Volume 9
Issue 24 November 28, 2014
PRESBYbulletin Are you Planning Holiday Outreach? Is your department or unit volunteering time to help local communities around the holidays? If so, please be sure to let the Presby Bulletin know! Email a short write-up about your outreach activities (and a photo if possible) to katie.delach@uphs.upenn.edu. We want to include as many community efforts as possible in upcoming issues!
July 2014 PRESBY STARS Congratulations to Presby STAR winners for July 2014, who each received $100 and a certificate recognizing their Presby STAR efforts. Samantha Steele – Nursing, CUPP 4 E Tina Taylor – Guest Services Theresa Whitehead – Nursing, Administration Unea Ward – Nursing, OR Ashley Montanero – Nursing, CUPP 4 E
Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
Each quarter, the CAREs Foundation awards grants of up to $2,000 per project to community and hospital-based programs on behalf of employees or Perelman School of Medicine students who volunteer their time to support those programs. Don’t put it off any longer – there’s still time to apply for a Penn Medicine CAREs grant! Applications for the next round of grants are being accepted through December 1, 2014. Visit the CAREs Community Outreach page for more information.
Congratulations to all the winners of the Penn Medicine CAREs grant for the first quarter of FY15: Lawrence Davis, Psychiatry – PPMC Bread of Life Food Pantry, Epworth United Methodist Church Rebecca Salowe, Ophthalmology – PPMC Glaucoma Bus Andrea Devoti, Neighborhood Health – CCH Senior Healthlink Program Merritt Edlind, Medical Student – PSOM Health Living Support Group Jacqueline Felicetti, Human Resources – CCH Wounded Warrior Project Yo-Heng Guo, Psychiatry – PSOM Asian Mental Health Awareness and Outreach Rhonda Holmstrom, Trauma – HUP Injury Prevention (continued on back)
The next Celebration of Art and Life – an exhibition of twodimensional artwork dedicated to the memory of Bernett L. Johnson, MD, HUP’s former chief medical officer – will open in early 2015. Faculty, staff, students and patients interested in participating are invited to submit their profile, digital images of their work and a digital application at www.cfeva.slideroom.com. The deadline for entering this juried art exhibition is Monday, December 1. If you have any questions, contact Rosemarie Cray at 215.349.8418 or rosemarie.cray@uphs.upenn.edu.
(continued from front)
Jade Lee, Staffing for All Seasons – HUP Health Hearts Mathilda Lyons, Microbiology Laboratory – HUP Interfaith Food Cupboard Kelsey Nawalinski, Neurosurgery – HUP Back on My Feet, Philadelphia Charter Jill Townsend, Outpatient Rehabilitation-Physical Therapy/ Hand Rehabilitation – CCH Hand Therapy at Community Volunteers in Medicine Raymond Townsend, Medicine – PSOM Community Health Fairs Hypertension and Glucose Screenings Bernadette Wheeler, OB/GYN – CCA Black Women in Sports Foundation Jennifer Egg, Abramson Cancer Center – PAH Look Good, Feel Better Brenda Gilchrist, PAH OB/GYN Penn Medicine Washington Square – CPUP Calvary St. Augustine health fair
Ebola Preparedness at Penn Medicine The likelihood of an outbreak of Ebola in this country remains extremely remote, but, like hospitals throughout this country, Penn Medicine continues to prepare for the potential of receiving a suspected or confirmed Ebola patients.
The likelihood of an outbreak of Ebola in this country remains extremely remote
We encourage all staff to continue to check for updates at http://pennpoint.uphs.upenn.edu/sites/ ebola/default.aspx. Also, two phone lines are available to assist clinicians and staff around the clock:
*Clinicians with patient-related questions should call 215.614.0524. A physician will answer and handle calls about screening, isolation and, if necessary, lead arrangements for patient transport to HUP from another entity. *General questions not pertaining to direct patient care can be directed to 215.615.2929.
Heartfelt Thanks A letter from a family friend of a PPMC Patient I wanted to share another positive patient experience that occurred for most of October at Penn Presby. On October 1st [a woman] went into cardiac & respiratory arrest in Avalon, NJ and was taken to Cape May Regional. She was airlifted to Presby, and was admitted to the Medical Intensive Care unit. She remained in an induced coma for at least a week and after making enough progress was transferred to 4 South. She was eventually discharged and sent home after a 3+ week hospitalization. Since the family is not “healthcare oriented,” my wife and I were on campus often trying to help the family make sense out of what happened. Let’s just say it was a great “save” on the part of all those who cared for the patient and her family. The attending physicians, nurses, aides, front desk security guards and all others were all outstanding. Of note the clinicians were great at explaining what was happening in terms the family could understand. They were realistic and yet tempered the expectations at every step of the hospitalization. To that end, the patient will return to Presby for her follow-up care.
Contact Us: Katie Delach | katie.delach@uphs.upenn.edu | http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/presbybulletin/