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Autumn Sale 2013
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hurricAne And mosquiTopAnik! sWiFT JusTice spiTFire piLoTs Martin Bowman Nigel Walpole AT WAr This fascinating book tells The supermarine swift was Terence Kelly The hawker hurricane and the supermarine spitfire were the two outstanding Britishbuilt fighter aircraft of World War ii. This book looks at the operation of these aircraft in europe, the middle east and the Far east throughout World War ii. it includes many firsthand accounts from the pilots themselves who relive exciting memories of flying the aircraft in combat.
184415064X • 224 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £5.00 2
Terror From The sky
Big Wings
Graham A. Thomas
in the history of aviation there have been many attempts to produce aircraft of extraordinary proportions to expand the limits of technology and create new performance standards. Big Wings is a well-researched, highly informative and sometimes nostalgic look at the sixteen most significant giants of the air.
the story of the ‘mossies’ and their crews and of the heroic work they did in preventing the Luftwaffe from inflicting even greater terror and damage on the civil population. superbly illustrated, mosquitopanik! is a graphic and comprehensive account of the fighter activities of this legendary aircraft from 1942 until the end of the War.
rushed into service with the rAF during 1954 to become Britain's first secondgeneration jet fighter. it was eventually replaced by the famous hawker hunter that had been extensively delayed because of teething troubles. This book covers the development and operational history of a vital aircraft that is a part of aviation legend.
in the summer of 1944 the germans launched more than 10,000 flying bombs at Britain. rAF fighter pilots flew round the clock patrols desperately trying to shoot the robot rockets down and stop them from reaching their targets. This book takes the reader through the day by day battle, not just with the pilots but also the Anti-Aircraft gunners who were blasting away at the flying bombs.
1844150259 • 256 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
1844150704 • 256 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £10.00
9781844156849 • 240 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
Philip Kaplan
1844151786 • 272 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £8.00 PEN & SWORD aviatiON 2013
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discounTs AvAiLABLe on ALL TiTLes
dresden And The heAvy BomBers
BrAvery AWArds reTurn From For AeriAL BerLin comBAT Robert Grilley
BriTAin’s greATesT AircrAFT
Three’s compAny
Frank Musgrove
Alan W. Cooper The conspicuous gallantry medal (Flying) was instituted in november 1942 to right the anomaly that no award existed for noncommissioned aircrew between the dFm and the vc. only 110 cgms were awarded and this book describes the events and personalities of many of those.
This book is the memoir of a B-17 navigator who found himself far from his American home, based in the english countryside of northamptonshire. his war in the air, portrays the sometimes conflicting emotions of a young man at war.
Robert Jackson
This is the story of a young man’s entry into the war in 1941 and culminates in his flying on the bombing raid to dresden in February 1945. This is not a gung-ho account of flying with Bomber command but neither is it a breast-beating avowal of guilt. These memoirs take the form of a basic narrative of the author’s rAF career.
no 3 squadron was formed at Larkhill in 1912 from the no 2 (Aeroplane} company under thecommand of the famous major robert Brookepopham. more importantly the squadron was thefirst in the rFc to be equipped with fixed-wing aircraft. Thereafter the squadron distinguished itself in both World Wars.This book is a highly-illustrated history of the squadron's operations throughoutits history.
1844151948 • 128 Pages Hardback • £16.99 £8.00
9781844155989 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
1844152146 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
9781844156009 • 224 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £8.00
PEN & SWORD aviatiON 2013
This book describes the design-history, development and operational careers of twenty-two legendary military and civil aeroplanes. each one has played a significant part in aviation history.
Jack TC Long
1844151581 • 224 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £8.00 3
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hurricAne over nighT And dAy The JungLe BomBer oFFensive Terence Kelly
This is the author's personal account of how the 22 pilots of no 258 squadron rAF left scotland in late october 1941 until 120 days later when all those who had not been killed became prisoners of the Japanese. The story takes us to the final defence of singapore and then on to sumatra and Java where the author recaptures the atmosphere of the bitter aerial engagements with the Japanese enemy.
Philip Kaplan and Jack Currie
1844151980 • 192 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £5.00
1844154513 • 272 Pages Hardback • £29.99 £10.00
For much of WW2 england provided the only western european base from which the British and American air forces could take the war into nazi-occupied europe and germany itself. This highly illustrated book convey’s what it was like for pilots, aircrew and ground crew during their wartime service.
conTroL in The LiTTLe sky rissingTon
Air gunner
L.F.E. Coombs
This is a history of Air gunners, their equipment, training and service in the various rAF commands in which they served. This book explains in great detail how and why the rank of air gunner was developed at the outset of World War ii.
This is the history of how ergonomically designed civil and military aircraft cockpits and flight decks evolved. civil aircraft now regularly fly at transonic speeds at around 35,000 feet, and military jets at twice the speed of sound on the edge of space.
1844151484 • 320 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £8.00
R Deacon, A Pollock, M Thomas & R Bagshaw in the three decades between 1946 and 1976, the central Flying school which was based at Little rissington, produced over 6000 fledgling qualified Flying instructors. The book covers the 1946 to 1976 period and has been drawn from from the records at the national Archives, the rAF museum, the central Flying school Archive, and from published sources.
1844153819 • 320 Pages Hardback • £29.99 £8.00
Alan Cooper
9781844158256 • 336 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £8.00 PEN & SWORD aviatiON 2013
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order noW WhiLe sTocks LAsT – oFFers end 30Th ocToBer 2013
The reich inTruders Martin W. Bowman
The BurmA Air cAmpAign 1941–1945
This is the story of 2 group rAF during World War ii. much of it is told by the men who flew the Blenheim, Boston, mitchell and mosquito aircraft that carried out many daring daylight and night-time raids on vitally important targets in nazi occupied europe and germany. This is a remarkable story of skill and bravery by a little known branch of the rAF.
Michael Pearson
1844153339 • 256 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
1844153983 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
PEN & SWORD aviatiON 2013
The scene is set with an overview of the respective states of the rAF and Japanese Airforce, and an explanation of how the American volunteer group came to be in china. The main emphasis is on the use of air power both offensive, defensive and air transport during the protracted Burma campaign.
Fire in The sky Amos Amir general Amos Amir's autobiography tells the story of the man, the warrior and the commander and the story of the struggling, newlyborn, israeli Air Force. From the six days War of 1967 and onward, the iAF turned to be an extremely important component of the overall israeli defence power. Amir tells his own story in talented, vivid and fluent language.
1844151565 • 304 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
hisTory oF AirTo-Air reFueLLing
hurricAnes versus Zeros
Richard M Tanner MBE This is a unique account of the development and operational use of air-to-air flight refuelling since its early beginnings in the usA and the uk to the equipment that is in use today. The author draws upon his lifelong career as senior design engineer with the successful British company in-Flight refuelling.
in this book the author not only tells his own story of flying against the Japanese but he succeeds in painting a much wider canvas embracing the events leading up to and during the Japanese invasion of singapore and the dutch West indies. he chronicles not just the bravery of the defenders but the atrocities perpetrated by the victorious Japanese against combatants and civilians.
1844152723 • 352 Pages Hardback • £29.99 £8.00
9781844156221 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
Terence Kelly
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TupoLev Tu-22 BLinder
messerschmiTTs BomBer over siciLy commAnder
A pAThFinder’s sTory
Sergey Burdin and Alan E Dawes
Johannes Steinhoff
WW Robinson
This historic russian aircraft was first delivered to the soviet Air Force at the height of the cold War in 1961. This book looks at the design and development of the aircraft. details of construction, weapon systems, photoreconnaissance and jamming equipment are included to cover the several variant models.
in these memoirs Johannes steinhoff recounts gripping episodes from his Luftwaffe wartime career. Focusing on this ace pilot’s defence of sicily before and after the Allied landings, we read of the technology, operational life and intrigue within the german military machine.
Wing commander donald Teale saville dso, dFc joined the royal Australian Air Force in 1927. in 1936, at the age of 36 years, he volunteered for the rAF whilst on holiday in england. he was known affectionately as ‘The mad Aussie’ and was reputed to have flown 10,000 flying hours.
This is the story of Jack mossop an ordinary durham lad called upon to perform extraordinary deeds. serving initially as a Wireless operator, he progressed to 76 squadron under the legendary Leonard cheshire, and finished as a deputy master Bomber with the elite pathfinder group.
1844152413 • 272 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £10.00
1844152278 • 288 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £6.00
1844150925 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
9781844156023 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
Through The eyes oF The WorLd’s FighTer Aces Robert Jackson This is the story of the World’s fighter aces who flew throughout the war in many different operational theatres. it includes accounts from the polish Aces during the german invasion, Finland’s pilots against the soviets.
9781844154210 • 288 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00 PEN & SWORD aviatiON 2013
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order noW WhiLe sTocks LAsT – oFFers end 30Th ocToBer 2013
Air WAr irAq
hiT And run
Tim Ripley
Robert Jackson
The book is a photojournalistic record of the vitally important role that aviation played in the recent liberation of iraq. it follows the part that American, British and Australian airpower played in each theatre of the campaign. covering the initial build-up to the rapid and recordbreaking advance on the capital it uses dramatic action photographs and firsthand accounts to portray the events as they unfolded.
The book will describe some of the most daring air attacks of World War ii. some were outstanding successes and some were unmitigated disasters. Both rAF and Luftwaffe learned the folly of sending unescorted bombers into enemy territory.
1844150690 • 144 Pages Paperback • £16.99 £5.00
184415162X • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
PEN & SWORD aviatiON 2013
The LuFTWAFFe The inFLuence in WorLd WAr ii oF Air poWer upon hisTory Francis Crosby
in ALL Things FirsT: no. 1 squAdron AT WAr 1939–45
This book contains fascinating superb quality images from national archives, many of which have not been published before. As well as featuring ‘portraits’ of many Luftwaffe aircraft types, including less well-known models, the book contains many images of Luftwaffe personnel. detailed captions describe the subjects and place them in their historical context.
Walter J. Boyne The influence of Air power upon history makes a startlingly new analysis of the far-reaching implications flight has had on warfare, politics, diplomacy, technology and mass culture. Author Walter Boyne examines the application of air power from the very earliest days.
Peter Caygill
1844150860 • 112 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £5.00
1844151999 • 464 Pages Hardback • £20.00 £8.00
9781848840508 • 288 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £8.00
in All Thing’s First looks in detail at 1 squadron during the second World War with particular emphasis on the pilots and its operational activities.
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Legend oF The LAncAsTers
nighT FighTer over germAny
BomB Aimer over BerLin
FLying inTo The pegAsus – The FLAmes oF heLL heArT oF The hArrier Martin W. Bowman
Martin W. Bowman
Graham White
Les Bartlett with Peter Jacobs
This book is a riveting account told in ten big chapters of the young rAF crews who flew Lancasters in rAF Bomber command from 1942 to the end of the war in europe. it is unique in that the story is told using first person accounts from rAF aircrew and german night fighter crews who fought each other during raids on occupied europe and germany from 1942 onwards.
These are the highly evocative wartime memoirs of a young nco pilot who’s operational experience was with Beaufighters and mosquitoes flying in the long-range night-fighter role. it is not a gung-ho account of daring-do, but a ‘warts and all’ story of what life was really like in that time of international crisis.
Les Bartlett is one of the great characters of WW2. he flew as bomb aimer with the then Flying officer michael Beetham, who later became marshal of the royal Air Force. This is the story of his fascinating time as a bomb aimer during WW2.
The book contains twentythree stirring accounts of what life flying as air-crew in WW2 was really like. With stories from pilots, navigators and gunners who flew medium and heavy bombers or mosquitoes.
Andrew Dow
9781848840171 • 272 Pages Hardback • £40.00 £15.00
1844154718 • 240 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £8.00
9781844155965 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
1844153894 • 304 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £8.00
9781848840423 • 528 Pages Hardback • £35.00 £10.00
The conception of the pegasus engine in 1957 upset all the conventions of aircraft design. it was previously usual for aircraft designers to seek a suitable engine, but this was an engine that sought an aircraft. This book takes an in-depth look at the engine’s original design concept, initial production and flight testing.
PEN & SWORD aviatiON 2013
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cALL noW on 01226 734222
eyes oF The nighT Joe Bamford & Ron Collier
mAgnum! The cATApuLT WiLd WeAseLs AircrAFT in deserT sTorm Leo Marriott
in the early years of World War ii two of Britain's most important industrial cities, Liverpool and manchester were woefully unprotected from enemy bombing raids. Thus was conceived 9 group of the royal Air Force.
