5 October 2011

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Wednesday 5 OCTOBER, 2011




US$24m ring linked to Rosmah returned

>> pg3

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The Malay Mail



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Cops breached SOP in hospital tear gas incident

>> pg2

Sex subject in schools next year

AFTER a six-year delay, the Education Ministry has agreed sex education will be taught to Year Six and Form Three students in selected schools under a pilot project in 2012. In revealing this, Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil ((left) says the subject, called Social and Reproductive Health Education, will probably be introduced after UPSR and PMR exams. This brings to end the long-drawn debate between the detractors and advocates of the controversial subject.

WHAT THEY HAD SAID ABOUT SEX EDUCATION Sex education would encourage children to learn about sex among themselves, resulting in negative incidences like baby dumping. Introducing sex education in schools would be like teaching thieves how to steal — Pas spiritual leader and Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Nik Aziz Nik Mat

Reports by T.K. LETCHUMY TAMBOO >> pg2


Creating an accurate understanding of reproductive health among the young is vital in reducing baby dumping. We are giving due attention to sex education because we believe it can raise awareness among school children — Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin



Police spent about RM2 million and deployed 11,046 police personnel to maintain order in the Klang Valley before and after the July 9 Bersih 2.0 illegal assembly — Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein

The Malay Mail Wednesday 5 OCTOBER, 2011


'Cops fired tear gas at Tung Shin, breached standard operating procedures' RIOT police had "acted unethically" and "breached standard operating procedures" when they lobbed tear gas and fired water cannons while dispersing the Bersih 2.0 rally demonstrators at the Tung Shin Hospital

on July 9. These were the findings of the Health Ministry's supreme internal investigation committee, said Home Ministry secretarygeneral Tan Sri Mahmood Adam last night.

He said the policemen involved would be referred to the police's disciplinary committee for further action. "The investigation concluded that police, while handling demonstrators who had misused the

hospital premises, had committed unethical actions which went beyond the SOP," he said. Mahmood said the investigation confirmed water cannons were fired towards the demonstrators who had assembled at

the hospital's main entrance and multi-level car park. He said police only did so to disperse the demonstrators who had gathered within the hospital premises. The probe also showed police


Sex education, finally Green light given by Education Ministry to teach subject next year

AFTER a six-year delay, sex education is likely to be taught to Year Six and Form Three students next year as a pilot project in several schools in the country. The decision to introduce social and reproductive health education (SRHE) into primary and secondary school classrooms came about from discussions between the Education Ministry and the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry. Wo m e n , F a m i l y a n d C ommunit y D e velopment Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil told The Malay Mail it would be taught as a co-curricular subject after the Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) and Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) examinations. "We have sent the proposal for the subject to be taught in schools to the Education Ministry and

By T.K. LETCHUMY TAMBOO t.k.letchumy@mmail.com.my

they have agreed, in principle, to study the implementation of teaching the subject in schools. "Hopefully, it could be implemented next year after the UPSR and the PMR examinations. "If everything goes well, the implementation of this subject will start as a pilot project first in several schools we have identified." Sex education in schools was mooted in 2005 as a joint effort by both ministries and got the Cabinet's green light in December 2006. It received a mixed reaction from various quarters despite its aims of educating the young to respect gender and sexuality, with the ultimate aim of reducing sexual crimes. The latest developments arose

from findings of the two ministries' pilot project, named 'I’m In Control', a sexual reproductive health module introduced to Form Four and Five students from five secondary schools in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Penang, Kelantan and Pahang. It also went on trial at three kafe@TEEN centres, a one-stop service centre providing information and education related to adolescent reproductive health, counselling and medical treatment for reproductive health problems to adolescents, aged 13 to 24. The module, being tested by the National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) from mid-2009 to the end of this year, includes pointers like assertive techniques to avoid premari-

The Malay Mail photographer Ashraf Shamsul Azlan captured this scene during lunch hour. At least two motorcycles had broken

THE MALAY MAIL IS PUBLISHED BY Malay Mail Sdn Bhd, Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200, Petaling Jaya

TEACHING sex education in schools has been a long-disputed issue with various quarters supporting the move and others against it, especially in the wake of baby-dumping cases. Talks on the issue have been been ongoing as far back as 2005. Being a taboo subject, its implementation has drawn responses from prominent figures. Here is an excerpt of what they have said:

down in the flood waters. Traffic came to a near standstill as motorists and motorcyclists waited for the water to subside.

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began in 2008 and expected to end next year. "In line with this, 'I’m In Control' workshops have been conducted by selected non-governmental organisations and NPFDB trainers nationwide," she said. This year, emphasis was given to train trainers on the parents' edition of the 'I’m In Control' module. Two training of trainers (TOT) sessions were held in August involving 88 NPFDB officers, followed by 10 dialogue sessions between parents and teachers until the year-end. Evaluation of the project’s overall effectiveness would be conducted during the final year, 2012. Earlier this year, SRHE officially became a subject taught in the National Service Training Programme.

Timing questioned

THE Parents Action Group for Education is questioning the timing for sex education classes to be held after Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) and Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) students finish their examinations. Its president, Datin Azimah Rahim, said the Education Ministry should allow students to enjoy extra curricular activities instead. "Why should students still attend classes after finishing their exams? They have worked hard enough to prepare for their exams. Surely more classes would burden them," she said. "They should be allowed to enjoy their time with extra curricular activities, such as sports and the performing arts." Azimah said she was in favour of sex education, adding even children as young as four could be taught on the subject at home. "The education would be good to students, but the ministry needs to ensure the subject becomes part of the syllabus and will not burden students."

'It's not about teaching them to have sex'

Water way to go!

THE rainfall yesterday afternoon was so heavy it resulted in a flash flood in Jalan Pu du, Kuala Lumpur.

tal sex and how to identify and avoid high-risk situations. Shahrizat said 308 students attended the workshops. The pilot project continued last year with 14 more workshops at the same schools and kafe@TEEN centres, in which 597 students took part. "Feedback from the participating students, teachers and parents was positive," she said. Shahrizat said further discussions were held between both ministries between February and July to study ways in which SRHE could be introduced and implemented in schools at the national level. She said the ministry was looking at using different avenues to reach out and make SRHE available to a wider audience through a larger project, called Upscaling Kafe@TEEN Programmes, which

fired tear gas towards demonstrators who assembled at the public car park outside the hospital. "Claims that tear gas was fired into the hospital compound are untrue," he said.

Those in support: ● Wo m e n , F a m i l y a n d C ommunity Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil (Aug 5, 2010) "What is happening now is that there has been an increase in cases of sexual violence and girls getting pregnant out of wedlock, baby-dumping and other social problems. We cannot brush this issue under the carpet, as otherwise, our children will seek this knowledge

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from the Internet, only to absorb wrong values and teachings. Studies had shown that access to knowledge on reproductive health and sex issues led to a delay in sexual initiation, promoted abstinence, prevented sexually-transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies." ● Malaysian Islamic Consumer Association (PPIM) secretarygeneral Datuk Ma’amor Osman (March 4, 2010) "Sex education is not about teaching students how to have sex, but more of how to safeguard their reproductive organs. Young people are curious. They need to know that males and females have different organs. Having multi-religious students in a class will not be an obstacle either. It may be better so that students can make comparisons. No religion encourages free sex. Plus, it may help students understand each other’s religion better.”

Those against: ● Deputy Education Minister Datuk Puad Zarkashi (April 28, 2010) "At present, elements of sex education in schools are already incorporated in a subject known as social and reproductive health studies. There is no need for a specific subject called sex education." ● National Union of Teaching Profession (NUTP) secretary-general Lok Yim Pheng (March 4, 2010) “Teachers lack formal training in the complexity and sensitivity of the subject and are not confident to teach it. Sex education is more challenging in Malaysia because of the country’s multiracial, religious and cultural elements, with each ethnic group having its own thoughts on the subject."

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The Malay Mail Wednesday 5 OCTOBER, 2011

I wish all of you well in sitting for the PMR and hope you will be successful — Datuk Seri Najib Razak's Twitter message to 481,147 Form Three students throughout the country sitting for the examination today




Rosmah did not buy US$24m diamond ring, says Nazri THE Prime Minister's wife, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, did not buy a US$24 million (RM77 million) diamond ring. Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz said no payment was made for the ring which was

linked to Rosmah. Nazri said the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) checked the matter with Customs Department and confirmed no such purchase was made for the ring. He said this in a written reply to Lim Lip Eng (DAP-

Segambut) in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday. Nazri said that "after a few days, the ring was returned to the company ". Several websites and blogs earlier posted screenshots of a ring, which was allegedly bought from New York celeb-

rity jeweller Jacob and Co, under Rosmah's name. A blogger claimed the ring, known as "Natural Fancy Blue Gray Cushion Cut Diamond", was sent by the jeweller to the Prime Minister's wife in April. Earlier blog postings alleged


ISA debate rages

the ring passed through Customs at the KL International Airport and was cleared by an officer named A. Krishnan. Following blog reports, NGO group Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia president Badrul Hisham Shaharin lodged a report with MACC over alle-

gations the ring belonged to Rosmah. Rosmah had, in a late July newspaper report, dismissed the blog reports saying it was fitnah (lies) and she did not want to address the issue but rather focus on efforts that benefitted the people.


Family to consider next move

Why are civil liberties delayed further, ask experts

PRIME Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has committed a "howler" with the postponement of the repeal of the Internal Security Act (ISA) 1960, say law experts. Despite Najib having announced on Sept 15 the ISA will be replaced with two new laws, the government decided to delay repealing the draconian act to March. Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said on Monday the government wanted time to consult and engage with stakeholders to “get it right". International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) law lecturer Prof Dr Abdul Aziz Bari told The Malay Mail Najib lost the momentum he created on Sept 15 when he failed to capitalise on the feel-good factor the news generated. He said this was akin to Najib dribbling solo and fluffing the shot in front of the goalmouth.

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani asrul@mmail.com.my

“It was a great solo run by Najib before missing the chance to score the goal. Now he is getting cursed by his teammates and spectators,” he said. Abdul Aziz questioned whether the government was ready to abolish the ISA or whether Najib's announcement was a political gimmick. “The delay was disappointing. The pre-Malaysia Day announcement came as a welcome surprise but when they postponed the repeal, it showed they were not ready for it," he said. “Did they make the announcement without a clear idea of what to do? It seems Najib did this alone without the knowledge or concurrence of the Cabinet.” Mi n iste r i n t he Pr i me Minister's Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul

Aziz told reporters the two proposed new laws must come into force before the ISA could be repealed to avoid complications such as the need to release ISA detainees. Abdul Aziz, however, pointed out existing laws were adequate to deal with security threats. “The consensus is that the law (ISA) is bad and there is no need to worry about the replacement. This raises the question as to why was it postponed? For us, this act has been abused but for them, they are so used to it that they need a replacement in place,” he said. Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) policy studies lecturer Prof Dr Shaharuddin Baharuddin said the Prime Minister must remain firm or risk being labelled as a flipflop like his predecessor, Tun

Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. “When the government delayed repealing the ISA, the Opposition classified Najib as being a flip-flop," said Shaharuddin. “Definitely, this is going to be a chess game since the general election is coming and the opposition will be looking to replicate what they did on March 8, 2008, when they branded Pak Lah (Abdullah Badawi) a flip-flop prime minister.” Shaharuddin said Najib must be firm in his decisions, with a clear message to the public and his party Umno. He hoped the delay would allow more feedback from every sector of society. “We hope there will be topdown and bottom-up approach into drafting the replacement laws to the ISA so the government can meet the objectives of the new laws and that is to preserve human rights,” he said.


PR's shadow Budget gets mixed reaction THE proposal by Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to set aside more allocation for subsidies for the upcoming Budget received mixed reaction from economists. Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim launched PR's shadow Budget yesterday saying it would cut public spending by RM14 billion to RM220 billion thus trimming the budget deficit to 4.4 per cent. PR proposed the government double subsidies to RM22 billion and set aside another RM5.9 billion to raise 1.3 million civil servants wages, in line with the rising cost of living. Anwar proposed RM22 billion be allocated for subsidies as this would avoid possible rise in fuel prices and contain inflation. The Opposition said Pakatan

By Ikram Ismail ikram.ismail@mmail.com.my

would introduce a minimum wage of RM1,100 for civil servants. This would benefit 300,000 civil servants. Malaysian Rating Corporation Berhad's chief economist Nor Zahidi Alias felt doubling the subsidies in the long run was not the way forward. Nor Zahidi said subsidies should be gradually reduced in the long run. "Reduction in subsidies has to be done on a gradual manner in view of weak global and domestic economy. This, however, should not stop the government from reducing subsidies to the rich for example on petrol." He said certain subsidies

should still exist for the masses like subsidised medical fees. Petrol prices should also be subsidised until there was an improvement in the public transport system. On the proposal to introduce a minimum wage for civil servants, Nor Zahidi said it was not a wise move. Bank Islam Malaysia's chief economist, strategic and planning, Azrul Azwar Ahmad Tajudin, said the budget allocation by the Opposition was comprehensive. Azrul said this was the first time Pakatan Rakyat had come up with an alternative budget. "The only thing they left out was GST (goods and services tax) Azrul said while Barisan

Nasional's budget allocation for subsidies last year was RM24.9 billion, the forecasted budget for this year was RM23.7 billion. He said there should not be a minimum wage introduced for civil servants for the time being as the National Minimum Wages Act 2011 had not been finalised and there was a possibility civil servants may get a double increment in salary once the Act was fine-tuned. At the same time, he said, the focus of a budget should not be on cutting subsidies because there were other areas such as salary and pension payment for civil servants and asset acquisition, which represented 65 per cent of the total government operating expenditure last year.

