Volume 9
Issue 2 January 24, 2013
PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
DXA Scan Now Available at PPMC
PPMC Benefit Tickets: Now On Sale!
PPMC’s Medical Imaging department now offers convenient appointment titime mess fo forr Du Dual al-eene nerg rgyy XX ra rayy absorptimetry (DXA, also called DEXA). The DXA Scans are used to detect osteoporosis by measuring bone bo ne min iner eral al den ensi sity ty usi sing ng a low dos osee of rad adia iatition on. Th This is sim impl plee, 100 mi minu nute te procedure is now offered at our stateof-the the art GE DX DXA A sc scan anne nerr lo loca cate tedd inside the private Radiology Suite. Comfortable changing and waiting room ro omss an andd we wellll-sspa pace cedd ap appo poin intm tmen ents ts mean minimal waiting and lots of privacy for our patients. We are sch ched edul ulin ingg ap appo poin intm tmen ents ts Thursdays and Fridays between 9am andd 3pm weekl kly. Patiients can makke an app ppointment byy contactingg the call center at 215.349.5454 and following the prompts for mammogram. For more information or questions, call the Women’s Imaging g g Center at 215.662.5680.
The Board of Trustees, Administration and Faculty invite you to the 13th Annual Penn Presbyterian Medical Center Benefit. In the spirit of this year’s theme, Top Gun, please join us for food, dancing, high spirits and a silent auction. Proceeds benefit the future John Paul Pryor, MD, FACS Shock Trauma and Resuscitation (STAR) Unit in the new Trauma Center at Penn Presbyterian. On Christmas Day in 2008, Dr. Pryor was serving as a combat surgeon with the U.S. Army Reserve Medical Corp in Iraq when he was killed by mortar shrapnel. His loss has been felt deeply throughout Penn Medicine, the city of Philadelphia and beyond. On March 7th, we will celebrate his life as we carry on his legacy of providing excellent care to patients.
To purchase tickets or for more information, please visit www.pennmedicine.org/TopGun, or contact Maggie McIntosh Event Design at PPMC.Benefit@uphs.upenn.edu or 484.881.1988.
A Conversation on Race: A Tribute to MLK’s Civil Rights Legacy This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sex, and national origin. To commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s contributions to civil rights, PPMC’s Cultural Diversity Committee will sponsor “It’s Not So Black and White: A Conversation on Race.” The conversation will take place on Thursday, January 30, 1-2 PM, in the Philadelphia Heart Institute conference room (106). The program will revisit the current state of race relations in America 50 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act through a frank conversation on race, racism, and diversity. Chad Dion Lassiter, MSW, co-founder and current president of Black Men at Penn School of Social Work, Inc. – a group which seeks to recruit black males into the social work profession and provides anti-racism and violence prevention training in schools – and a lecturer on race at the University of Pennsylvania, will lead the conversation. Mr. Lassiter is an accomplished, nationally recognized expert on race relations. All UPHS employees are welcome to join us for what is sure to be a lively and enlightening conversation!
Annual Toiletry Drive
For more information, please contact: Bette Haitsch, chair of the Cultural Diversity Committee Bette.Haitsch@ uphs.upenn.edu.
Evvery yeear, the Cu ultu ural Diveersityy Committee joiins in the hospittal--wiide sponsorrship of activities ho onorin ng Dr. Marrtin n Lu urtherr Kin ng, Jr.’s legacy of com mmun nityy servicce with h its annuaal Toiletry Drive forr patieents dischaarged from m our Behavioral Health un nit. Th This yeear’s to oiletryy drivee is underway and will run n thro ough h Fridaay, Jan nuaryy 31. Ass you do your regullar groceery sh hopping, please rem memb ber to pickk up p a few of these items for our paatientss: too othbru ushees, tooth hpastee, soap, deodorant, com mbs, brusshes, an nd other hyygien ne items, as well as meen’s an nd women’ n’s sockks.
Patty Potero (right) and Lise Bauman holding a Let it Snow banner made from old scrubs
DEC(ORATING) THE HALLS The holidays were in full swing at PPMC last month, with most units decorating the halls, volunteering their time to community events, and bringing cheer to patients who couldn’t be home for the holidays. In the CCU, a group of nurses got together to show just how much you can do with just a little money and whole lot of creativity. Working together, they fashioned multiple decorations for the unit out of many different materials including wreaths made from old music pages and carolers made out of paper towel tubes (pictured above). The group also used wrapping paper, old t-shirts and EKG strips, buttons, colanders, and burlap string to bring holiday cheer to the unit. Also around the holidays, CCU staff served breakfast at the Gift of Life family house, participated in the AHA Heart Walk, and raised money and canned goods for Typhoon Haiyan relief. For more photos of the CCU’s holiday volunteer efforts, please see the Presby Bulletin online at http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/presbybulletin/. Did your unit do anything special to celebrate the holidays with patients and the community? If you’d like to share your photos and stories in the Presby Bulletin, contact Katie Delach at katie.delach@uphs.upenn.edu.
Do onatio ons will be accep pted at the following drop-off loccation ns: CCU (W WS,, Flloor 3), Neeurodiagnostics (R Room 489)), and thee EP P Suitte (PH HI, Room 436).
Contact Us: Katie Delach | katie.delach@uphs.upenn.edu | http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/presbybulletin/