Pelangi Primary Education Smart Plus Health and Physical Education P4 TextBook samplebook

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Lee Lai Mong

ISBN 978-616-541-325-1 First Published 2019

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Lee Lai Mong

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Contents Chapter 1

Growth and Development


Chapter 2

Bones, Muscles and Joints


Chapter 3

Good Family and Friends


Chapter 4



Chapter 5

Body Movements and Fitness


Chapter 6

Movements with Rhythm


Chapter 7

Games and Activities


Chapter 8

Basic Sports


Chapter 9

Environmental Health


Chapter 10

Emotions, Feelings and Health


Chapter 11

Food Labels


Chapter 12

Medicines and First Aid


Chapter 13

Smoking and Alcohol


Provides engaging activities to enhance students’ physical health.

Allows students to express and discuss ideas and opinions with friends in class.

Helps to develop creative skills and writing skills among students.

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Tests students’ comprehension of the subtopics within the chapter.

Presents interesting and relevant information to enhance students’ knowledge.

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Growth and Development Human growth pattern Adulthood

Old age

Adolescence Childhood Infancy

How has your body changed since last year?

Stages of human growth and development When we grow, we follow a general pattern that corresponds with our

age. We experience not only physical changes, but also mental, social

and spiritual changes. We become more mature. Our attitudes and values change as we move from childhood to adulthood.

We go through five stages of growth and development. They are infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age.

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Infancy The first stage is infancy, lasting

from birth to eighteen months old. During this stage, the baby

develops from a dependent and helpless newborn to a relatively independent toddler.

Physical and mental development Stage of





• Rapid growth

(Birth – 18

months old)

• Increasing ability to

infants, such as

hands and eyes

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short attention span

crawling and walking coordinate muscles of


• Easily distracted with • Positive emotional

as rolling, creeping,

Health and Physical Education


move around such

• Increasing ability to



responses to other smiling and reaching towards them

• Imitation of others’ actions

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Childhood The second stage, called childhood, is divided into three parts namely early childhood, play age and school age.

Early childhood (18 months – 3 years old) During early childhood, a child experiences

significant language development. The average

18-month-old toddlers can only say a handful of

words while 3-year-old children can form simple sentences.

Play age (4 – 5 years old) During play age, further language development occurs. By the age of five, the average child

knows about 2,000 words. The child can draw simple shapes and begin to understand the

concept of time.

School age (6 – 12 years old) The school-age child continues to rapidly

increase in height and weight. The child can

build complex sentences and focus for a longer period of time.

Chapter 1

Growth and Development

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Physical and mental development Stage of





• Arms and legs



(18 months – 3 years old)

Play age

(4 – 5 years

• Ability to name

objects and stack blocks others

• Increasing new gross

• Ability to draw circles

running, hopping,

• Attempts to comfort

motor skills, such as

tumbling, climbing and swinging

(6 – 12 years


• Some sharing with


School age


• Steady gain in height and weight


and squares

those in distress

• Ability to define

concrete words,

remember sentences and understand

concrete analogies


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Create a bulletin board with your baby pictures and your current photographs to show growth changes. Discuss how you all have changed.

Adolescence Between the age of 13 and 18, a person is at the stage of adolescence. It is considered the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood.

Adolescence is normally associated with puberty. Puberty is the time

when our body starts to change from that of a child to that of an adult.

From childhood to adulthood, many changes occur and these changes are brought about by hormones. Hormones are chemicals in our body that control and regulate the activities of certain cells or organs.

However, not all adolescents start to experience puberty at the same

age. For girls, it may take place anywhere from the age of 8 to 13. For boys, it is usually later, anywhere from the age of 10 to 15.

On the physical side, our body will generally grow taller. We will gain

weight and our shape will change slightly too. These changes will not happen overnight though, but over a span of a few years. In addition,

the rate of growth and how much we grow are different from one person to another.

Chapter 1

Growth and Development

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Here are other physical changes that we will experience during puberty. Facial hair

Deep voice

Breasts grow

Wide shoulders

Hair under arms

Curvier body

Muscular body

Gain weight

Wide hips

Hair in pubic area

Hair in pubic area

Grow taller

Hair under arms

Grow taller Gain weight

Menstrual cycles

Some physical changes are common regardless of the gender. Other changes depend on whether you are a boy or a girl. Boy


• Testes start to produce sperms and

• Ovaries start to produce eggs and



• Shoulders grow wider

• Hips grow wider

• Body becomes more muscular

• Body becomes curvier

• Voice becomes deeper

• Development of breasts

• Facial hair starts to grow (beard,

• Start of menstrual cycles

moustache or sideburns) Common: • Body starts to grow taller and gain weight • Hair begins to grow under the arms and in pubic areas • Start to sweat more • Skin becomes oilier and pimples may start showing up


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On the mental side, we will experience mood swings. We might feel confused or have strong emotions that we have never had before. We also start to be self-conscious, often worrying about how others look at us.

All these new emotions can be

overwhelming. When in doubt about

anything regarding puberty, approaching our parents or teachers is more

appropriate than having our questions answered by peers who are also going through the same thing that we are.

Adulthood Adulthood is the fourth stage. It covers the age of 19 to 60. There is minimal growth during adulthood. Both women and men

experience a gradual loss of efficiency in bodily functions after the age of 40.

Women will usually enter menopause around the age of fifty. This is when their menstrual cycles end.

Chapter 1

Growth and Development

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Old age The fifth stage is called old age. During old age, there is a loss in weight. Most elderly people experience declines in

hearing, vision, taste and smell. These

declines are typically gradual and become more pronounced in late old age (around 70+).

Other health related issues include rising blood pressure, declining lung capacity

and neural loss. It is important to note that declines in all these areas can be greatly influenced by one’s lifestyle.

Factors affecting human growth Exercise Active participation in physical activities enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health or wellness.


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Proper nutrition Proper nutrition is needed so that we have all the important nutrients

required for our growth. Eating a healthy diet improves our health and quality of life as we get older. We should eat a variety of food. Carbohydrates give us

Fibre cannot be digested

to carry out all kinds of

constipation and helps move

energy. They enable us physical activities.

by the body. It prevents the bowels.

Proteins are body-building

Oils and fats provide double

for growth and for repair

carbohydrates. They give

foods. We need proteins of damaged tissues.

the energy compared to

warmth. They are stored for future use.

Chapter 1

Growth and Development

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Sufficient rest Our body needs good and sufficient sleep so that it is well-charged,

physically and mentally, for the following day’s activities. A minimum of 8 hours of sleep is required for an adult and more for children.

Good habits Stay away from dangerous substances such as cigarettes, drugs and

alcohol. They can damage our body organs and cause disturbances to our mental health. We should take care of our personal hygiene too.


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This series helps you to enhance your physical, emotional and mental health by understanding your body’s needs Useful information is provided to help you fully understand health concepts.

developing good healthy habits Various examples of good and bad habits are shown to guide you.

cultivating good universal values And enabling you to make informed choices and decisions about your behaviour.


ISBN 978-616-541-325-1

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