9 November 2011

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Wednesday 9 NOVEMber, 2011

No need for MACC to vet



Sarkozy calls Israeli PM ‘liar’

Pakatan Rakyat says it will not submit its list of election candidates for vetting by MACC but will do its own screening

>> pg3

Malaysian charged Woman accused of trying to smuggle 1.5kg of heroin in luggage into Melbourne

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How Obama responded during the off-the-record conversation

>> pg9


>> pg4

Will you marry me, Mei Chen? Engineer makes girlfriend an offer she couldn’t refuse on Groupon

>> pg5

Thai floods hit computer sales Business takes tumble with shortage of hard disk drives manufactured in flood-affected Thailand. Sales of notebooks and PCs are also down

>> pg6 SPORTS

Terry set to play INJURY to centreback Phil Jagielka gives way for John Terry (pic) to play against Spain despite ongoing investigations for alleged racist remarks

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New party in the making? KUALA LUMPUR

Ku Li says it all depends on Amanah’s members

ANGKATAN Amanah Merdeka (Amanah) has not ruled out becoming an active political party as the civil society NGO seeks to redress the country’s political landscape. The NGO, which aims to revive the spirit of the country’s first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, was launched last July and only recently registered with the Registrar of Societies. Its president, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, however, stressed that Amanah will remain an NGO unless the members decide otherwise. “I am not saying yes or no to the possibility but it all depends on the members,” he told a Press conference at his residence yesterday. “You cannot write off anything because the possibilities are there in Amanah becoming a political party.” Tengku Razaleigh’s comments were bound to fuel further speculation among Umno conservatives

By ASRUL HADI ABDULLAH SANI asrul@mmail.com.my that the former finance minister and former Umno vice-president was undermining the current Barisan Nasional (BN) government. Tengku Razaleigh, or fondly known as Ku Li, has been at odds with the Najib administration on various government policies, especially on insisting that Petronas pays Kelantan its oil royalties. The Umno veteran had previously vied for the party’s presidency but was defeated in all three attempts. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad narrowly defeated Ku Li in 1987 with a majority of only 43 votes which led to the Kelantanese prince leaving Umno and forming Semangat 46. After disbanding the party and rejoining Umno seven years later, Ku Li failed to garner the required nomination for presidency and lost to Tun Abdullah Ahmad

TEngku Razaleigh: Amanah will remain an NGO

Badawi in 2004. Ku Li again failed to garner the nomination against Datuk Seri Najib Razak to helm the Malay political party in 2009. He also reportedly said the King did not have to name Umno’s president as the next prime minister

before Najib was appointed as the premier later that year. Yesterday, Ku Li criticised and mocked Najib’s reform agenda, calling it inconsistent and slow. • Continued on pg2



Malaysia, for the first time, won a seat in the World Heritage Committee after obtaining votes from 96 Unesco member countries — Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim


Ku Li: Umno has lost its way There is no room for voicing opinions in party, says former vice-president THE government’s clampdown on Bersih 2.0 rally in July reflected the declining democratic freedom within Umno. The party’s former vicepresident, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, said this yesterday, alleging he was no longer allowed or given space in Umno to voice his opinion. “There is no space in the party. Back then, we were able to voice an opinion in the party. Umno, when it was first established, was not trapped

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani asrul@mmail.com.my

with only one idea. The party was a mixture of different groups in society," the party veteran, who is more popularly known as Ku Li, told a press conference. “The fusion of ideas made Umno into a body that was able to protect the interests of people as a whole." He said the political development of Umno in recent years transformed it into a

party that protected the interests of one group. Tengku Razaleigh criticised Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's handling of demands made by Bersih, the Coalition for Free and Fair Elections, stressing the rally could have been avoided. “Why not talk directly with them (Bersih) and probably everything could have been resolved. On hindsight, if you

look at this proposal by the government to have a select committee in Parliament, would it not have been better for the government to adopt all proposals put up by Bersih?” Ac c ord i ng to Te ng ku Razaleigh, Najib could have defused the situation instead having “unnecessary confrontations”. The eight demands by Bersih were the use of indelible ink, cleaning up the electoral roll, reforming postal voting,

minimum campaign period of 21 days, free and fair access to the media, strengthening public institutions as well as eradicating corruption and dirty politics. Last month, Parliament approved a motion to set up a Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) to look into electoral reforms. However, with snap election speculated to be called as early as next year, many fear the PSC will not be able to complete its task in six months.

The Malay Mail Wednesday 9 NOVEMBER, 2011

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Tengku Razaleigh also called on Najib to hold off the 13th general election until electoral reforms proposed by the committee could be implemented.

Amanah to expand to different States >> From pg1

FACING THE PRESS: Tengku Razaleigh, flanked by Abdul Kadir and Ong, speaking to reporters on the objectives of Amanah yesterday

“Everything is done in dribs and dabs. There is no overall plan as how they (the government) are going to transform our country and society. You are talking about the various projects being implemented under ETP (economic transformation programme). Then you have

the kera (monkey)? What kera? The NKRA (National Key Results Area) to measure the performance of ministries and leaders. It is very difficult to gauge actually what is going to happen unless there is complete reformation." Ku L i a ls o dismiss e d rumours he was leaving Umno and denied he was betraying the party with Amanah.

“If I wanted to quit then I would have announced it. Why waste time? “As a citizen we are not subjected to follow anybody even in the party only when the whip decides then we have to obey the whip. But, otherwise, we can speak according to our conscience and the conscience of the people that

we represent. We represent our voters." He said the NGO would begin branching into different States and hold activities to engage the public. Also present yesterday were Amanah vice presidents Tan Sri Abdul Kadir Sheikh Fadzir, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat and Datuk S. Subramaniam.


Amanah can affect political landscape, say analysts

IS Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, or Ku Li, as he is more popularly known, planning to replace PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim? Will the newly-formed NGO Angkatan Amanah Merdeka (Amanah) be merely a voice within Umno or a separate entity critical of the current leadership? These were among questions raised by political analysts, who noted with great interest the former Semangat 46 leader's latest political gambit in forming the NGO. Tengku R azaleigh has declared he would not rule out the possibility of Amanah becoming a political party. The Malay Mail spoke to three political analysts on possible motivations and ramifications of the Gua Musang MP's latest manoeuvre, which they believe could have far-reaching effects on the political landscape. Here are their thoughts:

● Dr Mohd Azizuddin Mohd Sani, University Utara Malaysia school of international studies dean: "Ku Li's position is difficult as an Umno member whose views are not really mainstream. Many times he was vocal on issues such as having clean and fair elections, and freedom of speech, and he has even criticised Najib. Many within Umno do not like him to be vocal as he may be seen as a disgruntled leader who is against the party leadership. What Ku Li has done through Amanah is to build a platform for him to speak as he cannot go far within Umno with his sometimes controversial views. In terms of the country’s political landscape, Amanah can either make it better or worse. It could be better in terms of democratisation as more people will get involved in Malaysian politics by bravely voicing their opinions on

The Malay Mail is published by Malay Mail Sdn Bhd, Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200, Petaling Jaya

things that matter. But, it could take a turn for the worse by ruffling a few feathers in its wake as it may offend many quarters with its views, and things may even turn violent. I also don't think he (Tengku Razaleigh) will be joining forces with Anwar as he has strong support in his constituency in Gua Musang. But then again, this is politics and we cannot predict things like these. It is also not possible for Pakatan Rakyat to have two prime minister candidates as I believe Anwar has been chosen by the coalition as their possible candidate and they will stand by their decision." ● Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) School of Social Sciences Deputy Dean Prof Dr R. Siva Murugan: "By setting up Amanah, maybe Ku Li wants to be a voice within Umno. Amanah could be a platform that contributes to the betterment of the party.

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On the other hand, maybe he wants Amanah to go beyond Umno and be critical of Barisan National. However, Ku Li had clearly stated he intended Amanah to be an NGO rather than a political party. If Amanah is active and structured well, then they could play an important role in the country's political landscape. If they move aggressively in the grassroot level, maybe they can even emerge as a watchdog to the government's policies as most members are those who had a strong hold in politics, such as former MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat and former MIC deputy president Datuk S. Subramaniam. For example, Amanah's opinion the government should reform the electoral system and take in the views of the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) first before calling for the 13th general election is a good start.

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However, if he decides to join Pakatan Rakyat, he will only do so if Anwar is not in the coalition. He seems to be a person who would like to replace Anwar, not someone who will work with Anwar, unless he decides so. PR would also not be ready to accept Ku Li if he wants to join the coalition as he will be seen as a threat to Anwar. Amanah has to be careful with its game for at least the next six months in anticipation of the general election. They should not be seen as siding any party. If they take up government issues, they would be accused of supporting the Opposition. If they take up opposition issues, they would be accused of supporting the government. They have to take the middle road. ● Universiti Malaya Academic Staff Union president Azmi Sharom: "In any democratic country, the democratic space should

be unlimited. Expressing views through Amanah is a good thing as I believe the wider the spectrum of views, the better it is. The Malaysian public have generally become braver in voicing views now as opposed to the past five years because of the natural growth of the society. People are fed-up with things like corruption and you can only push them so far until they react. Ku Li may join forces with Anwar. Anything is possible. However, Ku Li is very much an Umno person. Even when he established Semangat 46, it didn't last very long. So, it is unlikely he will leave Umno unless he is 100 per cent required to do so. Even if he joins Pakatan Rakyat, being the political heavyweight that he is, he would want a big position in the coalition. Since he knows such positions have already been taken up, it is unlikely he will leave Umno."

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Tan Sri Dr Ghauth Jasmon has been reappointed Vice-Chancellor of the Universiti Malaya (UM) for a two-year term, effective yesterday — UM

The Malay Mail Wednesday 9 NOVEMBER, 2011


Malaysian missions ready to register voters

THE Foreign Affairs Ministry is urging all eligible Malaysians abroad to register as voters at the Malaysian missions to guarantee their right to vote.

Deputy Foreign Minister A. Kohilan Pillay said his ministry, acting on behalf of the Election Commission (EC), would ensure that adequate voter registration forms

(Form A) were supplied to all Malaysian missions abroad. He said this at the Dewan Rakyat yesterday in reply to Nurul Izzah Anwar (PKRLembah Pantai) who wanted

to know the level of preparedness of missions to ensure Malaysian nationals abroad were given their right to vote. Kohilan said the missions

also ensured that the particulars of Malaysian nationals, including those who had registered as absentee voters residing abroad, were updated.


No MACC vetting Pakatan Rakyat will screen their own candidates, say parties

By ANDREW SAGAYAM andrew@mmail.com.my

THE Pakatan Rakyat (PR) coalition will not be submitting its list of candidates to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) for vetting, something which the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) has done in past general elections. This is the unified stance of PR members Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), DAP and Pas, when contacted by The Malay Mail for their reaction to a Monday report by an English daily that potential candidates for the coming 13th general election will be screened by MACC and other government agencies. PKR deputy president and Gombak MP Mohamed Azmin Ali said his party had its own internal vetting system and did not need MACC or the police to check on the candidates. "Why should we submit the names to the government agencies as it is our prerogative to choose our own candidates. We have our own internal mechanism to screen and select suitable

Azmin Ali: Party has internal vetting system

candidates," he said. When it was pointed out that BN had done such vetting by government agencies over the years, Mohamed Azmin said: "Look at the Cabinet ministers we have now from BN. Why don't we get the rakyat to evaluate them and let us hear what the people have to say about them." DAP deputy chairman and Kepong MP Dr Tan Seng Giaw said his party would not select candidates who were not up to par. He said the vetting process by government agencies was a waste of time. "We have our own stan-

Dr Tan: We do not select those who are not up to par

dards when it comes to selecting the candidates and we are fully confident of our candidates and what they can do for the people," he said. "Why should we put up candidates who have done something wrong or have a bad background? We would screen them first before they are selected to contest." Pas vice-president and Kubang Kerian MP Salahuddin Ayub said his party did not need to submit its list of candidates as they were clean. "Our candidates are honest individuals and more than capa-

Salahuddin Ayub: Pas candidates are clean

ble in their duties so we don't need to give a list of names to MACC for vetting," he said. "When the time is right we will announce who from our party will be contesting." In the Monday report, the daily quoted a source that potential candidates for the next general election — which will see thousands of politicians contesting the 222 parliamentary and 505 State assembly seats — are expected to come under screening by several enforcement agencies, including the MACC. The names of those being investigated by MACC or who

could be the subject of an investigation would be classified under a list that would be sent to the leaders of their respective political parties, the source said. The report also said different vetting processes would be carried out by the police and the Insolvency Department that could lead to a potential candidate not being able to contest and that the leaders of the political parties would then decide whether the person should be fielded as a candidate. In past general elections, only BN submitted its list of candidates to the MACC for vetting to single out those being probed for corruption or abuse of power while the police would check if they were involved in criminal acts. In the 2008 general election, the BN, following the MACC vetting process, had withdrawn several names from its list of potential candidates, the source told the daily. The daily said the BN had submitted the names a month ahead of the announcement of the dissolution of Parliament.


Pemandu has not usurped power, says Tsu Koon

THE government's Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu) has not usurped or eroded the power of any ministry or the Implementation Coordination Unit (ICU) and Economic Planning Unit (EPU). Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon said Pemandu had the role of introducing modern methods in performance management that had been found to be effective in developed countries, besides looking at and monitoring, implementing and accelerating coordination of the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) and Economic Transformation Programme (ETP). He said Pemandu also helped to find quick and creative solu-

tions to problems arising in implementing the GTP and ETP. Replying to a supplementary question from Datuk Seri Mohd Zin Mohamed (BN-Sepang) in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday, Koh said Pemandu played the role of facilitator and coordinator for the Pemandu committee meetings for 12 National Key Economic Areas (NKEAs) chaired by the Prime Minister. It was also the facilitator and coordinator for the monthly meetings of the delivery task force for six National Key Result Areas headed by the Deputy Prime Minister. "Therefore, I wish to stress here that Datuk Idris Jala, as Minister in the Prime Minister's Department, was appointed (as

Pemandu CEO) based on his expertise and experience when doing transformation work at multinational company, Shell and then at MAS (Malaysia Airlines). "He is a facilitator and not someone who takes over the power of any minister." Mohd Zin had sought clarification on the role and responsibilities of Pemandu which had been claimed to have eroded the power of central agencies like ICU and EPU, ministries and related agencies. Koh said Pemandu, which was established at the end of 2009, began drawing up transformation programmes in December 2009 and last year through the labs set up. "As Pemandu did not have

enough staff, we appointed consultants to facilitate the labs and these labs involved all ministries and agencies, and relevant NGOs," he said. "Hence, the outcomes of the labs were not the views or directives of Pemandu but the results of discussions involving the ministries concerned, and with the implementation led by the respective ministers." To a question by Datuk Ibrahim Ali (Ind-Pasir Mas), Koh said Idris was tasked to run and manage Pemandu which was always called to manage whatever was asked by the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister or any ministry and agency, to give its views or analyse arising problems. "Between Idris and I, I am the

chairman who attends to issues raised in the Dewan Rakyat or Dewan Negara while he is the CEO involved in the daily operations and management," he said. "That was the division of duties agreed upon when Idris was invited to join the government to assist in the government's transformation programmes." Koh said Idris was also tasked with handling coordination matters with the private sector over certain issues which required the expertise and experience of the former MAS CEO. "Therefore, he will be at the (Dewan Rakyat) meeting from time to time but he cannot be present as frequently as desired by his friends here (in the Dewan Rakyat)," he said.




