha. Anyone with information on Nisha may contact the police or Chandramohan at 016-9353400.

LOOKING FOR CLUES: A police forensics team at the scene of the attempted robbery. Pic: Arif Kartono

briefcase when a car with four men inside arrived and parked beside his car,” said Tan. At this point, the man who ordered the businessman to open his briefcase fled, and three men, who were armed with an axe and parangs, got out of their car and stormed the businessman’s car. They attacked the bodyguard who was inside the car with the businessman's brother. “The 44-year-old bodyguard was slashed on his right arm and thigh but he man-

aged to pull out his pistol and fire four shots,” said Tan. The shots hit two robbers in their abdomen but the other two escaped without the loot. Police, who were alerted, detained five suspects — the two injured robbers, the man who ordered the businessman to open the briefcase and the two men in the lorry. They also issued an alert to hospitals and clinics as they believe one of the two robbers who escaped had sustained a gunshot wound.

Burglars ransack and torch pilot's house

RMAF pilot Lt-Col Azhar Muhammad, 46, has been on numerous tours of duty in conflict zones such as Timor Leste and Lebanon. But nothing could have prepared him to face his own personal "war zone" in Beranang, Selangor. The air force veteran rushed from Gong Kedak airbase in Jerteh, Terengganu, to his home in Bandar Tasik Kesuma here after finding out burglars had broken into it. Not only had the burglars made off with his valuables, they also torched his home. Azhar told The Malay Mail in a telephone interview yesterday he received a call from his neighbour about 3am on Sunday informing him of the incident. “I could not believe it when my neighbour told me my house was on fire," he said. "When t he neig hb our called, he told me the blaze had already consumed part of my house. I had no choice but to rush to Beranang." Wh e n A z h ar re a c h e d

By AIZAT SHARIF aizat@mmail.com.my

his house in Bandar Tasik Kesuma five-and-a-half hours later, the house was in shambles. “It was like a war zone, everything was scattered everywhere. All my furniture and electrical appliances were gone. The first floor ceiling collapsed and the ground floor was filled with water sprayed by Fire and Rescue Department personnel,” said Azhar. Despite that, he was grateful no one was at home at the time of the incident. He said his wife was staying with him at the airbase since their two daughters, in their early 20s, are studying at a college in the Klang Valley. He said they only returned to the house, which was bought in 2006, during weekends. Azhar said the first time the house was broken into was in 2007, when burglars made off with valuables

worth RM25,000. "This time, I estimated the losses to be around RM500,000," he said. Kajang police chief ACP Ab Rashid Ab Wahab said police were on the lookout for the burglars. “Our initial investigations revealed the suspects to be a splinter group of the pyromaniac burglars we busted earlier this month,” said Ab Rashid. Police believe the burglars had lit up several sections of Azhar's house, including the master bedroom, the daughters' rooms and the living room, after ransacking the house. Early this month, police arrested three men linked to more than 30 house break-ins and robbery cases in Kajang, Cheras and Balakong. The suspects, who were picked up in Semenyih, had an unusual calling card — they would torch the couch, dining table, curtains and other items of some of the houses they broke into.

TUESday 25 OCTOBER, 2011

the malay mail




The Centre for Orang Asli Concerns received the 2011 United Nations Organisation of the Year Award yesterday — Resident coordinator of the UN in Malaysia Kamal Malhotra

The Malay Mail Tuesday 25 October, 2011


Bazaar organisers under fire Exorbitant rentals charged and licences sold to foreigners, says deputy minister

By Hamzah Nazari hamzah@mmail.com.my

FEDERAL Territories and Urban Wellbeing Deputy Minister Datuk M. Saravanan (pic) has lashed out at the Brickfields Deepavali bazaar organisers, who he claimed charged exorbitant rental and "sold" licences to foreigners. At a Press conference at City Hall yesterday, he said the authorities had conducted a surprise check in Jalan Tun Sambanthan recently and found at least three stalls being run by foreigners. "However, within a few minutes, the stall owners appeared and claimed the foreigners were their employees," he said. He said they had also discovered, through a police report, that a trader had paid RM2,900 for a stall from an organisation, despite City Hall issuing the licences at only RM120. Saravanan said the organisations had requested the licences for their members but were found to have sold them instead. "The licences for several stalls have been revoked as foreigners are not permitted

WAY TOO HIGH: Some petty traders paid up to RM3500 for their stalls this festive season — Pic: Hamzah Nazari

to operate or own stalls in designated areas during the festive season," he said, adding that next year, City Hall may not involve petty trader o r g a n i s at i o n s in the licensing of festive stalls if the problems persisted. The Brickfields I n d i a n Pe t t y T r a d e r s Association Kuala Lumpur, however, said if traders were unwilling to pay the high prices, they would not return year after year.

Its chairman, Gobal Rajee, said the price of the lots included canopy rental, electricity, as well as security, maintenance and cleaning services besides the licence fees. He said the lots located beneath the KL Monorail station were on private property and cost an additional RM1,000 which was paid to the owner of the property. He said the licences issued by City Hall were for lots measuring six by three feet, while

the association's measured 10 by 10 feet. Gobal also addressed allegations that a high number of foreigners were operating in the area, stating that many local traders had struck deals with foreign suppliers to obtain goods under consignment. "Local traders would obtain the goods with a promise to pay the suppliers, mostly from India and Pakistan, at the end of each trading day," he said. "The suppliers are forced to hang around to ensure collection as a few locals disappeared days after receiving the goods."

Fire and fighting at festive stalls THE majority of stall owners in the area were happy with the services provided by the petty trader organisations. However, some argued the price of stalls was too expensive but were left with no choice in order to obtain the stalls. Almost all claimed their profits had been hampered by foreigners selling goods at lower prices which they could not match. The Malay Mail visited the area yesterday and spoke to several stall owners with the majority claiming they had paid between RM1,440 and RM3,500 for the stalls with the higher priced ones located below the KL Monorail station. Some even claimed that their goods had been stolen by other stalls. "My workers were involved in a fight with another stall after RM4,000 of our goods were stolen by a rival stall,"

said an operator who requested anonymity. Another stall operator claimed that part of his canopy had been burned earlier that morning, which also resulted in damage to some of their goods. He claimed the stall owners decided against making a police report as it would be better to just continue until Deepavali. Brickfields Indian Petty Traders Association Kuala Lumpur chairman Gobal Rajee said the altercations between locals and suppliers were due to misunderstandings about price differences and that marshals were provided during the day to assist the police who were already patrolling the area. However, he was unable to provide round the clock security and asked stall owners look after their own goods at all times.


Workshops on English programme for Tamil schools end on bright note CARLSBERG Malaysia hosted a special early Deepavali luncheon to mark the successful completion of a series of training workshops attended by teachers from Tamil schools for the English Essential programme and the presentation of the English Essentials workbooks. The early celebration, held at SRJK (T) Kajang recently, was attended by 100 headmasters, teachers, students and parents. The workshop trained students in 282 selected Tamil primary schools comprising 53 per cent of all Tamil schools nationwide and had been endorsed by the Tamil School Headmasters Council. By the end of the programme, 9,000 students and teachers in the Tamil schools had been provided the training by Carlsberg Malaysia. The company also funded printing and distribution of 100,000 English Essentials workbooks to be used by teachers and students to improve

English in Tamil schools. Those who attended the celebration were Carlsberg Malaysia deputy managing director Datuk Chin Voon Loong, group and marketing communications senior manager Pearl Lai, and Tamil School Headmasters Council chairman P. S. Doraisamy. Chin said: “Education and good English proficiency opens up more options for students to develop themselves and decide their future careers. We believe all students should be given the opportunity to improve themselves and build a hope and aspire to be successful when they grow up." "The English Essentials programme covering 53 per cent of Tamil schools in the country is only the beginning of our long term programme to support Tamil schools,” said Doraisamy, adding he appreciated Carlsberg Malaysia's effort and hoped the programme would be extended to the rest of the Tamil schools in Malaysia.

THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT: Chin with dancers from SRJK (T) Kajang and beneficiaries of the English Essentials Workbook

TUESday 25 OCTOBER, 2011

the malay mail



The Malay Mail Tuesday 25 october, 2011


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Complainants have to submit their personal particulars and provide a detailed account of their complaint. Complainants have to first file their complaints with the respective parties before contacting Hotline. Complaints referred by Hotline to the relevant parties would be published if there is no response in seven days. After a complaint has been resolved, the complainant cannot demand non-publication of the matter.


A flyover too far

Rawang residents make risky U-turns along Jln Templer as new overpass not yet opened RESIDENTS of Taman Amansiara, Rawang, are dicing with death making Uturns along Jalan Templer to head for the city as a pair of newly-completed flyovers linked to the housing area is still closed to them. One of them, S. RAMESH, says when he bought a home there five years ago, the developer, Wirama Sdn Bhd, promised to build flyovers to link the area of 2,000 residents to Jalan Templer, the main artery for either city- or northbound traffic. Till today, he says KL-bound residents are still unable to use one of the flyovers, which were completed two months ago, as they are blocked by gravel-and-soil barriers. "During their construction, we had to U-turn along Jalan Templer, one and two kilometres away from our homes, to get to the city-bound lane. It was dangerous, especially at night, as there were no street lights. "When we complained to the Public Works Department on the absence of street

lights, it closed the turnings instead and we had to drive another five kilometres just to make another U-turn, close to Rawang town." He says the department explained the closures were made for safety reasons but he is puzzled over the moves as there are no street lights at the third U-turn either. "Accidents had occurred along these turnings, especially at night, as motorists could not see the road properly and even missed the turnings sometime. "I hope the authorities can let us know when the flyovers will be opened to public as the current situation is not only inconvenient but dangerous." ● A SPOKESMAN for the Gombak Public Works Department says the flyovers are still under the developer's jurisdiction. "Our department has not received any road safety audit report from the developer to allow us to inspect the flyovers to see if everything is in order. Only after an in-

NO ENTRY: A gravel-and-earth barricade to prevent motorists from entering one of the flyovers

RISKY: One of the danger U-turns along Jalan Templer that has been closed down

spection is carried out can we approve the flyovers for public use." A Kuala Lumpur Public Works Department spokesperson says the stretch of Jalan Templer where the U-

SNEAKING IN: Taking a hazardous shortcut through the overpass

turns are located is under the developer. "We can only install the street lights after the stretch is handed over to us." Meanwhile, Wirama Sdn Bhd general manager Y.K.

Phang says the company's representative have met with residents on Oct 15. "At the meeting, we made a commitment to them that we would submit the road safety audit report to the

Public Works Department by end of this month." When contacted, RAMESH hopes both the department and developer will work together to resolve the matter soon.

Losing sleep over lumpy beds NORLAILA DOL is unhappy two spring mattresses she bought from Courts Mammoth in Shah Alam last November have 'prematurely' worn out. In July, she says the top layer had thinned with the coil spring lines visible.

“It is difficult to sleep on them because you can feel the springs under you.” As the mattresses were under a three-year warranty, NORLAILA called Courts to get them replaced. “I first called on July 21, but till now, there had

TAKE NOTE 1. Alam Flora Sdn Bhd is deploying its crews to clean and unclog drains in places under its jurisdiction. For information or feedback, call toll-free 1-800-880-880 or email feedback@ alamflora.com.my 2. Petaling Jaya City Council is compounding and towing vehicles that double parked or are parked on yellow lines. A fine of up to RM100 will be slapped for illegal parking or the owner must pay a RM300 compound to get back the towed away vehicle. 3.Tenaga Nasional Bhd warns meter-tampering is an offence under the Electricity Supply Act 1990. For such cases, backdated bills are calculated based on usage over a period of time to determine when a drastic drop is recorded.

not been no action.” She says a customer service representative told her the items would be taken away by the suppliers for repairs. “I want my mattresses replaced, not repaired. How are my sons going to sleep without

one?” NORLAILA wants Courts Mammoth to resolve the matter quickly. ● COURTS MALAYSIA SDN BHD national service manager Nazri Zainol says the re-

placement mattresses are due to arrive to their warehouse on Oct 28 following an order made to the supplier a month ago. He says the mattresses are expected to be delivered to NORLAILA’s house from the

warehouse. “We have also contacted the customer and apologised to her for the delay.” NORLAILA confirms being notified of this but is waiting to see if the mattresses reach her.

Online comments www.mmail.com.my Down at high-end street (Oct 21) ● FUNNY thing is the management refuse to listen to customers' feedback and tenants' suggestions for improvement. They rather engage an outside consultant and pay top dollars than listening to free advice. I can't imagine what happens when the place is fully occupied. There simply isn't enough parking. — Anonymous ● IT is a place with a very good potential as it has got every-

thing around it; hawkers' food, international cuisine, shopping and mamak restaurant, etc. The business owners are correct. The place needs more marketing and good signage instead of hiked up parking rates. It is not a secluded location but is close to the more high-end Mont Kiara and Hartamas. There are big name anchors that are advertised in the front of the building, so some of the grouses of the tenants don't stand. However, the management need to stop

wasting time and speed up the re-planning stage before the place gets a bad impression. — Michele ● THE Solaris Dutamas is based on a 'closed', selfcontained concept, but without the crowd, it is just a maze. The public will find it intimidating to maneuver from front to back of the shops/ office, not knowing whether they are at the correct block. The signs are insufficient. — Bolehtahan

In 'cold' blood (Oct 10) ● THE staff must be more proactive. Train and equip them with the relevant skills. — Anonymous Roadside parking squeeze (Oct 10) ● TOW all the vehicles and impose a 30-day no-return policy for those who double park and park on yellow lines! Malaysians will never learn when others are nice to them; only when they get a rude awakening. — Jojo

The Malay Mail Tuesday 25 octoBER, 2011

I would like to assure the international community that we as Libyans are Muslims but moderate Muslims — Libya's interim leader Mustafa Abdel Jalil

Gaddafi no longer on show But few Libyans are troubled about either how they were killed or why they had been kept exposed to public view for so long, something against Islamic tradition which normally dictates burial within a day. "God made the pharaoh as an example to the others," said Salem Shaka, visiting the bodies yesterday. "If he had been a good man, we would have buried him. "But he chose this destiny for himself." — Reuters


Bangkok set for unstoppable floodwaters MILLIONS of people in the Thai capital nervously prepared for advancing and seemingly unstoppable floodwaters yesterday after residents in areas deemed most at threat were urged to leave. Bangkok authorities warned that large volumes of water were flowing towards the low-lying

capital and were closing in on six of Bangkok's 50 districts, including areas just north of the city centre. A major test is expected between Oct 28 and 30 when seasonal high tides flow up Bangkok's Chao Phraya river, meeting run-off water from the north. — AFP


Desperate hunt for survivors in Turkey RESCUERS scrambled through the rubble in a desperate search yesterday for survivors of an earthquake that killed at least 264 people in Turkey as residents fled the scenes of devastation. People living in eastern Van province issued cries for help on Twitter, giving out the addresses of collapsed buildings and the number of people trapped under the debris, as hundreds of rescuers worked round the clock.

full to bursting: People crowd a beach in Qingdao, eastern China's Shandong province. Experts say dealing with the elderly will be a major problem in the future — AFPpic


Imagine all the people Studies find global population will peak at nine billion in 2070 before falling

SAVED: Residents help pull a man from the rubble of a collapsed building yesterday — AFPpic

