Pelangi Primary Education Smart Plus Social Studies P6 TextBook samplebook

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Sasithorn Onlao

ISBN 978-616-541-346-6 First Published 2021

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission of Pelangi Publishing (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Sasithorn Onlao

Main Features A-Z

States the learning objectives of the chapter.

Provides practical activities to enhance students’ knowledge and skill.

Defines important terms appearing in the chapter.

Presents extra information relevant to the concept being learnt.

Consists of questions that promote thinking skills. Provides exercises to test students’ comprehension of the concepts learnt.

Evaluates students’ understanding of the entire chapter.

Consists of various exercises covering this unit.

Special Features CHAPTER

Stimulates fun learning through role play activities which encourage students to understand relevant content they have learnt in the class and enjoy their performances.

Serves as an activity that teaches students to share things with others, learn to be generous and make contributions to community, society and the country.


Raises social awareness of compliance with law and rules among students for living in peace.

Serves as an activity enabling students to learn sharing with others and volunteer spirit in order to live happily in the society.

Stimulates students’ confidence and boosts the speaking skills in public through the activity of being a news reporter.

CHAPTER 3 ฿ Presents a weekly budget planner that helps students know their expenses every day, enabling them to plan their spending carefully and understand the importance of saving money.

Allows students to practise how to plan and invest their money, run a business, and stimulate creativity, together with cost and profit estimation.

Stimulates students’ creativity and assertiveness through product review, as well as capability in analysing strengths and weaknesses of the products.


Develops students’ creativity in presentation through the organisation of exhibition, together with disseminating information of what they have searched to others. Encourages students to understand the historical methodology through the investigation of historical evidence and know how to work as a team.

Enables students to investigate, collect, analyse, and summarise data for better understanding, as well as boosting skills in presentation.


Encourages students to learn how to draw a plan and read a map to enhance their comprehension of location and direction. Develops students’ skills in observation and understanding of location, direction and symbols on a map.

Boosts students’ confidence through the fun activity of weather report by integrating what they have learnt in the class with the weather information they have searched.

Contents CHAPTER

Religion, Morality and Ethics

Unit 1 Importance of Buddhism

1 2

Importance of Buddhism as the National Religion

Important Principles of Religions


Religious Ceremonies


Unit 2 Important Doctrines and Buddhist Days

Important Doctrines in Buddhism

Important Buddhist Days

Benefits of Participation in Religious Rites

on Buddhist Days

Unit 3 The Story of the Buddha’s Previous Lives

and the Exemplary Believer Jataka Tales

Exemplary Believer

Voluntary Spirit Role Play Test


Community Life

Unit 1 The Law

Basic Law in Daily Life

Local Administrative Law

Rule of Thumb Volunteer for All Young Reporters


16 17 20 25

28 29 31

36 36 38 40 41

42 53




Unit 2 Thai Culture


Thai Culture

Thai Etiquette


Preservation of Thai Culture


Rule of Thumb Volunteer for All


75 75

Young Reporters


Unit 3 News and Events in Daily Life


News and Events in Daily Life

News and Events from Several Sources


Advantages of News and Events Updating


Choosing and Using News Appropriately


Rule of Thumb Volunteer for All


83 84

Young Reporters


Unit 4 Democratic Activities


Roles and Duties of Local Administration

and Government


Democratic Activities


Exercise the Vote under the Democratic System


Election Procedures


Rule of Thumb Volunteer for All Young Reporters

96 96




CHAPTER 3 Economics


Unit 1 Producers and Consumers

Responsible Producers


Sharp Consumers



Unit 2 Economic Resources

Meaning and Importance of Resources

Principle of Efficient Use of Limited Resources

Unit 3 Economic Relationships


113 115


Economic System and Economic Unit



Consumer Rights and Labour Rights


Relationships between Producers,

Consumers and Government to Manage

Incomes, Expenses, Savings and Investments


Economic Integration


Track My Spending Market Fair Young YouTubers Test CHAPTER 4 History Unit 1 Rattanakosin Kingdom and Thai Wisdom



142 142


147 148

Establishment of the Rattanakosin Kingdom


Factors Contributing to Economic and

Administrative Achievements of the

Rattanakosin Kingdom


Development of the Rattanakosin Kingdom


Thai Wisdom of the Rattanakosin Period


Unit 2 Countries in Southeast Asia

Countries in Southeast Asia Region


ASEAN Background


Little Historians Little Gallery Little Guide Test


181 182 182 184

CHAPTER 5 Geography Unit 1 Physical Characteristics

Geographical Tools

Physical Characteristics of Thailand

Finding Hidden Treasure Let’s Take a Tour Weather Reporters Unit 2 Physical Characteristics and Natural


