7 October 2011

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Friday 7 october, 2011




Jobs-less world Outpouring of emotional tributes comes after passing of Apple visionary

>> pg9

100,000 copies daily

I’m not involved

The Malay Mail

Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar denies he ordered police to raid the Kuala Lumpur offices of the Malaysian Association of Youth Clubs (MAYC)

>> pg2

Unions for foreigners? THE Human Resources Ministry will study a proposal by the MTUC to allow foreign workers to join labour unions

>> pg3

Acid victims doubtful



40 sen for delivery per copy


Palace in the dark


Doing Social Good

THE Sultan of Selangor has not received the report on the incident from the State Islamic Affairs Department (Jais) despite the Mentri Besar announcing a royal decree on it would be made within days last week. Says the Sultan’s private secretary, Datuk Mohamad Munir Bani: “We are still waiting for it from both the Mentri Besar’s office and Jais.” The MB’s political secretary, Faekah Husin, however, says her boss has discussed it with the Sultan and “... is waiting for Tuanku’s advice”. Meanwhile, Jais is keeping mum.

Khailee Ng and a friend launch a new corporate social responsibility platform called Social Good 2.0


Victims of acid splashers say the move to tighten laws on acid sales may not be effective

>> pg4

>> pg6

where the raid took place: The ‘Dream Centre’ of Damansara Utama Methodist Church



The demise of Apple Inc's co-founder Steve Jobs is not only a loss to the company but also to the global community — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak

Timeline on Jais' church incident


Sultan yet to see Jais report Palace still waiting for church raid account from State government and State Islamic Affairs Department

WHY has the report on the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department's (Jais) church raid yet to be presented to the Sultan? This is the poser which arose following the revelation the Istana Alam Shah has not received the department's report on the Aug 3 incident at the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) in Petaling Jaya. A palace aide told The Malay Mail the Sultan of Selangor had not seen the report despite Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim announcing a decree would be made on the matter last week. Abdul Khalid told reporters last Wednesday Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah would give his views and advice relating to the issue in the "next two to three days". Yesterday, private secretary

By ASRUL HADI ABDULLAH SANI asrul@mmail.com.my

to the Sultan Datuk Mohamad Munir Bani confirmed with The Paper That Cares the palace was still awaiting the report from the State government and Jais. "Yes, we haven't received the report and we are still waiting for it from both the Mentri Besar's office and Jais." The MB's political secretary, Faekah Husin, however, said the palace should be expecting the report from Jais and not the State government. "The ball is in Tuanku's court. Tan Sri (Abdul Khalid) has the report and has discussed with Tuanku and is waiting for Tuanku's advice. "The report should have been given directly by Jais to the Mentri Besar and Tuanku." Attempts by The Malay

Mail to contact Jais director Marzuki Hussin over several days have been unsuccessful. He was also unavailable for comment when visited at his office. Jais deputy director Ali Mohammed and deputy investigations and enforcement director Sharom Maarof also declined to comment, saying only Marzuki had the authority to make any statement. In the incident, police and Jais raided a multiracial thanksgiving dinner at DUMC's Dream Centre in Jalan 13/1, organised by Harapan Komuniti, a nonprofit organisation helping women, children, HIV/AIDS sufferers and victims of natural disasters, after receiving complaints of an alleged attempt to proselytise Muslims at the


function. Twelve Musl i ms we re detained and later told to present themselves at the Shah Alam Syariah Court on Oct 19. Following a public uproar, the MB had said the State government regretted the raid and asked Jais to prepare a report. This was not the first time the palace had denied statements made by the Abdul Khalid. In August, the Sultan denied a statement by the MB that the Sultan had advised the State government to set up a Syura or consultative council to resolve the church raid controversy. The palace and the MB's office were also at loggerheads over the appointment of former Jais director Datuk Mohd Khusrin Munawi as the State Secretary last December.

Aug 3: Police and the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) raid a multi-racial dinner held at the Dream Centre of the Damansara Utama Methoodist Church (DUMC) organised by Harapan Komuniti after receiving complaints that Muslims are attending the function. DUMC senior pastor Daniel Ho claims 30 police and enforcement officers entered the church without a warrant at 10pm. Twelve Muslims attending the dinner are questioned and asked to go for counselling.

Aug 4: Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim says the State regretted the incident and asks Jais to prepare a report on the incident. Selangor executive councillor and Pas assemblyman Datuk Hasan Ali defends the raid and claims Christians are trying to convert Muslims. Aug 5: Abdul Khalid issues gag order on all State exco members on the raid. Aug 11: Jais director Marzuki Hussin says in a statement that the venue was only inspected after 11pm when the dinner had ended and denies it was a raid. The Petaling Jaya City Council confirms the premises have not been approved as a church but denies that it will seal the DUMC building.

Aug 13: Pas lends support to Jais and says immediate action must be taken against those said to be attempting to covert Muslims. Aug 15: The 12 Muslims present during the church raid are interviewed by Jais and given counselling by the Selangor Mufti Department. Aug 22: Abdul Khalid says the Sultan of Selangor had advised the State government to set up a Syura council to resolve the controversy surrounding Jais' raid on DUMC. Aug 23: The Sultan of Selangor denies ordering or advising the State government to establish the Syura council. Sept 15: The 12 Muslims present during the church raid are told to present themselves at the Shah Alam Syariah Court on Oct 19. Sept 19: Abdul Khalid says he has received Jais' report on the DUMC incident. Sept 28: The MB says the Sultan will announce his views and advise on the raid in the next two to three days. Oct 6: The Selangor palace says it has yet to receive the Jais report.


'I had nothing to do with raid' L A N D P u b l i c Tr a n s p o r t Commission (SPAD) chairman Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar (pic) has denied that he ordered police to raid the Kuala Lumpur offices of the Malaysian Association of Youth Clubs (MAYC). Several blogs had speculated a former minister had ordered Brickfields police to intervene following an argument among MAYC members on Sept 23. A number of arrests were made. "I was not involved in any of the events that took place that day," Syed Hamid, a former Home Minister and former MAYC president for 11 years, told The Malay Mail. "As I am not a member of the MAYC, I believe all internal conflicts should be left to the MAYC to deal with by themselves." Speculation on the involvement of Syed Hamid was fuelled

The Malay Mail Friday 7 OCTOBER, 2011

by online claims the current MAYC president, Mustaffa Mat Aroff, is close to him. It was also claimed that Brickfields police chief ACP Wan Bari Wan Abdul Khalid had received direct orders from Syed Hamid. The argument started when Mustaffa allegedly prevented MAYC secretary-general Ahmad Ansor Rivai Batubara from entering the MAYC premises to

The Malay Mail is published by Malay Mail Sdn Bhd, Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200, Petaling Jaya

carry out his duties. The ensuing raid resulted in four MAYC members, including a woman, being arrested. All were later released after more than six hours of questioning. There were also claims by bloggers that Wan Bari was "forced" to detain them. Wan Bari denied this, saying the police handled the incident like any other reported case. MAYC has been embroiled in an internal squabble for some time and this worsened after two annual general meetings (AGMs) held in 2010. During an AGM on July 31 last year, Akhramsyah Sanusi was chosen as president. However, at another AGM on Sept 26 that was chaired by Syed Hamid, Mustaffa was elected president. The Registrar of Youth Societies (ROY) decided to declare both AGMs null and void.

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Alignment not changed to avoid VIP house, says SPAD

THE changes made to the proposed alignment of the MY Rapid Transit (MRT) in Jalan Damansara, off Jalan Duta, was made to save the government's money and not to avoid acquiring a bungalow on a plot of land belonging to a VIP, as claimed by opposition lawmakers. Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) chief executive officer Mohd Nur Kamal, in a statement last night, said the original alignment would have sliced the piece of land into two nonconnected pieces, thus burdening the government with a huge amount of compensation due to the loss of economic potential of the land. "We have evaluated the alternatives and accepted the

ADVERTISING SALES Tel : 03-74951273 (Classifieds) / 03-74951262 (Display) Fax : 03-74951228 Email : ad@mmail.com.my

option of moving the original alignment further to the edge of the plot of land," he said in response to criticism by DAP MP Tony Pua, who said SPAD was practising double-standard in realigning the MRT tunnel near Damansara to bypass the property belonging to a VIP. Mohd Nur said the realignment was possible because there was suitable alternative land. More importantly, the realignment reduced the amount of land acquisition by over 1,000 sq metres. "Furthermore, the new alignment to the edge of the land causes less injury to the owner because the remaining land is left intact and economically viable. Indeed, there was a cost to this realignment but

it is lower than the potential compensation payout." He said the bungalow on the piece of land did not play a part in the evaluation process for the realignment because the original proposed alignment did not affect the building in the first place. "The allegation is totally false and the item marked on the map as the 'VIP house' is totally incorrect," he said. Mohd Nur said the same principles applied for Jalan Sult an and Jalan Bukit Bintang. "However, the outcome of the evaluation in these two cases is that the original proposed alignment should stay while the original two-station option in Bukit Bintang was changed to just one station."

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The Malay Mail Friday 7 October, 2011

Our objective is to protect workers from being victimised by suppliers — Human Resources Minister Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam on the tabling of the Employment (Amendment) Bill 2011


Ministry to study unions move Protection for foreign workers welcomed, says minister

THE Human Res ources Ministry will study a proposal by the Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) to allow foreign workers from all sectors to join labour unions. Its minister, Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam, said the ministry welcomed any move to unionise foreign workers. "Only certain employers did not allow their foreign workforce to do so. Currently, there are some 10,000 foreigners in the plantation sector who are members of the National Union of Plantation Workers (NUPW)," he said after a meeting with representatives from NUPW and MTUC at the Parliament building yesterday. "Perhaps after this, we can extend it to other sectors. We are not against this as it is also an effort to take care of the welfare of the workers." Subramaniam also gave an

By T.K. Letchumy Tamboo t.k.letchumy@mmail.com.my

Subramaniam: Government will protect rights of workers

assurance the government had no intention to change the structure of the labour system through amendments to the Employment Act. On the contrary, it was only interested to protect the rights of the workers. He said the ministry had

held discussions with various workers’ unions, including MTUC, to discuss problems faced by the workforce in the country. “Although we have made several amendments to the Employment Act 1955, this does not mean we do not look after the welfare of the workers," he said. “In fact, the amendments are to protect them. Issues voiced by unions were taken into consideration before we made the amendments. This is for the benefit of the workers." MTUC president Mohd Khalid Atan said they welcomed the ministry's move to study their proposal to allow foreign workers to be part of unions. "They can join unions but, at the moment, they are not

allowed to do so by their employers, contractors or agents who employ them because there is a special provision in the contract of employment which prevents them from doing so." He said workers brought in by agents were different as they were under the Private Agencies Act 1971. "People under contract labour are not allowed to join or form unions so they lose their rights. Such a contract system is very exploitative in nature,” he said. On a separate note, Mohd Khalid said MTUC was still unhappy with the ministry’s decision to table the Employment Act for a second reading in Parliament. He said the congress would meet at their annual general council meeting next week and discuss their next course of action on the proposed amendments by the ministry.


PSC members to Ongkili: Not a one-man show SEVERAL members of the newly-formed Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) on electoral reforms are not satisfied with the "unilateral" announcements made by committee chairman Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili. Dr Mohd Hatta Ramli (PAS-Kuala Krai), who is the PAS representative on the committee, said the PSC had not even had its first meeting and yet Ongkili went ahead and made several announcements on its behalf. "Is it a one-man show or a nine-member committee? How can Ongkili decide unilaterally without consulting all of us?" asked Mohd Hatta at a Press conference at the Parliament lobby yesterday. "We support the committee but he should not have done that. We will bring this matter up at the PSC meeting next week." On Wednesday, Ongkili had said the electoral reform movement Bersih 2.0 would not be allowed to attend the committee's public hearings




Freedom of info law may be enforced mid-2012 SELANGOR'S Freedom of Information (FOI) Enactment is expected to come into force by mid-2012. The State is finalising the budget to train officers to become acquainted with the new law. The officers will be taught how to handle applications made by the public to access information. Brian Yap (pic), the press secretary to State executive councilor for Tourism, Consumer Affairs and Environment, Elizabeth Wong, said the implementation of the law was still in the early stage. "We are still preparing the budget for the law to be implemented. But we are expecting that by the mmiddle of next year, people will be able to submit applications to garner information from governmental agencies." He declined to reveal the allocation being made for these efforts. The enactment has been gazetted following its approval in early April. The Selangor state assem-

By Meena Lakshana meena@mmail.com.my

bly was the first in Malaysia to pass an FOI legislation. The enactment guarantees public access to documents from the State government, government-owned and controlled companies and local councils. Under the law, the State government will appoint information officers within the government departments and agencies to handle applications from the public, among other duties. Civil servants who are found to intentionally p r ov i d e f a l s e or misleading information to the public can be subjected to a maximum RM50,000 fine or five-year imprisonment under the law. Individuals who use the information for purposes other than that which is stated in the application will also be penalised. Following the steps taken by the Selangor government, the Penang government had also tabled an FOI Bill last November but it has not been passed.


