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Volume 23


Number 6

March 23, 2012

Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

AT HUP, IT’S EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS H U P ’ S PAT I E N T S A F E T Y AWA R E N E S S FA I R A very impatient woman sits with her sister who is waiting to see her doctor. When the receptionist calls for ‘Mrs. Jones,’ the woman convinces her sister to pretend to be that patient, just to get in to see the doctor. They approach the receptionist.

HUP Did It … AGAIN! Nearly 200 employees, gathered in HUP’s Flyers/76ers Surgery Theatre last week, broke out in cheers as they heard the official announcement from the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Magnet: HUP has achieved Magnet recognition…again! Said Victoria Rich, PhD, chief executive nurse, UPMC, “This achievement further solidifies HUP as an organization dedicated to providing excellence in nursing services and the highest quality of patient care!” More to come. Stay tuned!


Giving a Hand to Those in Transition....................3 Taking Time Out to Talk...........2 CPUP Recognizes Roundtable. ................................3 Service Excellence....................3 Free SkinPeople All the Time.....3 Helping Cancer Screening......................3 Buy Local. Buy Fresh. Partners in Rehab. .....................4 Buy Organic!. .............................4 Shortakes...................................4 Benefits Open Enrollment & Health Fairs............................4

 WRONG WAY: “Are you Mrs. Jones?” the receptionist asks. “Were you born on October 2, 1981?” The patient readily agrees to both pieces of information … and gets in to see her physician.

 CORRECT WAY: “What is your full name and date of birth?” asks the receptionist. When the responses don’t match the patient information on her screen, she asks the patient for her address. Another mismatch confirms that this is not the patient she has just called.

`` As part of the video simulation on patient identification described at left, Susan Horne, of PAH Interventional Radiology, pretends to be a very impatient woman who will do anything to get her sister (Meg Dougherty of PAH Performance Improvement) in to see the doctor. The receptionist’s response makes all the difference!

This video scenario, done by Patient Safety Deltas, illustrates the importance of active communication when identifying a patient. It also represented a new component in this year’s Patient Safety Awareness Fair at HUP. Throughout the three days of the fair, multiple video simulations ran continuously in the Ravdin Mezzanine, Hirst Auditorium, and on the Nursing Patient Safety Unit on Ravdin 9, showing the how-to’s … and how not to’s — of keeping patients safe. Improving the accuracy of patient identification is one of the Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goals, said Jill Huzinec, associate director of Patient Safety/Clinical Outcomes. “The lack of using two unique identifiers to verify a patient ID or an inappropriate approach to verifying a patient’s ID continues to be a high-volume occurrence leading to adverse events in health care,” she said. “We all know it has to be done but there are many variations in how to approach it. The simulations are an effective way to educate our staff.” (Continued on page 2)


(Continued from cover)

AT HUP, IT’S EVERYBODY’S BUSINESS minutes” to keep circulation going to the heart. How fast is that? Think in terms of the pace of Staying Alive or Another One Bites the Dust! Staying safe isn’t always about health issues. Violence in the workplace is a very serious matter and HUP is taking steps to prevent it. Rita Mack of the Psychiatric Emergency Evaluation Center stressed the importance of reporting all episodes of verbal or physical abuse — or anything that is potentially dangerous — to Security, at 662-COPS (2677). “If you see something, say something.” In addition, a new course, Management of Aggressive Behavior, is now available to help raise awareness of behaviors that can escalate and how to take appropriate interventions (sign up on Knowledge Link).

`` Michael Anderson, interim director of CEQI, describes the benefits of Penn Safety Net, the new incident reporting system, to Sheila Toledo of Rhoads 1.

Identifying a patient’s medications (including over the counter and herbal) to prevent possible interactions and duplicates — medication reconciliation — was also the focus of a video simulation. And it is a focal point of HUP’s pharmacists as well. At Pharmacy’s information table, pharmacy resident Kirsten Zeitler explained that pharmacists on units meet with patients at least twice during their stay to discuss their medications and answer questions. “We also provide them with a card that has the pharmacist’s name and the unit’s phone number in case they have additional questions, even after discharge. We are always a resource.” In addition, “at least one tech and one pharmacist review all medication before the orders leave the pharmacy,” she said. Nurses provide another round of safety checks, always verifying that all medication/solution labels contain the correct medicine (in terms of name, dose, and strength) and are being given to the correct patient.

