Volume 23
Number 20
October 4, 2013
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
`` Celebrating 25 years at Penn were (l. to r.) Beverly Harris, David McNewman, Joan Mooney, and Lynita Thomas.
-YEAR CLUB welcomes 70 new members!
The Twenty-Five Year Club’s annual recognition event celebrated 70 new members as well as those reaching 30, 35, 40, and 45 years of service. “Thanks to all of your efforts, we remain strong,” said CEO Ralph Muller. “We appreciate your continuity and we depend on your loyalty.” Muller touched on the many construction projects underway throughout the Health
INSIDE It Takes Two for Safety..............2 Speaking with HUP’s Leaders............................3 Make a Difference: Penn’s Way 2013.......................3 2014 MLK Recognition Awards.......................................4
System to help keep us financially strong in the years to come. Ongoing construction in a cost-conscious health-care environment, he said, rang true in 1988 as well, when the newest members of the 25-Year-Club started at Penn. In a 1988 HUPdate article, C. Edward Schwartz, HUP’s executive director at the time, explained that, even during a time of cost reduction, investing in building the Founders Pavilion “will greatly improve the hospital’s ability to attract patients.” This is a strategy that is followed today, with success. Of course, while some things have remained the same, much has changed in the past 25 years. In 1988, a gallon of gas cost less than a dollar and a movie ticket was $3.50. You could buy a dozen eggs for 65 cents! The Club currently has 650 active members (those still working). Add in employees who reached at least the 25-year milestone at Penn before they retired and the total membership more than doubles!
“I look forward to working with you for many more years,” said Muller. Congratulations to the newest members in the UPHS 25-Year Club from HUP, CPUP and Corporate: Ivette Bermudez.........................Information Services Patricia Abbott...........................Thoracic Surgery Alice Allen..................................Finance Christine Archer-Chicko.........Pulmonary Olubunmi Ariyo.........................Family Practice Margaret Armideo...................Ob-Gyn James Armstrong......................PennSTAR - Trauma Lynn Barthlow...........................Pathology and Lab Services Ceasar Bautista........................Pathology and Lab Services Andrea Bergmann....................Sleep Medicine Caroline Betzner........................Perioperative Nursing George Bevilacqua...................... PennSTAR - Trauma Sandra Blackburn.....................Patient Family Services William Blakeman....................Information Technology Michael Boldt............................Pathology and Lab Services Michael Bond.............................PennSTAR - Trauma Sabrina Butler-Baxter.............Financial Counseling Nancy Canale.............................Perioperative Nursing Donna Carnrick..........................Anesthesia and Critical Care
(continued on page 2)
25-YEAR CLUB welcomes 70 new members! (continued from page 1) Marlana Coston.........................Staffing For All Seasons Kevin Curry..................................Materials Management Martin Daniels...........................Translational Research Jennifer DeBellis......................Patient Accounting Enrico Fajardo............................Pathology and Lab Services Denise Fecca..............................Pharmacy Valerie Golden-Laws...............Perioperative Services Joyce Gonzalez..........................Pathology and Lab Services Rosemary Gordon-DiCicco....Radiology Teresa Groff.................................Radiology Beverly Harris............................Heart Vascular Center John Heckman...........................Finance Operations Sandra Hickman........................Women’s Health - Nursing Lauren Hudson...........................Clinical Nutrition Rosemary Kennedy...................Neuroscience Nursing Regina King.................................Surgical Nursing Russell Klenk..............................Pathology and Lab Services Helen Knapp...............................Women’s Health - Nursing Laura Kotler-Klein....................Patient Family Services David London..............................Pharmacy John Long....................................PennSTAR - Trauma Michael Lynch...........................Rapid Response Team Denise Matthews......................Pharmacy Colleen Mattioni........................Women’s Health - Nursing Francis McAndrew.................Finance