Braxton R Eisel and James A Schreiner
1844152960 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
9781844159079 • 288 Pages Hardback • £30.00 £10.00
PEN & SWORD aviatiON 2013
This book is based upon a journal Jim schreiner kept during his deployment to the persian gulf region. Building upon that record and the recollections of other F-4g Wild Weasel aircrew, the authors show a slice of what life and war was like during that time.
included are all the major designs that flew in WW1 & WW2, and aircraft used by all the combatants and includes aircraft from all the countries that used them.
184415419X • 192 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
BomBer BAses BerLin AirLiFT oF WorLd WAr Jonathan Sutherland and Diane 2 – AirFieLds oF Canwell 2nd Air division This book covers the whole campaign and includes (usAAF) information taken from Martin Bowman
As part of the AhT series, the airfields and interest in this book are concentrated in a particular area - in this case norfolk and suffolk. This book looks at the history and personalities associated with each base.
9781844155477 • 208 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £5.00
previously withheld government records. A massive total of 2,325,509 tons of vital supplies saved what became known as West Berlin.
9781844154203 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00 9
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diAry oF A BomB rAF Top gun Aimer Nick Thomas Campbell Muirhead (Edited and annotated by Philip Swan) campbell muirhead kept a meticulous diary of his wartime rAF service. The book is particularly emotive as he wrote in the common parlance of those wartime days and truly reflects the emotions, fears and feelings of those caught up in that mighty conflict.
9781848840867 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00 10
edward ‘Teddy’ mortlock donaldson became a crackshot, winning the rAF’s gunnery Trophy one and also lead the rAF’s aerobatic display team. For his leadership of the squadron during the battle and his personal tally of eleven he was awarded the dso.
9781844156856 • 272 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
norTh-WesT AircrAFT Wrecks Nick Wotherspoon This is a different approach to Aviation Archaeology. The book includes 18 crash sites and each chapter includes a description of how the incident occurred and the reasons behind the crash.
1844154785 • 256 Pages Paperback • £14.99 £5.00
skuA Peter C. Smith
A sALuTe To one oF ‘The FeW’
This book relates how the final design was created, how the dive-bombing technique was developed and perfected by naval pilots and traces the wartime operational career of the type with many first-hand accounts.
Simon St John Beer
978184415455 • 288 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £8.00
9781844158768 • 240 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
An untold and inspiring biography of a Battle of Britain pilot who did not live to see final victory. ‘This is a stirring must-read account...’ Britain At War Magazine
PEN & SWORD aviatiON 2013
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reAd exTrAcTs From our LATesT reLeAses onLine – over 100 TiTLes To choose From
AirFieLds oF The d-dAy invAsion Air Force Peter Jacobs This book looks at the history and personalities associated with each base, what remains today and explores the favourite local wartime haunts where aircrew and ground crew would have sought well-deserved entertainment and relaxation.
9781844159000 • 224 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £5.00 PEN & SWORD aviatiON 2013
mig menAce over koreA
FighTer commAnd 1936–1968
The BerLin rAids
Ken Delve
A dramatic account of dogfights between migs and sabres over korea based on soviet-era archives and previously unpublished sources.
Listed and described in detail are the air force unit codes applied by the rAf, commonwealth and Allies throughout the war and sometime after. The authors have painstaking researched the codes and building on from earlier works have produced the definitive work on the subject.
Tells the controversial story of the rAF Bomber command’s most prolonged campaign, written by one of the most respected military historians this book is superbly researched, using many first hand accounts of crews and civilians who suffered the onslaught.
9781848840386 • 256 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
9781844156917 • 272 Pages Hardback • £30.00 £10.00
9781844156139 • 384 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £8.00
Yuri Sutiagin and Igor Seidov, Edited and translated by Stuart Britton
comBAT codes Vic Flintham and Andrew Thomas
This is a comprehensive reference to the structure, operation, aircraft and men of Fighter command from its formation in 1936 to 1968 when it became part of strike command. it includes descriptions of many notable defensive and offensive campaigns.
Martin Middlebrook
9781848842243 • 416 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £10.00 11
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rAcing Ace
FLying sTArT
DrJulian Lewis MP
Christopher Hounsfield
Hugh Dundas
mosquiTo mAyhem
Wings over The WAves
samuel 'kink' kinkead won two dscs with the royal naval Air service, two dFcs with the fledgling rAF, and the dso in russia. A fascinating account of flying derring-do in war and peace.
Flight testing experimental and new aircraft is one of the world’s most hazardous occupations. This book contains a series of flight test reports written by some of the world’s best, flying iconic aircraft during the extensive experimental flights that must take place before a type can enter service. each story is a unique insight into these modern day technological explorers.
This is the autobiography of group captain sir hugh dundas cBe, dso, dFc, who was one of the most distinguished fighter pilots of World War ii. he writes of his wartime experiences, and particularly of his period as squadron Leader and Wing commander and his involvement in the Battle of Britain.
Martin W. Bowman
Graham Drucker
The mosquito was probably World War ii’s most versatile combat aircraft. This book contains hundreds of firsthand accounts from many of the two–man crews who flew in them; pilots and navigators. it portrays the dramatic experiences of flying in its many roles as pathfinder, night fighter, reconnaissance aircraft, precision bombing and lowlevel ground attack aircraft.
This is the biography of one of the royal navy’s legendary pilots. ‘BF’ or ‘daddy’ as he was known, started his career at dartmouth and then spent his early seagoing years in hong kong, nagasaki and hiroshima. his wartime experiences as a Fleet Air pilot aboard hms glorious included the historic air strike at Taranto and the search for the graf spee.
9781848842168 • 288 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £10.00
9781844157488 • 256 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
9781848844421 • 224 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £8.00
9781848843233 • 280 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £10.00
9781848843059 • 400 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £10.00 PEN & SWORD aviatiON 2013
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visiT our WeBsiTe To vieW WhAT's coming in The nexT Three monThs
FLying AT The edge
nighT oF The inTruders
under A BomBer’s moon
Sqn Leader Tony Doyle
Ian McLachlan
Stephen Harris
This is the autobiography of a dedicated fighter pilot during his twenty year career with the royal Air Force. Tony doyle first flew when in the ccF where he completed a glider course and then a highly-prized Flying scholarship. There are many life-threatening incidents and successes that will educate anyone who is interested in flying at the very edge.
This is the full account of usAAF mission 311 on 22 April 1944 when B-17 Liberator and B47 Flying Fortress bombers suffered their highest ever loss to german intruders. packed with powerful human interest stories, history and technical details, it chronicles the mission fully from the initial planning stage to its bloody finale.
They were the best of enemies – dedicated, skilled and deadly. under a Bomber’s moon reaches across the divide of years, of geography, of nationality, to tell their story largely in their own words.
9781848843660 • 400 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £10.00
9781848842946 • 240 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
9781848845657 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
PEN & SWORD aviatiON 2013
The rise And FALL oF The JApAnese imperiAL nAvAL Air service Peter J. Edwards This book describes in considerable detail the people, events ships and aircraft that shaped the Air service from its origins in the late 19th century to its demise in 1945.
9781848843073 • 352 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £10.00
meTeor From The cockpiT Peter Caygill The meteor is remembered as the first British jet fighter to enter squadron service and the only jet powered Allied fighter to see action in WW ii. This book looks into the aircraft’s design history, development through many different variants and includes many first-hand accounts of flying the aircraft in peace and war.
9781848842199 • 160 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00 13
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The WorLd Air poWer guide David Wragg
drop Zone Borneo – The rAF cAmpAign 1963–65
compiled by the author of Jane’s Air Forces of the World, this book is a must for aviation experts. in one volume the reader will find the composition and details of all air elements of a staggering 169 nations’ air forces and, where they exist, army air, naval air and such paramilitary organizations as the us coast guard service.
205 group rAF provided the only mobile force of heavy night bombers in the mediterranean theatre in the second World War. it operated mainly from bases in egypt, Libya, Tunisia and italy, with occasional excursions to malta, greece and iraq, attacking tactical and strategic targets according to the demands of the wider war in the theatre. This book tells their story.
David Watkins
Martin W. Bowman
The royal Air Force has long recognised the value of display flying for pilot training, prestige and recruiting purposes. This history of rAF aerobatic teams is the result of many years of painstaking and meticulous research and includes contributions and personal recollections by over two hundred leading aerobatic display team members.
As part of the AhT series, the airfields and interest in this book are concentrated in a particular area – in this case essex. This book looks at the history and personalities associated with each base, what remains today and explores the favourite local wartime haunts.
Roger Annett
9781848842823 • 256 Pages
9781848845282 • 384 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £15.00
9781848844063 • 480 Pages Hardback • £30.00 £10.00
9781848843325 • 208 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £8.00
9781848844056 • 160 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £6.00
Hardback • £25.00 £10.00 14
BomBers over The hisTory oF us 9Th Air sAnd And snoW rAF AeroBATic Force BAses in TeAms From 1920 essex 1943–44 Alun Granfield
This is the exciting account from a pilot who flew the dangerous flying missions and relates the tenseness and stresses of Jungle life in those dangerous days.
PEN & SWORD aviatiON 2013
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discounTs AvAiLABLe on ALL TiTLes
kenneTh ‘hAWkeye’ Lee dFc Nick Thomas Following training ‘hawkeye’ Lee received his commission and was posted to 501 squadron which was sent to support the expeditionary Force in France, arriving on 10 may, only hours after the Blitzkrieg had been launched.
9781848841468 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00 PEN & SWORD aviatiON 2013
LiFeLine in heLmAnd: rAF
The FighTing cocks
FronT-Line Air suppLy in AFghAnisTAn
Jimmy Beedle, Updated by Norman Franks
Roger Annett This book explains how 1310 Flight practice and prepare the replacement crews for their tour in helmland, the most difficult combat zone experienced by the British since World War ii.
9781848842748 • 288 Pages Hardback • £30.00 £10.00
Few squadrons can match the history of 43 squadron which has included being the first to undertake ground attack operations during the First World War. This new book brings their story up to date.
9781848843851 • 352 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £15.00
FLying Legends reTurn oF WorLd WAr ii FLighTs – in WAr And peAce Philip Handleman more than thirty Allied Force’s WWii aircraft types are illustrated in many rare and previously unpublished black and white and colour photographs. each type is described giving vital data on development history, combat record, famous pilots and significant air battles. performance, range and weapon loads are also included.
Squadron Leader John Rowland
9781848843080 • 112 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £5.00
9781848844070 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
John rowland made his first flight with the rAF volunteer reserve on 1 october 1938. he won a prize cadetship to the rAF college cranwell and then posted to the school of Army cooperation. he volunteered for 613 squadron which had been formed shortly before the war started.
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WorLd WAr one proFiLes oF AircrAFT FLighT: BriTish cArrier pioneer AerospAce hAWk Guy Warner
proFiLes oF FLighT: sepecAT JAguAr
proFiLes oF London’s FLighT: pAnAviA AirporTs TornAdo Graham Simons and Martin
Dave Windle and Martin Bowman
Dave Windle and Martin Bowman The Tornado has been the backbone of the rAF within its many different theatres of operation. The aircraft started as a european venture between germany, italy and the uk, based on the original swing-wing technology invented by Barnes-Wallis.
This book is for the passengers and aviation buffs who use London’s main airports. it includes a brief history, plans and photographs for each of the five airports, together with directions and information about gates, security, passport control, shopping, restaurants, car parks and other transport connections.
9781848842359 • 88 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
9781848843943 • 144 Pages Paperback • £9.99 £5.00
Jack mccleery was born in Belfast and joined the rnAs in 1916 as a probationary Flight officer. during the next ten months he completed his training, gaining his wings as a Flight sub-Lieutenant. he served with important and wellknown naval airmen including dunning, rutland and Bell davies vc.
Dave Windle and Martin Bowman Black hawks can be seen in the valleys of Wales, flying ground-hugging flight paths along the valleys. These are the aircraft used to teach flying perfection to new generations of fighter and ground-attack pilots.
This versatile single-seater aircraft was a joint development between the uk and France. it first flew in 1968, but its robust and flexible operational uses led to its long service life, only being retired from rAF service in 2008.
9781848842557 • 304 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £15.00
9781848842366 • 88 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
9781848842373 • 88 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
PEN & SWORD aviatiON 2013
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LAdysmiTh: The siege Lewis Childs in 1899 the Boers, armed with the latest european rifles and artillery, drove through natal to help themselves to a seaport durban - only to spend their energies in laying siege to the market and railway town of Ladysmith.
