Apirudee Dragsbaek
ISBN 978-616-541-341-1 First Published 2021
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission of Pelangi Publishing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
Apirudee Dragsbaek
Main Features A-Z
States the learning objectives of the chapter.
Defines important terms appearing in the chapter.
Presents extra information relevant to the concept being learnt.
Provides practical activities to enhance students’ knowledge and skill.
Consists of questions that promote thinking skills. Provides exercises to test students’ comprehension of the concepts learnt.
Evaluates students’ understanding of the entire chapter.
Consists of various exercises covering this unit.
Special Features CHAPTER
Stimulates fun learning through role play activities which encourage students to understand relevant content they have learnt in the class and enjoy their performances.
Serves as an activity that teaches students to share things with others, learn to be generous and make contributions to community, society and the country.
Raises social awareness of compliance with law and rules among students for living in peace.
Serves as an activity enabling students to learn sharing with others and volunteer spirit in order to live happily in the society.
Stimulates students’ confidence and boosts the speaking skills in public through the activity of being a news reporter.
CHAPTER 3 ฿ Presents a weekly budget planner that helps students know their expenses every day, enabling them to plan their spending carefully and understand the importance of saving money.
Allows students to practise how to plan and invest their money, run a business, and stimulate creativity, together with cost and profit estimation.
Stimulates students’ creativity and assertiveness through product review, as well as capability in analysing strengths and weaknesses of the products.
Develops students’ creativity in presentation through the organisation of exhibition, together with disseminating information of what they have searched to others. Encourages students to understand the historical methodology through the investigation of historical evidence and know how to work as a team.
Enables students to investigate, collect, analyse, and summarise data for better understanding, as well as boosting skills in presentation.
Encourages students to learn how to draw a plan and read a map to enhance their comprehension of location and direction. Develops students’ skills in observation and understanding of location, direction and symbols on a map.
Boosts students’ confidence through the fun activity of weather report by integrating what they have learnt in the class with the weather information they have searched.
Religion, Morality and Ethics
Unit 1 The Story of the Buddha
The Story of the Buddha
Unit 2 Important Doctrine and Buddhist Day
The Three Admonitions Visakha Bucha Day
Unit 3 Vannupatha Jataka
Vannupatha Jataka
Voluntary Spirit Role Play Test
Being Good Members of Family and School
Unit 1 Family and School
Roles, Duties and Rights of Family Members School
Rule of Thumb Young Reporters Volunteer for All
1 2 3
7 8 10
12 13
17 17 19
21 22 23 26 29
35 35
Unit 2 Being Good Children and Good Students
Behaving Ourselves as Good Members
of the Family and the School
of the Family and the School
Benefits of Being Good Members Personal Talents and Goodness
Rule of Thumb Young Reporters
47 47
Volunteer for All
Unit 3 Democracy
Meaning of Democracy
Participation in the Democratic Process
Rule of Thumb Young Reporters Volunteer for All Test
CHAPTER 3 Economy Unit 1 Goods and Services
Goods and Services
Goods and Services Used in Daily Life
Making Proper Use of Goods and Services
Unit 2 Savings and Expenditure
50 51
54 54
55 57
59 60 61 63 65
68 69 72
Unit 3 Work and Income
Meaning of Work
Importance of Work
Track My Spending Market Fair Young YouTubers Test
CHAPTER 4 History Unit 1 The Importance of Calendar
Times of the Day
Unit 2 Changes in People’s Lives
Important Events Occurred in the Family
Unit 3 The Symbols of Thailand
78 81
85 85
89 90 91 93
The Background of Ourselves
and Our Family
Important Symbols of Thailand Cultural Sites in Community
Little Historians Little Gallery Little Guide Test
98 101
105 106 110
Things Around Us
Unit 1 Our Environment
Meaning of Environment Types of Environments
117 118 119 121
Taking Care of the Home and
School Environments Let’s Take a Tour Finding Hidden Treasure
126 127
Weather Reporters
Unit 2 Direction, Position and Diagram
Position, Distance and Direction
Distances and Directions of Things Around Us
129 134
Let’s Take a Tour
Finding Hidden Treasure
Weather Reporters
Unit 3 Weather
Daily Weather Conditions Landscape and Climate
Environmental Changes
Let’s Take a Tour Finding Hidden Treasure Weather Reporters Test
142 145 147
150 151
151 153
Religion, Morality and Ethics
How can you ha's apply the Budd our teachings to y daily life?
The Story of the Buddha
Who is the Buddha?
1. Recount in brief the life of the Buddha or the lives of the Masters of students’ own religions.
1. Enlightenment (N.) the state of understanding something clearly
2. Appreciate and pray for the spreading of loving-kindness; have mindfulness as the basis for concentration in Buddhism, or spiritual development in accordance with the guidelines of students’ own religions as prescribed.
2. Meditation (N.) the act or practice of focusing your mind for a period of time in order to become relaxed and calm
Religion, Morality and Ethics
A lot of teachings given by the Buddha can be adopted and applied in our life. They are used as the moral guidelines for people to live together peacefully and behave properly without exploiting others.