States to implement National Water Resources Policy ONGKILI: Made announcements without consulting committee

MOHD HATTA: To bring matter up at meeting next week

on electoral reforms as it was not a registered organisation. He had said only legally registered bodies or “personalities” were allowed to attend. Ongkili also said Bersih 2.0 chairman Datuk S. Ambiga could not give her opinion on behalf of Bersih 2.0 but could only do so as an individual or as a former Bar Council president. The committee DAP representative, Anthony Loke, who was present at the Press conference, said any decision by the PSC and how it should

work, needed to have the consultation of all its members. "Ongkili cannot decide on his own," he said. Loke was also unhappy with Ongkili's announcement on the venues and number of public hearings to be held. "How many public hearings, where and when they should be held, needs to be discussed at the PSC meeting with all the nine members," he said. "Let there be six, eight or even 10 public hearings but Ongkili should not make the decision himself.

LOKE: Committee has started off on wrong footing

"The PSC has started off on a wrong footing. I want to remind Ongkili this is a bipartisan committee and don't think we will rubber-stamp everything." Loke said he hoped the public hearings could be completed by December. Ongkili had said there would be at least six public hearings by the committee, including in Kuala Lumpur, Kedah, Sabah and Sarawak. The committee comprises five Barisan Nasional MPs, three from the Opposition and one Independent.

T H E N a t i o n a l Wa t e r Resources Council, which met for the sixth time yesterday, has agreed to implement the National Water Resources Policy in all States and the Federal government. This is to ensure an integrated and sustainable water resource management in the country. The council also agreed to set up a joint action plan on national water resources management and to set up a special committee to overlook the plan and monitor its implementation. The council, at its meeting held at the Parliament build-

ing, also agreed with the proposal of the "Living with floods" concept to be carried out by the Federal and State governments. The concept focuses on ways to adapt to floods and reduce risks. The council also agreed that the Federal and State governments will gazette oxbow lakes as river reserves. T he me e t i ng , chai re d by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, was attended by Natural Resources and Environment Minister Datuk Seri Douglas Uggah Embas and Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister Datuk Seri Peter Chin Fah Kui.



The National Registration Department (NRD) has never issued fake documents and only provides authentic records to the Election Commission (EC) for the purpose of checking the identity of electors — NRD

The Malay Mail Friday 7 OCTOBER, 2011



Selangor releases 12 restricted residents Roadblock deters

OF the 125 people held nationwide under the Restricted Residence Act 1933, the 12 from Selangor have been released unconditionally. Selangor deputy police chief SAC Datuk A. Thaiveegan said the 12 had been released fol-

lowing the government's move to repeal the Act. "Some of these 12 were repeat offenders but we have released them unconditionally, including those who have been under restricted residence for a year although they were supposed to

serve three years," he told The Malay Mail yesterday. "Over the years, we have placed scores of people under restricted residence, especially those involved in crimes such as gambling, prostitution, drug abuse, smuggling, theft and

possession of stolen items." Thaiveegan said the 12 were from various districts in the State. “They are free men now but if they return to crime we will arrest them and charge them in court," he said.


Acid victims doubtful

Move to tighten law on sales may not be effective, say victims VICTIMS of acid-splashers doubt the government's move to amend laws to tighten the sale of acidic substances will be effective. The announcement was made in Parliament yesterday. "I am glad the government wants to regulate shops selling acidic substances and to make it compulsory for purchasers to provide documentation, but a person with criminal intent can still obtain such material without leaving any trace of his or her identity," said a 25-year-old history teacher who was a victim of a serial acid-splasher in Brickfields in March. "Since the incident, I become paranoid whenever I see or hear a motorcyclist coming from the front or behind," said the teacher, who identified herself as Ng. Ng, from Kelantan, who graduated recently, was only three months into her teaching posi-


IT started with a motorcycle accident. The murder of tappers L. Ramasandram, 57, and his wife, A. Bakiam, 51, apparently occurred because of a misunderstanding earlier this year when Ramasandram was involved in a road accident with a 16-year-old boy, a police source told The Malay Mail. The boy was one of seven suspects arrested in the case. The source said both parties were injured but the boy's motorcycle was badly damaged, so his family harboured revenge. As the two families lived in the same area, the boy's father, a 44-year-old bus operator, who

By THASHA JAYAMANOGARAN thasha@mmail.com.my

tion at SMK Vivekananda when a motorcyclist from behind splashed acid on her as she was passing SRJK Tamil Vivekananda near Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad to get to her secondary school located in the same compound. She suffered discomfort in her eyes and burns on her breast and was hospitalised. Traumatised, she requested a transfer and returned to Kelantan to recuperate. "Over the past seven months, I have been to KL only once," said Ng, who was posted to a secondary school in Hulu Selangor about a month ago. Another near-victim, a 26-yearold marketing executive who requested anonymity, was also doubtful the government's move would be effective. "Those who want to use acid to

cause harm to others can resort to underhanded ways to obtain the dangerous materials," she said. The woman, who was waiting at traffic lights near KL Central Market on May 20, escaped injury when she refused to wind down her driver's window when asked to do so by a motorcyclist, who splashed an acidic pink liquid on the window. In both cases, the attacker was believed to be the same person, described as dark-skinned and wearing a helmet with a visor. Yesterday, Deputy Home Minister Datuk Abu Seman Yusop said three acid-splashing cases were reported in 2009, followed by 10 cases last year and 45 cases up to October this year. Of the 58 cases, 33 were motivated by robbery, jealousy and

Mat Rempit

A POLICE roadblock at Taman Gasing Indah in Section 5 at 2am last Sunday appears to have prevented disturbances by troublesome Mat Rempit in the neighbourhood. Taman Gasing Indah Rukun Tetangga chairman Lfred Chuah said yesterday residents had not experienced further harassment from the teenagers. "But we are worried that without stern action, they might return," he said. Chuah said the police had yet to set up another roadblock. "They promised residents these would be set up twice a week. Hopefully, the efforts will continue." He said the community appreciated police efforts to curtail the harassment. Petaling Jaya OCPD Arjunaidi Mohamed said the police would

By MEENA LAKSHANA meena@mmail.com.my

conduct roadblocks in the area "from time to time" and would take stern action against teenagers found committing crime. The Malay Mail reported on Tuesday that Mat Rempit had been harassing security guards in the neighbourhood for a month before it culminated in violence at 1.24am on Sept 26. Three teenagers threw stones at two guards, stole a guards' mobile phone and attempted to extort him. The residents lodged two police reports on Sept 19 and Sept 29. However, police failed to take action until Petaling Jaya city councillor Derek Fernandez and Bukit Gasing assemblyman Edward Lee alerted them. Hence the roadblock on Sunday.


Armoured car robbers make off with RM2.2m TRAUMATISED: Ng says she becomes paranoid each time she sees or hears a motorcycle near her

revenge, and 25 cases, mainly in KL, were believed to have been caused by a serial acid-splasher, who is still at large. Abu Seman said a key factor for the large number of unresolved cases was the victims could not recognise the suspect's face.

IT was a daring cash-in-transit robbery when five men, armed with two pistols, stormed an armoured security van and got away with RM2.2 million in cash yesterday. In the 9.45am incident, the van and its four security guards stopped at a Petronas station in Bestari Jaya to fill up petrol. Little did they know the suspects had been tailgating them in a Proton Perdana V6. At the station, the robbers

stormed the van and overpowered the guards. One suspect managed to grab a guard's pumpgun. The guards were left unharmed at the petrol station while the robbers got away with the van and all the money in it, and their car. Forty minutes later, police found the security van dumped and torched in Kampung Harmoni in Bestari Jaya, about one kilometre from the crime scene.

From misunderstanding to murder By AIZAT SHARIF aizat@mmail.com.my

is the prime suspect, began monitoring Ramasandram's movements. With the discovery of two parangs in Sungai Selangor Rasa, believed to be the murder weapons, police have now closed the case. Selangor deputy police chief SAC Datuk A. Thaiveegan, when asked about the case yesterday, said police divers fished out the weapons on Wednesday evening. "The parangs were discovered one kilometre away from the crime scene — a dirt road in a durian orchard in Batu 30,

DOUBLE MURDER: Ramasandram and Bakiam were killed shortly after a motorcycle incident

Ulu Yam Lama in Batang Kali," he said. Thaiveegan said the first arrest was made two days after the murder when five men were picked up in Batang Kali and

Kampung Rasa. "Three of them have past criminal records. Of the three, two were bonded under the Prevention of Crime Act 1959 in Ulu Yam for crimes, which

include robberies." He said the prime suspect and his son, who is a school dropout, were among the first arrested. "On Oct 3, police arrested two more suspects, aged 25 and 31, in Kampung Rasa. Although they do not have criminal records, one of them tested positive for syabu," said Thaiveegan. Police believe they have solved the case with the arrests and the discovery of the parangs. Investigation papers have been submitted to the deputy public prosecutor's office in Putrajaya and police are awaiting orders to charge the suspects.

The case was investigated under Section 302 of the Penal Code for murder, which carries the death penalty on conviction. On Sept 28, the bodies of Ramasandram and Bakiam were found sprawled on the road near the orchard around 5.30am. Ramasandram had serious injuries on his head and five fingers on his right hand had been severed. Bakiam's wrist was almost severed and her head slashed. The couple had apparently left their home around 5am to tap rubber at the farm, some two kilometres away from their house.


the malay mail


Luscious leaves IT has been 11 weeks since the 1Malaysia Green 1Malaysia Clean photography competition was introduced, and the quality of the pictures that we've received are getting better and better. The competition for the top spots is getting stiffer and that means, it is time for all you shutterbugs out there to be push the envelope a little further, think outside the box and be more creative with your compositions.

If you're an ardent photographer who thinks that you've got what it takes, just get out there, start exploring and snap away. Just remember that the competition is also a chance for all nature lovers to show off their love for a greener and cleaner Malaysia while showing off their skills in composing a beautiful picture that might just tell a great story. The contest, which started on July 15, will continue for 24 weeks (that's 24 publications),

and it is aimed at avid photographers everywhere. That means, you have 12 more weeks to show your skills before the winners are announced. Organised by the Tourism Ministry and ‘The Paper That Cares’, all you need to do is snap away and send to us as many pictures as you like that go with each week's theme. Each photo must also be accompanied by a description about the picture, its location and details that could support

the entry, particularly on what CLEAN tourist spots mean and how one can help make a difference. All entries should include the type of camera used, shutter mode, exposure mode, type of lenses and aperture specifications. The topic for this week is "Luscious Leaves" and quite a lot of entries were received. After a rather long deliberation, three of the best pictures have been

LAST WEEK’S BEST PHOTOS: Luscious Leaves Muhammad Shah Ikram Hadzme · Camera: Canon Digital IXUS II · Exposure: 1/200 f2.9 · ISO: 200 I was a surprised to see lush green rainforest trees at Sabah.

g Bernard Lee Ee Chen D anon EOS 40 · Camera: C 640s, F/11, 10mm 1/ · Exposure: n 10-24mm ro m Ta s: n · Le · ISO: 250 re fo u n d u t tr e e s w e n co co r e d d sl e n T h e ta ll a n Semporna island. in y tl an d abun

Tan Ai Bee · Camera: Nikon 300 · Shutter Speed: 1/20 · Aperture: F4 · Lens: Sigma 10-20mm · ISO: 400 Sunshine of the beautiful leaf at Kepong forest.

chosen for this week's publication. (The best three pictures of the week will be published every Friday in The Malay Mail). This week, the theme is "Chasing Waterfalls...", and here's a little hint: DO NOT JUST GO FOR THE OBVIOUS. Tu r n you r

photography into a quest, and you might just compose pictures that could win you the grand prize at the end of January. Our special committee will choose the three most outstanding photos from the entire collection of entries that would be awarded the grand prize of RM5,000, the second prize of RM3,000 and the third prize of RM1,000.

So snap away and send as many pictures as you like to

1mgreen@mmail.com.my Contest Rules & Regulations  The contest is open to all Malaysian citizens.  There is no limit to the number of entries. However, a winner can win only one (1) prize.  Each entry must be based on the weekly theme and must be accompanied by a short essay (150 words or less) telling what CLEAN tourist spots mean and how one can help make a difference.  Images captured by cameras can be of any format, in colour. However, mobile phone and PDA images are not acceptable.  No digital super imposition is allowed. Composite photographs, trick photographs or any form of digital imaging or image manipulations will not be accepted. Only minor photo touch-ups, such as cropping, adjustment of brightness and colour as well as softening or sharpening of the image, are allowed.  Photographs submitted

must not have been previously published in any form.  All entries must be complete with accurate information. The results of the contest will be decided by a panel of judges, appointed by the organisers. The judges' decision is final and no correspondence will be entertained.  Copyright and reproduction: The organisers reserve the absolute rights to exhibit or reproduce any acceptable entries in whatever way deemed fit for exhibition and for any print-based publicity and promotional purposes without prior notice, consent or payment of fee whatsoever to the contestants.  Contest runs from July 15 to Jan 13 2012. Deadline for entries is Jan 2012.  Winners will be notified via email. Details of winning entries will also be published in The Malay Mail.



The Health Ministry hopes the 2012 Budget will see an increase in allocation for upgrading about 2,000 rural clinics nationwide — Health Minister Datuk Liow Tiong Lai

The Malay Mail Friday 7 October, 2011


Rallying for social causes Two friends launch website as platform for youth support

WITH social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter taking up time and attention of youths, a web designer has developed a website to rally youth support for social causes. On Sept 9, Khailee Ng (pic), 27, and his friend Joel Meoh, 28, launched Social Good 2.0, a new corporate social responsibility platform (CSR). "Our CSR will help promote non-governmental organisations (NGOs) such as Team World Vision, Unicef, World Wide Fund for Nature, Undi Malaysia and the SPCA for non-commercial purposes,"

Inspector, constable on graft charge A POLICE inspector and a constable claimed trial on a corruption charge at the Special Corruption Court yesterday. Insp Mohd Azrul Azza Mat Jubin, 26, and Extra Police Constable Mohd Fitri Hayat Ahmad, 23, were both charged under Section 17(a) of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Act 2009 with agreeing to accept RM4,000 in cash from businessman Chin Chen Seng at the Criminal Investigations Department office, Seri Kembangan police station, on Dec 24 last year as an inducement to release two Thai women arrested on Dec 18. Sessions judge Bakri Abd Majid Hakim set bail at RM5,000 each in one surety and fixed Monday for next mention.

