Pelangi Primary Education Smart Plus Health and Physical Education P1 TextBook samplebook

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Sia Chwee Khim

ISBN 978-616-541-327-5 First Published 2019

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission of Pelangi Publishing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Sia Chwee Khim

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C ontents Chapter 1

Our Body


Chapter 2

Our Teeth


Chapter 3



Chapter 4

Love Yourself


Chapter 5

Basic Movements


Chapter 6

Movements with Equipment


Chapter 7



Chapter 8

Germs, Pests and Diseases


Chapter 9

Accidents at Home and School


S pec ial F eatur es

Provides engaging activities to enhance students’ physical health.

in This Book

Allows students to express and discuss ideas and opinions with friends in class.

Helps to develop creative skills and writing skills among students.

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Test students’ comprehension of the subtopics within the chapter.

Presents interesting and relevant information to enhance students’ knowledge.

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C hapt er

O ur B ody




Name other external organs.


upper body



Our body is made up of internal and external organs.

Internal organs are located

inside our body. External organs

are located on our body. Our head,


lower body

External Parts oforgans our body

arms, legs and neck are some

examples of our external organs.

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Our head has…








Our arm has…

Our leg has… finger


hand toenail

toe foot


Health and Physical Education Prathomsuksa

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Uses of our external organs

We use our eyes to see.

to We use our ears


We use our nose to smell.

We use our mouth to eat.

We use our tongue to taste. We use our teeth to chew.

Chapter 1

Our Body

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We use our hands to write and carry things.

We use our feet to walk, run and jump.


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Caring for for our our body external Caring andorgans skin We keep ourselves clean every day.

Keeping our body neat and clean is practising good hygiene.

Good hygiene means…

Chapter 1

Our Body

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We take a bath or shower every day. We wash our hair every day. Bathing removes the unpleasant smell caused by sweat. Bathing makes us clean.

When we bathe, we should wash our body thoroughly. We should clean our armpits and our ears.


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After bathing, we put on clean clothes.

Why must we keep our body clean every day?

If we do not keep our body clean, we will look, smell and feel dirty!

Other people might not want to be near us if we are dirty.

Chapter 1

Our Body

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Besides keeping our skin clean, we should protect our skin from the sun.

Our skin will become red and painful when we are in the sun for too long.

Wear a cap or a hat

Stay under the shade

on sunny days.

when it is too hot.

What are other ways to care for yourself ?

Eat well.


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Sleep well.

Exercise regularly.

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What should you do to care for your hair?

Wash your hair with shampoo.

Dry your hair with a clean towel.

Comb your hair after shower and before you go out. Go for haircuts regularly to keep Our hair grows about 2 cm a month.

your hair neat and tidy.

Chapter 1

Our Body

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Washing our hands is a good healthy habit.

Germs get onto our hands when we touch people, animals and things such as doorknobs.

These germs can make us sick if we touch our eyes, nose or mouth with our dirty hands.


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When you wash your hands, you should:

1 Wet your hands.

Then apply soap.

2 Rub your hands with soap. Wash the backs of your

hands, wrists, between your fingers and under your fingernails.

3 Rinse your hands and dry them with a clean towel.

We can avoid getting sick by learning the proper way to wash our hands.

Chapter 1

Our Body

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This series helps you to enhance your physical, emotional and mental health by understanding your body’s needs Useful information is provided to help you fully understand health concepts.

developing good healthy habits Various examples of good and bad habits are shown to guide you.

cultivating good universal values And enabling you to make informed choices and decisions about your behaviour.


ISBN 978-616-541-327-5

9 786165 413275

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