Two children were plucked alive from the wreckage of a collapsed building in the town of Ercis but it was a rare slice of good news in an otherwise grim task for the rescue teams. A total of 264 people were confirmed to have been killed by the 7.2 magnitude earthquake which struck around lunchtime on Sunday, according to Idris Naim Sener, the country's interior minister. — AFP

IF the world follows the demographic habits of Europe, by the year 2200, it could be home to a population of less than half its current level, living in housing built for almost three times that number. With the global population estimated to pass seven billion on Oct 31, many of policymakers' short-term worries revolve around providing resources for the additional 2-3 billion people expected to be born in the next half-century. Numbers of this magnitude inevitably conjure up terrifying visions of shortage and chaos. But in fact, improvements in food production and technology have allowed population growth to continue unimpeded and relatively smoothly, and the real potential nightmare is of a rapidly aging population, combined with collapsing birthrates in both rich and poor States. Exact predictions vary but most projections suggest the global population will peak

at around nine billion around 2070 and then start to fall, perhaps very fast. By 2030, more than a third of the population in a number of Western States as well as some Asian economies, such as Japan and Korea, will be aged over 65. Many developing States, most notably China with its one-child policy but also a growing number of other nations, will follow suit — often without the financial resources to help pay for the cost of medical and nursing care. Some remain optimistic. "This will be a much older world but it will also be a much more educated world," said Sergei Scherbov, research group leader at the Vienna Institute of Demography. "Pe ople are b e coming healthier. I personally think we will adjust to these things." Scherbov and colleagues at the World Population Programme of the International


Feng shui adviser shunned as RM40b estate goes to charity HONG KONG'S top court yesterday threw out a feng shui master's claim to the multi-billion-dollar estate of late property tycoon Nina Wang (pic), ending a legal drama that gripped the city for years.

Acting Chief Justice Patrick Chan upheld a lower court's ruling that Tony Chan's claim was groundless, putting an end to the bartender-turned-fortune teller's battle to prove himself as Wang's rightful beneficiary.


Fernandez strolls to victory

MISRATA Libya's interim rulers ended the public display of the bodies of Muammar Gaddafi, his son and army chief yesterday after four days in which thousands of Libyans came to see for themselves that the dictator was really dead. Guards locked the gates to the compound surrounding the cold storage container where the grim parody of the lying in state typically accorded to deceased leaders had been played out.


"The court has decided to dismiss the application. The reasons will be handed down later," the chief judge told the packed courtroom. Wang died of cancer in 2007 at the age of 69.

She left behind an estate worth an estimated US$13 billion (RM40.7 bil), which became the subject of a bitter feud between Chan, who claimed he and Wang were lovers, and a charity controlled by her siblings. — AFP

Institute for Applied Systems Analysis have put considerable effort into the near-impossible task of predicting the world's population over the coming two centuries. At one extreme, if the world's fertility rate were to fall to the same level as that of Shanghai, at around 0.8 per couple, then by the early 22nd century population would be falling so fast that it would be under a billion by 2150. If it were closer to the European Union average of 1.5 then population would fall below 5 billion around 2140 and 3 billion by 2200. In contrast, maintaining the current rate of 2.5 would see it top 15 billion by 2100. Those projections (http:// l i n k . re ut e r s . c o m / h e t 5 4 s ) assume global life expectancy continues to rise. Should it not, the population slump would be faster still. "Unpredictability is huge," he says. "(But) it could be a very odd world." — Reuters

ARGENTINA'S centre-leftist president, Cristina Fernandez (pic), won a landslide re-election victory as voters credited her unconventional policies for a long economic boom. The result marks a change of fortunes for a leader who some critics once said might have to leave power early as protests by farmers and middle-class voters battered her approval ratings after she took office. With votes in from 96 per cent of polling stations, Fernandez had almost 54 per cent of the vote. No Argentine leader has won such a big share of the vote since General Juan Domingo Peron was elected for the third time with 62 per cent in 1973. — AFP

Islamists claim lead in Tunisia TUNISIA'S main Islamist party claimed yesterday to have captured about 40 per cent of the vote in the country's first free polls, as the cradle of the Arab Spring basked in praise for its democratic revolution. Official results were only due today but provisional results released by some media outlets appeared to confirm Ennahda's prediction that it would be the dominant force in Tunisia's constituent assembly. The leader of the secular centre-left PDP party, tipped as Ennahda's main challengers before the vote, conceded defeat. — AFP

'Paranormal 3' tops box-office HORROR movie Paranormal Activity 3 jolted awake a sleepy movie box office with an estimated US$80 million (RM250.8 mil) in global ticket sales over the weekend. The movie is a prequel about two young sisters and their creepy encounters with an invisible presence in their home, all recorded by surveillance cameras. Don Harris, Paramount's president of domestic distribution, said: "This is the best of the series. It was well-reviewed," Harris said, adding that "people like to be scared in a Hitchcock-ian way. This isn't a bloody franchise." — Reuters

WikiLeaks too broke for now THE whistleblowing website WikiLeaks said yesterday it was suspending publishing classified US diplomatic files to focus instead on fundraising "to ensure our future survival". The group said that as a result of a financial "blockade" mounted by Visa, Mastercard and other organisations, it was "now forced to temporarily suspend its publishing operations and aggressively fundraise". — AFP

10 lifestyle

The Malay Mail Tuesday 25 october, 2011

Taking the organic route for lips By SITI NURSURAYA ALI suraya@mmail.com.my GOING organic is the trend today. People are going organic from their choice of food and clothing to the cosmetics that they use. The word “organic" simply means agricultural products produced without hormones, pesticides, artificial fertilisers or other synthetic additives. Thus, going the organic route simply means opting for the healthier alternative since it is natural and safe without the use of chemicals and artificial substances. With most things

available in the organic version today, Rohto-Mentholatum is also introducing its Organic Certified Lipbalm as an option for its lipbalm users who want all things natural. Mentholatum’s Organic Certified Lipbalm is made from 100 per cent natural ingredients with 97 per cent of the ingredients from organic sources. Ingredients used in formulating this lipbalm are free from synthetic chemical inputs (for example, pesticides, preservatives, and chemical fertilisers), genetically modified organisms, and artificial colours. The lipbalm is made from blends of imported organic ingredients from renowned organic farms including olive oil, shea butter, jojoba oil and beeswax that deeply moisturise and nourish the lips. It also contains Vitamin E, and antioxidant-rich extracts that

help prevent premature aging and maintain healthy youthfullooking lips. Olive oil is high in antioxidants and is rich in Vitamin E. It also acts as an anti-aging agent and enhances the appearance of the skin. Shea butter, a solid fatty oil derived from nuts, promotes cell regeneration, rejuvenates the skin and functions as a natural sun shield. Jojoba oil, another powerful ingredient used in this product contains antimicrobial properties, which helps in the healing of sores and wounds. It also contains nutrients that are essential for the skin such as Vitamin E, B Complex, and other essential minerals. Beeswax, an essential ingredient found in Mentholatum’s Organic Certified Lipbalm is able to help reduce the chances of developing chapped lips. It functions as a barrier on the skin,

protecting it against irritants while allowing the skin to breathe. Using organic lipbalm is not only safe but also helps improve the conditions of the skin so that skin reactions to allergies, constant dryness, chapped and cracked lips can be eliminated. Lips instead will be naturally moisturised, healthy, plumped-up while at the same time maintains that natural pink healthy lip colour. Mentholatum’s Organic Certified Lipbalm has one flavour to offer but it is a unique mix of raspberry and strawberry. This lipbalm is available at all leading pharmacies and major supermarket outlets at RM19.90 each from Jan 1 next year.