Microsoft chief pays tribute to Jobs THE legacy left by Steve Jobs, founder of Apple computers, will be felt by many generations to come, says Microsoft Corp Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer. In a statement issued by Microsoft (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd yesterday, Ballmer, the CEO of Apple's biggest competitor, said Jobs, who died on Wednesday at age 56, was a true visionary and one of the founders of the information communication and technology (ICT) industry. "The world rarely sees someone who has the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come. For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it's been an insanely great honour. I will miss Steve immensely," he said.

By FAIZAL NOR IZHAM faizal.nor@mmail.com.my

said Ng, a freelance web designer who had once worked for an Internet marketing company. "Social Good 2.0 will be running social media campaigns for our partners for free and urging more members of the public to participate. Our online community will use their favourite social networking tools to help connect these social causes with their own circle of friends." He said his passion was sparked by friends who are social activists.


"Some asked whether there was a local website advocating social causes and rallying youth support," said Ng who hails from PJ. "Initially, my friend Joel and I created SAYS.my in May 2010 to encourage social media communities to share events, news and promotions among themselves." In September 2010, the duo formed Groupsmore.com, a group-buying website that advertised over 70 sponsors, such as Celcom, Coca-Cola, DiGi, Nestle and Proton, among online communities. One of the campaigns promot-

ed last year was Coca-Cola's reality show Kawanku Bintang Coca-Cola. "We realised later Malaysian youths also want to proactively engage in volunteerism and work on societal issues with organisations that care," said Ng. "Using SAYS.my, which currently hosts a community of over 360,000 Malaysians, we launched Social Good 2.0. "To participate, just visit SAYS.my and follow the links to Social Good 2.0, register, then connect to either Facebook and Twitter and start sharing among your

friends," he said. There is an incentive for participants. Those who share the most items stand the chance to win prizes such as the iPad 2 tablet computer, mobile phones such as Samsung Galaxy S2, shopping vouchers as well as cash. "We created a culture that comprises smart, motivated young people and Social Good 2.0 has so far encouraged participation of over 60,000 Malaysian youths." To find out more, log on to SAY.my/socialgood. NGOs may contact them at socialgood@ says.my.

Anti-obesity Act could discriminate

WHY is there a need for an anti-obesity law when there is no guarantee skinny people are a healthier lot? This was among the responses from those on the "heavier side" regarding the Health Ministry's intention to enact an Anti-Obesity Act by 2020. Pauline Wong of Taman Melawati, Kuala Lumpur, said the law will clearly discriminate against big-sized people. "It's not fair. If they want to institute such a law, they have to also include a bylaw that allows discriminated people to sue the companies or organisations which discriminate against them," said the 25-year-old journalist. Wong s aid employers who judge people based on their physical appearance as opposed to ability and productivity, would appear less attractive to other potential employees. Wong also said an antiobesity law is an infringement of human rights. "Everyone has the right to look the way they choose. If you determine shape and size

By T.K. Letchumy Tamboo t.k.letchumy@mmail.com.my

for everyone, it negates their rights," she said. Nevertheless, Wong agrees such an act has its positives. "Obesity is rampant and is a serious problem and this Act could help address it. After all, a healthy employee is a productive one. "Being too skinny is not healthy either. My mother's friend died of a heart attack at 45 and she was very skinny. Almost 70 per cent of her arteries were clogged with fat." As such, Wong opined that if the Act is enacted, it should instead be called 'Healthy Employees Act'. Another overweight person who wants to be known as 'G', also felt the Act would be unfair, biased and discriminatory. "It's ridiculous. If a qualified person is denied the opportunity to work simply because the waist circumference is bigger than average, what's the point of him studying so hard

WONG: Could help address obesity problem

in school? Just to be denied his dream job?," said the 35-yearold, a mixed rice shop operator and a mother of five. "Often, people are overweight because of some genetic problem. They may eat healthily but are still plump. What's the government's plan for cases like these? If our children cannot find jobs just because they are obese, will that mean parents like me have to take care of them forever?" She said the importance of healthy eating and being lean should instead be emphasised in schools. However, Tufayl Abdul

G: Act would be unfair, biased and discriminatory

Manap, 27, felt the act would benefit obese people like him. "Malaysia is a country with food-loving communities. Many of us also snack and sit in front of our computers without much activity and this causes us to put on more weight," said the cook from Kelana Jaya. "People try to lose weight but fail miserably, so the Act might help push them towards not being obese. After all, there's a thin person inside every fat person." A local daily reported that Health Ministry director-general Datuk Dr Hasan Abdul

Rahman acknowledged the fact the country was not ready for such a law anytime soon, until perhaps 2020. As such, the ministry would prepare public acceptance through education and awareness campaigns. He had said the law would help reduce the high obesity rate and occurrence of related diseases. It was reported that the proposed anti-obesity law would most likely be modeled after Japan's national anti-obesity law which came into effect in 2008. Its provisions include measuring the waistlines of employees between the ages of 40 and 74 as part of their annual medical check-up. In Japan, companies face stiff penalties if their employees' waistlines exceed 33.5 inches for men and 35.4 inches for women. Employees who fail to reduce their waistlines have to undergo counselling, while the employer would have to contribute to a health care programme for the elderly.

Nothing wrong with being fat, says Adibah Noor THE anti-obesity law proposed by the Health Ministry is akin to saying it is wrong to be fat. This is the opinion of comedienne-cum-singer Adibah Noor, one of the most prominent plus-sized celebrities in the country. Adibah said society is slowly accepting people for their tal-

ents and skills as opposed to physical appearance and the implementation of such a law would be regressive. "People like me have to work hard to establish our footprints in showbiz and such an Act would make it even more difficult," she said. "I have chubby fans who

complain they are qualified for certain jobs but are rejected because of their weight. To people like us, I tell them to put their foot down and claim what is rightfully theirs." Adibah said even though she is not offended by the proposed Act, it would be tough on most obese people.

"Many of us are emotional eaters and this Act might make us more depressed. Many obese children will be scarred by constant teasing by their peers and when they enter the workforce, they have to abide by this Act?" she asked. She pointed out skinny employees can be as unhealthy

as their obese colleagues. "Sometimes, employees on the heavier side take less medical leave than their more slender colleagues," she said. "So, why not make the Act one that benefits the general health and well-being of everyone? Make it a Health Act instead of an Anti-Obesity Act."

The Malay Mail Friday 7 OCTOBER, 2011

Those who want to ban the video and have the power to do so will, of course, ban it — Gua Musang MP Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah on removal of the 'Undilah' video from public broadcast


Zoo makeover




Clinic for Putrajaya night runners

Bank staff join worldwide colleagues in CR initiatives

ZOO Negara received a solid sprucing up from more than 500 pairs of hands from Maybank’s virtual banking department recently. Together with president and chief executive officer Datuk Sri Abdul Wahid Omar, the bank staff cleaned and painted animal enclosures, did general landscaping work and also repainted the tiger “footprints” around the compound. Also present were Datuk Ismail Hutson, president of the Malaysian Zoological Society, senior zoo officials and special guests which included singer Zainal Abidin, best-known for hit song ‘Hijau’, and children from Rumah Amal Permata Hatiku and Sanctuary Care Centre. The exercise was in conjunction with the bank’s Global CR (corporate responsibility) Day and was part of 150 simi-

KEEPING COOL: A tiger swims in the spruced-up waters in Zoo Negara

lar initiatives simultaneously around the globe involving 15,000 Maybankers from the group’s offices in Malaysia and the Asean region, Hong Kong, China, Bahrain, New York and London. This is the second year Maybank has organised the event, believed to be the big-

gest CR event by a Malaysian company globally. In continuing CR initiatives this year, Maybank London employees will be giving youth a talk on ethical banking practices at the Malaysian Student Department while Maybank Philippines will be organising a flu vaccination drive

for Grades 3 and 4 students at Bagong Silang Elementary School, and Maybank New York will deliver food donated by staff and the Bank for City Harvest, the world's first food rescue organisation dedicated to feeding the city's hungry. In Vietnam, May bank employees will help build a house for handicapped and homeless children studying at the Long Thanh Vocational school. In Cambodia, it will lead a community housebuilding project and provide monetary support to fund these houses, while in Singapore, bank staff will participate in the collection of recyclable materials called Project ICE (I Care for Earth). The Global CR Day event was mooted by Maybank last year as part of its 50th anniversary celebrations.

BEING the first of its kind in Malaysia, Putrajaya Night Marathon 2011 (PNM2011) will be hosting a Route Familiarity Clinic tomorrow for 200 runners to aid their preparations for the actual run. The first and sole Malaysian to win a full international 42km marathon, P. Sidamparam, will lead the clinic. He will be assisting runners with insights on the mental and physical aspects of running a marathon. The clinic will give newer runners a rare opportunity

to experience running in Putrajaya at night. With temperature changes and dropping humidity levels, running at night is a different experience. Runners will have the chance to aclimatise on 5km of the actual route they will face on Oct 15. The clinic will be held at the Palace of Justice, Precinct 3 in Putrajaya at 7pm. For details, visit www. putrajayanightmarathon2011.com or e-mail shoba@twentyfirstcenturysports.com.


The Malay Mail Friday 7 OCTOBER, 2011


tel:03-7495 1000/1001/1002 tel:019-261 4948 (after 9pm)

your right to be heard ● Complainants have to submit their personal particulars and provide a detailed account of their complaint. ● Complainants have to first file their complaints with the respective parties before contacting Hotline. ● Complaints referred by Hotline to the relevant parties would be published if there is no response in seven days. ● After a complaint has been resolved, the complainant cannot demand non-publication of the matter.

By Ram Anand

Backyard cookout blues Council warns neighbour to cover outdoor kitchen to keep out odour, din

No car, no refund AFTER finding out he will not be getting his new car this year, FOO KOK CHOON decides to ask for a refund, but even that is not forthcoming. He says he has placed an order for a Mazda on April 2 and paid a deposit for it to a dealer in Taman Megah, Petaling Jaya, under the assumption he will get it by the year-end. "I was later told due to problems at the Japan plant after the devastating earthquake and tsunami there in March, the car would only come out next year." FOO says he requested

what's cooking: ... a lot of smell and noise coming from the zinc covered shack

MIRI JOSEPHINE RETCHAGANATHAN of Taman Dagang Jaya is fed up of the smell and noise from cooking activities conducted in what she believes to be an illegal extension erected behind a neighbour's house a year and a half ago. She claims says a com-

plaint to the Ampang Jaya Municipal Council last year has not translated into action. "I was never updated on the case. I asked the council to check the neighbour's house to see if there was an illegal extension as I noticed she had something like a

shack built at the back of her house." MIRI says the structure is believed to be used as an outdoor kitchen. "I need to open my windows for ventilation, but all I get is noise and the smell of my neighbour’s cooking, which is quite strong."

TAKE NOTE 1. The Shah Alam City Council will continue its 'Name and Shame' approach on the website to get traffic offenders to settle their fines. They have 14 days to do so or face the court. 2. Don't dispose solid waste into the sewerage system. Every month, Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd has to handle 2,000 cases of overflowing manholes, and sewage and waste water backflow. 3. T h e K a j a n g M u n i c i p a l Council has instructed developers to use non-stick paint on signage as it has problems removing illegal stickers put up by businesses, including moneylenders.

She asks why the council has not sent its officers to check on her complaint to verify if the extension has been erected without proper authorisation. "My son even had to apply for medical leave last month due to the poor ventilation at home.”

● An Ampang Jaya Municipal Council spokesman clarifies its officers have visited the neighbour’s home and acknowledges the extension has not been properly built. "This is not an illegal extension per se. It is a temporary extension done by the resident in question. "A team had visited the place on June 17 and warned the resident to build the extension properly." He says the structure was not properly covered, causing

a refund on the deposit in mid-August, but has yet to receive it. "The dealer has not been answering my calls." ● A SPOKESMAN for Bermaz Motor Sbd Bhd says the company has settled the matter with FOO a day after being contacted by Hotline. He says they will refund the deposit within the week. "We are pleased we have managed to settle the matter amicably with the customer." When contacted, FOO confirms the matter has been resolved. smell from the cooking activities to spread to neighbouring homes. "We have asked them to at least cover the extension properly so that it does not create problems for the neighbours, otherwise, the noise and smell pollutions will continue." The spokesman says the council is keeping an eye on the house to ensure its owner adheres to instructions. MIRI, when contacted, urges the council to continuously monitor the place.