FLASHBACK: The parents and siblings of Teoh with his portrait at the Shah Alam High Court in January

THE family of Teoh Beng Hock remained non-committal on what they would do next following the High Court's decision yesterday to disallow a judicial review of the findings of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into his death. The RCI concluded that Teoh was driven to suicide after persistent interrogation by investigation officers from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). Teoh's elder brother, Meng Kee, told The Malay Mail yesterday they would discuss their next course of action with their lawyer, Gobind Singh Deo. Asked how the family felt after the High Court decision, Meng Kee said they had been "preoccupied" with the appeal. Gobind, who is also the Puchong MP, said: "Obviously, the family is disappointed with the High Court decision." He said the decision on the RCI findings on Teoh was similar to the one passed by the RCI on the V.K. Lingam issue. "On Sept 13, the Federal Court ruled the findings of a RCI into the controversial V.K. Lingam video clip cannot be reviewed on the grounds the RCI made findings and not a decision," he said. "It was the first time the Federal Court, which is the country's highest court, answered questions on whether RCI findings were reviewable. It seems the decision was based on the same 'criteria' where one must ques-

By ANDREW SAGAYAM andrew@mmail.com.my

tion why RCI's findings cannot be reviewed." Yesterday, Teoh's family failed to challenge the RCI conclusion that Teoh, a Selangor DAP political aide, committed suicide in July 2009. The RCI, chaired by sitting Federal Court judge Tan Sri James Foong, concluded that Teoh, 30, was driven to suicide after relentless questioning by MACC investigators. The High Court decision yesterday was made in chambers. Gobind said the judge, Datuk Rohana Yusof, ruled that RCI findings could not be subject to a judicial review, as the court was bound by an earlier Federal Court decision. The five-member RCI wrapped up its report on June 15 after hearing testimonies by 70 witnesses in its bid to unravel the mysterious circumstances surrounding Teoh’s sudden death at the then Selangor MACC headquarters at Plaza Masalam in Shah Alam on July 16, 2009. Teoh’s family filed the application for a judicial review of the RCI findings on Aug 24. Gobind previously pointed out there was no testimony on what happened to Teoh, between 3.30am and 7am on July 16, 2009, the crucial hours before he was found dead on the fifth floor corridor outside the then MACC offices, after being questioned overnight by MACC officers.



Some 2,680 women entrepreneurs have been created from January last year to August this year — Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister Heng Seai Kie

The Malay Mail Wednesday 5 October, 2011


Legs outdo hands as army veteran outsprints Filipina pickpocket

A 66-YEAR-OLD ex-army man outsprinted a Filipina, 22 years his junior, in a 50-metre dash — and it wasn’t a battle of the sexes. The woman did not get a


podium finish in the "street race". She ended up in a police cell on suspicion of being a member of a Filipino pickpocket gang. It started when the retiree was

By AIZAT SHARIF aizat@mmail.com.my

walking along Jalan Raja Chulan at 2.15pm on Monday, when he was suddenly knocked over by a

woman along the sidewalk. Dang Wangi police chief ACP Zulkarnaian Abdul Rahman said six men, all believed to be Filipinos, appeared and attempted to help the man up

In the dead of the night

Baby not tossed out of apartment, say cops

By G. PRAKASH prakash@mmail.com.my

and a Prada, among others, and eight mobile phones were seized. Police also found pawnshop receipts that led them to recover 11 jewellery items, including gold chains and rings. Mohan told a Press conference the duo were rifling through a handbag when police arrested them. The suspects tried to escape on their motorcycle when they saw the police team. However, the machine crashed and the rider was arrested. His partner was caught after a kilometre-long chase on foot. Mohan said Cheras police formed a special task force following several reports of smash-and-grab cases at traffic light junctions and traced the two suspects after three months.

Recent seizures Sept 26: Nigerian man nabbed for allegedly carrying 2kg of syabu inside a trumpet case at KLIA. Sept 29: Midnight arrest of a Pakistani man believed to have swallowed 25 capsules of syabu at KLIA. Doctors treating him believe there are more capsules in him. Sept 30: Two Nigerians and a Filipina detained at 4.45 am at LCCT on suspicion of having 4.58kg of heroin in their hand luggage. Oc t 1: Ni ge r i an man detained in KLIA at 10.20pm on suspicion of trying to smuggle 1.7kg syabu kept inside over 30 small face

cream containers. - Four Iranians detained at KLIA for allegedly smuggling in 2,740gm of heroin, by stuffing them inside modified laptops. The batteries and the circuit boards were removed for the drugs to be stuffed inside. Oc t 2: Ni ge r i an man detained for having allegedly being in possession of 0.74kg of syabu. He tried to smuggle the drugs through a KLIA checkpoint by hiding them inside a speaker box. Oct 3: Man from Benin detained in LCCT on suspicion of smuggling 3kg of syabu inside his luggage.

BRANDED LOOT: Mohan showing the branded handbags seized from the suspects' apartment in Cheras — Pic: Ashraf Shamsul Azlan

Of the 23 cases, 10 each were in Cheras and Brickfields, and the remaining three in Petaling Jaya. Mohan said the suspects, aged 24 and 25, were local

a brief scuffle ensued before the suspects fled. The victim then chased the woman and nabbed her after a 50-metre dash. He handed her over to the police.


Two-man smash-and-grab gang caught dividing loot in cemetery THE pair preyed only on rich victims, targeting their branded handbags as they waited in their luxury cars at traffic light junctions. This tactic earned the smashand-grab motorbike duo a haul of at least RM25,000 in cash, cell phones and jewellery from 23 cases in Cheras, Brickfields and Petaling Jaya this year alone, said Cheras police chief ACP Mohan Singh. Their downfall came from a "bad" habit. They would always divide their loot at the Taman Connaught cemetery, and leave behind telltale signs of discarded identity cards and other "worthless" items. It was at the same burial ground that a special police team nabbed them red-handed last Thursday. Both suspects subsequently led the officers to a low-cost apartment in Cheras where 25 handbags, Louis Vuitton, Gucci

and gather his belongings. “However, as the victim was getting up, he realised his back pocket was being picked," said Zulkarnaian. He confronted the group and

and unemployed and had been operating since early this year. One of them also tested positive for methamphetamine and was wanted for motorcycle thefts.

POLICE have calmed nerves over news reports a 19-yearold restaurant trainee had tossed her newborn baby girl from the second floor of a lowcost apartment in the early hours of Monday. Gombak police chief ACP Abdul Rahim Abdullah said certain newspapers had mistakenly reported the child had landed in a drain after being thrown from five metres above, sparking public anger over the “sadistic baby dumping” case. The Paper That Cares was swamped with calls yesterday from readers who demanded maximum action against the child’s mother. They also questioned the effectiveness of measures taken by the authorities to check baby dumping. Abdul Rahim said the baby could not have been thrown from the second floor as her remains were intact. He said it was suspected the baby could have been placed inside the water-clogged drain by the mother. The teenager from Sabak Bernam, has been remanded until Friday to facilitate investigations. At 7.45am on Monday, a

MACABRE FIND: The drain in which the body of the newborn girl was found — Pic: China Press

strange object that looked like a doll in a water-clogged drain at a three storey low-cost flats at Taman Selayang Segar 2 in Selayang Baru, turned out to be the remains of a newly born baby girl. The macabre find was made by a resident, Zahrizan Sahari, who initially thought the baby was a doll. As he turned to leave the drain, he took a second look and spotted traces of blood on the buttocks of the "doll". Out of curiosity, he bent over and touched it, only to realise it was a dead infant. Police later arrested a woman believed to be the mother of the child, at her hostel unit on the second floor of the flat.


Body language gives drug smugglers away THE reading of body language by frontline defenders to weed out drug smugglers at the KL International Airport (KLIA) is reaping rewards. In a span of six days from Sept 26, police and Customs Department have thwarted attempts by 12 people to smuggle syabu and heroin worth RM2.17 million past the checkpoints. The officers, with their infallible sense and experience of understanding body language, saw through the abnormal behaviour of the suspects – five Nigerians, four Iranians, one Pakistani, a Filipina and a Beninese man. Citing an instance, Bukit Aman Narcotics Criminal Investigation Department

By G.PRAKASH prakash@mmail.com.my

director Datuk Noor Rashid Ibrahim said the Pakistani who swallowed 25 capsules of syabu walked uncomfortably, attracting the attention of undercover officers. He said the other suspects were from countries in Africa and the Middle East that had long been on the radar of Customs and police officers. The suspects, aged between 23 and 41, claimed to be businessmen, students and tourists. The 26-year-old Filipina was caught in the company of two Nigerians. Noor Rashid said the arrests of the suspects at KLIA and the Low-Cost Carrier Terminal

DRUG HAUL: Noor Rashid (left) holding the syabu and heroin seized at KLIA and LCCT

(LCCT) was also due to stepped up efforts by the authorities to tighten airport security system. “We believe traffickers, who had two months ago smuggled drugs by road from Thailand,

have now switched to getting in by air," he said. Noor Rashid said police had to deal with many new tactics employed by smugglers who were now "‘innovating" many ways to avoid detection.


the malay mail




Johol assemblyman Datuk Roslan Md Yusof of Barisan Nasional died at Tunku Ampuan Najihah Hospital near Kuala Pilah yesterday morning after experiencing breathing difficulties. He was 58 — Bernama


Draft city plan delayed Gazetting put off to July to incorporate new projects

THE gazetting of the KL Draft City Plan 2020 has been postponed to July 1 next year. It was originally scheduled to be gazetted last month but KL Mayor Tan Sri Ahmad Fuad Ismail said it had been delayed to include additional elements brought on by recent proposed developments. These included the provision of infrastructure corridors for phases two and three of the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system, lack of a finalised mechanism and business model for the Kampung Baru redevelopment plan, and revision of land use. The intensity and infrastructure requirements of high-impact development areas, such as the proposed redevelopment of the Sungai Besi Airport, also needed to be considered. On the MRT project, Ahmad

By Meena Lakshana meena@mmail.com.my

Fuad said phase two, or the Circle Line, involved increasing connectivity among rail transport services in the city. "Phase three, or the Green Line, will extend from Kepong to Serdang," he said at a Press conference yesterday. Ahmad Fuad said there were plans to build another public transport hub at the Sungai Besi Airport as KL Sentral was getting congested. A new hub would accommodate future rail transport services. He said the postponement was partly due to feedback from the public about zoned land use and development intensity. "One example is the commercial zoning of a residential area in Jalan Maarof, Bangsar," he said.

FEEDBACK WELCOMED: Ahmad Fuad says the public will have their say in the next four months

Houses next to the Bangsar Shopping Centre to the first junction on the left of Jalan Maarof were rezoned as commercial in the draft plan. He said although the Bukit Bandaraya Residents Association had opposed the conversion, house owners had informed City Hall they could

not live in the area because of to traffic congestion and noise pollution. "We are waiting for the residents to resolve the conflict." Ahmad Fuad said City Hall also needed to review the proposed extension of the New Pantai Expressway (NPE) and the Duta-Ulu Kelang

Expressway (DUKE). "We do not agree with some parts of the proposed extension of the NPE, such as the construction of an elevated highway from Jalan Dang Wangi to Jalan Sultan Ismail," he said. "It will negatively affect the River of Life development, heritage buildings in the city centre and cause heavy congestion in Jalan Sultan Ismail." He said City Hall would hold briefing sessions and workshops for the public to give their feedback on the draft plan in the next four months. "We will spend the following five months compiling the feedback." The KL Draft City Plan was displayed from May 15, 2008, to Aug 30, 2008, and drew heavy criticism from the public because of the rezoning exercise of certain areas.

The Malay Mail Wednesday 5 October, 2011

Federal Hill to remain green AFFLUENT enclave Federal Hill in Jalan Persekutuan, Bangsar, will not be zoned as commercial in the KL Draft City Plan 2020. KL Mayor Tan Sri Ahmad Fuad Ismail said yesterday KL City Hall (DBKL) did not approve proposed commercialisation of the area last year. "We promised the people that Federal Hill would remain for institutional use and so we rejected the proposal," he said. In 2008, residents at Federal Hill were shocked to find their neighbourhood, which had been formerly tagged as institutional (police reserve land), had been rezoned to commercial in the KL Draft City Plan 2020. A commercial development had been proposed on 2.1 ha in Jalan Travers. Developer Primamuda Holdings Sdn Bhd had reportedly applied for a development order to undertake the project.

