Blooming from the Heart Walking with flower essence in Taiwan

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Blooming from the Heart Walking with flower essence in Taiwan


Walking with Flower Essence

Preface It is our honor to meet Dr. Julia who introduces flower essence to Taiwan since 1997. She is an unique doctor who has developed bio-energetic medicine integrating traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathic and flower essence to promote holistic health in her clinic. As her patients called “Spiritual Angel of flower essence� by Dr. Julia, we edited this booklet to praise her outstanding work. Moreover, we would like to share with you our deep connections with flower essence. In this booklet, you will read our stories with flower essence. The booklet is also a gift to Dr. Julia for her eighty-five years old birthday.

Contents 1. The Pioneer of Flower Essence Therapy in Taiwan 2. Choose Flower Essence 3. Spiritual Angel of Flower Essence 4. Spiritual Test 5. Change and Transformation 6. Stories with Flower Essence


The Pioneer of Flower Essence Therapy in Taiwan

About Dr. Julia Tsuei Dr. Julia Tsuei has over 60 years of experience in biomedical research, traditional Chinese medicine. She has taught in various medical schools in the USA, Taiwan and China. Her research integrated east-west medicine having good reputation in the international arena. Since 1997, her clinic in Taiwan has served close to 8000 patients whose treatment with flower essence therapy. Using Electro Dermal Screening Test (EDST), a measure of the acupuncture meridian system is taken to detect and determine the remedies her patients needed.

More information about Dr. Julia Tsuei Foundation for East-West Medicine East-West Clinic


Dr. Julia attended the Flower Essence Society (FES) Practitioner Training in 1997 and she gave a speech in Bach Cromer Conference in 2006 to share how she integrated homeopathy and flower essence in her clinic. In the article of FES, she explained her work: “After a detailed medical history is done, a set of 30 combination formulas of flower essence homeopathic preparations are tested through the meridian system using the psycho-neural pathways. One or two sets will be picked up indicating the emotional state of the client. Under the suggestion and guide of the determined formula, each individual flower essence will be tested, which are from either the 38 English Bach flowers or the 104 North American flowers developed by the Flower Essence Society. “ In her clinic, every patients are chosen five flower essences based upon the degree of record tested by EDST. Dr. Julia also provides consultation to explain the description of each flower essence from the Flower Essence Repertory. Her work has helps lots patients worldwide and had outstanding research result to promote flower essence for holistic health. More articles from FES


Choose Flower Essence - process of flower essence therapy in Dr. Julia’s clinic by Ingrid

I heard about flower essence in Dr. Julia’s lecture sharing her clinical experience. I was curious about the clinic and joined a studying group discussion Dr. Julia’s book “the Power of Flower Essence Therapy”. After that, I made an appointment for flower essence therapy.

In the beginning of the process, I wrote a patient information form for six pages. Then the nurse leaded me to test meridian system utilizing the ElectroDermal Screening Test (EDST).

A doctor used a device to check meridian and flower essence for me, and confirmed again with point-electric stimulation. She asked me details about daily life, writing down on the form. After examination, the nurse gave Dr. Julia my record for our consultation later.


When meeting Dr. Julia, I became more sensitive and cried easily. Dr. Julia explained the record to me inviting me to share anything to her.

She paid attention to my sharing and indicated my combination formulas of flower essence homeopathic preparations which could show my main emotional topic. According to the record, my topic was “Express Myself� that meant I wasted talent for boring job and felt tired easily. Therefore, she gave me five flower essences to help me which were Buttercup, Mariposa lily, Black berry, Hornbeam and Iris. Then we discussed the material relationship and I realized the reason having no sense of security since kindergarten age because I was forced to separate from my mother because of her busy job. Then we shared my dream that Dr. Julia explained the connection of brain waves and dream. I felt relax talking to her.

It took me three hours for test and consultation. The nurse gave me the flower information and flower essence to use for one month. I believed people would experience first and then understood the power of flower essence. I knew I have been on the way healing myself working with flower essence. 7

Spiritual Angel of Flower Essence

Dr. Julia In our clinical experience, we found some types of people may not adjust to the environment of the earth well. We called them ” Spiritual Angel” in our cases who need particular flower essence such as Lotus, Angelica and Crab Apple. These angels were sensitive and neat persons. They longed for helping others as the spirit of Lotus in the mud. Lotus need mud and water to grow up, blooming as beautiful flower from the dirty mud. For example, three years ago, we had workshop to recruit volunteer aid workers joining disaster relief aid project in China. There were ten persons were the angels and they had passion to help.