Online comments www.mmail.com.my Not-so-happy birthday (Oct 5) ● QUOTING the phone store reply: "We also don't know how long repairs will take as it depends on the company giving the warranty. If a customer wants his phone repaired quickly, I always suggest sending them directly to the warranty provider." So, if you don't know how long it will take, why did you promise the customer three working days and later two weeks? Don’t you realise going to the shop many times is a waste of time? Whenever one wants to buy a product, you are always promised the moon,

but whenever there is a need for after-sales service, the customers are always treated like a beggar. — EM

quite convenient. There are also auto-reload Touch ‘n Go cards linked to credit cards. Since it is auto-reload, you never need to worry about topping up. All major banks have them. — Abugaga

‘Cash-only’ highway trip (Oct 4) ● MOST petrol stations along highways, especially before or after toll gates, have reload facilities. I have never faced such a problem reloading my Touch ‘n Go card. Most Petronas petrol stations would have such facilities. — Shaktiman

● IF you are a frequent highway user, a convenient way is to use a Maybankard Touch 'n Go Zing. You don't have to worry about credit balance and payment is only RM2 extra. Happy travelling! — Abang Tan ML

● THE Touch ‘n Go reloads can be done though Maybank's ATMs as well. That is already

Hospital hold-up (Oct 4) ● I HAVE Bell's palsy (a form of facial paralysis) and

I had to wait for six hours at a public hospital in Australia. Malaysia is doing good in their health care! — Anonymous ● QUOTING the complainant: "All patients who go to hospitals at night obviously need immediate treatment. Otherwise, we would have gone to the nearest clinic.'' I beg to differ. Unfortunately, many, not all, patients who come to the emergency department at night are not there because they have a severe condition. Some come because of: 1) “I had no transportation during the day, because my family members

worked then”; 2) “I need MC for today and tomorrow because I didn’t go to work this morning”; 3) “I thought my condition will get better but my pain has slightly increased”; or 4) “My medication finished today and I didn’t go for my regular doctor's appointment this morning”. I dare say these people are those who make the emergency department very busy at night. More often than not, treatments are delayed for patients who genuinely require medical attention due to the substantial presence of non-critical patients. — Anonymous

The Malay Mail Friday 7 octoBER, 2011

You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever... This approach has never let me down and it has made all the difference in my life — Steve Jobs Jobs's death was announced. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, an avid Apple fan who has quoted Jobs in his speeches and is often seen with an iPad, said: "People like Steve Jobs change our world." Jobs's death at the age of 56,

"transformed our lives, redefined WORLD leaders, tech giants and entire industries, and achieved countless ordinary people have one of the rarest feats in human paid tribute to Steve Jobs after his history: he changed the way each death, marveling at how the Apple of us sees the world". visionary made modern life more "By making computers user-friendly. personal and putting the Perhaps the most poignant Internet in our pockets, tribute to the towering innovator he made the information was that word of his death revolution not only on Wednesday spread almost instantly to all corners of the earth accessible but intuitive and fun," he said in a statement on the popular laptops, phones issued shortly and tablets he had invented. after Social media sites sagged under the weight of Jobsrelated posts, with the chatter so immense it caused Twitter to seize up and led analysts to predict the SAN FRANCISCO breaking of traffic records. US President Barack Obama said Jobs, who died from cancer, had

Tweets hit record

Homage to iCon Flurry of tributes reflects Apple legend's global impact

THE death of Steve Jobs has provoked the biggest online reaction of any event in recent history, with social media monitoring firm SR7 expecting official Twitter figures to come in at 10,000 tweets per second. The huge reaction eclipses the previous biggest event, Beyonce's performance at the MTV Video Music Awards, where it was revealed she was pregnant, which generated a record 8,868 tweets per second, reports The Age.

Harvard toppled in worldwide ranking fourth spot, overtaking Cambridge, which slipped to sixth. Asia's increasing presence in the annual table has stalled, with 30th placed University of Tokyo leading the continent's representation. China's top two universities hold on to their elite status, but no more institutions from the developing powerhouse managed to break into the top 200. Israel is the only Middle Eastern country to break the top 200 with Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 121st place and Tel Aviv University in 166th place. — AFP


Bear Grills: Koala survives hit by car HE'S been christened Kenny but "Bear Grills" might be a more apt name for a Gold Coast koala bear that survived being hit by a car travelling at 100kph on Queensland's M1. The koala escaped with only minor injuries after being lodged in the car grill for a 3km journey down the motorway, The Courier-Mail reports. It took two police officers about 25 minutes to free the koala trapped by a piece of plastic grill stuck into its neck.

Swedish poet wins Nobel SWEDISH poet Tomas Transtroemer won the 2011 Nobel Literature Prize yesterday. Transtroemer, 80, was honoured "because, through his condensed, translucent images, he gives us fresh access to reality," the Swedish Academy's jury said. "Most of Transtroemer's poetry collections are characterised by economy, concreteness and poignant metaphors. — AFP

Boy, 14, in Bali jail hell AN Australian schoolboy faces more than six years in an Indonesian prison after being arrested for possessing marijuana while on holidays with his parents. The boy, 14, was arrested by police after receiving a massage in Kuta, Bali. Police sources allege he was carrying 6.9g of marijuana, reports The Herald Sun. The drugs cost him the equivalent of AU$28 (RM86).

Steve Jobs, Apple’s visionary co-founder, has died at the age of 56 after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Jobs will be remembered for his impact on personal computing, computergenerated animation, digital music and mobile phones


US and British institutions once again dominate an annual worldwide league table of universities published yesterday but there is a fresh name at the top, unseating long-time leader Harvard. California Institute of Technology (Caltech) knocked the famous Massachusetts institution from the summit of the Times Higher Education (THE) league table for the first time in eight years, with US schools claiming 75 of the top 200 places. There was also change at the top in Britain where Oxford sneaked into

following a battle with cancer, was also mourned by fellow tech giants across Silicon Valley and beyond. "Steve and I first met nearly 30 years ago, and have been colleagues, competitors and friends over the course of more than half our lives," Microsoft's Bill Gates said in a statement. "The world rarely sees someone who has had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come. For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it's been an insanely great honour." Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg wrote on a Facebook posting: "Steve, thank you for being a mentor and a friend. Thanks for showing that what you build can change the world. I will miss you." "The digital age has lost its leading light, but Steve's innovation and creativity will inspire dreamers and thinkers for generations," Howard Stringer, chief executive of Sony, said. Countless Apple fans flooded Twitter and Facebook with condolences, famous quotes from Jobs, and links to videos of his speeches, with many declaring themselves "iSad". Fans in tech-savvy Japan and Singapore held silent prayers at Apple stores while in China, home to the world's largest Internet population, millions posted messages online to mark what one called the "fall of a giant star". — AFP


Times Higher Education's ranking 1. California Institute of Technology 2. Harvard 3. Stanford 4. Oxford 5. Princeton 6. Cambridge 7. MIT

1976: Steve Jobs cofounds Apple Computer 1980: Apple goes public 1984: Debut of Macintosh all-in-one personal computer 1985: Jobs quits after internal power struggle 1985-96: Jobs founds NeXT computer systems 1986: Jobs buys Pixar animation studio

1997: Jobs returns as CEO 1998: iMac launched

2011: iPad 2, iPhone 4S released 2010: iPad unveiled 2007: Launch of iPhone 2008: App Store opens

2001: iPod launched 2003: iTunes store opens 2005: iPods Shuffle, Nano

8. Imperial College 9. Chicago 10. California, Berkeley

1980s Source: Apple

1990s Pictures: Getty Images


10 lifestyle  Ranking up four spots from last year to No. 61 among 100 Best Global Brands, according to brand consultancy Interbrand  Brand value estimated at US$6 billion (RM19 billion), up an industrybest 19.3 per cent over last year  Award follows Hyundai’s new brand strategy launched in January this year  No. 8 among all automakers Korean automotive conglomerate Hyundai and sister brand Kia are moving further up the automotive food chain, rising four spots to 61 in Interbrand’s 2011 Best 100 Global Brands ranking released today, attaining the status of “fastest growing brand”. Interbrand calculated Hyundai’s brand value at US$6 billion, a 19.3 percent increase over 2010, tops among automakers. This bucks the trend of the automotive industry which has posted weak brand growth among the 100 Best Global Brands. The average growth rate of the 11 automotive brands included in the top 100 was 8.1 per cent, while the average growth rate of all 100 Best Global Brands was only 2.6 per cent compared to 2010. The growth of Hyundai’s brand value outstripped that

Hyundai makes giant leaps Automotive brand is fastest growing in second straight year

By Shamsul Yunos lifestyle@mmail.com.my of key competitors, such as Volkswagen (which grew 14 per cent) and Audi (13 per cent). Hyundai has more than doubled the growth rate of its brand value; prior to 2010, Hyundai’s brand value grew at a rate of 9.3 per cent. The Interbrand rankings were calculated using companies’ financial balance sheets combined with marketing activities, while also reflecting each brand’s potential profit. Hyundai has worked to increase its brand value since Chairman Mong-Ku Chung established the company’s brand management philosophy in 2005. Hyundai stepped up its game at the 2011 Detroit motor show when Vice Chairman Eui-Sun Chung launched the company’s new brand concept, announcing Hyundai’s commitment to producing “Modern Premium” vehicles. “Such rapid brand growth reflects Hyundai’s ever-improving status in the global

Volvo’s new head of sales and marketing Volvo Car Malaysia has appointed Graham Carmichael as its Sales and Marketing Director. He has assumed the position effective early September. In his new position, Graham would be managing all aspects of Volvo Car Malaysia’s sales and marketing. He will also be responsible for strategising and developing business plans in alignment with the leading automobile’s business goals. In a company statement, Volvo Car Malaysia’s President Goran Larsson said the appointment underlined the next level of growth for the company to serve needs of its customers in Malaysia. “Graham brings with him a wealth of experience in the industry, which I am certain we can leverage on to strengthen the business here. He is also no stranger to Volvo having had extensive experience with the brand over the course of his career. We welcome him back to Volvo and look forward to working closely with him.” Prior to joining Volvo Car Malaysia, Graham was with Proton Holdings Berhad,

The Malay Mail Friday 7 october, 2011

managing its export sales of Proton cars to the Middle East. He started his career as UK Sales Manager for Volvo Export, and has worked with Volvo in Germany, Singapore, Sweden and most recently, in Dubai as its Regional Director. He has over 20 years of international experience including nine years in the Middle East and two years in Asia Pacific. Graham is no stranger to Malaysia. He is married to a Malaysian and has two children. His biggest Malaysian challenge is Bahasa Malaysia. “Sikit-sikit…boleh lah!!”, he said.

market,” said Won Hong Cho, Hyundai’s chief marketing officer. “Going forward, Hyundai will strive to become the brand most adored by more

customers through providing new experiences and values that exceed expectations in our own unique way.”
 Hyundai’s brand value has steadily increased since it en-

tered the Interbrand Top 100 at No. 84 in 2005 with a value of US$3.5 billion (RM11.1 billion). In Malaysia, Hyundai is represented by Hyundai-Sime

Darby Motors Sdn Bhd a subsidiary of Sime Darby Motors and models they offer include the i10, i30, Accent, Avante, Sonata, Tucson, Santa Fe, Grand Starex Royale.

Castrol’s lubricant stronger than ever Lubricant specialist Castrol has improved their Edge line of high performance engine oil to be even stronger with what they call Titanium Fluid Strength Technology. The lubricant is designed to protect modern engines that operate under higher pressures than ever and where every drive is a test of an engine oil’s strength. Engine oils of today must be able to withstand pressures of up to 10,000kg

per square cm; equivalent to the pressure exerted by two elephants standing on top of a stiletto! Castrol claims the Edge is 40 per cent stronger than a leading competitor and stronger for up to 35 per cent longer, in fact they say the

new Edge is so strong that Castrol has had to engineer new tests to prove it. The key to the strength is its Titanium Fluid Strength Technology that actively strengthens the oil. It is designed to continuously respond and adapt to the engine’s every need even under the severest possible pressures.

M a r k Ng, Marketing Director for Castrol Malaysia and Singapore, said, “The new Castrol EDGE engineered with Titanium Fluid Strength Technology is the latest innovation in our long and proud heritage. “As engine technology has evolved, so too have our oils. You need an oil with the strength to perform.

Castrol wants customers to feel the strength This exciting and interactive campaign aims to get Malaysians to ‘Experience the Strongest’ over the span of two stages: 1. Stage 1 (October) — The first stage of the campaign, aptly named the ‘Strength to Unlock’; is a contest based on strength in numbers. The strongest team can look forward to winning exciting prizes such as bungee jumping, paintball packages, cinema tickets and group dining vouchers if they are the first to unlock

these special deals with their friends. All one needs to do to unlock these prizes is recruit a team of friends on Castrol Malaysia Facebook and have them collectively unlock the prizes that are up for grabs. Different prizes will run periodically and teams will decide which prize they choose to compete for. Consumers will then be awarded the prize once they have proven to be the “strongest” in numbers and the first to complete the given tasks.

2. Stage 2 (November) — The second stage of the campaign will feature a firstof-its-kind Augmented Reality experience for consumers using their smartphones in an innovative and unique hunt. This thrilling stage, called “Hunt for the Strongest” would see the grand prize winner walking away with an all-expense paid trip to Poland to watch the UEFA EURO 2012™ live. Look out for the teaser video and more clues will be revealed soon on www. facebook.com/castrolmalaysia

lifestyle 11

The Malay Mail Friday 7 october, 2011

Perodua invests in Malacca

Perodua inked a deal which will see it invest between RM17 and RM22 million in an extensive new region al office, training centre, stockyard, service centre and sales outlet. The national car company acquired1.77 hectare at Kota Hang Tuah Jaya in Ayer Keroh for this purpose. The purchase price of the property is about RM7.7 million and Perodua will design the new facility to incorporate the culture, tradition and history of Malacca, Perodua managing director Datuk Aminar Rashid Salleh said at the signing ceremony with Yayasan Melaka. Datuk Tahir Hassan who is

the vice president of Yayasan Melaka, signed on behalf of the foundation. The new 3S service centres will have 25 service bays which will cater to about 2,500 service intakes per month. In addition, the B&P centre will have 30 bays. Construction of this new the outlet is expected to begin in the third quarter next year and completed before the end of 2013. Perodua currently operates two branches and also have five dealers in Malacca employing some 220 staff. Aminar said Malacca is an important market for Perodua in terms of sales with an

average 550 units monthly and 35% market share over the last five years. Last year Perodua sold about 6,400 units in Malacca of which the ViVa was the top selling model. On after sales, Aminar said the total intake for Perodua Malacca service workshops was 42,700 this year, up four per cent from the 41,200 intake achieved in 2009. He said the proposed 3s centre is strategically located to cope with the growing demand for Perodua’s products and services in the state. He said the state government has also targetted the surrounding areas for further development.