Don't target civil servants, DAP told THE Opposition has run out of things to meddle with, says the Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil Services (Cuepacs). Referring to the DAP's intention to reduce the number of civil servants should they come into power, Cuepacs president Datuk Omar Osman described the idea as "obsolete". He said civil servants should not be made a target for political interests but should be appreciated for their contributions instead. "We are disappointed that such a matter is made into a political issue as they (the Opposition) should appreciate us," he told reporters after a function at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) here yesterday. DAP information chief Tony Pua was recently reported as saying that if the party came into power, it would reduce the number of civil servants and terminate those who were inefficient, as was done in China, to reduce government expenditure. Omar said civil servants in Malaysia could not be likened to those in other countries. If such a plan were implemented, it could create problems such as unemployment and delay implementation of government projects. He said the 1.2 million civil servants were sufficient for the nation's population of 30 million, only that their skills and knowledge needed to be improved for better job execution. "I call on civil servants to reject this idea as it is a political issue. The Opposition has run out of things to meddle with," said Omar. "We hope civil servants will not worry as they will be defended. We will work with civil servants in the country to contribute and support the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister who have brought much improvement for government employees." Human Resources Minister Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam agreed the number of civil servants was in accordance with the country's needs. "The Opposition should realise what is being done by the government to meet the needs of the nation," he told reporters. He said the services of civil servants could not simply be terminated as it would create problems. His sentiments were echoed by Datuk Mohamad Aziz (BN-Sri Gading), who said reducing the number of civil servants would be disastrous.



Malaysia wants discussions on the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) to continue — International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed


Malaysian on drug charges in Melbourne Woman accused of trying to smuggle 1.5kg of heroin in luggage A 27-YEAR-OLD Malaysian woman has been slapped with two drug-related charges in Melbourne, Australia, after she was reported to be trying to sneak in 1.5kg of heroin in her luggage last Sunday. The Malay Mail was informed that Beatrice Johi, who arrived at the Melbourne International Airport on a flight from Kuala Lumpur on Sunday afternoon, was initially detained by Australian

By DARSHINI KANDASAMY darshini@mmail.com.my

Customs and Border Protection officers after the drugs were found in her luggage. Johi was subjected to a baggage examination upon her arrival and Customs officers there became aware of an inconsistency. An x-ray revealed about 1.5kg of a powdered substance concealed in the lining

of her bag, which preliminary testing indicated to be heroin. Even so, according to a joint release by Customs and the Australian Federal Police (AFP), further testing would be carried out to determine the exact weight and purity of the drugs seized. Johi was referred to the AFP and was yesterday charged, at the Melbourne Magistrates' Court, with possession and

importation of a marketable quantity of a border controlled drug. Johi was represented in court but no application for bail was made. If found guilty, the accused faces up to a 25-year jail term or A$550,000 fine (RM1.81 million), or both. The case was heard by magistrate Charles Rozencwajg. Johi is next slated to appear in court on Jan 9.


Do more to fight abuse, says Muhyiddin MUCH has been done to combat drug abuse. But we need to do more. This was the sentiment of Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin when calling on international organisations and communities to strengthen cooperation to fight the menace in view of its rising threat to society. "Today, new and more potent drugs for abuse are being introduced. Our youth as well as the marginalised or vulnerable population remain at risk. "Although much has been done, we need to do more. We must strengthen our resolve and aggressively re-

energise our efforts to fight and eliminate drug abuse on both personal and global levels," Muhyiddin said in his opening address at the 24th International Federation of Non-Government Organisations for the Prevention of Drug and Substance Abuse (IFNGO) World Conference here yesterday. He said in 2010 and this year, the government allocated RM6.5 million for NGOs that provided treatment and rehabilitation services as well as support for drug users. "The close relationship between government and NGOs helped many jointcooperation programmes in

treatment and rehabilitation and preventive education." He cited the Cure and Care Service Centre (CCSS) in Chow Kit as one such collaboration — the facility funded by the government but run by NGO, Yayasan Salam. "There's good positive results: We see greater number of drug users in the area turning in for consultation and help via treatment and rehabilitation and referral services," said Muhyiddin, who chairs the Anti-drugs Cabinet Committee. In his speech earlier, Australian High Commissioner Miles Kupa said the United Nations estimated that 250

million people or six per cent of the world's population consumed illicit drugs, with its worldwide trade estimated to be worth RM300 billion annually. "Closer to home, we now have more than half of the world's heroin users in Asia. Consumption is also increasing in places surrounding Afghanistan like Pakistan, Iraq and Central Asia. Currently, INFNGO has 87 registered members in 43 countries including Australia, Bangladesh, Barbados, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Myanmar, Nepal, the Philippines, Russia, Sudan, Iran, Italy and Malaysia.

The Malay Mail Wednesday 9 NOVEMBER, 2011


Medical student slashed to death in Indonesia ADRIAN JAY PEREIRA told his mother he would be home for Christmas. The 22-year-old medical student of Universiti Brawijaya at Malang, East Java, skipped last year’s celebration with his family, but promised his mother he would return next month. However, this was not to be as Adrian was killed outside his rented house in Indonesia while attempting to stop a thief from stealing his motorcycle. Adrian’s mother, Mary Catherine De Cruz, said at the family home in Taman Klang Jaya yesterday she heard of the tragedy after a family member told her to read the news online. Moments after reading the shocking news on her son, the 52-year-old single mother received a call from the Malaysian embassy in Indonesia informing her of the incident. “It’s an immeasurable loss for us. He was everything to us and losing him in such a manner is something we don’t know how to cope with," she said. Mary, who works as a medical transcriptionist at Sime Darby Medical Centre, said she was looking forward to seeing her only son for Christmas. “We spoke over the phone just two days ago and his two younger sisters were all excited when he told us he was coming back." She described Adrian as a spiritual, likeable and positive person. "Since he was little, Adrian wanted to be a doctor. He always scored straight As in studies." Mary said her elder brother left for Indonesia yesterday

ADRIAN: Slashed in the neck

MARY: He always wanted to be a doctor

morning to help bring Adrian's remains home. The family is hoping to conduct the funeral tomorrow. The incident occurred about 7pm on Monday. Adrian, a third-year undergraduate, was in the living room of his rented house when he heard noises coming from the porch. When he saw a man trying to steal his motorcycle, he shouted at the thief who ran off. Adrian searched in vain the housing area for the thief before returning to his house where he was confronted by the man who slashed him on the neck. Adrian died on the spot. His body were taken to Rumah Sakit Saiful Anwar Malang for post-mortem.


Ah Long syndicate crushed with arrest of five suspects

POLICE smashed an illegal money-lending syndicate operating in the Klang Valley for the past five years, following the arrest of its five members and seizure of post-dated cheques totalling RM2.3 million. The five men, all from Tangkak, Johor, and aged 25 to 33, charged exorbitant interest of 10 per cent per week or 50 per cent per month. They were arrested last week. Federal Commercial Crime Investigation deputy director II Datuk Rodwan Mohd Yusof said the syndicate operated from several locations in the Klang Valley. “On Oct 10, we received a

By AIZAT SHARIF aizat@mmail.com.my

police report by a 26-yearold trader who claimed his sister was harassed by a loan shark at their father's flat at Sri Sentosa, Jalan Klang Lama,” said Rodwan. Their father had borrowed money from Ah Longs. "The father was not at home so the loan sharks stuffed steel and glue into the key-hole of the front grill forcing them to call a locksmith to unlock it," said Rodwan. Two days later, the outside of the flat was splashed with red paint. Rodwan said based on a

BIG HAUL: A police officer showing the cheques and cash seized from the syndicate

subsequent tip-off, police raided a house in Jalan Sri Sentosa, Petaling Jaya, at

8.15pm last Wednesday and arrested a 31-year-old suspect.

"From evidence gathered, we went to an apartment unit at Prima Setapak, Jalan Genting Klang, where we arrested four more suspects. They brought us to another apartment which was their operation's base. "We seized personal documents belonging to the Ah Longs' clients, including post-dated bank cheques totalling RM2.3 million and about RM60,000 in cash. “Over the past three months, the syndicate had 174 debtors, most of them small-time traders. Some of their clients were from Perlis, Sarawak and Sabah." The five suspects are under remand and are expect-

ed to be charged soon under Section 29B (1) of the Moneylender Act 1951 for harassment or intimidation of borrowers and Section 5 (2) of the same Act for carrying on business as moneylenders without a licence. "The number of police reports by the public against Ah Longs in KL has seen a marked increase over the past year, from only five reported cases last year to 31 cases from January to October this year," said Rodwan. "Last year, five illegal money-lenders were arrested whereas so far this year, we have nabbed 15 Ah Longs, including the five suspects in this case."

The Malay Mail Wednesday 9 NOVEMBER, 2011

Civil servants should not be made a target for political interests, but should instead, be appreciated for their contributions — Cuepacs president Datuk Omar Osman




Husband available! Engineer proposes marriage to girlfriend via Groupon

"100% off husband" read an attention-grabbing deal posted yesterday on the Groupon Malaysia website and although it was "bought" 25,978 times (up to 8.30pm last night), the deal was actually meant for one person. This was a novel way in which 31-year-old project engineer Loke Hing Seong, of Ampang here, had proposed marriage to 30-year-old secretary Hon Mei Chen, also of Ampang. Happily, Hon communicated her acceptance of the offer by posting on a Facebook discussion on Loke's deal. Contacted by The Malay Mail, Loke said he has known Hon since 1997 although their relationship became serious only for the past two years. "I was thinking of unique ways to propose but some of those ideas needed big budgets and others needed a lot

By HAMZAH NAZARI hamzah@mmail.com.my

of people," he said. "But I know she likes to surf Groupon, so I contacted them and managed to convince them to post a 'one free husband' deal which went up at 7am yesterday on their website." The Grouposal, as it is known, followed the site's standard format, offering a lifetime of marital bliss, child rearing and IT support, free cuddles, nuzzles and snuggles, with a lifetime warranty that covers feeding children and household repairs, among other things. It also featured testimonials from Hon's mother, her best friend, and a mutual friend of the couple. "Every week, Mei Chen checks her email for deals as soon as she arrives at her of-

fice," said Loke. "Yesterday, I sent her a Facebook message in the early morning telling her to check on a particular nice deal that Groupon had." Groupon had also sent Hon a special mock newsletter which featured the proposal with a headline which reads "100% off Husband + Lifetime Warranty" at 8am yesterday. Groupon Malaysia, the first deal-based website, is owned and operated by Groupon Sdn Bhd. In an email from Taiwan, Groupon Malaysia chief executive officer Joel Neoh wrote: "As Groupon's main purpose of existence is to provide customers with the best experiences in life, we thought this would be a great Groupon for Hon — a lifetime's worth of marital bliss." Neoh said Groupon was

moved by Loke's obvious love for Hon and added that the website was the perfect place for members to fulfill their bucket lists. "The Groupon platform is not just another website where you can buy discounted vouchers from," said Neoh, "It has evolved to be a place where the collective power of people coming together to move towards the same goal is achieved effectively in a very short period of time." Groupon marketing and communications manager Catherine Yap said the website was moved by Loke's sincerity and determination. "Loke told us that Hon is a huge Groupon addict and we thought this would be a great surprise and the last thing she would expect," she said. "When Loke came to our office, he also brought us doughnuts."

TO BUY OR NOT TO BUY: Loke proposed to Hon on the Groupon Malaysia website

NEOH: We want to give customers best experiences in life

Loke added: "Mei Chen and I will be visiting the Groupon Malaysia office today (Wednesday) with a cake to celebrate our engagement

YAP: Website was moved by Loke's sincerity and determination

with the Groupon staff." Groupon originated in the United States in 2007, and the Malaysian chapter started in September last year.



China to finalise and set the standard for nitrate content in bird's nest by December -- Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai

Prices of computer items soar PETALING JAYA


Tips on making sound decisions in property buys PROPERTY prices in Malaysia are among the lowest in the region with great potential to increase. This factor has prompted the Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (ISM) to conduct a seminar on this, next Tuesday at Crown Plaza Mutiara Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. The day-long seminar from 8am to 4.30pm, aims to educate potential property buyers, be it investors or the public, to make sound decisions in property purchases. Petsy John, of the ISM Secretariat, said participants would have access to knowledge on potential growth areas in which to buy properties. "Property growth in Malaysia is around 15 to 30 per cent, depending on location and type of property," she said. The housing market, the most active of all proper-

Cutback in supplies from flood-hit Thailand hits sales

LIMITED supplies of hard disk drives have resulted in prices doubling following the floods in Thailand where these items are manufactured. Traders at Digital Mall in Section 14 here are lamenting that hard disks, previously costing some RM130, have risen in price by more than 100 per cent in the past two weeks. Aone Plus Supplies and S e r v i c e s S d n Bh d u n it development manager Yu Ong Ching said traders were also restricted to a limited number of items. "We order from suppliers every two or three days. Previously, we were able to obtain an unlimited number but now, we are only able to order about 20 items each time," he said. As a result, his sales have dropped by about 30 per cent. Sales of notebooks and PCs have also declined. "The more popular brands, such as Western Digital, Buffero and Seagate, are among those affected," Yu told The Malay Mail. He feared the problem could continue for the next six months. Edwin Lee, an adminis-


By FAIZAL NOR IZHAM faizal.nor@mmail.com.my trative employee of another outlet in Digital Mall, said the prices of notebooks had also gone up. While their sales were still steady, he said, traders were preparing for the worst in the coming months. Another trader, Epy Mohd Rapaie, said the price of a one terabyte drive had increased from RM298 to RM400. "We currently only have five remaining 500 gigabyte drives in our stock. Sales of PCs have also dropped as most of our customers purchase entire computers," he said. Meanwhile, customers are also feeling the pinch. Shahir Shamsuddin, 25, was eager to obtain a hard disk quickly as prices may go up further. "The hard disk of my office computer is damaged and I need a new one to store documents," said the assistant construction project manager. "I need to get it this week but it looks like I have little hope of securing a less expensive deal."