The Malay Mail Tuesday 25 october, 2011

lifestyle 11

Gripping look at death penalty By Dr david anadarajoo lifestyle@mmail.com.my Title: The Confession Author: John Grisham Publisher: Random House Love him or hate him, John Grisham is a great story teller and his tales — whether they are courtroom dramas or simply about the rustic life — never fail to evoke some kind of emotion in his readers. Inevitably, his stories have the David vs Goliath theme and revolve around small town lawyers who are pitted against the juggernauts of big city legal firms. Often characterised as simplistic stories that lack plausible plots and developed characters, Grisham has the knack of spinning suspenseful, compelling narratives that display his extensive legal knowledge. Almost literary in his narratives, who can forget such gems as "the ominious vapour of suspicious fire” when describing racially instigated fires in The Confession. Grisham has stated: "I write to grab readers. This isn't serious lit-

erature.” But like any serious writer, he has cause célèbre in almost all his books. Acutely aware of the disadvantage of being coloured in the southern states of the US, Grisham weaves his thesis on racism, injustice and corruption in either the opening statements, summation cross examination of witnesses and the dialogue of the characters in his books. In The Confession, Grisham focuses on the death penalty...a recurring theme in many of his novels. The legal adage that it is better to let nine guilty men go than to hang one innocent man is thoroughly explored in The Confession, Grisham's latest courtroom novel. The subject matter of this disturbing book is the death penalty. Specifically, wrongful prosecution and the miscarriage of justice. It is a story about a serial sex offender whose life is coming to an end because of a terminal illness. His confession, which could exonerate a young black man who has been wrongly accused,

MPH Best-Seller LIST Non-fiction 1. A Doctor in the House: The Memoirs of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad 2. The 3rd Alternative: Solving Life's Most Difficult Problems by Stephen R. Covey 3. Conversations With Myself by Nelson Mandela 4. Wonders of the World: 100 Incredible and Inspir-

ing Places on Earth by Igloo Books Ltd 5. Lee Kuan Yew: Hard Truths to Keep Singapore Going by Han Fook Kwang, et al 6. Personality Plus at Work: How to Work Successfully with Anyone by Florence Littauer, Rose Sweet 7. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive — 101 Inspirational Stories about

Counting Your Blessings and Having a Positive Attitude by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen & Amy Newmark 8. Faces of Fortune: The 20 Tycoons to Bet on Over the Next 10 Years by Tee Lin Say 9. The Night the Angels Came by Cathy Glass 10. Arguably: Essays by Christopher Hitchens

Jeffrey Archer 5. The Help by Kathryn Stockett 6. Legacy by Danielle Steel 7. The Sense Of An Ending (2011 Man Booker Prize) by Julian Barnes

8. The Christmas Wedding by James Patterson 9. Sexiest Vampire Alive by Kerrelyn Sparks 10. In Pursuit of Eliza Cynster by Stephanie Laurens

Haji Md Hashim Yahaya 4. Beduk Diketuk by Pahrol Mohd Juoi 5. Notes To The Prime Minister: The Untold Story Of How Malaysia Beat The Currency Speculators by Wong Sulong 6. Patriots & Pretenders by Kua Kia Soong 7. Khalifah Ganti Superman: Strategi dan Senjata Paling Penting ialah Menjadikan Bisnes

Satu Jihad… Teras Sistem Ekonomi Khalifah by Muhammad Ali Hashim 8. Air Mata Ibu: Setitis Air Mata Ibu yang Tumpah dek Penderhakaan Anak Akan Menyemarakkan Api Neraka by Norani Abd Hamid 9. 9 July 2011 What Really Happened by Nathaniel Tan 10. Ps, I Laugh You! by David Tong


1. The Time of My Life by Cecelia Ahern 2. The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks 3. Room by Emma Donoghue 4. Only Time Will Tell by convicted and sentenced to die in Huntsville, Texas. Can the lawyers get a final reprieve in time before an innocent man is sent to his death? All the reasons why the death penalty is just a barbaric act that cannot be tolerated by any civil and democratic society are explored and expounded in The Confession. In the end, the question must be asked “How do you undo an execution?” You can't because it just cannot be done.

Local Author 1. A Doctor in the House: The Memoirs of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad 2. Hotel Tales: A Little Adventure and Some Unexpected Tales by Hanley Chew 3. Ensiklopedia Solat: Kombinasi Fakta Hukum dan Sains (Fiqah, Falsafah, Sejarah, Saintifik) (Ilustrasi & Foto Menarik) by Datuk

• Weekly list compiled by MPH Bookstores, Mid Valley Megamall, Kuala Lumpur; www.mphonline.com

12 lifestyle LICKING your lips as your mouth waters would be some of the involuntary reactions you may experience when in the presence of good food. Of course, that wouldn’t appear to be very dignified but your fellow diners would be doing the same thing too when such exquisite food from Crystal Jade Restaurant is served to you. The Chinese fine-dining restaurant that’s known for its extensive range of Cantonese and Teochew cuisine will awaken all your five senses with some of its new fusion-inspired (and interesting) items on the menu. FOR STARTERS: DUCK TONGUE AND THEN SOME… Before we were acquainted with the new dishes, we were served duck tongue to start off the meal. Right, so we know that the Chinese can eat literally everything and won’t let any part of the animal go to waste, but duck tongue set our own tongues wagging! The texture was similar to pig’s ears (soft, a little crunchy and slightly rubbery), topped off with a special Teochew sauce and infused with Chinese herbs and sesame oil. It felt like we were on the TV show, Bizarre Foods because it does make you feel slightly squeamish when you’re literally, well, tongue locked with another animal. But this dish is definitely worth a try and you can boast to your friends that you had eaten a very exotic delicacy. We were then served the small portions of each new item one after another and the first two appetisers were the“chilled sliced bitter gourd with plum sauce” (RM10) and “double-boiled soup with sea whelk, chicken, star fruit and pomelo” (RM28). If you’re not a fan of bitter gourd, just remind yourself that anything bitter is good for your health! “It is one of the best medicines in the form of a

The preparation for what appears to be such a simple dish requires great care as the bitter gourd is cut into slices and scalded with boiling water then washed with cold and iced water, and finally mixed with iced plum sauce. The double soup was up next featuring a strange looking sea creature called the By KARINA FOO sea whelk… which is actually a karina@mmail.com.my snail. This writer only found out after eating it. Lovely! NOT a fan of snails and forget about eating them, but there they were, submerged in the soup ready to be eaten. So, it tasted a little like abalone while the chicken, star fruit and pomelo gave the soup an interesting array of textures and aromas. If snails also make your skin crawl, this special sea whelk that’s flown in live from Vietnam might change your mind, (just don’t entertain your thoughts that it is related to its slimy cousins on land…) The other ingredients of the soup are conpoy, Cordycep flower, dried longan and wolf berry. Double boiling the soup uses a method where one places the soup pot over ERFUL: Yam another pot of boiling water to WEIRD BUT WOND kin pudding let everything cook slowly at a ice cream with pump from tion oc nc low temperature for several co a e lik ks loo hours. The Cantonese believe outerspace that this will let the soup ingredients slowly release their vegetable-fruit that has vitamins nutrients and have them “locked” and minerals to help cool down in the soup. This makes the dish the body,” explained Stella To, suitable for anyone who’s feeling vice president of Crystal Jade tired and under the weather as it Culinary Concepts Holding. is nourishing but not too hearty With bitter gourd’s powerful or rich. antioxidant properties, it helps flush out the toxins in your THE MAINS: A HEALTHY body and is also recommended BALANCE OF PORK, PRAWNS for diabetics because of its AND VEGETABLES hypoglycemic agent, Charantin, If you love spice, the “braised that helps lower blood sugar prawn with superior sauce in levels. The bitterness only hits casserole” (RM46), has just the you about three seconds into right amount of chili that’ll make chewing it, but for someone your mouth water even more. who has a palate that doesn’t “We use a mixture of sauces that usually approve of bitter gourd, are made from ginger, garlic, this was a pleasant surprise. shallot, vinegar and sugar to