The Malay Mail Wednesday 5 OCTOBER, 2011

A bird park, among the largest in Southeast Asia with 6,000 birds from 300 species, will be built at the Botanical Garden in Ayer Keroh, Malacca — Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam


Trio's Japan date Grads win scholarships to pursue Masters degrees

THREE graduates with dreams of advancing cancer research, preserving old buildings and implementing green technology in architecture were recipients of the Panasonic Scholarship Awards 2012 that will see them pursuing their Masters degree in Japan. Genetics and molecular biologist Gan Siew Pei, quantity surveyor Charles Lau Kwok Chung and architect Hew Zhi Xin received their scholarships yesterday at the Ministry of International Trade and Industry in Jalan Duta. "I hope to contribute to Malaysian cancer research, to establish what molecular mechanisms promote metastasis, that is, the spreading of cancer cells," said Gan, 25, a Universiti Malaya graduate, who will do her Masters in Cancer Research at the University of Tokyo. Lau, 22, a graduate from

By FAIZAL NOR IZHAM faizal.nor@mmail.com.my

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, will pursue his Masters in Urban Design, also at the University of Tokyo. Hew, 22, also a graduate from Universiti Malaya, will do her Masters in Architecture at Kyoto University. During their three years in Japan, they will learn Japanese, adapt to the lifestyle there, and conduct research. Present at the ceremony yesterday were International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Japanese Embassy deputy chief Koichi Ito, Panasonic Scholarship Co Ltd president Kazuhiro Kawano and Panasonic Management Malaysia Sdn Bhd director Toshiro Okamoto. Panasonic has been giving scholarships to Malaysian stu-

JAPAN, HERE WE COME: (from left) Lau, Hew and Gan after receiving their scholarship awards yesterday

dents since 1998, in conjunction with their 80th anniversary that year, for studies in Japan. Until this year, 321 students worldwide have been awarded scholarships, including 42

Malaysians,. Thirty-five of the Malaysians have completed their Master’s courses, and seven are currently researching at universities in Japan.




Cheers, Oktoberfest comes to KL GRAB your lederhosen and get ready to party as Carlsberg Malaysia has recreated the settings to celebrate the Bavarian national festival Oktoberfest. '"Malaysia's Own Oktoberfest 2011" will feature Carlsberg beer, imported popular German brews Erdinger Weissbier, Franziskaner Weissbier and Löwenbräu, German cuisine prepared by a master chef, and traditional live performances for a month. The festival, modelled after the Munich Oktoberfest, started on Sept 21 and will end on Oct 30 at 25 participating outlets and 18 market squares in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Penang, Seremban and Johor.

The promotion aims to bring people together to savour German beers and enjoy traditional live performances of oompah music. Carlsberg Malaysia launched the event at Berjaya Times Square Hotel on Sept 28 with more than 900 guests. Beer lovers there enjoyed the traditional band performance of oompah music and indulged in authentic German cuisine prepared by German chef Jochern Kern. They can also win an "Ultimate Beer tour" to Munich, Germany, and Copenhagen, Denmark, in a Facebook contest. Visit www.carlsbergmalaysia.com.my for details. GOOD TIMES: Carlsberg staff pose with Oktoberfest hostesses during the promotion at Berjaya Times Square Hotel


The Malay Mail Wednesday 5 OCTOBER, 2011


tel:03-7495 1000/1001/1002 tel:019-261 4948 (after 9pm)

your right to be heard ● Complainants have to submit their personal particulars and provide a detailed account of their complaint. ● Complainants have to first file their complaints with the respective parties before contacting Hotline. ● Complaints referred by Hotline to the relevant parties would be published if there is no response in seven days. ● After a complaint has been resolved, the complainant cannot demand non-publication of the matter.


Not-so-happy birthday Delay in repairs on smartphone gift spoils 21-year-old's mood

ATHILIA EE JIA WEN was elated to get an iPhone 4 as a birthday present from a friend. The 21-year-old says her friend is a regular customer of Dynamic Mobile in Carrefour Wangsa Maju. "After using the phone for four weeks, I couldn't turn it on and everything went blank," says the Setapak resident, who returned the smartphone to the salesper-

son who sold it on Aug 8. "The salesperson had been transferred to Mobile Care Repair & Service in Wangsa Walk, but still accepted the phone as both firms are under the same management." She was informed the phone would be ready in three working days and she could be charged for repairs. After three days, she

called the salesperson who told her the phone had to be sent to Singapore and it would be returned two weeks later, from the day she sent it in. ATHILIA later started calling and visiting the Mobile Care Repair & Service outlet from Aug 19 to 21 as her convocation was on Aug 22 and she needed the phone. "The staff started giving

me the runaround. On Aug 24, I went to the outlet with my mother." ATHILIA claims the staff were rude and told them to go to Celcom if they want the phone faster. "At Menara Celcom, they gave me a replacement phone after only 20 minutes and they didn't charge me anything!" ATHILIA wants a clarification from the outlet.

● THE manager of Dynamic Mobile Sdn Bhd and Mobile Care Repair & Service, who only wants to be known as Eric, says it is normal for phones to be sent to Celcom as they are under warranty, such as in ATHILIA's case. "My staff didn't know the cause of the damage, so there was a chance she could be charged for repairs. "We also don't know how long repairs will take as it de-

pends on the company giving the warranty. If a customer wants his phone repaired quickly, I always suggest sending them directly to the warranty provider." On ATHILIA's claim of rude personnel, Eric says people can get emotional sometimes. "I apologise on behalf of my staff if, indeed, they are at fault." When contacted, ATHILIA says she does not accept the apology.

We've got you covered! AFTER

SAFE: School children should still look where they walk

AN exposed manhole in front of Sekolah Kebangsaan Sri Petaling has been covered after the Petaling

HAZARD: Pedestrian pitfall poses problems to passers-by

Jaya City Coucil has been alerted to it more than two weeks ago. A few days after the com-

plaint was highlighted by Hotline, garbage in the manhole was removed and a temporary wooden cover

TAKE NOTE 1. The Kajang Municipal Council Zone 4 service centre in Bandar Mahkota Cheras will relocate to Bandar Sungai Long in January to better serve the community. 2. Shah Alam City Council's Vehicle Compound Collection Programme allows car owners to settle fines at a discounted rate of 70 per cent from Oct 1 to 16 ; 60 per cent (Oct 17 to 31); and 50 per cent (Nov 1 and 30). 3. Ampang traders can renew annual business licences at Spectrum Shopping Complex, Bandar Baru Ampang, on Oct 3 and 7, or Oct 10 and 14.


was placed over it. Hotline was earlier alerted to the hazard by PJ accountant AISYAH RASHID

who spotted the unprotected manhole while dropping off her son at the school on Sept 19.

When contacted, she expresses happiness with the new cover, but will tell her boy to be wary of it.

Online comments www.mmail.com.my Coupon confusion (Sept 29) ● I HAVE been buying the coupons from various sites and you only need to read the T&C properly. Most are really good deals, especially those involving F&B. — Corrupted ● NOTHING is free. If they say it is, something has to be done to get the 'free' items. Don't be too confident with such promotions! — Abang Tan ML

No-show by firemen (Sept 26) ● THERE are a few issues I would like to raise. 1) The phone operator must have got the address right?; 2) The fireman must have got the address from the operator right?; and 3) If the whole house is on fire, you are telling me you still try and call the victim? For all we know, the victim is being burned alive. So if victim doesn't answer call, you guys leave! — Anonymous

● IS this the best explanation from the Fire and Rescue Services Department and is this the first time this has happened? This is shocking as lives are at stake. There must be something wrong with the system if the department can't locate a house on fire. — Sonic TNB clears misunder standing on power bill (Sept 21) ● ONCE again, we, consumers, are not protected by

the law. It only protects the corporate world. The law states they are allowed to backdate charges as long as they want, if they suspect you have tampered with the meter. How do you justify this? It is the big corporations against us, small consumers. Malaysians, don't be surprised if you get letters from these people 10 years down the road, backdated 10 years, on suspicions you have tampered with the meter when, in fact, it

is faulty itself! Someone please tell me why this is so messed up? — Anonymous ● I THINK the real problem is the tariff structure. The two-month billing will always lead to tariffs being based on the 'more than 400 units' tier. If you use 300 units a month, paying it monthly for two months is cheaper than paying it via the two-month system. How can this even be permitted? — Jeevan

The Malay Mail Wednesday 5 octoBER, 2011

Scientists from several countries will gather in the Kemerova region of Siberia to hunt down the Yeti, after alleged sightings of the legendary creatures increased threefold in the area over the past 20 years — AFP


Thai floods kill 224 World Heritage site, city centre overwhelmed with water

AT least 224 people have died in flooding in Thailand since mid-July and water has inundated the 400-year-old Chai Wattanaram temple in the ancient city of Ayutthaya, a World Heritage Site, officials said yesterday. The temple is by the Chao Phraya river, which flows down to the capital, Bangkok, around 105km to the south. "The water level is now up to 1.5m and 150 soldiers are deployed in the area to fix the embankment," said Wittaya Pewpong, governor of Ayutthaya province. He said more than 200 of the 500 ancient temples in the province had been affected

by floods. Thailand has been hit by massive flooding caused by a tropical storm followed by seasonal monsoon rains, which usually fall from August to October. Culture Minister Sukumol Kunplome put the damage to historical sites around the country at least 100 million baht (RM10.2mil). Flooding has also affected Bangkok, which sits only two metres above sea level. The Chao Phraya river has overflowed into roads in some areas, although the authorities have reinforced its banks to prevent serious flooding. — Reuters

WALK IN WATER: A man carries a boy on his back at a flooded market in a low-lying area of downtown Bangkok yesterday — AFPpic



Stellar insights net Nobel A TRIO of astronomers won the Nobel Physics Prize yesterday for discovering that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating, a finding that implies that the cosmos will end in frozen nothingness. The three are Saul Perlmutter and Adam Riess of the United States and US-Australian Brian Schmidt. The laureates found through observations of more than 50 distant supernovae that light from the dying stars was weaker than expected, meaning they were further away than anticipated. They concluded that, instead of slowing down, the expansion of the Universe that began after it was created by the Big Bang was accelerating. "The discovery that this expansion is accelerating is astounding," the Nobel jury said, adding that if the acceleration continues "the Universe will end in ice". — AFP


'Sexy Chicken' new web sensation A RECENT photograph in The New York Times for a story about cooking with chicken skin has spawned the latest popular parody account on Twitter: @NYTchicken a.k.a. “Sexy Chicken”. After The Times published “Chicken’s Attraction Is Truly Skin Deep”, the somewhat provocative photo caught the attention of social media users. The next day, @NYTchicken popped up on the web, reports The Age. The account has attracted more than 1,600 followers with 19 humour-filled tweets. Sexy Chicken even caught the attention of KFC’s social media team, which tweeted, “@NYTChicken For goodness sake, cover yourself. I recommend something in a nice Original Recipe.”


FREE BIRD: The controversial 'Times' article


Itchy ear has Thailand scratching A SUGGESTIVE pop song has left socially conservative Thailand in a spin. Nong Ja, a 20-year-old student whose song about an itchy ear, has taken the country by storm, attracting a staggering 16 million hits on YouTube and 100,000 ''likes'' on her Facebook page, reports The Age. Her performances have outraged social conservatives in the predominantly Buddhist nation and prompted complaints to the Culture Ministry, which is considering the matter. Having an itchy ear is a Thai idiom that means somebody is talking about you. The trouble is that in her performance, the

scantily clad Ja does not confine the itch to her ear, as one of her hands goes towards a more intimate part of her body. The song also has some obviously lewd puns, more suited to a late night comedy show. As the song quickly became Thailand's most popular, Ja was accused of being a prostitute, which she is not. She has not handled the criticism well, although it has not curtailed her public appearances. Asked by one breathless interviewer how she could do something like that on stage, she answered tearfully: ''I come from a poor family. If I could choose, I would not choose this life.''

Jolie mulls new UN role ANGELINA JOLIE (pic) will be taking on a new role in refugee crises, the American actress and United Nations refugee agency UNHCR said yesterday. UNHCR sources said the new role would be as Special Representative on the Afghan refugee situation. But Jolie, who has served for 10 years as goodwill ambassador for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees

(UNHCR), declined to be specific, telling reporters in Geneva: "We are looking at a few countries in the world. On Monday, Jolie made a surprise appearance at the UNHCR's ceremony to honour a Yemeni aid group credited with rescuing thousands of desperate Somali and other African refugees who arrive in Yemen each year on perilous boats. — Reuters

DIRTY DANCING: Ja's YouTube clip attracted over 16 million hits

Knox leaves after acquittal STUDENT Amanda Knox (pic) flew out of Italy yesterday after being acquitted of murder and freed from prison in a climax to a four-year legal saga. Knox left Rome's Fiumicino airport on a flight for London and is then expected to make her way back to her hometown of Seattle, where there were scenes of jubilation among her supporters at the news of her release. The 24-year-old was seen with her parents looking exhausted in the VIP lounge of the airport. "She told me she does not feel any resentment," Corrado Maria Daclon from the Italy-USA Foundation said. Knox was discharged from a jail near Perugia in central Italy on Monday after her conviction for killing her British housemate Meredith Kercher was overturned in a ruling that prompted an outpouring of emotion in court. — AFP

Russia votes on castration Bill RUSSIAN lawmakers prepared to give early backing yesterday to a Bill allowing judges to order the chemical castration of convicted child molesters. The tough new measure was proposed by President Dmitry Medvedev in May and is almost certain to be approved by the Kremlin-controlled State Duma lower house of parliament in the first of three required votes. "This is a response to society's concerns over the rise of sexual crimes against children," leading ruling party lawmaker Oleg Morozov said in televised remarks. — AFP


10 lifestyle

The Malay Mail Wednesday 5 OCTOBER, 2011

Stop stress Simple ways to release everyday tensions

By Karina Foo karina@mmail.com.my

how to play

yesterDAy'S solution

Sudoku X is a simple variation of Sudoku with the only difference being the squares in white (which make up the numeral X) need to tally from 1 to 9 along with the remaining coloured squares.

