Pelangi Primary Education Smart Plus Health and Physical Education P2 TextBook samplebook

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Primary Education Smart+ Prathomsuksa

Based on the Basic Education Curriculum B.E. 2551 •

Sia Chwee Khim

ISBN 978-616-541-326-8 First Published 2019

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission of Pelangi Publishing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Sia Chwee Khim

Contents Chapter 1

Internal Organs


Chapter 2

Our Teeth


Chapter 3

My Family


Chapter 4

Basic Movements


Chapter 5

Movements with Equipment


Chapter 6

Food and Harmful Substances


Chapter 7

Good Healthy Habits


Chapter 8

Illnesses, Injuries and Household Drugs


Chapter 9

Accident Prevention


Special Features

Provides engaging activities to enhance students’ physical health.

in This Book

Allows students to express and discuss ideas and opinions with friends in class.

Helps to develop creative skills and writing skills among students.

Test students’ comprehension of the subtopics within the chapter.

Presents interesting and relevant information to enhance students’ knowledge.



Internal Organs


Heart Lungs Stomach



Name the internal organs that you know.


Our body is made up of external and internal organs. The external organs

can be seen with our eyes like our hands, fingers, feet, head and others. However, we cannot see the internal organs. The internal organs like our heart and lungs are inside our body.

These organs are very important. They work together to make sure our body can function properly. Thus, we have to take good care of them.

Our brain

Our brain is divided into three parts –

the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain.

The forebrain is the largest part of the brain.

The forebrain controls movement and processes

information from sense organs. It also controls

Forebrain Midbrain

thinking, reasoning, speech and memory.

The midbrain connects the hindbrain and the forebrain. The hindbrain controls body movement and body

balance. It also controls other functions of the body such as digestion, breathing, blinking and coughing.


Caring for our brain

Have a balanced diet to get all the necessary nutrients that the body needs.

Get enough sleep to increase brain efficiency.

Exercise regularly to reduce stress.

When riding a bicycle or playing skates, it is necessary to wear a bicycle helmet to prevent head injury.

Breakfast is regarded as the most important meal of the day as it helps boost energy, immunity, brain power and ability to learn. Do not skip your breakfast.


Health and Physical Education Prathomsuksa


Our heart Your heart is about the size of your fist. It lies in the chest between the two lungs.

The heart has four chambers. The function of the heart is to pump blood to the whole body through our blood vessels.

The right side of the heart pumps blood with little oxygen received from the body to the lungs. Carbon dioxide is removed in the lungs.

The left side of the heart pumps blood which is rich in oxygen received from the lungs to the rest of the body.

Caring for our heart You can measure how fast your heart beats by checking your pulse. You can feel your pulse by putting your index and middle fingers on your wrist. Exercise regularly to keep your heart strong and healthy. Do not be glued to the televisions and computers the whole day.

Have a balanced diet to get all the necessary nutrients that the body needs. Avoid fatty food as cholesterol can clog up blood vessels.

How many times does your heart beat in a minute? Place your index and middle fingers on your wrist. Count your pulse for 60 seconds. Write down your heart rate.

Drink enough water and reduce fizzy drinks.

Get enough sleep.

Chapter 1

Internal Organs


Our lungs

Our lungs are soft and spongy. They come in pairs.

They are situated inside the ribcage. The ribcage provides protection to the lungs.

The function of the lungs is to bring oxygen from the air when we breathe

in into the bloodstream and release carbon dioxide into the air when we breathe out.

The left lung is a bit smaller than the right lung. This is to allow room for the heart.

Caring for our lungs

Get plenty of fresh air and take deep breaths.


Health and Physical Education Prathomsuksa

Stay away from fumes especially cigarette smoke. It is bad for your lungs.


Exercise regularly to keep your lungs healthy and strong.

Have a balanced diet rich in minerals and vitamins.

Our stomach

Our stomach is another important internal organ. It is a muscular sac with a volume of 2 to 4 litres.

The functions of the stomach include: storing food for 2 to 6 hours; producing digestive juices that help digest food; producing an acidic juice to kill bacteria in the food; and assisting in breaking down food which moves slowly into the intestines.

Caring for our stomach

Eat regularly and try not to skip meals.

Chew the food well before swallowing.

Try to reduce anxiety or pressure. Be happy.

Do not overeat.

When we eat, we swallow some air. When we drink soda, our stomach gets a lot of air. We often burp to get rid of the air from our stomach.

Chapter 1

Internal Organs


Our liver

Liver is the largest internal organ in our body.

Our liver is another important organ in our body. We cannot live without the liver as it does many specific functions for our body. Its main functions are as follows: converting glycogen into glucose to be used as energy; storing important nutrients such glycogen, minerals and vitamins; producing bile to break down fats for easy digestion; and getting rid of alcohol, toxins and drugs.

Caring for our liver


Avoid fatty and unhealthy food.

Have more vegetables which are rich in minerals and vitamins.

Health and Physical Education



Avoid alcoholic drinks and taking unnecessary medicines.

Get enough sleep.

Our intestines Our intestines are like long tubes and

can be divided into two parts, the small intestine and the large intestine.

Small intestine

Large intestine

The small intestine is about 5.5 to 7 metres long, while the large intestine is about 1.5 metres long.

The partly-digested food from the stomach moves into the small intestine. In the small intestine, more digestive juices break down the food to

complete the digestion. The digested food is absorbed through the walls of the small intestine into the blood.

The undigested food then enters the large intestine. Most water from the

undigested food is absorbed into the body. The undigested food is then passed out of the body as feces.

Caring for our intestines

Have a healthy diet, especially fresh vegetables and fruits which are high in fibre. They help keep your intestines healthy.

Exercise regularly to keep the intestines working effectively.

Drink a lot of water, at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Chapter 1

Internal Organs


Our kidneys Our kidneys come in pairs. They are located at

either side of the backbone, below the ribs.

They shape like beans. Each kidney is about the size of a human fist. The functions of the kidneys include: filtering blood and removing wastes from the body in the form of urine; keeping the balance of body fluids; and producing many important hormones.

People can live a normal life with one kidney.

Caring for our kidneys

Eat a low-salt diet or avoid salty food.


Health and Physical Education Prathomsuksa

Drink a lot of water.


Have healthy food or a balanced diet.

Avoid smoking and alcoholic drinks.

1. Label the internal organs with the words given in the boxes below.

2. Tick






Large intestine

the correct statements. Cross

Small intestine Stomach

the wrong statements.

The heart lies in the chest between the lungs. The small intestine gets rid of alcohol, toxins and drugs. The right lung is a bit smaller than the left lung. The small intestine is longer than the large intestine. We should get plenty of smelly air to keep our lungs healthy.

Chapter 1

Internal Organs


3. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. bicycle helmet wrist



You should stay away from

fumes to keep your lungs

healthy and strong.

To feel your pulse, you can place two fingers on your The


is the largest internal organ in the body.

We should wear a

to prevent head injury

when riding a bicycle. The stomach produces an acidic juice to kill

in the food.

What do you usually do to take care of your internal organs?


Health and Physical Education Prathomsuksa


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