S. Tamil Maran Shamugam, 50, a traffic engineer in Bahrain, felt traders should start looking at other overseas suppliers besides Thailand. “We should also take local products into consideration, as they can be of equally good quality," he said. Newspaper reports said the shutdown of Sony's factories, because of the floods in Ayutthayahas, Thailand, meant shipments of certain products would be affected, resulting in some launch dates being postponed from November to an unconfirmed date.

YU: Sales of disk drives, PCs and notebooks have dropped by 30 per cent

Society president Jackson Yogarajah, a pioneer in this field in Malaysia. He has had more than 20 years of experience in the field. The aim of the dialogue was to bring awareness about the importance of body language in everyday life including during interviews, meetings, public speaking, when socialising and in detecting deception.

ty types, is popular among investors as purchases of second homes is now allowed to internationals. Locals must also be made aware of the housing industry to make informed decisions, said John. Besides that, economic indicators and property information will assist investors to understand the economic climate in Malaysia and make decisions for adequate returns. The s eminar aims to enlighten participants so they can make informed decisions, and learn about government development plans that spur property development, among others. Those encouraged to attend include government agencies, local authorities, professional bodies, ISM members and members of the public. For details and registration, call Lih Ling at 603-7954 8358.

JAMMING FOR A CAUSE: Hydra will perform to raise funds for DJ Thomas Alvin.


TAMIL MARAN: Traders should also look into local products

15th anniversary do with a good cause SHAHIR: Little hope of securing less expensive deal

University students schooled in body language

MORE than 150 Malaysian and international undergraduate students were given a lesson on body language and its importance in daily life in a dialogue hosted by the Youth Junior Chamber International University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus (YJCI UNMC) The two-hour dialogue was conducted by Malaysia Body Language Surveillance

The Malay Mail Wednesday 9 November, 2011

The students attending the dialogue were from various schools at the University, such as Arts, Social Sciences, Engineering, Science, Pschology and others and included international students from South Korea, Iran, Bangladesh, among others. YJCI president Chan Bing Yuan said, "We are really happy to have Jackson as the speaker on this topic as he

gave excellent exposure to participants on the importance of body language. “YJCI, at our campus now believes that body language can be a powerful tool in our everyday life if we know how to use it and undoubtedly, Jackson is an expert in this field." Jackson can be contacted at http://www.bodylanguage. com.my/.

MORE than 40 musicians will gather at Waikiki PJ on Sunday to celebrate the pub's 15th anniversary and to raise funds for DJ Thomas Alvin Cross. Thomas is this year's recipient of the club's corporate social responsibility programme, known as "Tribute to Kindness". Key organiser-cum-club owner Tony Siew said they hope to be able to raise funds for Thomas to get a prosthetic limb which is expected to cost about RM20,000. He said Thomas, who is the pub's disc jockey (DJ) and sound engineer, had his leg amputated a few months ago because of a serious infection. Thomas said in a recent Facebook posting: "I never knew that one day it might be me. Fear was what kept me from going through with it

By CECILIA VICTOR cecilia@mmail.com.my until the infection nearly took my life. "The courage came when I realised I have a good boss, a decent job and support from my friends, workmates and family." Entrance fee for the event is RM20 nett. Beers will be sold at RM10 nett per mug all night long. Collection from both entrance fees and beer sales would go entirely to the funds for Thomas. Entertainment for the night will be provided by bands like Vocalholiqs, Alphabeat, Magnifico, RetroEdge 5, Juanophobia, Big Band, Andy Peterson and Hydra. The closing will be performed by Five and Dime, the pub's Sunday band.

The Malay Mail Wednesday 9 NOVEMBER, 2011

Bakun hydroelectric project's spillway gates will start operations on Friday, upon completion of all related works, to allow gradual rise of the water level — Sarawak Hidro managing director Zulkifle Osman


AIM-ing for growth Plan to transform palm oil by-products will create new industries, jobs and technology

AGENSI Inovasi Malaysia (AIM), a government body tasked with establishing an "innovation economy" for the country to achieve highincome developed status, is spearheading a collaborative initiative to develop a national biomass strategy to capture the potential of oil palm waste as a source of economic growth. In an exclusive interview with The Malaysian Reserve financial newspaper recently, AIM executive vice-president and head of strategic impact (wealth creation) Bas Melssen said the palm oil industry is already one of the country's strongest assets and presents a unique opportunity to drive a new chapter in Malaysia's journey to 2020. “Together with key players across government, industr y and academia, AIM

By MOHD RASHDAN JAMALUDIN mmnews@mmail.com.my

and Malaysian IndustryGovernment Group for High Technology (MIGHT) have worked to develop the strategy,” said Melssen. “We have engaged 20 government agencies, 20 private sector industry players and 10 universities and public research institutes in this effort.” The new strategy will provide the road map for transforming 80 million tonnes of fronds, trunks, shell fibres, empty fruit bunches and other by-products produced at palm oil plantations every year, AIM said in a statement. The strategy, AIM said, will create new high-value industries, thousands of new jobs and new exports for Malaysia.

It added it will build on Malaysia's strengths to deliver downstream value, highvalue jobs, development in rural areas, new indigenous technology within Malaysia, and scope for lower carbon emissions and sustainability impact. “We believe the new strategy will put Malaysia on the map as a world leader in the development of new, innovative and sustainable industries,” said Melssen. He added no country in South-East Asia has developed a national agenda for its biomass and Malaysia's initiative will pull together all stakeholders to work towards a singular vision. A formal announcement

of the national biomass strategy will be made at the Bio Malaysia Conference in Kuala Lumpur on Nov 21 to 23. AIM is a statutory body set up via the AIM Act 2010, and has two objectives that provide the foundation for the innovation blueprint: to bring about holistic societal well-being through the cultivation of the innovation eco-system and to drive the national innovation agenda to generate new-wave wealth. T he s e t wo go a ls c an be achieved by using the Quadruple Helix approach, where four parties, namely government, rakyat, academia and industry, work in synergy to encourage the culture of innovation among the population, and to ensure ideas are taken from creation to commercialisation.




Anwar: PKR does not support Sexualiti Merdeka PARTI KEADILAN RAKYAT (PKR) does not support Seksualiti Merdeka 2011. PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the party, which had a meeting on the issue recently, decided not to support the programme about individual freedoms concerning sexuality. He said this at a Press conference at the Parliament

lobby yesterday. The programme, held for the fourth time since 2008, should have run from Nov 2 to Nov 13 but was discontinued by organisers after strong opposition from various groups as the programme was claimed to promote the rights of lesbians, bisexuals, gays and transsexuals in the country. — Bernama


'No plans to repeal Article 48(6) of Constitution' THE government has no plans to repeal Article 48(6) of the Federal Constitution, says Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Liew Vui Keong. He said the provision was still relevant, especially to avoid waste of money, time and energy as it would involve a by-election. "The provision was cre-

ated to prevent members of parliament (MP) and State assemblymen to contest again for a period of five years. It would be detrimental to our democratic system if the provision is repealed just to satisfy someone's political agenda," he said during the question-and-answer session in Parliament yesterday. — Bernama


The Malay Mail Wednesday 9 NOVEMBER, 2011


tel:03-7495 1000/1001/1002 tel:019-261 4948 (after 9pm)

your right to be heard ● Complainants have to submit their personal particulars and provide a detailed account of their complaint. ● Complainants have to first file their complaints with the respective parties before contacting Hotline. ● Complaints referred by Hotline to the relevant parties would be published if there is no response in seven days. ● After a complaint has been resolved, the complainant cannot demand non-publication of the matter.


Crowded-out commuters KTMB putting in more trains next year to cut delays, station congestion

WHY is the KTM Komuter station at KL Sentral as congested as the roads outside? This question has been on the mind of JEREMY TAN, a 38-year-old accountant from Rawang, who noticed commuters are packed like sardines during the 8am, 1pm and 5pm peak periods. "On top of this, we regularly experience train delays." He says he often experiences five-minute delays when waiting for his train to go home from work, adding it can even take as long as 10 minutes some times. "I feel something needs to be done about this, as the station is as crowded as the roads. In fact, some of us take public transport to escape the road congestion in the first place." TAN says it takes him more than 45 minutes to commute

to and from work, and he has to wait 30 minutes more if he misses the train. "Some of us can't afford to be late even a few minutes. I feel the train delays also contribute to the station being packed." ● KTM BERHAD (KTMB) commuter services spokesman Zainal Ismail apologises for the inconvenience experienced. "The management is aware of the situation and various efforts are being taken to improve our services. We admit KTMB is still facing a shortage of commuter trains, resulting in the disruption of daily operations, as well as technical problems." He says as many of the train are more than 15 years old, KTMB will focus on increasing the reliability and efficiency of

its maintenance management system beside continuous monitoring. "Through the Transport Ministry, the government has recently purchased 38 new sets of coaches to meet requirements." Zainal says when they begin operations next year, he says arrival time will be be reduced while passenger capacity will be increased. "The first batch arrived on Sept 22 and the second came on Oct 19." He says four more sets will arrive next month, adding the remaining 32 train sets will be received in stages until May next year. Zainal says the coaches will go through rigorous technical and safety tests, as well as commissioning procedures for about three months.

LET ME IN! Commuters scramble to board a train home at KL Sentral

Slow run over gym refund CHANG WAI CHEONG is fed-up of the long wait for a refund after terminating his membership with a health club. The 32-year-old businessman from Kuala Lumpur signed up with Fitness First's Avenue K gym on March 31 and paid a one-year upfront fee of RM2,060.30. CHANG was a member of the club's Menara Maxis branch four years earlier be-

fore learning they had moved to Avenue K last year. On April 6, however, he decided to cancel his membership as he was unhappy with the new gym's environment. The front office staff then told him the refund would be forthcoming in four to six weeks. When CHANG received no news well after six weeks, he called on June 6. "A staff told me they were still processing my refund and asked me to wait.

"After not hearing from them, I called on June 26 and was again told it was still being processed." CHANG says he has emailed and called them about five times since the cancellation. He had to wait until August before getting a reply to his queries, but did not hear from them after that. "I feel they have not been sincere in attending to my request and have not been behaving responsibly.

"Their terms and conditions, in fact, state new members can withdraw their membership within seven days of signing up." ● A FITNESS FIRST spokesperson apologises to CHANG for the inconvenience. "A miscommunication in our administrative and financial office resulted in the delay of the reimbursement.

We take full responsibility for their mistake and reassure him we are working to rectify the situation." She says Fitness First Avenue K will issue him a cheque for the full amount of RM2,060.30. "We are happy to deliver this directly to you or hold it at the club for you to collect at your leisure. "Please know we take every complaint seriously and are continuously driven to

Online comments www.mmail.com.my Thunderbolt blues (Nov 4)

● GET a surge protector. Lightning strikes do occur and it is one of those things you cannot prevent, but you can take measures to safeguard your electrical and electronic appliances from current surges. Go to an electrical shop and they will install one for you. It would probably cost a you a few thousand ringgit, but the upside is you would not have to replace your household items every year. — Anonymous

'Mystery' men at work (Nov 2)

● DIG. Cover. Dig again. Cover again. There's no end to it. Nice planning, guys. Meanwhile, motorists are forced to drive over bumpy roads all year round. — Sad Faces ● ONE thing's for sure, whenever the roads are dug up, they are not returned to the original condition. Road resurfacing works are often shoddy, leaving motorists to suffer. There are so many roads in the Klang Valley that

are full of holes, especially on the left lanes. One day, we will only be driving on the right lanes. — Tabik Spring Next-door foreigners fuss (Nov 1)

● IT'S our own greed actually. The greed to have cheap labour. Greed to lease out houses at higher rentals. Greed to import workers without consideration to the social impact. To lay the blame on foreign workers alone is unfair. If Malaysians are strict on

hygiene, the foreigners will follow our way of cleanliness. If we are messy and tardy, they will follow, too. Crimes are everywhere. Even if you go to a mosque or a temple, your shoes will go missing as well. Most foreign workers are hardworking and honest people. Residents' Associations and local authorities should work together instead of saying it is not their baby. Clean up the place, paint it up and patrol the streets. Do we have to learn from Singapore? — johanssmKhunPana

make becoming a Fitness First member or choosing to terminate a membership an easy and pleasant experience. "We appreciate your feedback and will make every effort to ensure this will not happen again in the future." When contacted, CHANG says he has received the cheque, but laments no formal apology coming from the health club.

TAKE NOTE 1. Those caught not wearing seat belts can face a maximum fine of RM300 as unrestrained rear seat occupants increase the death risk of front passengers by five times during a crash. 2. Any query on banking or credit matters? Check with The Association of Banks in Malaysia's ABMConnect at toll-free 1-300-88-9980, 9am to 5.30pm, Mondays to Fridays. 3. The Energy Commission has an online 'Registered Electrical Competent Persons' name listcum-status check on its website (www.st.gov.my).

The Malay Mail Wednesday 9 NOVEMBER, 2011

The US government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race — White House spokesman ROME

Berlusconi's top ally tells him to resign


Buddha's bones on display AUSTRALIAN citizen Chau Chak Wing is only one of 53 property developers in China who have amassed a personal worth of more than US$1 billion (RM3.1b), according to a China rich list. But he is the only one who can boast of owning the 2500year-old, jewel-encased cremated remains of Buddha's bones and displaying them for select dignitaries like former prime minister John Howard, reports The Age. The Sarira Stupa (pic), a jewel-encrusted portable temple for transporting the crystallised ashes of Shakyamuni Buddha, was sent by India's King Asoka as a gift of Buddhism to the world. Nineteen of the holy treasures were sent to China but only two have been confirmed to have survived, with a smaller and less significant one on public display in a temple in Shaanxi province. The second is now in Dr Chau's personal Kingold Museum, while a third unconfirmed specimen was unearthed in Nanjing last year. Howard officially opened the museum on Monday.