DEADLINES, traffic jams, misbehaving kids and troubled relationships can make any eventempered person explode in a screaming rampage. While some stress is normal and healthy for the human body, chronic stress can take a toll on our health and waistline. Yes, stress can cause weight gain because you’re neglecting your body by clocking in longer hours in front of the computer, hence not exercising and probably eating junk food to combat those negative stress-related feelings. Too much stress is bad for you because it creates a toxic overload in your body due to a convoluted mix of chemical reactions and you end up feeling tired, irritable and miserable. stress can make you fat When we’re stressed, our body releases a survival hormone called Cortisol that helps us ready ourselves to combat

whatever is stressing us. An example would be when we see a bus speeding towards us. Cortisol is released to give a short burst of energy to enable us to get out of harm’s way. But most of the time, we face stressful situations on a daily basis that doesn’t require life-saving responses. These stresses include getting stuck in a jam or when the boss is throwing more work your way. So, when you start feeling hot and your body tenses up, ready to scream or cry, that’s your body responding to the release of Cortisol. But if this happens too often, there will be cortisol build-up in your bloodstream and two things can happen: Firstly, your appetite will increase especially for foods that are high in calories such as sugar and fat because they give you a temporary fix to calm your nerves. Secondly, more fat will be stored in your belly because you’re eating more calories than you need and the extra energy will have to be stored somewhere, (by the way, belly fat is deadly fat called Visceral fat that can lead to a host of other diseases). One way you can combat stress-related weight gain (or just weight gain in general), is to exercise. Oh no, you think, not another article on “You have to exercise, or else...”. Don’t stress (no pun intended). You don’t have to do 100 push-ups and run 10km a day until you pass out. We’re just suggesting starting an exercise routine that’s realistic and easy to follow. Exercise kills stress Before you lament, “I don’t have enough time, my schedule is packed”, consider how much time you spend in front of the TV or computer playing mind-

STRESS SIGNAL: Tension in the body is caused by the release of Cortisol less video games. That time can be used to work out. Exercising is one of the best and least expensive methods to combat the negative effects of stress. Here’s why: • It makes you feel good: Exercise produces the feel-good hormones, endorphins (some call it a “runner’s high”), but any type of exercise will help decrease the negative feelings of stress and will make you want to Carpe Diem with confidence! • It helps you vent in a positive way: When your body engages in physical activity, you’ll be too focused on what you’re doing to fume about your woes for the day. After you’re done, you’ll find that you can think clearly and can solve problems better. If you really feel like you want to let out some steam, kick-boxing or mixed martial arts is an awesome way to pretend that you’re bashing the daylights out of stress. • It’s a mood booster: Aside from making you feel more confident and positive, regular exercise can sustain a good mood and combat depression. It improves sleep and helps regulate your appetite by making you more aware of what you’re eating and thus, have better control over your weight. • It makes you LOOK good: When you feel good, you look good and working out boosts blood circulation in your body that helps it function more efficiently. It will improve the condition of your skin, maintain or lose weight (depend-

ing on what your fitness goals are), your body will be leaner and stronger. All this will make you want to look and dress your best. When you enjoy all these benefits of working out - NOTHING can get you down! Easy Workout IDEAS If you can’t decide or find a proper exercise routine yet, try doing these for at least 15 minutes every day to help you manage stress better: • Brisk walk around your neighbourhood (pump your arms in the air to increase your heart rate and burn more calories). • Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Better still, take two steps at a time to work your butt and leg muscles! • Skip rope (this is the biggest calorie burner). • Use canned soups as weights and do some bicep curls and shoulder presses. Or, do 10 push-ups before you sit down for a meal! • Sign up at your nearest gym and enjoy the group exercise and dance classes. They are fun and you can make new friends. • If you don’t want to workout in public, buy some exercise DVDs and do it at home (you don’t need that much space). • Invest in a good quality pair of dumbbells and some fitness equipment like resistance bands and medicine balls. Some websites offer clear and easy instructions on how to use these for an effective workout. Make sure that the instructions are given by trained and credited fitness professionals.

10 minutes is all you need While experts recommend 30 minutes of exercise on most days of the week, breaking it down to 10 minute sessions will do the job just as well. Although the duration of exercise is important, there’s no need to be super strict about it. Instead, focus on exerting yourself by 60-80 per cent so that you’re slightly breathless. This indicates that your heart rate’s high enough for you to be burning a lot of calories (10 minutes of moderately intense exercise can burn up 80 to100 calories, depending on your

height and weight). If you’re really tied for time but want to get a proper workout, try this 10-minute circuit you can do at home with or without dumbbells. Caution: Before starting any workout programme, consult your doctor or a qualified personal trainer, especially if you’re a beginner or have not been exercising for a long period of time. Start here: • March on the spot (Two minutes) • Squats with dumbbells (30

seconds) • Lunges with dumbbells (30 seconds) • Jumping jacks (One minute) • Push-ups (One minute) • March on the spot -lift your legs higher to elevate your heart rate and burn more calories (Two minutes) • Floor stomach crunches (One minute) • Cool down: March or tap each foot from side to side (One minute) • Stretch the muscles you’ve worked (One minute) = 10 MINUTES!

lifestyle 11

The Malay Mail Wednesday 5 october, 2011

Cool cops in local ‘CSI’-like drama

Story and pic by Loong Wai Ting waiting@mmail.com.my If there is one good reason why one should catch 8TV's new series, The Adjusters, it would be that "it's just awesome." Perhaps, there is more than one reason, but as far as this writer can tell, it is going to be a promising attempt at making a somewhat CSI-ish drama with a local twist. Made possible by a group of young talented artistes Rynn Lim, Chris Tong, Aric Ho, Henley Hii, Angie Seow and a few more along the way, The Adjusters 2 is a continuation of its previous

TV CRIME BUSTERS: (From left) Ho, Tong, Fong and Hii

season and there are talks that a third season might follow suit. "I think as far as I'm concerned, I want to try my hands at writing maybe the first episode to the third sequel," said local artiste Tong, who recently joined the ranks of three other big names, Yeo Yann Yann, Deb-

bie Goh and Aenie Wong under the management of Juita Entertainment. The enthusiastic actress then went on to say that her co-star, Lim made her an offer she could not refuse. "Yu Zhong (Lim’s Chinese name) said he would come on-

board if I wrote the script and he would do it no matter how much I was going to pay him," she said half-jokingly. Meanwhile, joining the new season would be singer Hii who would be playing a cool and tough private investigator. "It has been years since I

played a cool person in front of the cameras. I'm thankful that I'm given the opportunity to once again 'act cool'. Well, I just do whatever the script requires me to do really!" said Hii. During the preview screening at the Cathay Cineplexes, The Curve, The Adjusters 2 showed

Tong in a scene where she revealed more than usual. Not only did her character step out of the shower in a leisurely manner, she also daringly showed a lot of skin to the audience. "It was very tough!,” said Tong about that particular scene. “But then I was satisfied with the outcome and it looked good on screen." Hii then joined in the chatter sharing some of his most memorable experiences in the drama. "There was a scene, where my character was chasing this criminal and had to jump off a high building. The director asked if I could do it and without thinking, I said yes. So I performed the stunt myself without a stunt double and as a result, I hurt my wrist. Until today, it has not fully recovered. But I think it was all worth it. I'm glad." The Adjusters 2 airs every Sunday at 8.30pm beginning Oct 2 on 8TV. For more information, visit www.8tv.com. my

12 lifestyle

Final face-off The stage is all-set for the crowning of the first Perfect Gentleman

WIN A CHANCE TO WATCH THE FINALE LIVE! TO reward readers of The Malay Mail, we are sending 10 lucky winners to Sunday’s The Perfect Gentleman grand finale at Sri Pentas 2, Shah Alam. Lucky winners will each get two passes and a goodie bag. To get your hands on these limited-edition merchandises, tell us who you think deserves to be crowned The Perfect Gentleman and the

criteria that make a perfect gentleman. Send all your entries with your full name as per NRIC, NRIC number, contact number and address to ntv7.pr@ gmail.com with the subject header The Perfect Gentleman contest tie-up with The Malay Mail.

IN THE FINAL COUNTDOWN: (From left) Kong Jie, Shyang Wen, Lewis, Lee, You and Sih

Faizal Tahir lends credence to skincare product MORE men are cleaning up their acts, and that certainly augurs well for all the health and skincare products targetted at this special market. SG Men recently launched a range of products that could give men some help in the hygiene department. The brand also decided that rock star Faizal Tahir (pic) would be the face to endorse their products. Here are the SG Men products that would bear Faizal's mug in their campaign. SG MEN REFRESHING COOL CLEANSING FOAM It is a refreshing foaming facial cleanser that effectively removes impurities and dead skin cells. The cleansing foam is formulated with vitamin E and algae extract to keep skin moisturised and energised. It is also contains Vitamin C and E to moisturise and repair skin. Micro scrubs effectively clear

congested pores and dead skin cells for a clearer and more energised complexion. SG MEN OIL-CONTROL DEEP CLEANSING SCRUB The oil-control foaming scrub will deeply cleanse away excess oil and impurities. It is formulated with Sebaryl, a biotechnology complex to keep shine at bay, while also containing vitamin C and E to moisturise and repair skin. SG MEN FACIAL CLEANSER The product is retailed at RM5.50 in 50g RSP tube and RM9.50 in 100g RSP tube. SG MEN FRESH SHAMPOO The shampoo removes unpleasant odours effectively

while soothing the scalp and cleansing the hair. Formulated with ZPT to combat dandruff, the shampoo also contains vitamin E and Panthenol to nourish and strengthen hair. With orange extract for a fresh, clean feeling, it is also enriched with a masculine scent to keep hair smelling great all day.

SG MEN ACTIVE SHAMPOO This is another choice of shampoo from SG Men where it purifies and removes buildup from hair caused by styling products and calms the scalp at the same time. Formulated with ZPT to combat dandruff, it also contains vitamin E and Panthenol to strengthen the hair. Besides giving a fresh masculine scent

to keep hair smelling great all day, it is also infused with multiminerals to rejuvenate tired scalp. SG MEN ANTI-DANDRUFF SHAMPOO Available at retail at an affordable price of RM4.50 in 90ml RSP bottle and RM8.50 in 180ml RSP bottle. SG MEN FRESH SHOWER GEL It is the ultimate shower gel for men that cleanses and refreshes skin without drying it up. Formulated with vitamin E and grape seed oil to keep skin youthful, moisturised and supple, the shower gel also contains orange extract for a fresh clean feeling. Enriched with a

fresh masculine scent, it will keep skin smelling great all day. SG MEN ACTIVE SHOWER GEL Another selection of shower gel which cleanses and energises tired skin, it also contains menthol for a cooling experience. SG Men shower gel is priced at RM7.90 in a 200ml RSP bottle. —By CHE'AZ

The Malay Mail Wednesday 5 OCTOBER, 2011

By LOONG WAI TING long@mmail.com.my YOU might have seen them strutting their stuff and flaunting their talents for the past few weeks on ntv7. Yes, these guys are in the running to be crowned Malaysia's first perfect gentleman. This Sunday, after weeks of gruelling competition and arduous training, the top six finalists of The Perfect Gentleman will come together for a final face-off. The lucky six are Shyang Wen, WiIliam Joey Lewis, Jake You, John Lee, Joel Sih and Kong Jie and they will swagger down the runway to impress not just the judges but the audience too during the show's finale that would include a talent show, catwalk as well as a question and answer session. Leading the judges is local actress Debbie Goh, the winner of the Most Popular Actress in Golden Awards 2010. Joining her are Singapore's actor and host Mark Lee, Jiang Pei and acclaimed fashion designer Gillian Hung. Also seated among the panel of judges is Jane Wong, a local magazine editor. "Though I have not met any of the finalists, I am hoping to see their best performances. Of course, it would be a tough call for the judges because I believe all the contestants have very good calibre. Personally, I am a very generous person and I'm not into the nitty-gritty details and of course I will never take advantage of other people. The show is a very

good platform for finding good-looking and potential future stars," Lee said. Also joining the finale is Hong Kong singer and actress Stephy Tang, who is known for her sweet voice. The former lead singer of pop group Cookies will be making a special appearance to entertain audiences with some of her best-known hits. Two special awards — Most Photogenic and Most Popular — will be presented on the night and public SMS voting for these titles will end on Saturday. Send votes by typing TPG <space> VOTING CODE to 333999 (each SMS will be charged 50 sen). The ultimate winner of the The Perfect Gentleman will walk away with cash and attractive prizes worth more than RM80,000. The first and second runner-ups will walk away with cash prizes worth more than RM50,000 and RM30,000 respectively. Winners for the Most Photogenic and Most Popular awards will then receive cash worth RM2,000 each. The Perfect Gentleman LIVE telecast will be broadcast from Sri Pentas 2, Plaza Alam Sentral in Shah Alam at 6pm on Sunday on ntv7. More behind-the-scenes videos can be found on the show's official website at www.ntv7.com.my/theperfectgentleman. The Perfect Gentleman is hosted by one of Malaysia's top hosts, Hoong JiaHui.


