Pelangi Primary Education Smart Plus Health and Physical Education P3 TextBook samplebook

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Sia Chwee Khim

ISBN 978-616-541-328-2 First Published 2019

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission of Pelangi Publishing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Sia Chwee Khim

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C ontents Chapter 1

Our Body


Chapter 2



Chapter 3

Friends and Society


Chapter 4

Feelings and Emotions


Chapter 5

Movements and Fitness


Chapter 6

Games and Sports


Chapter 7

10 Principles


Chapter 8



Chapter 9

First Aid


of the National Health and Sanitation

S pec ial F eatur es

Provides engaging activities to enhance students’ physical health.

in This Book

Allows students to express and discuss ideas and opinions with friends in class.

Helps to develop creative skills and writing skills among students.

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Tests students’ comprehension of the subtopics within the chapter.

Presents interesting and relevant information to enhance students’ knowledge.

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C hapt er


O ur B ody

As we grow, our body changes. How do we change?

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Our body changes as we grow We grow every day. We may not notice that.

Try some of your old shirts. Do they still fit you?

We become heavier and taller when our muscles and bones grow. No one grows exactly the same way. Some of us are taller than others.

Some of us are bigger than others. Yet we are all different and special in our own ways.

As our muscles and bones grow, our weight and height also change. We can know how much we have changed by measurements.


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Weight and height measurements How to measure weight

1. Make sure that you do not eat

anything before weighing yourself.

2. Remove your heavy clothes like

a sweater, a watch, shoes, and socks.

You should wear light clothes.

3. Stand in the centre of the scale.

How to measure height 1. Take off your shoes or remove head ornaments that might result in the inaccurate measurement.

2. A measuring device must be placed on the flat floor.

3. Your head, shoulders, back, legs, and the back of your feet must be straight while you are standing against the measuring device.

4. Look straight ahead. Do not bow your head.

5. A measurer moves the measuring device down until it touches your head and records the height measurement.

Chapter 1

Our Body

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Learn how to measure weight and height with your friends, and then record the measurements. How much do you weigh? .......................................... kg How tall are you?

......................................... cm

After knowing our weight and height, how do we know whether our weight

and height are appropriate? Let’s take a look at the tables below showing the growth standards of Thai children.

Tables of the average weights and heights by age of boys and girls aged 2-18 years Age







10.5 - 14.4

82.5 - 91.5


12.1 - 17.2

89.4 - 100.8


13.6 - 19.9

95.9 - 108.2


15.0 - 22.6

102.0 - 115.1


16.6 - 25.4

107.7 - 121.3


18.3 - 28.8

112.8 - 127.4


20.0 - 32.2

117.4 - 133.2


21.5 - 36.6

121.8 - 138.3


23.6 - 40.8

126.2 - 143.4


25.6 - 45.2

130.5 - 149.4


28.1 - 50.0

135.1 - 156.9


31.6 - 54.6

140.9 - 164.4


35.6 - 58.7

147.3 - 170.0


40.1 - 61.9

153.5 - 173.2


43.8 - 64.2

158.3 - 175.9


46.3 - 65.8

160.4 - 177.2


48.1 - 66.9

161.4 - 177.5

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9.7 - 13.7

80.0 - 89.9


11.5 - 16.5

88.1 - 99.2


13.0 - 19.2

95.0 - 106.9


14.4 - 21.7

101.1 - 113.9


16.1 - 24.7

107.4 - 120.8


17.7 - 28.7

112.4 - 126.8


19.3 - 32.5

117.0 - 132.5


21.2 - 37.4

121.9 - 139.1


23.4 - 42.1

127.1 - 146.1


26.1 - 46.5

132.9 - 152.6


29.4 - 50.2

138.8 -156.9


33.0 - 53.1

143.5 - 160.2


36.3 - 55.2

147.0 - 162.3


38.6 - 56.5

148.4 - 163.5


40.1 - 57.2

149.1 - 164.0


40.8 - 57.6

149.5 - 164.2


41.3 - 57.7

149.8 - 164.2

Source: Bureau of Nutrition, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health (2000)

Do not worry if you are short. The most important thing is that you should be healthy. If you are fat, try to avoid unhealthy food like sweets and fatty food and do some exercise regularly.

Chapter 1

Our Body

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Growth factors There are many factors that affect the growth and development of a child. They are heredity, food, exercise and rest.

Heredity We get our physical characteristics

such as hair colour, skin colour, hair type and height from our parents.

However, some characteristics like

height can be improved. It depends

on how well we take care of ourselves.

Food We should have a balanced diet every day to get all the nutrients we need.

They encourage physical development and keep our body strong and healthy.


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Exercise We should play sports or exercise regularly to stimulate the growth of muscles and bones. This will make us taller and stronger.

Rest We should sleep at least 9 hours a day to feel refreshed and energetic. Getting enough sleep also helps in the production of growth hormones which control the body growth.

Chapter 1

Our Body

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Stages of growth

When we were born, we were a baby. We were small and

helpless. We depended on our

parents to feed and protect us.

When we were older, we learned to sit up. We started to recognise people and things around us.

We learned to walk at the age of one. We were toddlers then.

Later, we learned to talk and play with friends. We sang and danced.

We learned to say our age and name. We even learned to spell our names too.


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We go to school when we are 7 years old. There we learn to read and write. We also learn to count.

When we are between 13 and 19 years old, we become teenagers. We grow taller and bigger very quickly.

After that, we enter the stage of adulthood. We work to support ourselves. Our parents do not look after us anymore.

Chapter 1

Our Body

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Later, we will find a life partner, get married and start a family of our own.

When we reach 60 years old, we are considered old.

We may not be able to respond quickly. Our senses of

hearing and sight deteriorate. We may need hearing aids and spectacles to hear and see clearly.

We should take care of ourselves. We should eat healthily and exercise regularly to enjoy the fullness of life.


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This series helps you to enhance your physical, emotional and mental health by understanding your body’s needs Useful information is provided to help you fully understand health concepts.

developing good healthy habits Various examples of good and bad habits are shown to guide you.

cultivating good universal values And enabling you to make informed choices and decisions about your behaviour.


ISBN 978-616-541-328-2

9 786165 413282

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