0850526531 • 144 Pages Paperback • £9.95 £5.00 PEN & SWORD aviatiON 2013
LAdysmiTh kimBerLey nAseBy – June coLenso/spion Lewis Childs 1645 kop/hLAngWAne Who were the underdogs Martin Marix Evans, P Burton & who took on British imperial M Westaway /TugeLA Lewis Childs in 1899 the Boers, armed with the latest european rifles and artillery, drove through natal to help themselves to a seaport durban - only to spend their energies in laying siege to the market and railway town of Ladysmith.
0850526116 • 144 Pages Paperback • £9.95 £5.00
forces - and beat them? When did the most powerful man in Africa enable the capable commandant to hold out while blighting his career? The seige of kimberley answers all these questions and more in a readable and authoritative way.
085052766X • 160 Pages Paperback • £9.95 £5.00
The Battle of naseby was the decisive engagement of the english civil War and the battlefield is the first to have been radically reinterpreted in the light of metal detector research. This guide, coauthored by the principal authorities on the battle, links contemporary accounts to their findings in the context of today’s landscape.
0850528712 • 160 Pages Paperback • £9.95 £5.00
BArneT – 1471 David Clark on 14 April 1471 the forces of Lancaster under the earl of Warwick and those of york under edward iv clashed at Barnet in hertfordshire in one of the decisive battles of the Wars of the roses. in a bloody encounter the two armies fought to resolve a bitter dynastic dispute that had already fuelled twenty years of war. Warwick’s death and edward’s victory changed the course of english history.
1844152367 • 160 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £5.00 17
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The hAnd gun sTory
ZuLu FronTiersmAn
A WATerLoo hero
The secreT Army
orde WingATe
John Walter
Major C. G. Dennison
Friedrich Lindau
Tadeusz Bór-Komorowski
The handgun story traces the fascinating history of the 'one hand gun' from its crude 14th-century origins to the sophisticated products of today. Today they are compact, powerful and accurate, and are ideally suited for both attack and self-defence. The key advances in the handgun’s design and its varied use throughout history are chronicled in full detail in this richly illustrated study.
it was said of george dennison that he had seen more active service in southern Africa than any other living man. his military career saw him rise from an uncouth trooper to a distinguished officer. in Zulu Frontiersman, dennison recounts his remarkable exploits in rich and lively prose.
Friedrich Lindau was a remarkable soldier of the king’s german Legion. he served with distinctionunder Wellington from Lisbon to as far as Bayonne, and was involved in all major engagements. Lindau’s account is unique: no other private soldiers took part in so many engagements and recorded their experiences.
When germany invaded poland in 1939, komorowski was the commander of units defending the vistula river. Although he planned to escape to the West, he was ordered to stay and start a resistance movement. The tale of Bór and the uprising is the story of a proud nation and their fight against enemies.
Winston churchill described Wingate as a ‘man of genius who might well have become a man of destiny’. Tragically, he died in a jungle aircraft crash in 1944. despite his many achievements, Wingate suffered from illness and depression and in cairo attempted suicide. in this authoritative biography, royle expertly brings to life a ruthless, complex, arrogant – but ultimately admirable – general.
9781848325005 • 304 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £10.00
9781848325180 • 272 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
9781848325395 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
9781848325951 • 424 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £15.00
9781848325722 • 368 Pages Paperback • £16.99 £8.00
Trevor Royle
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FronTLine Books Are noW on TWiTTer, sTAy in Touch! @FronTLine_Books
LuFTWAFFe FighTer Aces
Teddy suhren Ace oF Aces
The goLden horseshoe
Mike Spick
Teddy Suhren, Fritz BrustatNaval
Terence Robertson
in this exciting book mike spick shows how the Luftwaffe's leading fighter pilots were able to outscore their allied counterparts so effectively and completely during the second World War. To discover the secret of this success, aviation history expert mike spick examines the exploits of these aces and sets out the context in which it took place.
9781848326279 • 248 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £5.00 FRONtLiNE BOOKS 2013
reinhard ‘Teddy’ suhren fired more successful torpedo shots than any other man during the war, many before he even became a u-boat commander. despite his refusal to conform to the rigid thought-patterns of national socialism, he found himself accepted in the highest circles of power in germany.
9781848326132 • 256 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
goering Roger Manvell and Heinrich Fraenkel
The venLo incidenT Captain Sigismund Payne Best
The legendary u-boat ace otto kretschmer was branded 'the wolf of the Atlantic', and for good reason. in his dramatic wartime career he sank ship after ship, sowing terror among Allied convoys and dismay in those charged with their protection.
commander-in-chief of the Luftwaffe, president of the reichstag and hitler’s designated successor, herman goering was one of most capable – and sinister – leading figures of the Third reich. in this classic biography, manvell and Fraenkel have drawn on interviews with members of goering’s family, his former associates, his enemies and his servants.
Following orders from himmler, two British intelligence officers, sigismund payne Best and richard stevens, were captured from the café Backus in the town of venlo. As nigel Jones explains, the incident was crucial in making the British suspicious of dealings with anti-hitler resistance.
9781848326149 • 208 Pages Paperback • £13.99 £8.00
9781848326002 • 448 Pages Paperback • £17.99 £10.00
9781848325692 • 288 Pages Paperback • £13.99 £5.00 19
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The BriTish Army AgAinsT nApoLeon
FighTing WiTh WiTh eAgLes To An eLoquenT popski’s privATe gLory – second soLdier Army ediTion Edited by Gareth Glover
When shALL Their gLory FAde?
Robert Burnham, Ron McGuigan
Park Yunnie
John H. Gill
This is the story of popski’s famous fighting unit, in the words of his second-incommand. yunnie relives the action at gafsa and kasserine, and vividly depicts the sorties which took the men straight across the german Line of command.
in this epic work, John gill presents an unprecedented and comprehensive study of this year of glory for the german soldiers fighting for napoleon, When combat opened they were in the thick of the action, fighting within French divisions and often without any French support atall. They demonstrated tremendous skill, courage and loyalty.
Lieutenant charles crowe's journal of the 27th Foot (inniskillings) of the final campaign of Wellington's army is a rare work for many reasons. clearly written purely for the enjoyment of his family, crowe does not pull his punches and he describes the deaths and horrific wounds of many in lurid detail.
James Dunning
other books may tell you how many regiments were sent on the expedition to hanover in 1805, but this will tell you where every single regiment in the British army was stationed, and give you a list of all the barracks in Britain with the number of men they were designed to hold.
9781848325623 • 352 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £10.00
9781848326163 • 384 Pages Paperback • £14.99 £8.00
9781848325821 • 528 Pages Hardback • £29.99 £15.00
352 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £15.00
9781848325975 • 304 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
Written by a commando veteran of World War ii, this is a remarkable, vivid and honest account of the battles and actions behind the award of the thirty eight Battle honours that were awarded to the Army commandos by her majesty the queen in 1958. This compilation includes photographs of training and combat in norway, dieppe, normandy, Flushing and many more locations.
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cALL noW on 01226 734222
WeLLingTon AT WATerLoo
The WATerLoo Archive
Jac Weller
Gareth Glover
Jac Weller studies every move and counter-move of the battle, recreating not only the actions and tactics of the two great leaders but the epic engagements and clashes between the troops themselves that were pivotal for the victory or defeat.
9781848325869 • 320 Pages Paperback • £14.99 £5.00 FRONtLiNE BOOKS 2013
The WATerLoo Archive voLume ii
voices From The ZuLu WAr
hiTLer’s sAvAge cAnAry
Ian Knight
David Lampe
in the first groundbreaking volume of a new series, acclaimed napoleonic scholar gareth gloverbrings together previously unpublished material relating to the Battle of Waterloo. The range and unique nature of much of the research will intrigue and fascinate enthusiasts and historians alike.
Gareth Glover
Voices from the Zulu War presents eyewitness accounts and recollections by British participants in the Anglo–Zulu War. many officers who fought in the war wrote memoirs later in their careers and these books have long been sought after as first-hand source material.
Adolf hitler stated that after occupation denmark would turn into a ‘model protectorate’. This story of foolhardy heroism and daring by a small country is a thrilling read, and provides a real insight to the mindset of a people under occupation.
9781848325401 • 288 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £10.00
9781848325418 • 272 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £10.00
9781848325906 • 272 Pages Paperback • £16.99 £8.00
9781848325746 • 256 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
german troops formed the majority of Wellington’s forces present at the Battle of Waterloo including those of nassau, Brunswick, hanover and the king’s german Legion, and they have left a large number of first-hand accounts of their role in the battle.
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The very Thing Jonathan Crook drummer richard Bentinck of the 23rd of Foot (royal Welch Fusiliers) was a rarity: he survived many sanguinary experiences and recorded his adventures. his writings provide an evocative portrait of an ordinary soldier’s perception of living with one of the most experience.
9781848325982 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00 22
skorZeny’s speciAL missions
The young hiTLer i kneW
pAnZers on The LosT Lives, LosT eAsTern FronT ArT
August Kubizek
Edited by Peter Tsouras
Otto Skorzeny otto skorzeny, germany’s top commando in the second World War, is one of the most famous men in the history of special forces. his extraordinary wartime career was one of high risk and adventure and here he tells the full story.
August kubizek met Adolf hitler in 1904 while they were both competing for standing room at the opera. The young hitler i knew tells the story of an extraordinary friendship, and gives fascinating insight into hitler’s character during these formative years.
This account by erhard raus, edited by leading eastern Front expert peter g. Tsouras, concentrates on german efforts to relieve stalingrad. These journals were orginally written to brief the us Army at the height of the cold War.
9781848325333 • 224 Pages Paperback • £13.99 £8.00
9781848326071 • 256 Pages Paperback • £13.99 £8.00
9781848326194 • 256 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £8.00
Melissa Muller & Monica Tatzkow From 1937 on Jewish collectors were under extraordinary pressure from german official and unofficial sources to surrender their priceless collections. This book traces the dispersal of these collections and follow the fate of the collectors.
9781848325777 • 256 Pages Hardback • £35.00 £15.00 FRONtLiNE BOOKS 2013
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memoirs oF A BriTish AgenT
LeTTers From LAdysmiTh
R. H. Bruce Lockhart
Edited by Edward Spiers
When first published in 1932, this memoir was an immediate classic, both as a unique eyewitness account of revolutionary russia and as one man’s story of struggle and tragedy set against the background of great events.
9781848326293 • 376 Pages Paperback • £14.99 £8.00 FRONtLiNE BOOKS 2013
The uLrich von BeWAre hAsseLL diAries, rAiders! 1938–1944 Captain Bernard Edwards
FighTing commodores
edward spiers, a leading authority on the victorian British army, presents here a select edition of letters from the siege of Ladysmith (1899–1900) that have not been seen since their original publication in metropolitan and provincial newspapers.
Ulrich von Hassell
This is the fascinating story of two german surface raiders and the havoc they caused amongst Allied shipping in World War ii. one was the 8inch gun cruiser Admiral hipper, fast, powerful and navy-manned: the other a converted merchantman, hansa Line's kandelfels armed with a few old 5.9s manned largely by reservists, and sailing under the nom de guerre of pinguin.
As Britain came terrifyingly close to running out of supplies during the second World War, a group of retired senior naval officers returned to the sea in the role of convoy commanders, and thereby turned the tide.
9781848325944 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
9781848325531 • 368 Pages Hardback • £30.00 £15.00
0850528038 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.95 £8.00
0850525047 • 272 Pages Hardback • £19.95 £10.00
Without doubt, ulrich von hassell was one of the most important members of the german resistance: this is the first complete edition of his wartime memoir with new material from his grandson.
Alan Burn
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nApoLeons shieLd And guArdiAn
ArTiLLery oF The nApoLeonic WArs
BATTLe oF The BuLge: ALTernATive scenArios
coLd WAr hoT: ALTernATe decisions
The WAr in europe
Peter Tsouras
This outstanding biography is the story of courage. it charts the career of a superbly brave cavalryman against the rise and fall of his imperial master.
Kevin F. Kiley
Peter Tsouras
napoleon was an artilleryman before he was an emperor. in this detailed study kevin kiley looks at artillery in use throughout the napoleonic period.
Based on a series of fascinating 'What ifs' posed by leading military historians, this compelling new alternate history recontructs the moments during the Battle of the Bulge which could conceivably have altered the entire course of the second World War and led to a german victory.
cold War hot vividly brings to life alternate scenarios, taking the reader behind the scenes at these momentous moments in history. in showing what could have happened, the authors show how precarious the cold War peace actually was, and how little it would have taken to tip the balance into World War Three.