Another flower essence was Crab Apple related to the story of Eve in Eden. As a woman and a senior obstetrician, I would share how I rewrote Eve’s story: Eve was willing to help the God. Then the snake told Eve to eat apple and she could get wisdom to help the God. With the good will, Eve didn’t have to feel guilty for eating the apple. She should develop and share wisdom with others. Most of patients who need Crab Apple flower essence having such personality to help others. Furthermore, Angelica flower essence were also angels to indicate persons who could not adjust the reality life well and they compared the situation with the heaven. When they found earth was not perfect, Angelica person would become busy to change the world that may bring difficulties in their life.


Spiritual Test Dr. Julia In our clinical experience, we had special spiritual test to ask patients to draw on the form with six grids. With the form and drawing, I would explain to patients what transformation they had with flower essence. It has been a logic pattern for me to show the relationship, career and personality about the patients. Moreover, I could tell how the patients responded to the message of the past, the present and the future. For analyzing the data, I have worked with psychologist in university and the team was still working to explain how it worked. We will share our research result to public in the near future.


Changing and Transformation

Iris After test by EDSD, my first record showing three flower essences I need which were Angelica, Pink Yarrow and Chaparral. Dr. Julia explained to me that I was in the situation feeling confused and inferior to others without any goal in life. After using flower essence, I discovered the change that I became closer with others, and I could clarify each emotion I confused before. I didn’t run after anger easily anymore. Flower essence was amazing but not a magic. I has been used flower essence for twenty-nine months. I had lots of stores connecting with flower essence in daily life.

A little happiness-

Happy Float Bicycle


Iris I was a success senior stylist for more than 20 years. When I saw my record in Dr. Julia’s clinic showing ” Wild Oat flower essence”, I started to think the message given to me. I had no choice but looking deeper the true meaning of this career to me. I realized I was not happy as stylist. So I made a decision to become a floral design division. In the beginning, I didn’t have much confidence but filling with love working with flower. I created a project called” Happy Float Bicycle“. I would like to offer the floral art to people on the street bringing happiness to strangers. It was a spiritual trip for me to spread love and joy to human beings. Also, I would like to show my gratitude to my family for their supports. Thanks to my mom not judging me but encouraging me to “be myself enjoying life”. I felt touched and realized I had my mom’s good qualities, love and enthusiasm. Thanks to my father in law who wrote the signboard for this project. Also, I would like to say thank you to my husband and my son for their support for such sudden idea. Now I knew I was ready to go further!


Mei Every time Dr. Julia gave me flower essence, I would introspect and asked what should I respond in my life? Did flower essence express deeper meaning to me? What should I transform? Few months ago, Dr. Julia had indicated my emotion topic as not being able to express myself. After using flower essence, I understood the reason was I didn’t show what the High Self would express but presenting myself in a shadow level. Now flower essence reminded me it was time to change. Jamie I have used flower essence for few months. I was the girl lacking confidence, being not able to express well in public. My record shown the emotion topic was “Love and Joy”. After deeper understanding with flower essences, I realized the reason of obstacle to express in public was lacking confidence coming from trauma in childhood. I had to say flower essence was my best company in this period growing up in spirituality. I discovered various levels of myself every week. I would say people using flower essence were fighter. Every time we read the qualities of flower essence. we denied and tried again to look deeply inside and discovered the hidden message.

Jharna In the weekend of Mother’s Day, I came back to parent’s house suffering for period pain again. In the same week, my report in the clinic indicated the feeling of lack security, and needed Star Thistle flower essence to soften a disturbance in the bond with the mother. I discussed the situation with Dr. Julia who said this was typical problem between mother and daughter. Also Dr. Julia shared with me another case she met before. There was a young woman who asked to take off womb for her serious period pain. She didn’t understand the pain she felt related to her contradiction for women’s consciousness in modern society. This case brought me deeper understanding about the relationship of society and personal physical pain. 12

Stories with Flower Essence - Personal sharing with each flower essence


Stories with Flower Essence - Personal sharing with each flower essence

Crab Apple


Iris I had serious nettle rash after my son being born. I went to hospital for allergy test but nothing doctors could do for me. I almost gave up recovering .After using flower essence, I observed myself when and how the nettle started. Finally I realized the reason was I could stand the new born baby’s crying. I would live in a clean and better place without baby’s noise. That was Crab Apple to help me overcome the changing of motherhood.