SIMPLE YET ELABORATE: Braised prawn with superior sauce in casserole

HIGH FIBRE: Fried rice with sssorted grains in hot stone pot

Awaken your fi

Crystal Jade Restaurant offers avant-garde cre enhance the flavours,”said To. The chef did an impressive cooking demonstration to show how these sauces and ingredients were added one after the other to create this simple but delicious dish with fresh and pristine prawns. Pork lovers won’t be disappointed with the special “deep fried spare ribs and French champagne” — in a shot glass to boot! (RM28) The pork is fried until it turns into a medium golden brown and the diner pours the champagne over it. It gives the pork a slight fruity and sweet taste and that’s because 7Up, Coke and lemon juice was added to the champagne to create this explosion of flavours. If you still have more champagne in the glass, just chug it down the hatch! Now if you’re already feeling guilty for indulging in the pork, the “fried rice with assorted grains” served in a hot stone pot (RM20), will instantly make you forget about the calorie overhaul. The rice is made from round grains and fried with Adzuki bran, wheat, soybean and corn — all making a low fat and highly nutritious dish with full of fibre and soy protein. “It can help to lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes if you eat more whole grains and beans,” said

NOURISHING: Chilled sliced bittergourd with plum sauce To. Of course, when the beans added some crunchiness to the texture, you’d want to eat more of this dish. Yes, healthy can be tasty! DESSERT: WELCOME TO MARS… The meal ended with an unusual looking ice-cream dessert, “yam ice cream with

pumpkin pudding”, that was topped with a wiry silver looking ball of yarn. The silver “wires” were sugar and it looked like a mini-Alien monument with multicoloured sugar beads tossed randomly through and around it. The yam ice cream and pudding only had a tinge of sweetness, so this is perfect if you

WHOLESOME: Double-boiled sea whelk and chicken with starfruit and pomelo

The Malay Mail Tuesday 25 OCTOBER, 2011

PRIVATE: The dining area in the restaurant


Time for a spree Deepavali bazaar presents 224 booths and thousands of products for last minute shoppers

GOODIES GALORE: Textiles, festive decorations, clothes and so on are all on sale

five senses

eations for the discerning

women, household products, accessories and jewellery for women. Household products, furniture and various Indian food and delicacies will also be sold. Bring your big shopping bags and come on down to this giant bazaar at KL Sentral open carpark, Brickfields in Kuala Lumpur from 12pm to 10.30pm. —By KARINA FOO


Crystal Jade Kitchen is located at: The Pavilion, KL Lot 1.17, Level 1. Tel: 03-2148-9115  For more information, visit www.crystaljade. com

Crystal Jade Restaurant is located at: The Gardens, Mid Valley, Lot T210, Third Floor. Tel: 03-2283-3129

OUT OF THE BOX: Pork ribs with champagne

HOW TO PLAY Sudoku X is a simple variation of Sudoku with the only difference being the squares in white (which make up the numeral X) need to tally from 1 to 9 along with the remaining coloured squares.


prefer milder tasting desserts. If you want to add more sugar, simply chew on the silver sugar and the sugar beads also add an interesting crunchy texture to the soft cream and pudding. “Crystal Jade has evolved to be more contemporary in terms of the new interior design of our restaurants and the choices of food available. We’ve recently added more healthy options for customers who are health and diet conscious. Dim Sum and noodles are still our speciality and is served every day at lunch together with regular items on the menu,” said To.

THERE’S still one more day to do your last minute Deepavali shopping and get the best bargains at the 10th Deepavali Carnival, 2011 that ends today at 10.30pm. With 224 booths and thousands of products being sold at bargain prices, you’ll be going dizzy with the abundant choices of textiles, sarees, clothing for men and


the malay mail

TUESday 25 OCTOBER, 2011

TUESday 25 OCTOBER, 2011

the malay mail




the malay mail

Tuesday 25 OCTOBER, 2011

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Tuesday 25 OCTOBER, 2011

the malay mail















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Tuesday 25 OCTOBER, 2011 M580










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Let us make this Malaysia Cup match an opportunity for us to show professionalism among the spectators — Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek


National horse show NSC, NSI slammed for being spendthrift The AG's report: "The purchase of the horses was made without any offer letter or agreement that defines the responsibilities of the supplier. NSI will not be protected if a dispute arises. NSI must obtain the approval of the Treasury for purchases made through direct negotiations. The "Program Binaan Atlet" allocation should be used for the development of athletes and not for advertisements. Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) secretary Datuk Sieh Kok Chi chided the NSC for their lack of transparency. "NSC's accounts have never been passed to the stakeholders. I don't think anyone has seen their accounts. There must be transparency in sports," said Kok Chi. Among those who sit on the NSC board include OCM president Tunku Imran Tuanku Jaafar and vice-president Low Beng Choo. "Those who approve the budget must be held responsible," Kok Chi added.

Other findings in the AG's report  BA of Malaysia owe the Merdeka Stadium Corporation (MSC) rent for Putra Stadium, Juara Stadium and hostel at Bukit Kiara totalling RM1.33m since 2007. BAM also still owe the MSC RM110,000 for renting the Putra Stadium for the 2000 Thomas and Uber Cups. A total of 124 reminders were issued since 2007 to 2010 but BAM have yet to pay their dues.  Late payment of grants by NSC to the National Sports Association including Malaysian Ten-pin Bowling Congress, Malaysian Golf Association, Squash and Racquets Association of Malaysia, OCM, Malaysian Amateur Athletics Union, Malaysian Gymnastics Federation and the Malaysian Yachting Association.

By HARESH DEOL haresh@mmail.com.my

A L M O S T R M 6 m i l l i on was spent to purchase 23 horses. Only five qualified to compete in the World Endurance Championship (WEC) 2008. This was among the astonishing findings reported in the Auditor-General's (AG) Report 2010 as the funding arm of the Sports Ministry — the National Sports Council (NSC) — and the National Sports Institute (NSI) continue to draw flak for their spendthrift-like attitude. The findings raise the issue of monitoring the NSC and their spending activities. The AG's report, which was signed off by AuditorGeneral Tan Sri Ambrin Buang (pic), stated a total of RM5.66 million was spent to purchase the 23 horses directly without obtaining the approval from the Treasury. The purchase was made without any offer letter or agreement which specifies the supplier's responsibilities while payment was made to an individual. From the 23 horses, only

 Lawn Tennis Association of Malaysia will have to pay rent or office space and courts to the MSC starting this year.

five competed in the WEC 2008 while the rest — valued at RM3.94 million — did not compete as they did not fulfill the requirements set by the International Equestrian Federation. Some RM21.7 million was approved by the Treasury to host the tournament. The money was channeled to NSC. The NSI, meanwhile, were tasked to prepare the athletes and select the horses with the collaboration of the Equestrian Association of Malaysia. The selection of horses was done by the 2008 WEC committee which included NSI director-general Datuk Dr Ramlan Aziz, veterinarians and the project manager. The repor t stated the "horses were purchased by NSI without obtaining the approval from the Treasury. The money paid to El Rancho Country Club was made on an individual's name". However, NSI defended the purchase, explaining it was made through an agent as it was "cheaper". The horses were not used

for the WEC 2010 and the 2010 Asian Games based on the recommendation by the Sports Ministry as the horses were already handed to several agencies including the Royal Malaysian Police, KL City Hall and University Teknologi Malaysia. A ls o, N S C — he a d e d by director-general Datuk Zolkples Embong — had allocated RM3.65 million for the "Program Binaan Atlet''. Instead, RM2.25 million from that allocation was spent on advertisements in the electronic and print media. Sports Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek asked for time before commenting on the matter. "I'm in my kawasan (area). I got to go through the report again," was his text message to the writer. However, Shaber y had previously issued a warning stating NSC should stick to their core business of developing sports and not go on a purchase spree after the NSC purchased two chalets in Port Dickson.