SILVIO BERLUSCONI'S closest coalition ally, Umberto Bossi, told him to resign yesterday in what could be a mortal blow to the Italian prime minister before a crunch vote in parliament. Bossi, head of the devolutionist Northern League, said the 75-year-old media magnate should be replaced by Angelino Alfano, secretary of the premier's PDL party. "We asked the prime minister to stand down," Bossi told reporters outside parliament. Berlusconi had remained defiant ahead of the vote on a

public finance measure, rejecting calls from all sides to step down. But Bossi's action could tip the balance against him as red lights flash on bond markets about Italy's instability. The League, together with many members of the PDL, were believed to want Berlusconi to make way for a new centreright government capable of tackling a huge economic crisis and restoring the confidence of markets without handing power to a transitional administration. — Reuters


Pilgrims perform final Haj rituals

NEARLY three million Muslim pilgrims were performing the final rituals of the Haj yesterday as the world's largest annual gathering neared its close without major incident. The most dangerous rite of the annual hajj proceeded peacefully as pilgrims rushed to throw 21 stones at pillars that symbolise the devil in the village of Mina, the last rite of the annual pilgrimage. The largest of the pillars is Jamrat al-Aqaba, at 30m. In previous years, hundreds of people have been trampled to death in stampedes triggered by

crowds trying to get close to the pillars to take their vengeance on the symbol of the devil. More than 12,000 security guards were organising the movement of pilgrims on the walkway this year with around 400 CCTV security cameras placed there to help manage the crowds. So far, no major incidents have been reported among the pilgrims, which the Saudi statistics office said numbered 2.93 million this year. The figure includes 1.83 million foreigners. — AFP


Sarkozy's slip-up Microphones pick up Netanyahu gaffe at G20 summit

FRENCH President Nicolas Sarkozy called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a "liar" in talks with US President Barack Obama, who then complained of having to deal with him daily, a report said yesterday. The private conversation, held during the G20 summit in the French city of Cannes last week, was overheard by a number of journalists after it was inadvertently transmitted over a system used for translation, media website Arret sur Images reported. "I can't stand him anymore, he's a liar," Sarkozy said in French during the talks.

I can't stand him anymore, he's a liar — Nicolas Sarkozy on Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu

"You may be sick of him, but me, I have to deal with him every day," Obama replied in comments that were translated into French. Without providing further quotes, the website

said Obama had also chastised Sarkozy for not having informed the United States of France's plans to vote in favour of Palestinian membership in UN cultural agency Unesco. Journalists were able to hear the conversation after they were given translation devices for a Press conference but told they would receive headphones later, the website reported. Plugging their own headphones into the devices, they realised they could hear the French translation of the conversation between the two leaders.

The website quoted a number of journalists saying a group decision was made not to report the conversation as it was considered private and off-the-record. The premier's office had no immediate reaction to the report and the foreign ministry refused to comment. Israel public radio correspondent Gidon Kutz, who covered the Cannes summit, said journalists who overheard the private conversation had agreed not to report the story due to "correctness and in order not to embarrass the presidential Press service". — AFP


Moscow's Mars pioneers hail success, gripe at space rations

SIX men who spent 520 days in isolation in Moscow to simulate a flight to Mars yesterday spoke of their pride at becoming "spacemen" but complained of the monotony and cravings for crusty baguettes. Wearing blue jumpsuits and badges with the project name Mars 500, the international team of one Chinese, one Italian, one Frenchman and three Russians said they were proud of their "flight" in a Moscow car park. "I wanted to enter this big world of space and seeing all the people who are here and being with my colleagues here, I feel like I am part of this world now and it feels great," Frenchman Romain Charles said at a news conference. The group entered the woodlined complex outside a city

THE MARS500 CREW: (From left) Russia's Alexey Sitev, Charles, Russia's Sukhrob Kamolov, Russia's Alexander Smoleevskiy, Urbina and Yue — AFPpic

institute in summer 2010 for an experiment designed to test humans' physical and emotional reactions to a long spaceflight. They emerged blinking in the sunshine on Friday.

After quarantine ended late Monday, they are now living outside in Moscow for a final month of tests. The men played down any tensions during their incar-

ceration. The worst problem was the monotony, which reached its height on the "return trip", after the excitement of a simulated landing on Mars, they said.

The worst gripe was the boring food. Charles admitted he dreamed of French specialities: "cheese, red wine and some crusty bread — a good baguette." The astronauts were only allowed to drink "powdered wine," Charles said. "As a Frenchman, I'm sorry to say ... it was not wine." "The food for me was not enjoyment, not entertainment, it was for avoiding starving and giving me energy. It was like an experiment," China's Wang Yue, a doctor, said, complaining that it gave him flatulence. And Italy's Diego Urbina described one of his first pleasures on emerging as fast food. "A hamburger with potatoes and Coke. That was fun!" he said. — AFP



Jackson family hail conviction FANS rejoiced after Michael Jackson's doctor Conrad Murray was found guilty over the King of Pop's 2009 death, closing a trial that provided a troubling look at the star's demise. Crowds of supporters outside erupted as the verdict was announced yesterday, while minutes later judge Michael Pastor ordered the 58-year-old medic handcuffed and remanded. Jackson's mother Katherine cried and was hugged by one of his brothers. "Justice was served," his brother Jermaine said. Sister Rebbie added: "Nothing will bring him back but I'm happy (Murray) was found guilty." La Toya tweeted: "VICTORY!!!!!! We're Most Proud of The WALGREN team, U did a EXCELLENT JOB N UR quest 2 seek justice 4 Michael & my family." — AFP

Asteroid closes in on Earth A BIG asteroid is set to make its closest flyby of Earth in 200 years yesterday but there is no chance it will make a crash landing when it zips by our planet, Nasa said. Astronomers have aimed their telescopes to catch a glimpse of the 2005 YU55 asteroid, which will not be visible to the naked eye, when it makes its closest approach to Earth at 6.28pm (1128 GMT). The 400m wide asteroid often travels in the vicinity of the Earth, Mars and Venus, but the "the 2011 encounter with Earth is the closest it has come for at least the last 200 years," the US space agency said. — AFP

16 die in Indian festival stampede AT least 16 people were crushed to death and dozens of others injured in a stampede at a religious ceremony close to the river Ganges in northern India yesterday, officials said. "So far, 14 women and two men have died, and 46 others are seriously injured," D. Santhel Pandiyan, district magistrate in the nearby town of Haridwar, said. "More worshippers turned up than the place could accommodate. When the big ritual was going on, too many people rushed forward to make their offerings to the holy fire and the crowd got out of control." — AFP

Kerr fit because of breastfeeding MODEL Miranda Kerr (pic) said breastfeeding baby Flynn has helped her get in perfect shape for the upcoming Victoria's Secret show. With the show less than two days away, the 28-year-old Australian model is quite content. "I'm still breastfeeding. I'm pumping and it's going well,' the Daily Mail quoted Kerr as telling the New York Post. Breastfeeding is said to burn around 500 calories per day, which can be equated to an hour running on the treadmill.

Live&learn MAHSA for environmental health degrees 10 lifestyle

The importance of environmental health and safety was recognised as early as the 19th century when John Snow identified the link between the cholera outbreaks in Soho, London, to drinking contaminated water from the nearby pumps located amidst leaky cesspools. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has defined "environmental health" as the aspects of human health, including quality of life that are determined by chemical, physical, biological, social and psychosocial factors in the home, workplace and recreational environment. Hence, environmental health is a field that integrates diverse scientific disciplines to study the hazardous agents in the environment, with the aim

of assessing, preventing, controlling and overcoming their adverse impacts on the wellbeing of present and future generations. Who are environmental health practitioners? Environmental health practitioners are commonly known as environmental health officers. They work in the public or private sectors, performing various functions in the fields of: • Food safety • Diseases prevention and control • Water quality management • Vector and pest control • Occupational health and safety • Environmental health risk assessment

The Malay Mail Wednesday 9 november, 2011

• Solid and toxic waste management • Waste water management • Health promotion • Housing • Enforcement and prosecution • Disaster management • International health • Community health planning • Air quality management • Industrial air, water, noise, workplace control

centre. In Phase 3, a hotel and hospital will be constructed. Upon full completion four years from now, the campus can accommodate 15,000 students of all faculties and provide hostel accommodation for 10,000 students. MAHSA University College offers scholarships and assists students in applying for their education loans. Students are also given career counselling.

How to become a qualified Environmental Health Officer? To become a qualified environmental health officer, you have to possess an accredited degree in environmental health, undergo practical training and successfully pass its assessment and professional examinations.


Students at lab research Bachelor of Environmental Health and Safety (Hons) MAHSA University College is currently offering Bachelor of Environmental Health and Safety (Hons). The four-year programme provides graduates with the necessary knowledge and skills in the management of environmental health and safety. Students will also be exposed to a wide spectrum of scientific disciplines, which include environmental pollutions, water supply and sewage management, public health, food safety and occupational health. In addition, they will also learn about environmental regulation and legislation, health promotion and disease prevention, pest and vector management, environmental assessment and research methodology. Students will also conduct fieldworks such as collecting water samples from various settings for tests in the laboratory. Career prospects A degree in environmental health provides a wide variety of employment opportunities to graduates. Graduates enjoy a bright future working as: • Environmental health officers (EHOs) in the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Municipal Councils • EHOs in port authorities • EHOs in solid waste management or waste water management companies • EHOs in industrial sectors • Hygiene managers in food manufacturing and hospitality sector • Consultants in the field of environmental health and safety Graduates can further pursue their Masters and PhD degrees in local and foreign uni-

versities to become lecturers in institutes of higher learning. A Multi-award Winner MAHSA, the leading institution of higher learning in allied health sciences has won a host of awards and accolades: • Education Excellence Award 2006 by National Association of Private Educational Institution (NAPEI) for IPTS: Medium Category, the first allied health science college in Malaysia to win such a distinguished accolade. • Education Excellence Award 2008 by National Association of Private Educational Institution (NAPEI) for IPTS: Large Category • ISO 9001:2000 certified for meeting international standards in Quality Management System • Awarded the University College status by the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education on 13 March 2009 • Best Students’ Choice Award 2009 for Most Popular Private College/University for Nursing. Proposed MAHSA 50-acre Main Campus at Saujana Putra, Selangor Today, MAHSA has over 8,000 students from over 20 different countries. Currently, it has two city campuses at Pusat Bandar Damansara and Jalan Universiti, Petaling Jaya. In line with its expansion, MAHSA has purchased a 50acre land at Saujana Putra, about 30km from the capital of Kuala Lumpur, to construct its own purpose-built new campus. The construction work has begun early this year and the first phase is scheduled to be completed in two years. The new campus will be fully equipped with advanced learning and recreational facilities, including a football stadium, an Olympic-sized swimming pool and a student recreation

Diploma Programmes • ADVANCED DIPLOMA in MIDWIFERY • DIPLOMA in NURSING • DIPLOMA in PHARMACY • DIPLOMA in PHYSIOTHERAPY • DIPLOMA in MEDICAL IMAGING (RADIOGRAPHY) • DIPLOMA in MEDICAL LAB TECHNOLOGY • DIPLOMA in ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH • DIPLOMA in DENTAL TECHNOLOGY Certificate Programmes • CERTIFICATE for DENTAL SURGERY ASSISTANTS • CERTIFICATE for FOUNDATION IN SCIENCE To know more about MAHSA University College, its programmes and scholarships, please call 1800 88 0300, 032092 9999, 03-2093 8992 or e-mail: marketing@mahsa. edu.my or log on to www. mahsa.edu.my.

The Malay Mail Wednesday 9 november, 2011

Live&learn lifestyle 11

WOU gets you recognised Degrees from Wawasan Open University boost your career As the nation advances towards becoming the global hub for ICT and multimedia services, there is a growing demand for skilled professionals and knowledge workers in these areas. The positive developments in these fast-growing sectors are attracting a large number of job seekers, and in the process, it is creating stiff competition among the workforce. In addressing the need to equip employees with the necessary skills, expertise and relevant industry knowledge, Wawasan Open University (WOU) is always at the forefront of delivering market-driven academic programmes that cater to the professional development needs of the ICT and multimedia workforce. At WOU, learners can study for a Bachelor of Technology (Hons) degree in any of the following specialisations — Electronics, Electronic Commerce, Computer Systems and Networks, Information and Communication Technology, Computing and Intelligent Systems, Software Engineering, Information Systems, Construction Management, Telecommunications, Networks and Data Communication, Database Management, and Multimedia Design. They also have the option of pursuing a sub-degree programme at Graduate Diploma level in Database Management, Electronics or Telecommunications. Offered through the School of Science and Technology (SST), the programmes are ideal for individuals aspiring to obtain recognised tertiary qualifications for promotion to seniorlevel positions or for better career advancement. As WOU gears up for its upcoming Convocation ceremonies this November 19th, its initial suite of five Bachelor of Technology degree programmes has received full accreditation from the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA). WOU’s six other Bachelor of Business degree programmes and the Commonwealth Executive Master of Public Administration (CeMPA) also received full accreditation status, which brings the total to 13 fully accredited programmes — the Commonwealth Executive Master of Business Administration (CeMBA) was fully accredited in 2010. WOU’s 2nd Convocation will witness the inaugural batch of graduates for the Bachelor’s degree programmes and CeMPA. A total of 152 students are eligible for gradu-

WELCOMING: The main campus

FLEXIBLE: With affordable access to learning, students are in control of their studies and their future

