Secret Tips For a Truly Abundant Life

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Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life

Gayl Regina

Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life

Do you ever find yourself wondering….

Why are they so happy, healthy and/or wealthy? Why can’t I manifest the health I want? Why can’t I make the money I want to make? Why am I attracting the relationships I’m in? What do I need to do, to get what I really want? Many people carry feelings of frustration, resent, anger, sadness, fear and even guilt for the lives they are living. Stress and depression are now common terms in today’s society and this life cycle of negative emotions continue to spiral into physical dis‐ease, and even death. I’m sure you know at least a handful of people who may be in a situation like this. Or, you may be someone who is plodding along quite happily, you have your ups and downs, things are going pretty good for you, but there is something inside you, telling you there is more to life. Much more. And maybe you’ve started to get curious. Really curious. Could you really have more? Could you dare to dream the bigger dream without fear of disappointment, loss, rejection, or one of those other horrible fears that may be laying deep inside you, ready to sabotage any attempt of true fulfilment and happiness? Whatever your case, I can promise you, you’re most certainly not alone. And the good news is: YOU CAN CHANGE IT – NOW! You can live a life of joy, happiness and abundance in all areas of your life! How would it feel, to be living the life of your dreams? To be able to be, do and have everything you could ever want? How much of a difference would that make to you, your family and the people around you ‐ knowing you are living your life with passion?! Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life is a compilation of insights and instructions drawn from years of personal development coaching, business acumen, neuro linguistic programming (NLP), and universal laws (as written about by Wallace Wattles in his famous book “The Science of Getting Rich”). But much more than that, these are the rules that I apply to my own life; results of which have moved me from the sickness of long term depression to a life of immense joy and happiness. I enjoy the most beautiful connections and friendships, that before, were almost alien to me. I absolutely love my life! I am inspired daily – doing what I am extremely passionate about – educating and empowering others! This book is not designed to be the total solution for your life. It has been written with the intent to give you an insight and the tools you need to start creating the life of your dreams today. Because you CAN do it, and it’s really not as far away as you think! When you start to apply these rules, it won’t just be the dream that makes you happy, you will be able to find joy in the journey of your life ‐ because ultimately, what does living your dream really mean? What does it give you? Think about it. Ultimately, your dream will give you a certain feeling. Whether that feeling be pride, unbelievable happiness, freedom, or something else; you will start to realise, with practice, that you can have that exact feeling, right now. So keep reading, to find out how.

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Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life

Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Clearing the Clutter......................................................................................................................... 4 Know What It Is That You Really, Really Want ................................................................................. 5 Language, Language, Language....................................................................................................... 6 Why You’re Getting the Results You’re Getting ............................................................................... 7 Physiology .....................................................................................................................................10 Modelling Excellence, Personal Support and Leadership ................................................................12 Above And Below The Line Behaviour............................................................................................13 The Importance of Values (Priorities).............................................................................................15 Belief Systems................................................................................................................................17 Extra Notes About Values And Belief Systems ................................................................................19 Goal Setting and the Law of Attraction...........................................................................................21 The Power of Visualisation .............................................................................................................24 Taking Action! ................................................................................................................................26 Trust, Surrender and Living in the Moment ....................................................................................27 Gratitude .......................................................................................................................................28 Concluding Comments ...................................................................................................................30

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Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life


Clearing the Clutter

Before getting into the nitty gritty of life changing exercises, this one really is one of the most important first steps that you can do, to start changing your life. You may laugh at this or pass it off by saying ‘oh sure – whatever you say’ kind of thing – but really stop and think about it for a minute. Have you ever had a room in your house (or maybe several) that is always messy and one day you finally got fed up with it and cleaned it up perfectly? You threw away the rubbish, filed what needed filing, vacuumed or mopped, wiped things down, removed any dust and sneaky little cobwebs, maybe you even popped in some fresh flowers or a new piece of artwork and created a beautiful space again. When you did that, how did it feel? When you looked at your new room? When your desk was tidy and perfectly organised? Did it feel cleaner? Fresher? Almost as if a load had been taken off your mind?! Did if feel great?! What about your personal risk management? Are your wills, personal and business insurances, etc. up to date? It’s amazing how different you feel when you know everything has been taken care of. Little niggles that your unconscious mind holds like cobwebs in the mind. There are many others, but we can at least get these things done now and start feeling like we’re achieving something right away! You will be truly amazed, how a clean, well organised house, office and car creates the space for new energy (good things) to come into your life. (Good chi.) And, how good will you feel for being in that space? They say that your car and your house, is a direct reflection of the state of your mind. If it’s unorganised, then maybe you’re mind is all over the place as well. If it’s messy or grubby, then take a good look at yourself and ask yourself – do you think you look messy? Are you feeling grubby? Are there papers and bits and bobs everywhere? If so, do you have a lot of ‘activity’ going on in your mind? You get the idea. If you want to shift some old stale energy, and replace it with newer, clean, fresh energy – then make the decision to clean your environment up and feel the feelings of absolute pride as you maintain your space. Again: notice how this makes you feel! And if we feel good, that will only improve what comes next. You will find it very difficult to maintain focussed concentration on what you want when your unconscious mind is concerned about all the ‘rubbish’ that is in your life. So do yourself a favour, and get rid of it.

Success Tip #1: Clear away the clutter! Throw out anything you don’t use. Give away (or sell) the things that you no longer want. Organise your personal issues and maintain a clean environment, for your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health – allowing opportunity to flow into your mind and into your life.

Want More? Consider taking some advice from a Feng Shui specialist to help create the space for abundance to flow. Visit and get a copy of “Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life Workbook” where you will find a check list to help you clear your clutter.

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Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life


Know What It Is That You Really, Really Want

Do you know what you want for your life? I mean really want. If you could have ANYTHING, what would it be? Who would you want to be? Honestly? A lot of people don’t know what they really want. Maybe they’ve spent most of their life taking care of others, putting others first, impacted by social, cultural, family expectations that don’t allow the true individual to come to light, plus a whole gamut of other reasons. No matter what your situation or circumstances, I challenge you to find a quiet place where you can really relax, touch base with who you are and more importantly, who you want to be. What does happiness look like for you? What would make you jump out of bed and love life everyday? What are you truly passionate about? Maybe you could start by asking yourself some simple questions, such as What do I really want? Where do I want to live? What kind of a lifestyle do I want? What kind of car do I want to drive? How much do I want to earn per week, per month, per year? What do I want to do with that money/how will I spend it? Will I invest it? Holiday? What type of health do I want? What type of relationship do I want to be in? Just write a list, it doesn’t matter how long it is. In fact, why not go for it and write 100 things you want in your life! Some things you may not even know whether you want them or not – and unless you try – you’ll never know. So give life a go – have fun. Isn’t it time to step out of the comfort zone and discover what you’re truly capable of?! Important Note: Do not think of the HOW you will do these things or get these things that you want! Just write down what you want! Be like a child in a candy store. If you don’t know what you want, start with the basics. I’m sure you know what kind of house you want to live in or at least what area you want to live in. I’m sure you can think of something small (or big) you’d like to do or have to make your life better. So start with those things.

Success Tip # 2: Write a list of what you want (not what you don’t want). Try and write 100 things in order to expand your mind and increase feelings of deserving.

