Volume 8
Issue 24
November 29, 2013
PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
We are proudd of thhe meembers off thee Penn Meddicine com mmunnity whho wish to help supp pport relieff efforrts forr the devaastaation left behind byy Typhhoon Haiyan in thee le Paccific islandss of the Phhilippines. Ass manny as 10 millionn peopple have beeen affeected, withh as many as 600,0000 people dispplaced from m theeir hom mes. We sugggest thatt anyone se seekinng to make donnatiions to aid in the reelief work do so thrrouggh the Ameerican Redd Crosss, whhich has mobbilized to leend peoplee, exppertisee and equuipm ment to thhis massivve gloobal reelief efforrt. Please visit www.redcross.org g for morre infoormation abbout wayss to donate in te.
Congrattulationss to thhe Auguust 2013 Preesby STAR R winnners, who eacch receivedd $100 and a certifi ficaatee recoognizin ng their Preesby STTAR effforrts. Sherdina James – Patient Access Kenneth Hite - SICU Cecile Tan - SN NF Denean McIntyre - Sodexo Kimberly Tallarico - OR R
RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW – PPMC IS BUILDING OUR The PPMC Cornerstone project is well underway as the constructions on both corners of 38th street bordering the campus are building onward and upward. These physical structures that will support the new and expanded services are on track, as is the operational planning among the teams and programs that will be expanding and changing. Throughout November conversations have been taking place across the campus explaining in detail the scope of changes to take place in 2014 and 2015 related to the services and programs on the campus. Details of these communications can be found on the health system intranet site under the “SHAPING OUR FUTURE” tab. ADVANCED CARE HOSPITAL PAVILLION: Construction of the six-story Pavilion is on-time for its scheduled November 2014 completion, with move-in and patient occupancy slated for early 2015. A celebratory “topping out” of the last piece of structural steel is anti an tici cipa pate ted d fo forr Ja Janu nuar aryy 20 2014 14. The PPMC community will be invited to join in this milestone event, so stay tuned for more details after the holidays y . In addition to the construction, the operational planning for the new space including equipment and new services is taking place this fall for areas such as the emergency department, critical care units, and perioperative services as well as pharmacy, respiratory, lab, therapy and support services. (continued on back)
Pennn Medicin ne preesents a uniquee opporttunity forr faculty, staff, students andd patients to participate in a competition showcasing individual creative exppression. Thhe exxhibit, which willl open in early 2014, is juried art exxhibition deddicated to the memory of Berneett L. Joohnson, Jr., M.D., formeer Chhief Me edical Officeer off the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. This year we are asking artists to submitt their proofile, digital imagess of their work and a dig gital application at cfeva.slideroom.com. After you initia ally register with Slid deroom m, you muust check for an acttivation email from Slidero oom. Once you have recceived thhis activation liink, you can log in to cfeva.slid derooom.com and staart your application. You will noot bee able to start the applicatio on until you have e receivved this activation emaail. If you don’t seee the email,, pleaase check your spam fifilter/junk mail. Thee deadline for submissions is December 6, 2013. If you have any additional queestions pleaase contact Rosemaarie Cray at 215.349.8418 or rosemarie.cray@uphs.upenn.edu.
NEWEST CARES GRANT WINNERS Congratulations to PPMC’s latest Penn Medicine CAREs grant recipients for the first quarter of FY14.
John C. Flamma, Jr.
Emergency Medicine
ED Prescription Drug Assistance Program
Lakeisha Palmer
Health Information Management
Gathered Dreamz
PENN CENTER FOR SPECIALTY CARE: The 13-story Penn Center for Specialty Care (PCSC), located on the corner of 38th and Market, will house eight floors of Presby’s newest space for ambulatory care and will feature new clinical practices for the Musculoskeletal Center, Surgery, Neurosciences, Allergy & Immunology, and Otorhinolaryngology, along with a six-OR Ambulatory Surgery Facility and Outpatient Lab & Radiology. The PCSC will officially open next summer with patient care for these areas beginning in August 2014. In addition to the patient space, the building will also feature an outpatient pharmacy on the ground floor and new patient parking adjacent to the building.
Don’t forget, there’s still time to apply for your CAREs grant! Applications for the next round of grants are being accepted through December 1. Visit the CAREs Community Outreach link on the Intranet homepage for more information.
Contact Us: Katie Delach | katie.delach@uphs.upenn.edu | http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/presbybulletin/