LEARNING CURVE: THE programmes are specially structured for working adults too ation — 77 from CeMBA, four CeMPA, 54 Bachelor of Business (Hons) and 17 from Bachelor of Technology (Hons). This positive outcome marks an important milestone in the annals of WOU’s academic history as it signifies the achievement of quality, which is the underlying hallmark of the University. Registrar Yeong Sik Kheong stated, “The full accreditation status reflects MQA’s endorsement and recognition of WOU’s programmes, and adds value to the quality education that we commit to offer. Graduates and students can always be assured that our programmes are benchmarked against best quality standards and recognised by the Malaysian government.” Designed specifically for working

adults, all programmes provide the much-needed knowledge and industry perspectives that are relevant to the sectors. Course materials are developed by subject experts locally and internationally, and take into account current industry practices that learners can apply to their jobs. Learners can study various core courses related to their work, as well as a number of elective courses that may be technical or managerial in nature. This ensures that students acquire not only knowledge in technology, but also leadership and business management skills. By studying in an environment where most, if not all work in similar fields, learners stand to gain professionally through the exchange of knowledge and information from different perspectives. These peer interactions and formal learning help them apply whatever knowledge gained to their jobs, giving them a competitive edge over their colleagues. For working adults seeking an upward mobility in their careers, now is the opportune time for an upgrade in educational qualifications. Enrolment is now open until Jan 8, 2012. To find out more about WOU’s programmes, log on to wou. edu.my or call its toll-free Careline at 1-300-888-968 (WOU) today. For a limited time, WOU is offering a fee rebate up to a maximum of RM500 for new students who enrol in two or more papers. Get timely updates on www. facebook.com/WawasanOpenUniversity and www.twitter. com/WawasanOU

12 lifestyle

Fitness for everyone Neighbourhood community gym caters to all and sundry

By KARINA FOO karina@mmail.com.my IF you’d rather walk on a thin ledge above a pool of sharks than to walk into a large gym full of super fit bodies, you wouldn’t be alone in thinking this. Very often, people are apprehensive about setting foot in a gym — or “health clubs” as

they are often called — because the hip music, super trim bodies clad in shape-hugging spandex and factory-like fitness equipment would be enough to intimidate anyone. But, at Fitworx, the fitness instructors make you feel welcomed and are there to lend you a helping hand from the moment you walk in until you’re done with your workout. This unpretentious neighbourhood and communitystyle health club genuinely aims to help improve their members’ fitness, strength and general health. It isn’t a place for pageantry or exhibit one’s body (or booty), so you wouldn’t have to purchase the latest and sexiest fitness gear as everyone’s happy with their comfortable

BEAT IT: Working out to Drums Alive! shorts and T-shirts. The club aims to deliver what they promise as their slogan

states: “Fitness, Fun, Results”. Yes, exercising can be fun! The members themselves

comprise all ages, shapes and sizes so you wou’dn’t feel too self-conscious and neither will you receive scrutinising “body stares”. In fact, when compared to other larger health clubs, Fitworx is considered a smaller sized one but with big facilities to boot. Located at the new sports centre, called PJ Palms, there’s a 50m swimming pool, two squash courts, an air-conditioned indoor cricket batting lane, a Futsal court, and various recreational sports shops. “We are a more family-focused fitness centre and that’s why many of our clients are in their 40s right up to their 60s,” said Isaiah Kee, director of Fitworx, group exercise instructor and the American Council of Exercise (ACE) certified personal trainer. PROGRAMMES FOR ALL FITNESS LEVELS

PUMP IT: The weights machines

“So, are you guys ready to workout?” Kee asked with a big smile on his face. Well of course! Being fitness junkies, a friend (who is also a fitness instructor) and I wanted to try Drums Alive and Fitworx’ own Bootcamp — something different from our usual routine. Needless to say, we really didn’t know what we were in for… Drums Alive is one of the newest fitness programmes to hit the market. You use a fitness ball that’s attached to a stand and with two drumsticks in your hands, follow the instructor as he takes you through a one-hour class of different movements that challenges all the muscles in your body. But because you’re moving in various directions

while focusing on the rhythm, it’s like a dance, aerobics, endurance and music class all tied in one! You’ll feel exhilarated because it’s a very fun class and won’t even realise that you’re out of breath. Don’t be fooled when the class starts with just “drumming” the ball. I turned to my friend and muttered, “Come on, this is too easy…” In about five minutes, our heart rates increased and sweat was beginning to drip. That’s when I exclaimed, “Ok, this is pretty challenging!” But then again Kee made us move fast to his rhythms and we did advanced moves such as deep squats and pushed ourselves up to do jumping jacks, followed by upper body twists one after another. “Drums Alive can be done slow or fast depending on your fitness levels. It was originally made as a rehabilitation exercise for the elderly and disabled. But when more fitness was incorporated into it, it was introduced as a group exercise class but is also continued to be used for physical therapy,” said Kee. A strong motivational tip when you do this class is to imagine that you’re one of the cast from Stomp! Or, think yourself as a rock star as you slam your feet down around and hit the drumsticks together. Drums Alive definitely made us feel Alive! Next came another 25 minutes of Bootcamp where we pushed ourselves through lateral pushups, stepping lunges using 10kg weights, Russian twists with 5kg weight plates (to work the abs), jumping jacks and basketball leg drills. We performed each of

The Malay Mail Wednesday 9 NOVEMBER, 2011



DUNK IT: Swimming is a great workout or simply to cool down after one


CARDIO: The gym's treadmills come with a view programmes like Body Combat, a mixed martial arts class that’s choreographed to music, Body Pump, a class that tones and sculpts your body using an adjustable weights bar to work all your muscles, RPM, stationary cycling to high energy music and Sh’Bam!, a dance class that makes you feel like you’re the life of the party! If you’re not yet comfortable exercising in a group and would prefer one-on-one training with a qualified fitness instructor who

BE ARMSTRONG: The RPM and stationery cycling class studio

understands your fitness and health goals, you can also try their personal fitness coaching (PFC). There are cardio machines, resistance training machines and free weights that you can use. And once you’ve had a great work out and want to cool down, you can’t help

but resist dunking yourself into the pool! t Fitworx is located at PJ Palms Sports Center, No. 1 Lorong Sultan, 46200 Petaling Jaya. For more information, call 03-7956-2321

Weight training for health IN the past, the weights area of a gym was always dominated by men and testosterone while women frantically sweated on the cardio elliptical machines. Women are now hitting the weights, and they aren’t preparing for a body-building contest. Weight training can’t make a woman look like Arnold Schwarzenegger simply because they don’t have as much testosterone as men to build such big muscles. In fact, weight training is

an exercise that can help to prevent diseases, build and maintain muscle mass that helps to burn more calories and fat while making you stronger which will make it easier for you to perform your daily physical activities. So, incorporate 20-to-30minute sessions of weight training, two to three times a week on top of your cardio programme and with a good diet, you’ll soon lose weight, increase your fitness endurance and look and feel younger.

HOW TO PLAY Sudoku X is a simple variation of Sudoku with the only difference being the squares in white (which make up the numeral X) need to tally from 1 to 9 along with the remaining coloured squares.


these exercises for one minute each before going on to the next with no breaks in between. This is the part when you will understand the meaning of “No pain, no gain!” “Bootcamp is a full body workout that comprises cardio, strength, core work and flexibility. It’ll help tone and sculpt your entire body and burn a lot of calories and because the programme is tailored to suit all fitness levels, it’s suitable for beginners as well as veteran exercisers. There are several other types of exercises to do at Bootcamp and we will customise them according to your fitness levels and goals,” explained Kee, as we gritted our teeth and struggled to finish the last few lunges and push-ups! Fitworx also offers other fun group exercise classes like Zumba, an energising dance class that uses Latin beats with a mix of slow and fast rhythms. There’s also the Les Mills exercise

14 lifestyle

The Malay Mail Wednesday 9 NOVEMBER, 2011


Scent of orchids for you WALK into any Body Shop outlet today and get transported to an exotic world where the scents of sweet Turkish delights, Chantilly creams and orchids fill the air. The all new White Musk Libertine takes on a more floral note after it sensational predecessor, the legendary Body Shop White Musk. While the scent of musk still captures intensely at the base notes, the top notes are peppered with a fresh bursts of orchids. The new fragrance is a combination of work with Dr Vincent Schäller, one of the world’s largest privately owned and Nobel Prize-winning fragrance house Firmenich. The White Musk Libertine Eau de Parfum is available at

RM83 and the White Musk Libertine Eau de Toilette comes in two sizes, 30ml and 60ml at RM63 and RM93 respectively. For a longer lasting scent, use the White Musk Libertine Body Wash (RM45) and the luxurious White Musk Libertine Body Lotion (RM55). A handy tip, allow the body lotion to sink in after shower before spraying on the fragrance.

Grow luscious lashes

20 colours for 20 years of Bobbi Brown

REVLON'S Grow Luscious Plumping Mascara (RM33) which is now available in all leading retail outlets, not only promises maximum volume but also strengthens and conditions lashes and encourages natural growth through its enhanced phyto-peptide formula. For a more “wow” look, match it with the Revlon Customeyes Shadow and Liner (RM49) which comes in five gorgeous shades.

The honey of life at Melvita RECENTLY launched French organic cosmetic brand Melvita which stands for “honey” and “life” recently opened its doors to Malaysian beauty buffs at KLCC. Offering a wide selection of natural beauty products ranging from skin care to food supplements, including bestsellers such as Floral Waters, Floral Bouquets, Beauty Oils as well as Apiscoma Honey. Melvita is located on the Concourse Floor of KLCC and is also available at F141, 1st Floor One Utama. Prices start from RM75 onwards.

“LIPSTICK is one of the simplest makeup steps and a great way to instantly change your look” — Bobbi Brown Known for her legendary creations of colour palettes, this Limited Edition 1991 Palette (RM220) was created in line with Bobbi Brown

Cosmetic’s 20th Anniversary Celebration. It features the original 10 lipstick shades as well as 10 brand new ultra sassy and wearable shades that shows how the brand has evolved over the past 20 years. Available while stocks last at all Bobbi Brown counters.


Wednesday 9 NOVEMBER, 2011

the malay mail


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Articles for sale

DRYER FOR CLOTHING’S. Easy, fast and effective. RM350. For happy family. Interested call: 019-634 8696 www.kazu.com.my

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Articles wanted

TOUPEE-WIG-100% Human Hair - Hand Sewn-Custom Made RM1900 only. Info : www.hairsetup.com Call : 019- 311 8916

TRADITIONAL MASSAGE in Damansara .Call Sandra, Nancy, or Fifi, Cindy.Tel: 012-258 1334 ( Just Relax Massage Centre )

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CENTURY ROLLER SHUTTER specialist. Installation, service & repairing all kind of door roller shutter. Call Lee 012-649 9238


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RETIREES, HOUSE WIFE, seeking part time job. Make money online, visit: http:// onlinetradingwithmt4. blogspot.com or email: naveht@hotmail.com

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TAXI FOR RENTAL 1) Daily rental RM50. Deposit RM1180 Nego. 2) Damage incurred by the company. 3) Once a mth on leave. Pls call (EST) 034270 5130/ 014-636 1519. MITSUBISHI ALL new models. Fast loan & fast delivery, (Call to believed), Grandis, Pajero, Lancer, ASX, Sport back. Good trade in, Attractive promotion, good deal in town. All models stock available. 24 hrs in call. Oscar Tan 012-388 5897

Home electrical appliances


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SAUNA D’ HOME BEAUTY and Health care. Agent required. 019-735 5295 www.saunaku. com 2011 Great Promotion!


Rooms to let

OUTCALL TRADITIONAL MASSAGE, pre / post natal,body Scrub for men / women by experienced masseur. Call: Mira 013-336 3160

Business Services MUSLIM COMPANY Secretary New & Shelf Co. ROC, MOF Bumi Kem. Kewangan Call: 03-40410000 / 0162860000

SPECIALIST IN REPAIR cushion sofa, curtains, car seat & new sofa, in Jalan Kuchai Lama. Tel: 012313 0778 / 03- 7981 1898



03-7495 1273

A ESTABLISHED INTERNATIONAL Newspaper / megazine distribution company wants a general clerk with computer knowledge preferably staying around Jalan Klang Lama (Sri Sentosa). Salary negotiable. If interested, please come personally to the following address: Newspaper & megazine services sdn bhd, No: 16 Jalan SM10 Taman Sri manja, Off Jalan Klang Lama, 46000 Petaling Jaya. Tel: 7783 7797 / 7783 0895 / 96 - Pn Rose

BUDGET HOTEL/ Guest House in KL. Hotel Receptionist. Malaysian Only Proficient in English. Basic internet knowledge. Retiree is encouraged to apply. 019-355 0427 (Koe)

CREDIT RECOVERY OFFICERS wanted at Klana Jaya. School leavers or fresh graduate or retires encourage to apply. Interested call: 016-207 0228 Lee, 012-296 0625 John



the malay mail











Wednesday 9 NOVEMBER, 2011 M580






IMMEDIATE VACANCY AT Cheras K.L. RM 1000+++ EPF SOCSO commission. Pls call 012-319 1190 / 03-9287 8099

LORRY DRIVER -Sending goods to customer. Loading of goods. Perform miscellaneous job related duties as a assigned. Must have GDL / E license. Familiar with SEL , KL. Salary RM1800-RM2000 + Allowance + OT + Commission. ASSISTANT. Salary RM1200++ Interest pls call Sharon 035131 6388 019-381 9963 RECOVERY OFFICERS Supervisors/ Managers/ Clerical needed. Attractive basic salary, commission and performance bonus provided. Loc: near the Pudu LRT station. (walking distance) Call: 03-9195 5551 @ 5552 or E-mail gtr@galatrack.com

SALES ATTENDANT For a toy & souvenirs shop required urgently at Central Market, KL or PJ Attractive salary package : RM1,200.00 ++ (inclusive of commission) Able to speak English & Malay (Chinese is an advantage) Those have own transport will be an added advantage Contact: Jeff @ 019-217 5532 SEC. OFFICER / GUARDS Needed at KL & PJ . salary RM1,400 - RM1,800. EPF, Socso, medical insurance, meals and hostel provided. contact: Chandran 012-376 0640 Ithnin 012-376 0527, 03-2282 7055 & 03-2282 7044

M515 TYREMAN (with GDL) Required at Subang Jaya. Interested please Contact: 03-5632 3040 or 019-260 9008


03-7495 1273


Wednesday 9 NOVEMBER, 2011 M580










the malay mail M580


03-7495 1273








the malay mail











Wednesday 9 NOVEMBER, 2011 M580






03-7495 1273

The Malay Mail Wednesday 9 novemBER, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR: Motorsport


The national sailing squad are disappointed that the Sea Games organisers did not provide accommodation as promised — Bernama

Game on


Victory keeps challenge alive for national juniors Dragstrip plans go full throttle ahead By Haresh Deol haresh@mmail.com.my

PLANS are underway to build a drag racing track in the country to be fully operational by 2014. This is the grand vision of R&D F1 Simulation director K. Sithambaram (pic) who is also eager to see the establishment of the RAM Racing Academy at the track. "It will be a one stop centre where the public and corporate bodies are allowed to consult us on racing," said Sithambaram. "The drag race community is rather big and it's cheap. You don't need a lot of money to soup up your car or pay expensive rentals. We are also planning to own a fleet of cars where people can select the car of their choice and race." Drag and drift racing is catching up in the country as many view it as a cheaper alternative to a full race at the Sepang International Circuit (SIC). "We're projecting to start operations by 2014. I can't divulge as to the exact location of the centre but it will be affordable for everyone to try their hand at racing," he added. Sithambaram said this after launching the F1 Simulation Championship at the KL Tower yesterday. The competition will be held during the Cars of the Year Auto Show at the Matrade Building in Jalan Duta this Saturday and Sunday. The winner of the contest will get to drive a Ferrari 360 Modena at SIC on Nov 15. Other prizes include exclusive Puma Ferrari shoes and R&D F1 Simulation vouchers. The organisers hope to attract more than 10,000 contestants pitting their skills in the state of the art machines. For more information, contact R&D F1 Simulation at 03-26932672.