This book focuses on the u.s. soldier from e arly mobilisation to deployment overseas. it follows the g.i .s from their training in the British isles to the campaigns in north Africa, the mediterranean and ultimately europe it self.
9781853675539 • 288 Pages Hardback • £35.00 £15.00
9781853675836 • 304 Pages Hardback • £32.99 £15.00
9781853676079 • 256 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £15.00
978185367530 • 240 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £15.00
Edward Ryan
John P. Langellier
9781853673382 • 72 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £5.00 gREENhiLL BOOKS 2013
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visiT our WeBsiTe To vieW WhAT's coming in The nexT Three monThs
BonApArTe in egypT J. Christopher Herold originally published in 1962, J. christopher herold's Bonaparte in egypt is the best modern account of this extraordinary campaign. in a detailed study, elegantly written, herold covers all aspects of Bonaparte's expedition: military, political, and cultural. it was a bold adventure, full of drama, topped and tailed by the extremes of total triumph and utter defeat.
1844152855 • 448 Pages Paperback • £14.99 £5.00
The orgAniZATion oF WAr under edWArd iii
Axis oF eviL
H.J. Hewitt
By means of interviews with, and contributions from, prominent international figures, Axis of Freedom examines the dramatic world events which unfolded from 11 september 2001 to the end of occupation of iraq in the summer of 2004.
h.J. hewitt's classic study looks beyond the succession of campaigns, marches, raids, sieges and pitched battles that punctuated the long reign of edward iii. he focuses instead on the organization of war - how edward's armies were raised and trained.
1844152316 • 224 Pages £10.99 £5.00
PEN & SWORD MiLitaRY hiStORY 2013
Edited by Dr Paul Moorcraft, Gwyn Winfield and John Chisholm
1844152626 • 304 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
The ZuLu kings And Their Armies Jonathan Sutherland, Diane Canwell covering nearly one hundred years of Zulu military history, this book focuses on the creation, maintenance, development, tactics and ultimate destruction of the Zulu army.
1844150607 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
The uLsTer TALes John Wilsey, Foreword by John Chilcot The ulster Tales captures the lives and experiences of ten individuals who were caught up in the Troubles. each has a very distinct story to tell according to their role and position. Arranged roughly in chronological order, the book covers the media, military, intelligence, police, business, politics and civil service.
9781848845244 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00 25
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smAshing The ATLAnTic WALL
sLAughTer over siciLy
The sWord oF scoTLAnd
cLeAnse Their souLs
Patrick Delaforce
Charles Whiting
Anthony Leask
in 1940 when operation seALion (invasion of the British mainland) was abandoned, hitler ordered the building of a night defence system along 1,500 miles of coastline from denmark to the spanish border. Built by the Todt organisation using slave labour, the scale of the Atlantic Wall was unprecedented.
victory in north Africa was a triumphant beginning but the Allies knew that there was no time to lose. As well as a massive seaborne invasion, roosevelt and churchill ordered their military commanders to initiate a major airborne assault.
sword of scotland is the story of scotland’s military heritage. scotland’s fighting men have played a part in shaping the history of our world, and many of the individual countries in it. its contribution and its sacrifices have been out of all proportion to the size of the country.
Monty Woolley, Foreword by Martin Bell
1844152561 • 240 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
1844153428 • 192 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £5.00
184415405X • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
The curLing LeTTers oF The ZuLu WAr Adrian Greaves & Brian Best
This is a young cavalry lieutenant's moving and shocking account of front line service in the cauldron of war. Fresh from germany he and his men found themselves in a highly political and lethally dangerous civil war.
The crushing defeat suffered by the British Army by the Zulus at isandlwana on 22 January 1879 is by any standards a gripping and shocking story. not only does this superb record tell of the dramatic events of that fateful day but it captures the atmosphere of the whole campaign and the age in which it was fought, and makes for compulsive reading.
1844151298 • 256 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £8.00
1844151425 • 176 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £5.00
PEN & SWORD MiLitaRY hiStORY 2013
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discounTs AvAiLABLe on ALL TiTLes
heLmAnd mission
hiTLer's oLympics
BATTLes oF The scoTTish LoWLAnds
BATTLe TALes From BurmA
xd operATions
Richard Doherty
Anton Rippon
Brigadier John Randle OBE MC
1st royal irish Battlegroup deployed to Afghanistan’s helmand province as part of 16 Air Assault Brigade in late spring 2008. For six months they fought the Taliban while training the nascent Afghan national Army (AnA). superbly illustrated, this is the stirring and inspiring story that conveys what Afghanistan is all about.
For two weeks in August 1936, nazi germany achieved an astonishing propaganda coup when it staged the olympic games in Berlin. hiding their anti-semitism and plans for territorial expansion, the nazis exploited the olympic ideal. in hitler's olympics, Anton rippon tells the story of those remarkable games, the first to overtly use the olympic festival for political purposes.
Stuart Reid
unlike other conventional war memoirs, this book comprises a gratifying number of self-contained stories drawn from the author's experiences and memories. some cover hardwon victories and success, others defeats and reversal; some describe acts of great valour, others incidents reflecting human frailties.
xd operations contains fascinating photographs, and has a charming and totally understated period style, about events that at times seem unbelievable. But there is no doubt about the authenticity of the book, its characters or the events themselves, which have remained secret all these years because of their extreme political sensitivity. The Sunday Times
9781848841482 • 176 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
1844154440 • 220 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
184415078X • 160 Pages Paperback • £11.99 £5.00
1844151123 • 176 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
1844151360 • 176 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
PEN & SWORD MiLitaRY hiStORY 2013
This historical guide retells, in graphic detail, the story of nine of the most important battles to be fought in scotland south of the highland Line. By skilful use of maps, diagrams and photographs the author explains the complex sequence of events that makes these encounters so fascinating.
C C H Brazier
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The AdvenTures oF coLoneL dAFFodiLL
ve dAy – A dAy To rememBer
Craig Cabell, Allan Richards, Foreword by Frederick Forsyth
Christopher Summerville
Major General Sir Roy Redgrave
The authors have compiled a collection of memories and anecdotes from celebrities and members of the public covering their experiences of the second World War and the day that victory over the nazis was declared.
The events that followed president nasser of egypt’s nationalisation of the suez canal on 26 July 1956 were as dramatic as they were painful to Britain’s standing in the world. The authors of this fascinating book describe the unfolding disaster in detail and explain why lack of success was almost inevitable.
napoleon's 1807 campaign against the russians came close to being his first defeat. At eylau the emperor was outnumbered by the army of the russian commander Bennigsen, yet he accepted battle. christopher summerville's gripping account is the first extensive study of the campaign to be published for a century.
Foreword by General Heinz Guderian
1844153401 • 240 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £5.00
184415260X • 176 Pages Hardback • £16.99 £8.00
1844152766 • 272 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
Following on from the success of his memoir Balkan Blue the author has pulled together a superb pot-pourri of anecdotes covering his family, his military career and postretirement travels and experiences.
9781844155255 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00 28
1844151840 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
Roy Fullick and Geoffrey Powell
nApoLeon's poLish gAmBLe
BLiTZkrieg in Their oWn Words Blitzkrieg in their own Words is a military history of these campaigns written by those taking part. The short individual accounts give a unique perspective into the workings of the german war machine during its greatest victories, before the disaster of the russian Front.
PEN & SWORD MiLitaRY hiStORY 2013
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order noW WhiLe sTocks LAsT – oFFers end 30Th ocToBer 2013
The BATTLe For AFghAnisTAn
koreAn ATrociTy!
LAsT sTAnd AT Le pArAdis
Mohammad Yousaf and Mark Adkin
Philip D Chinnery
Richard Lane
This is the story of the defeat of soviet russia's forces in Afghanistan by a guerrilla force known as the mujahideen, heavily backed by pakistan and the usA. This compelling book is essential reading for anyone interested in the truth behind the Afghanistan War.
no war crime trials were held after the korean War but, as this book reveals, there is evidence ofsome 1,600 atrocities and war crimes against the united nations troops. much of the carefully researched material in this thought provoking book is horrific but the stark truth is that those responsible went unpunished.
9781844156160 • 256 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £5.00
9781848841093 • 304 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
PEN & SWORD MiLitaRY hiStORY 2013
sisTer JAneT
T-34 in AcTion
Katie Stossel, Brian Best, Edited by Adrian Greaves
Artem Drabkin and Oleg Sheremet
in may overwhelmed by the german offensive elements of the Battalion were surrounded at Le paradis. After surrendering, ninetynine men of the Battalion were marched to a paddock where their ss captors massacred them in cold blood. This is the story of the events that led to this atrocity.
Janet Well’s achievements make for fascinating reading. she was only 18 when decorated for her nursing service to the russians in the 1878 Balkan War. The following year she became the only nurse to serve at the Front in the Anglo-Zulu War. This is a gripping tale of a true heroine who refused to accept the conventions of the age and in so doing made a huge contribution to the welfare of the British Army.
The soviet T-34 medium tank was one of the most famous and effective fighting vehicles of the second World War. Along with the german Tiger and the American sherman, it was a landmark in tank design that changed the course of the conflict. This pioneering book, which is based on extensive interviews with tank crews, records their experiences.
9781844158478 • 192 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
1844154254 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
184415243X • 192 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00 29
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The FighTing Tykes
WAr crimes
Charles Whiting and Eric Taylor
Andrey Pogozhev
The authors, both yorkshiremen, saw active service with the British Army during the wartime years, have decribed in meticulous detail the fascinating story of the campaigns fought by the yorkshire regiments in the various parts of the world during the second World War. This is not just the story seen through senior commanders but experiences of the Tykes themseleves.
one of the most extraordinary aspects of WW2 was the effect it had on crime – and this is the focus of m.J. Trow's compelling survey. his account highlights the unheroic, the weak and the corrupt. And it draws attention to something perhaps uniquely British – the will of the people to cope, be it housewives with rationing, the police dealing with the black market or magistrates all too aware that 'careless talk costs lives'.
9781844156450 • 256 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £5.00
9781844157280 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
M.J. Trow
escApe From AuschWiTZ
Who’s Who in The AngLo ZuLu WAr 1879
compAnion To The AngLoZuLu WAr
on 6 november 1942 70 captured red Army soldiers staged an extraordinary mass escape from Auschwitz. Among these men was prisoner number 1418 Andrey pogozhev. he survived, and this is his story.
Adrian Greaves and Ian Knight
Ian Knight
The Anglo-Zulu War is increasingly popular with readers and visitors to south Africa alike and the authors of this fascinating pair of books are the best known and most authoritative in the field. no one with an interest in this conflict will want their library to be without copies of these highly collectable publications.
The Anglo-Zulu War was a defining episode in British imperial history and it is still a subject of intense interest. ian knight provides an essential reference guide to a short, bloody campaign that had an enduring impact on the history of Britain and southern Africa.
9781844155941 • 192 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
9781844155262 • 272 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
9781844158010 • 272 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
PEN & SWORD MiLitaRY hiStORY 2013
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crimeAn WAr
norThumBriA AT WAr
in AcTion WiTh The sAs
in Love And WAr
The gods oF BATTLe
you could fill a library with books about the crimean War, and that, paradoxically, is why this book has been written. For you would not find a single concise volume. This book aims to fill that gap.
Derek Dodds
Roy Close
David Rooney and Michael Scott
Chris Webber
cries of Battle explores war and conflict in northumberland and durham from the celtic age to modern times. derek dodds reconstructs these epic struggles, setting them in the context of their tumultuous times and recalling the human bravery and frailty that influenced their outcome.
roy close's wartime experiences make breathtaking reading. mobilised in 1939 he became part of the BeF and was fortunate to avoid death or captivity during the german blitzkrieg and escape through dunkirk. in 1944 he operated behind enemy lines with the maquis in France, who were in open insurrection against the german occupiers.
during the mayhem following Wellington’s capture of Badajoz, a 14 yearold aristocratic spanish girl sought captain harry smith’s protection. They fell in love and married shortly after. harry’s career prospered and, with Juana invariably by his side, he distinguished himself in numerous campaigns particularly his victory at Aliwali in india.
chris Webber draws on the latest archaeological finds, many previously unpublished in english, to give the most detailed picture yet of Thracian arms, armour and costume. distinguishing between the forty-or-so Thracian tribes, he shows how these used different weapons and tactics.
