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New Year, No Fear
By Annette Sanfilippo Photos Supplied
I don’t think I know anyone that has survived a New Years Eve celebration without being asked to share a resolution or, as I like to call it, a promise to myself.
We all want a better year ahead and our promises to ourselves don’t always stop at just one; most look like an ongoing shopping list! We are funny creatures and love a new start or reset but no one I know picks the middle of the week to do so. 1st January is an ideal date to launch and is probably the most meaningful date to choose. But wait, it’s a Wednesday and according to my small attempt to research all of this it’s got the tick of approval. According to the experts we should go into our attempt to make change with a good plan of attack. So perhaps use the first few days of January to chill, recover and hold onto as much selfcontrol as you can until you are ready to ‘GO’. Use the power of the pen and notate away, putting your ideas into a sensible approach to move forward.
If you haven’t made up your mind yet as to what to change, what to lose, or when you will do that thing you waited all year last year to start, I have a few good ideas that may set you up for a significant beginning to 2025. One thing I have learnt over the years is to facilitate success you need great tools and from a fashion perspective that may suggest some New Year shopping.
Fitness is always a popular topic so if you can’t fit into your exercise gear then I suggest using that new gift card to look the part and at least meet your next challenge head on to look fashionably on trend. I’ve peeked into a few stores stocking up in readiness for the demand. A good breathable lycra will make you feel lighter straight away…winning!
Fitting into our clothing is an ongoing concern and checking in on our wardrobe status is one way to start the year off differently. If you can conquer neatening up and moving on unwanted or unused pieces, you can make space for a workable curated collection of staples to wear with confidence over the holiday period or for getting back to work. If giving back to your community is on your promise list, then bag it all up and donate it to our hard- working community initiatives to re purpose it all for a good cause.
Basics are truly underrated but most of us have our go-to pieces that give us a sense of comfort, security, and confidence. These elements are so important to building your wardrobe with useful and stylish garments. A good black or beige pant, a few fitted t-shirts in neutral tones and some colourful knits will team up with everything. A sharp well-made structured blazer will serve you well and is definitely a keeper. A denim something, whether a skirt, jacket or a pair of jeans can be toned down or elevated with the right accessories and don’t forget the one staple we are grateful for: the plain white sneaker! Everyone needs a good basic black dress and this season its either a long hemline or its really short. Knee length is not only too in-between; it’s also not the most flattering position on the leg. I know its hard to part with favourites but creating space can be filled with your new look style for the new look you! You might need ‘get a stylists help’ on your list to give you a hand.
It’s not always easy to grow a new mindset and take fresh direction so getting some help from mindset coaches is fast becoming the norm. They can flip a switch and really help to keep your focus on your newly set ideals. Getting help for things when our lives get the better of us is so acceptable these days. Helping ourselves show us that we respect what we think and do and enhancing our wellness can be different for everyone. For some changing a hair-do or getting a make-up refresh is all you need but for the more adventurous taking up a dance class or learning a new skill like cooking or painting will put us on our track to stay driven and tick off another one of those resolutions.
Our fabulous Mornington Peninsula is a hive of activity in January with lots of visitors, an abundance of holiday makers and many who choose to start the year off by relocating to our wonderful paradise. Finding something to entertain us is at our fingertips everywhere we turn down here and this year if you don’t appoint any modifications to your lifestyle the one thing you will definitely acquire is the best experiences to create some great memories.
Procrastination is something I am personally trying to turn around this year so I’m off to dust off my tennis racquet and start playing again. Stay safe in your endeavours and enjoy popping into all our local shops and eateries. Remember just how fast the year goes and make the most of each day.
Fashionably yours,