BMW shows off ActiveE concept Bavarian carmaker BMW has been a strong proponent of active efficiency which includes various technologies designed to make motoring greener than ever and their ideas are encapsulated in the ActiveE concept. The BMW ActiveE is the Group’s next systematic step towards emission-free mobility, demonstrating the premium automaker’s commitment towards its Sustainable Innovation strategy of BMW EfficientDynamics. The strategy has led the BMW Group to achieve success in reducing fuel consumption and emission levels through new and highly-efficient engine generations, enhancement of aerodynamics, the use of innovative lightweight construction and intelligent engine management. The introduction of the BMW ActiveE concept car marks the next step in the evolution of the BMW EfficientDynamics strategy. The research and development of the concept car has been the framework of the BMW I-sub-brand which was unveiled at the Frankfurt motorshow last month.

The concept, based on the 1-series coupe will make appearances all over the Klang Valley throughout October to introduce their ideas to motorists and brand fans. The car will be displayed at the following locations:  Auto Bavaria, Glenmarie – Oct 13 to 14

 Quill Auto, PJ – Oct 16 to 17  Pavilion Kuala Lumpur – Oct 20 to 24  Ingress Auto – Oct 26 to 27 Further information about the BMW Active E and BMW EfficientDynamics is available at www.bmw.com.my.

SIGNED, SEALED, DELIVERED: Aminar handing over the agreement to Zaleha Bujang, board member of Yayasan Melaka

It has been a record-breaking year for Nasim Sdn Bhd and to put icing on the cake, they are planning to launch the highlyacclaimed 508 executive sedan later this month. The 508 is highly anticipated by brand fans and those looking for an alternative to the usual Japanese executive sedan. This late October launch will certainly capture their attention. The 508 is not a straight D-segment sedan, it is actually designed to be in between the D and E-segment, a D-Plus sedan, if the category exists. In order to capture the luxury sedan market, Peugeot has equipped the 508 with a lot of exciting technology, features and engineering solutions. While in terms of design, the all-new 508 embodies the French carmaker’s latest design direction and incorporates the latest technologies to offer an exhilarating experience in ride and comfort. The launch coincided with yet another milestone recently recorded by Nasim. “As at end-September, we have sold over 4,000 units which is a new record for the Peugeot brand in Malaysia. This is double our sales in the same period in 2010 and surpasses our all-time record of 3,773 units

Peugeot's executive sedan to debut this month in 2009,” said SM Nasarudin SM Nasimuddin, CEO of Nasim and Joint Group Executive Chairman of the Naza Group. “The all-new 508 will further increase our sales volume this year. This premium luxury sedan will be targetted at executives and professionals who want a car with class, character and panache.” Named ‘Best New Car of 2011’ by the UK’s Fleet World magazine, the new 508 features perfectly-balanced and streamlined contours reflecting an elegant yet robust build quality. At the front, the model features Peugeot’s new design direction with a “floating” grille

and headlamps that feature signature circular LED daytime running lights. Inside, the 508 offers the finest in elegance in comfort with a range of premium features such as quad-zone air conditioning, premium leather, a colour head-up display (HUD), an adaptive high beam system connected to directional bi-Xenon headlamps and a 10-speaker JBL hi-fi system with a 500W surround-sound amplifier with Arkamys audio processing. Like all Peugeots, the new 508 offers an exhilarating driving experience. Underneath its hood, it is powered by an award-winning efficient and eco-friendly high-precision turbocharged engine which produces 156hp and 240Nm of torque. This power is further complemented by an automatic six-speed transmission that can be operated by steeringmounted paddle shifters for a more dynamic and sporty drive. The all-new 508 has picked up several awards such as the 2010 Auto Trophy in Germany where it was voted for the top award ahead of 18 other models.

12 lifestyle

Zoom zoom MPV Size does matter but for the Mazda 8, bulk doesn’t mean boring

TestDrive: Mazda 8 By SHAMSUL YUNOS lifestyle@mmail.com.my THE boom of the Multi-Purpose Vehicle has continued since the mid 1980s so we can safely say that it is not a passing fad. With more than two decades of MPV season it is only fair for us to expect carmakers to have figured out how to make the people-carrier more fun, after all, when all is done, customers always want more fun. The sad fact is that to this day there are no MPVs that are fun to drive. Well actually that is not true, the Mercedes-Benz R63 AMG was a mad MPV that is a hoot and a half to drive but it also costs a king’s ransom and since my family is unconvinced of my royal lineage, they were not willing to cough up the money for one. Anyway, in the real world, there are no MPVs that are fun to drive. At a glance, the Mazda 8 is a typical large people-carrier, as large as a shed and only marginally more curvaceous. It is roomy

EAGER: Participants waiting for the challenge to begin

Petronas flags off Xtra Challenge enough for occupants to swing cats in and apparently the suspension consists of lightly fluffed cotton wool. If all you want is a large and comfortable mobile living room, then the Mazda 8 would be right VQ ZPVS BMMFZ CVU UIF +BQBOFTF carmaker has built a reputation for exciting driving dynamics and even has a kooky Zoom-Zoom tagline so they had to inject a bit of fun into this large vehicle. Did they succeed? Well, in a sense, yes. Despite

the size, the Mazda 8 sits rather low, almost like an MPV that looks like it wants to be sporty. Even the styling tries hard to hide the visual bulk of the vehicle with the use of distinctive creases along the flank and strong shapes for the headlamp and tail lamp. The result is not an outright success but it certainly does stand out from the crowd of tall Toyota Alphard, Nissan Elgrand and Hyundai Starex Royale. It is, in fact, closer in spirit to the Mercedes-Benz R-Class than to

MAZDA 8 ▪ ENGINE: 2.3-litre four cylinder 16 valve DOHC S-VT ▪ DISPLACEMENT: 2,260cc ▪ MAX POWER: 120Kw (160hp)/6500rpm ▪ MAX TORQUE: 203 Nm/3,500rpm ▪ FRONT SUSPENSION: Mac Pherson strut ▪ REAR SUSPENSION: Multi-link ▪ BRAKES FRONT/REAR: ventilated disc/ ventilated disc ▪ TYRE: 215/65 R16 ▪ SPECIAL FEATURES: Sunroof, reclining ottoman, leather seats, power sliding doors, keyless go ▪ PRICE: RM191,928 OTR without insurance


WE mismatched the suggested tyre for the Mitsubishi Pajero last week. This is the correct combination. The error is regretted.

Dunlop LM 703 Recommended Standard Fitment 215/65 R16 98H

RECOMMENDED TYRE: ContiCrossContact LX Recommended Standard Fitment 265/65R17 112T

the typical large MPV. The low-slung design means that everyone sits closer to the ground and this makes the 8 feel more like a car than an MPV. This low seating position helps to make the 8 roll a lot less and make it feel planted despite the soft suspension setting. Reduced body roll tends to also make cars more predictable and this contributes tremendously to driver confidence. Mazda did not cut corners when it comes to driving dynamics, their accountants allowed the engineers to come up with MacPhersons for the front and expensive multi-link for the rear. It is Yen well spent. The Mazda 8 has very polished road manners and does a good job ironing out road imperfections. Further fun can be found from the 2.3-litre engine that cranks out 160 horses and 203 torquing Newtons which willingly dispenses power through a fivespeed automatic transmission. The large four-cylinder engine revs quietly and unobtrusively until about 5,000rpm when the laws of physics would beat even the cleverest counterbalance and cause the motor to vibrate quite noticeably. On the plus side, the transmission has been well programmed to suit driver mood. The Mazda 8 comes with keyless entry and starting, a good feature for a vehicle that wants to be considered a luxury family MPV. However they decided not to include steering-wheel mounted controls for the sound system and this detracts slightly in the luxe department. We also feel that the Mazda 8 deserves a cruise control system to make it a very good highway cruiser. Overall we would rate the Mazda 8 four out of five stars with half a star taken out for the lack of cruise control. Maybe in the next batch, distributor, Bermaz Motors will order the Mazda 8 with cruise control.

CONTESTS and customer participation is one of the best ways to highlight the features of any product and as part of its efforts to further boost product understanding and appreciation, Petronas Dagangan Berhad (PDB) kick-started the next phase of the Petronas Primax 95 Xtra campaign with the Petronas Xtra Challenge. The challenge is targetting 300 customers nationwide over a three-month period. The first leg of the series in this challenge was organised at the central region involving 26 members of the Gen 2 Club of MalaysiaCentral Region driving around the city, powered by a tank full of the F1-inspired Primax 95 Xtra fuel. The half-day interactive session was one of PDB’s platforms to engage with its customers in a relaxed and non-formal setting besides showcasing its innovative products. During the ride that covered three Petronas Service Stations (PSS), participants faced fun challenges and contests at each of the PSS. The challenge was designed to enable participants to not just enjoy the activity but more importantly to appreciate the superior power and technology of the fuel. The Primax 95 Xtra delivers superior power and greater kilometres per litre with a combi-

nation of advanced combustion improver and friction modifier. The unique formulation delivers efficient combustion and reduces internal friction to achieve maximum benefit for every drop of fuel burned. In addition, the new synthetic detergent used in the fuel also provides superior edge to clean and maintain engine cleanliness for optimum performance. According to Ir Izuddin Husaini Md Yusof, the Senior General Manager for Retail Business Division, “A lot of resources in terms of time, effort, technology and funding have been allocated to develop this innovative product. The ‘XTRA’ here is the result of two years of continuous research and development, driven by our passion for perfection to bring only the best to road users. We are proud to note that to date, the Primax 95 Xtra remains unrivalled in the market." The XTRA Challenge was flagged off at the Petronas TUBUJPO JO 64+ BOE UIF QBSUJDJQBOUT ESPWF UP UIF +BMBO Plumbum PSS in Shah Alam and moved to PSS Bandar Puteri, Puchong. The participants then returned to the starting point. At each of the stations, participants were divided into seven teams and were required to complete the assigned challenges before continuing their journey.

Mitsubishi launches A THE ASX is a nice little crossover and quite popular among those who want a vehicle that stands out in terms of design as well as stature. To celebrate the first anniversary of the model in Malaysia, Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia, the importer and distributor of Mitsubishi vehicles, launched the Mitsubishi ASX Special Edition earlier this week. The ASX Special Edition is based on the fully imported ASX compact cross-over model and is limited to just 50 units. Made especially for those with

an outgoing and active lifestyle, the Mitsubishi ASX Special Edition adds on a sportier accessory package enhancement that includes window visor, front under cover, rear garnish and an exclusive body sticker. Priced at RM142, 980 on the road inclusive of insurance, the ASX Special Edition is available in two colours — White Pearl and Mica Black. Owners get to enjoy a threeyear/100,000km warranty as well as Mitsubishi’s two-year free maintenance package. The ASX was developed to

The Malay Mail Friday 7 OCTOBER, 2011


Practical Proton Inspira Its qualities are why smart families get it impressed. Proton’s ride and handling has infused a sense of excitement by creating a chassis that is balanced, responsive, progressive and communicative. It is a car that gives drivers a high level of confidence to drive fast and hard. Despite it’s ability to provide the driver with a lot of fun, the well sorted out chassis does not ruffle passengers with hard and unforgiving ride quality. On the contrary, the suspension is supple and can erase pockmarks and potholes with great ease. With this combination, the Inspira is considered one of the most accomplished family sedans in the market. Those who opt for the 1.8 have nothing to worry about when it comes to the key qualities of the

Inspira as it is actually slightly more fun to drive. This is down to the fact that the engine is slightly lighter and the mass reduction has resulted in a front end that is even more responsive to driver input than the two-litre model. With driving smoothness and

supple ride intact, the 1.8-litre variant is a model that offers a fun driving experience. The trade-off comes in terms of outright acceleration because the larger motor has more power to offer but this is only noticeable when the car is pushed really hard.

Touchscreen infotainment in Mazda 2 MAZDA is reaching out to customers and listening to their wish list for the different models that are on offer. While customers are generally happy with the Zoom-Zoom fun driving characteristics of Mazda cars, some want more in terms of in-car entertainment and convenience. In response to this, Bermaz Motor is offering the smallest model in their range, the Mazda 2 with a touchscreen infotainment centre in the centre console.