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Language, Language, Language

If you’re the type of person who knows what you don’t want, then get a piece of paper, draw a line down the centre and at the top on one side, write “What I DON’T Want” and on the other side write “What I DO Want”. Then write down all the things you don’t want on the left and write their opposite, in the right hand column under What I DO Want. You will have to THINK about it carefully. The more negatively focussed you’ve been in your life, the harder this will be. This is a very important exercise for those people. Eg. I DON’T want to be poor could translate to I WANT to be independently wealthy I DON’T want to be fat could translate to I WANT to be strong, fit and healthy Why is this so important? Because the brain does not recognise the words not or don’t. Eg. If you say ‘I’m not fat’ – your brain actually creates the image of ‘fat’ because it doesn’t understand the word ‘not’. So if I said “do NOT think of a red balloon”, your mind actually has to see that image of the red balloon in order for it to understand it, then not think about it. So please ensure you ALWAYS write your goals (and ‘think’ about your goals) in the positive ‐ as in, how you want it, not how you don’t want it! Take this a step further and as parents, how often do you say things to your children such as “don’t touch that! Don’t touch. I said, don’t touch that! I told you not to touch that”! Guess how that little person’s brain comprehends those instructions? They are hearing a constant command to ‘touch that’! The image that is being created in their mind with constant instruction is the image of touching the forbidden item. After so much confirmation, the child can actually feel ‘compelled’ to do the thing that their parents are telling them not to do – even though they know it’s wrong. The same goes for school teachers who make students write lines saying for example “I will NOT speak in class”. Write this enough times and you certainly won’t get ‘quiet’ from that child! So watch your language, what you’re thinking and what you’re saying. What goes in, comes out.

Success Tip #3 Practice thinking and speaking in the positive. That means, saying what you want, not what you don’t want!

Want More? Visit and get a copy of “Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life Workbook” to make this and all the other exercises easier.

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Why You’re Getting the Results You’re Getting

Are you happy with the results you’re getting in your life? If I told you that your results are a direct reflection of what is going on inside of you, you might want to throw a brick at me. But when you start to understand the power of the messages in this book and realise that this is just the beginning, your new awareness will open up unlimited opportunity for all the joy, happiness and feelings of success, health and wellbeing that you could ever want! Below is a simple formula, which, if you address carefully, will show you where you need to start doing something differently, in order to create different results; because as we’ve all heard before “if you keep doing the same things the same way, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got”! So if you want something to be different, you need to change something! In order to get a result in anything, whether that be to lose weight, make extra sales, be in a loving relationship ‐ you have to do something, yes?! Of course you have to do something! Hence I’m sure you’d agree that to lose weight, you would need to perform the action or behaviour of exercising and eating properly. (And if you’re sitting there thinking, ‘well that’s obvious’ – then read on!) If it is as simple as just going and doing ‐ how is it then that some people, in the same environment, with the same opportunities, get brilliant results, and others don’t do well at all? Let’s go back a step ‐ before the action/behaviour. What actually happens, before you perform a particular action or behaviour? You FEEL a certain way! Think about this for a minute. If your goal is to lose weight, and you know you have to go to be more active, and you made the decision that you will go to the gym in order to fulfill that; then what happens if you are FEELING tired, depressed, or some other negative emotion – when it’s time to go? Are you going to go? I doubt it! You’ll definitely perform an action though and you’ll definitely get a result! Eg. You may stay in bed and not get up. Or you may sit in front of the television. That in fact is an action or behaviour in the same way getting up and going to the gym is an action or behaviour. What would happen if you felt motivated and excited about being your perfect weight? About looking great and feeling strong, fit and healthy? What if you were really excited about that? Do you think you might perform a different action or behave differently? You know you would. And these actions will be more in line with your desired result – giving you more opportunity to create more feelings of success and achievement as you move yourself forward! So your feeling, your emotional states, will determine your behaviour, which in turn, will determine your results! Now start thinking of how this applies to everything in your life. Maybe someone spoke to you in a way that made you feel angry, which then caused you to do something which wasn’t very nice, which then created a worse situation, which then made the other person react more negatively, which then made you feel worse and you end up in a spiral of misfortune and negative emotion. Where is this impacting your life, right now? And what emotions/feelings do you need to have or maintain, in order to move you toward the actions and behaviours that will get you the result that you want?

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But Wait, there’s more! What determines how we feel? What we THINK! To keep it simple and so you can start changing your life today, let me recommend the following VERY important tips about how you think. All the time, you have information running through your mind. The real question is: what are you saying to yourself? Your language determines what images show up on the screen of your mind, which then determines how you will feel. For example (keeping the same themes), you want to lose weight. So you set yourself a time to get up and go to the gym, or go for your walk. The alarm clock goes off and you say to yourself “Urhhhhhh. I’m sooooo tired” or “It’s sooo cold. I’ll start tomorrow”. Then you might start ‘justifying’ your decision. Examples may include things like: ‘Oh it’s okay I’m not that bad (fat)’.... through to comments like ‘I’m such a loser, I’ll never get fit and healthy’..... As a result of this (often very fast) internal dialogue, you end up feeling less than fantastic, which then causes you to maintain your unsuccessful behaviour (staying in bed, watching tv...) and your result is not what you really wanted – or is it? (That’s another story). The same goes for the sales person. Say he/she goes to work and has to make 100 phone calls. Let’s assume that the language in their head goes along these lines “Man, I hate this. People really don’t want to talk to me. I’m wasting my time. They’re (the other salesperson who is doing just great) so lucky. I wish I could get his/her sales. They’re always so happy – it’s not fair....” The image they may see in their mind is of people being rude to them and hanging up on them. What kind of feeling is this language (self talk) and imaging creating in the body? Negative feelings! Low feelings. This is a great way to spiral into frustration, anger, sadness, fear, guilt and depression. Hmmmmm. What would happen if the person wanting to lose weight heard the alarm go off, and no matter how they felt when they woke up, decided to say to themselves, “I’m so excited that I’m starting my new life of health and fitness today and I can’t wait to get going... I can already feel how good I know I will be feeling... wow... I’ve got to get going.. NOW.” AND, with that language they automatically saw pictures of themselves being fit and healthy, their desired weight, how good they feel when they get back, etc. What if this person practiced the feeling that they know they will have when they are fit and healthy, (their desired weight, strength etc.) and then continued to imagine themselves as being that every day? Do you think this person might produce different results? Of course they will!

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What about the salesperson? What do you think would happen if instead of the above negative self talk, they started saying things like “Alright, this is a numbers game. People love me. I’m awesome. I KNOW I’m going to make 10 sales today easily because I love my clients and I treat them as if they were my best friend in the entire world and I am proud of our product/service, and I completely believe in it and I can’t wait to talk to as many people as possible to let them know what we do. In fact, I’m so motivated, I need to start calling people right now!” AND, they had images on the screen of their mind of warm positive conversations with new friends as well as a clear mental image of the sales they want ‐ having already been made for the day?! Wow. Different language – different images ‐ different feeling – different behaviour – different result! This information alone can help you change your bottom line within a matter of weeks! So... Your THOUGHTS/internal and external LANGUAGE Combined with your INTERNAL IMAGES Influence your FEELINGS/EMOTIONS Which influence your ACTIONS/BEHAVIOURS Which determines your RESULTS/OUTCOMES

Remember: Whatever you think ‐ is true (for you). So be careful what you think! For example: If you think you are slim, then you are. If you think you are fat, then you are. If you think it, and believe it, you create it. Combined focus will significantly multiply your results. If you are the leader of a team with a common goal (eg. Real Estate sales) and you can encourage your team to focus on the same images (the end result) and use positive self talk and positive intent – and do most of what is mentioned in this book (faith, belief, gratitude) your business will truly increase!

