Building Systems Portfolio

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contents. site analysis. heat loss. heat gain. design.

carl pennington building systems I 12.1.11


transform. the art of progression.

**** First taking the climate into account, half the years’ median is spent under 60 degrees. Therefore solar heat gain is a positive in that I want to design in o r d e r t o a l l o w t h e m o s t h e a t g a i n p o s s i b l e d u r i n g t h e h a l f t h e y e a r. A l s o I m u s t n o t i g n o r e t h e a m o u n t o f p r e c i p i t a t i o n i n t h e f o r m o f s n o w, t h i s m e a n s I m u s t work with the earths’ ground through exevaction in order to obtain a more efficient design. The days in the winter are cold, cloudy and mostly short, therefore when the sun is out, the windows should take full advantage of this opport u n i t y. T h e p a s s i v e c o o l i n g s y s t e m i s n t i m p o r t a n t c o m p a r e d t o t h e p a s s i v e warming system. This house is to be placed in a very rural place in Jackson Hole, Wyoming meaning the house should be very self sufficient in both heati n g a n d e l e c t r i c i t y. M i n i m i z i n g b o t h t h e u s e o f l i g h t s d u r i n g t h e d a y i n m i d d l e of winter should be just as important as keeping the space warm from the inside. So with that in mind I must design a very fortified space yet allows these moments of sun to peek in.



design. 3 renditions.




design. 3 renditions.

The diagram disects the buildings southern facade and its immediate southern solar exposure. The less building envelope revealed the less heat transfer through both the roof and wall. The solar heat instead of transfered into the interior space, is transfered into positive energy to enable a net zero building. The trellis system acts as the solar control for both the windows and southern facade allowing a very efficient system.

The diagram disects the volume qualities of each design and highlights the efficiency in the second. Although each design calls for two bedrooms, the second design is almost half the volume of the first. The less volume inside the home means less space to provide heating, cooling and lighting. This simple yet, extremely efficeint technique allows the building to function off less energy and therefore contributing to the goal of a self sufficient cabin.

2 1


section aa elevation dd

elevation bb

elevation aa


scale 1:8



elevation cc

final design. floor plan.sections.elevations

section aa

elevation aa

elevation bb


elevation cc

2 elevation dd



summer sun

winter sun


heat dominate 80 60 o o

solar solution control

hot air

passive cool air

passive cooling

sustainability. passive systems.

The diagram represents operable windows that allow the summer prevailing winds to passively cool the cabin. The hot air that rises pushes out the top window allowing a venting system that keeps the cool in inside and constantly circulating. This system would be used in the summer months and would allow t h e h o m e t o b e w i t h o u t a a i r c o n d i t i o n e r. T h i s system is very cost effective during the s u m m e r, u s i n g n o e n e r g y a n d c o n t r i b u t i n g t o the overall concept of a self sustaining cabin.

photovoltaic array solar energy

passive ventilation



The isometric drawings break down the dynamic architectural concept used; the gabled roof, which simple form has historically been influenced through the minimal barn structure. The gabled shape is shifted to create a second competing shape which adds a richness and play to the historical shape. This becomes an elemental piece to the overall design becuase it allows for many of the effiecient systems to take place. Therefore the second trellis gable is called the systems gable.








c tive

passive ventilation

section box elim








12 P.M.

jan. 11 - nov. 21 52

The diagram represents the gabled roofs abilities to block the unwanted sun while allowing the winter sun to penetrate the interior space. By using the sun angle calculator we can determine the most efficient ratio based on the true alitutde angles on certain days in time. If the southern shade was operable, it would also maximize the users ability to allow heat gain into a heating dominate climate. This would provide a more efficient system to cut cost of both heating and lighting in the home.

april 21 - august 21 67

may 21 - june 11

sun angle. diagrams.

The diagram represents the angle of the gabled roof ability to capture maximum sun exposure for the solar panel system on the southern facing facade. The concept is to provide a more energy efficient heating / cooling system while producing energy to overall make a completely self sufficient building. This building is a cabin therefore many days are spent empty; these empty days allow for energy storage which could power the building when in need.

summer 03:00 PM 48 0 true altitude angle west of south

summer 02:40 PM 0 52 true altitude angle west of south

winter sunset

winter sunrise summer 10:20 AM 60 0 true altitude angle east of south

The diagram represents the heat gain abilities i n t h e w i n t e r, w h i l e b l o c k i n g t h e h e a t g a i n i n the summer months. The southern facade welcomes an entire day of winter sun. This allows for a more efficient passive heating system cutting the cost down on energy in a heating dominate climate. The goal was to make a large glass facade where the inhabitants would sun bath in the long, cold winters. Also it allows for lights to be turned off during the day which contributes to the cutting of cost. This southern glass facade dictates the layout in the overall design.

summer sun

January 11 July 11

winter sun

winter sun


summer sunset

summer sunlight exposed to interior through windows

summer sunset

summer sunrise

summer 03:00 PM 48 0 true altitude angle west of south

summer 02:40 PM 0 52 true altitude angle west of south

January 11 July 11

summer 05:40 AM 12 0 true altitude angle east of south

The diagram represents the buildings ability to block the summers sunrise and sunset. The late heat is shaded through the buildings orientation allowing less heat gain on the north facade windows. These operable windows can be when desired in the summer because they will be out of direct sun.


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