Results New Zealand 1 Australia Malaysia 4 Korea Pakistan 1 India

6 2 5

FIXTURES Today Korea v Australia (4.05pm) India v New Zealand (6.05pm) Pakistan v Malaysia (8.05pm)


By VIJHAY VICK vijhayvick@mmail.com.my

MALAYSIA managed to get their act right as they overcame Korea in the inaugural Sultan of Johor Cup invitational Under-21 tournament at the Taman Daya Stadium in Johor Baru yesterday. It was a hard-fought victory — one that made coach K. Dharmaraj proud of his Project 2013 charges. "The boys showed a lot of character today. No doubt they deserve this win after t h e d i s ap p o i nt m e nt o f the first two games," said Dharmaraj. "Now we can still hope for a top two finish. I'm glad we had better finishing to our game today (yesterday)." The Project 2013 boys defeated Korea 4-2 to keep their hopes of a good tournament alive. It was a gallant performance against a team that won their opening two matches against India and Pakistan.


P Australia 3 Korea 3 Malaysia 3 New Zealand 3 India 3 Pakistan 3

NO WAY, JOSE: Malaysian goalkeeper Mohamad Hazrul Faiz Ahmad Sobri (left) stops a shot from Korea's Seung Ho-im — BERNAMA photo

Besides the usual suspects leading Malaysia's charge, it was stand-in keeper Mohd Hazrul Faiz Ahmad Sobri that kept the backline tight and at times, singlehandedly kept the Koreans at bay.

Regular keeper Hafizuddin Othman was unavailable for selection after being hospitalised for a kidney ailment. "Hazrul deserves all the plaudits coming his way. He made great saves during the

match, especially at penalty corners," added Dharmaraj. Skipper Muhammad Noor Faeez Ibrahim got the ball rolling when he flicked in the first penalty corner of the match in the 3rd minute. The

W D L 3 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 3

F A Pts 11 4 9 10 9 6 6 2 4 3 7 4 11 10 3 2 8 0

next 10 minutes were rather one-sided as Malaysia threatened to score more but their efforts proved futile. Kore a t he n e qu a l is e d through You Seung Ju, who converted a penalty corner in the 28th minute. Syamin Mohd Yusof restored Malaysia's lead a minute later, before Ramadhan Rosli doubled the lead in the 40th minute. Malaysia did suffer some nervous moments as Seung Ju was on target again. However, Nor Hizzat Sumantri put the tie to bed with a composed finished in the 67th minute. "We still have lot of work to do. Pakistan and India are no pushovers. We need to keep today's momentum going," added Dharmaraj.


Coach backs charges to exceed expectations NATIONAL karate coach P. Arivalagan (pic) insists his tenure as chief coach may not come to an end after the upcoming Sea Games in Indonesia despite previous agreements. "Well, nothing is certain yet. I've always believed a coach's tenure is never secure. "Yes, the deal was for me to stay until the regional Games but that was a long time ago. There has not been any talk about this since,"


THE Malaysian contingent to Indonesia will have a double mission to accomplish as the 26th Sea Games will simultaneously kick-off at two venues, in Jakarta and Palembang this Friday (Nov 11). With 542 gold medals at stake from 43 events, 22 in Jakarta and 21 in Palembang, the Malaysian contingent c ompr i s e s 8 9 1 at h l e te s and officials were tasked to achieve the modest 45

said Arivalagan. He believes that even if he were to leave, there is always a possibility of him returning sometime in the future. Malaysian Karate Federation (Makaf) had, in January, opted against renewing Arivalagan's contract. They were keen on bringing in a foreign coach, said to be either an Iranian or a European, as the karate body felt a change was needed for the sport's advancement. However, after a plea by

the exponents to Makaf president Datuk Seri Ali Rustam and talks involving the body and the National Sports Council (NSC), the decision was reversed. The exponents had also threatened to stage a walkout if Arivalagan was not retained until the end of the Games. Under Arivalagan, Malaysia bounced back from failing to win a gold medal at the 2006 Doha Asian Games to the high of finishing with two gold medals in Guangzhou,

Double mission for Malaysians

gold medals target from Indonesia. The Malaysian contingent in Jakarta was led by Chiefde-Mission (CDM) Datuk Naim Mohamad, while Datuk Syed Mustaffa Syed Ali is the CDM in Palembang. Naim is the Malaysian National Cycling Federation (MNCF) vice-president while Syed Mustaffa is the president of the Squash Racket Association of Malaysia (SRAM).

The Malaysian contingent will compete in 38 sports and will not take part in traditional sports such as traditional boat race, fin swimming, wrestling, vovinam (Vietnamese self-defence) and soft-tennis. "The moderate 45 gold medals target is realistic as most of our senior athletes do not participate in the Indonesian Games because they want to concentrate with the 2012 Olympic qualifying,"

Naim said. However, the U-23 football squad have their own personnel mission in Jakarta, besides retaining the gold medal from the Laos Sea Games two years ago, the team also need to prove their prowess as the region's best team. Lately, a few neighbouring countries are quite cynical on the Young Tigers' achievement, winning the elusive gold in Laos after a 20-year drought and continuing the

China last year. Malaysia also finished as overall champions in the last two Sea Games in Thailand (2007) and Laos (2009) with a total haul of 13 gold medals. Arivalagan's charges have been given a fourgold medal target but he believes they are capable of more. "My team and I are confident we can return with six gold medals from Jakarta," added Arivalagan.

feat by becoming champions of the Asean Football Federation (AFF) Cup last year. For the neighbours, Malaysia's achievement is just a one-off victory and does not reflex the constant rise of the young-blood. Thus, the Indonesian Sea Games will became the fierce battleground for the Young Tiger, coached by Ong Kim Swee, to up-lift their pride. — Bernama



A French court ruled a British tabloid had violated the privacy of former world motorsport chief Max Mosley when it published photographs of him in a sadomasochistic orgy — AFP

First class joke RTM to send one reporter to cover Sea Games

SPORTS is supposed to be a national agenda but not according to national broadcasters RTM. The national contingent are in the midst of leaving in batches for the 46th Sea Games in Indonesia. There will be a total of 43 events held in various locations in Jakarta (22 events) and Palembang (21) with 542 gold medals up for grabs. Sadly, RTM will only send one reporter to cover the Games forcing viewers back home to get updates from Astro instead. However, not everyone in Kuala Terla, Tuaran or Bachok subscribe to Astro. Apparently, lack of money is the contributing factor. Those in RTM have their hands tied and mouths zipped, the typical saya menurut perintah subordinate, as orders are shoved down their throats by their bosses in the Information, Communications and Culture Ministry.

FromThe Sidelines

With Haresh Deol haresh@mmail.com.my

RTM staff travel first class and enjoy five star accommodation claiming it to be a perk. Ministries enjoy discounts from governmentlinked companies including Malaysia Airlines but wouldn't it be wise to get a discount for economy class instead? It seems RTM is now equipped with high-definition cameras and studios but are not able to fully utilise them due to technical issues. It is also learnt RTM turned down the offer to air the World University Games in August despite the Ministry of Higher Learning pumping in the funds. The Sports Ministry is harping on the Sports Industry.

Shouldn't the Information Ministry lend a helping hand by promoting sports? Everyone complains about the lack of funds but money is never a problem when it comes to pursuing their agendas. Speaking of the Sports Industry, the writer obtained a report "Developing The Malaysian Sport Industry; Developing the capacity of National Sport Associations (NSAs)" compiled by Prof Leigh Robinson and Brian Minikin from the University of Sterling. The report is an analysis on NSAs carried out using the Readiness Assessment Tool. This enabled the research team to identify gaps that

exist and what is required for the NSAs to contribute to a national sport industry. Questionnaires were distributed to 53 members and associate members of the Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM). The team also interviewed stakeholders including the OCM, National Sports Institute, National Sports Council (NSC) and the Sports Ministry between June to July. In short, the report indicated NSC interferes with the management of NSAs in the country. The report stated; "… in some cases, it has been reported the NSC funded administrative officer reports primarily back to NSC rather than the board of governors of the NSA. If this is the case, it undermines the governance and management of an NSA and will inhibit development of the organisation ... A significant number of NSAs reported their operational procedures were directed

either by a strong president who determined how everything was to be done or that this was imposed upon them by NSC and tied to funding". According to the report, NSAs revealed they have a small role in the selection of athletes and coach as it is dictated by NSC although the council claim all their activities are done with the approval of the NSA. We can now understand why many are skeptical with the notion of a Sports Industry as government agencies seem to be the biggest obstacle towards a noble cause.  HARESH DEOL is a Senior Journalist with The Malay Mail. He believes government servants need to understand their roles before helping the nation's sports industry to prosper. He blogs at www.hareshdeol. blogspot.com, banters on Twitter @HareshDeol and receives brickbats at haresh@ mmail.com.my


Factfile Name: Joe Frazier Born: Jan 12, 1944 Nationality: American Height: 1.82 metres Reach: 185 cm Nickname: Smokin' Joe Boxing record: 32-4-1 27 KOs Career highlights  Only American fighter to win a gold medal at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics  First boxer to defeat Muhammad Ali on points in the much touted "Fight of the Century" in 1971  Defeated Jimmy Ellis in 1970 to become the undisputed world heavyweight champion  Retired in 1981 at the age of 37 after fighting to a draw against Floyd Cummings  Named Ring Magazine fighter of the year three times, 1967, 1970 and 1971  Lost his title in 1973 to hard-hitting George Foreman.  Frazier loses second fight with Ali, again at Madison Square Garden, in a 12-round decision on Jan 28, 1974.  In one of the most famous sporting events of the 20th century, Frazier lost to Ali in a brutal encounter in the Philippines known as "The Thrilla in Manila" on a technical knockout when trainer Eddie Futch would not allow Frazier to fight the 15th round.  Inducted into International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1990.  Frazier retired in 1976 before staging an unsuccessful return in 1981. Picture: AFP photo

Klitschko brothers mourn Frazier

WORLD heavyweight champions Vladimir and Vitali Klitschko (pic) expressed their sadness at the death of boxing legend Joe Frazier due to cancer at the age of 67. Frazier, the former undisputed heavyweight champ during the heyday of boxing's heavyweight division in the 1970s, was famed for his epic fights against Muhammad Ali. He died yesterday after a brief battle with liver cancer. The Ukrainian-born Klitschko brothers currently dominate the heavyweight division. Hamburg-based Vladimir, 35, is the IBF, WBA, WBO and IBO champion, while Vitali, 40, holds the WBC belt. "My brother and I are very sad over the death of Joe Frazier," said Vitali in a statement. "He was one of the greatest heavyweights. "His three fights against Muhammed Ali are undoubtedly amongst the classics of the sport's history. "As a great champion and through his social engage-

ments, Joe did a lot for the sport of boxing." Frazier won an Olympic gold medal in a brilliant career that spanned almost 20 years, but he was best known for fighting Ali in a famed 1970s trilogy of bouts, including the epic "Thrilla in Manila" finale. F r a z i e r, n i c k n a m e d "Smokin' Joe", captured two major heavyweight titles while taking on all newcomers, including Ali, George Foreman, Jerry Quarry, Joe Bugner, Oscar Bonavena and George Chuvalo. Frazier finished his storied career in 1981, with 32 wins including 27 knockouts, four losses and one draw. All his losses came at the hands of either Ali or Foreman, two other legendary

fighters from that era. Meanwhile, the boxingmad Philippines mourned the death of Frazier, with fans hailing his epic "Thrilla in Manila" battle with Ali as an inspiration for a generation of local champions. Amateur Boxing Association of the Philippines executive director Ed Picson recalled being a young man who went to have his picture taken with Frazier ahead of the famous 1975 bout, even though he was cheering for Ali. "He (Frazier) was a very tenacious and a very courageous fighter," said Picson, who said he watched on television as Ali prevailed by technical knockout after 14 brutal rounds in which Frazier's right eye swelled shut. "Joe Frazier was obviously a fighter who would not give up, even when his corner was trying to get him to quit. He just kept barrelling through and taking everything that Ali could dish out," Picson said. Philippine Daily Inquirer sports columnist Recah Trinidad, who had covered the

famous fight in the nation's capital for another publication, remembered a bout of galactic proportions. "It was a war of the worlds, of planets colliding, with Frazier providing most of the blood," Trinidad said. "Ali would not have been the greatest fighter of all without Frazier." Veteran Manila sports reporter Ignacio Dee said he was in fourth year at a local Catholic school when Ali and Frazier came to town for what has been described as one of the greatest boxing matches of all time. "Somebody managed to rig up a black-and-white television and we watched the fight in the classroom," Dee said. He said the most electric part of the fight for him was when Frazier staggered Ali with his trademark left hook in the sixth round, after which Ali seemed to be on the ropes before Frazier tired and slowed in the later rounds. "When Ali and Frazier came here they were demigods," Dee said. "They inspired a new generation of boxers in the Philippines." — AFP