Success Tip # 4: Change your language to positive language! Remove ALL negative self talk and negative verbalisations (what comes out of your mouth is a direct result of what is going on in your head! If you want to achieve positive results in your life, this tip is not negotiable. It is an absolute MUST.)

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Your physiology is what your body is doing at any one time. It’s about how you are sitting, standing, walking, etc. Your physical being. Anthony Robbins talks a lot about our physiology and the impact it has on our emotional state and hence the actions/behaviour we perform as a result. Try this exercise: think of a time, right now, when you were feeling very sad – depressed. What position was your body in when you sat or walked? Where was your head or your chest and shoulders? What type of movements did you perform? Were they upbeat or slower? What were you saying to yourself?! Now think about a time, when you were at your absolute peak. When you were getting everything you wanted, or at least you were really happy and excited about something. What position was your body in then? Where was your head then? When you spoke to someone, how was your voice different to when you were sad/depressed? How did you move? What were you saying to yourself then? If you sit up now and start talking to someone as if you have just reached the biggest goal in your entire life – what would you be doing with your body (physiology)? I might imagine that you were more upright, maybe even jumping up and down, your chest may be out more, you might walk with a bit of a strut having increased self confidence knowing that you have just achieved something you’ve always wanted to be, do or have in your life. You’d ‘look’ different purely because your body was acting differently. This is called subconscious anchoring. Subconscious anchoring means that you have anchored a particular emotional state (feeling) in your body (within the cellular memory of your body) over many years – or via repetition eg. when you were feeling really happy, you smiled a lot, so your body connected the feeling of happy to your physiological state of smiling (and everything else your body did during those happy times, like standing tall, walking a certain way, etc.). So, if you want to access an emotional state that you know you already have a strong link to, all you have to do is think of the time you were in that state before, and change your physiology to match, and it will ‘remind’ your emotional centre of how you are supposed to feel, according to that physical state of being. This explains why people who have been the main relative of someone who has passed away, could be perfectly happy in two years time and feeling just fine, when a friend comes up and hugs them and pats them on the back at the same time, and the person being hugged and patted suddenly feels incredibly emotional and upset for absolutely no reason what‐so‐ ever. Why? Because at the funeral, they had many people hug them and pat them in the same spot just behind their shoulder (repetition), whilst being in an extreme emotional state of sadness, loss and grief (as examples). So it created a physiological anchor. Your facial expressions have a huge impact on your physiology as well. Try this exercise. Think for a moment of something in your life that made you feel really sad again. Really, really sad. Then, when you’ve got that, put a huge smile on your face. From ear to ear. A massive grin! Show those teeth. Now whether you like it or not, your body is fighting the sadness and the neurons in the brain are in confusion and you may start to feel some happy feelings coming through. Give it a go. It will amaze you. If you want to get even more technical – you can anchor in any emotional state that you like by completely associating into that state (let’s use the emotional state of fun as an example), and then feeling those feelings of having fun and getting your body to move the same way it would move when you’re having loads and loads of fun; and then increasing the intensity of that feeling so it grew and grew and grew and then pressing a point on your body that you wouldn’t normally press whilst saying the word Fun out loud at the same Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life © Copyright Inspirational Life . All Rights Reserved. Page 10

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time! If you did this several times over and over, constantly increasing the emotional state of fun as you did this (ensuring that you truly do feel the actual feeling of having fun) – you would create an anchor that, whenever you needed it, you could just touch that point in the same way and you would suddenly be thrown back into the state of fun. Very handy stuff! To put this into perspective, your thoughts initiate your physiology. So, your thoughts always come first. Then your body will move into a certain shape, your feelings will follow, which will then direct your behaviour/actions, and of course, that will create a result or an outcome.

Success Tip # 5: Watch your physiology and use it to leverage your state and your ultimate success!

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Modelling Excellence, Personal Support and Leadership

If you have a look, you will find some great leaders around you, and when you model great leaders, you learn great things. When you model excellence, you become excellence. Have you ever heard the saying, ‘you become like the people you hang around’? Parent’s often have concerns about who their children are hanging out with as peer pressure can change the direction of a young person’s life. We see the same thing happening in our adult world. Misery attracts misery in the same way positivity attracts positivity! Like minds, attract like minds. Find a group of people who are not only positive but action orientated and have a value set which includes service to others. Hang around people who want to support you and your dreams and are doing great things themselves! People who will inspire you, motivate you and encourage you to stay on your journey toward your dream. You cannot do it alone. Even a leader who has changed the world, has had a supporter or a large number of them. Become a supporter of others, and in turn, others will support you. By doing this, you create a spiral of uplifting. The more people you help, the more you are able to move up the spiral of success. The stronger the support you give to others (your intent), the stronger foundation you create for your own success. Ref: modelling success behaviours If you are modelling someone who has achieved the things you want to achieve in life, then you may wish to consider the following: 1. Physiology ‐ how do they stand, walk, move (eg. Stand tall, walk with confidence, move with intention) 2. Language ‐ are they using above the line language? (Refer to Above and Below the Line chapter) 3. Attitudes ‐ what positive attitudes are helping them get what they want? 4. What are their possible value sets in relation to the area you are wanting to model. Eg. If they have a truly wonderful relationship and a shocking business, then learn what you can about their values and possible beliefs around relationships and notice what you don’t want in relation to where they’re not succeeding. If you can model someone who has had success in almost all areas of their life, then that will put you in great stead for yours. Read and fill your mind with information of those people you wish to become like (in your own unique special way of course)! Some people I like to model through the study of their books and seminars include Wallace Wattles, Napolean Hill, Bob Proctor, Anthony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Dr Rev Michael Beckwith, Dr Demartini.... All of whom have or had have great health, wealth and happiness! So, who have you been modelling up until right now? How has that influenced your beliefs, your values, your language and the ultimate results you’re getting in your life today? Who could you model and who do you need to hang around, in order to become greater in yourself? In order to be more than you’ve ever been? To experience more joy and fulfilment in your life? What do you need to source within yourself, to become a leader of your own vision?

Success Tip # 6: Model the success of others and start hanging around people who are going to support you. Firstly, ask yourself how you can support others within that circle of positive influence.