9781844154494 Hardback • £16.99 £8.00
1844151492 • 176 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £5.00
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P. J. Rhodes
Charles Whiting
The BATTLe oF The BereZinA
Armoured guArdsmen
The crisis oF rome
Alcibiades is one of the most famous (or infamous) characters of classical greece. There has been no full length biography of this colourful and important character for twenty years. professor rhodes brings the authority of an internationally recognized expert in the field, ensuring that this will be a truly significant addition to the literature on classical greece.
skorzeny was one of the most daring figures of the 20th century. his exploits included the rescue of mussolini from his mountain prison, a brief affair with eva peron, a blackmail attempt on Winston churchill and the kidnapping of the son of the wartime dictator of hungary. eisenhower declared him "The most wanted man in europe". charles Whiting, who actually met skorzeny, pieces together this truly remarkable story.
Alexander Mikaberidze
Robert Boscawen
Gareth Sampson
in the winter of 1812, napoleon's army retreated from moscow under appalling conditions, hunted by three separate russian armies, its chances of survival apparently nil. only a miracle could save him ...
in defiance of the regulations, Bob Boscowan kept his daily account of his war from normandy through to germany where, seriously wounded, he was the sole survivor of his tank crew. in between he witnessed fierce fighting, including notable successes and costly failures. This is a stirring record of frontline action during the final year of War.
in the later 2nd century Bc, after a period of rapid expansion and conquest, the roman republicfound itself in crisis. The roman army emerged from this period a much leaner and more professional force and the author examines the extent to which the 'marian reforms' were responsible for this and the extent to which they can be attributed to marius himself.
9781848840690 • 160 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
9781848842960 • 160 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £6.00
9781844159208 • 288 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
9781848843172 • 240 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £5.00
9781844159727 • 288 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
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cALL noW on 01226 734222
sTALingrAd To kursk
The AFricAn WArs rAce For The reichsTAg Chris Peers
Geoffrey Jukes
in The African Wars chris peers provides a graphic account of several of the key campaigns fought between european powers and the native peoples of tropical and sub-tropical Africa in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. he concentrates on the campaigns mounted by the most successful African armies as they struggled to defend themselves against the european scramble for Africa.
Tony Le Tissier
9781848841215 • 240 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
9781848842304 • 288 Pages Paperback • £14.99 £6.00
This authoritative and highly readable reassessment of the turning point in the war on the eastern Front is a major contribution to the debate about the reasons for the military defeat of nazi germany.
9781848840621 • 256 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
PEN & SWORD MiLitaRY hiStORY 2013
Tony Le Tissier’s classic account of the battle for Berlin dispels the myths created by soviet propaganda and describes in graphic detail the red Army’s final offensive against nazi germany – the race for the reichstag. race for the reichstag offers a compelling insight into the terrible final days of the second World War in europe.
Ten commAndo FighTing Through – Ian Dear it is indeed remarkable, since From dunkirk the archives of the second To hAmBurg World War must have been pillaged, ransacked, burrowed into, and turned over almost as thoroughly as monte cassino itself, that no book has been written about one of the strangest units created during that or any other conflict. The unit was called Ten commando. This is a remarkable book and a worthy tribute to an incredibly brave group of cladestine soldiers.
9781848844001 • 224 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £8.00
Bill Cheall, Edited by Paul Cheall First and foremost a green howard, Bill cheall saw the sharp end of the nazis’ Blitzkrieg and was evacuated exhausted. next step, courtesy of the queen mary, was north Africa as part of monty’s 8th Army. After victory in Tunisia, the sicily invasion followed and the green howards returned to england.
9781848844742 • 176 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00 33
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The FieLd cAmpAigns oF ALexAnder The greAT
hiTLer’s hiTLer: mounTAin dicTATor or Troops 1939–1945 puppeT?
chiLdren oF The cAmps
Ian Baxter
Andrew Norman
hitler’s mountain troops or gebirgsjager were a group of elite soldiers ready for battle, whatever the conditions. This superb book shows the gebirgsjager in training and action from poland, norway and France, through yugoslavia, the eastern Front and in the closing stages of the War.
Written by an authority on Adolf hitler, this book charts new ground and shows how the writings of a deluded exmonk, Lanz von Liebenfels and the pseudo-science of Liebenfels and other writers convinced hitler that germany’s destiny was to save the world from a Jewish-Bolshevik conspiracy.
children of the camps: Japan’s Last Forgotten victims tells the truly heartrending stories of caucasian and eurasian children who ended up imprisoned inside Japanese internment camps throughout Asia.
Edited by David R. Stone
Stephen English
9781848843547 • 144 Pages Paperback • £14.99 £6.00
9781848845237 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
9781848842618 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
9781848840522 • 256 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
There is a copious literature on Alexander the great, but most are biographies of the man himself, with relatively few recent works analysing his campaigns from a purely military angle. This book will combine a narrative of the course of each of Alexander's campaigns, with clear analysis of strategy, tactics, logistics etc.
9781848840669 • 256 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00 34
Mark Felton
The sovieT union AT WAr 1941–1945 hitler’s invasion of the soviet union in 1941 precipitated a massive clash of arms that gave rise to destruction and suffering on an unprecedented scale. This new survey of the soviet union during the second World War, edited by david r. stone, is both timely and significant.
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reAd exTrAcTs From our LATesT reLeAses onLine – over 100 TiTLes To choose From
rAiLWAy oF heLL
WAr oF The WhiTe deATh
LAdy’s men
The LAsT nAZis
Mario Martinez
Mark Felton
Reginald Burton
Bair Irincheev
A young captain in the royal norfolk regiment, reggie Burton was wounded in the closing stages of the disastrous defence of malaya and singapore. he vividly, yet calmly and with great dignity, describes the horror of captivity at the hands of the Japanese.
For this highly illustrated and original portrayal of this famously unequal struggle, Bair irincheev has brought together a compelling selection of eyewitness accounts, war diaries, battle reports, and other records from the Finnish and russian archives to reconstruct the frontline fighting.
in April 1943 Lady Be good, an American Liberator bomber, vanished into the night while returning to base at Benghazi, following a mission to naples. Fifteen years later, the bomber's remains were seen from the air. Fascinated by rumors of the tragedy, mario martinez spent years attempting to find out exactly what happened.
The heinous crimes committed by the nazis will inevitably appall mankind for ever. interest in the hunt for those who have escaped justice since 1945 is huge. since 2001 no less than 76 legal decisions have been won against nazi war criminals and collaborators, half of them in the usA. yet the author reveals that there are many more alive and free today and their stories are no less shocking for the passage of time.
9781848842991 • 192 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £6.00
9781848841666 • 256 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
9781848845688 Paperback • £12.99 £6.00
9781848842861 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
PEN & SWORD MiLitaRY hiStORY 2013
eAgLes And BuLLdogs in normAndy Major General Michael Reynolds CB This is the story of the two divisions: the American 29th and the British 3rd. After describing the agonies suffered by the Americans on omaha, and the difficulties that faces the British in overcoming strongpoints at sword Beach on dday, the author traces both divisions as they try to break through the german defences.
9781848841253 • 272 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £6.00 35
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cross And The crescenT in The inTeLLigencers BALkAns Brigadier Brian Parritt CBE CNI
WeLLingTon AgAinsT JunoT
no mercy, no Leniency
David Buttery
Cyril Cunningham
David Nicolle
Ian F. W. Beckett and John Pimlott
This book sets the scene, explains the background and tells the story, both military, political, cultural and personal, of the winners and the losers, plus those 'outsiders' who were increasingly being drawn into the dramatic story of the rise of the ottoman empire.
intelligence about the enemy is a fundamental part of any war or battle, knowledge of the enemy’s strength, dispositions and intentions are essential for success. This book reveals that for 250 years the British Army resolutely failed to prepare for war by refusing to establish a nucleus of soldiers in peace, trained to obtain intelligence in war.
The first French invasion of portugal in 1807 – which was commanded by Junot, one of napoleon's most experienced generals – was a key event in the long, brutal peninsular War. This original and perceptive new study sets the record straight.
9781844159543 • 272 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £10.00
9781848844148 • 256 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
9781848841420 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
editors ian Beckett and John pimlott brought together a team of expert contributors who provided an international overview of counter-insurgency strategies and techniques as they were perceived and put into practice a generation ago.
9781848843967 • 240 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £8.00
This is the most authoritative and comprehensive British account ever published of the brutal north korean and chinese mistreatment of British poWs during the korean War.
0850527678 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.95 £8.00
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visiT our WeBsiTe To vieW WhAT's coming in The nexT Three monThs
voices From The FronT: The souTh noTTs hussArs Peter Hart The second World War is vanishing into the pages of history. As these old soldiers now fade away their voices from the front are still strong with a rare power to bring the horrors of war back to vivid life. The south notts hussars were the pride of nottingham.
9781848844032 • 224 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £6.00
The crimeAn WAr AT seA Peter Duckers
Armies oF The nApoLeonic WArs
Too often historical writing on the russian War of 185456 focuses narrowly on the land campaign fought in the crimean peninsula in the Black sea. The wider war waged at sea by the British and French navies against the russians is ignored. in this graphic and original study, peter duckers seeks to set the record straight.
Edited by Gregory FremontBarnes
9781848842670 • 256 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
9781848840676 • 288 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £15.00
PEN & SWORD MiLitaRY hiStORY 2013
The armies of the napoleonic Wars fought in a series of devastating campaigns that disturbed the peace of europe for twelve years, yet the fighting efficiency of these forces receive too little attention. rarely have these armies been studied together in a single volume as they are in this fascinating reassessment.
The civiL WAr in Armoured yorkshire WArFAre on The eAsTern David Cooke Between december 1642 and FronT July 1644 two armies fought for control of yorkshire. david cooke’s account of this bloody and disruptive phase in yorkshire’s history offers a graphic description of the actions themselves and takes the reader on a tour of the battlefields.
Anthony Tucker-Jones
1844150763 • 192 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £8.00
9781848842809 • 160 Pages Paperback • £14.99 £8.00
on the eastern Front during WWii massive soviet and german tank armies clashed in a series of battles that were unmatched in their scale and ferocity. But epic encounters such as these were only part of a broader story, as Anthony Tucker-Jones demonstrates in this selection of graphic photographs.
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FighTing BrigAdier Peter Harclerode
mArTeLLo ToWers WorLdWide
BLiTZkrieg russiA
A very Fine commAnder
inside The regimenT
Jonathan Sutherland and Diane Canwell
John Donovan
Carole Divall
in the 1930s James hill was forced to leave the Army because he was under 26 when he married. recalled to the colours he won his mc with the BeF in 1940. he was one of the first to volunteer for airborne forces and became second-in-command of 1 pArA. Wounded twice his Brigade captured the key merville Battery.
Bill Clements Martello Towers Worldwide follows the history of the tower from the construction of the early towers built to protect the mediterranean shores of spain and italy right up to the final towers built in the united kingdom during the First World War.
The photographs are taken from five unpublished albums focussing on the german invasion of russia in 1941 – operation Barbarossa. There are many exceptional photographs including rubber boats carrying troops across a river, knocked out monstrous russian tanks, engineers at work and a range of more casual poses.
The contrast between soldiering in peace and war is well illustrated by ‘nap’ murray’s experiences. it took him 16 years to reach the substantive rank of major in 1938 but by 1944 he was an acting Lieutenant general. it was monty himself who described murray as ‘A very Fine commander’ – praise indeed, a memoir can be very revealing about the character of its author.
in this companion volume to her pioneering study redcoats Against napoleon, carole divall tells the fascinating inside story of a typical infantry regiment during the revolutionary and napoleonic wars.
9781848842144 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
9781848845350 • 240 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
9781848843349 • 144 Pages Paperback • £14.99 £8.00
9781848843370 • 320 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £15.00
9781848844537 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
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discounTs AvAiLABLe on ALL TiTLes
ss kommAndo
chindiT AFFAir
Charles Whiting
Edited by Brian Mooney
The rise oF miLiTAnT isLAm
six oF monTy’s men
sAs Trooper
Adrian Stewart
A pre-war sapper, charlie radford served in north Africa until he returned to the uk for parachute training. he volunteered and joined 2 sAs in scotland and was assigned to operation ZomBie which involved parachuting into the italian dolomites to disrupt the vital german link north of verona between italy and Austria.