The Malay Mail Tuesday 25 OCTOBER, 2011


Kunalan's Deepavali wish NEGRI SEMBILAN midfielder S. Kunalan (pic) is head over heels when it comes to muruku. It is his favourite snack during Deepavali but Kunalan will have to watch his diet this time around. Kunalan will be an important ingredient to ensure Negri upstage favourites Terengganu in the Malaysia Cup final at the Shah Alam Stadium on Saturday. "I love muruku and look forward to eating it during Deepavali," said Kunalan. "I will help my family members make muruku and other traditional dishes at our home in Semenyih. It's fun." Kunalan managed to do some shopping with his family members in Brickfields yesterday and will only enjoy a day's off to celebrate the festival of lights tomorrow. "I guess this is an impor-

tant time for the team. We need to focus on our preparation against Terengganu." The nippy footballer is comfor table with Negri Sembilan being the underdogs. "I know the limelight seems to be on Terengganu. They won the FA Cup in June. "We have been inconsistent in the beginning but things are starting to shape up well for the team now. We have a full squad and all of us are eager to give our best. It will be a 50-50 battle but I am bullish of Negri making it through," he added. Meanwhile, the FA of Malaysia (FAM) announced t hat t he ve nu e for t he Malaysia Cup final will remain at the Shah Alam Stadium despite calls for a change of venue due to the bad pitch condition. FAM competition com-

mitte e chair man D atu k Hamidin Amin said the stadium operators, Shah Alam City Council, have assured FAM the pitch will be restored in time for the match on Saturday. He also said a total of 65,000 tickets will be on sale priced at RM50 while children below the age of five will be charged RM5. "The profits will go back to both teams," said Hamidin.


'Kolam' surprise for top golfers By VIJHAY VICK vijhayvick@mmail.com.my

DEFENDING champion Ben Crane, Angel Cabrera and Jhonattan Vegas were given a Deepavali welcome to the Asia Pacific Classic Malaysia at the Mines Resort and Golf Club yesterday. The trio were delighted by a beautifully coloured rice design or kolam and oil lamps surrounding it. "It's nice to know the culture in different countries. I hope I can discover more about this country in the coming days," said Vegas, a PGA Tour rookie. Vegas, who won his first PGA Tour title (Bob Hope Classic) in January, is ready to make a title assault after a three-week break. "It has been a long year but I'm feeling great with a lot of energy. I feel confident and have high expectations for this tournament. "This is a great tournament with a lot of quality players. It will be good to have a good finish against a high quality field like this one," said the Venezuelan. Meanwhile, Cabrera, who has had a rather disappointing year, believes he has hit the right form in time to challenge for the Asia Pacific Classic. He finished sixth at the

VIBRANT COLOURS: (From left) Vegas, Crane and Cabrera pose next to a kolam at the Mines Golf and Country Club — Pic: RAZAK GHAZALI

McGladrey Classic last week. "I finished second in the World Cup here in 1999 but I can't remember the course. I will have to familiarise myself with the greens in the next couple of days," said Cabrera. The Asia Pacific Classic will also showcase five Major title winners in the likes of Vijay Singh, Cabrera, Stewart Cink, Lucas Glover

and David Duval. Between them they have garnered two Masters Green Jackets, three British Open Claret Jugs, two US Opens and two PGA Championship crowns. T h e U S $ 6 . 1 m i l l i on (RM19m) tournament will see 48 golfers compete from Thursday till Sunday. For further information, visit www.cimbasiapacificclassic.com.

TUESDAY 25 october, 2011

the malay mail




I'm sorry for what happened. There was provocation and insult. His behaviour was as bad as mine. — Sevilla's Frederic Kanoute on the fracas with Barcelona's Cesc Fabregas BARCELONA: FOOTBALL/ primera liga

Fixtures WEDNESDAY Juventus v Fiorentina (2.45am) Thursday AC Milan v Parma (2.45am) Atalanta v Int Milan (2.45am) Cesena v Cagliari (2.45am) Chievo v Bologna (2.45am) Genoa v Roma (2.45am) Lazio v Catania (2.45am) Napoli v Udinese (2.45am) Novara v Siena (2.45am) Friday Palermo


Lecce (2.45am)

STANDINGS P W D L F A Pts Udinese 7 4 3 0 10 1 15 Lazio 7 4 2 1 11 7 14 Juventus 7 3 4 0 11 5 13 Cagliari 7 3 3 1 8 5 12 Napoli 7 3 2 2 10 5 11 Roma 7 3 2 2 8 6 11 AC Milan 7 3 2 2 12 11 11 Catania 7 2 4 1 9 10 10 Palermo 7 3 1 3 9 10 10 Fiorentina 7 2 3 2 8 6 9 Siena 7 2 3 2 6 4 9 Genoa 7 2 3 2 11 10 9 Chievo 7 2 3 2 6 6 9 Parma 7 3 0 4 9 13 9 Atalanta 7 4 2 1 10 8 8 Inter Milan 7 2 1 4 9 13 7 Novara 7 1 2 4 10 15 5 Lecce 7 1 1 5 6 13 4 Bologna 7 1 1 5 4 12 4 Cesena 7 0 2 5 2 9 2 (Note: Atalanta deducted six points for match-fixing)

RESULTS SUNDAY Valencia Villarreal

1 0

Ath Bilbao Levante

1 3

Fixtures TOMORROW Granada Sevilla

v Barcelona (2am) v R. Santander (4am)

Thursday Getafe Levante R. Vallecano R. Zaragoza Mallorca Real Madrid

v Osasuna (2am) v R. Sociedad (2am) v Málaga (2am) v Valencia (2am) v S. Gijon (4am) v Villarreal (4am)

Friday Espanyol Ath Bilbao

v Real Betis (2am) v Atle Madrid (4am)

STANDINGS P W Levante 8 6 Real Madrid 8 6 Barcelona 8 5 Sevilla 8 4 Valencia 8 4 Málaga 8 4 R. Betis 8 4 Espanyol 8 4 Atlé Madrid 8 2 Osasuna 8 2 Ath Bilbao 8 2 Mallorca 8 2 R. Vallecano 8 2 R. Zaragoza 8 2 R. Sociedad 8 2 Villarreal 8 1 Getafe 8 1 Granada 8 1 S. Gijon 8 1 R. Santander 8 0

D 2 1 3 4 3 1 0 0 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 4 3 2 1 4

L 0 1 0 0 1 3 4 4 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 5 6 4

F A Pts 14 3 20 28 6 19 26 4 18 8 4 16 11 8 15 10 11 13 10 13 12 7 11 12 9 7 10 9 15 10 11 11 9 7 9 9 8 11 9 9 16 9 7 10 8 7 14 7 6 10 6 2 10 5 5 12 4 4 13 4

Top Scorers 10 goals: C. Ronaldo (Real Madrid) Lionel Messi (Barcelona) 9 goals: Gonzalo Higuain (Real Madrid) 5 goals: Roberto Soldado (Valencia) Radamel Falcao (Atlé Madrid)

'Just a sideshow'

Barca defender Alves not concerned about being behind Real BARCELONA rightback Dani Alves (pic) stressed he is unconcerned by the fact that they have fallen behind bitter rivals Real Madrid in the Primera Liga following last weekend's results as he feels there is plenty of time to bounce back. The Catalans were held to a 0-0 draw by Sevilla at Nou Camp on Saturday while Real recorded a comfortable 4-0 away victory over big spenders Malaga. "That’s just a sideshow at this point. They are ahead of us, and of course they will be happy about that," Alves told Barca's website. "We are behind them now, but there is a long way to go yet and I'm sure that many things will happen." The Brazil international also said last Saturday's draw will not affect Barca's form going forward. "Everything is hard and complicated, but there is no way that this will make us doubt ourselves. We are a great team — win, lose or draw. We have shown that over the years and one result won't change that," said Alves. Barca are now third in the table with 18 points from eight games. They trail table leaders Levante by two points and Real, who are second, by one point.