Water Violet

Water Violet flower essence reminded me of not connecting with others. The character shown ”such persons often appear distant or aloof; more extreme types seem proud, haughty, or arrogant. They may become involved in community affairs, but only in accordance with their professional standing.” I realized the habit would separate me from friends and family members. With the help of this flower essence, I transformed gradually to experience more joyful connection with others which was the important for the soul to create harmony state of consciousness living on the earth.



One character of Impatience flower essence indicates people who are hurry. My personal experience about this flower essence gave me the message ”Hurry up! Let’s go faster to look at true self. You were wasting time!” Indeed, we were always busy for everything outside but inside and High Self. Every time Dr. Julia suggested me using Impatience flower essence, I laughed. I knew human beings could hesitate to connect with spirituality like I did. This flower pushed me go further when I was busy for something outside but the soul needed. 14

Star Tulip Mei It took me few years to search for a master to rescue me from feeling lonely. I wanted to depend on someone else, but every time I saw a master, I felt more disappointment. This flower essence reminded me I could never find the real spiritual master outside, and eventually I understood the master was me, inside of me that I forgot to look at deeply for a long time. Iris When people said their body moving automatically in a particular energetic field, I used thought this was just fantastic talk till my body moving like they said. I wondered why it happened and asked many experts for logical explanations. Star Tulip flower essence told me not being too rational and doubtful. All I need was to trust what I experienced and understood the higher message of cosmos.

Corn Mei Corn flower essence told me the message that I could not live at the present moment on the earth. I had been working as a dramatist writing romance stories. When I worked in Beijing, I felt struggling because people there asked me to write living stories just as this flower essence showing. I replied to colleagues in Beijing:� Taiwan was a dreaming island just as I was doing.� I was in the situation not being present all the time, so I worked so hard to learn how to be present. The reason I was not being at present because I didn’t want to live in reality. It was kind of obsession not being too close to real life, the dark side such the situation of two women talking gossip on the street. It was hard to change but I had to learn growing up in real life. Corn flower essence helped me embrace and accept all experience. 15

Mountain Pride Mie Mountain Pride flower essence helped me overcome obstacle and brought me courage and power. I understood real courage was not attack others but aware the dark side in me. After using this flower essence, I was so exciting to know I had power. I realized I was such a holly being. Therefore I didn’t need to show anger anymore. I was angry because I would like to ask for help. Therefore, I knew one person have power and create darkness too. I was the holly one as quote saying: “no muds, no lotus”. I could be everything as Mountain Pride flower essence explained to me when I got real power to face true self.

California Wild Rose Iris

One month ago, I felt panic because being afraid the aliens may take me away, and California Wild Rose flower essence shown up in my record. This flower essence presented I could not have connection with others because I disliked separation. The soul told me this problem and this flower essence helped me to release emotion, being willing to connect with friends deeply. This flower essence could be explained the relationship with human beings. The fear of aliens was the fear of death. I was scared the truth that people would die anytime. After understanding the truth, I was capable to live truly everyday.


Golden Ear Drop Jharna Golden Ear Drop is flower essence for the trauma in childhood and its experience as a source of emotional well-being. It helped people release painful memories in the past. In Dr. Julia’s clinical experience in Taiwan, the patients had more chance to use this flower essence related to the problems of family and education system. For me, when using this flower essence, I remembered the incident being as four years old girl getting injured in playground of kindergarten. Dr. Julia invited me to talk more details and finally I knew I intended to get hurt. This was the way a little girl to show her desire for getting attraction of parents.

On the second time using this flower essence, I remembered the experience of being sex harassed by a stranger man in a children’s park. With support of Golden ear Drop flower essence and Sticky Monkey flower essence, I experienced again the fear and had a healing deep conversation with the little girl inside. I appreciated the power of Golden Ear Drop flower essence to help me transform the trauma in childhood.