The vast number of written accounts studying the British special Forces in the second World War overlooked the fact that the germans were actually the first to utilize this unconventional style of warfare. charles Whiting, who interviewed many of the survivors, gives a vivid account of these men and their war.
in march 1944, some 2,200 battle trained men of 111 Brigade flew from india into northern Burma to land on improvised airstrips cleared from the jungle, they were part of general orde Wingate’s chindit force. one of those eight officers was Frank Baines, here he tells, in vivid language and with shrewd insight, what happened.
Anthony Tucker-Jones The 9/11 attack provoked a ‘War on Terror’ which has yet to fully curb the threat of global jihad orbring ringleader osama bin Laden to justice. Anthony TuckerJones, gained an unparalleled insider’s view of the growing war on terror and how the West’s intelligence agencieswere wrong-footed at almost every turn.
Field marshal montgomery showed great skill in choosing his subordinates, whether as staff officers or field commanders. This account follows the careers of six of these subordinates.
9781848842755 • 192 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £6.00
9781848844483 • 256 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £15.00
9781844159451 • 256 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
9781848843714 • 240 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
PEN & SWORD MiLitaRY hiStORY 2013
Francis MacKay
9781848843998 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00 39
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The sTerLing yeArs: smALL Arms And The men
Miles Hudson
This is the story of the manufacture, development and usage of one of the most famous submachine guns ever produced by a British Firm.
The assassination of political, religious and military leaders, often dictators, is frequently seen as the short cut to solving a particular problem. examining a series of linked assassinations together with their causes and effects, the author takes issue with this argument.
9781848844377 • 256 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £6.00
9781848843639 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
James Edmiston
eyeWiTness To BriTAin’s pArTFrAnce AT BAy The peninsuLAr Time soLdiers 1870–1871 WAr And The Professor Ian Beckett Douglas Fermer BATTLe oF in this classic study, first The Franco-prussian War did published over 20 years ago, not end with the catastrophic WATerLoo Edited by Gareth Glover The journals of the honourable James stanhope are among the most remarkable eyewitness accounts of the peninsular War and the Battle of Waterloo, and yet they have never been published before.
9781848843929 • 288 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
ian Beckett gives a comprehensive and scholarly overview of the development of the amateur military tradition in Britain from the mid-sixteenth century to the present day.
French defeat at sedan on 1 september 1870 when an entire French army surrendered, the emperor napoleon iii was captured and his regime collapsed. The story of this dramatic final phase of the war is the subject of douglas Fermer’s masterly account.
9781848843950 • 352 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £8.00
9781848843257 • 280 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
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order noW WhiLe sTocks LAsT – oFFers end 30Th ocToBer 2013
pAnZers in The sAnd voL one 1935–41
pAnZers in The sAnd voLume TWo 1942–45
Bernd Hartmann
Bernd Hartmann
in september 1939, the tanks of panzer-regiment 5 swept into poland, a devastating part of the german blitzkrieg that opened World War ii with a terrifying display of military force.
Featuring scores of photographs and vivid firsthand accounts from members of the unit, the second of panzers in the sand picks up where the first left off and continues the combat history of panzerregiment 5 and panzerAbteilung 5, from the sand and sun of north Africa to the bitter end near Berlin.
9781848845053 • 320 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
9781848845060 • 304 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
PEN & SWORD MiLitaRY hiStORY 2013
voices From The FronT: The 16Th durhAm LighT inFAnTry in iTALy Peter Hart While still in their prime many veterans recorded their memories with peter hart for the imperial War museum. As these old soldiers now fade away their voices from the front are still strong with a rare power to bring the horrors of war back to vivid life.
9781848844018 • 224 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £5.00
BLiTZkrieg poLAnd
commAndo TAcTics
Jonathan Sutherland and Diane Canwell
Stephen Bull
These photographs are taken from three unpublished albums featuring the german invasion of poland in 1939. Throughout there are numerous opportunities to see uniforms in their various guises and how they were actually worn in practice.
9781848843356 • 112 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £5.00
British commandos are among the most celebrated soldiers of the second World War. stephen Bull, in this indepth study of commando tactics and history, seeks to dispel the myths and the misunderstandings that surround them.
9781848840744 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00 41
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Air rAid A FieLd sheLTers oF The mArshAL in The second WorLd FAmiLy WAr Brian Montgomery
reTreAT And reTriBuTion in AFghAnisTAn, 1842
Stephen Wade
Field marshal viscount montgomery of Alamein has attracted the attention of countless historians over the last 70 years but, despite this coverage, views of his character remain controversial and contradictory. The author examines in the most entertaining and frank manner monty’s idiosyncratic character traits.
Dr Margaret Kekewich
9781848844254 • 384 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £10.00
9781848843974 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
This book features the design, creation and use of air raid shelters, including interviews with people who used them during the second World War.
9781848843271 • 192 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00 42
margaret kekewich’s perceptive new study of the conflict describes the British defeat, their re-occupation of Afghanistan in the spring of 1842, then their final withdrawal at the end of the year.
dunkirk To The LosT Legion rhineLAnd rediscovered C N Murrell
Donald O’Reilly
charles (charlie to his comrades) murrell kept detailed diaries of his service with the 1st Battalion Welsh guards throughout the second World War. he often writes in his trench whilst under mortar or shell fire and one experiences the fear that he (and millions of others) felt.
in Ad383, according to Bishop eucherius of Lyon, flooding caused part of the bank of the river rhone to collapse, revealing a massed grave of thousands of bodies. intrigued by this, and suspecting a cover-up by official roman sources, dr donald reilly has spent many years undertaking some historical detective work.
9781848843899 • 240 Pages
9781848843783 • 224 Pages
Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
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order noW WhiLe sTocks LAsT – oFFers end 30Th ocToBer 2013
voices From The FronT: The 2nd norFoLk regimenT
The AdvenTures oF sir sAmueL WhiTe BAker
Peter Hart
M.J. Trow
The second World War is vanishing into the pages of history. The veterans were once all around us, but their numbers are fast diminishing. While still in their prime many recorded their memories with peter hart for the imperial War museum.
m. J. Trow, in this the first biography of Baker for twenty years, draws heavily on Baker’s prolific writings to bring the extraordinary character of this victorian adventurer and his achievements to life.
9781848844025 • 224 Pages
9781848841789 • 192 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
Paperback • £12.99 £10.00
PEN & SWORD MiLitaRY hiStORY 2013
WiTh The pArAs in heLmAnd
21sT cenTury courAge
The BATTLe For norTh AFricA
Craig Allen
Mark Felton
John Strawson
As both a respected soldier and photographer craig Allen had unrivalled access to the fighting and moved from area to area following the action. his story tells in superb action photographs and no-nonsense prose of the hardships, courage, fears and cost suffered by front line soldiers over prolonged periods.
The book examines examples of outstanding courage exhibited by people living in modern Britain. These include British servicemen and servicewomen serving in iraq and Afghanistan, police officers, and ordinary civilians in Britain and around the world. All of the cases cited have been awarded gallantry medals by the British government since 2000.
The distinguished military historian general strawson’s authoritative book describes how the balance of power in north Africa see-sawed between the italians, the British and the germans through the years 1940 to 1943, and how ultimate victory was won by the Allies.
9781848843004 • 304 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £10.00
9781848840737 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
1844151050 • 240 Pages Paperback • £6.99 £3.00 43
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pirATe kiLLers
cApTAin kidd
Graham A. Thomas
Craig Cabell, Graham Thomas, Allan Richards
one hundred and fifty years ago the royal navy fought a daring campaign against ruthless pirates and won. on West African shores they killed ‘The king of the pirates’, Bartholomew roberts and captured his fleet. scores of his men were executed by the Admiralty court. This account is based on documents held at the national Archives and other original sources.
9781848842403 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00 44
FrigATes, sLoops & Brigs
sTringBAgs in AcTions
Axis WArships
James Henderson
Vice-Admiral B.B. Schofield
The execution of captain William kidd on 23 may 1701 is one of the most controversial and revealing episodes in the long history of piracy. The legend that has grown up around kidd’s final voyage, his concealed treasure and the dubious conduct of his trial, has made him into one of the most intriguing and misunderstood figures from the golden age of piracy.
Admiral nelson's most frequent cry was for more frigates. Though not ships of the line these fast and powerful warships were the ‘eyes of the fleet'. Together with their smaller cousins, the sloops and brigs of the royal navy, they performed a vital function.
Admiral schofield’s accounts of the Taranto and Bismarck battles make for unforgettable reading.The author traces the development of British naval aviation from its early beginnings in 1912, through the First World War and the frustrations of the inter-war years.
For his latest book colonel roy stanley presents aerial photographs of the german and italian fleets that were selected as important six decades ago and have long lain dormant, unindexed and unexplained. extensive use of aerial and other intelligence imagery from long retired files is enough to make this book a must for those intrigued by second World War ii intelligence and naval history.
9781844159611 • 176 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
9781848845268 • 384 Pages Paperback • £15.99 £8.00
9781848843882 • 192 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
Roy M Stanley II
9781848844711 • 256 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £15.00 PEN & SWORD MaRitiME 2013
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cALL noW on 01226 734222
squAre rigger dAys
hisToricAL The Age oF The cApTAin cook’s AnTi-suBmArine dreAdnoughTs ship oF The Line WAr And peAce WArFAre
Charles W Domville-Fife
Barry Gough
Jonathan R Dull
John Robson
David Owen
This is the extraordinary story of the remarkable,intersecting careers of the two greatest writers on British naval history in the 20th century – the American professor Arthur marder and royal navy captain stephen roskill.
great Britain and France were the foremost among the naval powers of the eighteenth century, and this new book is the first joint history of their great navies and offers a uniquely impartial and comprehensive picture of the two forces, their shipbuilding programmes, naval campaigns, andtheir wartime strategies and diplomacy. A major work from this awardwinning author.
This is the first ever detailed account of cook’s early naval career in european and American waters and it reveals how he became uniquely qualified for the exacting tasks of exploration and the clear choice to lead the endeavour expedition to the pacific in 1768.
The submarine was undoubtedly the most potent naval weapon of the twentieth century. in two world wars, enemy underwater campaigns were very nearly successful in thwarting Allied hopes of victory - indeed, the annihilation of Japanese shipping by us navy submarines is an indicator of
9781848320772 • 320 Pages Hardback • £35.00 £15.00
9781848325494 • 264 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £15.00
9781848320338 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
9781844157037 • 224 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £15.00
There are few books that describe accurately life on board sailing ships in the last days of sail, from the 1860s to the First World War. domville-Fife, in collecting together the personal stories of seamen while they were still alive, was able to present a truer picture of the tough last days of sail.
9781844156955 • 240 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £10.00 SEaFORth PUBLiShiNg 2013
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The germAn invAsion oF norWAy
Lawrence Paterson
ships And shipBuiLders
pepys’s FirsT rATe memoires oF Rif Winfield The royAL nAvy First rates were the largest,
Fred M Walker This new book describes the lives and deeds of more the 130 great engineers,naval architects, shipwrights and inventors who have shaped ship design and shipbuilding world-wide over the last 300 years.
Samuel Pepys
‘… one of the most meticulously researched and incisive works of naval history encountered by this reviewer… simultaneously scholarly, engaging,objective … quite simply outstanding.’ – The Mariner’s Mirror
on the eve of germany’s surrende in may 1945, the men of the u-boat service occupied bases from norway to France, while at sea uboats still operated on a war footing. Following surrender, the bases had to be disarmed and the boats at sea located and brought to harbour. one of the last and most dramatic acts of the naval war, the surrender has never been treated at length before.
9781848320895 • 446 Pages Paperback • £16.99 £8.00
9781848320376 • 192 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £10.00
9781848320727 • 256 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £15.00
9781848320659 • 160 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
Geirr H Haarr
This is pepys’s very personal account of the administration of the navy from 1679 until his dismissal from office in 1688 and provides fascinating insider’s view of the workings of the Admiralty.
most powerful and most costly ships of their day. This beautifully produced new book is a celebration of these magnificent ships and combines an authoritative history of their development with superb images.
9781848320710 • 160 Pages Hardback • £45.00 £25.00 SEaFORth PUBLiShiNg 2013
Autumn 2013 NEW_Layout 1 14/08/2013 11:58 Page 47
reAd exTrAcTs From our LATesT reLeAses onLine – over 100 TiTLes To choose From
poxed And scurvied
seAForTh WorLd nAvAL revieW
The secreT cApTure
An attempt to address the specific needs of the seafarer developed wider implications for society as a whole. it also produced scientific breakthroughs that were a universal benefit. This book provides a fascinating picture of social improvement.
