Volume 9
Issue 21
October 17, 2014
PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
Lunch and a Movie
Presby ACE Unit’s Gerontological Nurses Strive for ‘Nursing Excellence for the Older Adult’
In celebration of National Medical Librarians Month, all hospital staff is invited to a special film presentation. “Getting Better: 200 Years of Medicine,” produced by the New England Journal of Medicine, is a 42-minute film featuring three separate stories: The Rise of Surgery; The Story of Leukemia; and The HIV/AIDs Epidemic. Stop by with your brown bag lunch, watch the entire film, or catch a segment!
Date : Monday, October 27, 2014 Time : Noon – 2:00 PM Location : Gardner Conference Room (1st floor, WS) This continuous viewing of the NEJM film is sponsored by PPMC Library. The PPMC Library is available to assist you to meet your critical information needs in these challenging times. For information on services and resources, visit the PPMC Library Intranet webpages and/or directly contact the PPMC library (Wright Saunders, Room 136, ppmclibrary@uphs. upenn.edu, ext. 9575)
During the week of September 29 - October 3, 2014, the ACE Unit Nurses of Presby celebrated National Gerontological Nursing Week.
The weeklong celebration is designed to recognize gerontological nurses, and make public their continual efforts to provide Nursing Excellence for the Older Adult
The weeklong celebration is designed to recognize gerontological nurses, and make public their continual efforts to provide Nursing Excellence for the Older Adult – the theme for this year’s recognition, set by the National Gerontological Nurse’s Association. The celebration included nurses from ACE visiting the other units in the hospital and providing information about geriatric care, tables set up outside the cafeteria with poster presentations and literature for visitors and patients on the various geriatric services within the Penn system, a nursing Grand Rounds on Delirium, and a party to recognize our accomplishments on the last day of National Gerontological Nursing Week. Presby’s ACE Unit is NICHE (Nurse’s Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders) certified and has reached the third out of four levels, “Geriatric Friendly,” by meeting goals in the following areas: guiding principles, organizational structure, leadership, geriatric staff competence, interdisciplinary resources and processes, patient and family centered approaches, environment of care, and quality.
Giving is Penn’s Way! Penn’s Way is underway across our campuses! In partnership with our colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania, Penn Medicine is stepping up to support the greater Philadelphia area through donations to Penn Medicine, United Way and Center for Responsible Funding Agencies. As one of the largest umbrella campaigns in the regions, Penn has set a goal of $1.5 million. This year, all funds raised for HUP, PPMC and PAH are designated towards their Pharmacy Assistance Programs, which provide prescription medications upon discharge to the most vulnerable populations we serve. An energetic time of year for all employees, Penn’s Way is marked by raffles, fairs and events, honoring not only the donations that come in from thousands of employees, but also the culture of caring and spirit of giving at Penn Medicine. If you have not done so already, please visit www.upenn. edu/pennsway (also available through “What’s Hot?” on the Intranet). From there it takes just minutes, or as little as a few seconds, to pledge your support and immediately impact the communities we serve.
Health Care Supply Chain: Integration Through Collaboration The week of October 5-11, 2014, PPMC celebrated the nationally recognized Materials Management Week. This year’s theme was “Health Care Supply Chain: Integration Through Collaboration.” The Materials Management team celebrated with special activities throughout the week including lunches, special gifts of appreciation, meal tickets and raffles for additional giveaways. The Materials Management department would once again like to express their appreciation to Penn Presbyterian Medical Center for its continued support throughout the year. We look forward to the opportunities and challenges ahead as we embark on the new building openings, most recently at Penn Medicine University City (3737 Market Street) and in the near future at the soon-to-be-complete Pavilion for Advanced Care, due to open in early February 2015. Our team will remain focused on supporting services to patients and patient care providers. Please join us in recognizing our team members on this special week.
The MLK, Jr. Community Involvement Recognition Awards are presented to five individuals (Penn/ Penn Medicine faculty, staff, students and members of the broader Philadelphia community) who demonstrate significant contributions in community service and/or working for social justice efforts. The awards committee is seeking nominations for individuals whose work most merits this recognition. Nomination forms are available online at www.upenn.edu/aarc/mlk/award.htm. The deadline for submitting nomination is November 7, 2014. If you have any questions, please contact the African-American Resource Center at 215.898.0104 or aarc@pobox.upenn.edu. Contact Us: Katie Delach | katie.delach@uphs.upenn.edu | http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/presbybulletin/