Don’t let acne blemish your life By KARINA FOO karina@mmail.com.my YOU may have it all — the body, the height and the clothes. But if you have acne, it can be a total bummer. Acne isn't only a problem faced by teenagers due to their raging hormones but millions of adults suffer from this debilitating skin problem too. It shouldn't be taken lightly as just a —"Oh, c'mon, nobody cares since you're already a grown-up!", because acne can cause a host of psychological problems. "The pimples are unattractive and may result in low selfesteem affecting a person's confidence and can put a strain on their personal and work relationship. In a society where first impressions count, having unsightly red bumps on your face can make it difficult for one to find employment. The person may find it hard to start a relationship with the opposite sex because they don't think they're good enough, or as

blatant as it sounds, they aren't attractive to the other person," said Dr Mohd Noh Idris, a consultant dermatologist and skin specialist based in Kuala Lumpur. He said that in more extreme cases, the psychological effects of acne can be so severe that it can drive the sufferer to depression and even suicide. For the record, adult onset acne affects 25 per cent of men and up to 50 per cent of women at some time in their adult lives, according to a 1999 study by the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. One third of these adults affected by facial acne also have acne on their body. "Up to 20 per cent of visits to the dermatologist is due to pimple or acne problems and this is worrying," said Dr Idris. Once you've treated acne, the other issue you'll face is trying to prevent scarring which can leave very unsightly marks and what some call, "craters" on your face.

How pimples are formed THERE are oil glands in a number of places on the body, with more glands found at the chest, face and back. The oil glands help to lubricate the skin by producing oil or sebum and this flows through your follicles or tiny ducts (like tubes) to the skin’s surface. Acne is caused by uneven shedding of dead skin cells and these clog up the oil glands allowing bacteria to feed on the sebum. The body responds by fighting the bacteria with white blood cells and when the battle is over, the white blood cells die and puss is formed and swells up in the area resulting in an inflammation or pimple.

Sometimes, the pimple can develop into nodules or cysts that penetrate deep into the skin. This can cause pain and may lead to scars.

OUCH!: Squeezing a zit may cause scarring

Caring for your skin OF COURSE, living a healthy lifestyle like getting regular exercise will help excrete toxins and bacteria from your skin but here are other measures you can take:  Avoid oil-based skin products: They may produce more oil (and lead to more clogging) on the skin. Consult your dermatologist who'll prescribe you a suitable skincare regimen  Don't over-wash your face: This will result in dryness and will lead to more oil production (when the skin is too dry, it will react by producing more oil).  Hands and Hair off!: Your hands and hair have bacteria and may not be as clean as you think. Please tie up your hair or get a new hairstyle if you have bangs or a fringe that touches your face (the look is so yesterday, anyway).

God knows what you've been touching for the whole day and the stuff that remains on your hair - now they're making love to your face? Yummy.  Wash off the sweat: Exercise is great. Leaving sweat on your skin after a workout is not. Sweat carries a lot of bacteria and when it dries up, the grime and dirt continues to linger on your skin. This may lead to skin infections so use a mild face cleanser to get rid of the dirt and dried sweat as soon as you're done with the workout. You might want to use a gentle exfoliate to remove dead skin twice a week.  Do not pop it: It's so tempting to squeeze that little scumbag of a zit out but it can cause scarring or the pimple spot to swell.  Get early treatment: Your dermatologist may save you from suffering from severe acne problems. Expect to have a full prescription of skincare products, possible surgical treatments and follow-up care that will help the healing process and prevent future skin breakouts.

The newest take-home treatment IF you're having a problem with acne, don't just buy any pimple zapping cream at the store. While most pimple creams are effective in treating those annoying zits, they may appear again because most remedies involve spot treatment of visible acne surfaces and not the source of where the pimple was formed. "It's likely that acne will return and can cause even more damage and may need more treatment which will take more time and money," said Dr Idris. He recommends using Epiduo, a gel that clears away pimples

and helps prevent further acne formation which in turn will help prevent scarring. "What differentiates Epiduo from others is the combination between Adapalene and Benzoyl Peroxide which is in line with doctors’ recommendations of using a topical retinoid and an antimicrobial therapy for the majority of acne patients," said Eric Chan, product manager for Galderma, a company that specialises in the R&D and marketing of dermatological products. Adapalene effectively prevents the formation of micromedones

(the starting stage of pore blockage where there's a microscopic formation of an acne lesion). It also has strong anti-inflammatory properties to reduce pain, redness and swelling. Benzoyl Peroxide kills acne bacteria and reduces inflammation and together with Adapalene, they attack the

multiple causes of acne. Epiduo is antibiotic free and comes in an easy to use gel which can be applied on the entire acne affected areas once a day. Epiduo by Galderma, is priced at RM57 per tube and is available at dermatologist and GP clinics as well as selected private hospitals.


the malay mail



the malay mail




the malay mail

Wednesday 5 OCTOBER, 2011

Readers can also look out for classified ads ONLINE as early as 9.00a.m at www.mmail.com.my


Houses wanted

GOOD PRICES OFFERED for land / houses and Apt in Shah Alam, PJ & KL. Quick sale. Owners TEL / SMS 019-228 6666


Car for sale

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House for sale/to let

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TRADE-IN VALUE. ENJOY brand new 5-seater SUV (manual), 7-seater MPV (auto), 14-seater VAN (manual) with 100,000km / 3 year warranty. Lowest d/p. Good Interest rates. Call James 019-281 1163

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Financing/insurance service

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Vehicles for hire

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Home repairs/maintenance

REPAIR ON THE SPOT., Air cond, fridge, water heater, & w/machine. 24hrs & 7 days operation. Call: Syed 017-388 3154



SAFFRON BEAUTY CARE(002052898-A) 22A-2, Jln Rimbunan Raya, Kepong. Massage by local Indian girl. Private & cosy. Riya 014-664 6956


LOOKING PARTNER. I am a Sri Lankan national staying in Malaysia. Looking English speaking Malay Lady or Gentleman for set up small restaurant in Bandar Puteri Puchong. Partner no need to investment. I have a investment and partner will be a just sleeping partner only and partner can get good profits every month. Interested please call or SMS for further details. 017-681 5190

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Business opportunities

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Fashion/health & beauty


Business for sale

GOLDEN MERMAID. Out call Relaxation massage by Male & Female masseurs. Call: 012-907 5995 / 03-2021 7637

TOUPEE-WIG-100% Human Hair - Hand Sewn-Custom Made RM1900 only. Info : www.hairsetup.com Call : 019- 311 8916 TRAD MASSAGE, RM50, SS21/12, PJ. Newly open. Call: 03-7873 0971. Gina/ Rina/Apple/ Rozie.

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Car for sale

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Fashion/health & beauty


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Office/office building for sale

Office to let


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Vehicles for hire



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Car for sale


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Business opportunities


Home services/renovations

CENTURY ROLLER SHUTTER specialist. Installation, service & repairing all kind of door roller shutter. Call Lee 012-649 9238

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Services ACCOUNTS, AUDIT ,TAX, Secretarial, MOF & Register co..Door steps service. Lembah Klang.03-5511 5922 / 034107 8457 / 012-216 0744 Sainy. Visit www.mhmfirm.com


Wednesday 5 OCTOBER, 2011 M398








LORRY DRIVER NEEDED urgently. Location in Cheras. With full E-license & able to read in English. Call: 03-9223 0037

HIGH 4D TRAINING SKILLS for direct top prizes. 4D winning numbers for Magnum & Toto. Increase chances in winning 4D Magnum & Toto Jackpot game using these powerful techniques. Call Mr.Vincent: 012670 7182 for more information.


Friendship A MALE music consultant is looking for female friends of any age. Locals / foreigners. Call 016-265 3180 CUPID’S TOUCH High success rate genuine clientele. Call: 03-2142 6118 / 032142 1118 / 016-650 1118 w w w. c u p i d s t o u c h . c o m . m y


Articles for sale BUS DRIVERS WITH E License & Van Drivers (male/female) needed for international school based in KL. Call: 03-4044 8081 / 012-234 8081 (10am-5pm)

DRYER FOR CLOTHING’S. Easy, fast and effective. RM390. For happy family. Interested call: 019-7355 295






RUNNERS WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Attractive Commission. Possess own motorbike. Call: 032694 9901 / 2693 4142

SALES DEVELOPMENT Executive/ Van Salesman / Lorry Driver & Lorry Attendant needed with or without exp. Call 03-8062 2007

An experienced company driver is wanted for an office in Bangsar. Able to communicate in English. Salary RM1,400 negotiable. Call Philip Lee at 03-2284 9594 for interview ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANTS needed. Candidate must posses a Degree in Accounting, at least 3 years working experience. Mandarin & English spoken. Chinese lady preferred. Please write in to us either by mail, fax or e-mail detailed resume together with a recent photograph to Prima Interchem Sdn Bhd. No. 4, Jalan Sungai Kayu Ara 32/38, Taman Berjaya Industrial Park, Seksyen 32, 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor. Tel: 03-5740 6060 Fax: 035740 6050 Email: katherine@ primainterchem.com

the malay mail

MANAGEMENT TRAINEE/ PROJECT EXECUTIVES (Sales & Marketing Division). Required urgently at Menara Yayasan in Petaling Jaya (next to Amcorp Mall), SPM /fresh graduates are encouraged to apply. No experience required as training will be provided. Email: admin_gm@keneve. com.my. Call Ms.Sofea at 018295 5135 for an immediate interview appointment.

MEMBERSHIP CONSULTANT (Basic+Comm+Free gym m’ship) Good communication skills, sales experience is an advantage, training provided. High commission. CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICER (Basic+Incentive+Free gym m’ship) Experience in handling customers, pleasant and friendly.Both positions are based in Sri Petaling. Start immediately. Call Ms Adeline 012-609 9969 / Ms Lily 012366 5998 for an interview.

C&S consulting engineers looking for junior drafts person. Contact 012-3236682

SECURITY ELITE GUARDS CISCO Urgently needed at 5 Star Hotel in KL, Ex Uniformed personnel’s are encouraged. Salary RM 1800.00+++. EPF, SOCSO, medical, insurance, meals and hostel provided. Call: Chandran 012-376 0640, Jeya 016-222 3213,Off 03-2282 7055, 2282 7044

Superb Wealth Management an outsource representing Hong Leong Bank Berhad, based in Damansara Uptown have immediate vacancies for mortgage loan executives. Basic Salary + Commission. Contact 012-699 5051 or send your resume and application to maximilian-agency@live.com

TELEMARKETING & SALES EXECUTIVE urgently needed in PJ. Malay Preferred. Call: Rafiah / Angie. Tel: 037803 4288 / 017-239 9844


Jobs A MEDICAL TOURISM CO. (MIDVALLEY, KL) Requires experienced Telemarketers & Sales consultant. Training provided . Basic RM3,000 & commission. Pls call ERIC 0162619132 OR 603-22881669. Interested call after 11 am daily.

CAR SPARE PARTS Delivery Despatch worker, (with good salary) Petaling Jaya. Call: Ms Chai 03-7875 6868 CELCOM PROMOTER urgently needed. Basic salary + comm. (RM 2k-4k) Training provided. School leaver are encourage to apply. Opportunity to get a higher post. Mr.Jimmy Lim (HP) 013-399 9388 CREDIT RECOVERY OFFICERS wanted at Klana Jaya. School leavers or fresh graduate or retires encourage to apply. Interested call: 016-207 0228 Lee, 012-296 0625 John

ACCOUNT/AR CLERK & Personal Driver. Interested candidates please call Mrs Yap H/P 012-3900 738/ 016-3230 738

ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT required by authorised Honda dealer in Subang Jaya (near Goodyear Court). Min SPM/ above. Computer literate. To assist exec in accounting & admin functions. Able to start immediately is an advantage. Chinese female preferred. E-mail to stbt@ usjcarexpress.com or contact Mr. Steven 03-56358988.