James McCans.........................PennSTAR - Trauma Tisha McLean............................Finance David McNewman...................Materials Management Kathleen Mercado...................Women’s Health - Nursing Joan Mooney.............................Pathology and Lab Services Eileen Murray............................Finance Delphine Olive..........................Pharmacy Carl Petetti...................................Surgical Trauma Zina Reaves................................Pathology and Lab Services Christine Reustle......................PennSTAR - Trauma Roslyn Rivers.............................Respiratory Therapy Lisa Ryan......................................Cardiovascular Nursing Tonja Sharper.............................Finance Rodney Simcox.........................Respiratory Therapy Margaret Slade.........................Infectious Disease Nancy Stoner.............................Clinical Nutrition Janeen Strozier.........................Ophthalmology Jennifer Strubinger..................Pathology and Lab Services Leon Sullivan..............................Radiology Sheila Sweeney........................Administration Thomas Szybowski.................Respiratory Therapy Nelly Tajin..................................Pathology and Lab Services Lynita Thomas...........................Pathology and Lab Services Rodney Tolbert...........................Materials Management Colleen Walls............................Helen O. Dickens Center Elaine Williford..........................Admissions Lynnette Zentner.......................Pharmacy
`` Celebrating many milestones of service were (top photo, l. to r.) Rosemary Kennedy (25), Domenic Sanginiti (30), Ella Ryan-Maloney (35), and Collette Haverton (35) and (bottom photo, l. to r.) John Carter (30), Jeffrey Wright (35), Donna Margan (35), and Hilda Tisdale (45).
It Takes Two for Safety
Administering blood is considered a high-risk procedure. Indeed, giving the wrong blood to a patient can be fatal. That’s why HUP has many steps in place to ensure that the patient receives the correct blood. Phlebotomists and other caregivers always check two unique patient identifiers prior to collecting the specimen. In the lab, every type and screen are performed twice to make sure the results perfectly match the sample. And, finally, two nurses perform a double check to verify that the blood product and patient identification match at the time of administration.
have much more success in getting everything right. And, in this situation, it’s essential to get everything right,” said Mauri Sullivan, MSN, clinical director of Oncology Nursing, who is part of a multidisciplinary team that developed the new safety measure.
Now a new initiative — It Takes Two — will provide an additional layer of safety. As part of the new process, blood draws for types and screens will require a second person present to identify the patient, witness the blood draw, sign the requisition form and label the specimen … all at the bedside. “Two people working together
• The requision form will state that
The initiative will also streamline the process, changing to just one standard requisition form and eliminating the pink sticker and the signature on the blood tube. Several prompts will remind staff that ‘it takes two’ to ensure patient safety: a second person is necessary and requires two staff signatures.
• The Cerner labels for type and screen will have a two-person reminder.
• Posters announcing the change will
be placed on every patient-care unit.
To ensure a successful transition, nurses and phlebotomists will undergo training and “eventually it will be part of the mandatory education in Knowledge Link,” Sullivan said. A video of the process is available on the Intranet under ‘What’s Hot.’
`` Demonstrating the new ‘It Takes Two’ system for blood draws are (l. to r. ) Heather Trout, BSN, of Staffing for All Seasons-Critical Care, phlebotomist Stephanie Gordon and ‘patient’ Gloriadean Matthis, Phlebotomy Coordinator.
Speaking with HUP’S LEADERS “I’m very excited that Chester County Hospital is now part of Penn Medicine,” said Garry Scheib, HUP’s executive director, at last month’s ‘Meal with an Administrator.’ Having The Chester County Hospital and Health System (TCCHHS) as part of UPHS, he said, will not only help to expand Penn Medicine’s health-care services into that region but also increase the percentage of patients from that area who come to our hospitals. “Prior to our talks with Chester County about joining the Health System, the hospital transferred approximately 30 patients per month; 10 came to Penn. In April through June, approximately 20 transfers per month came to HUP,” he said. Scheib said the transaction was not a purchase. Rather, it was a sole member transfer. “In the same way the University of Pennsylvania owns the Health System, a local non-profit foundation owned Chester County Hospital,” he explained. “They transferred sole member ownership to the University.” Penn Medicine will invest capital into Chester County’s buildings initially but Scheib said it is expected to be self-funding from improved Chester County Hospital financial performance. Chester County Hospital was one of a dwindling number of independent hospitals in the area. “In today’s health-care environment, hospitals need to be part of a bigger system to survive.” Construction Continues Throughout UPHS Penn Medicine at Washington Square officially opened last month, at 8th and Walnut Streets.