The Malay Mail Wednesday 9 NOVEMBer, 2011


Home is where the Swiss are for Schumacher

SEVEN-TIME world Formula 1 champion Michael Schumacher (pic) has caused a stir in Germany by insisting "Switzerland is the only home I have". The 42-year-old has lived in Switzerland for the last 15 years and has settled with wife Corinna and his two children on the shores of Lake Geneva, despite being born and raised in Germany. "The fact that Switzerland is clearly the only home I have is probably because I left home when I was very young and have spent a lot of my life abroad," Schumacher told Swiss newspaper the Neue Zuercher Zeitung. "Home is where we feel happy and that's just on Lake Geneva." Schumacher's comments did not go down well in Germany with daily newspaper Bild asking a direct question in the headline: "Schumi, what should we take this to mean?" Germany's current world champion Sebastian Vettel of Red Bull also lives in Switzerland and he partied in his home town of Heppenheim, near Frankfurt, last month after winning the 2011 F1 title. Schumacher, who won the last of his seven world titles in 2004, spends around 20 days a year in Germany, according to his manager, and owns a go-kart centre in Kerpen, while co-owning another in Mannheim. But Schumacher insisted he is a proud German when Bild asked if has any plans to change his citizenship in the future. "Rubbish! Of course I'm German, I have a German passport, and I look forward to it every time I come to Germany," he said. Schumacher is currently eighth in the drivers' table with 70 points, 304 behind Vettel, who has 11 victories from 17 races so far this season with the Abu Dhabi and Brazilian Grand Prix races to take place later this month. — AFP

The Malay Mail Wednesday 9 novemBER, 2011

Tomas Berdych took another step towards securing a place in the eight-man ATP season wrap-up with a 6-3, 7-5 win over Fernando Verdasco at the Paris Masters — AFP



Moving on


Williams apologises in person for racist comment

WITH THE NEW BOSS: Williams (left) with Scott during the WGCHSBC Champions golf tournament at the Sheshan International course in Shanghai — AFP photo

TIGER WOODS had a faceto-face meeting with his former caddie Steve Williams in Sydney yesterday at which the New Zealander apologised for a racist comment he made last week. Speaking about the comment for the first time, Woods told a news conference at the Lakes Golf Club that the once firm friends had shaken hands and he now wanted to move on from the incident. Williams said: "It was my aim to shove it up that black a***hole" at an awards ceremony in Shanghai last Friday, explaining why he had celebrated Adam Scott's Bridgestone Invitational win in August so enthusiastically. "We talked about it this

morning, we met face-toface, we talked it through and we have agreed it was the wrong thing to say," former world No 1 Woods said. "He did apologise, it was hurtful, certainly, but life goes forward. "Stevie's certainly not racist, there's no doubt about t hat," Wo o ds adde d. "I think it was a comment that shouldn't have been made and certainly one that he wished he didn't make." The New Zealander caddied for Woods from 1999 until he was sacked in acrimonius circumstances earlier this year after helping the American win 13 Major titles. "It was a tough decision to make to go in a different

direction professionally," Woods recalled. "I wasn't playing, I was injured, and I was trying to come back but I missed most of the Major championships and he didn't want to miss them. That's understandable, wish I could have played them too." Woods has slipped to No 58 in the world rankings and not bagged a title since winning the Australian Masters almost two years ago after being forced to deal with injuries and revelations about his private life. The 35-year-old continues his quest to end his title drought at the Australian Open this week before heading to Melbourne for next week's Presidents Cup. Williams, who had already

BUENOS AIRES: football/ south american world cup qualifiers


Sabella adds four more

ARGENTINA coach Alejandro Sabella, who is beginning to feel the pressure in the hot seat, has called-up four home-based players ahead of the World

Cup qualifiers against Bolivia and Colombia. After naming foreignbased players last week, Sabella added Boca Juniors goalkeeper Agustin Orion

and defender C lemente Rodriguez and Estudiantes duo Leandro Desabato and Rodrigo Brana for the games on Fr iday and Tues day respectively.

Argentina had a promising debut on the road to the 2014 World Cup in Brazil as they hammered Chile 4-1 in Buenos Aires, but they surprisingly lost away 1-0

issued an apology to Woods on his website last Saturday, h a s b e e n c a d d y i ng for Australia's world No 8 Scott since August. "He obviously went with Adam," Woods said. "He's in a good spot right now. Adam's playing very well, he's just won a golf championship and professionally we've moved in different directions." Woods said he was lost for an answer as to how their relationship had broken down so badly and indicated that there was a way to go before it was repaired. "I don't know," he said. " It ' s ju s t on e of t h o s e things where we see what time does. Time does heal wounds and we'll see how it goes." — Reuters

Sergio Romero (Sampdoria), Mariano Andujar (Catania), Agustin Orion (Boca Juniors); Nicolas Burdisso (Roma), Federico Fernandez (Napoli), Mar tin Demic helis (Malaga), Fabian Monzon (Nice), Pablo Zabaleta (Manchester City), Clemente Rodriguez (Boca Juniors), Marcos Rojo (Spartak Moscow); Javier Mascherano (Barcelona), Fernando Gago (Roma), Pablo Guinazu (Internacional), Nicolas Gaitan (Benfica), Jose Sosa (Metallist); Javier Pastore (Paris St Germain), Lionel Messi (Barcelona), Gonzalo Higuain (Real Madrid), Ezequiel Lavezzi (Napoli), German Denis (Atalanta), Sergio Aguero (Manchester City)

at Venezuela in the second match last month. The match against Bolivia will be played in Buenos Aires and then the Albicelestes visit Colombia in Barranquilla.

PARIS: Tennis

Djokovic faces RM5m Paris dilemma

INJURED Novak Djokovic (pic) stands to lose US$1.6 million (RM5m) in ATP bonus pool money if he fails to play at this week's Paris Masters. The top seed has until his opening match tomorrow against Croatian Ivan Dodig, a 4-6, 6-1, 6-3 first-round winner over Fabio Fognini, to decide if fitness or finances will prevail. But fellow multi-millionaire and fourth-ranked rival Roger Federer hinted yesterday that the potential massive loss of income might actually mean little in the grand scheme to the most successful player of the season. "It's a good problem to have, right, he's already made 10 million bucks (on court) this year," said Federer, whose own earnings, in what for him is a modest sea-

son, total US$3.8 million from prize money. "Look, it's up to him, really. "Is money everything? Clearly not. Clearly helps, but I think he's made so much this year it shouldn't matter." Djokovic, winner of 10 titles this year, is facing a shoulder injury dilemma after losing only his fourth match of this year in last weekend's Basel semifinals to Kei Nishikori. As the world No 1, the Serb is entitled to US$2 million from year-end bonus pool monies. But he has already lost US$400,000 of that amount by failing to play Shanghai — due to a back injury — one of eight obligatory Masters 1000 events for top players. And, under the rules, should he miss Paris — his second Masters absence — his US$1.6

million would shrink to nil. "It's his decision if he wants to put the racquet on the line or not," said Federer, who won Basel and is ultra-fit after an autumn injury time off. "It's unfortunate that he would miss out on the bonus pool. "(On the) money: Would he deserve it? Maybe, yes, because he's fulfilled a lot of commitments this year and it's been wonderful for the tour. "But unfortunately, we do have these rules in place, and they need to be followed for any player, also for world No 1. "I don't know how that all works out, but he's clearly been great for the game, especially this year with all his records. I hope it's all gonna work out for all parties." — AFP

SOUTH AMERICAN WORLD CUP QUALIFIERS FIXTURES FRIDAY Argentina v Bolivia Uruguay v Chile Colombia v Venezuela Paraguay v Ecuador TUESDAY Colombia v Argentina Ecuador v Peru Chile v Paraguay Venezuela v Bolivia


P W D L F A Pts

Uruguay 2 1 1 0 5 3 4 Argentina 2 1 0 1 4 2 3 Ecuador 1 1 0 0 2 0 3 Colombia 1 1 0 0 2 1 3 Peru 2 1 0 1 4 4 3 Venezuela 2 1 0 1 1 2 3 Chile 2 1 0 1 5 6 3 Paraguay 2 0 1 1 1 3 1 Bolivia 2 0 0 2 3 6 0 Note: Top four qualify for World Cup. Fifth-placed team to be involved in playoff with a team from Asia.




England midfielder Jack Wilshere has pledged his future to Arsenal and says he never wants to leave the north London club — Reuters MANCHESTER: football/ premier league

Far from it


Potential Turkish delight for Berba GALATASARAY are ready to offer £7.5 million for Manchester United striker Dimitar Berbatov with club president Unal Aysal admitting the Bulgarian is one of their targets for January. Berbatov's future at Old Trafford is looking increasingly tenuous with the 30-year-old well down the pecking order and out of contract in the summer. Paris St Germain and Valencia have also expressed interest. Aysal said: "We're not just looking at Berbatov; we're interested in a number of players. We can only get in contact and decide at the end of December, when the time comes."

Amauri gets closer to Juve exit

TOTTENHAM are close to securing a deal for Juventus striker Amauri (pic), who will move to north London in January. The Brazilian-born Italy international has fallen out of favour at the Turin giants and is currently on loan at Parma with reports suggesting the 31-year-old will sign a three-year deal at Spurs. Amauri's current loan agreement is his fifth such deal in 11 years in Serie A, while he has represented a total of eight sides in the country. The conclusion on the deal is seen as inevitable, although it fits into a wider merry-go-round of moves involving Marco Borriello, Riccardo Montolivo and even Didier Drogba, who remains a target for AC Milan.


Toffees track England U-21 ace EVERTON have stepped up their interest in Barnsley midfielder Jacob Butterfield, with manager David Moyes set to watch the youngster in action for England's U-21s this week. It will be the second time in a fortnight that Moyes has scouted Butterfield, after last Tuesday's 2-1 win over Hull City at Oakwell. The Toffees are weighing up a £2 million bid for Butterfield, but are still in the process of scouting the player, who has made nearly 80 first team appearances already. Everton would prefer a bonus related cash deal for Butterfield, but could throw in a loan until the end of the season to help sweeten the pot.

The Malay Mail Wednesday 9 novemBER, 2011

Impressive City not in Barca's mould yet, says Toure MIDFIELDER Yaya Toure would love to emulate the success of former team Barcelona with Manchester City but insists his current club are still far from the European and Primera Liga champions' current level. Toure has enjoyed a positive time at City since his arrival from Barca and has become a staple of Roberto Mancini's set-up. While City still have to win more trophies before they can be compared to Barca, he insists they will do everything in their power to match those achievements. "At the moment, I think we are far away from Barca because they are an amazing club with a fantastic squad," said Toure. "Most of the best players in the world are there, Xavi, Andres Iniesta, Lionel Messi, Gerard Pique, Daniel Alves. "To become like them, we have to win some cups. We

OUT OF MY WAY: Toure (second from right) evades a challenge from Queens Park Rangers' Joey Barton (right) on Sunday — AFP photo

will continue to work hard to become like them." Yet, despite admitting City cannot yet match the Catalans, he believes they are a great team in their own right and now have two starting XIs to compete on both a domestic

and continental level. Using their recent back-toback wins against Wolves, in which just three players started both games, as an example, Toure believes City showed they can swap and change and still be successful.

"We have more than one team now. We have got two teams. If you see (the side used against) Wolves in the League Cup, people said it was the second team. For me, it is not the second team because everybody is good enough to play and everybody is doing fantastic," he said. "When you see the team who played against Wolves in the League Cup, they won 5-2. The team that played against Wolves in the Premier League at the Etihad won 3-1, but it was difficult. "We have got two teams who can both play in the Champions League. We have got a fantastic squad and fantastic players, everybody is improving. For me, it is amazing. "I think about making history with City. It is already a different contest to last year when I joined because we have the quality players who

have come in now — Samir Nasri, Sergio "Kun" Aguero and the other fantastic players. "Winning the Premier League would be amazing for the fans — for the club — because it would be the first time. When City won the FA Cup, they did something to change the club." City will be missing Toure when the midfielder goes away to play for his country in the Africa Cup of Nations in January, but he does not believe his absence will hinder the club. "If the Ivory Coast go far in this competition, I will have to miss four or five games, something like that," he said. "But I think we have a big enough squad of fantastic players at City and I think every player can play if needed. I have no fear about that. So I'm sure the team will continue to work well to win."


Jol predicts great things for Dembele

FULHAM manager Martin Jol believes Tottenham target Moussa Dembele has the potential to become one of the best players in the Premier League. The Belgium international striker made the move to Craven Cottage from AZ Alkmaar last summer and enjoyed a solid first season in English football. He has continued to show promise at the start of the new season and was impressive in

last Sunday's clash with Spurs, when Fulham went down 3-1 despite dominating the secondhalf. Reports have now surfaced linking Dembele with a move to Spurs, but Jol clearly has no desire to sell as he values the attacker highly. Jol expects the 24-year-old to go from strength to strength and emulate the achievements of Spurs' Dutch playmaker

Rafael van der Vaart. "Moussa Dembele is a gifted player. He gave Spurs a lot of problems," said Jol. "In a few months, maybe a year, he will be like van der Vaart. "Dembele will learn and go on to become one of the best players in the Premier League." Fulham may be facing a fight to hang on to the 24-year-old Dembele with Spurs report-

edly considering a £10 million (RM50m) move for him. Meanwhile, according to reports from Spain, Malaga are planning an audacious bid to bring Spurs winger Aaron Lennon to Spain in a deal worth £20 million. Malaga are the latest club to publicly flex Middle Eastern financial muscle after they were bought over by Qatari billionaire Sheikh Abdullah Al

Thani. The Sheik took over the club during the summer of last year and, since then, his influence has seen the signings of Manuel Pellegrini as manager and a host of big name players such as Ruud van Nistelrooy, Julio Baptista and Martin Demichelis. Lennon signed from Leeds before the start of the 2005/2006 season for just £1 million.