The infotainment touchscreen comes free at RM75,000 for the Mazda2 Sedan in V-Spec trim. This is a good deal considering that a branded after-market touchscreen unit would set you back at least RM2,500. Mazda also recently became the first carmaker in the world to use 1,800 MPa ultrahigh tensile steel in their products, the CX5 is the lucky recipient of this new development. Together with Sumitomo Metal Industries and Aisin Takaoka, Mazda’s new production technology uses 1,800 MPa ultra-high tensile steel to fabricate bumper beams that fit inside the front and rear bumpers and mitigate damage in the event of a collision. The bumper bars are 20 per cent stronger and 4.8 kg lighter than previous versions and are a key part of Mazda’s next-generation, lightweight and highly rigid vehicle architecture. The new body architecture was developed as part of Mazda’s breakthrough SKYACTIV TECHNOLOGY programme and incorporates a new energy absorbing structure as well as an expanded use of high

performance across the rev range. The Special Edition ASX boasts a long list of additional features. The centre console houses a built-in GPS System with Bluetooth functionality. In addition, it also comes with an iPhone and iPod USB connectivity. This feature allows iPhone or iPod compatibility through the USB hub making it possible to playback quality music or video stored in these devices. The Special Edition ASX interior is also further enhanced with

sufficiently supportive to make them comfortable for both short and long drives. The generous cabin also allows four large adults to sit comfortably without anyone suffering from cramped knees or legs. At the same time, the Inspira is also wide enough to offer ample shoulder room to all passengers. Given all these qualities, the Proton Inspira is a car that works well and smart families get this.


tensile steel to reduce weight. However, stronger materials are less pliant and therefore absorb less energy in a collision. To overcome this, Mazda conducted extensive research into how bumper beams deform in a crash, and created a new design that absorbs energy more efficiently. Additionally, to ensure the bumpers provide maximum strength in the CX-5, Mazda collaborated with Futaba Kogyo to optimise welding techniques and establish a reliable manufacturing process. Customers can check out these and other good deals at Mazda Zoom-Zoom Autofest Carnivals this month. The dates and location of the Autofest are as follows: t #FSNB[ +BMBO "NQBOH UPEBZ UP 4VOday t %VOBJ 1SFTUBTJ "VUP (MFONBSJF 0DU to 16 t #FSNB[ "VUP 'FEFSBM )JHIXBZ 1FUBMJOH +BZB 0DU UP

HOW TO PLAY Sudoku X is a simple variation of Sudoku with the only difference being the squares in white (which make up the numeral X) need to tally from 1 to 9 along with the remaining coloured squares.

ASX Special Edition combine the utility and practicality of an SUV with the comfort of a sedan in just the right size, with high ride point, easy manoeuvring, good handling and comfort for active driving fun. The ASX is powered by a 2.0liter engine which uses a lightweight aluminium block for optimum performance as it puts out 150PS to take control of city streets. The fuel economical compact cross-over also uses MIVEC technology which is Mitsubishi Motors exclusive technology that adjusts intake timing for optimal

Most of the time, families want their cars to be comfortable, energetic when necessary, roomy and practical. The Proton Inspira ticks all these boxes with confidence. Apart from excellent driving dynamics and ride comfort, the Inspira also comes with a roomy and well thought out cabin. The ergonomics is spot-on with all the controls placed within easy reach and clearly marked to make them easy to spot and understand. The seats are well-padded and

race-inspired redesigned leather seats with red stitching. For safety purposes, the ASX comes with standard Active Stability Control (ASC) and Hill Start Assist (HSA) — to make it easy to start off on a steep uphill slope by preventing the vehicle from sliding backward. The ASX also comes with AntiLock Braking System (ABS), Elec-

tronic Brake Force Distribution (EBD), pretensioners and force limiters seatbelts as well as dualstage SRS airbags plus a driver’s knee airbag. For more information, visit a Mitsubishi Motors showroom or log on to www.mitsubishi-motors. com.my. Alternatively, one can call the Mitsubishi Motors Customer Care Line at 03-7622 2202.


THE Proton Inspira is starting to make a major impact on — not just the motoring scene — but also the minds of Malaysians as it offers a great combination of value, fun and practicality. The 2.0-litre Premium model tops the range by offering a high level of specifications and comfort together with an energetic engine that makes every drive something to look forward to. Proton has taken full advantage of their association with famed British sportscar maker, Lotus and injected a sense of sportiness into the chassis of their premium family sedan. The transfusion has been a total success as the Inspira has developed quite a reputation as a sporty family sedan, thanks to the reworked suspension that has left even the hardiest skeptic


the malay mail

Friday 7 OCTOBER, 2011

Friday 7 OCTOBER, 2011

the malay mail




the malay mail

Friday 7 OCTOBER, 2011

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Friday 7 OCTOBER, 2011 M430

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Friday 7 OCTOBER, 2011 M580







Friday 7 OCTOBER, 2011 M580








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Sebastian Vettel only needs a 10th place finish in Sunday's Japanese Grand Prix to be sure of becoming the sport's youngest double champion — Reuters

Unstoppable Vettel

The Malay Mail Friday 7 OCTOBER, 2011


... but there's still excitement at Suzuka as drivers eye runner-up spot

FromThe Driver'sSeat

3 140 4 180

here even more rewarding. Secondly, the battle for the runner-up spot in the championship is getting even more competitive, with Ferrari's Fernando Alonso, Red Bull's Mark Webber and both McLaren drivers Jenson Button and Lewis Hamilton close together. Webber will be keen to show he can win races in the same car as Vettel and finish behind his teammate in the championship. Alonso, forever the competitor, also claimed on Ferrari's website that he is motivated as ever to finish this year on a high and that there is prestige in that runner-up spot. The battle between the McLaren teammates is also interesting. Button has been consistent and quick with many saying that he has usurped Hamilton as the team favourite. And that will not please Hamilton, who needs to put his erratic form behind him and

7 285

1 64

2 94


7 310


6 297



1 9

sticking to the Olympic team," admitted Kim Swee. "We've not received any news from Syria and time is not on our side. It boils down to the management (FAM) and I'll follow what they want me to do." There could be a possibility of placing the main team for the Sea Games but fielding the substitutes if the Tigers make it to the final or the third and fourth playoffs. "I don't think it is fair for me to leave the Olympic squad behind for more than 20 days and only to attend to them a day before their match (against Syria)." SFA are currently in turmoil which resulted in Fifa intervening and appointing a committee to organise the association. It is highly unlikely that Syria will accommodate FAM's request to play a day later (Nov 24) as the middle eastern nation will head to Tokyo to play Japan in another qualifying


6 8


7 303 5 4


1 2

2 193

4 185

Degner Curve 1


Source: FIA


4 185 4 200



Timing sector

match on Nov 27. The Asian Football Confederation, meanwhile, can only approve the change of dates if Syria agrees to it. The organisers of the Sea Games have pushed the schedule forward from Nov 7 to Nov 3 with all matches played in Jakarta. The third and fouth playoffs and final are usually held on the last day of the Games. Malaysia join Indonesia and Thailand as the front runners for the title. Kim Swee, nevertheless, stressed defending the Sea Games title and playing in the Olympic qualifiers are equally important. The Olympic lads managed a 4-2 win over Selangor in a friendly match at Wisma FAM yesterday. They will play Nepal on Oct 15 at the PJ Stadium before flying off to Vietnam for the Vietnam Football Federation U-23 tournament on Oct 19 where they will play Uzbekistan, Indonesia and Vietnam in the four nation tournament.

3 140

“S” Curves

Picture: Google

score some wins. His whole approach has been criticised by many this season, and he needs to show some of the calm Button has shown and bring the best out of himself. I will be looking very closely to the midfield. It has been really close this year with the five teams showing good pace at different parts of the season. These five teams being Lotus Renault, Force India, Sauber, Torro Rosso and Williams. Renault has quite a big lead in fifth position in the championship, but out of the five, in the last couple of races, they have been the weakest. With five races to go, I will be keen to

5 245

SEALED IN INK: Mohd Anwar looks on as Azman signs on the sponsorship agreement to signify AmBank Group as the official bank for RSGC

AmBank named tournament sponsor


7 15


7 312

FAM must act quick By HARESH DEOL haresh@mmail.com.my

5 260 16

PETALING JAYA: FOOTBALL TIME is running out for Olympic coach Ong Kim Swee as the national footballers prepare for the Sea Games in Indonesia next month followed by the pre-Olympic qualifiers. Kim Swee has been tasked to manage both the Sea Games and Olympic squads — a feat he is finding impossible to do. The FA of Malaysia (FAM) wrote to the Syrian FA (SFA) two months ago to reschedule their Nov 23 clash at the National Stadium as the final for the Jakarta Games is on Nov 22. The Malaysians will then host Bahrain in another Olympic qualifier on Nov 27. Fifa's rules state players need 48 hours to rest before the next match. SFA have yet to respond, forcing Kim Swee to speak about the possibility of having two separate teams altogether. This, however, may not go down well with certain quarters who insist the national team must parade their best 11 and defend the Sea Games title they won in Laos two years ago. "Personally, I would prefer

6 260


with Alex Yoong

WITH Sebastian Vettel only needing one point to clinch the 2011 Drivers Championship, it looks more than likely that this weekend will see him crowned. With five races to go, even if he is not crowned, it's pretty much a sure thing that he will be champion. So what is there to look out for? First of all, in my view, every Formula 1 race is exciting these days, with DRS and Pirelli tyres helping to increase close racing. But Suzuka is special, as it vies with Spa as the drivers' favourite track. The fast sweeping corners and the fact that it is the only figure eight circuit on the calendar make it a pleasure to drive, even if this means it is not known for lots of overtaking. There is also not much runoff here at this track, which means if you get it slightly wrong, a big accident with the barriers is more than likely. This makes getting a perfect lap

Suzuka Circuit Race distance: 53 laps – 307.471km Lap: 5.807km Hairpin Casio Triangle First Curve

ROUND 16: Oct 9 Spoon Curve

Critical point © GRAPHIC NEWS

see which of these teams will show up the strongest as the season ends. With so many long sweeping corners and the fact that Pirelli is bringing the soft and medium tyres, three pit stops could be the norm. It is hard to predict tyre wear until they run. However, a quick driver who can make his tyres last and only do two pit stops, could be in for a good result.  Catch former F1 driver Alex Yoong on STAR Sports' coverage of this weekend's Formula One Japanese GP on Race Day and Chequered Flag

THE Faldo Series Malaysia Championship 2011 received a major boost after AmBank Group were named as the title sponsor for the tournament. The championship is scheduled from Oct 18-20 at the Royal Selangor Golf Club (RSGC). The announcement was made after the banking giants formally inked an agreement with RSGC to become their official bank in KL recently. Present at the ceremony were AmBank Group chairman Tan Sri Azman Hashim and RSHC president Admiral (Rtd) Tan Sri Mohd Anwar Mohd Nor. Anwar is also president of the Malaysian Golf Association. "We are delighted to come on board as the official banker for the RSGC as it is a well known and reputable club

situated in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. Its members are the who's who in town, the captains of industries, professionals and key decision makers, both from the local and international business community. Of course, this is an excellent opportunity for us to further serve their banking needs," said Tan Sri Azman. "We are pleased to be associated with their Faldo series and provide opportunities for young people through golf. I have been informed that former winners of the Faldo Series include British Open 2011 champion Rory McIlroy and world number one, Yani Tseng," he added. AmBank Group has also been sponsoring the SportExcel Junior Golf Championship Grand Finals for the last seven years.


Sapura concede defeat

By VIJHAY VICK vijhayvick@mmail.com.my

SAPURA coach I. Vikneswaran (pic) admitted defeat in his side's chances of lifting the Malaysia Ho cke y L e ag u e ( M H L ) Premier Division title. The title-deciding match between Sapura and KL Hockey Club (KLHC) this Sunday lost its appeal when Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) played party spoilers on Wednesday. "We failed to convert our chances and now we have to rely on KLHC slipping up to have any chance," said Vikneswaran. "It is going to be tough for us to win the league." TNB beat Sapura 2-0 to give them a chance of finishing second — which will allow them to avoid KLHC until the final for the overall title. It is still mathematically possible for Sapura to lift the title but that will require a massive slump from KLHC on the final day — or KLHC suffer a surprise loss to Nur Insafi Penang today.


Sapura, who had from the beginning of the season failed to convince critics, are not capable of overcoming the +13 goal difference they trail the league leaders. It is more realistic for them to try and overtake TNB for second spot. They will need maximum points or four points and overcome a +6 goal difference to surpass TNB. "I have to be realistic. Finishing second is still in our hands but it requires two solid performances from us. Hopefully, we will do that," said Vikneswaran. TNB wrap up their cam-

TODAY YNS v Sapura (Pitch 1, 6pm) Nur Insafi v KLHC (Pitch 2, 6pm) Maybank v TNB (Pitch 1, 8pm) UiTM v Forces (Pitch 2, 8pm) SUNDAY YNS v UiTM (4pm, Pitch 2) Maybank v Nur Insafi (5pm, Pitch 1) UniKL v Forces (6pm, Pitch 2) Sapura v KLHC (8pm, Pitch 2) (all matches at National Hockey Stadium, Bukit Jalil)

STANDINGS KLHC TNB Sapura YNS Maybank UniKL Nur Insafi UiTM Forces

P 6 7 6 6 6 7 6 6 6

W 6 5 5 3 2 1 2 0 0

D 0 1 0 0 1 4 1 1 0

L 0 1 1 3 3 2 3 5 6

F 35 25 21 11 14 15 12 6 8

A 9 6 8 18 11 20 21 26 28

Pts 18 16 15 9 7 7 7 1 0

paign today when they play Maybank. TNB should win this as Maybank have been inconsistent so far. Mailsport predicts that the top three will remain unchanged.