ADMIN & ACCOUNT CLERK, Sales Exec, General Workers & Lorry Driver required at Cheras. Please contact:: 03-9223 0037 ADMIN EXEC, CLERK. Min SPM / Diploma, With or no exp, Willing to learn, honest, hardworking, SALES EXEC. Own transport, service dealers. Positive attitude, work independently. Speak/ write English, located: Bdr Sri Dâ ™sara Tel:03-6272 9316 / angiebhb@yahoo.com An established Company at Jalan Ipoh seeks LORRY DRIVER Requirements:Familiar with Klang Valley. With experience at least 1 year. Capable to carry heavy goods. Willing to work long hours. Interested candidates kindly call 03-6257 7860

DRIVER: 3-4 Yrs experience with good road knowledge, interested. TECHNICIAN IT: Min SPM, Exp IT / Electronic, valid driving license. ENGINEER IT: Dip IT / Electronic, 2 Yrs. Exp, HW, SW. Contact: 03-5513 1114 / Email:hr@rhyzrin.com

GENERAL WORKER & TECHNICIAN urgently needed. No:53, Jalan USJ 2/2M, 47630, Subang Jaya. Selangor. Pls call: 010-513 9439 (Mr.Lim)

ONLINE EDUCATION BUSINESS. We are looking for business partners to expand our market share. The only e-learning portal endorsed by the Ministry of Education. Huge market potential (Std 1 to Form 5). Pioneer & leader in e-learning. Low start-up capital. High income return. SMS your particulars <NAME> SPACE <AGE> SPACE <OCCUPATION> SPACE <AREA> to 012-3776739

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VACANCY AT a Spare Parts Company 1) Lorry Driver 2) Motor Driver 3) General Worker Salary is negotiable. Staff refreshment is included. Company is opposite of Petronas Segambut. Please call: Michelle 016-975 3681 / 03-6259 9666

Well established, fast growing kindergarten at Sek.4 Kota Damansara P.J. seeks Montessori/equivalent teachers. 5 days work, top-of-the-market benefits, excellent environment, training provided. Optional full-day work opportunities available. Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply. Contact 012-200 2862 or send your resume to stham24@yahoo.com

QC with Forman experience/ Salesman related to car insurance / morning & night shift telephone operator positions available. Possess relevant qualification & experiences in automotive industry. Must have own transport ( preferably live in close proximity. Immediate vacancy. Office location at Jalan Kapar, Klang. Pls call Bob @ 012-393 9389 or Ah Soon @ 012-393 9398 RECOVERY OFFICERS Supervisors/ Managers/ Clerical needed. Attractive basic salary, commission and performance bonus provided. Loc: near the Pudu LRT station. (walking distance) Call: 03-9195 5551 @ 5552 or E-mail gtr@galatrack.com

GENERAL WORKER. MALE or female. USJ1 Subang Jaya, with or without experience. Full time min. RM800, EPF,SOCSO, Incentive & OT. Call: 03-8023 8733 IMMEDIATE VACANIES FOR Credi recovery Officers / Field visit Officer & despatch. Age below 37. Min SPM. Male / female. Indoor / outdoor. With / Without experience. Urgently required in Tmn Shamelin, Cheras. Good basic salary + high commission. Please call Ms.Yatie 03-9285 0500. LEGAL FIRM IN KL required experience Banking Litigation Clerk urgently.Good remuneration.Call:012-2514 297

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Wednesday 5 OCTOBER, 2011 M580






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Wednesday 5 OCTOBER, 2011 M580










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Malaysia target two gold medals in the 7th World Junior and Cadet Karate Championships to be held at Air Keroh, Malacca from Oct 13 to 16 — Bernama

The Malay Mail Wednesday 5 OCTOBER, 2011

Recipe for disaster

Too many cooks spoil the chutney in hockey confederation TWELVE vice presidents to sit in the Malaysian Hockey Confederation (MHC)? Add the president, deputypresident, four independent members, secretary-general, assistant secretary-general, treasurer and assistant treasurer and you now have a full team of 22 to compete in the ongoing Malaysia Hockey League (MHL). In fact, they could field two teams and compete with each other! Baffling as this may sound, the Federation of International Hockey (FIH) has one president, one general-secretary, one chief executive officer and 14 members — five of which represent the Continental Federations and one that serves as the athletes' representative.

That's 17 officials for a world body. The fiasco brewing in MHC is no better than the Bollywood dramas on Zee TV. The MHC extraordinary general meeting is scheduled on Saturday. The agenda of the meeting, as stated in a letter dated Sept 22 to the delegates, is to approve and adopt the amendments of the constitution. Articles 8.2.2 and 8.2.3 of the earlier constitution stated MHC will have one deputy president and four vice presidents respectively. The new constitution reads there will be one deputy president, two senior vice presidents and 10 vice presidents per Article 10. But that's where the drama begins.


The MHC was formed on July 16, 2005. It was in line with FIH's requirement to merge the men's and women's federations at the national level under one umbrella. Only 10 representatives from each body (men's and women's) were invited to MHC then. But the Malaysian Hockey Federation has 16 affiliates while the Malaysian Women's Hockey Association has 11 members. Some states have separate associations representing each gender while KL has a single body governing both sexes. But why didn't MHC work towards merging all state bodies since 2005? Wouldn't that have solved half if not most of the grouses?

Is it true that MHC's annual general meetings have only been attended by a selected few and not by all the representatives? And now the drama escalates. If MHC had sorted out this mess earlier, they would realise there is no hockey association in Perlis. The Sports Commissioner's Office confirmed there is no "Perlis HA" while the Perlis Women's Hockey Association was dissolved in 2004. MHF is well aware of this as they had, in a meeting last year, restricted Perlis' participation to age-group tournaments only. So can someone explain why Perlis HA was acknowledged by UniMap's vice chancellor Brig.

FromThe Sidelines with Haresh Deol


Jen Datuk Prof Dr Kamarudin Hussin in his closing ceremony speech of the UniMAP Vice Chancellor Trophy Invitational tournament on May 25 last year, and how UniMAP are allowed to play in the ongoing MHL? Isn't UniMAP an affiliate of a non-existing HA? It is mind boggling to see the need to rush the MHC constitution when FIH extended the due date to December. Perhaps MHC could learn from its counterparts in the FA of Malaysia who went through the same process and incorporated the women's department into the national body in 2006.

The blind light up the way

IT is all about instincts for blind bowler Choo Kam Chan. Unlike his able-bodied counterparts, Kam Chan will be relying on his "sixth sense" to drop the pins at the other end of the alley. "I need to feel the length and width of the alley and position myself properly before bowling. It's something which is difficult to explain but it comes naturally after years of practice," said Kam Chan, 36. Kam Chan, who runs a reflexology and massage parlour, is the nation's best bet for the upcoming 4th International Blind Sports Federation Tenpin Bowling World Championship scheduled from Oct 10-14 in Sunway. P a r t n e r i n g Ku i z h a m Kuharum, he won the gold medal in the doubles event (B2 category) and also the bronze in the singles event at the Para-Asian Games in China last year. "Playing at home is added

pressure and the Koreans have always given us a good fight at such tournaments. We'll take one game at a time." Muhammad Suhaili Abdul Hamid is also eager to defend his position in the ''all events'' of the B3 category. He won the previous edition of the world meet in Sydney four years ago. "Winning the title is difficult but defending it is even tougher. It boils down on what happens at the lanes," said Suhaili. Both Kam Chan and Suhaili were at the unveiling of the Overall Champion trophy at the Malaysian Blind Association complex yesterday. Also present were the sponsors of the tournament — U Mobile, Mesuma, AmBank and Gatorade. Among the countries competing in this year's tournament include Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore and the United States.

● Haresh Deol is a Senior Journalist with The Malay Mail. He is itching to tweet about the MHC fiasco on his newly set up twitter account (@HareshDeol). He blogs at www.hareshdeol.blogspot. com and receives brickbats at haresh@mmail.com.my


KLHC coach calls for attitude change

By VIJHAY VICK vijhayvick@mmail.com.my

Winning instincts: Kam Chan (left) and Suhaili are the nation's best bet at the 4th International Blind Sports Federation Tenpin Bowling World Championship next Monday

MHC had all the time in the world to get it right. Yet, they failed to do so. Now they are eager to have 22 people running the show — with no guarantee any one of them could play it right. Could this be a case of too many cooks spoil the chutney?

KUALA LUMPUR Hockey Club (KLHC) players need to change their attitude. Those were the words of coach R. Vivekanandan when asked to rate his side's performance in the Malaysia Hockey League (MHL) so far. "They have to stop getting complacent when having a big lead. This cannot go on as the remaining three matches are crucial," said Vivekanandan. He is not happy that his team performs well in one half but breaks down in the other. He drew an example of their last match against Armed Forces as an example. "We finished the first-half with an 8-1 lead but lost the second-half 2-1. Luckily we had a big lead. Against stronger teams we might not be so lucky," he added.

FIXTURES UiTM v Maybank (6pm, Pitch 2) KLHC v UniKL (6pm, Pitch 1) Forces v YNS (8pm, Pitch 2) TNB v Sapura (8pm, Pitch 1)

(all matches at Bukit Jalil Hockey Stadium)


KLHC Sapura TNB UniKL Nur Insafi YNS Maybank UiTM Forces

DRILLS: Vivekanandan (2nd from left) running tactics with his team at Pantai Hockey Stadium yesterday — Pic: Razak Ghazali

However, Vivekanandan refuted suggestion that there could be change in personnel for their remaining three matches. KLHC play UniKL today and Nur Insafi Penang on Friday before a potential title deciding game against

Sapura on Sunday. KLHC sit at the summit of the MHL standings, with only goal difference separating them from Sapura. Just like KLHC, Sapura too have won every match to date. However, Sapura face their

P 5 5 6 6 6 5 5 5 5

W D L 5 0 0 5 0 0 4 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 3 2 0 3 1 1 3 0 1 4 0 0 5

F A Pts 29 8 15 21 6 15 23 6 13 14 14 7 12 21 7 7 17 6 9 11 4 6 21 1 7 24 0

toughest test today as they take on Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). Sapura coach I. Vikneswaran is not underestimating TNB. "We are not chasing KLHC. All I want is another three points. If we get full points in our remaining games, we will win the league title. There is no need to talk about goal difference," said Vikneswaran.

Chairil may hang his stick MAYBANK'S former national forward Chairil Anwar Abdul Aziz may end his illustrious 22-year involvement as a player soon. The 39-year-old vows to never turn his back on the sport he loves. In fact, Chairil wants to play an active role behind the scenes by developing the sport. "I want to encourage the younger ones to achieve greater heights. "This could be my last season

playing in the Malaysia Hockey League (MHL). It's time I contribute to the development of hockey," said Chairil. However, he believes improving the hockey scene will not be an easy task. "We must b e p at ient. Development will have to start at the grassroots. Hockey has changed but our style remains the same. Today, international teams rely on fitness more than technique. Hockey is more

quicker and physical too." Chairil started his MHL era in 1989 when he played for Kuala Terengganu Municipal Council. He then moved to Maybank in 1991 and has remained there ever since. He is not only the longest serving player in the MHL but also the only member of Maybank's present team to have tasted success. Chairil helped Maybank to the double in 1994 and the

league title in 1995. "Those were my best years at club-level hockey. I won the most valuable player in 1994." However, his best memories were when he donned the national colours from 1992 until 2002. Winning the 1998 KL Commonwealth Games silver medal was just one of the few moments he cherished. He also played in two Olympics (1996 and 2000) and two World Cups (1998 and 2002).

AUCKLAND: rugby/ world cup

Frenchman Harinordoquy unhappy with head coach FRANCE forward Imanol Harinordoquy hit out at head coach Marc Lievremont for criticising the players in public after the shocking defeat to Tonga in their final pool game last weekend. Yesterday, Harinordoquy was named as starting number eight for Saturday's quarterfinal against England at Eden Park after coming off the bench during the 19-14 defeat to the Tongans. Lievremont described his "shame" at the performance against the Pacific Islanders, comparing the team to the disgraced French squad which spectacularly melted



Italy's Leonardo Ghiraldini has been suspended for 15 weeks for 'gouging' the eyes of Ireland prop Cian Healy — AFP

The Malay Mail Wednesday 5 OCTOBER, 2011

down at last year's football World Cup. "I am not happy because all the media know what he said," said Harinordoquy. "I think there are things that have to stay in the room when you speak between the coach and players. "He can say that to us, that is not a problem, but I prefer that those kind of things stay in the room." Lievremont told journalists that his players were guilty of cowardice after the French lost to Italy in the Six Nations earlier this year and there have been a rash of reports about divisions in the French

camp at the World Cup. Harinordoquy will earn his 75th cap against England and said the French certainly had to improve on their displays in the pool stage, where they won two and lost two. "We have to change our mentality for this match. To be more aggressive, to fight, to play like we know we can. The props, the locks and the back row have to think about the fight first, not think about the game," he said. "I don't know if they are a stronger side than us, but I do know it will be a tough match. I don't know if there will be a lot of passing in this

match, but there will be a lot of fighting. "We will have to have a big defence, good discipline and to score points when we have the chance." England have knocked France out in the semifinals for the last two World Cups and Harinordoquy hopes their campaign will finally ignite on Saturday. "This is the most important match for us. It can be the match which makes the difference for everybody, for us, for our supporters, for France... I hope the competition will start for us on Saturday."

