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Why is Your Baby Fighting Sleep

1 An Overtired Baby

An overtired baby will fight sleep more readily due to a build up of the stress hormone cortisol which makes it much harder for them to calm and settle for sleep. Be aware of your babies tired signs (e.g yawning, rubbing eyes, staring blankly) and ‘awake windows’ to help you avoud your baby becoming overtired.


2 Baby Takes Longer To Calm

Some babies take longer to wind down and to reach a state where they can fall asleep more readily. Consider singing, gentle rocking and patting to assist with the calming process.

3 Baby Not Awake For Optimal Times

Every baby at different ages has a different optimal period of time when and how long they should be awake. These vary day to day as well. See the Daily Sleep and Feed Pattern Guide (right) to find suggestions for your baby.

4 Baby is Over Stimulated

Reflect on your babies time before sleep and ask yourself what does their lead up to sleep look like? Are they doing physically active experiences or are they slowing down and engaging in books? Take a look at your babies sleep environment, is it calming and relading or are there excessive lights and noices that could stimulate your baby? Less is definitely more.

5 Baby has Separation Anxiety

If your baby is around the 8 month mark they might be starting to experience separation anxiety. This is due to something called ‘object permanence’ when they realise that things and people exist when they are our of sight. This can present challenges for sleep and settling.

6 Baby is Experiencing Developmental Leap

Babies experience 10 major developmental leaps during the first 20 months of their lives. This can cause some disruption in their settling and sleep patterns, resulting in them potentially needing some extra support and reassurance. It can help having an understand of why their sleep is affected during these stages of development.


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