Kids' Time Science Book 4 samplebook

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In line with the latest National Preschool Curriculum

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Suggested Activities P2

Bring a toy trolley and a small wheeled bag to class. Get two volunteers to push and pull the trolley and bag respectively. Ask the other children to observe the trolley and bag. Ask the children what makes the trolley and bag move easily. Tell them that likewise, wheels also help vehicles to move.


Ask the children, “Why do people drive their vehicles to the petrol station?” Tell them that most vehicles need fuel to move. Ask them to name vehicles that do not need fuel to move. (Suggest using Kids’ Time application to view 3D animations.)

P 4-5

Prepare a torch and a thick book. Close the curtains and stand the thick book on a desk. Get the children to observe. Switch on the torch and ask the children what they see. Tell them that things that block light make shadows.


Bring a ring, a key and a metal spoon to class. Ask the children to touch them. Tell them that those things are made of metal.


Prepare and place a glass bottle, a glass bowl and a glass jug on the teacher’s table. Tell the children that these things are made of glass. Ask them to touch their pencils and the classroom’s door. Tell them that those things are made of wood.


Bring a balloon, a toy duck, a plastic spoon and a plastic jug to class. Get the children to touch these things. Ask them which are made of rubber, and which are made of plastic.

P 1 ´1 ´

Prepare picture cards of animals. Give them to the children. Ask the children to form different groups according to their picture cards -- those with cards of animals that live on land, those with cards of animals that live in water, and those with cards of animals that live on both land and water.

P 12´

Prepare picture cards of animals. Show the children one card and ask them whether the animal eats meat, plants or both. Repeat this activity with all the other animals.

P 13´

Guide the children in naming the animals’ movements. Then, let the children act out the movements. Get them to name the movements as they are doing the actions.

´ 16´ P 15-

Bring a sponge, cloth, some cotton, an umbrella, a spoon and a ball to class. Prepare a basin of water. Let the children experiment with the objects to see which things absorb water, and which do not.

´ 18´ P 17-

Bring some uncooked rice, red beans, green beans, sugar, honey and salt to class. Prepare 6 glasses of water. Tell the children the meaning of “dissolve” and “do not dissolve”. Stir the rice in one glass. Ask the children to observe and tell what happen to the rice. Repeat this activity with other things.

Suggested Activities ´ P 19-20

Bring a few magnets, erasers, wooden pencils, metal safety pins, metal paper clips, keys and plastic rulers to class. Get the children to experiment placing the magnet against the other things. Ask them which things were attracted to the magnets. Tell them the uses of a magnet.

P 22


Tell the children many things need electricity to work. Point to the things in the classroom (e.g. light and fan) and ask them whether they need electricity to work.


P 23

Bring some batteries to class. Show and tell the children that batteries produce electricity.


Around Town

People at Work

Divide them into two groups. Ask each group to name things that need batteries to work.


The group that names the most number of things wins. Reward that group. Wheels Fuel

P 24-25

Light Shadows

it absorb Go outdoors and let the children2feel the sun onDoes them. Ask the water? children, “Do you feel hot? 3 Does it dissolve in water? Can you feel the heat of the sun?” Discuss what can be felt. Talk about the uses of heat.


4 that give outMagnets Show the children pictures of things heat (e.g. iron, kettle, etc.). Tell the children 5 Uses of magnets not to touch hot things because they may hurt themselves.


Let’s revise P 26


Let’s revise

17 20 21

Suggest using Kids’ Voice application to encourage children to record and listen to their voice for better pronunciation.


2 P 27


Going Shopping

5 round like a ball. Ask them what they can see on Earth.

Time to Celebrate

Prepare and show the children a short video of the Earth rotating. Tell them that the Earth is


7 Electricity Discuss the difference between day and night. Ask the children, “What can we see in the P 28glass Wood and 8 Batteries daytime? (sun, clouds) What can we see at night? (moon, stars)” Tell the children, “We Plastic and rubber 9 Heat cannot see the moon and stars in the daytime because the sun is so bright.” Ask the Let’s revise 10 Uses of heat children to name the seven colours of a rainbow. Let’s revise P 29

22 23 24 25 26

Ask the children to look out the window. Ask them whether today is a sunny day or a rainy day. Talk about the different weather conditions in our country. Get them to talk about the


Unit kind of weather they like the most. Tell the children that they must not swim or play outside

To the Zoo



Our World

during a thunderstorm. (Suggest using Kids’ Voice application to encourage children to

record and listen to their voice for better pronunciation.) Where do animals live? 11 The Earth


What doP animals eat? 12 Talk about ways Day and night pollution and to save the Discuss how pollution happens. to reduce 30


environment (e.g. reduce the use13of styrofoam and plastic things, not wasting paper, water, How do animals move? Weather


Let’s revise P 3 1´

and electricity, etc.).




Reuse and recycle Prepare and show the children picture cards ofLet’s things that can be reused and things that revise can be recycled.



