PRESBYbulletin -- February 7, 2014

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Volume 9

Issue 3

February 7, 2014

PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center

Winter 2013 DAISY Award Winner

Turning Empathy into Action Thhe de The depart depa part pa rtme ment me ntt of Pa Patititien ien entt an andd Gu Gues Gue est R Reela ela latio lati tion ons is is oft ften en the en he cat atal alys al ysst fo yst forr en enssu uri ring ngg the best possible treatments and services are being provided to PPMC’s patients and guests. They share insights with those facing difficult decisions, provide information on directions and parking, and offer assistance with services such as language interpretation and issue resolution. D i the During h fififfthh annuall PPMC Patient P i Advocacy Ad Recognition R i i Reception R i last l month, h hospital leadership recognized individuals who excel at serving as a link between patients and the valuable services provided by Patient and Guest Relations. Marguerite Kerry, BSN, director of Patient & Regulatory Affairs for UPHS, noted that patient feedback and referrals to Patient and Guest Services from staff members are both considered in the award selection process, but the single most important characteristic among the recipients is the empathy they show to patients and their loved ones. “With health care changing so rapidly, there is no better time to have folks like all of you serving as advocates for our patients and their families,” said Michele Volpe, Executive Director and CEO of PPMC.

Conggratulations to the Winter 2013 DAISY Award winner, Nuala McGugan, RN,, in th RN thee Sh Shor ortt Pr Proc oced edur uree Un Unit it!! Awarded to PPMC nurses quarterly, DAISY Awards honor nurses for nursing excellence and going above and beyond thee ca th call ll of dut duty. ty Established in 2000 by members of the family of Patrick Barnes, who died di ed of co comp mpli lica cati tion onss of Idi diop opat athi hicc Thrombocytopenia Purpura at the age of 33, the awards are given to recipients based on nominations from pa p tients, families and fellow co-workers. To date, the DAISY Foundation has recognized over 40,000 nurses across the country for their extraordinary care. Congratulations, Nuala! Do you want to nominate someone for the next DAISY Award? Nomination forms are available on each unit of the hospital including SICU, CCU, MICU and OR waiting areas.

Congratulations to all of our 2013 award recipients! LeighAnn Mazzone, BSN, RN Emergency Department

Olubunmi Ariyo, BSN, RN Family Medicine

Sheila Levine, MS, BS Environmental Services

Lori Pray Surgery Department

Susan Babin, BSN, RN Emergency Department

Fabian Marechal Orthopaedics

Dirk Rannels, BSN, RN Nursing

Carol Clyde Administration

Feba Varghese, BSN, RN g Clinical Resource Management

Vincent Stevenson Security

Kimberley Elam, BS Human Resources

Ross Zimmer, MD, FACC Cardiology

Nuala McGugan (left) and Kevin Kates, co-chair elect, Nursing Shared Governance Leadership Council


A new concierge service, the Penn Primary Care Connection, provides easy access to new patient appointment scheduling for Penn Medicine employees and their families seeking a primary care provider (PCP). Find a PCP close to work or home, with an appointment time that meets your needs. A relationship with a PCP can guide you toward healthy lifestyle habits that my decrease the likelihood that you’ll need expensive specialty care. By using the Penn Primary Care network of providers, you’ll pay significantly lower co-pay costs than other innetwork providers.

Remembering MLK Jr. Last month, Penn Presbyterian cont co ntin inue uedd ititss 46-yea yearr tr trad adititio ionn of commemorating the life of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, g Jr. g, On January 15th, members of the Department of Pastoral Care and the h Cullturall Diversity i Committee i pres pr esen ente tedd a mu musi sica call tr trib ibut utee at 16 nurs nu rsin ingg st stat atio ions ns and wai aititing ng are reas as. Over 350 staff, patients, and visitors heard words from historic speeches and verses from the songs, “We Shall Overcome,” “If I Can Help Somebody” and “This Little Light of Mine.” Musical accompaniment was provided by Dr. Bryan Muller, a music therapist. The program drew connections between Dr. King’s legacy and work of the hospital for healing and health in the community. Many thanks to all our volunteers who coordinated and participated in memorial activities.

• For your fast pass to a Penn Primary Care new patient appointment call 267.414.2208 • To learn more about Penn Primary Care visit Penn Primary Care online at • If you have questions about your UPHS Benefit plan, please contact the Benefits Office at 215.615.2675, option #4, or by emailing

Annual PAH Nursing Research Conference Please join us for PAH’s annual nursing research conference in Thursday, March 27, from 7:45 am to 4:30 pm, in the hospital’s Zubrow Auditorium. Registration for this event – which is proudly sponsored by Pennsylvania Hospital – is required in Knowledge Link.

Call for Research and Evidence Based Practice Posters!

Digital Art Contest The Mahoney Institute for Neurosciences (MINS) is holding a Digital Art Contest. It is open to all Penn faculty, staff, students and alumni. Contestants are asked to create a digital image with a neuroscience theme for potential display in and around the Neuroscience Offices in the Clinical Research Building. Prizes will be awarded: three $1000 first-place winners, four $500 second place winners, five $100 third place winners, and $50 honorable mention winners. The deadline for submissions is Friday, March 7. Visit the Presby Bulletin online for a direct link to enter today!

Please contact Diane Angelos, RN, MSN, clinical nurse education specialist, at and 215.829.8716, or Margaret Pearce, RN, PhD-C, FNPBC, director of Magnet and Patient Outcomes, at Margaret. and 215.829.7639, to discuss how to showcase your work. Deadline for submissions is Friday, February 28.

Contact Us: Katie Delach | |

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