Volume 8
Issue 21
October 18, 2013
PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
PPMC ED Halloween Drive Halloween-themed items for the ED’s annual Halloween drive to benefit Travelers Aid Family Services of Philadelphia. Travelers Aid expects to have more than 80 children in attendance at their Annual Halloween Party, and we can help he lp mak akee it boo oo-t -tas astiticc by don onat atin ingg th thee following items: • New or gently used costumes clean in good condition)
Survey Says… Last month, The Joint Commission was at PPMC for a four-day, triennial survey, and the results were SPECTACULAR! The hard work, dedication and focus on the quality and safety of the care provided to our patients was recognized across the board. PPMC faculty and staff have every reason to feel extremely proud. Upon exiting, the team’s physician surveyor once again congratulated us on our survey results and said, “If I am ever sick and need hospital care… I will be coming here.”
• Candy
In recognition of the outstanding care that is provided to our patients and their families, following the survey, PPMC hosted a carnival-themed party to celebrate the terrific results. Faculty and staff were treated to an afternoon of carnival snacks, games and prizes.
• Apples
Thank you all for everything that you do!
• Snacks (chips, pretzels, juice, and cookies)
• Halloween Decorations • Toys or stickers • Toothpaste, toothbrushes and dental floss the main nurse’s station in the ED. The deadline for donating is October 20.
(continued on back)
OncoLink is now holding live workshops at Presby for patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals. The workshops are available to attend either in-person or online, and continuing education credit is available for social workers who attend. Upcoming workshops include: What Cancer Patients Need to Know about Medicare Open Enrollment Friday Oct. 25th, 12-1:30PM PPMC’s PHI Auditorium
The week of October 6 – 12, 2013 was the nationally recognized Materials Management Week. This year’s theme was “Transforming Healthcare through Cost, Quality, and Outcomes.” The Materials Management team celebrated with special activities including lunch, special gifts of appreciation, meal tickets and raffles for additional prizes. The Materials Management Team would like to express their appreciation to Penn Presbyterian Medical Center for its continued support throughout the year. Working together to provide patient safety, quality and efficiency, as well as cost containment remains the essential objective that the team strives for everyday.
Medicare Open Enrollment is the one time a year that Medicare recipients can make changes to their coverage. This workshop will help you understand the terminology, out of pocket expenses, communicating with your insurance company and much, much more. If you are looking for ways to maximize your coverage and minimize your costs, this workshop is for you! The Impact of the Affordable Care Act for Cancer Patients: It’s a Game Changer! Friday Oct. 25th, 2-3PM PPMC’s PHI Auditorium How does the ACA make care more accessible for those with a chronic illness or pre-existing condition? This workshop will help you understand the basics of the law, the types of plans offered and how they will be managed, how to compare costs and get coverage and debunk some of the common myths Please call 215.662.8785 to register. Social workers who attend BOTH sessions can receive 3 CEUs. If you cannot attend in person, you can participate online! Go to oncolink.org/webchat to learn more!
2014 MLK, Jr. Community Involvement Recognition Awards The MLK, Jr. Community Involvement Recognition Awards are presented to five individuals (Penn/Penn Medicine faculty, staff, students and members of the broader Philadelphia community) who demonstrate significant contributions in community service and/or working for social justice efforts. The awards committee is seeking nominations for individuals whose work most merits this recognition. Nomination forms are available online at www.upenn.edu/aarc/mlk/ award.htm. The deadline for submitting nomination forms is November 1, 2013. If you have any questions, please contact the African-American Resource Center at 215.898.0104 or aarc@pobox.upenn.edu.
July Presby STARS Congra Co C Con ongratul a lation ns to the Jully 2013 Prresby ST STAR TAR win nners,, who each h receiived d $100 and a certifi ficcate recoggnizin ng th heir Prresb by STAR R status. stat tat attus us. Brend da Faaulk – 4 Eaast Chrisstoph her Gorham m – PACU U Jorgee Sam me – MICU U Tameeeka Black k – SN NF Tonyya Gilles – 3 Eastt
Contact Us: Katie Delach | katie.delach@uphs.upenn.edu | http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/presbybulletin/