I normally keep my emotions out of sight but it was emotional to talk to the team and tell them I would be going home — South Africa's Bakkies Botha

The Malay Mail Friday 7 OCTOBER, 2011

WELLINGTON: rugby/ world cup

Flying North

Wales' teenage wing honoured to be compared to Lomu WALES wing George North is honoured to be compared with New Zealand's legendary Jonah Lomu's debut at the 1995 tournament. Powerhouse Lomu emerged as professional rugby's first global star following his tryscoring heroics as the All Blacks reached the 1995 final. Lomu scored seven tries in South Africa while North has inspired Wales into this year's quarterfinals. "To be compared to Jonah is a massive honour," said North. "I don't think I've done enough to deserve that yet. "Hopefully, I can put in a few good performances in this World Cup so then to be compared to Jonah then — that is something I am still smiling about now." Lomu burst onto the world stage in the 1995 tournament just days after his 20th birthday in his third All Blacks cap with a two-try performance to beat Ireland in their opening game in Johannesburg. His bulldozing runs and blistering pace helped him with the top try-scoring award as New Zealand lost the final to hosts South Africa. Lomu, who scored a further eight tries in the 1999 World



All Black McCaw to play against Pumas, insists Hansen cleared to play: Hansen (pic) confirmed that McCaw is ready to go — AFP photo

wonderkid: North (pic) and Lomu both impressed on their World Cup debuts — AFP photo

Cup, executed 37 tries in 63 Tests before his final All Black international in 2002 as a serious kidney illness prematurely ended his career. North became the World Cup's youngest tournament try-scorer as he scored twice in Wales' 81-7 Pool D win over Namibia aged just 19 years and 166 days. He was 87 days younger than previous record holder Joe Roff when the former Australia wing scored against Canada during the 1995 tournament. North's power and ball-

carrying ability have earned him the favourable Lomu comparisons while he has shown a clinical edge as Wales' teenage sensation has already scored nine tries in 12 internationals. He has helped Wales become the World Cup's second highest points scorers behind New Zealand and third highest try scorers behind the All Blacks and Australia. But Wales coach Warren Gatland and his coaching staff are ensuring North continues to work.

"As a modern day wing, you can't always be on your wing because you want to get the ball," said North. "Warren told me that if I'm stood still for longer than 10 seconds, then I'm not doing my job. "I like to be involved, it keeps me entertained rather than being bored on my own. The coaches have given me that licence to have a run and really open the taps." North is preparing for his first "derby" with impressive Ireland in the quarterfinal in Wellington tomorrow.


Ireland know of threat posed by Welshman Roberts IRELAND captain Brian O'Driscoll pinpointed the threat posed by Wales centre Jamie Roberts (pic) ahead of their quarterfinal ''Celtic'' derby showdown in Wellington tomorrow. The two formed an impressive partnership during the British & Irish Lions' visit to South Africa in 2009 with Roberts claiming the honour of Player of the Series. But O'Driscoll believes his former teammate, who has been in explosive form in the ongoing World Cup, is now an even better player. "Most of the Welsh squad are in good form. Roberts has done well, mixing his game up well. He'll be a handful, but that's nothing new," said O'Driscoll. "He carries extremely hard, but he's also brought in some nice subtleties. He's not afraid to mix it up and


that's made him difficult to read. He's evolved on that front, but one aspect of his game that hasn't changed is his ability to break the gainline. Teams play off goforward ball and he's one of their go-to guys for that." Ireland enter tomorrow's clash as slight favourites to reach the last four for the first time in World Cup history. One of the key ingredients behind their unbeaten march through this tournament has been their rampaging back row of Sean O'Brien, Stephen Ferris and Jamie Heaslip. O'Brien and Ferris have been wrecking balls while the industry of Heaslip, the only member of the squad to have played every minute of the tournament, has enabled them to flourish. The trio have been touted as the best back row in the

tournament but O'Driscoll insists they remain grounded despite the plaudits. "They've been going well. They're a world class trio and have been putting in some good performances. But they know they have some improvements to make in their game as well," he said. "It's always nice getting plaudits from people outside the camp but at the same time I don't think it will affect their mindset. They're really enjoying along with everyone else the challenges that have been thrown at us and will want to produce it again. They won't let the chat about them affect their performances in any way. The power they bring is important, but we've had powerful ball carriers in the past.

"Maybe people have been surprised by them but we knew they've had that in their armoury for a while and it's been building. Ferris hasn't played an awful lot of rugby. Roberts and O'Brien have been playing very well for the last year."

NEW ZEALAND assistant coach Steve Hansen says Richie McCaw will play against Argentina in the quarterfinal on Sunday, despite fears that a troublesome foot injury could keep the All Blacks captain on the sidelines for the clash at Eden Park. “He’s great,” said Hansen. “He’s going to play on Sunday.” Last February, McCaw was diagnosed with a stress fracture in his right foot and has struggled with soreness since having surgery to have a screw inserted. But while the 30-year-old flanker was a late withdrawal from the team to play Canada last weekend, Hansen is confident McCaw will be on the pitch on Sunday. “He’s going to play this week which is exciting. “We know that he’s had a foot problem for a while," said Hansen. “We’re down to the business end and while we’re still in the tournament, he’ll be available. We’re just going to have to make sure we do what we’ve done with him all year and what he’s done at the Crusaders and that’s manage it. “At this stage in the tournament, every team are playing through a bit of pain. I mean how many Tests have we had over the last six, seven weeks including the pre-season Tests that the northern hemisphere guys would have had? People are going to have little niggles, it’s just how big a threshold you’ve got for that pain.” While McCaw faces the prospect of playing with the

Fixtures QUARTERFINALS TOMORROW Ireland v Wales (1pm) England v France (3.30pm) SUNDAY South Africa v Australia (1pm) New Zealand v Argentina (3.30pm) * All matches live on Astro's CH 816 and CH 831

assistance of painkillers, Hansen is adamant there’s no risk of McCaw doing long-term damage. “We wouldn’t be playing him if he could do that,” he said. “As long as we’re in the tournament, I’m confident he’ll be able to play.” Hansen also believes McCaw’s injury is exacerbated by the physicality of the position he plays on the field. “He’s in a position where all flankers are. I’d suggest David Pocock and various other flankers around the world feel the same, Heinrich Brussow would be the same with the Boks. “It’s a hard position to play, so you’ve just got to give them the opportunity to recover so that they can play.” Hansen also allayed fears about McCaw’s apparently light training schedule, wearing running shoes rather than boots, in the lead-up to the Argentina clash. “ We d o n ’ t g e t h i m involved in the clean out for example, the physical, hard body contact stuff."



Former top official Pierluigi Collina is open to the idea of halting play because of offensive and not just racist chanting from fans — Reuters



Guardiola perfect coach for Brazil, says Socrates LEGEND Socrates says he will like to see Barcelona manage r Jo s e p " Pe p " Guardiola in charge of the Brazilian national team. Cur rent Brazi l co ach Mano Menezes' abilities are now in question after the team crashed out of the Copa America in the qu ar ter f ina ls fol low ing

a defeat to Paraguay. The Brazilians have been criticised for their recent lack of silverware, but also for giving up on their traditional attack-minded, flamboyant playing style. And Socrates, who played for Brazil between 1979 and 1986, believes the 40-yearold Guardiola is the right

man to revive the five-time World Cup champions. "It could be Pep Guardiola or Johan Cruyff to guide Brazil," he told Lancenet. "Guardiola has courage. W h o p l ay s i n B a r c a ' s defence? "They do not need defenders, they need courage. Brazil have given up on

their culture and that is a silly thing to do. It would destroy us if players like Neymar did not appear." Socrates also feels Ricardo Teixeira's days as Brazilian FA chief are numbered following the recent corruption scandals in which he is involved, and backed former teammate

Zico for the job. "I think everyone should be able to vote for the next president of the federation. In that case, everyone involved in football would get to vote. Players, clubs and fans. "I would vote for Zico," said the 57-year-old Socrates.

Spicy Vargas

Universidad attacker can be new 'Sanchez' for Chile HOLA! There is now this buzz in Chile about a young attacker who is poised to be a star soon. Some even believe this 21-year-old will play a big role in Chile's campaign in the marathon and tough South American 2014 World Cup qualifiers. The man in question is Universidad de Chile's man Eduardo Vargas. Vargas, who has five caps and scored a goal for Chile so far, may well be called upon as early as the opening match against Argentina at Estadio Monumental tomorrow (7.10am) because of injuries to already established duo of Alexis Sanchez of Bercelona and Sevilla's Gary Medel. The focus on Vargas seemed to have started when Udinese and Chile defender Mauricio Isla highlighted Vargas as a replacement for Sanchez. While Sanchez has proven his ability in Argentina with River Plate, then with Udinese, earning him a move to Barca, Vargas has never featured for a club team outside Chile. He joined Universidad from Cobreloa in January last year for the sum of €525,000 (RM2.3 million), not a small price to pay for a then 20-year-old in the Chilean league. The gifted Vargas is not an opponent to be taken lightly. He is capable of playing both as a central striker and a winger and has been an influential figure in Universidad's stunning run this year. He made his debut with the Chilean national team in 2009 under Argentine Marcelo Bielsa. Since debuting for Cobreloa at 15, Vargas appeared 125 times for his two teams, scoring 34 goals in all competitions and setting up a lot more. After moving to


with Mustapha "El Loco" Kamaruddin moose@mmail.com.my

Universidad, he has made a big impact, playing a role in his new club's run to the Copa Libertadores semifinals last year. Vargas showed his potential against world and European champions Spain by scoring his first international goal to put Chile 2-0 up in a friendly. Although Spain won 3-2, the strike itself was memorable as Vargas broke behind the defensive line, controlled a chipped pass and rounded goalkeeper Iker Casillas, poking it home with the outside of his foot. Comparisons to Sanchez are not far off the mark. Blessed with a soft touch, a knack for cutting inside and a preternatural ability to move himself around defenders, Vargas could see himself used in much the same way Sanchez was used by coach Claudio Borghi in the Copa America this year. However, Borghi played down the Vargas buzz as he once more lamented Sanchez's absence for the clash against Argentina, saying Monterrey veteran attacker striker Humberto Suazo would be included in the squad to face Argentina and Peru on Tuesday. Borghi is being diplomatic here. Sanchez, who tore a hamstring during a 2-2 draw with Real Sociedad in a Primera Liga match, could also be out for the second round of matches next month. Borghi said Chile are weaker without Sanchez. "My wife was saying to me 'Just put someone similar in'. She

The Malay Mail Friday 7 OCTOBER, 2011

FIXTURES TOMORROW Uruguay v Bolivia (3am) Ecuador v Venezuela (5.05am) Argentina v Chile (7.10am) Peru v Paraguay (9.15am)

doesn't know anything about football, there is no one else who plays like him," said Borghi, an Argentine. "Alexis' absence is massive. He was doing great and then he suffers an injury which will rule him out for a long time, because it is serious. We hope he recovers quickly, for his own well-being." Brazil are not involved in the qualifiers this time as they qualified automatically as hosts of the 2014 World Cup. Wit h t hat , on ly n i ne teams will do battle and they are Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. These teams will play in a single league consisting of two matches between each nation. The top four will qualify for Brazil, while the fifth placed team will proceed to the inter-confederational playoffs against a team from Asia. Oh well... talking about Borghi he came with this interesting statement three days ago where he compared Barca midfielder Andres Iniesta to an ''erotic dream''. Iniesta has just returned to training for Barca after suffering a hamstring injury, and Borghi seemingly can't wait for the midfield maestro to play again.

FACT FILE FULL NAME: Eduardo Jesus Vargas Rojas DATE OF BIRTH: Nov 20, 1989 PLACE OF BIRTH: Santiago, Chile HEIGHT: 1.75m (5'9") POSITION: Striker/winger CURRENT CLUB: Universidad de Chile SENIOR CAREER 2006-2009 — Cobreloa 53 matches (10 goals) 2010 — Universidad de Chile 47 (17) National team 2009-present — Chile 5 (1)

"Iniesta is like an erotic dream... when he plays you just want it to go on for a little longer, you don't want it to stop." Borghi told Sport. But what about Iniesta's B arc a te am mate L i onel Messi? Borghi said he would not get his defenders to focus solely upon him during their

clash. "We don't want to kill Messi, I would like to enjoy his play as I am footballminded," he added. " We w i l l mark Me ss i depending on where he plays, but I will not force anyone to go man to man on him." Erotic or not, Messi will be a pain to the Chileans. Adios!

Argentina must start brightly, says Mascherano ARGENTINA and Barcelona st ar midf ielder Javier Mascherano urged his national team to get off to a positive start in the World Cup qualifiers against Chile, while affirming their rivals will be hurt by the absences of stars Alexis Sanchez and Gary Medel. The Spain-based pair are both unavailable for the clash at Estadio Monumental tomorrow which is a big blow for Chile coach Claudio Borghi as he prepares for his first qualifying campaign at the helm. And Mascherano believes the loss of both players can only make Chile a weaker prospect. "Chile are losing a lot of their footballing potential on not being able to play Medel and Alexis Sanchez," he said. Mascherano, a former captain for Argentina, continued by stressing the importance of this first match, saying it was vital to bounce back after a poor Copa America. "We dream of playing better. We have been talking for a lot years yet the results are still not being attained," he said. "It is always important to start well, taking into account that this is a tight qualifying campaign. It is vital to win our home games." After the match against Chile, the Argentines will take on Venezuela in Caracas on Oct 11. Meanwhile, striker Sergio Aguero is set to miss these two matches after failing to recover from an injury. The 23-year-old Manchester City man was substituted in the 4-0 win over Blackburn at Ewood Park last weekend after suffering from a groin problem. Aguero had declared via his Twitter account that he was to meet up with the national squad on Monday, but has been told he is unlikely to take any part in the upcoming games. "I am almost ruled out," said Aguero, according to EFE. "The doctors say this is a tricky injury. "I am sorry that this is happening in this good moment I am going through at Man City, I was hopeful of at least getting to play the Venezuela match, but the doctors have told me they will not take risks." Aguero has been in fine form since his arrival at City, scoring eight Premier League goals.