It will house most of the ambulatory practices at Pennsylvania Hospital, which are now located in several buildings. “So much of health care is shifting to an outpatient setting,” Scheib said. “This facility will allow better care coordination and hopefully attract more patients,” similar to what the Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine has done for HUP’s outpatient care. The Penn Center for Specialty Care, for outpatient services at Penn Presbyterian, is currently under construction at 3737 Market Street. Completion is scheduled for next fall. PPMC’s Advanced Care Hospital Pavilion is under construction as well. When completed in January 2015, it will house Penn Medicine’s Level 1 Trauma program and all the services needed to support the program, including new ORs, CCUs, and enhanced radiology services. Penn Medicine’s long-term goals are to build patient towers where Penn Tower and its garage now stand. To start the multiple-step process, the Perelman Center is being expanded, with the addition of the South Pavilion. This will allow most outpatient services still in Penn Tower and HUP to be moved to Perelman when construction is completed.
In financial news, HUP had a good start to FY14, with strong surgical patient activity in July and August. Scheib said that Moody’s, a bond-rating organization, recently reaffirmed HUP’s Aa3 stable outlook. “It’s very difficult to maintain a stable outlook in health care and we want to keep it that way. “Many exciting things are happening at Penn Medicine, aimed at making sure we can meet patient demand and solidify our financial standing,” he continued. “We have one of the strongest balance sheets of any hospital in the region.” Flu Season and More Flu season is almost upon us and the UPHS flu vaccine campaign is up and running. Flu fairs kick off at HUP on Wednesday, October 9, and will run through Wednesday, October 23. For more information, go to the Intranet under ‘What’s Hot.’ Penn’s Way has begun as well. Scheib encouraged participants to donate “whatever you can.” Money donated to HUP will go towards helping patients who can’t afford to pay for their medications upon discharge. The look of e-STAR has changed, said Judy James, HUP’s associate chief HR officer. “Knowledge Link has a short tutorial about it. The look is different but the functions remained the same.”
One employee asked about the possibility of onsite health clinics where employees could be A new 1,500-car parking garage is being built on treated for illness rather than taking time away Lot 51. When completed, the Penn Tower garage from patient care. Scheib said part of the problem — which Scheib said would cost almost as much is finding physical space. Also, “it’s not just HUP to maintain as putting up the new parking garage — we’re spread over multiple states, in multiple — will be torn down. Once all services have been locations. Making the service available to all 20,000 removed from Penn Tower, it will come down as employees is one of our challenges. We are looking well. If the University Board approves, a new patient at alternatives that would improve our employee tower, with an expected 200 to 300 beds, will be built health service.” on the site within the next four to five years.
Penn’s Way — the annual workplace charitable campaign for the Health System and University — kicked off this week and will run through Friday, November 15. Together, UPHS and the University aim to raise $1.45 million for charities within the Center for Responsible Funding, Penn Medicine and United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey.
People’s Emergency Center (PEC), an organization that helps homeless women with children acquire skills in preparation for the workforce.
This year, the Penn’s Way campaign theme, ‘I am MAKING A DIFFERENCE,’ focuses on employees within UPHS and the University who give their resources to charities within the Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey region. For example, Rachel Chebeleu, a Penn Medicine employee, supports the
The 2014 Penn’s Way campaign is open to all UPHS and University employees. All employees who participate in the campaign are eligible to receive raffle prizes which will be handed out during the campaign. For more information and to donate visit: http://www. upenn.edu/pennsway/.