The fair also gave staff the opportunity to learn more about Penn Medicine Safety Net, the Health System's new incident reporting system, as well as myPennMedicine. This online health management tool allows Penn patients to access their personal medical records, communicate with their physicians, request appointments, and more. According to Diane Buckles, senior project manager of Information Services, the myPennMedicine app can now be downloaded to a person’s iPhone or Android. Last but not least was HUP’s infamous — and definitely fictitious — Patient ‘Safety’ Unit which offered its ‘patients’ the worst of care. This year, simulation patients were subjected to bloody gauze and syringes left bedside, an open dressing kit that’s no longer sterile, HIPAA violations, a leaking foley catheter lying on the floor, and blood tubes left at bedside labeled with the wrong patient name, to name just a few. Creating this year’s error-filled scenarios were Marybeth O’Malley of Founders 12, Nicole Miller from Rhoads 2, and Robyn Logan of Silverstein 7. Said Melanie Rainford, a clinical nurse specialist student in the Penn School of Nursing who spearheaded the project, “These are things we do not want to happen!” To see more photos and watch the video simulations, go to and click on Patient Safety Awareness Fair.

At the Infection Control table, a display illustrated the need to ‘Make Hand Hygiene a Part of Your Culture.’ The consistent use of the more than 2,000 Purell dispensers at HUP has played a role in lowering our infection rate, but did you know there’s a right and wrong way to use an instant hand sanitizer? Rub your hands together until the sanitizer has dried. It’s the friction combined with alcohol that makes it effective. Do not towel dry!

Could You Save a Life? Knowing how to use an automatic external defibrillator (AED) can save the life of someone who has just suffered a cardiac arrest. Staff of the Center for Resuscitation Science encouraged people at the fair to use the defibrillator at their table, following the AED’s simple step-by-step verbal instructions. They also showed the proper way to perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), on a simulation dummy. “You need to compress the chest two inches each time,” instructed Marion Leary of Emergency Medicine. “And do 100 compressions a minute for two


`` Kimyatta Millner (l.) of Patient Accounting learns the proper way to do CPR with a little assistance from Marion Leary, RN, BSN, of Emergency Medicine.

Helping People ALL THE TIME `` Camille Evans (second from left), who received a Penn Medicine CAREs Foundation grant, with representatives of New Choices Career Development Program and Delaware County Community College (l. to r.): Susan Rapp, Sandy Gera, Dr. Jerry Parker, and Kathleen Breslin.


New Choices Career Development is a free service offered by Delaware County Community College to help single parents and individuals in transition enter — or return to — the work force. Participants are trained or updated on technology and learn how to create a resume, enhance interviewing skills, and identify a viable career plan. At the end of the program, the participants meet with HR representatives from several companies to put these new-found skills into action … and Camille Evans, a corporate recruiter at Penn, is one of the reps who volunteers her time to meet with them. “I was a struggling single mom. I am where I am today because people took the time to help me, were willing to be a mentor to me,” she said. “I love giving back.” When Evans read about the Penn Medicine CAREs Foundation grants, she thought about the recent loss in government funding that helped support New Choices’ childcare component … and decided this could be a great way to help. She applied and recently learned that New Choices would receive $1,500 to cover some of the childcare services. “I’m so excited to be part of Penn, which gives back so much.” For more information about the Penn Medicine CAREs Foundation Grant and to apply, go to and click on CAREs: Foundation Grant.

Congratulations to November's winners of the Helping People All the Time raffle. Thank you for going above and beyond for our patients, visitors, and staff. Irene Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radiology Rowena Boughter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Silverstein 11 Trudy Bailey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ravdin 6 Willene Blair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rhoads 4 Victoria Brown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rhoads 4 Courtney Callinan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Founders 12 Lakeshia Davis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Founders 12 Tanya DeRegnaucourt. . . . . . . . . . . . Founders 12 Ayouba Dore. . . . . . . . . . . Materials Management Eric Goodwin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patient Transport Colleen Greenlee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Founders 14 Khadijah Gresham. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Silverstein 12 Maurice Howerton . . . . . . . . . . Patient Transport

CPUP RECOGNIZES SERVICE EXCELLENCE Each quarter, CPUP presents Service Excellence Awards to both an individual and a team to recognize those who demonstrated “significant contributions to CPUP practices.” Recent individual winners are: • Barbara Romano, EPIC support specialist for Medicine • Melissa Morris of the Abramson Cancer Center • Christine Regan of Dermatology • Kristin Gorman of Dermatology Team winners are: • Dermatologic surgery histotechnologists: Xiao Zhu, Terri Nunnciato and Nin Manogue • Heart and Vascular Center Customer Service Ambassadors: Joanna Acosta, Wilton Torres, Charlene Thomas, Shaunda Mack, Holly Santasiera, and Danielle Dubow. If you’d like to nominate a CPUP employee or team, go to dermatol/cpupse/ and click on ‘Employee Nomination’ or ‘Team Nomination.’