The Story of the Buddha The Buddha was formerly a prince named
Siddhartha (สิทธัตถะ). He was born in the
district of Lumbini (ลุมพินี) and was raised in
a palace with all the comforts as his father, the king of Kapilavastu (กบิลพัสดุ์), never allowed him to go outside the palace with
the purpose of keeping him away from the pain and suffering of the world.
When Prince Siddhartha grew up and became a young man, his father
got him married to Princess Yasodhara (ยโสธรา), with the hope that the prince would never want to leave the palace.
One day, Prince Siddhartha went out of the palace and came across different people: a sick man, an old man, a dead man and a monk, which
caused him to decide to leave the palace and seek ways to end suffering. UNIT 11
The Story of the Buddha
Prince Siddhartha practised self-mortification first until he found out
that it was not the right thing to do. Then, he figured out another way to seek enlightenment which was meditation. So, he devoted himself to
meditation. Prince Siddhartha sat under the Bodhi tree (ต้นโพธิ์) to meditate
until he attained enlightenment and became the Buddha. The Buddha
decided to spend the rest of his life teaching others about ways to end suffering.
The Buddha passed away at the
age of 80 in Kushinagar (กุสินารา) after spending many years teaching
and disseminating his sermons to people.
Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta (ธัมมจักกัปปวัตตนสูตร) is the first teaching delivered by the Buddha after he attained enlightenment. The main topic of this teaching is the Four Noble Truths (อริยสัจ 4).
Religion, Morality and Ethics
Write down the numbers in the boxes to put each event below in the correct chronological order.
Draw the picture of the Buddha in the space below and colour the picture.
The Story of the Buddha
Practise meditation by singing and moving your body to the song “Flower Bloom”. Follow the movements shown below.
I’m breathing in
I’m breathing out
The mountain’s height
As flowers bloom
The river’s sight
The air that I breathe, I fly Source:
Religion, Morality and Ethics
Important Doctrine and Buddhist Day
• Do you know the Three Admonitions? What are they? • What do Buddhists usually do on Visakha Bucha Day?
1. Tell the meaning and importance of and respect the Triple Gem, observe the principles of the Three Admonitions of the Buddha in Buddhism, or the moral principles of students’ own religions as prescribed. 2. Conduct themselves correctly in religious rites and ceremonies and on important religious days as prescribed.
1. Teachings (N. [pl.]) the moral, religious, or political opinions or ideas of a particular person 2. Commemorate (V.) to show honour to the memory of an important person or event in a special way
Important Doctrine and Buddhist Day
Buddhist doctrines are aimed at teaching people to avoid all evil, do all good and purify their mind.
The important religious days in Buddhism are the important days when
certain major events occurred in the Buddhist history. Buddhists usually go to a temple to listen to Buddhist doctrines or Dhamma, make merit and offer food to monks.
The Three Admonitions The Three Admonitions (โอวาท 3) are the Buddha’s teachings and regarded
as the core doctrine of Buddhism which consist of: 1. Not to do any evil. 2. To cultivate good. 3. To purify the mind.
The Triple Gem or ‘Rattana Tri’ (รัตนตรัย) ‘Rattana Tri’ is a Pali word. ‘Rattana’ (รัตนะ) means gem while ‘Tri’ (ตรัย) means three. The Triple Gem or ‘Rattana Tri’ means the Three Gems consisting of the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha.
Religion, Morality and Ethics
Cross out the picture of evil deed that is not related to the principles of the Three Admonitions.
Write down at least three examples of good deeds that you usually do in everyday life.
1. 2. 3.
Important Doctrine and Buddhist Day
Visakha Bucha Day Visakha Bucha Day (วันวิสาขบูชา) is one of the most important Buddhist
days held to commemorate the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death. The Buddha was born on this day, attained enlightenment on this day and
passed away on the same day. They all happened on the full moon day of the sixth lunar month.
What do Buddhists usually do on Visakha Bucha Day? • They go to a temple to make merit and offer food to monks in the morning.
• They listen to monks’ teachings. • They observe the five precepts or eight precepts.
• There is a Buddhist ceremony called
‘Wien Tien’ (เวียนเทียน) where Buddhists walk around a chapel while holding a lit candle, three incense sticks and flowers in hands in the evening.
Divide yourselves into groups and share what you usually do on Visakha Bucha Day to your group. Then write down the things that most of the members in the group do.
Religion, Morality and Ethics
The Primary Education Smart Plus Series is written based on the Basic Education Curriculum B.E. 2551.
• Learn Traditional Thai as well as universal social norms and etiquette described in detail. • Analyse Numerous situations given for analysis and decision-making regarding socially acceptable behaviour.
• Assess
Plenty of exercises provided to evaluate students’ understanding of social values learnt.
• Main Features
Learning about things around us to adapt ourselves to the environment for living in the society without disunity.
• Special Features Learning by doing the activities that encourage how to keep up with the changing situations.
ISBN 978-616-541-341-1
9 786165 413411