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Above And Below The Line Behaviour

Understanding Above and Below the line behaviour can change the way you think very quickly. When you understand this, you will be able to quickly catch yourself out! So there will no longer be excuses, not even for you! On the next page you will see a diagram with a horizontal line across the centre. Successful people (as in those people who get what they want, are happy, content with their life, etc.) live above the line. We say that these people are rowing their boat with their own set of OARs and those people who are not happy, live below the line, or as the analogy is represented in this diagram – they live in BED. The Diagram Explained Above the Line People who live above the line, are like rowing their own boat. They have their OARs and they are in charge of their life. OAR stands for:

O: Ownership A: Accountability R: Responsibility

When you live above the line, you take ownership of, are accountable and responsible for your own thoughts, feelings, actions and behaviour and hence the results you achieve. We say that people who live above the line are living at CAUSE. This means that they are the cause of their own destiny. They realise that they alone are responsible for how their life turns out and the amount of happiness, abundance and joy that they experience in their life, is really up to them. Up to you. The language of people living above the line include “I must... I will.... I can.... I am committed to .....” You rarely hear a ‘but’ or ‘should’ come from these people and you will never ever hear them say “I can’t” because they believe if there is an obstacle, then there is another way. So the language is “I will find another way”, the feeling could be ‘determination and enthusiasm’ and the action performed will produce yet another positive result or a great learning and so the cycle of positivity continues. The attitude of someone living above the line is very much a positive one. They are open, secure, giving, compassionate and yet strong, fun loving, respectful, confident, courageous, prepared to take risks, learners, solution orientated, focussed on what they want and yet supportive of other people’s dreams. They respect the values and beliefs of others and contribute toward the community at large. These people have a healthy respect and love for themselves which is vital to everything that they do. These people live much happier, more fulfilled lives and are a joy to be around. Below the Line People who live below the line, are like living in BED. BED stands for:

B: Blame E: Excuses D: Denial

These people very rarely, if ever, take responsibility for themselves. When things go wrong, they look for someone or something to blame. They make excuses for their circumstances and for the results they are getting. They can often be in denial about their behaviour, attitudes and the results they are achieving in their lives. We say that these people are living at affect. That means that they are living Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life © Copyright Inspirational Life . All Rights Reserved. Page 13

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constantly in a reaction type (emotional/sometimes irrational) response as a result of their external environment. They live by ‘external influence’ to everything that is happening around them including, what other people do, what other people say, media, etc. (everything ‘happens’ to them). These people are incongruent and generally unhappy. They are not in control of their own destinations. The language of a person living below the line includes: Yes but..... you should..... he/she or even I should....... it’s not my fault....... it if wasn’t for him/her/that company/government, ......... if only they had have....... I can’t........ etc. Some attitudes of the person who is living below the line include: victim mentality (poor me), judgemental, fear based (jealousy, control, manipulation,...) etc. They do not love or respect themselves completely. As a result, the person living below the line is unable to experience complete happiness and fulfilment in their life. You may also note, that some people can be seen to live above the line in their careers (as an example), then get home, and suddenly change to below the line behaviour. The real question is: where you are living below the line, and what do you need to do, to change it?

ABOVE THE LINE BEHAVIOUR O wnership A ccountability R esponsibility Living with a Cause mentality (I cause/create my results) Language examples: I will…., I can….., I must… How can I.....

Happier, more fulfilled, feelings of success, achieve more, have more fun and joy in their life, surround themselves with positive people …

Attitudes: Positive, Can Do Attitudes These people generally have supportive, positive and resourceful belief systems.

BELOW THE LINE BEHAVIOUR B lame E xcuses D enial Living with an Affect mentality (Someone or something else has caused or created my results)

Anger, Sadness, Resent, Guilt, Victim Mentality, expect others to create their happiness for them.

Language examples: I can’t….., because……, yes but………, it’s not my fault……, they did this…….., Attitudes: Negative, irresponsible attitudes. Often these people are living with many negative or unresourceful belief systems.

Success Tip # 7: Practice living above the line by realising that you are in charge of your thoughts, your feelings, your behaviour and your results. Live with an attitude of gratitude and look for the good in all things. Practice all the tips as written about in this book. Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life © Copyright Inspirational Life . All Rights Reserved. Page 14

Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life


The Importance of Values (Priorities)

A great deal can be said about values and what you read here is a very general overview (surface values) to give you the opportunity to look at it in more detail should you wish to do so. For example, we have underlying (unconscious) values, community, religious and social values, cultural values, peer based values, global values and even values that are placed upon us by the media. This chapter is about those things that are important to us. The more important something is, the higher up on your value list (priority list) it is. Your values directly determine what actions you take on a daily basis. For example: if it is extremely important to be earning X amount of dollars every week, you will do whatever it takes to ensure that happens. If you have a health issue and your doctor has said, you must do ‘x’ in order to live, then I’m sure that would move to the top of your values list. In other words, it would become important to you. Your values will push you through any unresourceful feelings you may have. For example: if you want to make 100 phone calls to get your business going, or you want to get up in the morning and go to the gym or for a walk and you are not ‘feeling’ up to it ‐ if your value is to make so many sales that day, or to be fit and healthy is very high (extremely important to you), then you will push the unresourceful feeling aside and find a new feeling – maybe inner strength, determination, or something else – which will move you through into taking the appropriate action. You will dig deeper inside yourself and find what you need, to succeed. So, what’s on your value list? What is REALLY important to you? Note: Our values change. Eg. If you are single and finding a partner is extremely important to you, then it might be at number one on your values list. Later on, when you’re happily married, finding a partner would not even show up on your value list at all! (Again, assuming that you’re happily married!) As Dr Demartini says, we prioritise our values in accordance with what we think we want most in our life at any one time. Eg. If you need money, money becomes number one on your value list. If you need a car, getting a car could be high on your value list. So how do we use values to help us create more abundance in our lives?! Excellent question! Whatever is high on your value list, is what you think about most of the time. Now, remembering the Chapter “Why you’re getting the results you’re getting”, what you think about, is literally, what you bring about! So what do you want in your life? (Yes, I may keep asking this question. Clarity is a good thing!) The first thing you need to do, is recognise what your values are right ‘now’. Not what you WANT them to be. This is a real trick. Have a look at how you’re spending your time every day, as that will pretty much give it away. You may even surprise yourself. For example: You may say to yourself, financial security and wealth creation is very important to me, and yet, if you look at how you spend your time every day, you spend money on eating out, frivolous spending, you do not have a saving’s plan and you might not even know what a compounding interest account is, let alone what a managed fund, shares or effective financial gearing even means. Do you know what a financial planner does? Have you ever seen one? Therefore, the fact that you ‘say’ financial independence is important to you ‐ is really what you call ‐ being in ‘denial’. If wealth creation really was important to you, you’d begin to study wealth. The same goes for your love life, health, business, anything. If you want to change your life, you need to change your values. If you want financial security, wealth must become so important, that you’re prepared to ‘do something’ about it.

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Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life

Success Tip # 8: List what is important to you as you’re living your life today; then notice what needs to change and make a commitment to stop doing the things that are moving you away from what you want, continue doing the things that are moving you toward what you want, and start doing the things that will get you what you want! (It gets easier to do this, as you start to learn how universal laws work! But it’s important to understand what you’re doing.)

Want More? Go to and register for the Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life online e‐course.