Iris Lavender flower essence is for people who are highly absorbent or spiritual influences. However, they often absorb far more energy than can actually be processed through the body. When working with this flower essence, I considered what was spiritual practices? Did I really alive? After looking clearly my situation, I quitted the former job and transferred to floral art. I knew I have to admit the talent inside. Lavender Flower essence brought me the courage to change. 17

Calendula Mei I used to be the person who spoke straightforward, but I became speechless when going to Beijing to work. I pretend to be quiet like a good girl. Calendule flower essence showed I offended my true self when working in China. All I needed to do was to take real power back, and I would do everything right then. Without knowing our self-power, I would resist. Therefore, I understood if I would have freedom with self-power, everything will be done perfect naturally. Jharna I didn’t like to express myself being afraid to speak something wrong, so I kept silent. How to speak in a right manner confused me all the time. However, after using Calendule flower essence, I observed I started to talk easily without regret. I didn’t learn how to please others but feeling calm inside, paying attention to people I was talking to. Just be present with the person. Finally I realized good conversation was not performance but showing our warm heart to them. Calendula flower essence was amazing!

Self Heal Jharna Dr. Julia said she felt happy when patients having Self Heal flower essence on their record. It meant patients have ability to heal themselves. At the first time using this flower essence, I felt depression, lacking of confidence when I failed in the examination and moved back to hometown, feeling confusing about future. Dr. Julia gave me Self Heal flower essence but I didn’t trust the power inside at all. After one year, she gave me this flower essence again when I started to discover the meaning with flower essence therapy. I was surprised the power of this flower essence support me to change. I believed I was not alone on the earth with the company of flower essence, the Mother Earth, the High self and friends around. I understood clearly the meaning of emotional anarchy and felt deeply the important healing power of flower essence therapy may bring benefit to living begins.

Mariposa Lily Dr. Wang Dr. Julia has been a senior obstetrician more than 60 years. She found lots of clinical cases of gynecological disease, fibroid or endometriosis related to emotions, and she turned to use flower essence to help patients. In clinical experience, she understood Asia women’s situation with issues of depression and gender bias, and they could not express themselves clearly. When women separated from the body’s message, they could be higher percentage to have uterine disease after 50 years old. This was a sign for women to check their life again. Dr. Julia also found the difficult relationship with mother was another main topic in clinical experience. When patients need Mariposa Lily flower essence shown in the record, it usually meant that patients had maternal issue. In Taiwan, we had more than 70 percent female patients who needed Mariposa Lily. It was an interesting clinical experience we would share with you.

Iris Mariposa Lily flower essence is for people who need maternal warm and feel abandonment or abuse in childhood. The rational part told me the old story with my mom was past, and I didn’t care anymore. After using this flower, I had such insight when travelling with my husband and my son. We watched a local singer’s music video together in the car. The song described a middle aged man coming back to parent’s house and his mother hugged him wholeheartedly. Simultaneously my heart became soft with strong emotion longing for mother’s love. I cried a lot and addimitted the inner child still need such love so much. Jharna I started to use Mariposa Lily flower essence on the second time meeting Dr. Julia. I remembered she asked about my memory in childhood. It cost me some time to remember details. I realized the mother’s and grandma’s emotions have effected on me as a baby girl. I couldn’t understand adults’ language but feeling everything. This connection was also indicated the relationship to my period pain. With the help of Mariposa Lily flower essence, I understood the maternal relatives’ suffering and transformed blame to empathy. 19

Flower Essence Gathering

Several young women using flower essence in Taiwan has started the gathering since 2011. We meet once a month sharing our personal experience of transformation with flower essence in different systems such as Bach flower remedies, FES, Australian Bush Flower Essence and Flamma Flower Essences of Taiwan which are common to use in Taiwan. The aim of the gathering is to encourage people as users and therapist to share how to “heal self”. We believe people need to experience the power of flower essence and then they would understand the meaning and the way to use flower essence to heal. The gathering also includes the part to study Dr. Bach’s philosophy and quality of each flower remedy he discovered. We continue studying other flower essence in various systems. On the way learning and experiencing flower essence simultaneously, we support members to deepen relationship with spirit, mind and body.

This booklet collects these young women’s sharing to show our gratitude to flower essence and the pioneer in Taiwan, Dr. Julia. As young generation who want to promote flower essence to public, we would like to invite friend in the world to work with us. Please contact with us if you have further suggestion by editor’s email:



Thanks to Iris, Jamie, Mei,Manye,Rebecca, Dr. Wang, Dr. Julia Thank you all interviewees for sharing: Editor: Jharna Iris, Ingrid, Kady, Jamie, Jharna, Mei, Manya, Rebecca, Dr. Wang, Dr. Julia 2012 June Edited by Chang Chih Peng Contact email: Contact email: June 2012, Taiwan

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