Presbybulletin October 4

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Volume 8

Issue 20

October 4, 2013

PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center



IS A FAMILY AFFAIR The benefits of inclusivity and collaboration in medicine are central to a new program started by three siblings to train tomorrow’s healthcare leaders.

Sharon Lockett, a patient services representative for the Clinical Practices of the University of Pennsylvania located at Penn Presbyyterian Medical Center, her brother, L. Mark Lockett, and sister, Sharon Lockett (right) and sister Michelle Lockett Mich hell lle Lockkett tt, have teamed d up wit ith h Phys y ical Trainer Thurston Owen to create a new progr g am that pr p ovides youngg peopl pe with information and tools to follow in their footsteps. For this group of inspired health care professionals, the journey began when they were teenagers, attending the Health Academy at Bright Hope Baptist Church. It was there that they were inspired to pursue their current careers. Founded by the late Leonard Johnson, MD, the Health Academy and its range of programs ended in 2000. Now ye y ars after gr g aduation and well into their health professions, Michelle, L. Mark, and Thurston founded The Health Exposure Longevity Project, Inc. (HELP) to fill that void and direct their energy back to an organization that gave so much to them. HELP HE LP suppl plem lemen ents ts the he Churc hurch’ hss He h’ Heallth h Aca cad demy sum demy umme merr ca camp mp as a free free, 12-ses sessi sion ion mentoring program for 20 African American and Latino youth, ages 5-14 years old, who are interesting in pursuing a career in health care. As part of the program, the kids are taught how to manage their own health. As black female health professionals, Sharon and Michelle, who is also HELP’s exec ecut utiivee di dire rect ctor or, se seee th thee pr prog ogra ram m as a waay of paying ing it fo forrwar ard d to the predominantly minority community that gave them direction and support years ago. For example, it was mentorship at the Church’s Health Academy by Loretta Sweet Jemmott, PhD, FAAN, RN, of the Penn School of Nursing that led Michelle to a nursing career. The sisters already see the program expanding to new areas.

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We are MAKING A DIFFERENCE Penn’s Way 2014 Set to Begin October 1st

................... It is that time of year again, when we join together, as a system, to demonstrate our compassion and commitment to community service by participating in the annual Penn’s Way campaign. As the campaign grows larger each year, so does its purpose. As October approaches, please consider helping UPHS and the University of Pennsylvania achieve its fundraising goal of $1.45 million by November 15th. With the option to donate to the charity of your choice – through the Center for Responsible Funding, Penn Medicine, and United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey – we ask that you think about what impact you can make in the community this season. The Penn’s Way 2014 campaign will begin Monday, October 1st and continue through Friday, November 15th. For more information and a complete list of charities please visit: or contact James Cervantes james.cervantes@ or Wes Taylor

HELP IS A FAMILY AFFAIR (continued from front)

Sharon recently received a Penn Medicine CAREs grant for the HELP program. The grant funds d journalls and d offi ffice suppli lies, heallthy h meals l for partiiciipants (as part of healthy eating workshops), use of the Church facility, Zumba dance clas cl asse sess, and a sma mall ll hon onor orar ariu ium m fo forr gu gues estt sp spea eake kers rs.

Heartfelt Thanks I’m writing to express my gratitude for the care I received by one of your

Knowing health care maintenance and disease prevention techniques can make a strong t difference in a communit ity’’s healt lth h, the group says. As partt off th the program, thes th esee vi vita tall le less sson onss ar aree ou outl tlin ined ed in a nu numb mber er of in inte tera ract ctiv ivee se sess ssio ions ns.

outstanding physicians. I had the

“We wanted to take what was done with Health Academy and tweak it a bit with HELP,” said Sharon. “We often try to show what you can do with different health care ca re pos osit itio ions ns and deg egre rees es. Fo Forr ex exam ampl plee, ’th this is is a ra radi diol olog ogyy te tech chni nici cian an, ph phys ysic icia ian n assistant, X-ray technician, doctor, and this is how they got there.’ It’s about seeing thee ch th chil ildr dren en tha hatt yo you’ u ve hel elpe ped d an and d th thee fr frui uits ts of yo your ur lab abor or in th thei eirr su succ cces esss.”

Norris’ entire staff – from receptionist

Visit to learn more ab bout Penn Medi dicine i CAR ARE Es, report your communiity serviice, and d applly for a grant today!

of time with me and answered all

good go od for ortu tune ne to ha have ve a con onsu sultltat atio ionn with Dr. Anne H. Norris recently. Dr. to nurses – was incredibly helpful, professional, and compassionate. Dr. Norriis herselflf spent a goodd amount of my qu ques estition onss. Rec ecei eivi ving ng suc uchh excellent care in medicine today is not alwayys assured, so I wanted to formally thank Dr. Norris and her staff, and congratulate Penn and


Penn Presbyterian for having such wonderful people representing them.

PPMC Library staff:

Members of the Penn Brain Tumor Center’s 2012 Race for Hope team

Now entering its eighth year, the National Brain Tumor Society’s Race for Hope is a 5K Run/Walk fundraiser to support the brain tumor community. The Race for Hope is a way to reach other families, patients, and survivors affected by brain tumors. Penn Neurosurgery is proud to once again serve as a flagship sponsor for this year’s Philadelphia Race for Hope to be held on Sunday, November 3. Last year the Penn team, the Penn Pioneers, raised more than $20,000 from hundreds of donors and earned the Race for Hope – Philadelphia Top Company Team award. Please see the Presby Bulletin online to learn more about how you can help in the fight against brain tumors by donating to the team or joining the race.

Saving you time, so you can save lives October is National Medical Librarians Month! Make a point to stop by the PPMC Health Sciences Library (Wright Saunders, Room 136, Open 24/7) during October and all year long. The PPMC library staff, Rebecca Landau (librarian) and Pete Lurowist (library assistant) will work with you to retrieve high-quality health information, saving you valuable time so you can focus on patient care.

Contact Us: Katie Delach | |

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