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Volume 7 Issue 22 November 2, 2012

PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center

The Ladies Aid Society (LAS) at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center has been volunteering and giving monetary gifts to Presbyterian Hospital for 140 years. In early years, volunteers from local Presbyterian Churches visited patients, bothh in the h hospiitall andd whhen they h retu re turn rned ed to th thei eirr ho home mess. Vol olun unte teer erss also made nurses uniforms, bed linens and rolled bandages. In recent years, the organization managed the “Cubby Hole” gi g ft shopp located on the first floor in the Wright Saunders lobby. One of the largest financial gifts from the LAS wass gi wa give venn to hel elpp bu builildd th thee ro roof ofto topp helipad on the Cupp building. LAS gifts are made possible in part by funds raised from sales throughout the hospital. The following upcoming sales will be held in the Wright Saunders lobby hallway, outside the Atwood Cafeteria: November 2: Heigh Ho Silver November 16: Sock Sale December 12 & 13: Kinetic Works Sales benefit the Ladies Aid Society, the auxiliary of Penn Presbyterian Medical Center. LAS is always looking for dedicated volunteers to be members of its Governing Board. For information on future sales or to become involved with the Ladies Aid Society please contact Florence McKeown at 610.667.7739.


Ladies Aid Society

Patient Advocacy recipients (left to right): Brian Kann, MD; Martha Vazquez; Lyubov Tatchin; Frances Hicks; Lori Gustave, MBA, MHA; Staci Pietrafesa, RN,CEO BSN, Princess Bailey, RN; Ralph Muller, ofNE-BC; UPHS, leads by example and Karen Lane; Mary Ann Jones, CRNP; Allen Fasnacht, BSN, Christopher Edwards, FACEP.Center attends theRN; flu vaccine kick-off in theMD, Perelman Not pictured: Lana Brunkel and Myra Cain-Houston

Patient Advocacy Awards

For the fourth year, the PPMC Patient Advocacy Recognition reception honored a group of employees from all across the hospital for their dedication to our patients. This year’s theme – “Faster. Higher. Stronger.” – was inspired by the Olympics and celebrated the greatness that this year’s recipients display every day.

“In a hospital, greatness is defined by patient experiences, the kindness and humanity that we show, and the quality of care we deliver,” said Marguerite Kerry, BSN, JD, director of the UPHS Office of Patient Affairs. “This year’s honorees exemplify greatness, and it’s important that we recognize their dedication and contributions that help Penn Prebsyterian deliver a culture of excellence.”

The awards were given to 13 employees who have received complimentary feedback, consulted with Patient & Guest Services, or have assisted Patient & Guest Services in resolving challenging situations. The nominations highlighted the variety of ways employees succeed in meeting our patients’ needs: connecting with patients and families on the essential personal human levels, engendering trust and good will and establishing their confidence in the worthwhile care of Penn Medicine. “Today is about saying thank you for everything that you do to make our patients happy and to make us a better hospital,” said Michele Volpe, CEO and executive director, PPMC. “The people we honor today represent a cross-section of the Penn Presbyterian family. We have nurses and physicians, but we also have employees from Information Systems and Environmental Services. They are a perfect example of the (continued on back)

Co Congratulations ula ations to the e September 2012 Presby STAR winners, who each received $$100 and a certificate recognizing their w Presby STAR status uss.

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multidisciplinary efforts and superior team work that we are so proud to offer here at Penn Presbyterian.”



Regina Brewington – Nursing, SPU Katie Kegerreis – Nursing, 4East Anthony Maddux – EVS John Neely – Nursing, Emergency Dept Chrystal Thomas – Nursing, 5East

NATIONAL CASE MANAGEMENT WEEK October 14 - 20 Last month, Peenn Presb byteriian Medical Center reecogn nized d its 26 case man nagers (166 RNss, 8 MSWs, & 2 Team m Lead ders)) in ceelebration of National Case Maanagemen nt Week. Casee man nagers arre fou und in evvery unit throu ughout the hospital ass welll as the Emerggency Dep partmentt, Preesbyyterian Ceenter for Conttinueed Care (Subacutee Rehab ),, and d thee Outpatiient Ortho o Offi ffice. They work clossely with multidissciplinaryy teams to Th o prom motee paatien nt centered care an nd maake a differen nce in eveery patien nt’s exxperiience at Penn Presbyterrian n. Case managerss are respo onsib ble for provid ding clinical assesssment, caare co oordinatiion, patient ed ducaation, cou unseling, case monittoring/clin nical path hwayy maanagemen nt, as welll as disch harge pllanniing, resou urce managem mentt and patiient advo ocacyy. They arre alsso cruciall in assuriing th he best finan ncial outco omess for the paatien nt’s hospittal stay as a ressult of their interactio ons with the in nsuraance comp panies. Th th The heme for this year’ss celeebraation, cho osen by The Am meriican Case Managem ment Asso ociatio on (ACMA), was “Pattient-Oriiented, Outco ome-Drivven.” Duriing th his nationallyy recogniized weekk of ap pprecciation, PPMC celeebratted the achieevements of itss case managgers who provide excellentt service to patientts and d theeir faamiliees every day.

2012 Patient Advocacy Awards Congratulations to this year’s recipients! Princess Bailey, RN – Nursing Lana Brunkel – Health Information Systems Myra Cain-Houston, MSN, RN – Nursing Christopher Edwards, MD – Emergency Medicine Allen Fasnacht, BSN, RN – Nursing Lori Gustave, MBA, MHA – Orthopaedics Frances Hicks – Thoracic Surgery Mary Ann Jones, CRNP – Nursing Brian Kann, MD – Surgery Karen Lang – Nursing Staci Pietrafesa, RN, BSN – Nursing Lyubov Tatchin – Environmental Services Martha Vazquez – OR Materials Management

Thank you, bikers! MS Society’s City to Shore Bike Tour

Team UPHS/PENN had anoth her exciting an nd great rid de this year during the MS Society’s City to Shore Bikee Tour. Our team recruited 318 riders and d conttinues to be the larggest team on the tour. This year’s team memb bership grrew w by 11 percent and together, we raised $156,0000 - an amazing 27 perccent increase over 2011. This is a fu un an nd great exxam mple off how Penn Medicine and the Univeersityy of Pennsyylvvania givve back to the community. The funding proviides directt caare supp port for Multiple Sclerosis patients liviing in n the Delaawaare Valley as well as research dollars toward devvelop ping impro oveed treatm ments and a search for a cure. I want to thankk everyonee who partticipated and helped in both small and largee ways. - Dan Wilson, VP, Allied Heaalth and Ambulaatory Seervices, Pennsylvania Hospital

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