Josep "Pep" Guardiola's men next face lowly Granada away tomorrow (2am) and they are expected to bounce back. Meanwhile, Lionel Messi will remain Barca's penalty taker, despite his miss in stop-

page time against Sevilla. "Messi will continue taking the penalties," insisted midfielder Andres Iniesta. "He has the courage to keep taking them because only those who dare to fail will succeed."

The Malay Mail Tuesday 25 October, 2011


Levante boss Martinez tells players to work harder UNSUNG Levante have surprised critics and fans alike this season. Levante are now on top of the Primera Liga with 20 points from eight matches after their 3-0 away win over Villarreal at El Madrigal on Sunday. That was their sixth victory in a row to maintain their impressive unbeaten run. Real Madrid are second with 19 points from the same number of matches while champions Barcelona are on 18 points. Levante manager Juan Ignacio Martinez (pic) is delighted with his team's fine show but warned his players against getting carried away. He also reminded everyone at the club that, survival in top flight still remains the main priority. "I am happy to experience something so beautiful, especially since it makes the people of Levante happy. They deserve it," he told Marca. "Being leaders in the Primera Liga is too much for a team like Levante. We must continue working and should not get complacent in spite of our current situation. "It is time to enjoy the fact we are the leaders of the league," he said. Levante host bottom-half side Real Sociedad at Ciutat de Valencia on Thursday (2am) and they are poised to get another three points if they maintain their form. Me anw hi le, t rouble d Villarreal manager Juan Carlos Garrido expressed his concern over the team's form following the defeat to Levante, especially at home. Villarreal are now 16th in the table with just seven points from eight games, and

Garrido has been left with some thinking to do after another negative result. "I am worried about this result (against Villarreal). This was a hard defeat," he said. "This is one step back, just when we expected that things could be different. "The team must react and overcome this situation." The 42-year-old also took time to praise Levante. "Their first goal was key as it strengthened their plans," he said. "That first goal allowed Levante to do their game and what they know best. They played with our anxiety and, on the counter, put the match beyond us." Villarreal's next match is against free-scoring Real at Santiago Bernabeu on Thursday (4am) and the "Yellow Submarine" face the possibility of being thrashed by Cristiano Ronaldo and gang if they do not raise their game.

AUCKLAND: rugby / world cup

Frenchman Dusautoir named Player-of-the-Year FRANCE skipper Thierry Dusautoir has been named the International Rugby Board (IRB) Player-of-theYear at an awards ceremony at Vector Arena in Auckland yesterday. The flanker, who led his side in defeat to New Zealand in the World Cup final on Sunday, beat off competition from New Zealand's Ma'a Nonu, Piri Weepu and Jerome Kaino, and Australia's David Pocock and Will Genia to land the award. The 29-year-old succeeds All

Blacks skipper Richie McCaw, who won the accolade for the past two years, and is only the second Frenchman to win the award after scrumhalf Fabien Galthie was named the top international player in 2002. Following New Zealand's 8-7 victory in the final at Eden Park on Sunday, the All Blacks was named Teamof-the-Year while Graham Henry won the Coach-ofthe-Year award. The winners were selected by an independent panel of judges, chaired by Rugby

World Cup winner John Eales and made up of former internationals with more than 500 caps between them. The panel deliberated on every major Test match played this year, from the first Six Nations match up to Sunday's showpiece. The glittering awards ceremony, which also celebrated 125 years of the IRB, was a fitting finale to what the organisation's chairman Bernard Lapasset described as an "exceptional" World Cup.

Previous winners of the IRB Player-of-the-Year Award

2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001

Richie McCaw (New Zealand) Richie McCaw (New Zealand) Shane Williams (Wales) Bryan Habana (South Africa) Richie McCaw (New Zealand) Dan Carter (New Zealand) Schalk Burger (South Africa) Jonny Wilkinson (England) Fabien Galthie (France) Keith Wood (Ireland)

The Malay Mail Tuesday 25 OCTOBER, 2011

Balotelli is my passion, he's a great player — AC Milan CEO Adriano Galliani


BERLIN: Football/ Bundesliga

Bayern's Boateng banned for two games

BAYERN MUNICH defender Jerome Boateng is banned for two league games after being dismissed in their 2-1 defeat by Hanover 96 on Sunday despite efforts by his club to help him escape a suspension. Boateng was sent-off in the 28th minute for pushing

opponent Christian Schulz while arguing after a foul on Hanover's Sergio Pinto, with Hanover leading 1-0. The referee had consulted the fourth official before showing a red card but Bayern officials criticised the decision as "unfair" and "inexplicable". The German Fo otball

Association (DFB) said in a statement that Boateng had been found guilty of violent behaviour in "a less serious case" and gave him the minimum sentence. Earlier, Bayern CEO KarlHeinz Rummenigge had demanded no suspension for the Germany international,

blaming Hanover players for his dismissal. "This was a decision by the fourth official. That is inexplicable," Rummenigge told reporters. "Perpetrator and victim got mixed up." Rummenigge accused Pinto of acting. "It all started with his act-

ing. He is famous for it in the Bundesliga." Hanover ended Bayern's string of eight consecutive league clean sheets with a 2-1 win. The Bavarians, however, lead the Bundesliga standings by three points from champions Borussia Dortmund. — Reuters

LONDON: Football/ Premier League

Sympathy for the Devils Wenger gives pity as Press acclaim 'seismic' City

MANCHESTER UNITED found an unlikely ally in the form of Arsene Wenger yesterday as the Arsenal coach sought to downplay the significance of United's 6-1 drubbing by title rivals Manchester City. Sunday's defeat was United's heaviest in the history of the Premier League (since 1992) and their worst loss at Old Trafford since a 5-0 reverse against the same opponents in 1955. It was also the first time the 19-time English champions had conceded six goals at home since losing 7-4 to Newcastle United in 1930. Even more damaging, the result proved that City are the favourites to take United's league crown this season after years of living in the shadows of their more successful rivals from across the city. United coach Sir Alex Fergus on describ ed the scoreline as "the worst result in my history", as he watched City pull five points clear at the Premier League summit after doubling the figure in United's goals conceded column in the space of

WHAT A MAULING: Ferguson (centre) looks on during the match between Manchester United and Manchester City. United lost 6-1 — AFP photo

just one afternoon. Ferguson's side's dominance of the Premier League era meant their humiliation at City's hands felt pregnant with symbolism, but Wenger warned not to read too much into the result. Arsenal were humiliated 8-2 by United in August but have since won six games

out of seven to re-kindle their push for a Champions League place, and Wenger backed United to react in similar fashion. "It's a surprise," he said. "But France nearly beat New Zealand in rugby (World Cup final) and that was a surprise. "When you are in a posi-

tion where you have to attack with 10 men against a good side, you are vulnerable. It's not that you lost three points, but the emotional aspect of a result like that remains in your head." The media, however, were less disposed to be charitable about United's performance. Six and the city was the pun

on the front page of the Daily Mirror tabloid, while The Sun proclaimed: Fergie gives himself the hairdyer. Both newspapers carried front page pictures of Mario Balotelli, who lifted his shirt to reveal a T-shirt sporting the words "Why always me?" after scoring his side's opening goal. The controversial 21-yearold Italian set fire to his own house after lighting fireworks in his bathroom on Friday night but he was one of City's star performers on Sunday, scoring a second goal in the second-half. Under the headline City hiding hits Ferguson for six, The Times reported that a car carrying members of the Glazer family, United's owners, was "bombarded with missiles" by angry United fans after the game. "It is a scoreline that will echo through the ages, the heaviest defeat of Ferguson's tenure at Old Trafford, but it also brought a seismic shift in the Premier League," wrote The Times. "On this and recent evidence, City are the best team in England." — AFP