Relationship between Physical Characteristics

and Natural Phenomena

Influence of Physical Characteristics on Thai

186 187 188 195

217 218


219 220



Let’s Take a Tour


Finding Hidden Treasure


Weather Reporters


Unit 3 Planning the Use of Natural Resources


Natural Resources

Relationship between Humans and


Deterioration of Natural Resources and


The Preservation of Natural Resources and


Make a Plan to Use Natural Resources in


Let’s Take a Tour Finding Hidden Treasure Weather Reporters Test

232 233 234 239 243

247 247

247 249




Religion, Morality and Ethics

, In your opinion what are the r main and simila objectives of every religion?




Importance of Buddhism

Give some examples of religious rites and ceremonies of your religion in which you have participated.


1. Analyse the importance of Buddhism as the national religion or the importance of students’ own religions. 2. Summarise the life of the Buddha from the announcement of his coming death to the Four Holy Places of Buddhism or the lives of the Masters of students’ own religions as prescribed. 3. Explain in brief the important principles of other religions. 4. Explain the important characteristics of religious rites and ceremonies of other religions and conduct themselves appropriately when participating in such rites and ceremonies. 2


Religion, Morality and Ethics

1. Generosity (N.) being generous 2. Heritage (N.) traditions, art, languages or buildings of a particular society or country 3. Meticulously (Adv.) in a careful way with great attention to details 4. Necessity (N.) something that people need in order to live

Importance of Buddhism as the National Religion Buddhism has been deeply involved in Thai society for a very long time and is the national religion because Buddhism is the most widely

practised religion in Thailand. Therefore, Buddhism’s importance for the Thai people and the country is as follows:

The nation’s identity Buddhism has become an important part of the Thai way of life and

has formed the nation’s unique identity, for example ‘Wai’ or the way to show respect to seniors or monks and the outstanding characteristics of Thai people, such as generosity, friendliness, helpfulness, etc. Such characteristics are influenced by the Buddhist doctrines.


Importance of Buddhism


A source of Thailand’s cultural heritage Many fields of Thai art, including architecture, painting, sculpture and literature, have been created to serve Buddhism. Among them are

meticulously built temples, mural paintings, Buddha images and many literary works about the lives of the Buddha and the Three Worlds written based on the beliefs of Buddhism. Besides, there are many

religious ceremonies and traditions involving Buddhism, for example

Buddhist Lent Candles Making and the Candle Procession on Buddhist Lent Day, Songkran Festival, Kathin ceremony – the presentation of new robes and other necessities to monks, etc.

The spiritual centre of Thai people A temple serves as a centre where Thai people gather to perform religious rites or listen to the Buddha’s teachings preached by Buddhist monks. Thai people

have used the Buddha’s teachings or the

‘Dhamma’ as the moral guidelines for behaving properly and living happily.



Religion, Morality and Ethics

The foundation of the country’s development The sermons or teachings of the Buddha or the ‘Dhamma’ is the critical foundation of Thailand’s development and prosperity in many ways:

• It helps promote unity among Thai people and compassion towards

others which leads to a peaceful society.

• It acts as an approach of administration and a mechanism to manage

the society apart from laws. The ‘Dhamma’ helps Thai people control their body and mind to behave appropriately.

• It is a spiritual anchor of Thai people and moral guidelines for living

their lives.

Other than Buddhism, Islam and Christianity are the widely practised

religions in Thailand. The objectives of these religions are similar. They are aimed at teaching people to avoid all evil and do all good and ensuring that

people live peacefully by showing mercy and love to one another. Besides,

all religions teach people to show generosity and make contributions to underprivileged people.