Wild bunch

Legend Guscott blasts bad behaviour of some England players Legend Jeremy Guscott (right) blasted some of England's players' "completely unacceptable" behaviour at the World Cup. England's campaign in New Zealand has been dogged by controversy with off-field incidents leading to questions about team discipline. First was the night out in Queenstown involving Mike Tindall and a group of players, while James Haskell, Chris Ashton and Dylan Hartley were reprimanded by head coach Martin Johnson for making lewd comments to a female staff member at their Dunedin hotel. Former Bath and British Lions centre Guscott, who won 65 caps for England, told BBC Sport: "Johnson's got a few kids that aren't acting as though they're playing for England, or at a World Cup. It's beyond belief, it is staggering. "The last thing Johnson

wants is to be sat at a Press conference having to firefight questions from journalists. A few guys going out to let off some steam in Queenstown I can understand but you've got to say, 'Guys, you're under the microscope'. "You're representing your country, you've got the hopes and dreams of millions of rugby supporters back home and all they're hearing is stories of messing about and drinking. It's completely unacceptable. "This is a Rugby World Cup. If you think you're living in a goldfish bowl wait until the 2015 Rugby World Cup (in England). They'll be under a microscope then." England face France in the quarterfinals in Auckland on Saturday. Meanwhile, wing Mark Cueto believes England are living in a "goldfish bowl" in New Zealand and are sick of off-field issues dominating

those on it. He blasted the media over their reporting of the events surrounding Tindall in Queenstown and a trio of players at a hotel in Dunedin. Cueto insisted that rugby should be the main focus, but was fighting a losing battle. "In another country it may have been nothing but in this country it's a story where it has been in the papers a million times. There are two things that have happened but they are in the papers every day. "Move on and start writing about other things — it was three weeks ago," Cueto said. The 31-year-old believes if the tournament was in England that 'nothing would have been said about it'. "Things have happened. We have learned from them — we have had to learn from them. I'd like to think we have improved our discipline off the field," he said.

"I don't think standards have slipped... you are talking about a couple of guys who have gone out for a few beers. That's the bottom line of what happened, what's wrong with that? "If the boys can't go out and have a couple of beers, well it's a sad world that we live in."



The Wellington way From Norazza M. Haniff

"KIA ORA, and welcome to New Zealand!" It felt as if the welcome signs were made especially for me as I arrived in Wellington for the final day of the group stage matches of the 2011 Rugby World Cup (RWC). I bought tickets in April 2010 and I had been looking forward to this trip ever since. As it is the world's third largest sporting event, held in rugby-mad country New Zealand, it was an event I could not miss. On the first day, my girlfriend and I saw the French official team coach waiting outside a hotel to take the team to the stadium. Being also fans of the French Top 14, I decided to wait with the small crowd of French supporters, cameras in hand, for the team to appear. As they emerged, we cheered them on, unfazed by the fact that we were the only non-French citizens there, while Tongan fans drove past honking and cheering for their own team. It is the RWC after all. The ensuing match was the biggest upset to date, with France beaten by the island team, who bowed out of the

Fixtures QUARTERFINALS SATURDAY Ireland v Wales (1pm) England v France (3.30pm) SUNDAY South Africa v Australia (1pm) New Zealand v Argentina (3.30pm)

tournament with their heads up high. We had planned to be up early the next day to have a nice seafood lunch by the wharf before heading out to the stadium but exhaustion and jetlag overcame us. I was amazed at the turnout. I had never been to an event at a stadium where not a single seat was unoccupied. My "neighbours" at the stadium had come from France and had also purchased tickets to the game even though their team were not playing. The time came for the Maori warriors to blow the war horn and both teams came out to face each other. Team Canada stood facing the mighty All Blacks as they performed the haka and the whole stadium watched in silence. As the haka ended, everyone cheered loudly in appreciation and anticipation of the match, which was eventually won by the All Blacks. We left the stadium content that the first-leg of our journey was a success. But our trip was to become even more eventful as we met several of the All Blacks after the match. We greeted the All Blacks’ latest sensation Sonny Bill Williams, who converted to Islam in 2008, with a salam which he replied, before asking where we came from. We even saw Dan Carter hobble along on crutches! I finally managed to enjoy a seafood meal by the wharf in anticipation of the quarterfinal matches this weekend in Auckland. For more, visit The Malay Mail's website: http://mmail. com.my/


Springbok Botha aims to shine in what may be last Test match

SOUTH AFRICA second row Bakkies Botha is painfully aware that he may end up playing only another 80 minutes in a Springboks shirt. The 32-year-old is in a group of 2007 winning veterans reaching the end of their international careers. The ongoing tournament has now reached the knockout stages and the next Test match could well be the last for Botha, John Smit, Victor Matfield, Danie Rossouw and Butch James, to name a few. "A lot of the guys know it

can be their last game and the team that loses this weekend is on their way home, so we know what we must produce," said Botha, ahead of the quarterfinal clash with Australia on Sunday. "A handful of us have been around the block for nine, 10 years and the big secret for us is to focus on the weekend. When you pull that green and gold jersey on you must give it all and we are not holding back one inch. "We know from this week-

end the intensity is going to get higher and the pressure as well." Botha's problems with, first an achilles, and then a hamstring injury, have curtailed his involvement in this tournament. "You don't know how frustrating it is. It is all the physical battles I missed against Wales and Samoa. When I was sitting in the stand I just wanted to take off my No 1 jacket (Springbok blazer) and get stuck into it. "Now I am feeling 100 per cent and must hit the

ground running. I am happy to be back. As long as I can give something back to the team I will be happy if I can make a difference." Botha's par ticipation against the Wallabies is still dependent on selection, but he envisages a game suited to his confrontational style. "Since Robbie Deans took over (as Wallabies head coach), the Australia pack of the last two or three years have picked up their physicality a lot, as we saw in the Tri Nations.

"You can't play Test rugby if you have not got a pack that dominates physically and this weekend's battle will be physical as well. We must get on the pitch, do our best and have a good day at the office. "Every Test match is a clash of the packs of forwards, where we make a few deals and everything in the rucks, sorting each other out. We know that a Test match against Australia is a physical battle and that's the first battle we must win to put our backline on the

front foot." Botha's determination to extend his 76-Test career is not diminished by his plans to play in Europe after the tournament ends. "I have signed a threeyear deal with Toulon so when the World Cup is over I will go home, pick up my wife and three kids and head to France. I'm looking forward to it, it is a new challenge for me. But before that I have three more weeks of hard work and I am putting all my energy into that."




MALAYSIANS Erny Marlina Mohsen and Rose Emini Pahamin finished the 38th BMW Berlin Marathon on Sunday within qualifying times. "The people here are so supportive," said Marlina, 28, who works at a premium gift company in Kuala Lumpur. "There were those in the

Italian Serie A strugglers Bologna are on the lookout for what will be their fourth coach in 14 months after announcing the sacking of Pierpaolo Bisoli — AFP

The Malay Mail Wednesday 5 October, 2011

Malaysians conquer Berlin Marathon From ZAKIAH OMAR

crowd who gave away drinks and candy." R ace day was perfect weather for the Berliners, who turned out en masse to spur on the runners, clapping as seniors and disabled participants pass. G roup s of mu s i c i an s

and performers stationed themselves along the route, heightening the street carnival atmosphere. "The atmosphere was great," said Rose, 29, a Proton dealer director in Putrajaya. Rose, who was in tears when she finished the 42km race, made it in spite of an injured knee she incurred two

months ago during the Gold Coast Marathon. She was advised by her doctor not to run in Berlin, but she was determined not to miss the opportunity. Rose's brother and sister got them interested in running in 2008. Since then, they have been encouraging others to take up the sport.


Ready for City

"Now running is booming in KL," said Marlina, adding that she wants to run "till I get old". Ap a r t f r o m t h e K L Marathon, both have done the Singapore and Gold Coast Marathons, and Rose the Melbourne as well. Their first run was in KL in 2009. Berlin marks their fifth.

Where next? The London Marathon is their aim. However, it uses a ballot system. Marlina and Rose have tried but have not managed to get in yet. They are not giving up and are trying for the one in April next year. For more, visit The Malay Mail's website.


US Open champion Stosur sent packing

The Citizens are Devils' true derby rivals, says Ferguson

MANCHESTER UNITED manager Alex Ferguson expects Manchester City to make a flying start and admits the Red Devils will have to be ready for this month's huge derby clash. Despite dropping just two points in their opening seven matches and finding the net an incredible 24 times, United headed into the current international break boasting a single goal advantage over City, who have also drawn just once. Little wonder it has led to many pundits predicting an all-Mancunian title carve-up. It has certainly heightened anticipation for the first derby clash of the season, at Old Trafford on Oct 23, although Ferguson insists City's fast start has not caught him by surprise. "I've said all along that would happen," Ferguson told Inside United. "They are a good team and they were always going to be there or thereabouts. "Sergio 'Kun' Aguero (pic) was bound to do well coming into the Premier League because he is such a goal threat around the penalty box. David Silva is also a good

player. We just have to make sure we are ready for City when we meet them." Previously, Ferguson cheek-

ily suggested Liverpool were United's true derby rivals. Sheikh Mansour's £1 billion (RM5b) investment in City changed all that, with the plethora of stars working under the guidance of manager Roberto Mancini bringing an extra dimension to the fixture. "All derbies are big now, that is the nature of the landscape," said Ferguson. "The impetus City now have and the financial power to attract some of the best footballers in the world changes the focus of the derby these days. "The talking point isn't so much the actual game but the dynamics of how City have changed football and what we do to compete with that." However, ahead of that clash, United must visit Anfield to face the team they deposed as England's most successful club in May, when they clinched a record 19th league title. Liverpool have been difficult opponents to overcome in recent seasons though, with striker Dirk Kuyt bagging a hattrick in last season's corresponding fixture. "We have been poor there

of late," said Ferguson. "On a couple of occasions we have been outfought by them, which is disappointing. "The atmosphere plays a part. Every time we go there it is as if it's the biggest game of the century." Meanwhile, United goalkeeper David De Gea denied deliberately stealing doughnuts from a supermarket. He and two other men were accused of taking Krispy Kreme doughnuts from a display and eating them without paying, but the Spaniard insists it was all a misunderstanding. "Nothing really happened," he said. "Me, my cousin and a friend from Spain went to the shop, we were hungry and took the doughnuts. '"We were going to buy more things. I realised I didn't have my wallet so I went out to the car to get it. They thought I was leaving without paying. "I tried to explain to them, but my English is still not very good and we were there for a while. In the end, a Spanish girl arrived and we understood each other and in the end they ended up apologising to us."

I did not call Tevez an idiot, says Kolarov DEFENDER Aleksandar Kolarov has denied reports claiming he branded Manchester City rebel Carlos Tevez ''an idiot'' for refusing to play are wide off the mark. Tevez has been reported to have refused to step off the bench during City's recent Champions League clash with Bayern Munich. City manager Rob er to Mancini was left fuming by the incident, claiming he considered Tevez's time at the club

to be ''finished''. Rightback Micah Richards then became the first City player to give his take on proceedings on Monday, admitting that Tevez was in the wrong. With the striker having been suspended, and with an internal investigation ongoing, the club have attempted to steer clear of discussing the matter further. However, it was reported that Kolarov had blasted Tevez's actions during the club's

trip to Munich. But the Serbian rubbished those claims and admitted he was keen to avoid fanning the flames by offering his opinion. "It is not true that I said that word to him," Kolarov told Mondo. "I don't want to comment any more about this because I'm afraid that I will get misunderstood again." Midfielder Samir Nasri is also keen to avoid being dragged into the Tevez row,

but admits that the squad can understand why the club have taken action against their fiery Argentine attacker. "After we got back, the manager had a meeting with the players. He explained the situation and everything was fine," said the Frenchman. "We understood the decision but we don't want to get involved too much. We just want to move on and play our football. That's what we do best so we'll focus on that."


US OPEN champion Samantha Stosur was knocked out of the China Open yesterday in another upset at the tournament following shock defeats for the women's Wimbledon and French Open champions. The Australian world No 7 lost 5-7, 6-1, 5-7 in the second round to 2005 Beijing champion Maria Kirilenko, following exits for French Open winner Li Na and Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova. Australian Stosur was beaten in her opener last week in Tokyo — again by Kirilenko — as she played her first match since beating Serena Williams in last month's US Open final. Kirilenko broke in the final game in Beijing to claim the victory, with Stosur saving only one of six break points in a match lasting more than two hours. Hol d e r and top s e e d Caroline Wozniacki and double Grand Slam finalist Vera Zvonareva, seeded third, restored some order to the day with victories. Wozniacki, who took over the WTA top ranking for the first time in the Chinese capital a year ago, was in merciless form in dispatching Australian Jarmila Gajdosova 6-2, 6-3. — AFP

RESULTS Men's first round Mikhail Youzhny (RUS) bt Nicolas Almagro (ESP) 6-3, 6-2; Albert Montanes (ESP) bt Paul Capdeville (CHI) 6-3, 6-3; Zhang Ze (CHN) bt Li Zhe (CHN) 6-1, 6-3; Philipp Kohlschreiber (GER) bt Tommy Robredo (ESP) 6-3, 7-6 (7-0); Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (FRA) bt Grigor Dimitrov (BUL) 7-6 (7-5), 7-5; Fabio Fognini (ITA) bt Grega Zemlja (SLO) 6-4, 6-1; Tomas Berdych (CZE) bt Jurgen Melzer (AUT) 7-5, 7-5; Marcel Granollers (ESP) bt Gilles Simon (FRA) 6-3, 6-1; Ivan Ljubicic (CRO) bt Teymuraz Gabashvili (RUS) 7-5, 7-5; Juan Carlos Ferrero (ESP) bt Thomaz Bellucci (BRA) 6-1, 7-6 (7-4) Women's first round Vera Zvonareva (RUS) bt Klara Zakopalova (CZE) 6-3, 4-6, 6-2; Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova (RUS) bt Maria Martinez Sanchez (ESP) 6-2, 6-3; Flavia Pennetta (ITA) bt Daniela Hantuchova (SVK) 6-2, 6-1; Marion Bartoli (FRA) bt Christina McHale (USA) 6-2, 6-1; Maria Kirilenko (RUS) bt Samantha Stosur (AUS) 7-5, 1-6, 7-5; Virginie Razzano (FRA) bt Roberta Vinci (ITA) 7-6 (9-7), 6-0; Andrea Petkovic (GER) bt Carla Suarez Navarro (ESP) 6-4, 6-4; Caroline Wozniacki (DEN) bt Jarmila Gajdosova (AUS) 6-2, 6-3

The Malay Mail Wednesday 5 OCTOBER, 2011


We have what it takes to beat Chile — Argentina's Gonzalo Higuain


Fancy Ferdinand

DOWN BUT NOT OUT: Ferdinand (left) can still force his way into the England squad — AFP photo



Reds face fight for Dortmund's Kagawa

Welbeck backs 'Rolls-Royce' Rio to return ENGLAND striker Danny Welbeck backed Rio Ferdinand to resurrect his international career after the veteran Manchester United defender was axed by Fabio Capello. Ferdinand's omission from the England squad to face Montenegro was the biggest surprise as Capello looks to seal qualification for the Euro 2012 finals in Poland and Ukraine on Friday. However, rising United star Welbeck insisted Ferdinand, 32, was capable of forcing his way back into the squad. "We all know what capabilities he's got — he's a RollsRoyce of a defender," Welbeck told a Press conference after an England training session.