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Belief Systems

Now we’re getting to the nitty gritty of it. Behind our values, we have belief systems. Stop and think for a moment about what you’d really like to have in your life, and then ask yourself, how is it that you don’t have that already? (Do this now.) If you said time or money, you’d be wrong. Why? Have a look at the people in the world who have what it is that you want. They had the same amount of time as you did, and more often than not, less money. The billionaires of this world didn’t start out that way. In fact, they were often way behind when suddenly increasing their financial independence become so important to them, it meant they would have to change the meaning they associated to creating and/or having significant wealth (whatever their meaning of wealth was). What meaning do you place on what you want? Eg. Being fit and healthy means ......... (If I was fit and healthy I would feel.........) Being truly wealthy means.........(If I was truly wealthy, I would feel...............) Being in a loving relationship means...... (If I was in a loving relationship, I would feel..............). Now if you have unresourceful belief systems, obviously you are going to continue to self sabotage into a cycle of frustration, anger, resent, pain, sadness, guilt, depression, and so on. Think for a minute about what you heard when you were growing up. Eg. If you want financial independence/wealth – did you hear things like ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’, ‘you can’t have that’, ‘we can’t afford that’, ‘you don’t deserve that’, negative labels which as a child you had the inability to disassociate from or other experiences that caused you to choose to believe something, or place meaning on that experience, which was negative. Another example, in order to explain this better could be: If someone grew up in a family where they watched one of their parents abuse the other parent, or had parents that abused them.... they may have placed a series of negative meanings to that. Eg. Relationships are painful and you get hurt in relationships. Or if abused themselves: I am unworthy of love. I am nothing. I am a bad person. I’m not good enough... (you can see the issues can’t you). As an adult, these unresourceful belief systems create a self sabotaging cycle of misery. Eg. As a human being, we all have the need to be loved; but, with the negative belief systems operating, instead of being able to love themselves, and create beautiful loving connections in their life, the person holding onto these unresourceful beliefs, feels angry and resentful (because they’re not getting what they want). They then go into a ‘negative behavioural pattern’. One such pattern may be to try and control and manage everything and everyone around them in order to protect themselves (to keep themselves safe) and hence, they are unable to create the deep loving connections that they so desperately desire and need ‐ which then ‐ creates a self fulfilling prophecy which actually supports their original negative/unresourceful belief system. The result is: NOT what they really want. Instead, the result (outcome of that situation) usually supports the original ‘unresourceful’ belief! In this case as an example – it supports their unresourceful belief of “I’m not worthy; or I’m not good enough”. Physiology


Beliefs and Self Talk (incl. what you think on the subconscious level)



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Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life

Here is another example. I’ve met women that have an underlying belief system where being slim (in their eyes) and therefore beautiful, means that they will attract sexual abuse. For others, they have a subconscious belief that being beautiful means that people can love them and they can’t handle that, because they feel inside that they don’t deserve love; again due to negative labelling, criticism or something else that happened in their life. As a result, they end up acting one way (eg. starting a health and fitness program) and then self sabotaging (eg. giving up) in order to support the original unresourceful belief (that being beautiful means something negative). This is pain and pleasure at its best. Eg. It’s more painful for me to continue with the health and fitness program, than it is for me to work through it... Most of the time, you don’t even realise what is going on! When you do realise what is happening – when you understand this, your new awareness can help you make better choices. The negative emotions of memory (what hold our negative beliefs) are like leeches on our life. Many people live this way (meaning, they live day to day with the ‘feelings’ of past emotions, not emotions they could be having in this moment) and suffer negative emotions that really, do not belong in the now. It’s important to understand that removing the past emotion does not remove the memory of that event. Instead, it allows us to live in this moment – having learnt the lessons from that memory – taking the learnings from our past (not the emotions) is what makes us greater human beings. This gives us the opportunity to grow. To be all that we can be as a human being – to be love, compassion, understanding, forgiveness, joy, etc. or, to just be. The question I ask you again is: what do you really want? (ah ha!) Because you need to make a choice to let go of those old emotions with the realisation that they are holding you back and creating misery in your life. Look toward what you really want, because you can have it! Make a conscious and unconscious decision to set new, more resourceful belief systems and begin repeating them over and over and over again until you believe it. Live in the new belief system. Wear it like your skin. Feel it on a cellular level, and watch how things change for you. Or, create a value that is so strong, that you will walk through the valley of death and fear no evil, because you are so focussed on the light. Examples: If you want to be wealthy and you have a belief system that says ‘being wealthy is selfish’ or ‘you must be a bad person to have all that money’, then stop and think about what you would need to believe in order to allow yourself to create that kind of wealth. Eg. I love and respect money. Then write down all the positive things you will do with that money. Opportunity to learn, experience more, grow, share with others (your growth will impact on those around you), contribute to those who are unable to help themselves, educate your children, charitable causes, create businesses that will employ people and make better lives for everyone in your world. Think about who has what you want, that you respect, and consider what they might have had to believe, in order to achieve that same goal. This is part of ‘Modelling’. Reading about that person can also help with this.

Success Tip # 9: Write down the unresourceful belief systems that you think have been holding you back; then write beside them, a new resourceful belief system (like an affirmation). Write the new belief system on a card and carry it around with you everywhere to remind yourself to say it often, to completely feel it as if it were true. To begin with, it will feel completely stupid, as you are reconnecting neurons along a different pathway. You must believe what you are saying. So don’t just say it, feel it and visualise it, as if it was really true for you. Even better: focus on what you really want in your life, (as per upcoming chapters), and the old negative patterns will fall away....

Want More? To help remove negative past emotion, I highly recommend that you read “The Little Soul and The Sun” by Neale Donald Walsh. It will give you a new perspective on any negative experiences that you may be holding onto. J (You can access a pdf version of Neale’s story for free )

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Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life

10. Extra Notes About Values And Belief Systems You must be in control of your values and belief systems. What I mean by that is, if you have a value that states; ‘It’s extremely important to me that my partner earns enough to support our family and set us up for a healthy retirement’ then you are no longer in control of your results. You have given your power to someone else. I’m not saying this is wrong, it is just important to understand. If you want financial wealth for example, and you put your expectations into someone else’s hands, what happens if that person doesn’t do what you ‘expect’ or ‘hope’ that they will do? Does that person have a different value set to you? If you’re in a partnership, you can pretty much guarantee that your partner’s values are almost directly opposite to yours. So be very careful here. The same goes for beliefs: Eg. Men are responsible for providing financial security and retirement income in a relationship. If you were expected do this for someone else, and you did not want to do it, what emotions would that create in your relationship? Remember, how we think, determines how we feel, which determines our behaviour, which produces the actions we take and the results we get. So let’s break it down. Partner A has the above value, backed up by the above belief system, therefore creating an expectation of someone else. Partner A is handing over their results (outcomes) to somebody else. They do not fulfil it for themselves. Their belief system is such that they believe that they don’t have to. Partner B on the other hand (the person Partner A expects to fulfill this expectation) has a high value for sports cars and other things that do not include financial security. Partner B has an underlying belief system that states that ‘both partners are equally responsible for providing funds to keep the family going, believes he is fulfilling that belief and doesn’t believe in saving for retirement as he also has a belief that states ‘you must live your life today as tomorrow may never come’. What do you think is going to happen in this relationship? Partner A may start to feel let down, hurt, angry and resentful, as partner B is not fulfilling her expectations and therefore not creating the result/outcome she wanted. Partner B could start to feel annoyed, frustrated and pressured with partner A’s expectations and also become resentful, etc. With all this negative self talk and emotions, what kind of behaviour do you think will follow? Loving supportive behaviour?? Or something else? Maybe partner A will start to abuse their partner, put them down, become increasingly angry and irritated for not giving them what they want... maybe they’ll stop connecting in that special way. Behaviours will become negative (screaming, shouting, throwing, violent behaviour) you get my drift. So, what kind of result would that behaviour produce do you think? The desired result of financial security? Or a breakdown in the marriage? A spiral of unending misery and suffering? This is living below the line, big time! What belief systems and expectations do you have, where you have placed your future in someone else’s hands? What do you need to believe, value (prioritise), feel and do, in order to be the designer of your own destiny?