Importance of Buddhism


Important Principles of Religions Buddhism Among the important teachings of the Buddha are the Four Noble Truths

(อริยสัจ 4) which include: 1. Suffering (ทุกข์)

2. The cause of suffering (สมุทัย)

3. The cessation of suffering (นิโรธ)

4. The path leading to the cessation of suffering (มรรค) consists of eight practices.

The set of eight practices is called the Noble Eightfold Path (มรรค 8)


1. Right understanding (สัมมาทิฏฐิ)

5. Right livelihood (สัมมาอาชีวะ)

2. Right thought (สัมมาสังกัปปะ)

6. Right effort (สัมมาวายามะ)

3. Right speech (สัมมาวาจา)

7. Right mindfulness (สัมมาสติ)

4. Right action (สัมมากัมมันตะ)

8. Right concentration (สัมมาสมาธิ)

Moreover, the Three Admonitions of the Buddha (โอวาท 3) which are the

core doctrine of Buddhism focus on: 1. Avoid all evil. (ละเว้นความชั่ว)

2. Do all good. (ทำ�แต่ความดี)

3. Purify the mind. (ทำ�จิตใจให้บริสุทธิ์)



Religion, Morality and Ethics


As for Muslim doctrines, Muslims believe in the Six Articles of Faith and follow the Five Pillars of Islam. The Six Articles of Faith

1. Belief in the Oneness of God 2. Belief in the Angels of God 3. Belief in the Books of God 4. Belief in the Prophets

5. Belief in the Day of Judgment 6. Belief in the Divine Decree The Five Pillars of Islam

1. Declaration of faith in God and belief in Muhammad 2. Praying five times a day 3. Almsgiving

4. Fasting during Ramadan

5. Pilgrimage to Mecca


Importance of Buddhism


Christianity The Bible, the sacred scripture, contains the Ten Commandments

which is a set of ten principles of relationship with God and moral behaviour that all Christians have to follow and practise. The contents

of the Ten Commandments are as follows:

1. You shall have no other gods

before Me.

2. You shall not make idols.

3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. 4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 5. Honor your father and your mother. 6. You shall not murder.

7. You shall not commit adultery. 8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

10. You shall not covet.

Source: 10-commandments-list/

Besides, Love in Christianity can be divided into two types which are: 1. Loving God

2. Loving Others: The teaching is related to the aspiration for others to

have a happy life, showing compassion and forgiving others.



Religion, Morality and Ethics

Religious Ceremonies Each religion has its own religious ceremonies as follows:

Buddhism The important religious ceremonies include:

Pah Bah ceremony (พิธีทอดผ้าป่า)

The Pah Bah ceremony is the presentation of robe cloth and other

requisites to monks. The ceremony can be performed all year round and a temple can accept Pah Bah robes as frequently as possible.

‘Pah Bah’ literally means ‘forest robe’. In the past, monk robe was made of pieces of cloth that were discarded or intentionally left or hung on branches

of trees in forests by the laity. Monks collected, sewed and repaired them to make a robe and washed it to cover themselves. Later, the Buddha

gave permission to monks to accept robes given by the laity. This finally evolved into a ceremony that Buddhists perform every year.


Importance of Buddhism


Kathin ceremony (พิธีทอดกฐิน) ‘Kathin’ literally means an ‘embroidery frame’. In the past, monks sewed yellow robes themselves. Nowadays, the laity can present the Kathin

robes and other necessities to monks. The Kathin ceremony is required to

be performed in only one month in a year after the Rains Retreat which is from the first day of the waning moon of the eleventh lunar month to the full moon day of the twelfth lunar month. The objective of this ceremony

is to present new robes to monks who have stayed at a temple for three months during the Rains Retreat. Each temple is allowed to accept Kathin robes only once annually. Therefore, it is regarded as an important ceremony for Buddhists.

There are two types of the Kathin ceremony which are: 1. The royal Kathin ceremony (กฐินหลวง) is presided over by the king or the Royal Family member who is the king’s representative to present the royal Kathin robes to monks at 16 royal monasteries, for example Wat Phra Chetuphon Vimolmangklararam Rajwara Mahaviharn; Wat

Bowonniwet Vihara; Wat Benchamabophit Dusitwanaram; Wat Ratchabophit Sathit Maha Simaram Ratcha Wara Maha Wihan, etc.



Religion, Morality and Ethics

The Primary Education Smart Plus Series is written based on the Basic Education Curriculum B.E. 2551.

• Learn Traditional Thai as well as universal social norms and etiquette described in detail. • Analyse Numerous situations given for analysis and decision-making regarding socially acceptable behaviour.

• Assess

Plenty of exercises provided to evaluate students’ understanding of social values learnt.

• Main Features

Learning about things around us to adapt ourselves to the environment for living in the society without disunity.

• Special Features Learning by doing the activities that encourage how to keep up with the changing situations.


ISBN 978-616-541-346-6

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