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Message from the Co-Chairs

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Board of Advisors

Board of Advisors

The Institute for Law and Economics continues to make significant contributions to scholarship, policy, and practice on important issues that affect our country’s businesses and financial institutions.

In the second year of the coronavirus pandemic, the Institute continued to sustain its programs focusing on issues of relevance to the academic, legal, and business communities. This programming enjoys an outstanding international reputation for excellence enabling leaders in business, law, finance and academic scholarship candidly to discuss the intersection of theory and practice on a host of matters. The Institute also expanded its Women in Business Law Initiative, a timely and important expansion of ILE’s mission that has been targeting the support and promotion of women to enhance diversity in business and business law.

On behalf of the Institute’s Board of Advisors, we want to express our gratitude to everyone who has contributed to the achievements of the Institute during this past year. In particular, we would like to thank those members of the Board and their colleagues from their firms who have participated in ILE’s programs and have been a vital component of their success.

We are pleased to welcome Brian Fahrney as a new member of our Board of Advisors this year. An accomplished individual, Brian will greatly enhance the work of the Institute. We also note that Joe is stepping down as Co-Chair of the Board after fourteen years, and we acknowledge our appreciation of his valuable service. Joe will be succeeded as Co-Chair by Jay Clayton, and we welcome Jay to the Board.

All of the members of our Board give graciously to the Institute, not just financially but also of their time and expertise, and we are grateful for their contributions. Very special thanks must be given to ILE benefactor and former Board Chair Bob Friedman. His extraordinary level of financial support enables the Institute to continue to lead the field, and we want to express our sincere appreciation to him.

Jill Fisch and Elizabeth Pollman continue to be truly outstanding leaders of the Institute, all the more so during the challenges of our time. They have been joined this year by new faculty Co-Director Lisa Fairfax, and we welcome her to ILE. The dedication of our Faculty Directors to all aspects of the Institute’s work, and their ability to originate timely programming and attract ideal participants, are the reasons for the continued success of the Institute’s programs. ILE’s leadership is fundamental to its continued success as a forum for substantive discussions of topical issues relevant to corporations and their legal and financial advisors, as well as jurists and academics. We also want to acknowledge the exceptional contributions of Larry Hamermesh, our Executive Director, and the outstanding efforts of Nadia Jannetta, our Managing Director, in making ILE run so effectively.

JOSEPH B. FRUMKIN Sullivan & Cromwell LLP

DAVID M. SILK Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz

September 2022

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