Volume 11
Issue 6
March 18, 2016
PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
NATIONAL DOCTORS’ DAY RECEPTION – MARCH 30 March 30th is National Doctors’ Day, a day set aside in which members of our hospital community recognize the contribution and dedication of our 1,103 physicians. It is a day we acknowledge the years of hard work, sacrifice and training our physicians must undergo in preparation for their chosen career. It is also a day we appreciate the demands made on physicians as they balance work and family life, often enduring long and unpredictable hours in service to their patients and their families. An important team of a great hospital is its physicians. And we are truly indebted to you for all the dedication, commitment and compassion you bring to your profession and our hospital each and every day. As has been our tradition for the last several years, we’d like for you to join us for a breakfast reception held in your honor on Wednesday, March 30th in the Rotunda and Medical Conference Room between the house of 7:00AM and 9:30AM. Please stop by so we can personally thank you.
Healthgrades Names PPMC Among the Nation’s ‘Best Hospitals’ for 2016 It is with great pride that I announce that for the third year in a row, Healthgrades, an online resource for comprehensive information about physicians and hospitals, has selected Penn Presbyterian Medical Center as one of “America’s Best Hospitals.” Based solely on clinical outcome data, Healthgrades reports that on average, the 100 hospitals included on its annual list have a 26.5 percent lower risk-adjusted in-hospital mortality rate for 19 procedures and conditions than other hospitals nationwide. The distinction makes Penn Presbyterian one of the top two percent of more than 4,500 hospitals nationwide for consistent, year-over-year outstanding clinical performance as measured by Healthgrades. This recognition – which comes on the heels of an award from Healthgrades earlier this year in which PPMC was named one of the recipients of the 2016 Distinguished Hospital Award for Clinical Excellence – reinforces our team’s ability to provide a superior level of clinical excellence that stands out across the spectrum of care, and is a testament to our multi-disciplinary approach to quality improvement and our commitment toward delivering higher quality, higher safety, and better patient experiences. It is an honor to work alongside a team of physicians and staff whose dedication to improving the health and well-being of the patients we serve is an unwavering top priority. - A Letter from Michele Volpe, CEO of PPMC
Register Now for Health Equity Week April 4-8, 2016
PPMC Quality & Safety Award winners accepting for their project “Improving Tobacco Dependence Treatment for Hospital Inpatients
PPMC Operational Award winners accepting for their project “Impact of a Redesigned Process on Outcomes of Patients Presenting with Acute ST Segment Myocardial Infarction (STEMI)
The UPHS Quality and Safety Awards are longstanding opportunity for our hospital teams to formally celebrate their achievements in quality and patient safety over a 12 month period. This Award is designed to acknowledge UPHS departments who have exhibited leadership and innovation in activities that ensure high quality clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction, patient safety, and cost efficiency.
Winning applications are reviewed and selected by a multidisciplinary committee using a standard scoring methodology. This year’s honorees were selected from a pool of 103 nominations. Winning teams were officially awarded at a ceremony in January. Congratulations to all the PPMC winning teams and PPMC Honorable Mention award winners accepting for their project “Multidisciplinary In Situ Flash Simulations in Various Clinical Areas: to our colleagues Paving the Way for the Penn Trauma Transition from HUP to PPMC” throughout the UPHS!
Penn Medicine’s Graduate Medical Education (GME) Office in conjunction with the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Offices of the Chief Medical Officer and Chief Nursing Officer, the Perelman School of Medicine, and the Office of the Vice Dean for Diversity and Inclusion is sponsoring an institution-wide Health Equity Week! With the exception of Tuesday’s Faculty Symposium, all sessions will be recorded. LIVE streaming will be available to Pennsylvania Hospital and PennPresbyterian Medical Center for the following presentations: Monday, April 4, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Grand Rounds: Cultural Competency Training in GME: New Terms and Directions Jaya Aysola, MD, MPH, Associate DIO for Health Equity and Inclusion Wednesday, April 6, 11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Health Equity and Addressing Social Determinants of Health Featured Keynote Speaker: Georges C. Benjamin, MD, Executive Director, American Public Health Association Thursday, April 7, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Improving Quality and Achieving Equity: Pursuing Value in a Time of Healthcare Transformation Featured Keynote Speaker: Joseph R. Betancourt, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School A full schedule can be found in the Presby Bulletin online, or by visiting: http://www. uphs.upenn.edu/gme/HEWRegister.aspx
To see all winners and submissions to the 2015 UPHS Quality & Safety Awards, visit the Presby Bulletin online.
Contact Us: Katie Delach | katie.delach@uphs.upenn.edu | http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/presbybulletin/