Volume 10
Issue 3 February 6, 2015
PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
PAC IT UP, PAC IT IN On Wednesday, Penn Medicine officially transitioned its Level I Trauma Center from HUP to PPMC, marking a major milestone in the development of the Pavilion for Advanced Care. January was a busy month with preparations and moves. The first patient arrived on January 5, and by mid-month blended clinical teams were up and running in the Heart and Vascular critical care, Trauma Surgical critical care and many other departments across the hospital such as respiratory, pastoral care, radiology, lab, security. As of January 29, all clinical units (aside from trauma) were moved and patients were receiving care on their new treatment floors. Last week we hosted well over 100 invited guests from EMS squads, police and fire, and other law enforcement agencies for a PAC open house. After a brief presentation, they toured the new facilities and were provided time to ask questions and become familiar with Penn Medicine’s new environment to support Level 1 trauma. We’ll have more information about the transition in a future issue of the Bulletin, but we invite you to visit the Presby Bulletin online and stay tuned to the Penn Medicine Facebook page for more photos and updates.
Congratulations to Presby STAR winners for November 2014, who each received $100 and a certificate recognizing their Presby STAR efforts. Cynthia Bolt – EVS Carolyn Grubb – Cardiology Clinic Daniele Bendig – 4 East Essie Walters – Cardiology Business Office Sherdina McCoy James – Admissions
2015 PHILADELPHIA SCIENCE FESTIVAL The Philadelphia Science Festival is just a few months away and the Penn Festival Coalition is looking for volunteers to fill programming areas and opportunities available for the Penn community. Opportunities include: • Neighborhood Science After School (April 27-30) • Clark Park Discovery Day (April 25) • Science Carnival on the Parkway on May 2nd. • Additional Activities: The Festival still needs participants for the following community outreach science events. o
Mess Fest at Smith Playground (April 25)
Science Carnival After Dark (April 24)
Science Night at the Ballpark 2014 (April 25)
• Volunteer opportunities. This is a great chance for all members of the Penn community to engage with the Festival through service. Learn more about these activities and volunteer opportunities by visiting the Presby Bulletin online.
Introducing the New HeartAge Cardiac Risk Profiler There’s an exciting new resource that is being offered to patients and the public on the PennMedicine.org/heart website: the HeartAge – Cardiac Risk Profiler. This simple tool, provided in a report format that is easily downloaded or e-mailed, helps individuals discover important information about their cardiovascular health and risk factors. The tools estimate a person’s risk of cardiovascular disease in the next ten years as well as the next 30 years if the patient is younger than 60. Patients are welcome to bring the report generated by the profiler to their next appointment when they will be advised to take different actions based upon their individual risk score. The profiler is constantly maintained/updated with any changes to diagnosis or treatment guidelines and all data handling is compliant with Penn Patient Privacy and HIPPA practices. Check it out for yourself! The profiler tool is 24-7 accessible on the PennMedicine.org/heart webpage.
Ebola Preparedness at Penn Medicine Preparations for the possibility of caring for a patient with Ebola have been underway for several months at HUP, and we must maintain competency in our ability to care for these patients. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recently announced that HUP is part of an elite group of 35 hospitals nationwide – and the only adult hospital in Pennsylvania – capable of safely caring for patients with Ebola. As always, we encourage all staff to continue to check for updates at http:// pennpoint.uphs.upenn.edu/sites/ebola/default.aspx. As a reminder, two phone lines are available to assist clinicians and staff around the clock: *Clinicians with patient-related questions should call 215.614.0524. A physician will answer and handle calls about screening, isolation and, if necessary, lead arrangements for patient transport to HUP from another entity. *General questions not pertaining to direct patient care can be directed to 215.615.2929.
Contact Us: Katie Delach | katie.delach@uphs.upenn.edu | http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/presbybulletin/