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Volume 8

Issue 5

March 8, 2013

PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center


P Please join us for our twelfth annual fundraising benefit on Friday, March 15, from 6:00-9:00 pm. This year’s theme is Mad Party, M modeled after the AMC hit TV show Mad Men, featuring the glamour and kitsch of the 1960s Madison Avenue advertising world. We will enjoy an evening of food, drinks and themed fun, and raise much needed funds for the hospital. There will be prizes for the best cosstumes, so dust off your vintage best!

This yeaar’s Hospital Hero Award goes to Chief of Medicine Jack Ende, MD, and the ffunds raised will go to the Penn Mesothelioma and Pleural Program. Buy tickkets or sponsor the event at Please contact our event planner Maggie McIntosh with questions at 484.8 881.1988 or SILENT AUCTION ::: SWANKY MUSIC ::: CLASSIC COCKTAILS ::: 1960s VINTAGE ATTIRE

Honoring MLK Day at PPMC This year, faculty and staff from Penn Presbyterian Medical Center teamed up to mark our observance of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. A traveling musical presentation celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. took place at 16 locations around the PPMC campus, delighting and entertaining a total audience of approximately 330 people. Patients, visitors and faculty and staff alike look forward to this performance every year. This year, several patients and staff made a special point to express how much they appreciated the hospital’s celebration of the holiday. “What a great reminder of what we are called to do every day,” wrote a PPMC nurse in a letter to Chaplain John Ehman. Ehman expressed gratitude for the accompaniment of music therapist Dr. Bryan Muller in helping to mark our observance of the holiday. “Dr. Muller was as always excellent in bringing not only an expertise in music but an understanding of the dynamics of the clinical setting,” Ehman said.

DAS SH FOR ORGAN N & TISSU UE NOR AW WAREENESS DON The 18 The 18th th Ann nnua uall Da Dash sh for Org rgan an & Tis issu suee Do Dono norr Aw Awar aren enes esss is onc ncee again upon us. Date: Sunday April 21, 2013 Location: Philadelphia Museum of Art We have a new team name this year! We are now Team PENN MEDICINE. Last year,, our team had 1667 regi g stered members and raised $8,804! We are hoping to raise at least $10,000 this year and recruit at least 180 members. Our ultimate goal is to recruit runners and walkers from all Penn Medicine entities to join our team in addition to our wonderful patients that join us every year. Please see the e-Bulletin for a direct link to our team website where you can register to walk or run with us. Team members are welcome to participate in the 5K (3.1 miles) or 10K (6.2 miles) run, or the 3K (1.8 miles) walk. All events are designed to celebrate the success of transplantation and highlight the critical need for more registered organ and tissue donors. Locally, 6,468 men, women, and children are waiting for the gift of a life-saving organ transplant. Nationally, more than 112,000 people are waiting for a second chance at life.

Spring Celebrations

The goal of the Dash is to bring awareness to the critical need for more organ and tissue donors. All proceeds benefit public education programs designed to increase the number of people who register as organ and tissue donors.

Several key holidays in the Christian and Jewish traditions will occur in March and April. These events can add deep meaning to patients and families being affected by illness and can become great sources for hope and solace amid health crises. However, they can also cause patients to feel “far from home” as hospitalization may disrupt their normal celebration. For many Christians, Sunday, March 24th (Palm Sunday) marks the beginning of Holy Week, which ends with Easter on Sunday, March 31st. For Eastern or Orthodox Christians who observe the Julian calendar, Holy Week will begin on April 28th, with Easter following on May 5th. The Jewish celebration of Pesach (or Passover) begins at sundown on Monday, March 25th and will last until sundown on April 2nd. The first two days and the last two days are observed as special holidays by Orthodox and Conservative Jews in the US. “Happy Passover” is an appropriate greeting.

Penn Museum Summer Camp Registration is Now Open!

Registration is now open for Penn Museum’s popular “Anthropologists in the Making” summer day camp for children ages 7 through 13, with 8 themed, week-long sessions running from July 1 through August 23. Children can sign up for one, several, or all 8 weeks, exploring such diverse themes as “Growing Up through the Ages,” “Visions and Dreams,” and “Mummies Unwrapped.” Penn Museum is located at 3260 South Street, and the camp offers convenient morning and afternoon care options for working parents. Parents are welcome to join their children for lunch—and join the children and their counselors for a final presentation each Friday. Details and registration for the camp, coordinated by the Penn Museum’s Community Engagement department, are online:

Readership Survey Deadline March 29 Help us better understand your interests by participating in our Readership Survey. The survey takes minutes to complete, and can be submitted online (http://pennmedicine.pubsurvey. or by mail. Your responses will help us better tailor our publication and provide more of the content you want to read. Please complete and mail the hard copy included in this issue, or submit the online survey, by March 29.

PUBLICATIONSURVEY Please take a few moments to complete the survey below or go online to Your responses will help us better tailor our publications to meet your needs. Please submit the completed survey by Friday, March 29. We appreciate your cooperation. (1) Which of the following internal publications do you receive? (check ✔ all that apply): ❑ HUPdate ❑ What’s New ❑ Presby Bulletin ❑ None of the above ❑ System News

(8) Please rate the overall design (check ✔ all that apply): Not at all Not Pleasing Neutral


Presby Bulletin

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(5) If “Print” was selected for any of the above publications, how do you primarily receive this publication? ❑ Through intramural mail ❑ From magazine racks in hospital ❑ Other ______________________________________________ (6) In which format would you prefer to read these publications? (check ✔ all that apply): ❑ Print ❏ Email ❏ Online (7) Please rate your level of satisfaction with the writing and readability of each publication that you read: Not at all

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(10) What types of stories about your hospital and Penn Medicine do you find most inspiring and/or informative? (check ✔ all that apply): ❑ Clinical — stories about the medical treatment and overall care of patients. ❑ Research — stories about advances in healthcare at Penn Medicine and how they are helping patients. ❑ Education — stories describing professional development as well as stories from the School of Medicine. ❑ Community outreach — stories describing our efforts to help the surrounding community and beyond. ❑ Human interest — feature stories recognizing staff contributions. (11) How useful do you find the following announcements? Not at all

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(12) We are always looking for story ideas and original articles from faculty and staff at Penn Medicine. If you were to submit an idea or original article, which would be the easiest method? ❑ Contact editor directly ❑ Online submission form ❑ Other ______________________________________________ (13) For each publication you read, what are the strengths? _____________________________________________________


Presby Bulletin

(14) For each publication you read, what are some areas for improvement?

System News


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❏ Once you’ve completed the survey, please fold on dotted lines on reverse side, making sure name and address are visible, and send through intramural mail.




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