Volume 9
Issue 8 April 18, 2014
PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
UPHS Annual Open Enrollment
Safety Icons at PPMC
Michele Volpe (right) and Lee Erickson, MD, Chief Quality & Patient Safety Officer at PPMC (center), present team members from the SICU with the grand prize trophy for their project, “You Raise Me Up.”
A special thank you to all those involved in making this year’s National Patient Safety Week at PPMC a success! The 9th Annual Patient Safety Fair at PPMC was held March 4 and 5, in the Wright-Saunders Lobby and Medical Conference Room. This year’s theme, “Culture of Safety,” focused on ways in which units and departments demonstrate ways to improve safety for faculty, staff, patients and guests. Our commitment to patient safety at PPMC was showcased in posters displayed and presented by units and departments from around the hospital. Participants introduced important safety topics linked to the new safety icons used with the recently implemented version of Safety Net.
The team from 5 South took home the Platinum Star Award for their presentation on improving bedside reporting and communication
On Thursday, March 6, four deserving participants were awarded for their projects and presentations. Winners of the grand prize, a team from the SICU, presented on mechanical ceiling lifts. After realizing that nurses were lifting too much weight and some patients struggled with getting out of bed, the SICU team worked to increase the number of (continued on back
The UPHS annual Open Enrollment is available now through April 27th 2014. This year’s enrollment is an active enrollment which means you must make an active election during the enrollment period! Read the e-Bulletin or see the Presby Bulletin online for more information about Open Enrollment, the earned premium discount and the Healthy Rewards program!
Raffle for Free Healthcare Earn entry into a raffle for FREE healthcare for 2014-2015 when you complete the online WellBeing Assessment and record “Your Numbers” during Open Enrollment. There will be 10 lucky winners!
Coming soon…. Look for more information about the first ever entity vs. entity walking competition launching May 5th!!!
The Gold Star Award was presented to the team from the CCU for their project on addressing complications of tests, treatments and procedures
Penn Medicine at the 2014 Philadelphia Science Festival Staff from 3 East and 3 South joined together for their Silver Star Award-winning project on improving safety and communications with Telemetry.
Safety Icons at PPMC (continued from front)
mechanical lifts in their unit from two to 16 (one for each room in the SICU). The lifts contribute to the culture of safety by decreasing the risk of pressure ulcers, helping patients to get moving after surgeries, and safely transferring patients from beds to stretchers or chairs. The lifts are also safer for patients who require physical therapy by helping to prevent falls. As the winners of this year’s Patient Safety Fair, two members of the SICU team will be heading to San Diego this June to attend RL Palooza 2014, the annual users meeting for the Penn Medicine Safety Net. Congratulations to all our participants. For more information and photos from the fair and award ceremony, please see the Presby Bulletin online.
November Presby Stars
Congratulations to Presby STAR winners for November 2013, who each received $100 and a certificate recognizing their Presby STAR efforts.
Rhanel Gumiit – 5 East Sandra Glasco – Psych Unit Mary Kemper – Social Services
Last year, volunteers from PPMC attended the Clark Park Science Day to teach local residents the importance of CRP training with hands-on instruction.
Penn Medicine will again play a starring role in the 4th annual Philadelphia Science Festival, a citywide collaboration showcasing science and technology every spring. The Festival runs from April 25 – May 3, 10 days devoted to celebrating the region’s strengths in science and technology, bringing together more than 100 partners from academia to museums to restaurants. It will include an extensive line-up of programs and exhibitions designed to inspire the next generation of scientists and spark discussion among young and old. See the Presby Bulletin online or visit http://www.philasciencefestival.org/ for more information on who will be representing Penn Medicine at this year’s festival.
Saturday, April 26, 2014 Patients, families, caregivers and members of the public are invited to stop by Penn Medicine’s booths at the Brain Health Fair on April 26 at the Philadelphia Convention Center, hosted by the American Brain Foundation as part of the 2014 American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting. Penn Medicine doctors, nurses and social workers will be sharing the latest on stroke prevention, brain tumor clinical trials, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, concussions, Multiple Sclerosis and more! Register for the free event online at BrainHealthFair.com.
Daniele Bendig – 4 East Melissa Taylor – SICU Contact Us: Katie Delach | katie.delach@uphs.upenn.edu | http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/presbybulletin/