The Malay Mail Friday 7 OCTOBER, 2011

fixtures GROUP A TOMORROW Azerbaijan v Austria (12am) Turkey v Germany (2.30am) Belgium v Kazakhstan (2.45am) GROUP B TODAY Armenia v Macedonia (11pm) TOMORROW Slovakia v Russia (2.15am) Andorra v Ireland (3.30am) GROUP C TOMORROW N. Ireland v Estonia (2.45am) Serbia v Italy (2.45am) GROUP D TOMORROW Bosnia v Luxembourg (2am) Romania v Belarus (2.30am) France v Albania (3am) GROUP E TOMORROW Finland v Sweden (12.15am) Holland v Moldova (2.30am) GROUP F TOMORROW Latvia v Malta (1am) Greece v Croatia (2.45am) GROUP G TOMORROW Wales v Switzerland (2.45am) Montenegro v England (3am) GROUP H TOMORROW Cyprus v Denmark (2.30am) Portugal v Iceland (4am) GROUP I TOMORROW Czech Republic v Spain (2.45am) L'tenstein v Scotland (11.30am)

Mount Montenegro


Uphill task for England in Podgorica, says Damjanovic MON T E N E G RO st r i ke r Dejan Damjanovic claimed England did not show them enough respect when the teams first met at Wembley in the Euro 2012 qualifiers. The Three Lions can qualify for next summer's finals in Poland and Ukraine if they avoid defeat in Podgorica tomorrow (3am) as they lead their hosts by six points having played one more game than Montenegro. Montenegro enjoyed a flying start to their campaign in Group G with three wins and a draw — against England — but they were undermined when they took one point from games against Bulgaria and Wales. Coach Zlatko Kranjcar departed and was replaced by assistant Branko Brnovic

Tsonga, Wozniacki progress in Beijing

RESULTS Men's second round Juan Carlos Ferrero (ESP) bt Marcel Granollers (ESP) 6-4, 6-4; Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (FRA) bt Zhang Ze (CHN) 6-3, 6-4; Marin Cilic (CRO) bt Fabio Fognini (ITA) 6-2, 6-7 (1-7), 6-3; Kevin

who will lead his side against Fabio Capello's (pic) team having earlier this week described the Italian as "a role model for every young coach". England, however, will face a team who they feel were not afforded the respect they were due during the 0-0 draw at Wembley last year. " At We m b l e y, t h e y didn't play seriously against us. England didn't show us enough respect," said Damjanovic, who plays for FC Seoul in South Korea. "They probably thought they would beat us easily but, to be honest, they played badly and we were unbelievable. "Montenegro have so many good players and if you are not playing 100 per cent, you

can't beat anyone." Damjanovic said Manchester United's Wayne Rooney was England's greatest strength and said the team would try to put the striker off his game from the start. "We will try to upset him so he does not have a good match. We hope that he will not be as motivated as in Manchester," said Damjanovic. "We will approach the game as professional as possible." England are likely to face a hostile atmosphere in Podgorica and Damjanovic believes this can only benefit the hosts. "It will be different because we play in a small stadium. It is sold out and the atmosphere is sure to be top notch."

Anderson (RSA) bt Albert Montanes (ESP) 7-6 (7-3), 7-6 (7-4) Women's third round Caroline Wozniacki (DEN) bt Kaia Kanepi (EST) 6-3, 7-6 (7-3); Agnieszka Radwanska (POL) bt Sofia Arvidsson (SWE) 6-4, 6-2; Monica Niculescu (ROM) bt Virginie Razzano (FRA) 4-6, 6-1, 6-2; Maria Kirilenko (RUS) bt Tamira Paszek (AUT) 6-1, 6-2; Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova (RUS) bt Victoria Azarenka (BLR x2) walkover; Flavia Pennetta (ITA) bt Dominika Cibulkova (SVK) 6-1, 4-6, 6-4

Give it to next best Englishman

LIVERPOOL'S veteran defender Jamie Carragher believes England are "cheating" by employing a foreign manager to run the national team. Current coach Fabio Capello is overseeing England's final preparations for their Group G away match against Mo n t e n e g r o t o m o r r o w (3am). Capello persuaded Carragher to return to the international scene at last year's disastrous World Cup in South Africa, and while the 33-year-old insists his criticism is not aimed at Capello he maintains having a foreign coach is "embarrassing". "The next coach of England should be English," Carragher told talkSPORT. "I've got nothing against Capello, I went to the World Cup and got to know him, but that's not what international football is. It's like saying if our keeper's not good enough, we'll go and get (Gianluigi) Buffon from Italy. "It's a form of cheating in international football and it's a bit embarrassing. "It's different for developing

countries in Africa and elsewhere, who are trying to build the game up but, for England, such a big football nation, I don't think we should have a foreign manager. "Just because it didn't work out with Steve McClaren, it didn't mean we had to go for a foreign manager. We should have gone for the next best Englishman." Carragher also believes the lack of opportunities English managers get at top Premier League clubs is a contributory factor. "If every club had an English manager, someone would have to win the league! Someone would have to win the FA Cup! And then they'd accumulate these trophies," he said. "Capello had an aura and presence that maybe McClaren didn't have. "And it was the same with the likes of Benitez and Houllier at Liverpool, and Mourinho at Chelsea. "With their CVs, they've all got something about them and have won big trophies. So does that mean English managers need to go abroad?"



Rooney's dad and uncle nicked WAYNE ROONEY'S father was arrested today in connection with an alleged football betting scam.The Manchester United striker's uncle Richie, 54, was also detained by police. The two men were among nine who were detained by police in Merseyside and Glasgow. It is understood Wayne Rooney senior, 48, was arrested at his home in the West Derby area of Liverpool. The development comes after a nine-month investigation into the sendingoff of Motherwell midfielder Steve Jennings, 26. The former Tranmere Rovers player was also arrested in connection with the betting probe today. The Kirkby-born footballer was arrested by Merseyside police on behalf of the Gambling Commission at his home in Glasgow.


Dream loan turns nightmare



TOP SEED Jo-Wilfried Tsonga ended local hopes at the China Open with a 6-3, 6-4 defeat of wildcard Zhang Ze to reach the quarterfinals yesterday. Denmark's Caroline Wozniacki (pic) was pushed hard by Kaia Kanepi before sealing a 6-3, 7-6 (7-3) victory and a quarterfinal against Italy's Flavia Pennetta who beat Dominika Cibulkova. "I'm happy about the way I played. I think it was a high level match and Kaia is a good player. I knew it was going to be a tough match, more so after losing to her last week (in Tokyo)," Wozniacki said. "I was really happy to get this win and to get my revenge." — Reuters


Ugandan police said they would deploy 4,000 officers for a weekend African Cup of Nations qualifier with Kenya because of threats of an attack — AFP


France confirm Abidal absence against Albania FRANCE coach Laurent Blanc has confirmed that defender Eric Abidal will miss tomorrow's Euro 2012 qualifying Group D encounter with Albania due to a hamstring injury. "We were hoping he would make it, but Friday's game is just too soon for Abidal," said Blanc. "Our medical staff has tried to pull off a miracle and although he is so competitive, we cannot ask the impossible of him. "He has improved but an international player has to reach a certain level to be able to play and he is not there." In his absence, Valencia's Adil Rami and Younes Kaboul of Tottenham Hotspur should be paired in central defence, with Patrice Evra of Manchester United at leftback. However, it is still expected that Abidal will be available for next Wednesday's final qualifier at home to BosniaHerzegovina. — AFP

ARSENAL midfielder Denilson's loan spell with Brazilian outfit Sao Paulo has turned into a nightmare, after furious supporters demanded he never play for the club again following a Twitter row. The 23-year-old was sent-off twice in his first three matches, with the latter of the red cards coming after swearing at a referee. He was criticised for his petulance with a series of angry messages on Twitter, but his online row escalated this week, after he branded fans who moaned about manager Adilson Batista as 'very, very annoying'. It appears Denilson has found no more support in his native Brazil than he had in North London, with a section of fans now demanding manager Batista never selects him again.


Zola to Juve: Buy Tevez! CHELSEA legend Gianfranco Zola has told Juventus to splash the cash to sign Manchester City's want-away striker Carlos Tevez. Juventus are top of Serie A this season, but question marks still remain whether they can compete with Napoli, Inter Milan and AC Milan in the long run. Zola said: "I like what Antonio Conte (head coach) has done at Juventus. He's a tough guy and with Tevez (they would be even tougher to beat)." Tevez has become a reviled figure in English football following his refusal to play for Manchester City in last month’s Champions League defeat at Bayern Munich.

Making a point

Chinese heartbreaker

Red Bull’s Sebastian Vettel needs only one point to clinch the drivers championship this weekend

TOP seed JoWilfried Tsonga ended local hopes at the China Open after beating wildcard Zhang Ze

>> pg20

>> pg23

Friday 7 October, 2011



Russian attraction

It’s Kimpossible

Big spenders Anzhi target Tevez

OLYMPIC coach Ong Kim Swee is finding it tough to prepare for both Sea Games and pre-Olympic qualifiers next month

>> pg20


Richie’s job

ALL Blacks’ assistant coach Steve Hansen confirmed injured captain Richie McCaw will play against Pumas

>> pg21 latin heat

Chile’s pepper

UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE striker Eduardo Vargas is poised for football stardom

>> pg22

RUSSIA’S Anzhi Makhachkala are reportedly trying to convince Manchester City’s disgruntled striker Carlos Tevez to join recent signing Samuel Eto’o at the freespending Caucasus side. The Tvoi Den daily said the upstarts felt Tevez was there for the taking after his dramatic spat with City manager Roberto Mancini resulted in a two-week suspension for the Argentine star. “The conditions for signing Tevez are good,” a source at the club told the newspaper. The team’s general director German Chistyakov issued no comment but star player agent German Tkachenko said he intended to pester City until they agreed to the terms. “Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich told us to go away 10 times before agreeing to sell (Russian international Yuri) Zhirkov,” said Tkachenko. Tevez has also reportedly drawn interest from Real Madrid along with clubs from Germany and Italy. The Caspian Sea side have become one of the sport’s most brazen poachers of pricey talent since being acquired by the Russian oil and metals magnate Suleiman Kerimov this year. The reported talks with

Manchester City come just a month after Anzhi snatched Cameroon international Eto’o from Inter Milan in what was believed to have been a €21 million (RM89.3m) deal. The former lower division side have also been boosted by the additions of Brazil’s 1994 World Cup winner Roberto Carlos as their interim coach and left winger Zhirkov. Yet, Anzhi have still slipped to eighth after a strong start to the season and are currently looking for another striker who can improve their dire tally of 29 goals from 26 matches. Anzhi players live and train in Moscow for security reasons and only visit the violence-plagued Makhachkala for home matches. Meanwhile, interim coach Carlos is looking to bring in more high quality attacking players in order to push the club to the top of the European game. I would love to sign Cristiano Ronaldo,” Carlos told the Punto Pelota TV programme. “I have spoken to Santos’ Neymar, and if Madrid or Barcelona fail to sign him, we will.” With all the talent Carlos wants to bring in, he knows the club will need a top flight manager, and Jose Mourinho

From Russia with Love: Anzhi are trying to convince Man City’s disgruntled striker Tevez to join recent signing Samuel Eto’o

is one of the men the club would like to get. “The objective is to sign Mourinho but not only him,”

the former Brazil defender said. “We have tried to speak with various experienced coaches who are well known.

We want to make Anzhi like Real Madrid and Barcelona and I say this with intent.” — Agencies


No cash, no problem, says Arsenal CEO


Rooneys busted

WAYNE ROONEY’S father (right) and uncle were nabbed in alleged football betting scam

>> pg23

ARSENAL could cope financially and still compete for the Premier League title even without the financial boost of Champions League soccer, chief executive Ivan Gazidis (pic) said. The London club, who sit 15th in the league having endured their worst start to a season in 58 years, are widely regarded as one of the country’s best run clubs and are one of just a few to make a profit. They have enjoyed more than a decade of Champions League qualification and while it still remains a priority, Gazidis said it is not a ne-

cessity, unlike for other clubs facing huge wage bills and rising debt. “We would rather qualify for it but (if we didn’t qualify) we have got a stable model that could not only cope but also do well and compete,” Gazidis told reporters at a Leaders in Football conference in London. “It would be foolish to build a business model that relied on being in the Champions League for perpetuity. I don’t think any club do that, and if they do, then they probably aren’t being run as responsibly as they should be.”

European footballer’s governing body Uefa introduced new Financial Fair Play rules this season designed to prevent clubs spending more than they earn and Champions League revenues are seen as critical in order for top clubs to compete financially. Last month, Arsenal reported an operating profit of £45.8 million (RM222.9m) in the year to end May, down from £56.8 million the year before as increased wage costs offset a rise in commercial revenue. — Reuters

Published by Malay Mail Sdn Bhd (239512V), Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, and printed by The New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Berhad (4485-H), 31, Jalan Riong, 59100 KL

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