31 32

Unit 1 Around Town



Wheels are round. They help things to move easily.

Look at the things below. Circle the wheels.

Learning Standard: • State an observation through one’s work, or orally.


Performance Standards: 1




Fuel Most vehicles need fuel to move.

Where can Jenny get fuel for her car? Tick ( place.

Learning Standard: • State an observation through one’s work, or orally.

) the correct

Performance Standards: 1





Light We need light to see.

The sun gives us light. What other things give us light? Circle.

Learning Standards:


• State the various sources of light. • Explore the use of sunlight in daily living.

Performance Standards: 1




Shadows Things that block light make shadows.

Look at the picture. Which is the correct shadow of the tree? Circle ‘A’ or ‘B’.


Learning Standard: • Record the result of the observation of shadows.


Performance Standards: 1




Let’s revise


How many wheels does each vehicle have? Write the correct number in each box.

Cross out ( ) the things that do not give us light.

Which picture shows the correct shadow of the dog? Circle.

Learning Standards:


Performance Standards:

• State an observation through one’s work, or orally.




• State the various sources of light. • Record the result of the observation of shadows.




Unit 2


Going Shopping


The things around us are made of different materials. Some things are made of metal.

What other things are made of metal?

Learning Standards:

Performance Standards:

• Gather objects according to identifiable features.




• State an observation through one’s work, or orally.






Wood and glass Some things are made of wood.

Some things are made of glass.

Learning Standards:


Performance Standards:

• Gather objects according to identifiable features.




• State an observation through one’s work, or orally.





Plastic and rubber Some things are made of plastic.

Some things are made of rubber.

Did you know? Rubber comes from the latex of rubber trees.

Learning Standards:

Performance Standards:

• Gather objects according to identifiable features.




• State an observation through one’s work, or orally.






Let’s revise What are these things made of? Write the letters in the correct columns.








Learning Standards:



Performance Standards:

• Gather objects according to identifiable features.




• State an observation through one’s work, or orally.




Suggested Activities ´ P 19-20

Bring a few magnets, erasers, wooden pencils, metal safety pins, metal paper clips, keys and plastic rulers to class. Get the children to experiment placing the magnet against the other things. Ask them which things were attracted to the magnets. Tell them the uses of a magnet.

P 22

Tell the children many things need electricity to work. Point to the things in the classroom (e.g. light and fan) and ask them whether they need electricity to work.

P 23

Bring some batteries to class. Show and tell the children that batteries produce electricity. Divide them into two groups. Ask each group to name things that need batteries to work. The group that names the most number of things wins. Reward that group.

P 24-25

Go outdoors and let the children feel the sun on them. Ask the children, “Do you feel hot? Can you feel the heat of the sun?” Discuss what can be felt. Talk about the uses of heat. Show the children pictures of things that give out heat (e.g. iron, kettle, etc.). Tell the children not to touch hot things because they may hurt themselves.

P 26

Suggest using Kids’ Voice application to encourage children to record and listen to their voice for better pronunciation.

P 27

Prepare and show the children a short video of the Earth rotating. Tell them that the Earth is round like a ball. Ask them what they can see on Earth.

P 28

Discuss the difference between day and night. Ask the children, “What can we see in the daytime? (sun, clouds) What can we see at night? (moon, stars)” Tell the children, “We cannot see the moon and stars in the daytime because the sun is so bright.” Ask the children to name the seven colours of a rainbow.

P 29

Ask the children to look out the window. Ask them whether today is a sunny day or a rainy day. Talk about the different weather conditions in our country. Get them to talk about the kind of weather they like the most. Tell the children that they must not swim or play outside during a thunderstorm. (Suggest using Kids’ Voice application to encourage children to record and listen to their voice for better pronunciation.)

P 30

Discuss how pollution happens. Talk about ways to reduce pollution and to save the environment (e.g. reduce the use of styrofoam and plastic things, not wasting paper, water, and electricity, etc.).

P 3 1´

Prepare and show the children picture cards of things that can be reused and things that can be recycled.

programme to ignite A fun-filled Science of the world around children’s curiosity ientific skills them and develop sc

Contents are in line with the latest National Preschool Curriculum Varied interesting contents (Kids’ Voice application and AR technology) to make learning fun and engaging Book

es atic approach mak The use of the them d an l fu ng ng more meani teaching and learni effective Infusion of contents that help build Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) to encourage children to think critically and creatively ook

Activity B

Systematic reviews for more learning


Learning Standards and Performance Standards are given to ease teachers’ assessment of children’s progress

Kids’ Time series aims to develop children’s essential language skills, while boosting their skills in technology through the use of mobile applications that complement the books. The engaging contents available in the mobile applications are able to stimulate children’s interest and to encourage fun learning. Download the free mobile applications from App Store or Google Play.

kids’ time

kids’ voice

©2017 Pelangi Publishing Group Thai Edition © Pelangi Publishing (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 2020 All rights reserved. BGAE0404



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