Edited by Conrad Waters The seaforth World naval review is designed to fill the need for an authoritative but affordable annual survey of naval developments. An invaluable work for enthusiasts and defence professionals alike.
As the official historian of the naval war, roskill had followed the party line when writing his authorised account, but provoked by exaggerated claims concerning a us navy capture of a u-boat in 1944, roskill decided to set the record straight.
9781848320635 • 256 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £15.00
9781848320758 • 192 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £10.00
9781848320987 • 184 Pages Hardback • £16.99 £8.00
Kevin Brown
SEaFORth PUBLiShiNg 2013
Captain S W Roskill
russiAn WArships oF The WArships in The nApoLeonic Age oF sAiL erA 1696–1860 Robert gardiner John Tredrea & eduard Sozaev peter the great created a navy from scratch, but it challenged and soon surpassed sweden as the Baltic naval power. in battle it was surprisingly successful, and at times in the eighteenth century was the third largest navy in the world.
9781848320581 • 400 Pages Hardback • £50.00 £25.00
This book reproduces many of the best (and least familiar) images of the ships, chosen for their accuracy, detail and sheer visual power in an extra-large format that does full justice to the images themselves.
9781848321083 • 168 Pages Hardback • £45.00 £25.00 47
Autumn 2013 NEW_Layout 1 14/08/2013 11:58 Page 48
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seAFArers’ voices 3 sLAver cApTAin
seAFArers’ voices 4
John Newton This is a rare and authentic account of the African slave trade, told by one who captained slave ships in the mid eighteenth century, and it presents a remarkably truthful picture of the human cruelty and barbarity that characterised the trade.
9781848320796 • 224 Pages Hardback • £13.99 £5.00 48
seAFArers’ voices 5 LiFe oF A sAiLor
seAFArers’ voices 6 WhALe hunTer
WATerLine WArships
robert hay in 1803 robert hay ran away to join the royal navy, and for the next eight years experienced the trials and tribulations of a sailor’s life. his descriptions of his experiences in the east indies are full of the flavour of the region.
Frederick Chamier
Nelson Cole Haley
chamier was a royal navy officer, who like his exact contemporary captain marryat is best remembered for a series of naval novels. The Life of a sailor was his first publication and is usually catalogued as fiction, which may be a tribute to chamier’s story-telling skills but it is wrong – the book is an exact account of his naval career.
This is the narrative of a harpooner in the whale-ship charles W morgan. Whaling was, in effect, the first oil industry, a high-risk business where huge fortunes were to be made. haley’s is the authentic voice of those that chose its dangers.
A step-by-step manual for building a scratch waterline model of the ca class destroyer hms caesar, the sistership of cavalier, now on display in drydock at chatham historical dockyard. every aspect of building this 16ft to the inch model in a diorama is covered, from the construction of the bread and butter hull to the smallest details of armament and to the sea itself.
9781848320680 • 224 Pages Hardback • £13.99 £5.00
9781848320970 • 224 Pages Hardback • £13.99 £5.00
9781848320963 • 224 Pages Hardback • £13.99 £5.00
Landsman Hay
Philip Reed
9781848320765 • 128 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £15.00 SEaFORth PUBLiShiNg 2013
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visiT our WeBsiTe To vieW WhAT's coming in The nexT Three monThs
FrAnk mccLeAn: godFATher To BriTish nAvAL AviATion Philip Jarrett Francis kennedy mcclean used his vast inherited wealth to help the now famous short Brothers company to become one of Britain’s greatest aircraft manufacturers. mcclean’s great influence and significance are revealed for the first time in this informative and entertaining book.
9781848321090 • 192 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £15.00 SEaFORth PUBLiShiNg 2013
The reAL Jim hAWkins
germAn nAvAL guns
A cenTury oF seA TrAveL
convoy sc122 And hx229
Roland Pietsch
Miroslaw Skwiot
Chris Deakes & Tom Stanley
Martin Middlebrook
Who were the real Jim hawkins, the thousands of poor boys who went to sea in the eighteenth century to man the ships of the royal navy? This groundbreaking new work is a study of the origins, life and culture of the boys of the georgian navy. This is a fascinating tribute to a forgotten band of sailors.
This hugely comprehensive encyclopaedia covers every german artillery piece mounted afloat during the second World War, from the huge 15-inch (380mm) guns carried by the Bismarck to the smallest machine gun used by coastal forces. All marks and variations of these weapons are described individually.
This book is a voyage through the life of the passenger steamship, described by the travellers who sailed on them and illustrated with a truly magnificent collection of contemporary postcards, posters, paintings, photographs and ephemera. it describes the experience of travel during the golden age of the liner complete with rare and beautiful
had the convoy link between north America and Britain been broken, the course of World War ii would have been different. in convoy, every manoeuvre of the merchant ships, their escort vessels, the long range aircraft cover, and the attacking u-boats is documented in a powerful narrative.
9781848320369 • 256 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £15.00
9781848320802 • 416 Pages Hardback • £40.00 £20.00
9781848320819 • 192 Pages Hardback • £30.00 £15.00
9781848844780 • 352 Pages Paperback • £14.99 £10.00 49
Autumn 2013 NEW_Layout 1 14/08/2013 11:58 Page 50
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mArLBorough’s inniskiLLing WeLLingTon shAdoW diAries 1899–1903 The BeAu
JNP Watson
Martin Cassidy
Patrick Delaforce
Charles Whiting
it is said that marlborough could never have achieved his great military success without the support and ingenuity of his chief of staff, quartermaster general and chief of intelligence, general William cadogan, who, in 1722, succeeded marlborough as commander-in-chief of the British Army. This is the story of this most able young general.
By skillful use of three contemporary diaries, the author has created a fascinating and highly readable account of a famous infantry regiment, the royal inniskiling Fusiliers, in the second Boer War. The book traces the progress of the Fusiliers from first mobilisation at mullinger.
The military achievements of Arthur Wellesley, the first duke of Wellington, have been well documented and deservedly so. patrick delaforce focuses in a tasteful way on the relationships which often had an important influence on the great man – and occasionally on the shape of history.
readers of Balkan Blue will discover a gloriously untypical autobiography covering the unlikely combination of the eccentric redgrave clan and service life, the lighter side of which the author refreshingly captures.
1844150089 • 272 Pages Hardback • £19.95 £8.00
0850528240 • 288 Pages Hardback • £19.95 £8.00
1844680223 • 272 Pages Hardback • £21.99 £8.00
1844680002 • 256 Pages Hardback • £19.95 £8.00
085052914X • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.95 £8.00
Roy Redgrave
ike’s LAsT BATTLe march-April 1945. victory for the Allies was only a matter of time. Berlin was the prize, which the soviets were in the event to seize. instead eisenhower opted to destroy the german armies in and around the ruhr. What drove the decision-making at this vital time?
Autumn 2013 NEW_Layout 1 14/08/2013 11:58 Page 51
discounTs AvAiLABLe on ALL TiTLes
A vATicAn LiFeLine
engLAnd versus scoTLAnd
cheATing deATh
inFighTing AdmirALs
George J Marrett
Geoffrey Penn
This book is an enlightening and enjoyable read that will charm history buffs and romantics alike.
Rupert Matthews
The colourful characters and daring rescues of downed pilots engaged in the secret War in north vietnam and Laos are vividly captured by one who was there, in some of the most exciting stories ever written about aerial combat.
This is more than a story of the development of the royal navy; it is a fascinating study of two totally contrasting characters. geoffrey penn describes both these titanic characters and the momentous events that occurred with his usual precision and in his engaging style.
Charles Whiting
9780850524758 • 240 Pages Hardback • £17.95 £5.00
0850529492 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.95 £8.00
0850529727 • 272 Pages Hardback • £19.95 £8.00
0850527562 • 224 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £8.00
0850527740 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.95 £8.00
William Simpson
Today the rivalry between st Andrew and st george may be fierce but at least it is limited to the sporting field. This was by no means the case before the Act of settlement in the eighteenth century. rupert matthews has researched more than twenty major battles between these two countries, over a period of 1,000 years.
The seArch For gesTApo muLLer on April 29th, 1945, general heinrich gestapo muller, head of that feared nazi organisation, left hitler's bunker and disappeared. The search for gestapo muller is a truly intriguing modern mystery story.
Autumn 2013 NEW_Layout 1 14/08/2013 11:58 Page 52
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BAghdAd or BusT
From coAsTAL commAnd To cApTiviTy
FLying in WALking ouT
disAsTer AT kAsserine
soLdier oF The rAJ
Edward Sniders
Charles Whiting
Iain Gordon
This is the true and compelling story of the sensationally successful joint us and uk campaign to liberate iraq from the oppressive regime of saddam hussein from its conception to dramatic conclusion. The author describes the meticulous planning, and looks into the logistical and political problems.
Allan Hunter
edward sniders’ experiences of the second World War make for exciting and entertaining reading. hidden initally by the resistance after his mosquito was shot down, he was betrayed and lucky not be executed. his escape attempts read better than any novel.
Those who imagined that the arrival of a major American force in north Africa would immediately tip the balance against rommel’s Africa korps were to be proved badly wrong. Just how illprepared the gi Army and its generals were, became horrifically apparant at the kasserine pass.
The emphasis of this book is on his indian military service, with the story told largely through an extensive collection of previously unpublished contemporary letters. These give a unique and intimate insight into the daily lives, difficulties, ethos and humour of young British officers in india during the napoleonic period.
1844150208 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.95 £8.00
0850529913 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.95 £8.00
0850526930 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.95 £8.00
0850529824 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.95 £8.00
085052847X • 300 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £8.00
Mike Ryan
Thanks to the perseverance and editorial effort of his son Allan, Jim hunter's splendid war memoirs of flying and captivity can now be enjoyed by a wider audience. From coastal command to captivity is a superb read and a late, but great, addition to the bibliography of poW life during the second World War.
Autumn 2013 NEW_Layout 1 14/08/2013 11:58 Page 53
Buy noW WhiLsT sTocks LAsT
eighTh Army’s greATesT vicTories Adrian Turner To read many accounts, it would appear that the eighth Army's victory at el Alamein was quickly followed by its triumphant arrival at Tunis. Adrian Turner, the experienced authority on the period, redresses the imbalance.
0850526663 • 232 Pages Hardback • £19.95 £8.00 LEO COOPER 2013
BomBer BArons Chaz Bowyer At the end of the second World War over 55,000 air crew of Bomber command had lost their lives, in this authoritative book, the Author selects a number of men and details their careers, relating episodes that reflect the qualities that made them outstanding.
085052802X • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.95 £8.00
WAr in The hms London mediTerrAneAn Iain Ballantyne 1940–43 Bernard Ireland much has been written about the conduct of the land battles and the commanders who faced each other yet, success or failure rested on the effectiveness of their seaborne supply chain.
184415047X • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.95 £8.00
TesTimony To courAge John Potter
iain Ballantyne’s fascinating and lively account of the lives of British warships named London is illustrated throughout with photographs and paintings, many of them never published before. h.m.s. London looks at history from the perspective of the men who were there. it all adds up to a thoroughly researched and exciting narrative of naval history.
A Testimony to courage vividly describes the threat under which not just the soldiers but their families also had to live, and records the murders of some of the 197 members killed as a result of terrorist attack.
0850528437 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.95 £8.00
0850528194 • 340 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £10.00 53
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BLondie Ewen Southby-Tailyour While ‘Blondie’ hasler will always be remembered for his leadership of the cockleshell heroes raid, he achieved so much more during his life-time. Thanks to his inventive genius, he pioneered the era of singlehanded endurance sailing and performed amazing feats of seamanship. This acclaimed biography of a remarkable yet highly complex individual makes for splendid reading.
0850529506 • 432 Pages Paperback • £14.95 £5.00 54
AdmirAL Lord sT. vincenT – sAinT or TyrAnT? James D G Davidson This biography of John Jervis, who became Admiral Lord vincent, makes compelling reading. it throws an oblique light on nelson’s personality.
184415386X • 240 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
second WorLd WAr cArrier cAmpAigns
sLAughTer AT seA
By any standards, Admiral sir John Treacher is an exceptional man who has had the fullest of lives. old enough to have served and be sunk in the War, he went to be a naval aviator flying in the korean War. To everyone's surprised he left the navy when all the indications were that he was about to become First sea Lord.
David Wragg Without the aircraft carrier, the Japanese would not have brought the us into WW2 through their attack on pearl harbour. Thus is can be argued that aircraft carriers were the decisive naval weapons system of the WW2.
ironically while the Japanese navy followed many of the royal navy’s traditions and structures, it had a totally different approach to the treatment of its foes. The author has uncovered a plethora of outrages against both servicemen and civilians which make chilling and shocking reading.