“I have donated to Penn’s Way for over 20 years,” says Chebeleu. “There are so many unmet needs within our [West Philadelphia] community; I find it rewarding to think I’ve had an impact.”
2014 MLK Recognition Awards The MLK, Jr. Community Involvement Recognition Awards are presented to five individuals (Penn/Penn Medicine faculty, staff, students and members of the broader Philadelphia community) who demonstrate significant contributions in community service and/or working for social justice efforts. The awards committee is seeking nominations for individuals whose work most merits this recognition. Nomination forms are available online at www.upenn.edu/aarc/mlk/award.htm. The deadline for submitting nomination forms is November 1. If you have any questions, please contact the African-American Resource Center at 215-898-0104 or aarc@pobox.upenn.edu.
All Employee Meetings Learn more about HUP and the Health System at an upcoming All Employee Meeting. HUP leaders will be on hand to answer questions as well. The next three All Employee Meetings will take place on: • October 9, from 8:30 to 9:30 am • November 6, from noon to 1:00 pm
Calling all HUP and CPUP Nurses! It’s time to leverage your strengths! The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators 2013 RN Satisfaction Survey is your opportunity to evaluate the initiatives designed and implemented to improve your professional work environment. Your feedback helps to evaluate programs and influences future changes. The 2013 RN Satisfaction Survey yields important information relevant to nurses and nursing practice, including a nurse’s role in: decision making, adequacy of available resources and staffing, the quality of care provided, opportunities for professional development and more. Your responses are important to our efforts to provide world-class care to our patients and families. The RN Satisfaction survey will be available October 7 through October 27. You can access the survey through the intranet via the RN Satisfaction link under “What’s Hot” or by typing www.nursingquality.org/survey into the browser. Additionally, you can take the survey from your home computer. Please note the survey needs to be completed in one sitting.
Join the Race for Hope The Race for Hope is a 5K Run/Walk fundraiser for the National Brain Tumor Society to help support the brain tumor community. Penn Neurosurgery is proud to once again serve as a flagship sponsor for this year’s Philadelphia race, to be held on Sunday, November 3. Last year the Penn Pioneers raised more than $20,000 from hundreds of donors and earned the Race for Hope – Philadelphia Top Company Team award. To learn how you can help in the fight against brain tumors by either donating to the team or joining the race, e-mail Karen.Albright@ uphs.upenn.edu or call at (215) 615-4379.
• December 4, from 5:00 to 6:00 pm All Employee Meetings are held in Medical Alumni Hall on 1 Maloney.
The Role of PAs Across the nation, the week of October 6-12 will be set aside to celebrate Physician Assistants (PAs). Over 100 PAs provide quality care at Penn Medicine in many inpatient and outpatient settings. Learn more about the role of PAs at a ‘Get to Know Us’ event on Tuesday, October 8, on the first floor of the Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine, from 10 am to 2 pm.
HUPdate EDITORIAL STAFF Sally Sapega Editor and Photographer Abby Ernst Designer
STILL TIME TO ENTER! Each year, the UPHS Quality and Patient Safety Awards recognize departments throughout the Health System that have exhibited leadership and innovation in activities that ensure high-quality clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction, patient safety, and cost efficiency. Applications for the 2013 Awards will now be accepted through October 11. For more information about the awards and the application process, go to http://uphsxnet.uphs.upenn.edu/ceqi and click on “2013 Quality and Patient Safety Award.”
Susan E. Phillips Senior Vice President, Public Affairs CONTACT HUPDATE AT: 3535 Market Street, Mezzanine Philadelphia, PA 19104 phone: 215.662.4488 fax: 215.349.8312 email: sally.sapega@uphs.upenn.edu HUPdate is published biweekly for HUP employees. Access HUPdate online at http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/hupdate.