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PENN DENTAL MEDICINE Profile at a Glance

Founded in 1878, Penn Dental Medicine is among the oldest university-affiliated dental schools in the country with a history deeply rooted in forging precedents in education, research, and patient care.


Total annual budget for FY23

$27.92M Research funding awarded in FY22

858 Students

569 students in the four-year DMD program

43,580 Patients served in 2022 within the School’s care centers & Penn Dental Family Practice

5,892 Patient visits to the School’s community sites during the 20212022 academic year


Live webinar and self-paced learners at 265 CDE programs in 2022

Physical Campus

Located at 240 S. 40th Street, the dental campus includes the Robert Schattner Center & Pavilion, the Thomas W. Evans Building, and the Leon Levy Building.

Morton Amsterdam Dean

Mark S. Wolff, DDS, PhD, has served as the Morton Amsterdam Dean of Penn Dental Medicine since 2018. He is the 12th dean in the School’s history.

142 in the 2 1/2-year Program for Advanced Standing Students (PASS)

148 in the Graduate & Advanced Dental Education programs: 126 in the specialty certificate programs, including 30 in the MSOB plus certificate program, 12 in the DScD plus certificate program; 3 in the AEGD program; 7 in the DScD standalone program; 8 in the MOHS program; and 4 in the MADS program.



495 faculty members, including 52 full-time standing, 47 full-time nonstanding, 274 part-time, and 122 adjunct

355 staff members, including 347 full-time and 8 part-time

105 student workers

*Unless otherwise noted, figures as of 1/19/2023

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