Volume 10
Issue 5 March 6, 2015
PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
2014 Quality & Patient Safety Award Winners Thanks to our collective efforts, we have had another successful year of delivering safe, high- quality health care throughout UPHS. Please join us in congratulating the PPMC winners of this year’s UPHS Quality & Safety Awards. The winning projects were chosen based on the skilled use of process improvement tools, measurable results, and financial impact. The competition this year was fierce with more than a dozen teams from PPMC alone submitting excellent projects! We should all be proud of the tremendous work in quality and safety being done all over PPMC. Congratulations to our winning teams! To view all the submissions, please visit the Presby Bulletin online.
PPMC Quality & Patient Safety Award Reducing the Risk of Wrong Site Surgery: Application of the Joint Commission Targeted Solutions Tool in the Scheie Operating Rooms Thomasine Gorry, MD, MGA Karen Revere, MD Susan Chodoff Catherine Solares Nabta Idreis Cindy Diogo Myra Cain-Houston, MSN, RN, CAPA Jane Karch, RN Christian Alexander, MD Members from the department of Ophthalmology Short Procedure Unit Department of Anesthesia Scheie Operating Room Staff (continued on back)
Matt Kearney
Penn Medicine CAREs SUPPORTS THE LEA ELEMENTARY HEALTH AND WELLNESS INITIATIVE For many kids, staying focused on their studies is hard enough without having to worry about their health. But now, thanks to a $1,000 grant and the effort of Matt Kearney, a research assistant at PPMC and student pursuing a Masters of Public Health at the University of Pennsylvania, the students of Henry C. Lea Elementary School will soon have a little more help on their side to make sure they stay healthy. Through collaboration between the department of Family Medicine and Community Health and Service Link, a Center for Public Health Initiatives program, students and their parents will have access to evidence-based education, drop-in doctor visits and help finding care outside of the school. A large chunk of the grant money will be spent on medical records requests, Kearney said. The money will help many families obtain up-to-date vaccination (continued on back)
2014 Quality & Patient Safety Award Winners
records which will, in turn, provide accurate information for school health leaders. The rest is planned to go toward new office equipment, curriculum development and educational materials. Kearney, a St. Louis, Missouri native and former high school science teacher, said the work will have a great “impact on Lea Elementary and could provide an excellent model for working with other schools in the future.” “If we make a difference in the lives of these students and their families, then the Lea Elementary Health and Wellness Initiative will be a success,” Kearney said.
14th Annual Penn Presbyterian Benefit:
Tickets On Sale Now The Board of Trustees, Administration and Faculty invite you to the 14th Annual Penn Presbyterian Medical Center Benefit honoring this year’s Hospital Heroes, Jean Bennett, MD, PhD and Albert M. Maguire, MD. Time: 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Location: Vie, 600 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130 Tickets: $150 per person and include valet parking, open bar, hors d’oeuvres and dinner. Sponsorships with additional benefits are also available. In the spirit of this year’s theme, I Love Philly, please join us for food, dancing, high spirits and a silent auction. The proceeds from this year’s event will contribute toward the future work of the Molecular Ophthalmology program at Scheie Eye Institute. The results of Drs. Bennett and Maguire’s pioneering work on gene therapy have been nothing short of astounding, dramatically improving sight in children and adults with Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) in clinical trials. If FDA approved, this treatment may be the first gene therapy product made clinically available in the United States.
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PPMC Operational Award Evaluating the Impact of a Pharmacist Integrated on the Geriatrics Team on the Acute Care of the Elderly (ACE) Unit Tanya Dougherty, PharmD, BCPS Nicholas Hurrey, PharmD John Bruza, MD Jennifer Marquet, RN, BSN, CCM Justin Kuratnick, PharmD Randy Lynch, PharmD Nishaminy Kasbekar, PharmD, FASHP Robert Russell, MS
PPMC Honorable Mention From “Flatline” to Sustained “Decline”: A Performance Improvement Project to Decrease Immediate Use Steam Sterilization (IUSS) Rates in the Operating Room Irvena Watford, CRCST, CHL Charmin Clavon-Surma, MSN, RN, CNOR Georganne Ryan, BBA, CIC Samantha Marquis, BSN, CNOR Rebecca Barnett, MD Lori Fowler-Gagliardi, RN, BSN, MBA, CNOR Judith A. O’Donnell, MD
Register by March 13, 2015. Tickets can be purchased online at www.PennMedicine.org/ILovePhilly. For more information, please contact Maggie McIntosh Event Design at PPMC.Benefit@uphs.upenn.edu or 484.881.1988. Contact Us: Katie Delach | katie.delach@uphs.upenn.edu | http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/presbybulletin/