Volume 8
Issue 23
November 15, 2013
PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
PPMC Surgeon Named President of the Eastern Vascular Society
Delaware Valley Quality and Patient Safety Awards PPMC’s Prescription for Patient Safety Members of the award-winning multi-disciplinary team. (L to R): Christopher Edwards, MD, Amanda Binkley, Pharm.D, Judith O’Donnell, MD, and LeighAnn Mazzone, BSN, RN, CEN. Not pictured: Tanya Dougherty, Pharm.D, BCPS, Nishaminy Kasbekar, Pharm.D, FASHP, John Flamma, MD, Christian Boedec, MS, MBA, and Richard Maniglia, MD, Danielle Evans, Pharm.D
Earlier this month, the Health Care Improvement Foundation and the Delaware Valley Health Council awarded a multi-disciplinary team from PPMC second place in the 2013 Delaware Valley Quality and Patient Safety Awards. Recognizing that a majority of patients presenting to the ED with possible pneumonia were not being prescribed recommended antibiotics according to the most recent guidelines, a team comprised of faculty and staff from the ED, Pharmacy and Infectious Diseases, sought to evaluate the impact of implementing a clinical decision support tool in Emtrac™ on the rate of appropriate empiric antibiotic selection for the treatment of pneumonia. The project, which resulted in a nearly 20 percent increase in the appropriate empiric antibiotic selection, was chosen from 39 competing entries from hospitals and health systems across the region. The submission received high scores on the award’s evaluation criteria including evidence of significant and sustained improvement in quality or patient safety, innovation, leadership, organizational commitment to improvement, and potential for replication in other healthcare organizations. In recognition of its efforts, PPMC was honored at the DVHC’s annual meeting and will receive a grant toward the advancement of quality and patient safety initiatives.
Michael A. Golden, MD, chief, Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy at PPMC, has been named president of the Eastern Vascular Society (EVS), the largest regional vascular society in the U.S. “I am honored to serve as President of the Eastern Vascular Society. In order to be the very best at what we do, it is important that we collaborate, mentor our trainees and younger members, and create and share the latest advances and techniques with our colleagues who practice vascular and endovascular surgery in the eastern half of North America,” said Dr. Golden. “The EVS is an organization that helps us do that and work together to deliver the highest quality vascular health care.” Dr. Golden has been a Penn Medicine faculty member for over two decades. As chief of PPMC’s Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy, his clinical interests include evaluation and treatment of patients with aortic, visceral, renal, carotid and peripheral (continued on back)
PPMC Surgeon Named President of the Eastern Vascular Society (continued from front)
arterial aneurysms and occlusive disease. He has participated in clinical trials involving carotid stenting, lower extremity bypass and thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysm repair using novel stent grafts. He has also run a National Institutes of Health-funded laboratory, focused on the study of arterial and vein graft wall biology, in order to prevent vessel wall degeneration, vascular stenosis and bypass graft failure.
Thank You, PPMC Case Management
October 13-19, 2013 marked this year’s week-long National Case Management celebration, recognizing case management teams and increasing recognition of the significant contributions they make to quality health care for patients. Case management is a collaborative process of assessment, care coordination, evaluation and advocacy for options and services to meet a patient’s and family`s comprehensive health needs through communication and available resources to promote quality cost-effective outcomes. The underlying premise of case management is based in the fact that when an individual reaches the optimum level of wellness and functional capability, everyone benefits: the individuals being served, their support systems, and the health care delivery systems. C Case management professionals help patients get healthier, faster, and help curtail the exorbitant costs that often afflict the health care system.
Nightingale Awards Please join us in congratulating Shawn Deutsch, BS, BSN, RN, CCRN, Clinical Nurse IV, Thoracic Surgery and Observation Unit, for winning the 2013 Nightingale Award of Pennsylvania in the category of Clinical Practice RN! The Nightingale Awards are given annually to exceptional nurses practicing in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The awards recognize exceptional nurses in nine areas of practice. This is the second consecutive year that a PPMC nurse has won a Nightingale Award. In 2012, the Nightingale Awards recognized Jennifer Nelson, BSN, RN, CMSRN, in the category of Community Nursing. “Shawn is well deserving of this fantastic honor,” said Bill Hudson, Magnet Program Director. “She puts her whole heart and soul into caring for her patients and our nursing shared governance efforts every day. This repeated recognition of our nurses is a clear sign the culture of excellence at PPMC.”
(L to R): Kevin Kates, Shawn Deutsch, Jim Ballinghoff, Shelia Kyser, and Bill Hudson at the 2013 Nightingale Awards Gala on October 25, 2013
Contact Us: Katie Delach | katie.delach@uphs.upenn.edu | http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/presbybulletin/