Volume 9
Issue 26
December 26, 2014
PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
Light Up a Life
Penn Medicine hosted its annual Light Up a Life ceremony at Penn Tower on December 8, to honor and remember family, friends and loved ones who have passed. Penn Wissahickon Hospice, a division of Penn Home Care & Hospice Services, hosted the celebration and photos submitted by friends and family honored lost patients and loved ones. Donations to Light Up a Life benefit the Penn Wissahickon Hospice Needy Patient Fund, which provides care, comfort and hospice support for the uninsured and underinsured.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Best wishes for a healthy and safe holiday season from the Presby Bulletin! All Penn Presbyterian Medical Center faculty & staff were cordially invited to celebrate the season at the Annual Holiday Lunch on Tuesday, December 9. The festive meal, which was provided three times throughout the day to cover all shifts, was served by PPMC leadership and volunteers. Many thanks to all who volunteered. We hope everyone enjoyed the celebration and had a very happy holiday!
Ebola Preparedness at Penn Medicine Preparations for the possibility of caring for a patient with Ebola have been underway for several months at HUP, and we must maintain competency in our ability to care for these patients. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recently announced that HUP is part of an elite group of 35 hospitals nationwide – and the only adult hospital in Pennsylvania – capable of safely caring for patients with Ebola.
PPMC Physician Awarded Top Honor by the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American College of Physicians
As always, we encourage all staff to continue to check for updates at http:// pennpoint.uphs.upenn.edu/sites/ebola/ default.aspx. As a reminder, two phone lines are available to assist clinicians and staff around the clock: *Clinicians with patient-related questions should call 215.614.0524. A physician will answer and handle calls about screening, isolation and, if necessary, lead arrangements for patient transport to HUP from another entity. *General questions not pertaining to direct patient care can be directed to 215.615.2929.
LGBT GRAND ROUNDS Please join us for Nursing Grand Rounds: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Patient Care and Communication. Date: Thursday, January 8, 2015 Time: 12-1 p.m. Location: Gardner Conference Room Presenter: Judd D. Flesch, MD, assistant professor of Clinical Medicine in the division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care, and associate director of the Penn Medicine Program for Lesbian, Gay Bisexual, and Transgender Health.
of Physicians (PA-ACP).
Robert K. Cato, MD, chief of the division of General Internal Medicine at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, has received the Pressman Award for Distinguished Service to Internal Medicine from the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American College
The Pressman Award, which is the top honor from the Pennsylvania Chapter of the ACP, is given annually to a Pennsylvania internist who best demonstrates commitment to his patients and his community through advocacy as a practicing physician, as a leader within organized medicine, as an advocate for his patients and profession, and for extraordinary dedication to the specialty of internal medicine. “To say that Dr. Cato has advanced the field of internal medicine barely scratches the surface of his extraordinary contributions. He has demonstrated incredible commitment to his patients and community, while also serving as a leader in the field,” said Jack Ende, MD, MACP, assistant vice president of the University of Pennsylvania Health System and assistant dean at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, who nominated Cato for the award and introduced him during the PA-ACP’s annual awards dinner in Hershey on December 6, 2014. “Dr. Cato is the embodiment of a Pressman Award recipient, and as the highest honor the Pennsylvania Chapter of the ACP bestows, this award appropriately designates him as the state’s premier internist.” Cato graduated from Cornell University Medical College in 1993, and has spent his entire career at the University of Pennsylvania. He completed his internal medicine residency training at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, and then joined the faculty in Penn’s department of Medicine in 1996, where he continues to practice at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center. Shortly after residency, Cato established Penn Presbyterian Medical Center’s General Internal Medicine division and practice, called the Penn Center for Primary Care. Then in 2001, Cato was named to his current role as chief of the division General Internal Medicine at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, where he and his faculty continue to be recognized for their commitment to patient care.
Contact Us: Katie Delach | katie.delach@uphs.upenn.edu | http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/presbybulletin/