MADRID: FOOTBALL/ primera liga

Atletico sorry for Puerta chants ATLETICO MADRID have issued an official apology in the wake of last Sunday's scoreless Primera Liga draw against Sevilla after a number of the club's fans sang songs mocking the death of the opposition's former player Antonio Puerta. Puerta tragically died in August 2007, and the Madrid-based side have now condemned the disgraceful behaviour of some of their fans. "Atletico Madrid deeply regret the chants aimed at Antonio Puerta during the match on Sunday at Vicente Calderon Stadium," read the statement. "Our club are deeply repulsed by these songs and apologise to the family of the late footballer, to Sevilla and to the general football public. Puerta passed away at the age of 22, three days after succumbing to heart failure in the match against Getafe on Aug 25, 2007.

"It's wrong to write him off. We all know the ability he's got." Ferdinand has battled back to fitness after suffering a hamstring strain in August which ruled him out of England's matches with Bulgaria and Wales. However, Capello omitted the defender believing he needs more match practice. Welbeck, meanwhile, said he would be happy to link up with United teammate Wayne Rooney in the England attack, saying his game had benefited from the striker's advice. "He's been on fire, he has started the season scoring goals and creating goals. To be training with him every

JAPANESE midfielder Shinji Kagawa (pic) is at the centre of a spat between Liverpool, Manchester United, AC Milan and Juventus, who are all chasing the 22-year-old after a string of outstanding performances for Borussia Dortmund. Kagawa impressed for the German club when they drew 1-1 with Arsenal in last month's Champions League encounter and no one was more impressed than Liverpool manager Kenny Dalglish. Reds scouts were reported to have been in Germany and Dalglish could make a move in January's transfer window. But it will cost him if he wants to land Kagawa. The playmaker is contracted to Dortmund until 2013 and is believed to be valued in the region of £18 million.

day is a bonus and I'm going to learn from him," Welbeck said of Rooney. "He's a great guy to go to for advice, he's always talking to you during training and it's been really beneficial. "It would work (as a partnership for England) because we've been training together for a couple of years now." Although England need only a point to progress in Podgorica on Friday, Welbeck said Capello's men would go for a win. "I don't think it would be right to go to Montenegro and play for a point, our aim is to win every game we go into and I don't see why we can't do that," he said. — AFP

City's Savic looking for last laugh against England MONTENEGRO defender Stefan Savic vows to have t he l ast l au g h on Manchester City's England contingent. This is after revealing that he has been taunted by City's England players ahead of their Euro 2012 qualifier on Friday. England travel to Podgorica needing only a point to be sure of their place at Euro 2012 and t he re fore pippi ng t he i r opponents to the one automatic qualifying place. Savic admits the likes of Joe Hart, Gareth Barry, James Milner and Micah Richards have been teasing him by claiming they do not even know where Montenegro is, but the centreback is confident they can

SAVIC SANDWICH: Savic (centre) celebrating with Joleon Lescott (left) and Vincent Kompany after scoring their fourth goal against Blackburn Rovers on Saturday — AFP photo

get a positive result against Fabio Capello's men. "They keep asking me,

'Where are we going?' and saying they don't know w here Montenegro is,

because we are such a small countr y," Savic told the Daily Star. "It should be a good game for both teams, but I expect a good result for us. "If we want to finish first in the group we have to win both games, but it's going to be hard. But if we don't beat England, we'll need one point against Switzerland to be second. "If we can be first it's good, but second place will be very good for us. We have only 800,000 people in our country but everyone is proud of what the football team means. "It will be a big atmosphere, the stadium has a small capacity but it will be very noisy."


Italy's Criscito out with groin strain ZENIT ST PETERSBURG'S Domenico Criscito (pic) has been ruled out of Italy's two remaining Euro 2012 qualifiers with a groin strain, the Italian football federation announced yesterday. Palermo defender Federico Balzaretti is also doubtful for the matches against Serbia and

Northern Ireland because of injury. Inter Milan striker Giampaolo Pazzini, who had been doubftul, has now been ruled out after medical staff determined he would not recover sufficiently from an ankle knock in time for the trip to Belgrade. Italy have already booked

their spot for the tournament in Poland and Ukraine next year as Group C winners but both their opponents are still in contention for second place and a spot in the playoffs. Italy travel to Belgrade on Saturday and host Northern Ireland at Pescara next Wednesday. — AFP


Toffees want Barkley to stick around EVERTON will offer Ross Barkley an improved long-term contract this December in a bid to keep covetous hands off the 17-yearold and secure his future at Goodison Park. Barkley signed a 2½-year deal with the Toffees last December, the maximum allowed for a player under the age of 18, but he will be eligible to sign a longer-term contract after his next birthday. Though he has made only three first team starts, Barkley is the subject of weekly speculation linking him to the likes of Chelsea and Manchester United, with one report suggesting a possible £30 million fee. As with Jack Rowell, David Moyes has been careful in blooding the youngster and will hope to persuade Barkley that his future lies at Goodison Park.


Gunners to splash cash on M'Vila

ARSENAL will make another move for Rennes midfielder Yann M'Vila in the January transfer window after failing with their bid to capture him in August. Arsene Wenger has identified the France international as his key target and has accelerated plans to bring the midfield anchorman to the Emirates Stadium after Jack Wilshere was sidelined for five months. Arsenal are prepared to shatter their transfer record to land M'Vila by bidding in excess of €29 million for the 21-year-old. The Londoners were named by Rennes coach Frederic Antonetti as one of four Champions League clubs to make offers of "around €30 million" for the player in August.

Sam old story

Rusty Rio

US Open champion Samantha Stosur was beaten for the second time in a week by Maria Kirilenko

THERE’S still fire left in United defender Rio Ferdinand to get into England squad

>> pg22

>> pg23


Hockey puck

THE Malaysian Hockey Confederation are adopting a new constitution offering 12 vice president posts

BUENOS AIRES: football/ world cup qualifiers

Downhearted Messi ... so now Barca ace wants Argentina to start winning habit

>> pg20 rugby

War cry

SOUTH AFRICA’s Bakkies Botha will not be holding anything back against Australia on Sunday

>> pg21


Idiot tales

DEFENDER Aleksandar Kolarov denies calling Manchester City rebel Carlos Tevez an idiot

>> pg22


Shinji scramble

JAPANESE midfielder Shinji Kagawa is on Liverpool’s radar for January’s transfer window

>> pg23

Wednesday 5 October, 2011

BARCELONA superstar Lionel Messi admitted he has experienced too much failure while on duty with the Argentine national team and urged his teammates to break the habit in the Conmebol World Cup qualifying campaign. So used to winning titles as a member of the Spanish champions, the little wizard has not seen the same fortune smile on him while representing Argentina. Since making his debut in 2005, he can boast just one winners medal, gold in the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, as a member of the senior team. With three days before Alejandro Sabella’s men start their bid for Brazil 2014 against Chile at home, Messi said this is the time to build a consistent, winning team. “The results we seek are still not materialising for us, we have experienced a great number of failures. I hope that against Chile we can start winning,” Messi told Radio Metro. The 24-year-old also argued that it is unrealistic for the fans to expect him to carry his national side, pointing out that this simply is not the case in Barcelona. And he continued to predict a fierce battle for qualification among South America’s World Cup hopefuls.

“These games are getting more and more difficult because all the teams are on a similar level, and they can make life hard for you by packing the midfield,” said Messi. Messi and Argentina host Chile at Estadio Monumental before travelling to Caracas to take on Venezuela on Tuesday. Meanwhile, Messi made it clear that leaving Barca has never been an option for him. He joined the Catalans at the age of 13. “Leaving Barca has never been in my head. As long as things continue to go the way they go now, I have no intention of leaving,” he said. Messi also said that remarkable things occasionally happen to him on the pitch during Champions League matches. “When we play in the Champions League, it sometimes happens that opponents come up to me when I prepare to take a free-kick and ask me whether I want to exchange jerseys after the game.” In another development, Boca Juniors’ Juan Roman Riquelme failed to earn a place in the Argentina squad after coach Sabella confirmed three new additions to the list released previously. Argentine FA’s official web-

FIXTURES SATURDAY Uruguay v Bolivia (3am) Ecuador v Venezuela (5.05am) Argentina v Chile (7.10am) Peru v Paraguay (9.15am)

site also revealed Riquelme’s Boca teammate Agustin Orion, Estudiantes midfielder Rodrigo Brana and Atalanta striker German Denis were included in the updated squad. Riquelme has been in sparkling form for Boca in the Apertura, missing just one game as he has helped the Argentine giants to a five point lead over nearest rivals Rafaela at the top of the table. However, the 33-year-old has not been free of injury worries and concerns over his durability were key in the decision to

HAND OF GOD: Mascherano and Messi (right) fights for the ball during training — AFP photo

miss the “local” national side’s two friendlies against Brazil. THE SQUAD GOALKEEPERS: Sergio Romero (Sampdoria), Mariano Andujar (Catania), Agustin Orion (Boca Juniors) DEFENDERS: Pablo Zabaleta (Man City), Nicolas Burdisso (Roma), Martin Demichelis (Malaga), Federico Fernandez (Napoli), Nicolas Otamendi (Porto), Nicolas Pareja (Spartak Moscow), Marcos Rojo (Spartak Moscow), Emiliano Insua (Sporting Lisbon)

MIDFIELDERS: Ever Banega (Valencia), Fabian Rinaudo (Sporting Lisbon), Ricardo Alvarez (Inter Milan), Jonas Gutierrez (Newcastle United), Jose Sosa (Metalist), Javier Pastore (Paris St-Germain), Nicolas Gaitan (Benfica), Javier Mascherano (Barcelona) Rodrigo Brana (Estudiantes) STRIKERS: Angel di Maria (Real Madrid), Lionel Messi (Barcelona), Gonzalo Higuain (Real Madrid), Sergio Aguero (Man City), Rodrigo Palacio (Genoa), Eduardo Salvio (Atle Madrid), German Denis (Atalanta)


Talented Vargas capable replacement for injured Sanchez UDINESE and Chile star Mauricio Isla is confident that Eduardo Vargas (pic) can fill the gap left by the injured Alexis Sanchez, while warning that his country will have to battle hard to take down Argentina and Lionel Messi on Friday. The midfielder arrived in Santiago on Monday to begin preparations with Claudio Borghi’s side for the big clash. Former club teammate Sanchez is a notable absentee for the Chileans as the Barcelona star is down with a hamstring problem. However, Isla said Universidad de Chile prospect Vargas has all

the tools necessary to assume the mantle of Sanchez, a former Colo Colo and River Plate wonderkid. “I got to know Vargas well when he played against Spain and he is a humble kid who inspires confidence,” Isla told Triunfo. “I trust Vargas because he has already been with us, he plays similar to Sanchez, he played great against Spain and I think in Universidad de Chile he is doing the same.” Both Argentina and Chile made the quarterfinal stages of the Copa America last July, but Isla was under no illusions when asked about the challenge the two-time World

Cup winners pose at Estadio Monumental. “A lot has been said about Argentina not finding the playing style they seek but the best player in the world is in that team — Lionel Messi,” he said. Chile will host Peru in Santiago in their second match on Tuesday. Meanwhile, Sanchez hailed the quality of the Chileans, whom he feels are a serious threat to any other country in the world as he believes in his teammates’ capabilities. “Chile have the team to beat anyone,” he told AS.

Published by Malay Mail Sdn Bhd (239512V), Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, and printed by The New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Berhad (4485-H), 31, Jalan Riong, 59100 KL

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