1844151344 • 272 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
1844150526 • 256 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
9781844156474 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
Admiral Treacher
Mark Felton
PEN & SWORD MaRitiME 2013
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order noW WhiLe sTocks LAsT – oFFers end 30Th ocToBer 2013
deFiAnT And dismAsTed AT TrAFALgAr
midWAy: dAunTLess vicTory
Mary McGrigor
Peter C. Smith
Born in 1762, William hargood’s naval career spanned over 30 years, as he rose from humble midshipman to the captain of one of the most powerful warships of the day at Trafalgar. during his career hargood became a close friend of Admiral Lord nelson and shared many an experience and triumph with him.
This is an in-depth study of the battle of midway that reviews the many previous accounts and compares their accuracy and veracity with fresh documentation that has been released recently, including some new material on the post-war analysis made by a select committee.
1844150348 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.95 £8.00
9781844155835 • 384 Pages Hardback • £30.00 £8.00
PEN & SWORD MaRitiME 2013
neLson’s hero
Victor T Sharman
Mark Felton
horatio nelson’s first captain was William Locker who recognised the exceptional talents of the young midshipman who was to become the most famous sailor in history. captain William Locker’s career as a sea captain makes gripping reading.
This fascinating book examines the exchange of information and goods by underwater means between germany and Japan during the second half of WW2. known as 'yanagi' this trade was a high priority to both Axis partners. As the Allies' grip on control of the oceans and air tightened, it became necessary to rely on submarines. Thanks to the Author's research, here is the first full account of these operations.
1844152669 • 204 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
1844151670 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
neLson’s TrAFALgAr cApTAins And Their BATTLes. Dr T A Heathcote This is a biographical dictionary of the two flag officers and captains of 27 battleships, four frigates and two minor combatant vessels that were present under nelson's command at the historic battle of Trafalgar, 21 october 1805.
1844151824 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00 55
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The escorT cArrier in WorLd WAr ii
The crueL seA reToLd
The BLockAde BusTers
‘sink The French!’
Bernard Edwards
Ralph Barker
David Wragg
immediately after the end of the WW1 the British were in action to defend the independence of estonia, Latvia and Lithuania from russian communist forces. This book covers all of the naval battles, from all sides, which occurred during WW2.
David Wragg
Bernard edwards tells this factual historic story of the three convoys that montsarrat based his famous novel on. The true stories of the three Atlantic convoys is at least as dramatic as the fictional account.
This book ecounts one of the greatest sea stories of WW2, of how george Binney, working in neutral sweden when norway was overrun by the germans, set about running vital cargoes of swedish ball-bearings and special steels to Britain through the blockaded skagerrak.
This fascinating book examines the background to the fall of France and its consequences, most particularly the way the French navy was dealt with.
9781844154227 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
1844152200 • 240 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
9781844158638 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
1844152820 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
1844155226 • 256 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
Robert Jackson
To the us navy they were cves! To the royal navy, auxiliary carriers! To crews of endangered merchantmen in the Atlantic and Arctic oceans they were heavensent protection! To their crews they were combustible, vulnerable, expendable! over 100 vessels were converted or specially built for convoy duty. This is their story, warts and all.
PEN & SWORD MaRitiME 2013
Autumn 2013 NEW_Layout 1 14/08/2013 11:58 Page 57
cALL noW on 01226 734222
cockLesheLL commAndo
The sTory oF hms revenge
The FuJiTA pLAn
Bill Sparks
Alexander Stilwell
one of only two survivors of the famous cockleshell hero raid, Bill sparks' war and post-war career has never before been told in full. Always something of a military maverick, Bill's memoir is truly actionpacked.
more than about the ships themselves, this book describes the commanders and crews, captures the flavour of life on board and the actions in which they were involved.
After the staggering success of the pearl harbor surprise attack, the Japanese plotted to maintain the initiative and spread fear and panic among the civil population of the united states and Australasia. With his usual skilled research the author has uncovered numerous plans.
9781844158942 • 160 Pages Paperback • £12.99 £5.00
9781844159819 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
PEN & SWORD MaRitiME 2013
Mark Felton
1844154807 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
A cenTury oF BriTish nAvAL AviATion 1909–2009
red ToBruk FrAnk Gregory-Smith
This book describes achievements both in technology, such as angled flight decks and vertical takeoff, and on operations, including the daring attack on the italian fleet at Taranto.
The Author saw early action off norway, in the north sea and at dunkirk. command of the destroyer hms eridge followed, and they deployed to the eastern mediterranean, and so began a gruelling 18 months of malta convoys. All this and much more is told in this exceptional naval memoir so strongly reminiscent of The cruel sea, only true.
9781848840362 • 272 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
9781844158621 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
David Wragg
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criTicAL conFLicT
BeneATh The WAves
churchiLL’s pirATes
Peter C Smith
A.S. Evans
despite the catastrophic evacuation of the British expeditionary Force from dunkirk and the threat of imminent invasion from across the english channel. however, there remained the powerful and modern italian fleet which had to be destroyed at all costs. This is the story of how this was achieved during 1940.
since the beginning of the royal navy submarine service in 1901, 173 submarines have been lost and in many circumstances with their entire crew. These and many other accounts of submarine escape are described, whenever possible, in the words of survivors or witnesses.
Jon Sutherland and Diane Canwell
9781848845138 • 352 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
9781848842922 • 448 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £10.00
The pAciFic nAvAL WAr 1941–1945
cruise ships Peter C. Smith
David Wragg
The royal naval patrol service, or harry Tate’s navy as it was commonly known, was a unique service with its own rules and regulations. This book looks at the service personnel, the boats, equipment and includes many first-hand accounts from crew.
The book begins by setting the scene in the Far east and the decisions that led Japan into war, and also by looking at the situation faced by the royal navy elsewhere. The progress of the war is supported by eye-witness accounts from those involved in the fighting at sea.
9781848842564 • 256 Pages Hardback • £25.00 £10.00
9781848842830 • 224 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
The stunning elegance and luxurious interiors of today’s vast fleet of cruise liners remains unrecorded in all but holiday brochures. This book gives a complete overview of the cream of these ships, today’s queens of the sea. each liner is illustrated and described with colour illustrations of external and interior views.
9781848842182 • 288 Pages Hardback • £30.00 £15.00 PEN & SWORD MaRitiME 2013
Autumn 2013 NEW_Layout 1 14/08/2013 11:59 Page 59
LoW sTock – LAsT chAnce To Buy in oBedience To insTrucTions
undercover operATor
sAcriFice For sTALin
Sydney Hudson
David Wragg
Margaret Pawley
memoirs of soe agents have always been rare – so many were either killed in action or executed – and today they are almost unheard of. But sydney hudson’s story, which he has waited nearly sixty years to tell, is just about as dramatic and thrilling as any to have appeared.
When russia became an ally overnight during WW2, it became a most difficult, dangerous and demanding one. While no-one questioned that the russians needed assistance, the author finds evidence that the supplies that did get through the gauntlet, at great cost, were all too often not put to good use.
describes the role of the 2,000 young women of the FAny who made a major contribution to the secret war effort. The author concentrates on soe operations in the mediterranean theatre, where she and her colleagues served. A previously untold piece of wartime history.
0850526337 Paperback • £19.95 £8.00
The Long rAnge deserT group 1940-45
0850529476 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.95 £8.00
depTh chArge Chris Henry
9780850527124 • 256 Pages
The history of weapons and warfare is usually written about from the point of view of the battles fought and the tactics used. in naval warfare, in particular, the story of how these weapons were invented, designed and supplied is seldom told. chris henry, in this pioneering study, sets the record straight.
Hardback • £19.95 £8.00
1844151743 • 208 Pages
Major General David Lloyd Owen This classic book won acclaim from the critics on its first publication by virtue of the author’s unique knowledge, experience and narrative skills.
Hardback • £19.99 £8.00 PEN & SWORD MaRitiME 2013
1844153576 • 256 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
ALArm sTArBoArd! Geoffrey Brooke The Author's naval war experiences make very exciting reading. he survived the disastrous sinking by Japanese dive-bombing in december 1941 but within two days of reaching singapore, the island fell. The authors epic journey covered 1660 miles and took 37 days.
1844152308 • 264 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00 59
Autumn 2013 NEW_Layout 1 14/08/2013 11:59 Page 60
For more special offers visit TempTing The FATes Major General Dare Wilson CBE MC DL FRGS
on The roAd To mAndALAy Randle Manwaring
WeLLingTon’s LieuTenAnT nApoLeon’s gAoLer
general dare Wilson saw action in France 1940 (dunkirk), italy and north West europe (where he won his mc) with the northumberland Fusiliers and later the recce regiment. he then served in palestine and korea which he rates as the most vicious war he fought in.
The fascinating book features the life story of dr randle manwaring, focusing particularly on his regiment’s fight to capture Burma towards the end of WW2.
1844154351 • 219 Pages
BLoWing our Bridges
Hardback • £25.00 £10.00
Major General Tony Younger DSO MC
The AdvenTures And invenTions oF sTeWArT BLAcker
Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
nApoLeon And docTor verLing on sT heLenA J David Markham This young doctor kept a vivid diary of his experiences and through his eyes we get a fresh view of daily life on the island and of the suspicion-filled society that grew up around napoleon during his last years.
1844154971 • 160 Pages Hardback • £16.99 £8.00
This action packed military memoir tells of the exploits of a young sapper officer during both the second World War and in korea.
1844150518 • 240 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £8.00
Gareth Glover The Author wrote numerous letters home from the campaigns that he fought, he packs his letters with interesting descriptions of the life and his surroundings.
1844151417 • 320 Pages
Barnaby Blacker stewart Blacker was a remarkable figure. his inventions were used with significant effect in both WW1 and WW2.
224 Pages
Hardback • £19.99 £8.00 1844152502 • 208 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00 60
PEN & SWORD MaRitiME 2013
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visiT our WeBsiTe To vieW WhAT's coming in The nexT Three monThs hosTAge rescue mAnuAL
When The grAss sTops groWing
Leroy Thompson
Carol Mather
The hostage rescue manual is a comprehensive, illustrated source on the dynamic operations which have saved hundreds of lives and is based on strategies which have proved successful in hostage incidents around the world.
sir carol mather mc had a fascinating war. his memoirs, which quickly sold out, covers service with sterling's sAs, his escape from a poW camp in italy and his two tours on montgomery's small personal staff.
9781853674723 • 208 Pages
0850525764 • 236 Pages
Paperback • £22.50 £10.00
Hardback • £21.95 £8.00
The rigger
The WAr in koreA
commAndo despATch rider
Christopher J. Anderson
Raymond Mitchell
This is the gripping insider story of the tension, fear and comradeship of these specialists, who needed more than just a head for heights.
chinook crAsh Steuart Campbell The 1994 crash of chinook with top northern ireland intelligence experts on board into the mull of kintyre has remained the source of intense speculation ever since. The book is not only a full account of the incident but also attempts to solve the mystery about this accident.
9781844150748 • 272 Pages Hardback • £19.99 £10.00
The War in korea is a brilliant pictorial history of the men who fought in this bitter conflict and of their uniforms and equipment.
9781853674433 • 72 Pages Paperback £12.99 £8.00
PEN & SWORD MaRitiME 2013
This is a fighting soldier’s account of war – warts and all and describes in vivid terms his and his fellow commandos’ experiences and emotions.
085052797X • 256 Pages
Jack Williams
0850528178 • 224 Pages Hardback • £16.95 £8.00
Hardback • £19.95 £8.00
Autumn 2013 NEW_Layout 1 14/08/2013 11:59 Page 62
For more special offers visit BriTish AdmirALs oF The FLeeT 1734–1995
misT over The rice FieLds
mArching WiTh WeLLingTon
T A Heathcote
John Neville Shipster
Martin Cassidy
A companion volume to the same author's "The British Field marshals 1736-1997", this book outlines the lives of the 115 officers who held the rank of Admiral of the Fleet in the royal navy from 1734 to 1995.
Accounts of fighting in either Burma or the korean War are invariably revealing but it is rare for a single memoir to cover both as colonel John shipster’s book does. A graphic and moving account of the hardship, camaraderie and humour in the front line.
drawing on primary sources, the author describes the campaigns in the peninsula and later into France and thence on to Waterloo through the records of the 27th (inniskilling) regiment. The result is a rich portrait of the period which brings to life the routine of everyday campaigning.
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