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Northshore Fitness | Winter 2023
Katie is an Ovarian Cancer Survivor. After 3 ½ years of treatment, Katie needed to find a regular exercise program she could do without injury.
“I was a runner and kept getting injured while performing cardio exercises.”
Katie has been a member at other gyms and was primarily self-directed, but after treatment, she knew she needed direction.
“I wanted to join classes and get more guidance,”
At Pelican Athletic Club, Katie participates in various classes and likes to change routines by working out in the pool, weight lifting, and yoga classes.
Deep Water Running
Initially, Katie was leery about getting in the pool at 7 am. She is retired, and an early 7 am commitment did not sound appealing. But she gave the class a chance, and now she is hooked.
“ Deep Water Running has transformed me,” Katie found her old runner’s buzz without injury in the Deep Water Running classes! She says the longer she attends, the more she learns and finetunes her form, speed, and agility.
“Joan is a fantastic instructor and walks you through the visualization of the different drills we do in class. It’s a great workout!”
Senior Metabolic Strength
Katie was never comfortable in a weight room until the Senior Metabolic Strength Class. She did not trust her form and was concerned about her safety.
“I’ve worked out long enough to know that bad form equals injury.” But with Jenny, YES program manager, and Kim Leblanc, Pelican Athletic Club Personal Trainer, watching her form and offering modifications as needed, Katie now feels safe in the weight room. Sometimes Katie starts with light weights, and sometimes she is challenged to do more.
As a result, she is getting stronger over time. She certainly understands the importance of pushing herself outside of her comfort zone. “Previously, upper body strength was my weakness, but I don’t feel that way anymore.”
As a side note: Katie belongs to a dance group called the Bionic Babes – Dancers of Hope. The group combines cancer survivors and oncology professionals who enjoy performing at local events and parades.
“It’s always been on my bucket list to dance in a parade!”
Katie tells us that Bionic Babes is recruiting members and inviting all PAC members to let her know if they are interested!

LR: Kathy Steffan, Vicki Bailey SR LR: Karen Messenger, Rebecca Lewis, Janet McGovern, Gina Pausina Cherry, Katie Brupbacher, Elsa Herrera, Tami Barber, Jennifer James
The Bionic Babes, Dancers of Hope, is the first-ever nonprofit cancer survivor’s dance team and support group that originated in Madisonville, Louisiana. The organization consists of both women and men from South Louisiana. This organization consists of women cancer survivors, medical professionals of oncology (Bionic Babes), and others of men cancer survivors, and caretakers, spouses, and significant others of the Babe Dancers (Bodyguards). It promotes health, fitness, and EmPOWERment while having a ton of fun dancing and living life to the fullest. This unique organization is to inspire cancer patients and survivors. We believe cancer strengthens you and gives you a profound meaning of life and what’s important. So, keep DANCING your way to Health, Happiness, and EmPOWERment!