Sarah King. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rhoads 1 Jamal Lingham. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patient Transport Keisha Mowatt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dulles 6 Samantha Pluy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rhoads 6 Dorothy Rivas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rhoads 4 Robert Rosenberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Silverstein 9 Andrew Ross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Respiratory Care Theresa Rugalla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radiology Tiffany Scott. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radiology Dominique Williamson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dulles 6 Elaine Williford. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Admissions Ashley Woodruff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Founders 14


Here’s how it works: Employees purchase a share — or half share — of organic fruits and/or vegetables. In return they receive a weekly box (or bag) of freshly picked seasonal produce throughout the farming season. The pick-up site will be HUP’s Spruce St. Café. Pick-up day: Tuesdays. The 25 weeks of vegetable deliveries start in May. The 22 fruit deliveries begin in June. Both run through October. FULL VEGETABLE SHARE: $29 PER WEEK HALF VEGETABLE SHARE: $18 PER WEEK FRUIT SHARE: $9 PER WEEK “This is typically what a person would spend at the supermarket for fruits and vegetables, but this produce is organic and grown locally,” said Corey Diluciano, director of Food Services. To learn more, visit the cooperative’s website at, stop by the Spruce St. Café on Founders 2, or contact Diluciano at In addition, a representative from the Lancaster Farm Fresh cooperative will be available on Tuesday, April 3, on the Ravdin Mezzanine to answer questions. The deadline for purchasing shares is Friday, April 20; HUP needs at least 20 full shares for this program to be brought onboard. To sign up, go to CSA/summerapplication.

Heartfelt Thanks

I would like to take the opportunity to tell you of a very helpful employee named ‘Joe [Casertano].’ He works in front of the Perelman Center. I am disabled and he tries to help all people in wheelchairs and crutches first and get them all safely across the intersection. If you have some kind of employee awards program, I would like to nominate him as one of the most helpful and courteous. It is with employees like Joe that HUP can continue to remain in the top 10 hospitals in the US.


a long time employee of HUP, I am very observant and yes critical of the face that we As present to our patients, our customers. I recently had the opportunity to experience, first hand, the services that we provide in the Perelman SurgiCentre. From the 6 AM welcoming from Monroe [Melchor] and his assistance in directing us to the most convenient parking spot, to the incredible service and personality of Artis [Belton] at the front desk, everyone just continued to amaze us with their hospitality and expertise. As the physicians, nurses, and auxiliary staff completed my procedure, I was pleased to experience a beautiful facility and excellent care. My many thanks and kudos to Samantha Pfeifer, MD, Theodore Cheek, MD, Bruce Kloss, RN, and their staff of physicians and nurses for the very skilled and exemplary care. Rather than the complaints we often receive, this is indeed a BIG THANK YOU and a tribute to HUP for providing a new and very well run facility, with incredible staff.


HUP’s cafeteria strives to incorporate local foods and sustainable products in its weekly menu. Now HUP is working with the Lancaster Farm Food Cooperative to give employees the opportunity to support locally grown, organic produce as well. The Cooperative is an example of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), which allows consumers to buy seasonal food directly from a farmer. Buying from a CSA: • Supports organic farmers and small farms. • Promotes sustainable agriculture. • Helps you save money on organic produce. • Provides your family with the freshest, healthiest food possible.




The 2012 Penn Medicine strategic planning process is underway! To learn how you can help Shape our Future, please visit,

BENEFITS OPEN ENROLLMENT & HEALTH FAIRS In preparation for Open Enrollment — which runs April 16 to April 29 — please join the UPHS Employee Benefits team for the annual Health Fair. There will be benefit representatives, free screenings, giveaways, raffle prizes, and healthy food samples. Look for more more information in upcoming issues! MARK YOUR CALENDAR! The health fair will be held from 10 am to 2 pm at the following locations: `` HUP – Tuesday, April 3 Ravdin Mezzanine `` 3001 Market Street – Friday, April 6 Suite 310 `` 1500 Market Street – Tuesday, April 10 Kahunatorium/ Upper Mezzanine

HUPdate EDITORIAL STAFF Sally Sapega Editor and Photographer Trissy Harding Designer


Susan E. Phillips Senior Vice President, Public Affairs CONTACT HUPDATE AT: 3535 Market Street, Mezzanine Philadelphia, PA 19104 phone: 215.662.4488 fax: 215.349.8312 email: HUPdate is published biweekly for HUP employees. Access HUPdate online at

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