Volume 8
Issue 8
April 19, 2013
PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
PPMC CCU TURNS 50! Nurses return to PPMC to celebrate the country’s first CCU In the 1960s, as the knowledge of cardiology expanded, so did the skills needed to care for these patients. During this time, with the inception of the CCU, nursing had to assu ume th he skills need ded for caardiac monittoring and defi fibrillation, breaking down the barriers beetween the scope of nursing and d physiciaans. Havin ng a nurse recognize a fatal arrh hythmia and saving a patient’s liffe by defib brillation without the guidance of a physiccian was the first steep in advanccing and exp panding th he role of th he CCU nurse. This was done the very first time at Penn Presbyteerian Med dical Centerr. In 1963,, Dr. Lawrrence E. Meeltzer and the chief off cardiology, Dr. J. Roderick Kittchell proposeed a researrch plan forr a new two bed card diac unit at Presbyterrian. It was a nurse-fo ocused stu udy investiggating if 24-hour nurrse monitoring and intervention n could reduce mortality in patients with acute myocardiial infarction. This research stud dy was as much h a nursingg experiment to see if they coulld handle the increassed responsibility and rolee change as it was abo out the mortality ratee of the patients. The experiment was a huge success as the nurses role expanded beyon nd just caring for paatients and would now incclude curin ng them as well. Earlier this month h, Presby faaculty and staff camee together with hono ored guests to celebratte the 50th h anniversarry of this great “expeeriment” and how it became thee platform m for a con ntinued exp pansion of the role off nursing. For morre picturess from the day, please see the Prresby Bulletin onlinee.
It Is Easy Being Green Join PPMC faculty and staff for Presby’s first Green Lunch Talk! On Tuesday April 23, the Presby Eco-reps, Presby Green Committee, and the Nursing Advisory Council (NAC) will host a lunch-and-learn event focused on building sustainable best practices for “going green.” The Eco-reps and the NAC have collaborated on linen use reduction, and are working on reducing red bag waste as this year’s project. Free pizza and beverages will be provided. All Presby employees are encouraged to attend. Date: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 Time: 11:00am-12:30pm Location: PHI 106 Speakers and Presentations: Andrea Keriner, advisor for the Penn Green Campus Partnership: Sustainability 101 Liz Rath, co-chair of the Presby NAC: Presby’s green initiativess (recycling, energy conservation) For more information, please contact Lise Bauman at Lise.Bauman@uphs.upenn.edu
National Patient Safety Awareness Week
Thanks, Docs!
Con ngrattulations to the wiinnerrs of the 20113 Nation nal Patieent Safe fety Awarenesss Week Fair!
Twoo team membbers – Anu u Pulllukattu and Krisstin Covely – will be atten nding the 2013 Nattiona al Patientt Safe fety Congress in New w Orrleans in May. The trip p is made possible with h thee generou us supporrt of PPM MC’s Med dicall Staff. Coongratula ation ns 5 South! Gold Prize – thee SICU’s “SWA ARM M” video and disp play featu uring the B1011 Bee on the day of thee faiir! Silver Prize – the MICU’ss “Rin ng My Bell” display ra aisingg aw wareness of alarm m fatigue, a new 20014 Natiional Patiient Safe fety Goal.
PROFESSIONALS WEEK The Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine at PPMC will be celebrating National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week (NMLPW) from April 22nd through the 26th. NMLPW is an annual tribute to the laboratory professionals andd path thologi l istts whho pllay a vititall rolle in every aspectt off health lth care ca re. Si Sinc ncee th they ey oft ften en wor orkk be behi hind nd the sce cene ness, few peo eopl plee know about the critical testing they perform each day. Please join the depa p rtment for their annual tours of the labs on Thur Th ursd sday ay Apr pril il 25t 5thh fr from om 10a 0am m to 2pm - eve very ry hou ourr on the hou our.r. Tours will provide a “behind the scenes” look at the labs and a meet-a t ndd-g greett witithh th the gr g eatt pr p of ofessi sional als who h makke it all happen!
PPMC hosted its annual Doctors’ Day Breakfast on Wednesday, April 3, to celebrate National Doctors’ Day. Physicians and residents came to the Wright-Saunders rotunda to enjoy a delicious breakfast and socialize with colleagues and members of hospital administration. See the Presby Bulletin online for a slideshow of photos.
2013 Philadelphia Science Festival
Platinum Prize – 5 Soouth’’s “Call Me Safe fely” fall prevventiion videoo
From left: Leonard Rosenfeld, DO, and Timothy Clark, MD
The University of Pennsylvania will celebrate the 3rd Annual Philadelphia Science Festival from Thursday, April 18 through April 28, 2013. Please see the Bulletin online for a list of activities in which Penn Med’s faculty, students, and staff are spotlighted. In particular, Penn’s signature event “Big Ideas: Funding and Innovation” featuring NSF Director Subra Suresh, will be held on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 at 6:30pm at the Iron Gate Theater. Participants include Glen Gaulton, Executive Vice Dean and Chief Scientific Officer; ITMAT Director Garret FitzGerald; Chris Hunter, Chair of the Pathobiology Department at Penn Vet; and Jordan Miller, post-doctoral fellow in the SEAS Bioengineering Department. Reservations are required, and discounted tickets are available for Penn faculty and staff. See the Bulletin online for more details or to purchase tickets.
Contact Us: Katie Delach | katie.delach@uphs.upenn.edu | http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/presbybulletin/