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Let’s look at the opposite for a minute. What could have happened if partner A had a set of beliefs along the lines of, “I know that money comes to me easily, in increasing amounts, from multiple sources, on a continuous basis. (Bob Proctor) I am open to opportunity. I am responsible for what I receive in my life. Through an attitude of gratitude, I will service others and create what I want for myself at the same time”. Along with the value of financial security, what actions or behaviours do you think this person might carry out? And how different to you think the results would be? Hugely different. Because her ‘awareness’ has changed! Her values and beliefs are different and she is now in control of her own destiny – not someone else.

Success Tip # 10: Watch out for evil expectations and who you are giving your power to. Ensure your values and beliefs are about YOU, not anyone else.

Want More? Go to and register for the online e‐course “Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life” Note: there are therapists who can also help with removing unresourceful belief systems as well. Other than the traditional practitioners such as psychologists and counsellors, you may also wish to investigate hypnotherapy, Nuero Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Field Therapy (EFT) and courses designed to change belief systems such as those offered by Anthony Robbins and Dr Demartini as examples (Mr Robbins and Dr Demartini are two highly acclaimed personal development gurus, published authors, motivational speakers and facilitators of transformational change in peoples lives.)

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Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life

11. Goal Setting and the Law of Attraction A goal is a destination. It is the end result of something. For example: you may want a new car. The goal then: is to own a new car. If you want to go overseas, your goal might be: to go on an African safari. If it’s important enough to you, if it’s high enough on your value list for you to really want it, then goal setting is not an option. If you don’t know where you’re going, how can you possibly expect to get there? This is why it’s so important to really know what it is that you want! Not setting goals is the same as getting into the car and driving with no destination in mind. And if that’s how you want to live, then that’s fine, but if you’re reading this, then I’m going to make the assumption that you are wanting more in your life. All you need to do is identify clearly what that/those things are, and then get very clear about them. Clarity around goal setting is just one of the main keys (or secrets, for those who are new to this) that will help you get what you want. So if you’re not sure about what you want, go back to chapter one! When our mind knows what we are looking for, it creates an innate ‘awareness’ around that goal. That awareness is like an electro magnetic radar, which, when it has a clear image of the thing you want, it knows exactly what it is looking for, and it will send out the search waves (the entire time you are thinking of it) until it spots something that looks like what you want, and it will ‘alert’ you to it (attracting it into your conscious awareness)! You have probably already experienced this in your life on many occasions without even realising it. For example, when looking for a new car. If you know exactly what type of car you really want, OR, if you’ve just bought a new car, then you’ll suddenly see that car on the road everywhere – when before, you may not have even seen it at all. Women who have been pregnant can relate to this. Before pregnancy they rarely see a pregnant woman; but as soon as they fall pregnant, there are pregnant women everywhere!! It almost seems crazy! Therefore, whatever you are focussed on, is what you create opportunity for. (Where focus goes, energy flows.) If you’re looking for a specific item whilst you’re out shopping, or a specific business opportunity that is in line with your vision; your internal radar will look for it everywhere and when you see something that looks like that, it will flash at you and draw your attention to it in order for you to identify it and allow you to then make a decision about whether or not you want to take advantage of that opportunity. So if you are focussed (thinking & feeling) about negative stuff, your mind has no option but to find and create more of that same stuff, because that is what you’re telling it to do! This is one element of how the law of attraction works. It is so simple, and yet, so difficult for many to actually follow. Your GOALS (what it is that you want) must be in line with your VALUES! Firstly, you must write your goals down. Now there is a way to do this that is more productive than any other way, so please follow: If you’ve heard of the SMART principal, then that is a great place to start. SMART stands for: S: Specific M: Measurable A: Action Orientated R: Realistic T: Timed

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S: Specific The more detail you put into your goal, the more you increase your awareness around it and the easier it is for your mind to find what it is that you are looking for! I want you to add to this: Stated in the positive. So you write “I am earning $300,000 dollars a year in passive income” as opposed to saying “I am not poor” or “I don’t have to worry about trying to pay the bills anymore!” Why? Well firstly, the negative ones are not specific about what it is you actually want, and because, as mentioned in chapter 3, the mind does not understand the words not or don’t.

M: Measurable Your goal needs to be measurable. So for example, saying “I am rich and wealthy” is not measurable. How will you know when you’re rich and wealthy? What does rich and wealthy mean to you? Get detailed!! Detail, detail, detail (as per above – be specific). Writing “I am earning $300,000 a year in passive income” is measurable. Writing “I am a gorgeous size 12” is measurable. I am slim – is not.

A: Action Orientated Your goal must be actionable. That means, you must be able to do something toward it. For example: if your goal is to earn $300k a year in passive income, you must be able to go and do something toward that. Write your goals and then take action on them, immediately. Even a snail can reach its destination, simply through constant small actions, every day.

R: Realistic Is your goal realistic? Do you know what? External to common thinking, W Clement Stone states “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve”. If you believe it, you can achieve it. So again, is it realistic for you? If you want to be an astronaught and you’re 90 years old, it may be a little less realistic – but hey – always possible with the way today’s technology is moving! More than anything, I would suggest that a realistic goal, is more about being congruent with yourself. Ask yourself, do I really want this thing, and if so, why? And what am I prepared to do, in order to achieve it. Because if you study the works of Wallace Wattle’s (author of ‘The Science of Getting Rich’), anything is possible. It is also important to ensure that you are wanting to achieve your goals for the right reasons and not for the ego trip – for if that is the case – it won’t last very long or you may never achieve it anyway.

T: Timed Some people argue this point about timing. Some say don’t put a time/date against your goal, just trust that the universe will provide it when you’re ready. In a way, that is also true. My opinion is that by putting a time (deadline) against your goal (when you’d like to achieve it by), you assist your mind in being able to practically prioritise. Now, the trick is, not to rush! If you start to rush because your deadline is coming closer, do not worry. Just keep moving and if you need to, set a new date. It doesn’t matter. Rushing creates feelings of angst, worry and unresourceful emotional states that will not favour the reaching of your goal. Instead, love the journey you are on and make the most of it, daily.

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Again, this is a good ‘time’ to reiterate the importance of having goals that match your values! There isn’t much use setting a goal to earn $300,000 a year in passive income by the 21 st December 2010, if you don’t have a very high value for creating wealth!

Remember: Your goals must be in line with your values!

