1 minute read
Kirsty Salvetti
Pelican Athletic Club, Swim Lesson Coordinator
Pelican Athletic Club would like to announce the addition of Kirsty Salvetti to our fantastic group of swim lesson instructors. Kirsty will also be assisting the Aquatics program as Swim Lesson Coordinator. Originally from the north island of NZ, Kirsty began swimming at age four and has continued to swim, including Masters, Triathlons, and open water since then. After moving to the US in 1989, she began coaching and teaching lessons and has been involved with local swim teams and lessons for over 25 years. She met her husband, Mark, in a pool in New Zealand, has been married 32 years, and has two sons, three cats, and a dog that also loves the water. She loves many other outdoor activities, including running, SUP, camping, and hiking, and she plays tennis in several local leagues.
Please join us in welcoming Kirsty to our PAC family.