Serbia's Vidic quits international scene

NEMANJA VIDIC has quit the Serbian national team after their failure to qualify for the Euro 2012 finals in Poland and Ukraine, the Serbian Football Association (FSS) said yesterday. The FSS published a statement by the Manchester United defender who said media and fan criticism over his recent performances for Serbia had persuaded him to hang up his international boots. "The basic reason for my international retirement is that my commitment for

the national team has been criticised by the media and therefore by the public as well for some time now," the FSS website quoted Vidic as saying. "I've b een under f ire although I turned up to play for Serbia even when I was injured. Sometimes I did so against the advice of my club." His international retirement follows that of fellow top Serbian player Dejan Stankovic but Vidic hopes the team can now thrive. "I have come forward with

this statement in order to root out any talk as to why I'm quitting the national team, to make sure they keep a good atmosphere ahead of the 2014 World Cup qualifiers," added the centreback. "I am also convinced the upcoming generation has the potential to give the nation plenty to cheer about and I will be with them wholeheartedly as a fan." Vidic, who has scored two goals in 56 internationals, could not have ended his Serbia career on a more sour note after missing a penalty

in a 1-0 defeat by Slovenia on Oct 11 which knocked Serbia out of contention for next year's finals. Having won the Man-ofthe-Match award on his debut, a 1-1 Euro 2004 qualifying draw against Italy in October 2002, Vidic quickly became the backbone of the national team's defence. However, he missed all three games in the 2006 World Cup when Serbia and Montenegro played as one country and lost all their matches. "The FSS wishes to thank Vidic for everything he has

done for Serbian football... we respect his decision and we wish to underscore the national team's doors will be open for him if he chooses to return," the Serbian FA said. "We would be honoured to have Vidic back in the national team because Serbia's football is heavily indebted to him for all his accomplishments." Vidic — dogged by injury this term — has won four league titles, one Champions League as well as a Fifa Club World Cup and three League Cups with Manchester United. — Reuters




Hart: I got death threats during derby MANCHESTER CITY and England goalkeeper Joe Hart has revealed he was subjected to death threats during the second-half of the Manchester derby. The stopper was recorded by Sky TV saying he had been threatened by Manchester United fans throughout his side's 6-1 win at Old Trafford. Speaking to James Milner as he walked off the pitch Hart was heard to say: "I was getting death threats all through the second-half." A spokesman for Manchester United revealed the goalkeeper had not reported the abuse, and the England international later played down the threats as "just banter".


Ayew 'dreaming' of big January move

INTER MILAN are set to go head-to-head with Arsenal for the signature of Marseille winger Andre Ayew (pic). The Italian giants reportedly had the Ghanaian watched during the recent Champions League clash between the Ligue 1 side and the Gunners, and are rumoured to be considering a January bid. Ayew has previously stated his admiration for the Gunners, but if Inter can table a £12 million bid, the French side may be forced to cash in on one of their prized assets. "I'm in Marseille, it is already big for me. But there is everything (at Arsenal). The stadium, the players, the training ground, the budget and the image of the club that makes a lot of players dream," he said.


Sneijder denies wanting to leave WESLEY SNEIJDER has added further insult to distraught Manchester United fans' derby injuries by declaring he never wanted to quit Inter Milan for Old Trafford in the summer. The Dutch midfielder was one of Sir Alex Ferguson’s prime targets of the recent transfer window, and the one player many fans were desperately hoping would be brought in to fill the creative void left by Paul Scholes. However, Sneijder decided to stay put at the San Siro and now insists leaving Serie A was never his priority. "I never wanted to leave Inter. Over the summer they called me and said, I think due to a financial issue, that I could be leaving Italy. This made me change my ideas a little bit, but once I got to pre-season training everyone made me feel important to this club," he said.

Vidic quits

French hero

FED-UP Manchester United defender Nemanja Vidic quits Serbian national team

FRANCE rugby skipper Thierry Dusautoir named Player-of-the-Year

Tuesday 25 OCTOBER, 2011 >> pg23

>> pg22 local


Delayed gratification NEGRI SEMBILAN midfielder S. Kunalan zeroes in on Cup final despite Deepavali celebrations


One brave Hart

He’s Dani cool

MANCHESTER CITY goalkeeper Joe Hart plays down death threats by United fans during the derby

BARCELONA rightback Dani Alves unperturbed by being behind Real Madrid in the standings

>> pg20

>> pg22

>> pg23


RM6 million for 23 horses, only five are worthy

SOME RM6 million was spent purchasing 23 horses. Only five were fit to compete in the World Endurance Championship in 2008! This was among some of the findings revealed by the AG’s Re-

By HARESH DEOL haresh@mmail.com.my

port 2010. Also in contention is that RM2.25 million out of the RM3.65 million allocated for sports development was

used by the National Sports Council (NSC) for advertisements. These findings have left observers pondering — who monitors the NSC?

HI-HO SILVER: One of the broncos given to UTM

More on Page 20


Graft trial of German banker begins

BE HAPPY: Gribkowsky (left) speaks with his lawyer Bruessow before the start of his trial — AFP photo

THE trial of a German former banker accused of receiving bribes worth tens of millions of euros from Formula 1 boss Bernie Ecclestone started in Munich yesterday. Gerhard Gribkowsky, 53, appeared in court in the south German city accused of corruption, tax evasion and embezzlement. He is alleged to have received nearly US$44 million (RM137.9 million) from Ecclestone in 2006 and 2007 in connection with the sale of Formula 1 rights to CVC, the private equity investor which owns most of the multi billion-dollar sport. At the time, Gribkowsky was the chief risk officer for the State-owned German bank BayernLB, which had

acquired the rights to Formula 1 in 2002. The sale of Formula 1’s rights to CVC was crucial to Ecclestone as the British investor wanted to retain him as the head of the sport. Prosecutors allege the financial arrangements between the two men caused damages to the bank worth US$66.5 million. Gribkowsky’s defence said the German acted within his rights and Rainer Bruessow, one of his three lawyers, said his client had been the victim of a “witch hunt” by investigators, perhaps envious of his wealth. Although Gribkowsky had received a large sum of money for his services, it was appropriate in the small

world of Formula 1, according to his defence. Because of the uncertainty about the sale of the Formula 1 rights, before they went to CVC, Gribkowsky had actually “defused a bomb”, according to Bruessow. The banker has been held in custody since January and his assets have been frozen. No fewer than 26 hearings are planned with the trial set to run until early next year and nearly 40 witnesses are set to appear, including Ecclestone on Nov 9 and 10. The Formula 1 chief is also the subject of a separate investigation into breach of trust. In July, Ecclestone acknowledged in an interview

that he paid money to Gribkowsky, but claimed to have done so out of fear of blackmail. Meanwhile, tickets for India’s inaugural Grand Prix have not sold out, prompting organisers to slash prices in an effort to fill the 120,000capacity circuit. Yesterday, tickets were still available online in all but the cheapest category — the 2,500-rupee (RM157) area. The private Jaypee group, which has spent US$400 million to build the new state-of-the-art Buddh International circuit and bring the event to India, said it was still hopeful of selling the remaining tickets for this weekend’s race. — AFP

Published by Malay Mail Sdn Bhd (239512V), Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, and printed by The New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Berhad (4485-H), 31, Jalan Riong, 59100 KL

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