Success Tip # 11: Write your goals in detail, in the positive. Do this for every area of your life. Eg. Health and Fitness, Wealth, Relationships, Family, Fun, Travel, Social, Career and/or Business, Contribution, Legacy (what do you want to leave behind). You decide.

Want More? Go to and look for the link to your free copy of “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace Wattles!

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Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life

12. The Power of Visualisation Visualisation is the seeing of pictures in your mind. So if you close your eyes and imagine someone that you love, you will see them on the screen of your mind. If you think about a yellow yo yo, you will see a yellow yo yo on the screen of your mind – assuming you had seen a yellow yo yo before. If you hadn’t, your mind would make something up as to what it ‘could’ be. Whatever you think about, your mind will create images for. If you think about what you want, you will see images of what you want. Your car, your house, the holiday, the people you love, etc. For some of you, you’ve heard all of this before. So the question for you is ‐ are you visualising? If so, what are you visualising? How often? I’m guessing if you’re reading this, that maybe there’s still something you could learn – there always is! Visualisation is so powerful, that the world’s greatest athletes would not go into an event without having fully visualised / rehearsed in their mind, every second of their goal in significant detail! Research was done on athletes prior to one of the more recent Olympic Games, where they hooked up the athletes to technical equipment which read how the muscles responded whilst the athlete ‘visualised’ going through their event. They were amazed that the exact same muscles fired, that would fire as if the athlete was doing it for real! (Refer to the movie ‘The Secret’) This proved that the mind does not know the difference between what is real and what is not real, and hence the power of visualisation! (Puts a whole new perspective on exercise doesn’t it!) You may have even heard the stories of prisoners – one that visualised his golf game and getting that hole in one – then finally getting out of prison and doing it! Another one where he visualised his piano piece in detail, and of course, after many years in prison, finally sat down at a piano and played it perfectly! Don’t make the mistake by under estimating the power of visualisation. Know what you want, then visualise it. Have you ever heard the saying, be careful what you ask for!! It’s true! This stuff is so powerful and you can manifest things so quickly, it can scare you! Now here is the trick: When you visualise it, you must be ‘associated’. That means, you need to be ‘in’ the picture, not watching the picture. You need to be experiencing it as if you really would be experiencing it. That means, you need to FEEL the feelings of being, doing or having what you want. You need to SEE all that you would see if it were real for you, and you need to HEAR all that you would hear in that situation. Add to this Taste and Smell and you’re well on your way to truly receiving what you want in your life. Vision Boards I think it would be amiss of me not to mention vision boards here. A vision board is simply a board (or whatever you want to use) with pictures of everything you want in your life. Your pictures can include anything from bank account statements with the amount of money you’d like to see in your account, to travel destinations, dream house, fitness images, relationship images, anything. Put your vision board up somewhere that you can see it often. Focussed attention is stronger than a laser beam and as Wallace Wattles states, is the hardest work any man will ever do, and hence, people give up quickly; often just when their goal is around the next corner! So how does this work?

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Your vision board keeps you ‘focussed’ on what you want and it is a constant reminder to your brain – about what it is that it needs to be scanning the environment for in order to bring your attention to it. Mind you, when you listen to Bob Proctor or read Wattles book ‘The Science of Getting Rich’, he will also mention that to impress thought upon formless substance (this is what you’re doing when you think and visualise and associate, etc. into your goal) you must be so ‘in love’ with what you want, that you see it ‘all the time’. In the same way as when you fall in love, you see that person in your mind while you’re working and driving your car, so too, must your goal be that clear and your emotional connection to it equally as strong. By doing so, your mind will become like the radar, and these processes will increase awareness, which increases opportunity, which brings me to the next most important point: Taking Action!

Success Tip # 12: Visualise your goal for at least 20mins every day in as much detail as possible ensuring that you are fully associated with it (See, hear, feel, taste and smell). Start with the goal you want to achieve first. The one that is most important to you. In fact, if you can get truly associated and be in love with what you want as I have just mentioned, then your daily 20min visualisation will no longer be necessary. When you get the visualisation process right, you can enjoy any experience, just by visualising it! Imagine what you can do for your sex life. Make the most of it! J

Want More? Visit and read about the successes (testimonials) other people are having in their life by using these tools!

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13. Taking Action! If you don’t take action on your goals, what is the point? You must want it badly enough so that when opportunity presents itself, you take action toward your goal. Action to most people sounds hard, but when you apply certain rules, (as within this book), action in direct relation to your goal becomes easy. Massive Action does not necessarily create positive results, or the results you desire. Acting in a certain way, does.* So you’ve set your goal, in detail; You’ve adjusted your values and beliefs to be in line with your goals; You’ve associated yourself with it (you’re living in it); You’re visualising it; Then opportunity presents itself! What do you do? Ask the question “Is this in line with what I want? Will this help me get to where I’m going? Is it ecological (safe to self, others and the environment)” If the answer is yes – then take immediate action to take advantage of that opportunity. Do not be fearful or hesitate when you know the opportunity is right for you. Jump in with both feet and go for it. Feel the fear and do it anyway (great book!). If your desire is clear, so too will the opportunities be that come to you and hence your ability to make a decision based on your known values and goals. Where necessary, gain professional advice from those who are more informed than you are about certain subjects. Do not try and do everything on your own. There is no need for that. The greatest billionaires out there did not become so wealthy because they did everything on their own. They just knew where to access the people who knew more than they did. Get good advice from highly qualified experts who have proven that they are good at what they do via the results they have produced in their own life. Use these people to help you make informed decisions and get what you want in the best way possible. For everything else – just do it!!!

Success Tip # 13: When opportunity presents itself (or you’ve been actively seeking it) – take action and do what you need to do, to get what you want. Create a business plan if you want to build business. Create a life plan, if you want a life – then do something, to make it happen!

Want More? Take action and visit and access FREE tools and seminars to help you achieve your goals. *Refer to The Secret Science of Getting Rich program at if you want to learn more about Acting in a Certain Way.

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14. Trust, Surrender and Living in the Moment If there is one thing I find missing in most personal development books, etc. is the ability to truly let go and surrender to something bigger than you. What do I mean by this? To truly manifest what you want in your life, using the creative method* (as opposed to the unhealthy competitive method), you need to learn to let go. Let go of the past. Let go of that moment – before this one. Trust that you are safe (only if you are of course) and allow the universe to bring to you what it is that you desire – because it will. The universe will ‘conspire’ to bring about all that you want (or don’t want – as per your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and everything you’ve read about so far). How do you surrender? That’s a great question. For some people, it’s a matter of silent meditation, deep breathing and learning to relax and let go all the stressors and strains within every cell of their body – breathing in pure white light of unconditional love and letting go any negative feelings, concerns, or pains within the body. For others it’s making a decision to hand over to God (or the supreme power) all that they want and ‘letting go’ of the outcome. For others it’s healing retreats or other healing modalities that will allow them to ‘let go’ and be in the flow of life. Letting go is not holding on to anything, including the outcome. It is being clear on your goal, but not concerning yourself with it to the point of suffering negative emotions. Letting go/surrender is also about letting go hurts, other people’s judgements upon you and yours upon other people. It is moving past negativity in order to find the joy and the good in things. It’s about finding your inner child and playing again. It’s about being in the ‘now’. Living in the Moment. If some of you are wondering why I’m now talking about living in the moment whilst having just explained the importance of constantly seeing and living in your dream/goal – then let me explain. There is a real knack to this – which is why most people just can’t be bothered with it. It takes practice to get this right – if you’re not used to it. But hey, there was a time in your life that you couldn’t do something and with practice and time, you became very proficient at. So give yourself a chance. Practise, practise, practise. As per surrender/letting go, living in the moment means constantly letting go of what has just passed before you. Releasing the emotion of that which has passed and putting your attention on that which is present, now. It is living with gratitude and an open heart. In relation to your goals, it means living in the moment, in surrender and trust that you will get what you want. You live in the now, being all that you can be – seeing all that you want – having received what you want in your heart and your mind – now. It’s having the inner knowing that what you want is coming to you and the ability to live in every moment, having a complete and full awareness of that moment – with the feelings of all the good that is here and all the good that is coming to you.

