1 minute read

Reasons for Waking Up by


And then there I would be, melted down, nothing more than a carpet stain with no one looking at me.


But that’s what I did yesterday. Sometimes I feel like we are putting on a production. But dear God, who is watching this? It is helpful to imagine an audience. Maybe they are giants, laughing at how quickly I can run in circles. Like a wind up toy. Can you hear the circus music in the background? You know, on clear days I can look up at the sky like it’s the dome of a snowglobe and see hungry eyes peering in. “Break it open. Set me free,” I whisper. But the eyes have no ears. But what would I even do, a small snow globe figure set free into the expanse of the world? What would I be then? So small with no commands to follow. I guess I would just wander around untill I got too close to the fire place. And then there I would be, melted down, to nothing more than a carpet stain with no one looking at me. Even the snow globe breaker would have moved on from me then. I guess that is why I get out of bed in the morning. What would I do with myself if I didn’t?

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