LISBON: football/ euro 2012 playoff

Bosingwa won't play for Portugal under Bento

CHELSEA defender Jose Bosingwa has made it clear he will not return to Portugal's national side as long as current coach Paulo Bento is in charge. Bosingwa was left out of the squad for the upcoming Euro 2012 playoffs against Bosnia and Herzegovina, while Bento questioned the rightback's attitude and mental strength. But Bento's comments have not gone down well with Bosingwa, who has now revealed he believes the 42-year-old is "completely unsuited" to lead the national team. "I don't know what he's talking about with his comments about my mentality and atti-

tude. I feel offended and disrespected by his remarks. I will never wear the Portugal jersey again as long as he's in charge," Bosingwa told A Bola. "I am proud to say that I have a spotless record with the national team, unlike Bento. His behaviour at Euro 2000 left much to be desired. "It is public knowledge that he always has conflicts with players. He does not have the mental and emotional capacities to lead a group of men and is completely unsuited to lead the national team." Bosingwa is the second Portugal player to retire from international football after Real Madrid defender Ricardo Carvalho recently withdrew

his services due to a fallout with Bento. Meanwhile, goalkeeper Rui Patricio says Portugal will play to win against Bosnia in their first-leg clash on Friday. With the tie opener being played in Zenica, the visitors could be forgiven for adopting a cagey approach but Sporting Lisbon player Patricio believes attack will be the best form of defence. "We know the conditions of the stadium and Bosnia are stronger than two years ago (when they met at the same stage in World Cup qualifying)," he told the Portuguese Football Federation's website. "But we are not thinking about going there to draw. We

are just thinking about going to Bosnia to win." The visitors are favourites to secure a place in Poland and Ukraine next summer but Patricio, 23, is not concerned at the weight of expectation. "We're football players and there is always pressure from the fans, but we must be prepared. We have to be used to this kind of difficulty." Portugal will be without Atletico Madrid fullback Silvio and Zenit St Petersburg playmaker Danny through injury for Friday's match and the return in Lisbon on Tuesday. Coach Bento named Malaga defender Eliseu and PAOK Salonika midfielder Vieirinha as replacements.

THE PORTUGAL SQUAD Rui Patricio (Sporting), Eduardo (Benfica), Beto (Cluj); Bruno Alves (Zenit St Petersburg), Eliseu (Malaga), Fabio Coentrao (Real Madrid), Sereno (Cologne), Joao Pereira (Sporting), Pepe (Real Madrid), Rolando (Porto); Carlos Martins (Granada), Joao Moutinho (Porto), Miguel Veloso (Genoa), Raul Meireles (Chelsea), Ruben Amorim (Benfica), Ruben Micael (Real Zaragoza); Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid), Hugo Almeida (Besiktas), Helder Postiga (Real Zaragoza), Nani (Manchester United), Ricardo Quaresma (Besiktas), Nuno Gomes (Sporting Braga), Vieirinha (PAOK Salonika)


Walters aims to impress Trapattoni STOKE striker Jonathan Walters (pic) is looking forward to help fire the Republic of Ireland into the Euro 2012 finals. The 28-year-old could be handed a first competitive start for the Irish in Friday's opening playoff clash with Estonia in Tallinn — with Kevin Doyle suspended and Shane Long and Leon Best injured. Walters has only three senior caps to his name to date, two of them as a substitute, but he is desperate for a chance to show what he can do on the big stage after an impressive cameo as a substitute in a 2-1 win over Armenia which clinched Ireland's place in the playoff. When asked what starting the game would mean to him after coach Giovanni Trapattoni hinted that could be a possibility, Walters said: "It would mean a lot. "Circumstances have forced a change and you have got to take these chances when they come along with both hands. You can't just let them pass you by." Trapattoni has spent much of his reign pairing skipper Robbie Keane with Doyle in attack, and at one point, it appeared he could be without both men for Friday's clash. Doyle was dismissed for a second bookable offence against the Armenians, a match Keane missed after suffering an adductor muscle injury in Andorra four days earlier. However, the LA Galaxy striker is fit and in form, but


Liverpool have secured the signature of highlyrated US youth international Marc Pelosi — AFP

The Malay Mail Wednesday 9 NOVEMBER, 2011



Mission Downing

Liverpool winger wants to be a regular with England

the absence of both Doyle and Long means the battle for a start appears to be between Walters and Simon Cox of West Brom, although the latter's similarity to Keane in style appears to have edged Walters ahead of him. Walters is confident he can provide a foil for Ireland's record goalscorer if selected, but insists he will do whatever is required in Ireland's cause. "Yes, why not? I have played with so many strikers over the past few years, five or six in the past year while I have been at Stoke," he said. "I think a big attribute of my game is adaptability and playing with different players and linking up. Hopefully, I can do that if selected. "But it's about getting the results we need. "You have got to look at the bigger picture — it's about qualifying. Whoever plays and whoever the coach selects, that's the most important thing, not any player."

LIVERPOOL winger Stewart Downing (pic) has set his sights on establishing himself as a regular for England ahead of next summer's Euro 2012 finals. He made his international debut in February 2005 and then remained on the fringes of the team for some time as competition for places was fierce. Downing has become an increasingly important player since coach Fabio Capello took charge but recognises that he will have to keep performing well for the rest of the season to book a place in the team for Poland and Ukraine. He is in the squad for the massive friendly against world and European champions Spain at Wembley on Saturday, and is determined to impress if given the opportunity. "I'm really enjoying it and I've been involved a lot in the qualifying campaign," Downing told Daily Star. "We've qualified and the important thing for me is to take my chance when I get it and hopefully go to the Euros. I've had mixed experiences with England over

the years but I've certainly enjoyed it, even though it has been a bit up and down. "But I don't want to just make up the numbers. I want to be involved and I want to play. The main thing for me is to prove I'm good enough for that level. I'm enjoying it at Liverpool and that's the main thing I have to concentrate on for Fabio to pick me." Downing played a starring role against Bulgaria in September and then came on during the 2-2 draw with Montenegro last month that ensured England's qualification for Euro 2012. He is confident England can challenge for glory next summer if they arrive at the tournament with everyone fit and in form. "I enjoyed the game in Bulgaria. There was a lot of attacking play, I thought we gelled quite well. It was nice to get on in Montenegro, be involved and help the team qualify," said Downing. "If we can get to the Euros in good shape, then I'm confident we can do well. We certainly have the players and the quality."

Meanwhile, Capello will be free to make any decision he likes over centreback John Terry's participation in the friendlies with Spain and Sweden. Last Friday, Capello met with FA chairman David Bernstein, chief executive Alex Horne, director of football development Sir Trevor Brooking and Club England managing director Adrian

Bevington to confirm Terry should be selected in the 25-man squad, announced on Sunday. Bevington then accompanied Capello to Chelsea's Cobham training ground to tell Terry and Blues manager Andre Villas-Boas of their decision. However, that is where the FA's input ends. So when Capello sits down to select his side to face Spain, and fellow Euro 2012 qualifiers Sweden three days' later, he will do so without any outside interference. "What Fabio chooses to do now is entirely up to him," said Bevington. "We genuinely do not have any input into it, in the same way that the squad selection had to be Fabio's decision. We supported that decision." There had been some claims of friction between Capello and his paymasters over whether Terry should play for England whilst he is still under police and FA investigations over allegations, strenuously denied, that he racially abused Anton Ferdinand at Loftus Road last month.


Playing England, Costa Rica will be handy for Spain

QUALIFIERS FIRST ROUND PLAYOFFS FRIDAY Bosnia v Portugal Turkey v Croatia Czech Republic v Montenegro Estonia v Ireland TUESDAY Croatia v Turkey Montenegro v Czech Republic Ireland v Estonia Portugal v Bosnia

SPAIN coach Vicente Del Bosque is determined to get the maximum benefit from the upcoming friendlies against England and Costa Rica. The world and European champions' coach has chosen not to draft anyone in for a first call-up but has recalled Barcelona star midfielder Andres Iniesta (pic), who scored the winner the last time Spain played England on English soil back in 2007. Iniesta was absent from the squad for last month's Euro 2012 qualifiers against the Czech Republic and Scotland because of a hamstring injury, but is in a squad which also features Barca teammate

Cesc Fabregas, who suffered a hamstring tear during club training having initially been named in the party to face the Czechs and the Scots. S e villa striker Alvaro Negredo, who was also forced to pull out of the squad for the October qualifiers with a hamstring problem, is still unavailable, while Barca striker Pedro is also injured.

Another Sevilla star Jesus Navas has been recalled to the squad, with Malaga fullback Nacho Monreal also included. The squad would appear to give a strong indication of how Del Bosque sees things for next summer. "Before submitting the squad list for the Euros we have only three (more) games," he told the Spanish Football Federation's website. "There will be some games to come after the squad get together, but we have to make the most of these matches. England are a great team, and we will be playing in an extraordinary stadium — Wembley.

"We tailor these games to be the best they can be for the team and for the federation. We have played five matches since the summer and no player has played 90 minutes in all of them, so I don't think that has come as a shock to their clubs." One name missing from the squad was highly-rated Barca youngster in midfielder Thiago Alcantara, who was dropped back into the U-21s. SPAIN SQUAD GOALKEEPERS Iker Casillas (Real Madrid), Victor Valdes (Barcelona), Pepe Reina (Liverpool) DEFENDERS: Alvaro

Arbeloa (Real Madrid), Sergio Ramos (Real Madrid), Raul Albiol (Real Madrid), Gerard Pique (Barcelona), Carles Puyol (Barcelona), Jordi Alba (Valencia), Ignacio Monreal (Malaga) MIDFIELDERS: Xabi Alonso (Real Madrid), Cesc Fabregas (Barcelona), Sergio Busquets (Barcelona), Santi Cazorla (Malaga), Xavi (Barcelona), Javi Mar t ine z (At h let ic Bilbao), Andres Iniesta (Barcelona) STRIKERS: David Silva (Manchester City), David Villa (Barcelona), Fernando Torres (Chelsea), Fernando Llorente (Athletic Bilbao), Juan Mata (Chelsea), Jesus Navas (Sevilla)

Goodbye Smokin’ Joe

Joke of the day INJURED Novak Djokovic may lose RM5m if he fails to play at the Paris Masters

WORLD heavyweight champions Vladimir and Vitali Klitschko mourn the death of legend Joe Frazier Wednesday 9 NOVEMBER, 2011

>> pg20 LOCAL


Uefa praise Poland, Ukraine POLAND and Ukraine’s preparations for Euro 2012 have been far from seamless, however, Uefa believe their stadiums are better than in ultraefficient Austria and Switzerland four years ago. “We didn’t have a stadium in Austria or Switzerland which could compare to what we have in Gdansk or Donetsk,” Martin Kallen, Uefa’s head of operations, said during the International Football Arena conference yesterday. Kallen said that the stadium in Warsaw was due to be finished next month, while the others at Gdansk, Wroclaw and Poznan in Poland and Kiev, Kharkiv, Lviv and Donetsk in Ukraine were ready. “Lviv was inaugurated last Saturday. It was the subject of our concern and I didn’t believe the Tuesday before that it would be ready, but they did it,” he said. Preparations for the tournament have often been sluggish and Uefa at one point threatened to exclude Kharkiv, Lviv and Donetsk, giving them a six-month deadline last year to show they were up to the job. Kallen admitted that transport was not as good as it could be and that organisers were hoping for a favourable draw. This could include Germany playing near their border with Poland, with Russia playing near their border with Ukraine, and Sweden playing in the Baltic port of Gdansk. “The luck of the draw in Kiev on Dec 2 could help us in terms of where teams will go. In terms of transport, we will never be at the same level as Switzerland and Austria,” he said. However, he added the tournament would leave a legacy in terms of infrastructure. — Reuters

Malaysian mayhem SILKY national hockey juniors beat Korea in superb goalscoring display

>> pg21




TIGER WOODS’ former caddie Steve Williams apologises for racist comment

GALATASARAY ready to splurge for United striker Dimitar Berbatov

LIVERPOOL winger Stewart Downing desperate for regular place in England’s squad

Sorry Tiger

>> pg19

>> pg21

Bid for Berba

Euro dreams

>> pg22

>> pg23

Three Lions’ lifeline


Jagielka injury opens door for Terry to face Spain

ENGLAND skipper John Terry may play against world and European champions Spain on Saturday, while being investigated by the police and the English FA for alleged racist remarks in a Premier League match. Terry, who has strongly denied the allegations, was named in the England squad by coach Fabio Capello on Sunday after originally being told he would not play because the Italian wanted to try out younger players in the friendlies against Spain on Saturday and then Sweden on Wednesday, as part of their build-up to next summer’s Euro 2012 finals in Ukraine and Poland. However, an injury to Everton centreback Phil Jagielka, who is suffering from a hairline fracture of the toe and is expected to be sent home tomorrow, means Terry may be required. Capello also has central defenders Gary Cahill and Joleon Lescott in his squad but could call up replacements, including Rio Ferdinand, the brother of Anton, who Terry allegedly in-

sulted when Chelsea played Queens Park Rangers two weeks ago. Adrian Bevington, the managing director of Club England told reporters that it was entirely up to Capello who he picks to play against Spain and Sweden. “What Fabio chooses to do now with picking John or not, in terms of playing or being captain, that’s up to Fabio to decide,” he said. “We genuinely do not have any input or involvement in that. In the same way with the squad selection, that was Fabio’s decision and we supported him in that. “There were discussions with Fabio last week and there was absolutely no disagreement whatsoever.” The Terry case has split opinion in England with some arguing that Terry is innocent until proven guilty of insulting Ferdinand and others opposed to him being in the team at all. Former England striker Ian Wright said yesterday: “It seems no one at the FA has the balls to stand up to John Terry and say ‘You may want to play, but it would

be better if you stayed at home’. John Terry should be nowhere near the England squad. “I understand the fact you’re innocent until proven guilty but that doesn’t mean the captain of our country’s football team should be involved in two friendlies while being investigated over allegations of making racist remarks.” The ex-Arsenal striker believes the Chelsea captain should have been left out until the outcome of the investigation. “This whole situation stinks. We have a young squad looking forward to what should be a showpiece international but, instead, we are an embarrassment,” he wrote in his column for The Sun. “In England, it just seems we find ourselves in one nasty situation after another. The great Bobby Moore must be turning in his grave.” — Agencies

MY DECISION: Capello (left) to decide if Terry will be the skipper — FILE photo

Published by Malay Mail Sdn Bhd (239512V), Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, and printed by The New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Berhad (4485-H), 31, Jalan Riong, 59100 KL

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