Success Tip # 14: Practice living in the moment, by letting go of the past completely. To do this, you must be able to completely trust and surrender to God, or the Universe, or whatever it is for you, that allows only for love and light.

Want More? Email and ask about our online coaching courses. * In short, the creative method is creating/designing what you want for your life without competing with anyone else. It is having an understanding that there is an abundance for all and that everyone can have everything that they desire without being in the competitive playing field or even in that emotional state. This is a new way of thinking for business too. Refer to The Secret Science of Getting Rich program at if you want to learn more about creating wealth via the creative method as opposed to the competitive one. Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life © Copyright Inspirational Life . All Rights Reserved. Page 27

Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life

15. Gratitude Gratitude is being truly and deeply thankful from a heart space (as opposed to a head space). It’s not just ‘thinking’ about how thankful you are, it’s about ‘feeling’ it deep inside you. Gratitude is what brings us into close harmony with the universe – in the same way unconditional love does. Many people find it hard to source the emotion of unconditional love, but they can always find the feelings of gratitude. If you truly want to change your life, then if you do nothing else, do this. Start a gratitude diary and write in it EVERYTHING you could be thankful for in your life. Whether it be the hot water, the running water, the roof over your head, the ability to read and write, listen, walk, talk, have a soft comfy bed to sleep in, children to love, parents to learn from, ..... everything. You have not had gratitude enough, until you are overwhelmed with it. Overwhelmed with gratitude, to the point of incredible inner joy and you’re entire being will flood with feelings you may never have experienced before in your entire life. You will light up. FEEL it at that level. As if someone had just saved your life after you’d been lost and starving for a year. If you are feeling down, ask yourself this question “What am I not being grateful for right now” and then ANSWER it. When you have gratitude enough – notice – what is missing?! It is impossible – to have any negative thought, feelings/emotions, or otherwise – whilst in this state! Try it! I challenge you! For 20mins a day – for 30 days. And as often as possible throughout the day. What would happen if you had a gratitude day?! Where before, if something went wrong you may feel angry or upset, but instead, you now look for something to be grateful for in that moment. Try it. When you are seeing your dream/goal in your mind – apply the feeling of gratitude for having received or achieved that goal already. How grateful would you be if you had everything you ever wanted? If you cannot be grateful – you may never get what you truly desire. Gratitude alone can change your life. What, you may ask – if something really bad has just happened? How can I be grateful for that? Do not let what I say mean that you cannot feel the pain and suffering of loss, or the feelings of grief as and when circumstances happen. Instead, give yourself full permission to feel those feelings, completely and fully in order for them to move through you and for you to be able to release them. Do NOT repress your negative emotions. We know how unhealthy this is!! Instead, feel them, move through them and then, when you’re ready, (it is not wise to be in an unresourceful state for too long, as this too, is extremely unhealthy), only when you’re ready, begin to look for the learnings from that experience and then look for even one small thing that you can be truly grateful for. It may be the hand of friendship, the bringing together of loved ones, a community, an event that creates a movement for change, or maybe it’s a lesson that will move you forward in strength and give you the ability to change the lives of others. There will always be something to be truly and deeply thankful for ‐ even in the worst of circumstances. But again – it is vital to understand and know the painful feelings in order to have even more gratitude for the wonderful feelings, because you cannot experience the highs in life, without having also felt the lows. The difference now comes, when you get good at this, to move through the negative emotions far more quickly. You will release them faster. They will move into your past and you will move into new Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life © Copyright Inspirational Life . All Rights Reserved. Page 28

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moments – filling yourself with gratitude and staying focussed on the good in your life and attracting more of the good into your life. You will find new opportunities for change – if that is what you really want. Find the gratitude in your life – and watch your life change.

Success Tip # 15: Start a gratitude journal and start feeling the feelings of gratitude for everything in your life. Feel these feelings to the point of overwhelm. Let me know how you feel as a result of this exercise. Share your gratitude with others! Visit and order some gratitude cards that you can give to people you meet every day!

Want More? Gayl asks you to email her at to share your experiences of gratitude and how gratitude has impacted your life!

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16. Concluding Comments If you truly want abundance in your life, in all areas (remember, as humans we need to have balance in our lives in order to maintain our energy and enthusiasm for life) then this will be a beginning for you – or at least another wonderful step along your beautiful journey of life. Maybe you are ready to make a decision that will drive you forward in the same way I made a decision to move through my fears and take risks outside my boundary conditions in order to have new, more fulfilling experiences in my life. To trust in myself. To find the joy again. To connect with people who wanted to grow and be, do and have more in their lives in order to be of greater service to others, starting with self. Decisions. In every moment you make a decision that determines your future. Will you take a 30 day challenge and try the success tips mentioned in this book? If you do, I’d love to hear from you. Let me know what happened and what changes occurred during that short period of time. Before you begin this journey, ask yourself this question. It is very important. Very important indeed. WHY? What is your reason for wanting to change? What is your reason for wanting something else? Why do you want that certain thing? Why bother? Why is it important to you? What will happen if you don’t get it, do it or have it? If you can write yourself two stories, the first being why you want it and the second being what will happen if you don’t get it, then that will launch you toward taking action and starting at least today, to implement the tools you’ve learnt in this book. Make also the decision to let go of all the negative stuff out there, (the mass conditioning, the below the line thinkers, the ridiculers, pessimists, etc.). Close your ears to them and find a group of people who will support you. Add to that the inner strength (use of the will) that you will need to draw on to remain strongly focussed on what you want in your life and WHY you want it. These things will help move your life in directions previously unforseen. And never give up. Find a new way if you need to. But never ever give up on your dream. Remember that you are perfect in every little way. You are all that you need to be in this moment, and in this moment you are perfect, absolutely. You are where you need to be right now, in order to read this and do whatever it is you need to do now to find that incredible deep inner joy and happiness that you know is already within you and is busting to come out, radiate and light up the world. We are all one together and as one together we must know that it is only right to love and support each other as by doing so, we love and support ourselves. We take these journeys in order to experience and be all that we can be as a human being. I wish you more joy, happiness, love, health, happiness and financial wealth that you could ever want and more. Because you deserve it! You truly do! Love and blessings,

Gayl Regina xo

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Secret Tips for a Truly Abundant Life

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