Volume 9
Issue 7 April 4, 2014
PRESBYbulletin Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
Serving Up a Taste of Culture with Food and a Film PPMC’s Cultural Diversity Committee is once again thrilled to host an International Food Tasting featuring a special screening of the film 12 Years a Slave. The event will take place on Thursday, April 17 from 11:30am – 3: 3:30 30pm pm in th thee Ko Koza zart rt Aud udit itor oriu ium m on th thee lower level of the Scheie Eye Institute. Faculty and staff are invited to stop by to sample ethnic dishes (including desserts) indige g nous to the manyy diverse cultures represented at Presby while viewing the 2014 Oscar-winning Best Picture 12 Years a Slave. All dishes are prepared with loving care and an d at atte tent ntio ion n by com ommi mitt ttee ee mem embe bers rs and Presby staff. Information cards will provide background about the history and origin of each dish. Whether it is prepared with tradition in mind or with a modern twist on an old ethnic favorite, one thing is certain— there will be something to satisfy every palette. This event open to all Presby faculty and staff. If you plan to attend or wish to contribute a dish, please contact Crystal.Mitchell@uphs. up pen enn nn. n.ed edu by edu by Fr Frid iday ayy, Ap pri r l 11.
Donate Life and Help PPMC Save Lives More than 121,000 people in the United States are waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant, and time is running out. Today, 18 of them will die because not enough organs are available for transplantation. Hundreds of thousands of others whose lives would benefit from the gift of tissue and eye donations continue to wait and hope. In Pennsylvania alone, there are more than 8,400 people waiting for a life-saving organ transplant. Recently, Penn Presbyterian joined the second phase of the HAP Donate Life Hospital Campaign as a Hospital Partner to work with organ donation organizations, state associations in the healthcare sector, and hospitals statewide to increase the number of registered organ, eye and tissue donors by May 14. “We’re excited to kick-off the campaign and help raise awareness about the critical need for organ donors,” said Diane Jones, BSN, RN, clinical nurse III in the MICU, PPMC Organ Donation Steering Committee Chair and clinical lead for the campaign at PPMC. “After a long and stormy winter season, it is nice to look forward to spring and be reminded of the good we can do promoting the gift of life.” The involvement and support of our staff are needed. We are asking our entire hospital community to help save lives by joining with our partner organ donation organization in educating staff members, patients and their families, visitors, and the extended community outside our doors on the critical need for organ donation and providing opportunities for people to sign up as organ, eye, and tissue donors. Over the course of the campaign, PPMC will be hosting educational events in the hospital and throughout the community to raise awareness around this life-saving issue. Joining the campaign is easy. If you aren’t already a donor, please take a few minutes today to add your name to our state’s donor registry. For more information or to register today, please visit www.donors1.org/penn. To volunteer on PPMC’s campaign steering committee, please contact Diane Jones at diane.jones@uphs.upenn.edu. (continued on back)
Harvey L. Waxman, MD Appointed As Director Of Heart & Vascular Physician Network Please join us in congratulating Harvey L. Waxman, MD, on his appointment as director of the Heart & Vascular Physician Network. In this role, Dr. Waxman will work with Entity Executive Directors, Departments and Heart Vascular Service Line leadership across Penn Medicine to strengthen and continuously integrate market and practice development of the Cardiovascular Physician Network. As part of his responsibilities in this role, he will serve as Chair of the Service Line Network and Market Committee, in aaddition to providing leadership as HVC physician liaison to Entities related to heart vascular physician network development. A key focus of his role will continue to be around the effort to build a cohesive regional network of physicians in heart and vascular services across the hospital entities and departments and to facilitate the transfer of best practices across the network on access and quality. Congratulations and best of luck to Dr. Waxman as he assumes this important role for the Health System.
October Presby Stars Congratula ationns to Presby STTAR R winneers for Octtober 20133, who each receeivedd $100 andd a certificate recognnizing theeir Presby STTAR effortts.
Russell Brown – Distribution Andrea Bailey-Carr – 5 East Lauren Holmes – PACU Donald Moyer – 4 East Bianca Innaurato – 5 East
Penn Medicine Facts and Figures 2014
Penn Program for Mindfulness Spring 2014 Course Offerings: The Penn Program for Mindfulness is a mindfulness-based stress management program that teaches individuals how to use meditation as the primary tool for long-term stress management. Courses being offered this spring will teach mindfulness meditation in a completely practical way as a powerful tool to manage the physical, psychological, and behavioral symptoms of stress. The program offers courses that are open to the general public as well as some specifically geared toward health care professionals. For a complete listing of programs starting in April, please visit www.pennmedicine.org/mindfulness.
Several key holidays in the Christia an and Je ewiish h traditiionns will occur in April. These events ca an add ddeeep mea eani ninng to patients experiencing illness and be ecoome gre eat a sources for hope and solace during health crises. s. Ho Howeve ver, r, the heyy ca cann also cause patients to feel “far from home,”” ass hhospitalization ospitalization m may ay disrupt their normal celebration. Most Christians will observe Holy Week, beginning Sunday, April 13 (Palm Sunday) and ending with Easter on Sunday, April 20. Historically, this is the central holiday of Christianity. “Happy Easter” is an appropriate greeting. The Jewish celebration of Pesach (or Passover) begins at sundown on Monday, April 14 and will last through the daytime of Tuesday, April 22. The first two days and the last two days are observed as special holidays by Orthodox and Conservative Jews in the U.S., though most Reform and Reconstructionist Jews observe only one day. Food Services will provide Matzah, beets, hard cooked eggs, horseradish, grape juice, and pre-packaged kosher meals to patients who are observing the holiday. “Happy Passover” is an appropriate greeting. Also, April 28 is Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, and is observed by people from many faiths and even by those who are not religious, but it is obviously a day with special meaning within Judaism (which marks the beginning of the day at sundown on April 27th). There are no set practices for this observance, but staff should be aware of the potential significance of the day for some patients.
The annual edition of Penn Medicine Facts and Figures, featuring stats about our organization and research, education, and patient care highlights from the past year is now available at www.uphs.upenn.edu/news/facts.htm.
Contact Us: Katie Delach | katie.delach@uphs.upenn.edu | http://news.pennmedicine.org/inside/presbybulletin/